How can you subtly hint to a guy about a relationship?

When it comes to the guy of her dreams, the girl involuntarily begins to feel shy. Without a doubt, this is exactly what you imagined in your dreams. But what if the object of sympathy does not show proper interest? Right! Take the first step. Not every woman can talk openly about falling in love. For this reason, there is a need for sophisticated methods. All you have to do is give a guy a hint about a relationship, and then he will do everything on his own. Let's talk about women's tricks and give step-by-step instructions.

Should you tell your guy how you feel?

The most important question for a girl is whether she should even confess to a young man about her love or is it better to wait for the first step from him, as required by numerous traditions. There can be many reasons to tell a man about this yourself. A guy can be very timid, he can be too sensitive to a girl and is simply afraid of offending or rushing her with his confession. Also, some bets are morally afraid to reveal their soul and therefore hide their feelings. Or the young man may have doubts about whether he really likes you or whether this is just a passing infatuation. So don’t be afraid - a girl’s confession of tender feelings today is considered quite normal.

First of all, it is worth assessing the general situation and situation. Logically, a declaration of love should entail serious consequences, the main one of which is the creation and development of a couple and your love relationship. Therefore, first of all, you yourself must be sure that you want the possible development of a relationship with this man, you want to see and communicate with him more often. You also need to assess whether he is ready for a potential relationship, whether he currently has strong love with another girl, or whether he recently suffered a difficult breakup, after which he will definitely want to be alone for a long time.

Take the initiative if he is shy

You understand that this young man likes you, as indicated by some direct or indirect facts, but there is no declaration of sympathy on his part. If you see that a guy is shy or for some reason not confident in himself, then you can take the initiative into your own hands. His shyness can manifest itself in different ways: for example, you notice that he tries to stay longer in your company, but gets embarrassed if he accidentally touches you or when the conversation turns to personal topics. He may also become dim if he catches your eye or is alone with you. Of course, the lack of initiative can be explained by indifference, but most girls will probably be able to distinguish indifferent behavior from hesitant attempts to get closer.

Don't embarrass a guy if he has a girlfriend

If you know that the person you like is already in a relationship with another girl, and this romance at least outwardly seems prosperous, then you don’t need to put him in an awkward position with your confessions. It is unlikely that he will reciprocate under such circumstances. But even if this happens, it is unlikely that you will want to be in the status of a homewrecker. You can gently hint to a guy that you like him, but don't talk about your feelings directly.

Don't push yourself if he's not interested in you

When communicating with him, you see that he has no interest, and this is clearly not embarrassment or self-doubt - he is really burdened by this communication. The reasons may not be in you at all - he in general may not want a relationship now, or he may be looking for a girl exclusively according to a certain type, which you do not fall into. In addition, he may have liked someone else for a long time. There may be a lot of circumstances due to which he does not see you as a potential lover, and in this case, your confession may make him completely avoid meeting with you.

Creative impulse with a hint of relationships

How to hint to a guy about a relationship, being a creative person? It is very beautiful to share your feelings for a young man with everyone through chants. A karaoke bar or the stage of a local restaurant will help a girl show her sincere attitude towards a young man through sensual and tender words sung in the notes of melodious music that is pleasant to the ear.

An equally frank declaration of love and a hint of a relationship is the poetic form of a love letter. A person who knows a lot about poetic reading, or simply a guy who has a keen sense of the emotional background of such creativity, will always appreciate the step that a girl has decided to take by reading him her favorite passage from a rhymed poem by a famous writer or from her own love essay.

How to show a person that you like him

Just telling a man about your love in plain text - you can always do this, but it is not very romantic and morally very difficult. It is much more beautiful to express your warm sympathy for the person you like with the help of gentle words spoken in a suitable environment and with the right emphasis on your hints for a man. At the same time, it is worth choosing the right words depending on how close you are with the young man you like - he may just be attractive to you, you may be in love with him and your feelings may well be mutual. The tips below will certainly help you find a way to express your feelings to a man without getting confused and without missing out on your opportunity to become happy with him.

