How to cope with anxiety: 7 ways to help

There are various techniques to normalize anxiety. This part will describe breathing practices and provide recommendations for independent work. Remember that an integrated approach is important.

It is necessary to work with anxious thoughts and worries, correct old beliefs, eliminate ineffective behavior patterns and work with emotions. There are many ways to influence an anxious mind. Healthy ways of calming down and relaxing are possible through the body: through feasible and comfortable physical activity, walking and through breathing.

Learn to breathe slowly and deeply

If you are not focused on your breathing, if you do not know how to breathe deeply, slowly, and relaxedly, you are missing out on the best remedy for anxiety. Breathing is always free, accessible to you regardless of location, and easy to use.

It is important to know!

Sometimes anxiety disorder with panic attacks is a consequence of serious diseases, especially those related to the endocrine system. To identify or exclude somatic diseases, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics and consultation with a doctor.

How to breathe correctly to relieve anxiety

  • Sit with your eyes closed and pay attention to your breathing. Breathe naturally, preferably through your nostrils, without trying to control the process.
  • Become aware of the sensation of the breath as it enters and exits your nostrils. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Take a deep breath into your belly, counting to 3. Hold your breath for a second. Exhale for a count of four. The hand on your stomach is good to feel the rhythms of breathing.
  • Concentrate completely on your breathing and turn off your attention from everything else. Your mind will be constantly distracted by thoughts, surrounding space (sounds, smells), but you must return it to the object of concentration without tension. During this meditation, you may feel that your mind has become more chaotic. But in reality, you just become aware of how busy your mind is, how restless it is, and how fast thoughts are racing through it.
  • Resist the temptation to follow with your attention various thoughts as they arise. If you find your mind wandering and following your thoughts, immediately bring it back to your breath.
  • Repeat this as many times as necessary until your mind stops and concentrates entirely on your breathing.

To begin with, it is enough to do the technique for 5-10 minutes. Then, when you feel that you have become more able to concentrate on your breathing and enter a meditative state, begin to increase the time. Do not expect that you yourself will begin to constantly breathe slowly and calmly from your stomach. Do the exercise regularly. The sooner you make this a daily habit, the sooner you will feel relaxed.

When you focus on your breath, you are in the here and now. This means you don't waste time worrying about the future or worrying about the past. You are in the present.

Breathing exercises

Breathing ensures normal human functioning and affects the functioning of other organs and systems. Stress and anxiety lead to respiratory dysfunction, so a set of exercises has been developed to stabilize breathing.

Relaxing Breathing

The exercise consists of several steps:

  • take a relaxing breath;
  • When taking a deep breath, tilt your head back;
  • straighten up in your chair and exhale;
  • inhaling air, firmly grab the back of the chair and pull it towards you;
  • at the moment of highest tension, you should hold your breath;
  • exhale slowly, during which you let go of the chair;
  • relax completely.

Exercise helps relieve psychological stress, restore internal balance, and regulate breathing.


For an exercise that combines visualization and breathing training, you will need a lit candle. It is necessary to sit in front of it no closer than 15 cm. You should slowly and carefully inhale the fire, and not immediately extinguish the flame. The inhalation and exhalation should be smooth so that the flame is at the same angle. This is a wonderful workout for relaxation and burning of negativity. When the candle burns out, you can indulge in quiet reflection in the dark.

Meditate instead of taking anxiety medications

Calmness is an internal work that requires time and attention. Today, there are various medications available to relieve anxiety. But none of them will cure you of anxiety and worry, but only temporarily relieve symptoms.

Many such drugs have side effects such as confusion, drowsiness, and deterioration of cognitive processes, so they cannot be taken continuously. And when canceled, all the symptoms return again if the person has not realized the cause of the anxiety disorder, which lies in the mental area.

Of course, whether or not you need to take medication is a decision between you and your doctor.

On a note!

Today, a huge number of people suffer from anxiety disorders, especially those living in large cities. Women and teenagers are most susceptible to them.

But there are effective recommendations for increased anxiety that allow you to get rid of it without medications. One of these is meditation. Not breathing, but contemplative.

Give yourself the precious gift of peace and start your day with ten minutes of solitude and positive energy. Think calmly, measuredly and impartially. Draw the most positive pictures in your imagination. Imagine yourself completely healthy, happy, calm. Visualize your dreams and all the best things you want to see in your life.

If you can’t do visualization meditations on your own, start with audio clips.

