My husband hates me - what should I do? What to do if your husband is abusive?

"…We broke up! But I sometimes think that it would be better not to have it. When a friend’s husband died, everyone pitied her, helped her, and supported her. Many years have passed, but his friends still congratulate her on the holidays, help her financially, and give her flowers. She does not feel abandoned, lonely, humiliated. I grieved and returned to normal life. But I hate my ex-husband, and it’s hard to live with it...”

In the case of divorce, everything is perceived differently. The pain after a breakup does not go away. The husband is alive and even happy. And you suffer and all the time mentally return to the past, trying to analyze what went wrong and what led to the separation.

photo I hate my ex-husband

There is a glimmer of hope in my soul - maybe you will be together someday. You feel abandoned, lonely, rejected. You regret the years you lived together. It is unbearable to see your ex-husband happy with life when you are broken and cannot rise from your knees. I can’t forget him, let go of the grudge, or create a new relationship. Only hatred remained in my soul.

Family problem

If people live together for some time, then it is not news that there is monotony in their lives. At first glance, everything is good and wonderful, but when you look more closely, you immediately notice that those feelings and that passion no longer exist. It’s as if they remained somewhere in a past life.

my husband hates me

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to periodically arrange some kind of “shake-up”. As a result, the relationship will be the same as before, and maybe even better.

In the same case, when neither spouse does anything, the feelings slowly disappear, and indifference comes in their place. But it should not be confused with hatred.

Please pay attention to any changes

If such a situation does happen in the family, then the woman perceives it much closer and more painfully. As soon as the wife notices some changes in her husband’s attitude, most often she continues to pretend that everything remains the same - she is desired and loved. And this can continue for some time. But the husband moves away more and more, and the wife simply closes her eyes and, deceiving herself, plays at the ideal marriage.

Under no circumstances should you do this. And all because after a certain period this game is no longer called a happy family, but a parody of it. And when there is complete inaction during this difficult period, the wife’s humility will not only not bring her husband’s feelings back, but, on the contrary, will alienate him even more.

If you don’t look at everything with rose-colored glasses, but pay attention to even minor changes in attitude, and at the same time analyze, then you can not only save your family, but also strengthen it. After all, when a spouse moves away, and his other half diligently tries not to notice this, it will not lead to anything good. At some point, it is safe to say that the husband hates his wife.

How to let go of hatred and make plans for the future again?

First of all, understand that your husband is the same person. Even the worst husband in the world, like everyone else, also wants to be happy, wants to be loved. There are reasons for the way he acts that are hidden from him. He himself does not know what he is doing.

Secondly, look for implementation. A woman often feels bad also because she doesn’t know how to enjoy life and doesn’t know enough about her strengths. Her husband made her happy. She was used to receiving all the good things from him, and when he left, she lost herself.

Ignorance of your desires does not allow you to enjoy life. When it is unknown where pleasure comes from and how to get it, it is impossible to neutralize negative feelings.


There are several factors that give signals that there is a crack in the relationship.

If at the beginning of their life together the spouses did everything together, the husband always listened to the opinion of his wife, then he begins to make decisions and eliminate problems, not only without consulting, but without even sharing this with her. This is the first sign that her opinion does not matter to him.

husband hates wife

A woman should pay attention to whose interests come first for her husband. If it is him, then over time she will understand that she will no longer have the reliability and support that she had at the beginning of the relationship.

If nagging and reproaches begin, followed by irritation and indignation, then this is a sign that something needs to be changed, otherwise hatred may soon appear in your relationship.

If a husband does not respect his wife, but does not speak directly, but simply constantly criticizes her both as a woman, and as a mother, and as a housewife, you should also pay attention to this.

Particular importance can be attached to such a situation when spouses, being together, do not have common topics for conversation. And there’s nothing to say about laughing heartily at the simplest joke.

There is no need to ignore those moments when a husband does not want to just touch his wife. If this factor is ignored at the beginning, then after a while, when the spouse shows the slightest affection, she will receive nothing other than hostility and irritation in response.

It also doesn’t hurt to wonder why my loved one isn’t in a hurry to go home? It seems that everything was done for his convenience, but he would still rather meet with friends after work than come earlier.

my ex-husband hates me

The change in the husband's relationship with his wife is clearly noticeable when he begins to protect his personal space. At first, the woman turns a blind eye to this, always finding some kind of excuse, but rarely does anyone think about how it could all end.