When you just really like him

When you simply like a young man, you can express your tender feelings well with the help of hints. For example, appear in front of him in beautiful outfits and, in response to his compliments, say that you wanted to look good especially for him. Men generally love with their eyes, so your beautiful appearance will be very important for a young man to have a pleasant impression of you and this will incline him to communicate and get to know you more closely. You can also use not too obvious compliments to a young man, tell him live or in SMS, as if by chance, how strong he is, how he looks like a handsome actor, what interesting hobbies he has, etc. You can make friends with his friends or acquaintances, and through them you can find out about the guy’s tastes and interests, so that later in conversations with him you can use these topics as “clues”. And in one of these conversations, you can notice that you have a lot of similar interests and therefore you clearly sympathize with this guy.

When you love him, how to confess your feelings

If your feelings are already something more than just sympathy, you should act more confidently so as not to miss out on your happiness. First of all, avoid flirting with other young people in his presence, so as not to arouse the opinion of yourself as a promiscuous and fickle girl. Try to be positive and cheerful in order to attract attention - it will also be useful to appreciate the jokes of a guy you like, because he will certainly appreciate those who appreciate his sense of humor. You can also write to him about your feelings, without saying the word “love” itself, but quite clearly speaking about your feelings. In this case, if the guy is interested in you, he will answer you, and if not, you can pretend that this message did not exist and thereby get rid of unnecessary worries.

Declaration of love when the feelings are mutual

In the case when your feelings are mutual and this young man also likes you, it will be easier. It will be enough for you to take the first step to start a relationship. You can write a message in a message or on a social network saying that you like him and if his feelings are mutual, then let him write you a response message. You can also tell the guy that you have long wanted to go to some movie or play, but you have no one to go with. He will probably offer to keep you company - and this is a great reason to talk and get to know each other better. A good option is to give the guy a small present that would hint to him that your feelings are reciprocated. For example, paired mugs or keychains, one of your photos together in a frame, etc. Don’t be afraid to make contact, as young people are also often shy before the first conversation and may be embarrassed to admit their warm feelings.

I want him, how to hint in bed

If you are not yet in a relationship, then such hints may not work in your favor. The guy, of course, can respond to your “signals,” but there is a high probability that everything will be limited to bed - the chosen one will simply consider you a flighty person. However, if you have already started dating, but things don’t go beyond kissing, then, of course, you can take the initiative. Try to be alone with your lover more often, hug him and just touch him. Also, to take your relationship to a new level, you can invite him home for a romantic dinner - wine, candles and pleasant music will undoubtedly encourage you to get closer.

Gradual rapprochement

wait for attention from a guy without taking any action for a very long time.

Sometimes you can even see him falling in love with another girl.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to use all the tricks and quietly capture his attention.

Before taking the initiative, it is worth making sure of the intentions of the young man himself. An interested man is very easy to spot. In company, he tries in every possible way to close the distance, finding himself close to his passion.

He will not miss the opportunity to talk and communicate. In this case, the guy will choose topics that are interesting only to you two, avoiding the participation of the rest of those present in the conversation.

Will give away an interested person and look. Eye contact for more than 2 seconds indicates increased interest in the person. A girl can also use this trick when playing short staring games.

If a guy's behavior shows his interest, you can't hesitate. It's time to get closer . The main thing is not to overdo it:

  1. Frequent meetings . You should not persistently invade a person’s life, even if you have huge plans for him. Sometimes appearing in a guy’s circle, a cunning girl leaves an indelible impression of herself and disappears for a while. Soon the hooked young man will start looking for a meeting himself.
  2. Random encounters . If you periodically catch a man’s eye, you are advised to greet him politely and calmly go about your business. A butterfly fluttering around a cat will sooner or later provoke it to jump.
  3. Wardrobe update. When love comes, it's time for sneakers and edgy outfits to go on vacation. Any guy will notice if a girl around him suddenly blossoms. Playful curls, unobtrusive perfume and flirtatious behavior are welcome.
  4. Communication . Look for any reason to start a conversation. Not only live communication will be useful, but also correspondence on social networks. Find common ground and develop topics that interest him. Put up with the boxing talk. Conversations that are relevant to you will soon begin.

