High emotional sensitivity: how to learn to live with it?

The consequences of nervous shock can be very serious. A person changes for the worse, becomes withdrawn, aggressive, confused, angry. If help is not provided in time and treatment is not started during this period of time, serious diseases of the nervous system will develop, manifested in mania, unhealthy desires or obsessions.

That is why it is important to understand when nervous shock begins. First of all, this mental disorder characterizes intellectual impairment. Please note that if your loved one began to suffer from memory loss, stopped perceiving information, became absent-minded, and has poor spatial orientation, then these are alarm bells.

In addition, nervous shock is accompanied by severe depression with strange pains, character changes or insomnia.

How to help yourself with nervous shock

If you find alarming signs that characterize nervous shock, first of all, you should contact a good psychologist. He will help you cope with this serious illness and return to normal life.

In such a difficult period of life, you should get a good night's sleep and rest a lot.

The best option for relaxation is trips to nature and fresh air.

If you have the opportunity to take a vacation or time off from work, immediately take it and go to the country or to the sea.
Try taking some meditation courses at . If you are a believer, go to church, pray, unburden yourself.

Change your diet, stick to proper nutrition. Don't forget about the magical properties of real chocolate, because it has been proven that sweets lift your mood.

There are many natural remedies that can help cope with nervous shock. One of the most popular plants is valerian. If you take a tincture based on this natural remedy a couple of times a day for one week, you will notice a positive result.

If you feel that anger and aggressiveness is growing, do not restrain yourself. It is imperative to throw out all negative emotions. You have every right to do this. Cry your heart out, hit your pillow and break the dishes! It will become easier. After emotional release, brew yourself strong tea with lemon, lie down in bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket and sleep. Sleep will return the energy you have lost and allow your nervous system to recover.

Severe emotional shock

is a serious mental health test for a person of any age. At what age is it most easily tolerated and without serious consequences?

The question is not easy and there is no definite answer to it, since we are all different, and the state of our health at the same age can vary dramatically.

Women experience strong emotional shocks very painfully.

They are not so vulnerable - they are more stable and more resilient in this regard.

Older people may develop severe disorders after a stressful episode. This is explained by the fact that the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems decreases.

Children, unlike adult mothers and fathers, react differently:

boys show greater sensitivity than girls to the same stressor.

It would seem that the younger the age, the easier it is, especially for children. A very young child is emotionally sensitive, but forgets everything very quickly. For example, if a child loses a parent at the age of 3, he will grieve greatly, but will quickly be consoled by the ability to quickly adapt.

However, there is another side to this. Children endure stress at any age - at the age at which it happens, but HOW they tolerate it depends largely on the adult. If mom or dad, out of grief, become angry drinking hysterics, a child at any age and with any health condition will be left with a burden of “consequences” - even at 3 years old, even at 14 years old.

What do the researchers say?

Studies by scientists from different countries have shown that children who have previously suffered a strong emotional shock, for example, the loss of a parent or loved one, increase the risk of developing asthma in adulthood. Previously, asthma was thought to be a cause of depression. It was also implied that emotional experiences could trigger and intensify her symptoms, but that they were the root cause of the disease itself - this was not previously known.

According to studies, the shocks that subsequently cause asthma included episodes such as violence - sexual and physical, death of parents, neglect from loved ones, divorce of parents, alcoholism of parents, their criminal activity, mental illness of parents, violence within the family, difficult economic situation in family. However, the risk of developing asthma in adulthood increased due to anxiety and depression experienced in childhood.

Thus, the following conclusion suggests itself: negative events that happened to a child in childhood have a strong impact on human health in the future. And it doesn’t matter at what age these events occurred.

Human life is one way or another connected with stress. Many people put work and career first, without thinking about health, especially mental health. But working too hard inevitably leads to nervous exhaustion, and the body has to devote all its strength to overcoming stress. Of course, stress is often associated with other areas of life: family, relationships, unforeseen situations. In each of these cases, the shock can be quite deep and the probable onset of nervous disorders.