Excellent meditation for relaxation and healing of the nervous system:

Main Causes of Anxiety

Every person has a weak point, problems that make them worry especially strongly. Anxiety can affect different areas of life:

  1. Works. When a person experiences anxiety before submitting reports or worries that he is not coping with his responsibilities, thinking that he will be fired, he is afraid of a reprimand from management;
  2. Children. If worries about them make everything else fade into the background. It seems that children are in danger, they can fall, get sick, or get into an unpleasant situation. In this case, parents keep their child under constant control, calling him every free minute;
  3. Families. Anxiety sets in when thinking about the future, for example, whether a young man will get married or not. People in marriage are concerned about other questions: whether the other half is cheating, why they are delayed, how they feel, whether they are hiding real problems behind silence.

It is common for every person to worry, but when anxiety covers all areas of life and affects others, it is worth thinking about.

To understand how to get rid of fear and anxiety, you need to determine the cause of the disorder. Sometimes it is hidden in malfunctions of the body, for example:

  • lack of vitamin D;
  • problems with the thyroid gland.

In this case, it is necessary to treat the primary diseases causing the disorder. Therefore, if your anxiety condition worsens, it is better to consult a doctor to rule out physical health problems.

Increased anxiety keeps you on edge for no apparent reason. Even if everything in life is calm and a person does not experience problems, he remains anxious, expecting a catch. The reasons for this condition may be:

  • Childhood trauma. For example, humiliation from parents, life in a dysfunctional family, where the father drinks and raises his hand against the mother. In the future, the subconscious produces scary pictures that evoke unpleasant memories that leave an imprint for life;
  • Negative life experiences. This applies to failed relationships in the past, physical or emotional abuse. Often people become anxious after the death of a loved one, especially if they cared for them for a long time;
  • Low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence;
  • Incorrect attitudes of parents when they protect the child by talking about surrounding dangers. In this case, the child begins to perceive the world as a threat and fear haunts him in adulthood, unless he reconsiders his attitude to what is happening.

Anxious child

Stay physically active

For normal functioning and maintaining balance in all systems, our body needs constant physical activity.

The modern way of life of people in cities deprives them of mobility. Working in offices at a computer, personal cars, housing in high-rise buildings - all this does not allow us to get sufficient physical activity.

No matter how challenging your schedule is, find a few hours a week to study. Choose any type of activity that suits you. It could be running, swimming, yoga, fitness, tennis or something else. The main thing is that the activities bring you pleasure and do not cause exhaustion.

Lack of physical activity slows down metabolic processes in the body, disrupts hormonal levels, impairs blood flow and provokes many negative factors.

Regular exercise will strengthen the entire body, including the nervous system. In addition, during training, “happiness hormones” are produced. This is why we feel cheerful and experience a lift of spirit, a good mood, after an active workout.

Pamper and delight yourself

Neuroses and anxiety disorders occur against a background of stress, constant worries, and fears. If this happened to you, it means that joy, satisfaction, and confidence are gradually leaking out of your life.

Has it been a while since you did something nice for yourself? How long have you pampered and pleased yourself? If not, then start taking care of yourself right now. Go to the store and buy something you like, albeit inexpensively, visit a beauty elephant, go for a massage, drink coffee in a cozy cafe.

When you experience positive emotions, anxiety goes away. Learn to embrace the moments and find joy in the little things. Stop focusing on troubles and focus on all the good things in your life.

Remember that problems do not exist - there is only your reaction to situations.

Accept anxiety as a part of life

Psychotherapist Rebecca Barton uses this strange technique: she enthusiastically accepts patients' statements about the presence of an anxiety disorder. But, it would seem, what is there to be happy about? In fact, if you try to curb anxious thoughts, you will not be able to control yourself. Why not accept that suffering is a normal part of our lives? And while all emotions are not created equal, they exist for people to feel.


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I wrap cabbage rolls and stick them vertically into mashed potatoes: pie recipe

Change your attitude towards finances

Financial stress is the most common reason why people develop neurotic disorders and seek psychotherapy. Financial insecurity will weigh you down at night and contribute to feelings of low self-esteem and hopelessness. All this leads to chronic stress, depression, and increased anxiety.

financial savings
Take responsibility for your finances and stop spending on unnecessary purchases. Track your daily expenses for a week or two and decide where you can cut back. Pay attention to the items you mindlessly accumulate. Maybe it's time to sell something off or just stop storing it?

Don't take out loans, especially for things you can do without. It’s better to save for a while and make a debt-free purchase than to take an item, get immediate joy from it, and then take months to pay for it. And all the time worrying whether you will be able to cover the loan this month, worrying that what if you lose your job and have nothing to pay with.