To move communication away from friendly notes, the girl is advised to act actively, but carefully. By violating the boundaries of personal space, you can greatly interest a young man.

When communication becomes regular, you can move on to more active actions . However, if the guy shows signs of attention, it is advised to wait and pretend to be a “victim” and not a predator.

How to hint to a guy so that he invites him to go out or ask him out on a date

Interesting places

In personal communication or during correspondence, you can mention some new establishments or simply interesting places that you would like to visit. Note that you usually go for a walk with a friend, but in the coming days she has other things to do, so you don’t even know whether to wait for her or find another company. For a young man, this will be a clear hint that you are inclined to go for a walk together.

His tastes

Find out where your chosen one likes to spend time and show interest in his choice. For example, he likes skiing. Say that you have never done this or can’t learn, but you would really like to. Or he may state that he likes a certain genre of films that he periodically goes to see. You, in turn, can answer that you are also interested in such films, but your friends do not share these tastes, and you yourself do not want to go to the cinema.

Direct hints

Write or tell the young man that you are very interested in communicating with him, and it would be nice to take a walk together sometime. You can find a specific reason. For example, you told your interlocutor about some place he has never been to. Mention in passing that you will definitely show him this establishment “someday.” If he wants to meet, then your statement will be a good chance for him to take advantage of the situation and invite you for a walk or a date.

Viewing an object from a distance

The first thing you need to do before taking a decisive step forward is to check whether this very step is worth taking. Falling in love with a stranger is a kind of lottery .

You never know who the mysterious stranger will turn out to be. In order not to fall into the clutches of a scoundrel, the girl should collect some facts about the “experimental subject”.

Social networks are the simplest and most popular way of dating by correspondence.

In addition, the interested girl may well remain anonymous, which is very important at the first stage of the “offensive”.

You should study all the information available on the page . Everything he wanted to tell the world is important to analyze. Statuses, wall posts and uploaded photos. All this will allow you to sketch out some sketch of the character.

It is worth paying attention to the manner of communication. Comments under the posts will be enough to evaluate the level of education. Swearing and other unpleasant statements may indicate bad character .

After looking through the list of friends, it is important to find your acquaintances among them. You can establish contact with them in order to find out interesting facts about your chosen one.

But you shouldn’t ask the guy’s friends too persistently, because they might let it slip.

Thanks to the page on social networks, you can learn about the young man’s hobbies. Information about his family, hobbies and even pets will be useful when you get to know him better. It is worth paying attention to the places where the “object” is located. Perhaps you should join the same gym?

Hinting a guy about a relationship correctly

Positive mood

In his presence, try to maintain a positive mood, showing the guy that you enjoy being in such company. It makes sense not only to show it, but also to voice it. Talk about how interesting and fun you are with him. You can also mention that he, like no one else, is able to cheer you up.

Skin contact

Touch the guy you like. Although, of course, you should also know when to stop here - there is no point in “hanging” on him, your touches should be as if by chance. You can take his hand while crossing the road or going up the steps. A light hug and a kiss on the cheek are also quite appropriate when meeting or saying goodbye. When telling someone something important or needing their support, you can briefly hold their hand.

Personal questions

Here, too, it is important not to “cross the line.” Ask the guy how long ago he was in his last relationship, what kind of girl he sees next to him. However, if the young man answers reluctantly, then it is better not to delve into such questions. True, detailed answers do not at all mean that you need to show excessive attention to this topic - it will be more appropriate to find out all the details of breakups with ex-girlfriends if you are in a closer relationship. For now, it’s enough to let him know that you care about his personal life.

What not to do

There are hints that a guy may not understand. In order not to scare off the young man, follow practical recommendations.