If you feel the onset of stress, feel constant fatigue, anxiety and worries, you should take care of your health. But it happens that emotional shock happens unexpectedly, and its consequences are unpredictable. Scientists from the University of Massachusetts conducted a study that showed that after experiencing stress, it is best to let the body sleep.

During the experiment, scientists were able to prove that after sleep, all experiences are perceived more calmly.

A group of young people aged 18-30 years took part in the study. They were asked to rate the photo on a scale of emotional impact. After 12 hours, they were shown the same photographs, with a few new ones added to them. At the same time, people were divided into two groups: one was allowed to sleep between shows, and the second was not. As a result, those who were asleep perceived and remembered the photographs better than those who were awake.

The scientists' conclusions boil down to the fact that after sleep, people more easily experience the emotions perceived before sleep. At the same time, they better remember the details of the experience. In connection with the results of this experiment, scientists are convinced that daytime sleep is necessary for modern man; it will help quickly restore the nervous system after emotional stress.

Natalya Luchina

What is hypersensitivity and how to live with it

Approximately every fifth individual is characterized by increased psychological vulnerability, and this applies not only to humans. Higher vertebrates can also be divided into two groups - sensitive and more coarse. The latter are determined and more often willing to take risks. We humans are divided not only by gender, but also by belonging to one of two psychological types. And the difference between these types is often greater than between the sexes.

Hypersensitivity is a phenomenon noticed by psychologists quite a long time ago, but previously it was called something else, for example, introversion. According to the American psychologist Elaine Aron, who first described the characteristics of a hypersensitive personality, she herself believed for some time that introversion and hypersensitivity were the same thing, until she established that 30% of hypersensitive people are extroverts.

“Highly sensitive individuals are called uptight, anxious or shy. These qualities can really manifest themselves if such people find themselves in an unusual environment, without finding support and help from others. However, it should be noted that, despite the difficulties that we experience in unusual conditions, in a familiar and peaceful environment we are happier than everyone else.

It is scientifically proven that we have a harder time withstanding unfamiliar surroundings and are happier in a calm atmosphere: according to research, children whose reaction to difficulties was strongly negative (that is, hypersensitive children) were more likely to get sick and make mistakes when they found themselves in a hostile environment. However, in the usual peaceful environment, the same children got sick less often than others.”

Observation and thoughtfulness

The nervous system of hypersensitive individuals is distinguished by special sensitivity. We notice many nuances and analyze them deeper than everyone else. We have a rich imagination and vivid imagination, thanks to which even the most insignificant events of the surrounding reality encourage us to build hypotheses and draw conclusions. Thus, our internal “hard drive” becomes full faster and we become overstimulated.

From an overabundance of impressions, I personally get the feeling that more information simply won’t fit into my head. When I communicate with unfamiliar people, a similar feeling can arise after about half an hour or an hour. I am quite capable of pulling myself together and maintaining a conversation by listening to the other person and pretending that everything is as it should be. However, it takes me a lot of energy to do this, and afterwards I feel completely overwhelmed.

There is nothing wrong with being overstimulated, but if you are hypersensitive, then in such a situation you will feel an overabundance of information earlier than ordinary people, which will make you want to withdraw and withdraw into yourself. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in the description below. Eric says that when he is overexcited, he tries to hide and be alone with himself for a while, but secretly, because he is afraid that others will consider him arrogant, uncommunicative or withdrawn:

During big family occasions, such as birthdays, I often lock myself in the toilet, look in the mirror and spend a long time washing my hands, thoroughly soaping them. But at this moment someone inevitably pulls the handle of the door to the toilet, and I have to leave my quiet and peaceful refuge. One day I decided to hide behind a newspaper - I sat down in the corner, unfolded the newspaper, brought it closer to my face and closed my eyes, enjoying the peace. But my uncle, a famous joker, quietly crept up to me, snatched the newspaper from my hands and loudly announced: “Aha-ah! So our recluse got caught!” Everyone laughed, and I was ready to fall through the ground.