The lack of sex, despite plausible excuses, must first push the woman to change something, otherwise the result can be disastrous.

You can often hear from a woman’s mouth: “My husband hates me and insults me, without thinking about how offended I am.” But few people think that perhaps she, through her actions, provokes a man to such an attitude.

Reasons for hating your once beloved spouse

A negative attitude towards a person never arises out of nowhere. It is unlikely that a man with ideal behavior will become enemy number one for his beloved wife. If you start to hate your husband, it means that he deserved it in some way. You can't change attitudes without getting to the root of the problem. Let's look at possible objective reasons for hatred of a spouse:

  1. Violence in family. The suffering that beaten and humiliated wives endure is simply indescribable. Any violence, both physical and emotional, can kill true love. Many women endure unacceptable treatment for years and whisper into their pillow at night: “I hate my husband.” There is no point in condemning them - each victim has their own story. The majority simply have nowhere else to go and nothing to live on, since a domestic tyrant often does everything to ensure that his wife is directly dependent on him. There are also those ladies who immediately get divorced after the first slap in the face and move on with their heads held high and the slogan: “I hate my ex-husband.” When a husband allows himself extreme disrespect for his wife, that is, beats her or harasses her in other ways, then hatred of him is completely justified, and love disappears as if it never existed.
  2. Male infidelity. Infidelity is a good reason why you can hate your husband. Betrayal, like a knife stab right in the heart, brings unbearable pain. When you try hard for him: you cook delicious dishes, there is not a speck of dust in the house, you always look your best - then adultery causes bewilderment. Well, what else do these guys need? Unfortunately, most often representatives of the stronger sex do not think with their brains, but with what is in their pants, but this, of course, does not justify them. It is very difficult to forgive betrayal, even a single one, and offended women, having accepted the apology for show, often begin to quietly hate their husband. Trust and feelings can be restored only over time, when a man tries his best for this. But to do this, you need to realize your mistakes, which is not given to all husbands who have made mistakes.
  3. Alcoholism and drug addiction. These terrible vices can turn a normal man into a monster. The hatred that overcomes you at the moment when you see your spouse drunk or drunk on some kind of nonsense is quite normal. It is impossible to look indifferently at how a loved one kills himself. But, if all attempts to save him were in vain, you willy-nilly begin to despise your spouse and his weaknesses. It is not surprising that this happens, because this is no longer your beloved other half, but someone else: indifferent, weak-willed and mentally unstable.
  4. Lack of love for your spouse. Feelings can change over time, especially if no one warms them up. It seems that you got married for love, in family life everything is better than many, but negativity towards your spouse, like a worm in a beautiful-looking apple, begins to gnaw at you from the inside. Surely there are reasons for such an attitude, it is quite possible to find them and explain what is happening, but is it necessary? Admit it to yourself honestly, has another man gotten in the way between you and your spouse? This option is quite possible, but you stay with your husband because of his wealth, living space or children, but you begin to hate him and break down.
  5. Unjustified expectations. As children, many girls see their future family life in great detail: a handsome and rich husband, a busy life, a cozy home with a bunch of children. Often, mothers gave such girls not quite the right instructions, overestimating the value of material goods for choosing a future partner. When you have to take off your rose-colored glasses and face reality, some ladies can't handle the disappointment. It turns out that not all men are oligarchs, and the wives of ordinary workers spend a quarter of their lives peeling potatoes and washing floors. The soul requires luxury, but there is no opportunity to go to the Maldives and is not expected. This is how the seed of hatred towards their spouse is sown in emotionally immature and inexperienced women. Boredom and everyday routine also do their dirty work: from idleness and monotony, spears fly at whoever is closest, that is, at the husband. Gradually, feelings towards him change to hatred and anger, and his whole life is seen in black.
  6. Habits and character traits of the spouse. It often happens that at the beginning of a relationship and even immediately after marriage, we do not directly see the negative traits of our partner. After some time, they seem to crawl out and become deliberately unpleasant. For example, the shuffling of feet or snoring, previously almost inaudible, is now as infuriating as the roar of a jet plane. This could be a relationship crisis, an emotional state during and after pregnancy, menopause or neurosis. In any case, all the causes of irritability have one thing in common - your progressive hatred of your husband and a corresponding bad mood.