Postpone worrying until later

You may have told yourself many times to stop worrying and fearing something, but it didn't help.
Or it helped, but for a very short time. Or you could have the opposite effect. This is because by presenting yourself with a ban on certain thoughts, you concentrate on these thoughts! Try a different approach. Give yourself a day off from anxiety—or a whole vacation, if you will. Take this with due seriousness (let your brain be sure that no one will take away its favorite activity - worrying). Write a list of all the things that worry you and worry about them diligently - but only at the appointed time.

Get rid of the clutter

Have you ever wondered how much time is wasted when you can’t find your car keys, the right shirt, or last year’s pair of shoes? Psychologists say that the more harmonious the space in a person’s home, the more balanced he is. Mountains of junk, unnecessary and old things litter not only the home, but also the interior. Try to organize the following actions in the near future:

1. Disassemble all cabinets, shelves, drawers. Arrange all things neatly. 2. Go through and throw away (give away, sell) all the things you haven’t used for a long time. 3. Conduct general cleaning throughout the house.

You will immediately feel that not only the appearance around you has changed, but also the energy: it will become lighter and more pleasant.

Go out into nature

Nothing calms our mind and soothes our soul like nature. Contemplating beauty, staying in the fresh air - all this has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system.

If you have neuroses or increased anxiety, you need to do everything to find time and opportunities for trips to nature. Not necessarily for a long time. Even one day spent in a quiet forest or by a lake will allow your mind to rest.

While in nature, try to relax as much as possible and not think about anything. Just observe the surrounding space, noticing all the details. Good company on vacation, where you can have a heart-to-heart talk and

Training (psychological exercises) “How to overcome anxiety”

Class hour “how to overcome anxiety.” Anxiety. Stress. Self-regulation skills

Purpose of the lesson

: Formation of skills to overcome anxiety and adequate behavior in situations that cause anxiety.


1. Explain the concepts of anxiety and stress.

2. Draw students’ attention to “healthy” ways to overcome anxiety.

3. Introduce students to relaxation exercises.

4. Teach self-regulation skills.

Form of work

: Lesson with training elements.

Working methods:

  • Verbal:

    conversation, use of an excerpt from the cycle of fairy tales “Merry Pamsi” - “Even if... It’s all the same...”.

  • Visual:

    using individual forms, writing on the board “Healthy and unhealthy ways to cope with anxiety”

  • Practical:

    conducting relaxation exercises, teaching self-regulation skills.

Target group

: 5th–7th grades (younger teenagers)

Time spending

: 45–50 minutes (1 academic hour).

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

(greeting, introduction)

II. Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson


The lesson is devoted to what anxiety is and how to overcome anxious states.

III. Acceptance of group rules.

– In order for the work of our group to achieve its goals, it is necessary that we not be distracted, so that each of us can freely express our thoughts without fear of ridicule, I, as a leader, propose several rules:

Speaker's rule.

Anyone who speaks out has the right to be heard to the end.

Raised hand rule.

It pursues 2 goals: the first is so that the speaker is not interrupted, the second is so that the smart thoughts that come to mind during the work do not disappear.

The right of the leader.

I, as the leader, will monitor compliance with the rules adopted by the group.
If I raise my hand, this is a sign that the group is noisy and a request to work more quietly. IV.
Information block [1] – Guys, what do you think anxiety is?

Anxiety is restlessness, tension in anticipation of danger or something unknown.

– What does an anxious person look like? ( Red or pale face, trembling voice, cold sweaty hands, tension.


– What physiological changes do you think are taking place in his body? ( Increased heart rate and breathing, dry mouth, trembling hands and legs, discomfort in the stomach, etc.


1. What is anxiety. Stress [1]

– People experience anxiety in different situations. On the eve of important events, to a greater or lesser extent, all people experience confusion, anxiety, anxiety or even fear. They are usually followed by composure, focus, and concentration. Our negative emotions are considered “watchmen” that prevent us from falling into carelessness, which would threaten our lives. However, prolonged stay in this state is also dangerous, as it leads to a state of stupor. This condition can be called anxiety. Anxiety is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Being constantly in an anxious state, a person, his body, experiences stress .

Stress –

translated from English
means pressure, tension, effort.
2. The physiological side of anxiety.

– You’ve probably noticed that it’s enough just to think about the upcoming important event, about what awaits you, and your heart begins to beat strongly. From a physiological point of view, this can be explained simply. When we face any difficulties, our brain receives signals about it. Hormones are produced that enter the blood and are transported with it to all internal organs, changing their mode of operation. The work of the heart becomes more frequent, and the activity of those areas of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for attention and coordinated functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems increases.

– What situations make people anxious? Think back to situations when you were worried.

3. Work on individual forms “I get anxious in situations when...” [2]

(see Appendix 1)

Children indicate situations when they experienced tension. Reflection.

– So, you indicated situations of anxiety

How do you think? what does this condition lead to? ( Confusion, crying, fear, absent-mindedness, etc.