Eric, 48 years old

As a hypersensitive person, you are quickly tired not only of negative impressions - even when you find yourself at a fun holiday, at a certain moment you seem to be oversaturated, and in the midst of the celebration you feel a strong desire to withdraw into yourself. At such moments, this lack greatly depresses us, because in most cases we want to be as “hardy” as everyone else. Leaving the holiday before everyone else, we, firstly, feel awkward in front of the hosts, who beg us to stay. Secondly, we ourselves are sorry to leave the holiday and we are afraid of appearing boring or ignorant to the other guests.

The reason for increased excitability lies in our overly sensitive nervous system, but thanks to it we are also able to experience genuine joy.

For example, those pleasant and calm experiences that arise when we listen to music or birdsong, look at pictures, inhale aromas, taste something delicious or admire a majestic landscape, awaken in us a feeling akin to inner jubilation. We are able to fully appreciate the beautiful, and this gives us incomparable pleasure.

Sensitivity to sensations

If you're hypersensitive, you may have a hard time distracting yourself from strange sounds, smells, or visual stimuli. At times, sensations imposed from outside drive you crazy. Sounds that others barely notice seem like terrible noise to you, making it difficult to concentrate.

For example, on New Year's Eve, the sky, colored with fireworks, probably brings you complete delight, which cannot be said about the explosions of firecrackers. It seems that these sounds penetrate every cell and play on your nerves, so on New Year’s Eve and after it you are not yourself.

When I give lectures or therapy sessions to highly sensitive individuals, I ask listeners to share their best and worst experiences. Often New Year's Eve is on the list of the worst, and the reason for this is the explosion of firecrackers.

Hypersensitive people are irritated by even completely harmless sounds - for example, steps in the apartment from above. In addition, they are distinguished by very sensitive sleep. From the outside, the hypersensitive seems to be very picky: in particular, they cannot stand cold and drafts, so they try to avoid open-air parties. And visiting a hairdresser sometimes turns into real torture due to the pungent chemical odors. They also have a hard time visiting smokers. Even if the owner tries not to smoke in front of the guest, the smell of tobacco, ingrained in the furniture and curtains, will certainly reach the sensitive nose. I was told about one poor guy who even quit his job because his colleagues were constantly listening to the radio and it was making it difficult for him to concentrate.

Hypersensitive individuals are rare guests in cafes where loud music is played or where there are too many people. It can be difficult for highly sensitive people to find a cafe that suits their taste - especially if they are tired, hungry and are not walking alone.

I'm so hard to please that I sometimes hate myself. Less fastidious people don’t even imagine how easy life is for them!

Suzanne, 23 years old

For us, highly sensitive people, many things are not easy for us. Our pain threshold is lower than others, and therefore hostility from the outside world hurts us much more.


Many hypersensitive people admit that they hate quarrels and swearing. They can hardly stand it when those around them quarrel or are simply in a bad mood. However, this feature also has its advantages: we are able to show sensitivity and respond to the feelings of others. For this reason, we often choose professions that allow us to help others, and we often succeed in this activity.

Highly sensitive people who work in healthcare report that they often feel exhausted at the end of the workday. Because of our impressionability, excessive sensitivity and inability to abstract ourselves, we allow other people's experiences to influence us and therefore, when we come home, we still think about work.

If your work involves people, I advise you to take care of yourself, because stress leads to the most disastrous consequences.

I am often asked if it is possible to overcome excessive impressionability in yourself. Thanks to hypersensitivity, a person develops unique invisible antennas that allow them to capture the mood of others. From time to time I myself want to get rid of these antennas forever and thus cut off the endless stream of impressions.

I want to go blind, deaf and insensitive. And although this is most likely impossible, any of us is quite capable of controlling our own perceptions.