You won't escape or mask your negativity towards your spouse, so you need to do something about it. Hatred destroys you from the inside and poisons the lives of both you and your partner. To solve the problem, first of all, you must admit to yourself, hand on heart, that you cannot continue to pretend that nothing is happening. And then begin decisive action to pull yourself out of this hated quagmire.

Problem with ex-spouse

Even if a marriage breaks up, in many cases men are left with not just an unpleasant aftertaste, but disgust. When a representative of the fair sex says: “My ex-husband hates me, and I don’t understand why, what did I do?”

There are many explanations in such situations. After all, every family and relationship is individual.

You can consider this option when at first there is complete harmony and mutual understanding in the family, but some time passes and the wife, without feeling guilty and believing that she is right, is constantly dissatisfied with something, expresses not very pleasant things or commits unforgivable acts . The husband takes it all calmly and without scandals, trying to find a logical justification for everything. But it can't be like this for long. Inside, this negativity accumulates and accumulates, and in the end, he looks at his wife not with that loving and adoring gaze, but full of hatred.

And even after the divorce, the wife believes that she is the innocent “victim” who tried so hard. But as a result, only streams of hatred come from the ex-husband.

If there is one step from love to hate

Love and hate. Few people know, but these feelings have a lot in common. To think that these are two completely opposite things is to think wrongly, because the other side of love is not hatred, but complete indifference. It will be the absolute opposite of hatred. Think for yourself: with an indifferent, indifferent attitude, we do not waste any emotional energy. But with love (as with hatred), the maximum of our attention is drawn to what or to whom we experience such strong feelings. So it turns out that both feelings are very close and equally emotionally charged, although in one case this charge is positive, and in the other – negative.

Why do you begin to hate your husband? Another reason why you begin to experience the most acute resentment, anger, a feeling of rage is the following: so, the closer you let a person get to you, the more defenseless you become in front of him, the more painfully he can “prick” you in later life (by action, reproach or betrayal). Remember, by opening up completely and trusting, you always take risks. “But what’s different with a loved one or husband, how can you not trust him?” you ask. Let's answer further.

Another woman

There are also situations when the wife does everything possible and impossible for her husband to make him feel good and comfortable, but after a while he gets used to it and imagines that it’s like that everywhere. He begins to cheat, first secretly, and then openly, and a certain moment comes when he leaves the family.

A woman, so devoted and so caring, despite the moral pain he brought her, lets go with a pure soul and wishes him only happiness, but at the same time knows very well that even if he asks to come back, there will be no turning back.

A man who has lived with his new passion for a short period begins to understand what a treasure he has lost in the form of his ex-wife. But at the same time he believes that if he knocks back on the door, she will gladly take him back.

But when a wife refuses her ex-husband, he is first surprised by this turn of events, and then begins to get angry with her. Because he cannot morally accept that fact.

The woman, for her part, cannot understand the aggression and hatred that her former husband feels towards her. It seems like she let her go and didn’t mean any harm, but she refused to return... And she’s racking her brains over the question: “Why does my ex-husband hate me?”

The answer in this situation is very simple. He hates not his ex-wife, but himself, from the realization that she cannot forgive everything and not always, and human patience is not limitless.

When a turning point comes in family life, and a woman feels her husband’s dislike and hostility towards her, she immediately falls into a panic, asking the same question about what to do next and what to do at the moment.

Psychological assistance to wives living in hatred

“What should I do if I hate my husband?” - Confused women ask for advice. There is no universal pill for negativity towards a spouse, since the reasons for this feeling are completely different. In any case, you must make the final decision consciously, not in a fit of anger, so as not to regret what you did later. You have only two options if you hate your husband but live with him: leave or stay. Let's look at both possible options and their consequences.

Leave your family and find happiness

Of course, you should listen only to yourself, and not to your friends, relatives, and especially your husband, when deciding to leave. But if life has become unbearable and you don’t want to return home, then the optimal solution would be separation, at least for a while. There is no need to ruin your happiness for the sake of a ghostly hope for a bright future, when all attempts to return feelings were in vain.