  1. If a young man has potential girlfriends for further relationships, do not ask about them. Try to reduce such conversations to “no”, and put yourself in the foreground. Also, you should not give a guy advice on how to behave with this or that lady. Otherwise, the man will add you to the “Friends” category.
  2. At the first stages of shaky communication, you should not tell what kind of husband you dream of, what wedding dress you will wear, how many children you will give birth to. Such drastic statements will make the guy run away in an instant. It is important to convey that you are interested in the guy, and not in the desire to get married as soon as possible.
  3. If you have not yet reached a “high” relationship, do not try to bring a young man into the family and introduce him to his parents. First, resolve the issues between yourselves, make sure there is a strong connection, then go “matchmaking.” Otherwise, obsessive conversations from household members will cause the guy to run away.
  4. Guys love sexy girls only with their eyes; they take exemplary and caring ladies as wives. There is no need to openly show desire, climb into his crotch and demand tenderness. Try to hold back the attraction until the relationship is on a stable track. So both you and he will be confident in each other.
  5. Don't talk non-stop, learn the art of listening. Not every guy can stand a girl constantly talking next to him. Also, do not stalk the young man, leave him personal space. Don't try to control a man, let him make his own decisions.

Collect information about the guy through social networks or mutual friends. Make sure the sympathy is mutual. More often you are alone with the young man, give him a gift with your own hands. Don't be afraid to show weakness, move away a little and let him miss you.

how to stop being shy about a guy

Say “I love you” in other words or actions

It can be quite difficult to tell a man about your love in plain text. It’s much easier to veil your confession so that the man himself can guess about your tender feelings. This option eliminates many awkward feelings. Therefore, you can try other good options for declaring your love, given below. One of them will probably give a positive result and you and the young man you like will definitely become closer.

Beautiful words for a declaration of love

In order to confess your love to a young man, it is not necessary to use banal phrases. It is much better to speak from the heart and sincerely. If it’s difficult to collect your thoughts live, write a long confession in a message - this will help you choose beautiful phrases and think through your train of thought. Be sure to use more characteristics that emphasize the qualities of a young man you like (strong, caring, reliable, etc.). This will help him understand why you value him. You should not use too many diminutive forms like “bunny” or “cat”. A declaration of love is a rather serious thing, and such words will reduce the seriousness to a minimum. Words must be honest - say only what you are really sure of. You should not make abstract reviews of your common future and predict excellent development of relations. It’s better to talk more about the present tense, about your feelings and the positive qualities of this young man. Then the conversation will be more effective.

Confessions through communication on the Internet or via SMS

Modern communication allows you to make a confession on a social network or using SMS messages. This relieves your stress and worries, you can prepare properly. Choose the right words, think about what idea you want to convey to the guy with your message - and send it. In correspondence you don’t see the young man’s reaction and you don’t worry so much. In addition, if a guy refuses or ignores you, it will be much easier to bear it than if he refused you during a personal conversation. In addition, for that declaration of love in this way, it does not require too close communication and acquaintance between you - after all, it is enough to find the guy’s number or his page on a social network, bypassing the need to meet friends, etc.

Confessions in poetry, through gifts or selfless help

A beautiful and original way to hint to a guy about your feelings is to write him poetry. Just write, even if they are not very colorful, since almost every guy has already seen poems from the Internet and you are unlikely to please him with such bad taste. Find an opportunity to write poetry yourself, or ask your friends about it, and send it to a young man via SMS or on a social network - he will certainly appreciate your creativity.

Another option is a nice gift or an offer of selfless help to a young man. These gifts or help do not have to be large-scale; rather, it is just a small sign of attention that will let the man know that you care about him. The present could be something like a keychain, a photo frame, a book that the young man told you about - something pleasant that this man will then associate with you. You can also make a memorable engraving, which is not trivial, then in the future it can become a kind of motto of your relationship with this young man.

