30 ways to gain authority and achieve respect in your team

We strongly associate career achievements with hard and continuous work. A person who has worked diligently for a long time clearly deserves to receive a reward corresponding to the efforts expended.

However, think about this: the more time and energy we devote to work, the better our relationships with our boss become and the worse with our family and loved ones. Unfortunately, the modern world is such that it is increasingly difficult to find a balance between work and personal life. And there is nothing good about that.

Answer the question: are you planning to go on vacation this year? How, no too? A recent American study showed that more than 135 million people (56% of respondents) did not go on vacation during the year. Almost 10 million of them reported that they had not been on holiday in the previous year.

According to research, 30% of workers feel work-related stress even when they are on a completely legal vacation.

These hard-working and restless employees often check their emails and voicemails while on vacation, and constantly run through work-related issues in their heads.

The thing is that we all have round-the-clock access to work tools. This is why it is very difficult for many to draw the line between a normal work process and workaholism in the final stage.

How to tell if you're a workaholic

Take a look at this list and see if you are becoming a victim of workaholism.

You have stopped separating work and personal life

Work comes first for you. You almost can't help but think about her, and it doesn't really bother you. When you are busy with extraneous, non-work related activities, you feel guilty. You think that you wasted your time and definitely need to compensate for it somehow.

This feeling is your constant and faithful companion. It is because of it that you answer another call, message or email after hours in the vain hope of somehow dulling it. You don't want to let your colleagues, boss or clients down by being out of their reach. You don't even need a strict manager who would force you to work constantly. You are doing a great job with this yourself.

Are you chained to your desk?

You are an early bird. You are the first one to arrive at work and the last one to leave. You never take lunch breaks, preferring to grab a quick snack at your desk, because this is the time to clear out the emails that have accumulated during the morning. The most you can do is walk a little along the corridor to stretch your stiff limbs.

Do you think vacations are for wimps?

The word "vacation" sounds like a dirty word to you. If you are not at work, then you are sure to worry about how things are going there. The best vacation option for you is to relax at home.

Such holidays always end in the same disastrous way: at some point you simply start working from home. And you are quite happy with this arrangement. By constantly sending follow-up emails and messages to everyone, you more or less ensure yourself a connection with the outside world.

Your personal interests have faded into the background

Work interests are ahead of the rest, but you don’t have to pay attention to personal ones. Moreover, this happens even in situations where constant overwork begins to negatively affect the general physical condition.

Of course, you could do something that would bring you pleasure and have a beneficial effect on your health: for example, play tennis or swim in the pool. But you are afraid that you will lose your job if you start spending too much time on these activities. The only thing that can force you to play tennis is a friendly sparring session with your boss or potential client.

Are you afraid to delegate?

You think that if you delegate your work responsibilities to someone else, something terrible will definitely happen: the world will collapse, the business will go to the bottom, and the company will go bankrupt.

The only person you can trust completely and completely is yourself.

Often, even after a very busy day at work, you still do not feel satisfied with the work done. You just have to work late into the night to make sure that you are truly worth something.

Think about the fact that trusting trusted people with some tasks is not so bad. There are no irreplaceable people, and it is unlikely that you are doing something that someone else cannot easily repeat.

The following 10 ways to gain authority

  1. Don't reveal yourself completely
  2. It is necessary to create a deficit of yourself, to put a little veil of mystery on your appearance so that people begin to listen to your thoughts and words - daily chatter about nothing turns your voice into monotonous noise, people lose interest. However, you shouldn’t remain silent 24/7 either.

  3. No chatter
  4. Speaking of chatter. Try to avoid being intrusive. Uncontrolled flows of words do not make anyone look good and create the feeling that you are a very unreliable person.

    ADVICE! Speak only to the point to create the image of an expert who understands his business and become an authority among his colleagues.

  5. Don't obey
  6. Especially if you are new to a large team. Immediately there will be a group of people willing to teach you something new. There is a risk of addiction. Immediately determine who is your boss: take advice from other people very scrupulously.


  7. Don't try to please everyone at once
  8. Firstly, this is impossible: each person has his own idea of ​​an ideal personality, and you will not be able to please everyone. The main thing is that your ill-wishers know about your originality and ability to value yourself. You don't need to love, you need to respect.

  9. Forget about gossip
    • A simple rule: never collect rumors and later spread them throughout the office. You'll probably get new things to talk about with your colleagues, but sooner or later your reputation will suffer.
    • The same applies to “feedback”: if they are gossiping about you, try not to react or egg on those who are engaged in such an unseemly activity. This means that people around you are interested in you and they are discussing you.

  10. Only by forgetting about gossip can you become a respected person at work.

  11. Participate in the life of the team
  12. From time to time in the life of any team there are corporate parties that are designed to strengthen camaraderie within a group of people.

    IMPORTANT! Attend events in any case: shared experiences and memories bring you incredibly closer together, an informal atmosphere liberates and shows people in a different light.

  13. Be a scout
  14. Never let your guard down: watch the lives of your employees, watch for changes in mood and appearance. This collection of information is necessary. You will be able to predict some of the actions of your colleagues in advance and benefit for yourself.


  15. Respect other people's space and time
  16. Don't be late for important meetings and events, and if being late is unavoidable, try to warn your colleagues about it. It’s the same with personal space. Don't take other people's things without permission, don't ask too personal questions. This behavior often infuriates work colleagues. Tactfulness and respect have never harmed anyone, but do not forget about your interests, defend them. In this case, it will be easier for you to earn authority in the team.