There are cases when you definitely shouldn’t tolerate hatred towards your partner and try to establish contact with him. Listening to the confession of the ex-wife of an alcoholic is scary to the point of goosebumps, and after the conversation it becomes clear why, after many years, she hates her ex-husband. If a spouse raises his hand, mocks, constantly cheats and has bad habits, then he is unlikely to change. Unfortunately, alcoholics and drug addicts most often do not stay in remission for long, and coding and medications break the psyche.

Interesting fact. Irreversible changes occur in the body of addicted people. Scientists have long discovered that the area of ​​the brain responsible for pleasure increases in drug addicts and alcoholics. Therefore, they lack the joys in ordinary life and need another dose of poison. Even if an addict gives up bad habits, the pleasure zone will not decrease and will require endorphins. Therefore, there is no guarantee that everything will not return to normal after, for example, severe stress.

Fighters and despots also do not deserve your efforts to build peace in the family. A domestic tyrant becomes one by having certain complexes. He takes pleasure in tormenting a weak woman, and you need to run away from him without looking back before total disaster happens.

You may think that there is no way out other than putting up with your hateful spouse. Such thoughts appear if you have nowhere else to live and no means of independent existence. Sometimes children stop making a radical decision, because they must have a “loving dad.” In this case, you still have to believe in yourself and understand that you can get through it. In many cities there are centers to help women who have suffered from violence and find themselves in a hopeless situation. And children should see an example of a happy family, and not swearing, fighting and a drunken father carrying all sorts of heresy. Don’t lose hope for the best and leave your husband whom you hate for all the pain you’ve caused.

Understand your feelings and try to start over

“I hate my husband, what should I do?” – this question does not always arise because the spouse behaves inappropriately. Sometimes this feeling appears due to moral fatigue, boredom or a relationship crisis. Psychologists suggest not to rush into a decision, if the situation allows, and to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of your marriage. You can get a divorce in a matter of days, but then regret it for the rest of your life.

Problems in a relationship need to be resolved only when both want to improve their life together. Fighting against closed gates is difficult and sometimes simply pointless. Working with a psychologist will help you understand each other and survive the next crisis. It can take place either individually or together with your husband. As a result of conversations with a specialist, you will gradually learn to accept each other as you are, see the positive aspects of the relationship and reduce the significance of the negative ones.

Psychological help is not a cheap pleasure. But the following correspondence advice from experts will help fix a fractured marriage:

  1. Spend more time together outside the home. Constantly sitting within four walls can make anyone go crazy. Get out with your spouse, even if you are very tired, to the nearest square or park for at least half an hour. On the way, discuss how each of you spent your day. Walking brings people together, and light physical activity reduces emotional stress.
  2. Remember the good times. After all, they were, weren’t they? Surely you have something to remember and smile at. For example, first dates, a honeymoon, gatherings at barbecues in nature - all this will make it clear that you and your husband have so many wonderful things in common, and the crisis is just a temporary problem.
  3. Talk about what worries and irritates you. Do not hush up problems, otherwise an emotional outburst cannot be avoided. You accumulate grievances, and this results in hatred of your spouse. It is better to start a not very pleasant conversation and express complaints, solving the problem at the root. An understanding husband will definitely appreciate your revelations and try to change for the better. Silence will not lead to any good, and the spouse may not even realize what exactly he is doing wrong.
  4. Try not to reproach your spouse for at least a day. Try to notice positive actions: took out the trash, washed the dishes, called me a kind word, and not “stepped on my foot again, put on different socks like a fool, didn’t close the toothpaste.” Often the reason why a wife hates her husband lies on the surface: the woman is simply used to grumbling like an old woman and nagging him, having determined that her husband is truly a scoundrel.
  5. Control your emotional state. Women are subject to hormonal surges. It is not surprising if from time to time a pregnant wife hates her husband and lashes out at him like an angry dog. And the well-known PMS can turn a good fairy into an angry werewolf. If you know about these peculiarities of yours, try to protect your husband from aggression and hatred during these periods. Explain to him what is happening to you and ask him to understand you, forgive you and leave you alone. Drink calming grass, sleep more, eat ice cream.
  6. Go on vacation separately. Taking a break from a relationship and realizing your true feelings is a great idea. Get new emotions and break away from each other. Most likely, you will both get bored and forget about the negativity that accompanied you until this time. Hatred towards your spouse may well be a product of fatigue and boredom.