) (Demonstration of illustrations.)

Figure 1. “When I feel anxious...”

Conclusion -

Constantly staying in this mode leads to stress. Therefore, it is important to be able to overcome this tension and help the body.

– How to help the body? What can you do to not worry? I am sure that each of you has a way that helps him in a situation of anxiety.

4. Work on the “If I’m worried, I usually…” forms [2]

– Please indicate in the forms how you overcome anxiety, what you do for this (see Appendix 1)


5. “Healthy and unhealthy ways to cope with stress.”

- So, along the way, I will write down everything you said and put it on our board.

– What other ways to overcome anxiety can you notice?

Students indicate the methods that they use, and can also indicate the methods that their older brothers, sisters, and parents use. The teacher makes entries in two columns. (Sleep, music, deep breathing, exercise, delicious food, walks, a warm bath, chatting with friends are healthy ways; overeating, swearing, smoking, wine are unhealthy...)

- So, we have 2 columns.

– Are all of the listed ways to overcome anxiety healthy?

– How do you understand the meaning of the expression unhealthy ways?

So, in one of the columns we have identified healthy ways to overcome tension (the teacher signs the column, and offers to name unhealthy ways in the other column).

– Which methods are more effective, healthy or unhealthy? Why?

Conclusion -

It is necessary to use only healthy methods, since the latter may relieve anxiety, but at the cost of health.
The use of psychoactive substances (psychoactive substances - substances that affect the brain and are addictive) creates the illusion of relieving anxiety. After a short amount of time, a person realizes that everything remains the same. ( The psychologist also explains that overeating is harmful to health, and swearing and swearing can destroy relationships and a person from the inside)
V. Practical block.

1. Reading the story “If only everything were not so” From the cycle of fairy tales about “Merry Pamsi” [3]

– I suggest you listen to a short children’s story about the dragon Pumsy, who always said: “If only everything weren’t like this...” and found himself in a state of tension and sadness.

Pumsy the dragon continued to be sad, and was very surprised when his friend advised him to drive away dark thoughts whenever he wanted. He really wanted to know how to do this, and he was looking forward to his Friend teaching him.

“So, you, Pamsy, are sad because you don’t breathe fire like adult dragons do, and your fur is not as smooth as theirs.” Your dad doesn't live with you, and this makes you very sad. Do you have little time to have fun with your friends because you have to hang out with your little brother? You can't change all of this, but you can change how you think about it.

Try to think about all this differently, as if from the other side, and choose only bright thoughts. Pamsi was surprised.

- How is it - only light ones? - he asked.

- Very simple! Have you ever picked flowers in a meadow? You choose only those that you like,” The friend leaned over and picked two flowers.

– Let’s call one of them “Even if...”, and the other “In any case...”. This is one of the ways to get rid of dark thoughts. We will try to think differently about everything that upsets you using these words. Say them instead of the words of regret that you repeated when you were sad.

Instead of saying “If only everything were different,” say this: “Even if I don’t know how to breathe fire like adults, in any case, I have friends just like me, and although they also don’t know how to do a lot yet As adults, we have a very good time together. Even if dad doesn't live with us, I can see him whenever I want. Even if I have to go out with my little brother, he and I have a lot of fun anyway, and I still have time to play with my friends.

Pamsi made big eyes - it turned out that changing thoughts is not so difficult!

– Does this really help drive away dark thoughts and correct a bad mood? - he asked Friend.

– It really helps, but sometimes you have to repeat these words many times until your mood improves.

– How are you feeling now? - asked Friend.

- ABOUT! Much better! But I want to practice more. This is much better than waiting for everything to go away on its own.


– Each of us has situations that upset us, but we shouldn’t get stuck on sad thoughts for a long time.


– we cannot change the situation, but we can choose for ourselves what to think and how to think.
So, let's now add an entry to the healthy ways column: the correct thoughts are “Even if... In any case...” ( The psychologist adds healthy ways to the column).
It turns out that we can change the situation with the right thoughts and words. Let's practice.

2. Exercise “Even if...” – “In any case...” [3]

Work in pairs. Children are given blanks of flowers, on one of which it is written: “Even if...”, and on the second: “In any case...”

Instructions: The first student says the name of the first flower “Even if... and indicates the problem: “I feel bad, I’m unlucky, I don’t have a father, I got a bad grade.” The second one calls his flower “in any case...” and ends with a positive phrase: “this is only for today, I can see my father, I won’t be upset and depressed, but I’ll correct the deuce. Participants exchange flowers. Now the first one says the solution to the problem, and the second one says the problem itself.