If you feel that your friend or colleague is unhappy with you, you can draw one of two conclusions: “He is angry with me. What did I do wrong? or “He just doesn’t know how to solve his problems himself, and that’s why he’s upset.” By choosing the second way of reasoning, you will significantly reduce the degree of your own experiences. In Chapter 8, I explain the relationship between feelings and thoughts in more detail.

Under favorable circumstances, excessive sensitivity brings certain benefits. Thus, psychologist and neuropathologist Susan Hart noted the following pattern:

Infants who are more responsive to their environment are more likely to respond to stimuli. If at the same time the child is surrounded by love and raised in a calm environment, then he shows greater interest in life and the ability to empathize, knows how to rejoice and more easily achieves a state of harmony with the world around him.

Susan Hart, 2009

Highly sensitive people who grow up in a supportive environment learn from childhood to see a certain advantage in their characteristics. However, those who did not receive affection and love in childhood can also learn to support themselves and manage their lives in such a way as to turn hypersensitivity into an advantage.

Responsibility and integrity

An experiment involving highly sensitive four-year-olds showed that such children were less likely to lie, less likely to break rules, and less likely to behave selfishly, even when they believed no one was watching. In addition, they resolve moral dilemmas in a more socially responsible manner.

Many hypersensitive individuals sometimes take responsibility for the whole world. Often, from a very early age, we detect dissatisfaction from others and try with all our might to correct the situation.

Feeling that my mother was dissatisfied with something, I was ready to do anything to help her and came up with different ways to make her life easier. One day, for example, I decided that I would smile at everyone we met on the street - both acquaintances and strangers. I thought that in this case they would all decide that my mother was a real sorceress, because she managed to raise such a sweet child.

Hannah, 57 years old

Feeling disharmony, you immediately try to correct the situation and take control of the situation. For example, if someone is arguing at a party, you patiently listen to them, try to console them, or suggest different ways to solve their problem. As a result, you soon get tired and leave the party, and the former enemies forget about the quarrel and continue to have fun.

Responsibility is a good quality, but it is not useful in all situations. The main reason that prevents you from remaining indifferent is that other people's experiences greatly affect you and you begin to get nervous. On the other hand, taking responsibility for the whole world is pointless. By taking responsibility for something, you are depriving someone else of responsibility, who could do with learning to take responsibility for their own actions.

Having learned to stay away from other people's quarrels, I certainly extended my life.

Egon, 62 years old

Highly sensitive individuals often consider themselves to be the culprits of the bad mood of others and therefore try to show extreme delicacy. Thick-skinned people are less likely to think about the consequences of their words and actions, which often hurt those who are highly sensitive.

When talking to me, hypersensitive people often admit that an offensive or even simply careless statement they hear addressed to them completely unsettles them. They expect from others the same sensitivity that they show themselves, but in vain - most people are absolutely indifferent to the feelings of others. And it’s better to be prepared for this than to be horrified over and over again.

It is logical to assume that because of such scrupulousness, you are slow to establish contact with other people, and often lose in disputes, because a witty answer comes to your mind only after a couple of days. I will make a reservation, however, that hypersensitive individuals are not always

They are scrupulous, sensitive and responsible. In a state of overexcitation, we become completely unbearable and capable of rash acts.

What is shock trauma

Until misfortune touches us, we tend to live in the illusion that the world around us is safe and we are in control of our lives. But the real world easily destroys our fantasies, and its impact can traumatize both our body and psyche. In psychology, there is a special type of psychotrauma – shock trauma.

The shock reaction occurs when a person is faced with an event that he experiences as a threat to his life (or the lives of others - observer trauma). Events that can lead to shock trauma include: natural disasters, catastrophes, violence (robbery, rape, etc.), military operations, sudden loss of loved ones, operations, many medical interventions, severe incurable diseases, sudden loss social status (divorce, job loss, bankruptcy, etc.). All these events occur suddenly and cause a strong feeling of fear and helplessness in a person. In this case, a special condition arises - shock (which is why the injury is called shock). Shock trauma becomes a turning point in a person’s life, dividing life into “before” and “after” the injury.