Confess your love in person

The most honest and open option for declaring love is a personal meeting and conversation face to face. In this way, you can immediately see a man’s real emotions in response to your words, clarify some individual phrases and supplement your confession with some comments and clarifications. Before a personal meeting, you will have to gather courage, but this method is truly the most reliable and time-tested. This option is also very good because if the conversation is successful, you will immediately feel a new closeness to each other, you will be able to hug or kiss each other for the first time. And this is a great start for the strong development of your relationship.

Strengthening communication

If the tricks used did not give the expected result, and the guy is still hesitating, the girl should not give up. All you have to do is arm yourself with “heavy artillery.”

There is no need to be afraid of failure. If a young man communicates with a girl for a long time, it is unlikely that he will completely rule out a romantic development of events.

Relationships between a guy and a girl rarely develop rapidly.

Most often, more than a dozen meetings before young people become a couple.

At the same time, there is no clear boundary when love begins.

To speed up the emergence of a relationship , the girl is advised to:

  • give him a little surprise. Give your guy a nice little thing, like a keychain or a cool cup. Let a thing appear in his interior that reminds him of his passion;
  • treat him with baked goods . Invite a guy for tea, justifying the invitation with sudden culinary inspiration. The young man will definitely connect your flight of fancy with his special one. If a cake seems like unfathomable magic, just buy some cookies at the store and pass them off as your own;
  • leave . Get out of the guy's sight for a while. The sudden disappearance of an active girlfriend will further inflame the man’s thoughts;
  • making inquiries . Find out if the guy was interested in you during the artificial “separation”. If yes, you are to be congratulated;
  • appearing after disappearing must be fantastic. Don't skimp on your hair and makeup. Let the hero understand how much he missed him.

If, after all the measures taken, the guy asks the girl out on a date, it’s a done deal.

I’m afraid to confess my feelings to him, what to do - advice from psychologists

There are often situations when a girl is very afraid to tell a young man about her love (for example, she is one of the shy ones). This is a normal phenomenon, because subconsciously the girl fears possible refusal, rejection of her feelings. In such cases, you need to be able to overcome your fears and understand what goal you would like to achieve: just hint to the guy about your feelings, openly declare your love, achieve the beginning of your relationship, etc. And then it is important to actively act until the first impression you create did not dissipate. It will be useful, if you feel fear and anxiety, to learn about what psychologists recommend doing and what common female mistakes are best avoided when deciding to confess your feelings to a young man.

To relieve feelings of fear and anxiety before recognition, many practicing psychologists recommend thinking through your words in as much detail as possible and saying them out loud in front of the mirror, as if to evaluate yourself from the outside. Firstly, this will help relieve the worry that you may begin to get confused in your words and say too much or not exactly what you wanted. Secondly, it will be easier to relieve stress, since the body will feel that this is not the first time you have said such words, which means you should not worry too much.

Also, experts often suggest assessing the situation in advance - it would not be the best option to confess your love to a guy when he is heavily burdened with problems at work or school, or in the family. Both of you should be conducive to conversation, be in a good mood and have the opportunity after communication to think about everything that was said.

What to avoid

It is difficult to build a serious relationship if you make the following mistakes when communicating:

  • do not remain a mystery to the young man;
  • take an active interest in the young person’s financial situation;
  • at the initial stage of communication, talk about intimate topics;
  • boast;
  • often complain and whine;
  • to be annoying;
  • criticize a guy’s hobbies or not be interested in them;
  • do not pause when communicating (few people can spend several hours every day on correspondence; do not try to ensure that the guy does not let go of the phone or does not leave the computer for days).

Is it true that guys don't take hints?

Many men really do not react as subtly to the intonation of their interlocutor as women do, and do not always understand hints. For example, you can tell him that you would like to go to the cinema soon or you are interested in some event. Some guys react instantly, offering to go together to a place that intrigues you, but there are also those who sincerely think that you are just sharing information to keep the conversation going. In the second case, the interlocutor sincerely does not realize that they were hinting at something - he can understand what you need only if direct proposals are made.