(At the very beginning, this exercise can be done at the board, as some students find it difficult to find a solution to the problem. You can also play out several situations after working in pairs).


Did you manage to complete the exercise? Was it difficult to do?

Conclusion -

Self-regulation skills are necessary in difficult situations. You can use the rule: “Choose your thoughts like flowers - and choose only beautiful (positive) ones.”

3.What to do in a situation of tension.

– So, if we find ourselves in a situation of anxiety. What to do? Stand there trembling and then go out to the exam and stutter, repeating, excuse me, am I worried? Maybe just start crying? No. This is certainly not an option. Emotions must have an outlet. Therefore, there are some recommendations on how to behave in such situations (

see Appendix 2
A) Calm down.

“Everything will be fine” - this clear attitude should never leave you.

There are no hopeless situations.

B) Try to regain your breathing

. Think about your breathing. Since you are now excited, your brain has instructed your internal organs to work in active mode. So try to restore your breathing. Start breathing deeply and slowly, thinking about how the functioning of all organs is restored.

  • Slowly take a deep breath.
  • Hold your breath and count to four.
  • Exhale slowly.

Repeat the procedure: inhale slowly – hold your breath – exhale slowly 4-5 times.

B) Muscle relaxation.

  • Squat if you feel muscle tension in your knees.
  • Clench your fists, then shake them off, releasing any tension that is holding you back.

4. Training in self-regulation skills [6]

Exercise 1 “Think ahead.”

  • Sit quietly in a comfortable position. If you want, close your eyes.
  • Imagine yourself in a difficult situation. For example: Answer at the blackboard in the presence of the school principal.
  • Try to feel as calm as you can.
  • Think about what you will say and what you will do.
  • Brainstorm possible options until you feel absolutely calm.

Do the exercise from time to time before you find yourself in a situation that causes anxiety. Make it a habit to think through difficult situations in advance.


. How did you feel when you did the exercise? Were you able to find options for behavior and calm down?

Relaxation exercises can also help overcome anxiety. The ability to relax needs to be trained.

Exercise 2 “Relaxation to music” (a calm, relaxing melody sounds)

  • Sit quietly in a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Slowly relax your muscles.
  • Imagine that you are in a place where it is very good and you don’t have to worry about anything. For example, on the beach, where the sun warms you with its rays.
  • Don't worry about anything, just listen to the music.


How did you feel while doing the exercise?

Do the exercise as often as possible, but at least once a week. Continue the exercise for at least 10 minutes.

Exercise 3 “House”.

The goal is to gain strength and power of spirit, develop willpower.

  • Sit comfortably. Interlace your fingers into a wrist lock and raise them above your head - this is the roof of the house.
  • Close your eyes, hold your hands above your head. Inhale - hold your breath, exhale - hold your breath. Perform the exercise for 1-2 minutes, several times a day.

Exercise 4 “Button”.

This exercise is invisible to others (it can be done directly during an exam, etc.) It can be used at a time when you need to instantly relax. Remember that all kinds of clamps are barriers to the quiet functioning of the brain.

  • Mentally transport yourself to a place where you feel good and calm. Connect all your senses.
  • To instantly relax, relieve tension and feel confident, mentally say: “Every time I lightly press the nail of my index finger, I will immediately move into a pleasant, relaxed state of body and mind.”
  • At this moment, lightly press your thumbnail with your index finger, imagine and feel even more relaxed... feel good and calm.
  • Having evoked this reference state at least once, you can then train yourself in such a way that it will arise automatically.

VI. Conclusion. Conclusions.


Have you identified ways to overcome anxiety?

Work on forms.

(Annex 1)

Indicate in the forms which methods you choose for yourself.


Recognized stress expert Hans Selye believes that a small dose of stress adds vitality to us and sharpens our ability to cope with unpleasant situations. « Stress –

it’s not what happened to you, but how you perceive it”
(the statement is posted on the board)
Therefore, we need to perceive stress positively and include it in the list of our helpers! It makes us stronger and more resilient.

(The psychologist gives everyone a sheet with recommendations for overcoming anxiety.

(see Appendix 2)
and asks to contact him when necessary).
(complete sentence 2-3 with situations that usually cause anxiety)




(complete the sentence with the ways you use to overcome anxiety)







“Everything will be fine” - this clear attitude should never leave you.

There are no hopeless situations.

Think about your breathing. Since you are now excited, your brain has instructed your internal organs to work in active mode. Therefore, try to restore your breathing. Start breathing deeply and slowly, thinking about how the functioning of all organs is restored.

Do the following exercise:

Slowly take a deep breath. Hold your breath and count to four. Exhale slowly.

Repeat the procedure: slow inhalation-holding your breath-slow exhalation 4-5 times

Squat if you feel muscle tension in your knees.