Consequences of shock trauma

The effects of trauma can have a very strong and destructive impact on the individual. This may be suicidal tendencies and addiction, psychosomatic illnesses, split personality, and the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). All these disorders do not appear immediately; they can occur only several years after the traumatic event, so it is not always possible to understand their cause. For example, manifestations of PTSD are characterized by anxiety, unreasonable fears, a feeling of “frozenness” (lack of feelings), avoidance of communication, problems falling asleep, sudden outbursts of irritability, etc.

Left part of the diagram

The left part in the figure is very important, but it is suitable not only for HSPs, but also for ordinary people.


The first very important area is money. HSPs often have problems with money, because money often goes against relationships; it is something alien to us.

HSPs do not intuitively feel the rules for handling money. Therefore, there are special techniques and exercises aimed at enabling an HSP to make friends with money, so that he begins to relate to it in a new way and fall in love with money.


It is important for HSPs to work through the issue of greed

. Most of you were once told not to be greedy, you were scolded and condemned for it. But without the skill of holding money, the money will not come.

After working through greed, you should work on the issue of generosity

When you become greedy, you don't want to give money away and you suffer when you have to part with the money. There are certain money skills
, how to handle money. This is from the field of financial accounting, accounting, etc.


The next question is self-realization. It is important for an HSP, more than anyone else, to do something that ignites him emotionally. When an HSP trades his life for money, i.e. goes to an unloved job just for the sake of money, he feels what K. Marx called self-alienation. A person feels that he is doing something wrong and is wasting his life for no apparent reason.

Many HSPs suffer from this, so the issue of self-realization, understanding what you want and how you want it, what lights you up internally, what you want to do, what benefit you want to bring, is very important.

In this regard, there are a number of issues that are important to understand - values, fears

, which prevent us from going where we really care,
, which also often stops us.
And another very important point is emotions
, because it is thanks to connection with our emotions that we have the opportunity to feel the range of experiences, the brightness that is present in our lives when we are doing something important to us.

Affairs and activity

The next important questions are about business and activity, without which life also does not work very well. This is perfectionism

, because HSPs are especially susceptible to perfectionism. We get very worried when we do something imperfectly.

Another difficult thing for an HSP is the problem of choice.

. Previously, I could make some important decision for 2-4 months. And it really was like that, I couldn’t make up my mind. We HSPs dig too deep, we see too many options. When a person has a choice problem, he cannot begin to act. HSPs sometimes find themselves unable to make a decision for years. Therefore, it is very important to be able to choose correctly.

Regarding business and activity, it is also worth noting about rest

. There are certain specifics of rest, that is, how we should rest. We get tired much faster than ordinary people.

Raising Children and Building Relationships

Separate blocks can highlight the topics of raising children and building relationships with the opposite sex (or with the same sex, if you are homosexual); these are relationships with a loved one whom you love and with whom you go through life.

I did not reveal these topics, they are very large and resonate with what was described above and with your personal growth. If you master the minimum, basic and advanced levels, then everything becomes much clearer with relationships, because you are in agreement with yourself, you trust other people and know how to build interactions.

The situation is similar with children, because children copy you. We will do separate courses, master classes, mini-trainings on raising children, we already have small master classes on this topic. The main principle in the topic about children is that when you work on yourself, children copy all your behavior patterns and repeat after you.

The topic of children intersects with another voluminous topic about selfishness. It is better to work on yourself and set an example for children than if you yourself suffer and think only about the child.

Mechanism of action of shock trauma

During shock trauma, physiological response mechanisms are activated - flight, fight or freezing (numbness). When there is no way to avoid or overcome danger, the body gets into a “dead end” and the body freezes, “freezes”. The mouse caught by the cat freezes at this moment. We can see the same process in people in a state of shock. This is an unconscious, physiological protective reaction that we cannot control. Its goal is to protect us from too strong painful sensations and feelings that cannot be experienced, a kind of “pain relief”, anesthesia. Animals, as soon as the threat passes, come out of this frozen state - they shake themselves and tremble violently, thus releasing bound energy, and can continue their normal lives. People have lost the skill of natural recovery from a frozen state, so we cannot completely return from a traumatic state without special help. Part of the energy remains “bound” in the nervous system, so the person continues to live as if the traumatic situation had not yet ended.