When a couple already enters into a relationship, this problem does not disappear. For example, before your birthday, you can praise some new popular book, saying that your friends really liked it, and you would also really like to read it. Or you can say that your earrings are missing a ring in a similar style. It is likely that you are hoping to receive a bestseller or jewelry as a gift, but the chances are very high that the chosen one will not understand this and will give you, for example, perfume that you do not need. Coquetry will not work with such men: “I don’t even know what I want, choose according to your taste.” He needs to speak directly, and simply accept the fact that the hints are not clear to him - this way you will prevent resentment and misunderstandings in the future.

How to hint to a man about marriage if you have been dating for a long time or already live together

When you have been together for quite a long time and even share everyday life, it is more difficult to persuade a man to get married. Usually, if there is no marriage proposal in the first year, it means something is going wrong. Either the relationship is developing too slowly, or you are making mistakes.

Why girls are most often not married, and how to become an ideal bride, I have already written. In the section “Ideal love relationships” you will find other useful articles on the topic of serious relationships. But let's get back to the main thing. What to do? How to hint to a man that it’s time to get married if he’s happy with everything without a stamp.

Girls, the “bunny” technology will also suit you: run away, tease, stop being available. Just change your tactics a little: go to another room, behave unexpectedly. And yes, even if everything was different before, it’s never too late to review the rules. What else?

If you don't live together yet, so much the better:

  • find a new hobby;
  • meet with your friends more often;
  • take care of yourself;
  • Flirt more, become a mystery.

You don't need to spend 24 hours every day with a man. If you are usually together all weekend, break the tradition and change your plans. Let him feel: you are not 100% his, someone else may encroach on you. Jealousy is a strong feeling that can be used skillfully. Just be careful, otherwise playing with fire may end badly!

How to understand that a man understood your hint

There are few options here. If you bring up a topic with enviable regularity, and a young man diligently avoids it, despite all the transparency of the hints, or constantly takes the conversation in a different direction, then most likely he understands what you are leading to. However, his reaction, unfortunately, indicates that he is not enthusiastic about your message.

There is also the opposite option, in which everything is more obvious. A man supports the topic you set with interest, asking clarifying questions, instead of simply ignoring your words. This means that he noticed that we are talking about something important, and does not lose sight of it. In this case, your hints will probably soon bring the desired result.

How to make a guy figure it out on his own?

A guy interested in his interlocutor willingly welcomes initiative on her part and then happily intercepts this activity and begins to act himself. For this reason, a girl must always be close to her companion in order to always be at his fingertips. So the guy will more often try to please her with something, and also show his need and strength.

When meeting with a girl, you should not forget about the fleeting touches of your sweetheart. If a guy reacts positively to such signs of attention, then he needs to be supported in such a decision and become necessary and indispensable for his chosen one, temporarily falling out of his sight.

But at the same time, you should endure it yourself until the moment when he finally guesses and decides to take the “first” step.

The following are also considered effective hints to encourage action:

  • frequent but unobtrusive presence next to a guy;
  • an original and insignificant gift that a guy will definitely like;

  • natural and attractive appearance;
  • flirting and inaccessibility going hand in hand, so igniting the hunting instinct in men;
  • innocent coquetry;
  • seemingly random touches and glances;
  • clearly distinguishing your companion from all others;
  • genuine and extensive interest in his person.

To further shift the boy’s attention to herself, the girl will have to:

  • try not to be too annoying;
  • give up comfortable shoes and clothes and switch to dresses and heels;
  • be more friendly and smile more often;
  • arrange seemingly random meetings;
  • come up with topics for interesting conversations;
  • actively correspond on the Internet and communicate more in real life with your chosen one;
  • constantly radiate goodwill and confidence.

Any girl who dreams of a serious relationship can propose to a guy. But an offer of a relationship coming from a girl should not be too aggressive.


Feel free to show interest in a man. Using my advice, you can easily intrigue a guy, and he will invite you on a date, believing that this is his initiative. Even more effective techniques for building relationships await you in the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness.” On it I discuss in detail how and where to meet worthy men, how to attract their attention, build harmonious relationships, maintain love and passion in marriage.