Clench your fists, then shake them off, releasing all the tension that is holding you back.

Do the exercise from time to time before you find yourself in a situation that causes anxiety. Make it a habit to think through difficult situations in advance.

Sit quietly in a comfortable position. If you want, close your eyes.

Imagine yourself in a difficult situation. For example: Answer at the blackboard in the presence of the school principal.

Try to feel as calm as you can.

Think about what you will say and what you will do.

Come up with possible options for behavior until you feel absolutely calm.

Relaxation exercises help overcome anxiety. The ability to relax needs to be trained

Sit quietly in a comfortable position.

Close eyes. Slowly relax your muscles.

Imagine that you are in a place where it is very good and you don’t have to worry about anything. For example, on the beach, where the sun warms you with its rays.

Don't worry about anything, just listen to the music.

Do the exercise as often as possible, but at least once a week. Continue the exercise for at least 5-7 minutes.

Go to bed early

According to research, irregular sleep patterns and falling asleep later enhance processes in the brain that are responsible for arousal of the nervous system and increase the overall level of anxiety.

“Every person has a moderate feeling of anxiety. This is a natural protective reaction of the brain and our body,” explains researcher Fugen Neziroglu, who studies the relationship between sleep and neuropsychiatric disorders.

“Having a moderate level of concern for wellness is important. But it can be destructive when it starts to interfere with your life.” It is impossible to have a healthy emotional background and a strong nervous system without adequate sleep.

When people turn to psychotherapists to relieve severe anxiety, the first thing the doctor asks is how the person sleeps.

According to research, our body rests best if we go to bed at 9-10 pm and get up at 5-6 am.

Of course, not everyone can support such a regime. But if there is nothing important in your life that would prevent you from going to bed at such a time, try to follow the indicated regime. You will soon see for yourself that your well-being has improved and your anxiety level has decreased.

laughing are also important factors.

This is also interesting:

This is why it is so important to focus on health, not illness.

Embrace uncertainty

How to deal with constant anxiety?
How to deal with constant anxiety?

The ability to accept uncertainty plays a huge role in overcoming anxiety. People suffering from chronic anxiety cannot tolerate unpredictable situations. They need to know with 100% certainty in advance what will happen in the future. Anxiety for them is a way to predict this future and control the outcome of the situation.

The only problem is that this approach doesn't work. You need to accept the fact that life is completely unpredictable. And by focusing on worst-case scenarios, you neither bring those events closer nor further into reality.

Wake up so you don't have to rush

Analyzing the daily routine of anxious people, experts were convinced that most of them are very fussy in the morning. Neurotics find it harder to get out of bed in the morning. They either toss and turn for a long time before getting up or jump off abruptly when there is no time left to get ready to go to work or run errands. In a hurry, afraid of being late, people get nervous, worried, anxious, putting additional stress on their body.

But it is the morning that sets the rhythm and atmosphere of the whole day.

Those suffering from emotional and autonomic lability are advised to wake up so as not to fuss and rush in the morning. The beginning of a new day should be calm and measured. This will tune your nervous system in the right way and allow you to remain more balanced throughout the day.

Interesting facts about anxiety:

  • Fact 1
  • Fact 2
  • Fact 3

As anxiety increases, people begin to perceive neutral odors as unpleasant. Thus, anxiety gives our world a bad smell.

One study found that while rest can reduce anxiety, it does not help in stressful situations. Exercises have a longer lasting effect, helping to reduce anxiety in the most stressful situation.

People who suffer from more severe anxiety often experience problems with balance. They often feel dizzy and may feel a little unsteady when they stand up.

View Anxiety as a Feature, Not a Flaw

Worry and anxiety can be excruciatingly painful. However, these conditions have some advantages that you can easily turn to your advantage. Here's what psychotherapist and author Akshay Nanavati says: “Instead of being paralyzed by your worries, see them as a call to action. People who have a growth mentality believe that any event, no matter how bad, is an invaluable experience.” Don't blame your circumstances or question your abilities, just make anxiety your ally. This motivates you to make global changes that will improve your life.


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Use lavender oil

Lavender oil has many healing properties and can be used as a natural remedy to relieve anxiety and other nervous conditions. The best time to use this remedy is in the evening.