  17. More positive
  18. No one wants to have anything to do with negative and eternally dissatisfied people. Try to be in a good mood and share it with others.

    IMPORTANT! A gloomy face is simply repulsive; they won’t even want to talk to you, no matter how interesting a person you are.

  19. Don't take it out on other people
  20. Your problems should not concern your colleagues, so shouting and scandals out of the blue are not the best solution. Resolve emerging issues peacefully. Otherwise, later you will have to lament: “Why am I not respected in the team?

I advise you to watch an interesting video about how to position yourself in a new team:

What to do if you are still a workaholic

If you have mentally checked the boxes next to at least half of the points listed above, then we hasten to please you: you are a workaholic. And you are not alone. Changing your work style and passions is not easy, but if you want to take the path of correction and live a little differently, then you should start with these simple steps that, with constant repetition, will gradually turn into habits.

Find time to reboot

When you plan your day again, be sure to set aside at least 10 minutes for meditation. It will help your brain and body get some rest.

Many studies support the benefits of meditation: stress decreases and the ability to focus on current tasks increases. If meditation for some reason is not your option, then find time for a walk in the fresh air or ordinary doing nothing.

Work with humor

Time for business, time for fun. There should be a place for jokes in life. Take some time to have some fun. For example, listen to some of your favorite songs, watch funny videos on YouTube, or chat with a friend who can make you laugh. Perhaps these activities will distract you for a short time, but they will be extremely useful for keeping your brain in good shape.

Watch your health

Repeated studies have shown that intense work without breaks or days off has a negative impact on productivity and causes irreparable harm to health. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, a monotonous diet and dry food will also not add extra years to your life.

Annual physicals and screenings are a great way for those who tend to overwork their health to stay on top of their health. Your doctor will definitely tell you what problems you should pay attention to and what you need to do to eliminate them. Over time, you may develop some occupational diseases, which will require consultation with specialists to get rid of them.

Organize digital detox evenings

Periodically, consciously refuse to use gadgets. Not for long, at least for one evening. Eliminate all external stimuli that may distract you. When you are left alone with your thoughts, you will have a lot of time to think about what really matters and prioritize.

Plan a real vacation

Planning your upcoming vacation will help you take a little break from your daily routine. If the idea of ​​leaving work for a week or longer seems completely crazy to you, then start with at least a series of short trips. Take a weekend trip or only visit places where you can be guaranteed to have Wi-Fi in case you urgently need to contact someone about work issues. Such trips are useful because you can take a break from everyday responsibilities and look at your routine from a different angle.

If your perseverance, tenacity and love for work have led to great professional success, then this is, without a doubt, wonderful. But think at least for a moment: isn’t it time to slow down a little and change something in your life? Perhaps now that you have achieved a lot professionally, the time has come to pay attention to yourself?

This will likely require a fair amount of courage, bravery and time on your part. You will need to establish clear boundaries between your personal and work life. Don't be surprised if one day, after reading this article and implementing some of its principles, you receive an email from a colleague after 10:00 pm and do not respond to it. And the world will not collapse.

Items disappear from the table

Stationery items often disappear from the table. The alarm should be sounded if the phenomenon is permanent. He has two reasons. Perhaps one of the colleagues is simply robbing colleagues. This rarely happens, since people value their own reputation at work. However, it is impossible to completely write off this fact.

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It is much worse if all colleagues perceive a person’s desk as a free store. This shows a disdainful attitude. A person who takes someone else’s thing without asking is, as it were, declaring that he needs it more, and the problems of the other person do not bother him. A similar phenomenon may indicate a group of egoists. However, sometimes a social group “punishes” others for some inappropriate behavior. You need to analyze the situation more deeply and get to the root of the problem.

No preferences

Sometimes colleagues subconsciously help each other. For example, they may let another employee in line at the copy machine or make some concessions when shaping the holiday season. This behavior indicates friendship and goodwill.

If a person does not observe this in relation to himself, then, most likely, the team simply does not like him. Little things like this perfectly reveal the attitude of other people. You simply cannot lose sight of them or ignore them. Of course, there is a possibility that people simply work in a team of quarrelsome people who deliberately go into conflict. However, this happens quite rarely.

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No small help

Coping with all work tasks is quite difficult. Sometimes you just need to ask your colleagues for help. Most often, experienced colleagues are happy to share their experience and tell in detail any important points. However, such behavior is possible if the team loves and values ​​the employee who asked for help.

If you have opposite feelings, you definitely shouldn’t count on any support. There will be no sense. People will simply ignore a question asked or a request for a small favor. Some may simulate some activity, but will not provide any support. This happens to everyone from time to time. Each has its own task and set of pressing problems. Additionally, it is not their responsibility to tell anything to other colleagues. If such situations arise constantly, then it is worth thinking about relationships within the team.

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Destructive employees in an organization

Why are they always against it? These are people who support their ego through resistance to systems. A person does not know how, or does not want to achieve positive results, acting for the good. And he learned to support his ego through resistance.

So he managed to resist the system, he was able to not carry out your order, he was able to ruin some kind of corporate holiday, he was able to subjugate others to his influence and disrupt some work. He is always against, he has enough energy to be against.

Those who are “corporate angels” find it their greatest pleasure to serve the system. Be correct, act in accordance with expectations. Act honestly. For them, internal demands are always higher than external ones.

Most major executives and company owners belong to them. They themselves are more demanding than the world. They themselves set the framework for internal control, regardless of whether they are checked or noticed. They do more for themselves than for others. For them, the greatest pleasure is to work honestly.

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