Girls! Do you think it’s worth hinting to guys that you like them, or is it better to silently wait for the first step from them?

Ways to interest a man in correspondence. Example phrases

Teasing message

Be unique, unpredictable. Men like women with a twist.

For example:

  • “Today I woke up early and went to the beach to watch the sunrise.”

The man concludes that you are not like most people who just stay in bed in the morning. You are motivated and love adventure. You are an extraordinary person and can bring newness to his life. Such women always intrigue, attract, causing a desire to get to know them better.

  • “My buns are so delicious!” - Wait for the man to read the message and send the following: “One with cinnamon, and the other with poppy seeds. I bought it for tea.”

Innocent flirtation that will excite and awaken hot fantasies. Moreover, you can flirtatiously note that in no case did you mean anything like that - God forbid! But still put a playful emoticon at the end so as not to look like a chaste maiden who won’t let you hold on to her knee before the wedding.

Important! Don’t embellish or make things up—about skydiving, for example. You don’t need to write that you like holidays with tents in order to like them if you prefer an all-inclusive system, so that later you don’t have to cook stew over the fire, swatting away mosquitoes and feigning joy. Lying is demeaning and not a good way to start an affair, and will work against you in the long run.

Nice message

Send a short message that will make you smile. A naive, funny text is a sincere confession about what you do when your chosen one is not around, why you remembered him right now.

Why is this message good? Men love attention. Even if your loved one has not admitted it, he is pleased to know that you think about him when you are not together, that you are seriously passionate about him.

Here are examples of such messages:

  • I smile all day, remembering yesterday evening with you.
  • Today I heard a song that we listened to together, and it seemed to me that you were nearby.

This is a winning option. You confirm that the man made an impression. Your messages will inspire him to further develop the relationship.

Candid message

This is a real breakthrough in the era of online dating - frankly tell a man what you want, emphasize that you are confident in yourself, express your desire, and not wait for him to do something.

For example:

  • “Shall we have coffee at lunchtime?”
  • “I’m going to the movies this weekend—can you join me?”

What's good about this method? Most men don't like to beat around the bush and value straightforwardness. Plus, confidence is attractive. By setting a date, you make it clear that you can and are willing to contribute to the development of the relationship, and not wait for him to make the first move.

Yes, you like it when he leads, and he likes to dominate. But he also appreciates a woman who is busy, passionate about something and does not need him every minute. When you offer from your heart, without pressure, he will accept your initiative with gratitude.

Joking message

A sense of humor is a wonderful quality. If you understand jokes and know how to make jokes, you won’t get bored with you. With humor it is easier to solve even pressing problems, but in life, alas, there is no way without it. That's why women with a sense of humor appeal to men.

For example:

  • “I look at your photos and envy myself.”
  • “I’m ready to do anything for you: go fishing, go to football, lie on the couch all weekend.”

Important! Your jokes should not offend a man’s feelings or offend him. You should not make fun of his shortcomings - for example, if he has a burr or is overweight. There are no ideal people, and since you are building a relationship with a man, accept him as he is.

Questions that will spark a man's interest

To prevent correspondence from becoming boring and monotonous, it is important to stir up a man’s interest. These can be questions that spur imagination and ignite passion.

For example:

  • “Have you ever had any desires that you were embarrassed to voice to a woman?”
  • “Would you like it if a woman took the initiative/agreed to any experiments?”
  • “Were there scenes in films that you wanted to repeat one after another in life?”

The questions are very ambiguous and ambiguous - understand them as you wish. A man can give free rein to his imagination. It depends on you how far you allow a man to go in his reasoning. The main thing is not to feign offended innocence if he shares his innermost desires, because the questions are tricky, and the answers to them are predictable.