After a shocking traumatic event, which was not fully humanly reacted at the bodily level and rethought, he finds himself in a vicious circle. On the one hand, there is fear and avoidance of both memories of what happened and similar situations reminiscent of the event, and on the other, the body feels the need to release bound energy. Therefore, situations that repeat the events of trauma are often unconsciously attracted; it is as if the person himself attracts dangerous situations. But at the same time, he cannot react differently, the freezing reaction turns on earlier than the flight/fight reactions, repeated trauma occurs, and the “passive” freezing reaction becomes more and more consolidated with each subsequent stressful situation. Traumatic situations accumulate and a trauma funnel is formed.

The Trauma Funnel and the Healing Funnel

The Trauma Funnel is a metaphor for the defensive state of a traumatized person when faced with any threatening situation. The trauma vortex is a whirlpool that absorbs unrealized fight-flight energy. When a person is in the vortex of trauma, he experiences fear, dizziness, depression, compression, loss of strength, cold, heaviness, stiffness, while striving for self-suppression, self-restraint and self-destruction. The state of the trauma vortex begins to arise over time in situations that do not objectively threaten a person’s life, therefore, often for others, the behavior of a person in the trauma vortex is incomprehensible and inexplicable, as well as for himself. Because instinctive mechanisms operate during traumatic events, conscious control—our normal self—is partially or completely absent. We lose control over the situation and over our reactions (many people cannot remember at all what exactly happened at the moment of shock trauma). Such a repeated experience of “losing oneself” gives rise to a feeling of helplessness, self-doubt, a person feels like a victim, experiences enormous fear, guilt, shame and self-hatred.

However, by working with our bodily sensations, we can avoid falling into the vortex of trauma by consciously engaging the vortex of healing, when we intentionally shift our attention, look for opposite sensations in our bodily experience - stretching, a feeling of warmth, a feeling of waves of energy, relaxation, calmness, a feeling of lightness, a sense of present time, etc.

Only by being in a resource-safe state of the healing funnel can you gradually discharge the frozen energy of the trauma funnel.

How to help someone who has experienced trauma

One of the most common mistakes is to try to forget as quickly as possible, to ignore the event, not to talk about it, to erase it from memory. Thus, we fuel the state of shock and do not give the opportunity to complete the situation on a physical and emotional level. Therefore, immediately after the event that caused the shock reaction, as soon as possible, the injured person needs to:

  • place him in a safe place where his body can relax;
  • There must be people around him whom he can trust, safe people who are ready to listen to everything that comes up, accept and help him survive the natural bodily reactions and strong feelings that arise.

There is not enough support for relatives because they too are partly affected by the impact of the trauma. It is important to immediately involve a psychologist. It’s good when there is still a system of people you can turn to - friends, neighbors, acquaintances, distant relatives, colleagues at work. The most important thing is not to lose contact with other people, to prevent isolation and withdrawal. It is important to speak out, to speak out what has accumulated, and not to keep it to yourself. This is the only way to avoid long-term effects of injury.

Psychological mines and emotions

Psychological mines consist of four emotions: resentment, guilt, shame and envy.

. HSPs generally have strong emotions. I put this out as a separate block, because the topic of mines and the 4 listed emotions permeates all areas of life. In any topic, working on emotions helps a lot. HSPs have a lot of grievances, we have expectations from other people, there is a ban on being offended, we are ashamed to be offended.

Guilt and shame are constant companions of HSPs. For a long time I didn’t know that I had guilt, it was blocked and it prevented me from building relationships and intimacy. Envy is also not an obvious emotion, I didn’t realize it either, because I was told as a child that envy is bad and you can’t be envious.