There are many ways you can use lavender essential oil for calm and relaxation:

  • Add lavender essential oil to your bath and soak for 15-20 minutes. The water should be warm, not too hot. If you can get fresh lavender in your city, add the leaves of the plant to the water - it’s beautiful and very beneficial for the nervous system.
  • To fall asleep faster, place a few drops of oil on your pillow. Quality essential oils leave no residue. If you are still afraid of staining your pillow, drip the oil onto a napkin and place it on top.
  • Use lavender for aromatherapy in special lamps. The sweet floral-woody scent of the oil will help you relax and fall asleep quickly.
  • For tension headaches, apply lavender oil to a cotton swab or fingertips and slowly rub into your temples. The smell will relax you and relieve headaches.
  • If you are receiving a massage, add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your base massage oil.
  • Smell lavender several times throughout the day. But be aware that it may cause drowsiness.

lavender essential oil

Anxiety and Perfectionism. 8 techniques for dealing with anxiety

Perfectionism is usually associated with a fear of evaluation.

And it can be externally oriented , when we want to be correct and good for others, and so that “they will say good things about me.” To be so perfect that no one even dares to think about criticizing anything!

And it can be internally oriented when there is a strong desire to be perfect for oneself. There is such an internal critic that external ones simply don’t have a chance)

Naturally, the principles of working with each option are slightly different.

But. Since there is something in common there, there are also coinciding methods of elaboration.

As soon as you notice that it’s “beginning” - breathe

There are several options for breathing techniques. The simplest one is “balloon breathing”. We imagine a tennis ball inside and move it up and down through breathing, increasing the amplitude. Or either increasing or decreasing. There is also “Breathing according to Wayne”, “Breathing in a square” and others. Everyone comes up.

Physical exercise

“If you are in your apartment, lie down on the floor - three or four!” – remember Vysotsky?

Very suit.

If you are NOT in your apartment, simple physical exercises are fine.

It is important for you to simply switch your attention and redirect your energy.

Start loving yourself not for something, but just because. Increase your self-worth

And self-esteem is also possible. Increase your importance.

Reduce the significance of what is happening

Often the problem and anxiety arises when we assign significance to a situation/people/anything that it really does not have. And the greater the significance, the stronger the nervous tension and associated anxiety.

After all, it’s obvious that we can all easily write a test in Russian now. As we can. And if at first we are told for 2 years: “You will write TEEEEEST! This will be the Unified State Exam!!! This is what will determine your entire future Life!!”, then with the same knowledge, but frayed nerves, in fact, we will do the SAME. BUT! At what cost will we get this?

Filter what is of the nature “I came up with it myself, I got scared”

There is adequate anxiety when we worry about children and parents. And there is a far-fetched one. If this is far-fetched, ask yourself “Why should I worry? Need more? or is it time to finish?”

After all, we make our own choices every moment of our lives. Sami.

If the answer is “Still necessary!”, then most likely there is a “Secondary benefit”

This is when we specifically choose to worry so that, for example, we can complain and get Attention.

Recognize and write down limiting Beliefs

It is through cause-and-effect relationships called beliefs that we shape our reality.

For example, if we believe that “if I am not the best always, then life is not a success,” then this supports the importance of this bestness. Always and in everything. But it doesn’t happen)) And here it is important and necessary to work with this belief and reformulate it into another, even into several other, supporting beliefs.

Specifics are the queen of psychological health

As long as we operate with the concepts of “everything, always, never, everything,” it will remain as it was. Simple questions to yourself: “What exactly am I afraid of?”, What exactly am I worried about?”, “What exactly could happen if...?” etc. allow you to start worrying hundreds, or even millions of times less. It depends on what “everything” is and what happens in the “specific” version.

Compare: “All my work is terrible! I am a worthless creature!” or “I am an ordinary Person. I may make a couple of typos, like others, but the meaning and essence are bomb!”

These are basic coaching techniques that are worked on independently (self-coaching) and used by coaches, starting from the basic level of Coaching. Coaches studying at our school for sure. I can’t say for sure about other schools.

In any case, by practicing at least a couple of points, you will definitely get results.

And I will be glad if you share these results with me @polezhaeva_pro or

Anxiety is also a “beacon” of safety. And not always and not every anxiety is worth working through.

Psychology and man are an eternal and inexhaustible topic. Each person and his request is unique. It is unrealistic to describe all the options in the article.

Have a good day!

Polezhaeva Yulia Vyacheslavovna


Reduce caffeine, sugar and junk foods in your diet

Caffeine can cause heart palpitations if you take too much. It can also cause panic attacks, especially if you have an anxiety disorder.

Sugar acts as an adrenal stimulant. The organ begins to produce more cortisol and adrenaline. It is these substances produced in the adrenal glands that cause panic attacks, fear, anxiety, and restlessness.

In addition, sugar provokes fermentation in the intestines and has many other negative effects.

If you want to relieve anxiety, reduce your intake of this product or avoid it altogether.

Try to switch to proper nutrition by eliminating harmful foods from your diet. Healthy food strengthens the nervous system and helps avoid many diseases.