Messages of interest according to men

“On a dating site, I remember a girl who wrote very straightforwardly: “I like you. I think you do too. Let's meet, have coffee, talk - I hate texting. I won’t tear my hair out if you don’t want to see me again.” We met her and had a great time. She turned out to be a lighter girl. Cool girl, but her energy was too much for me.”

Maxim, 40 years old

“I was surprised by the message from one very romantic girl. Her letter was full of feelings - so sincere and simple. She wrote: “I love poetry, but I have to read it out loud to myself. I like to watch the sun disappear behind the horizon at sunset, but concrete skyscrapers hide the divine beauty of the evening from me.” The message was long, I read it with pleasure. We talked at the same time - it was interesting to be with her. But then I wanted drive, movement, and then she deleted her account. I still remember her.”

Denis, 32 years old

“I had problems at work, I was very worried. Once a girl wrote to me on VK that in a new photo I had very sad eyes, although I was smiling. I was surprised - I thought that she had found out something about me and was trying to get to know me that way. Later it turned out that we had no mutual acquaintances, and she was not looking for meetings with me. I was amazed how a complete stranger, a stranger, saw what I managed to hide even from my friends.”

Ivan, 29 years old

Men are attracted by unusual, unexpected messages. Or those in which girls talk about them, about their feelings - this confirms sincere, lively interest. Creativity and openness especially stand out from the crowd when a man receives a dozen messages in an evening on a dating site.

Mistakes that discourage men's interest

With a man I know

Ask him directly if he has any sympathy for you. He may answer “yes” because he doesn’t want to offend you. Or say “no”, and every time you meet you feel awkward.

Force events. Perhaps the man treats you well, but does not see you as his partner. As soon as you start putting pressure on him, he will start avoiding you.

Collect information about him from friends. Firstly, he won’t like it, and secondly, it’s better to form your own opinion about the person.

Publish provocative photos and statuses on social networks. They won't do you any good, so filter your page.

Make complaints when he doesn't respond to messages. Although you know each other, demanding anything from a man who owes you nothing is nonsense. Your plans for his future are yours alone.

Share the secrets of your relationship with mutual friends. Men are not inclined to let everyone in on their personal lives. It is unlikely that he will like it if his acquaintances are aware of his relationship with you.

Avoid intimate topics. There is no need to pretend that a stork brings children, and you were brought up so strictly that you blush at the mention of intimacy. Especially if you used to behave more relaxed, and the man knew you from the other side.

With a stranger

Errors in the questionnaire. Categorical statements that you don’t like fat, bald people, that a man must have a car, cause hostility. Even a man with a small belly will refrain from writing to you after reading your profile.

Communication with emoticons. It is acceptable among teenagers, but not among adults.

Bad timing. The optimal time for communication is after the end of the working day, when the man has had dinner, is relaxed and is not concerned about work issues.

Stereotypes. Do not impose obligations on a man that he should want children and earn a lot. Perhaps he has other priorities.

Talking about marriage. You may scare him off with your assertiveness.

Intimate photos in the profile are attractive, but harm the image. It is unpleasant for a man that your charms are put on public display.

Spurring to the meeting. Your initiative looks like a desire to speed things up, as if this is your last chance.

Talking about exes. They are undesirable in either a positive or negative way. The man will either decide that you still love his predecessor, or he will think about what words you will call him after the breakup.

Dictate the terms of the meeting place. Of course, for the first time, in order not to get into trouble, it is better to meet in a crowded place during the daytime, but you should not insist on a specific place or time if this is not necessary. Better ask to pay for a taxi.

Make fun of your interlocutor. Your wit will come in handy later, but be careful what you say.

Questions you shouldn't ask

There are a number of topics that should not be touched upon:

  • issues of religion and belief;
  • Political Views;
  • relationships with exes;
  • intimate;
  • income level.

Differences in political and religious views become a stumbling block even between the closest people, so you should not get involved in a discussion. Relationships with your ex are your past and have no place in the present. Savoring intimate topics makes you think that you willingly have such conversations with everyone. Questions about income show selfish interest, not passion for the man himself.

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