There are also separate topics about justice, achieving the ideal

. There are a lot of individual topics, they can be divided into different classifications.

I have now tried to unload this from my head onto the Mind map so that you can understand how, where and why to move on. There can be many approaches to this.

How high sensitivity is studied in the West

High sensitivity is dealt with mainly only in the West. Few people here know about this. They have less information; they don’t have the tools that I just described to you.

Usually it all comes down to the recommendation to accept yourself, rest properly, and life will get better. Although HSPs have many more problems. It is possible that this is a specificity of Western people, they have fewer problems, but we are greatly traumatized by socialist upbringing or by parents who were raised under the Soviet Union.

How to overcome the long-term effects of injury

If help was not provided on time, and the person already suffers from post-traumatic disorder, only professional psychological help is needed. Methods of psychotherapy that help get rid of the consequences of trauma - behavioral therapy, bodynamics, EMDR, existential therapy. In such a situation, there is a difficult task - to restore trust in oneself and trust in people, confidence that a person can manage both his body and his life.

If you understand that the cause of your problems is the consequences of trauma, your personal activity in recovery is very important. Here are the basic principles to follow:

  • communication with other people;
  • contribution to society (feeling needed);
  • working on personal relationships;
  • refusal of alcohol and other “painkillers”;

The effects of trauma can only be overcome when you experience it physically, emotionally, and understand the impact it had on you. At the moment when your life was in danger, you lost control of the situation. But something greater than your personality took control of the situation, and it was only thanks to this force that you survived. It doesn’t matter what name you give it - God, the unconscious, the higher mind, or instinctive nature, but recognition and trust in this force eliminates fear, allows you to believe in yourself, gives a new look at your life and the place of trauma in it, hope for recovery and gaining wholeness.

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Causes of emotional stress

The state of emotional tension in most cases is caused by a person’s inability to express his emotional and sensory experiences. Usually this concerns the processing and outburst of negative emotions, which have the most destructive effect on the psyche. It is in expressing such feelings that many people have difficulty. This is due to social norms of behavior, prohibitions on expressing aggressiveness and discontent. Many people are taught from childhood that they should not be angry with certain people or resist certain actions. Cultivating willpower and character leads to the creation of an outwardly positive and desirable image - a person. Who does not cry, does not get angry, does not take offense, who is able to forgive everything and enjoys what is unacceptable. The problem is that simply hiding such experiences does not disappear anywhere and begins to destroy not only the psyche, but also the physical health of a person. Instead of refusing to acknowledge certain feelings, it is necessary to teach children to express them in a constructive way, without holding them inside.

In addition to such internal factors that are absorbed at a very early age, there is also an external influence. Thus, stressful situations and constant discomfort caused by external events lead to emotional tension. This includes an unloved job, a boring husband, annoying children, noisy neighbors, construction outside the window, unfulfilled dreams. Many of these factors are not even consciously noted by a person when he tries to understand the causes of his own irritation, but they continue to influence. And if you can change your way of reacting and expressing emotions in a few months, then some external circumstances are beyond our influence.

The difference between our idea of ​​how the world should be and what manifestations of it we encounter is the most powerful factor provoking emotional stress. These differences can arise on the basis of objective or fictitious differences. So, it is quite logical to expect support and attention from a loved one, and when betrayal or ridicule occurs instead, tension arises. But these can also be illusions that cause increasingly greater claims to the world - for example, the desire for everyone to have lunch at a certain time or to understand your words the first time.

Additional factors that make a person more susceptible to events and lead to overstrain are increased fatigue, sleep deprivation, and any dissatisfaction. The physical state plays a crucial role in the regulation of emotions, therefore, if there is a slight emotional shock with a balanced feeling of the body, it can go unnoticed. Conversely, a passing remark from a stranger can lead to a serious emotional breakdown due to lack of sleep and hunger.

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