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Realize that your feelings and anxious thoughts are not facts.

One of the most difficult tasks of a psychotherapist when working with neurotics is to convince an anxious client that feelings of low self-esteem, guilt, fear, and shame are not facts.

Negative thoughts cause negative feelings. The constant feeling of negative feelings turns into chronic anxiety and neurosis.

To get rid of somatoform disorder, you need to realize that your negative feelings, thoughts, emotions exist only in your inner world. Just because you think poorly of yourself does not mean that others think the same of you. If you consider your life a failure, there will be a thousand people who will envy your position.

When you understand and realize that only you yourself provoke your anxiety disorder, and no one and nothing from the outside can influence your perception, then you will be able to control your thoughts and feelings.

This is not an easy job and often cannot be done without the help of a competent psychologist/psychotherapist.

Simple techniques to increase your awareness and get rid of increased anxiety

Remember that thoughts precede feelings. Negative thoughts lead to negative emotions, which lead to negative behavior.

How to challenge your negative mood and state:

  1. Write down your anxious thoughts periodically. Notice when you feel anxious, are these moments related to what is happening in your thoughts? You will soon be convinced that an unpleasant state appears precisely after scrolling through certain thoughts.
  2. Describe the feelings that accompany the thoughts. Think and describe each feeling that comes to you in one word, for example: disappointed, angry, tired, worthless, defeated. This will allow you to build a relationship between certain thoughts and sensations in order to get rid of them in the future.
  3. Learn to evaluate reality objectively This is the hardest thing because we always lack objectivity regarding the truth. Let's say you're worried that you won't get the position you expected at work. Think objectively about whether there is evidence that you do not deserve this promotion? You will find that many of your thoughts are completely unfounded and far from the true state of affairs in reality.

The good news is that if you created the negative thought that creates anxiety, you can get it out of your head.

Why is it so hard to stop worrying?

This is due to the fact that the attitude towards anxiety itself is a complex phenomenon. On the one hand, a person may continue to worry because he believes that his anxiety can magically help avoid a negative outcome of events. On the other hand, realizing the impact of negative emotions on the psyche and body, paradoxically a person begins to worry about the fact that he is anxious. These two aspects contribute to increased excitement.

5 actions to help cope with anxiety

Let's look at several options to help deal with it.

Practice Gratitude

No matter how bad you feel, there is always someone worse off. Remember this. Be grateful for your life and everything in it.

Record and remember the positive moments in your life. Focus on the good, not the bad. On what already is, and not on what is not.

In many spiritual and religious teachings, discontent is associated with illness. And a person’s ability to be grateful is with high awareness and goodness.

Psychotherapists working with people suffering from neuroses find that most of them are extremely dissatisfied with their lives and have little reason to feel grateful.

Relieving anxiety is impossible without rethinking your life, your position in it and forming a new positive worldview.

Learn to recognize the physical signs of anxiety

People are individuals, so they experience anxiety differently. In this regard, some methods of calming are suitable for some, and others are suitable for others. Start by understanding how your body responds to stress. Do you feel tension in your muscles, are you cold, or want to escape the scene? Is your heart pounding feverishly, your head spinning, and beads of sweat clearly visible on your forehead? Perhaps your stomach is telling you that something is not right with you and you are feeling a little nauseous? You can use these and other body signals to your advantage if you want to learn how to manage your anxiety.


Learning to tolerate imperfection is part of a self-improvement project.

It turns out that owls sleep like people - on their stomachs: 10 funny photos

Not only tasty, but also very healthy: prepare strawberry-ginger lemonade

Get regular medical checkups

Sudden anxiety disorder, panic attacks, fatigue, sleep disturbance are not always associated with psychological problems of the individual.

diagnostics, tests, examination
Sometimes such psycho-emotional reactions are a consequence of physiological diseases. Especially associated with the endocrine system, regulating the hormonal levels of the body.

In such conditions, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. If you are physically healthy, then there will be no doubt - the problem is in your head and you need to work on yourself.

It is recommended to get tested every year to monitor your health.

Timely regular examination will not only allow timely detection of developing diseases, but also significantly reduce the likelihood of hypochondriacal disorder. It often appears during neuroses and further aggravates the condition of the sufferer.

Online appointment with a doctor in any city in Russia

Just take a step

Procrastination and anxiety go hand in hand. Since people are afraid of certain events, they try with all their might to postpone the meeting with them, thereby dragging themselves even deeper into the abyss of failure. Many scientific studies show that people often respond to anxiety with avoidance. The tactic of an ostrich, which prefers to bury its head in the sand at the slightest danger, may seem tempting, but it kills control over the situation.


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