Remember that you are not the only one concerned about this problem. Many women develop hatred for their husband at one time or another in their life together. Try to look at the situation calmly and do everything to do the right thing in the end.

Analyzing situations

In order to choose further tactics of behavior and not make things worse, you first need to analyze why this could happen.

My husband hates me and insults me

The first thing that comes to mind is that the beloved has another woman. But what does this have to do with it if it seems that the husband hates his wife. When a man does not intend to leave the family, he often changes his mistresses, but it is not so easy for his significant other to notice this. Even if this happened, he had one answer - he wanted some kind of variety.

Perhaps the attitude has changed after the birth of the child, since, basically, the mother almost completely focuses on the baby. At this time, the spouse experiences a feeling of indignation and resentment that he is no longer given as much attention. Then he begins to attract him with aggression.

Having analyzed the current situation well and clearly, a woman must draw conclusions for herself and determine whether she wants to continue living with this person. Or the best option will be a divorce, after which not immediately, but gradually she will gain not only calmness and peace, but also self-confidence, which she so lacked in her family life.

But what should I do when a woman says that my husband hates me, but at the same time I love him and don’t want to lose him? You can try to somehow change the situation, putting a little effort and patience into it.

If, for example, a spouse works and does not have as much time for her family as she would like, and this is the reason for the spouse’s dissatisfaction, although he himself has a good salary, it is preferable for him that his wife sits at home and pays more attention to him than a career. Then, if you want to save your marriage, the only option is to give up work.

What other methods of overcoming hatred exist?

  1. A woman needs to try to create maximum comfort, surround a man with such care and love that he has no reason for conflict.
  2. If this doesn't help, you should try to take a break from the relationship. Often ending a relationship for 3-4 weeks helps a man realize how much he needs his other half.
  3. You can try to add variety to your relationship. A joint vacation, moving, experimenting with sex can help a man change his attitude.
  4. You should often remember the best moments from your life together, trying to use them to awaken positive emotions in your partner.
  5. If a woman cheated or committed another serious offense, you need to apologize and prove with all your actions that this will not happen again.
  6. If the listed methods do not help, it is recommended to contact a psychologist to undergo a course of couples therapy.

First you need to try to fix the problem on your own. If this fails, you can always contact a family psychologist. A specialist, with the help of special games and constant dialogue, will help determine the root cause of the conflict and eliminate it.

It is important to understand that relationships are not always saved. Sometimes the mutual hostility of spouses turns out to be so serious that only divorce helps to defuse the situation. If the lovers continue to live together, this will only strain the relationship.

Often a temporary break helps both the man and the woman realize how attached they are to each other. However, the break should not last more than a month, and during this entire period it is recommended to maintain verbal contact.

Psychologists advise arranging romantic surprises and going out together more often. Perhaps if a man is constantly reminded of happy days, his hatred will fade away and he will want to save the marriage.

Sometimes hatred arises because of a woman’s misdeeds, her infidelity. In such situations, you should not expect a lightning-fast resolution of the conflict. It almost always takes a man several months to cool down and begin to have feelings for his wife again. You should not rush him, but with all your actions it is recommended to prove your impeccable loyalty in the future.

Always be on top!

Often married women make the same mistake - they stop taking care of themselves (either they didn’t have time to wash their hair, or they didn’t have time to get a manicure), and this, in turn, pushes their husband away. Since he married an always well-groomed representative of the fair sex. To prevent this from happening, you must always remember this and do it in such a way that the spouse can not only admire, but also proudly demonstrate that this is his woman when someone else looks in her direction.

It is necessary to constantly develop spiritually and intellectually in order to always be not only a beautiful picture for your husband, but also an interesting interlocutor.

You need to try to make sure that your spouse spends his free time more often nearby, and at the same time he does not have the desire to go somewhere, for example, with friends for a beer.

You always need to find many reasons to praise your husband and say a gentle, kind word to him.

Very often in family life it happens that one of the partners does not know how to correctly express his thoughts. Then it is very difficult for the couple to negotiate and explain themselves. If a woman has such a deficiency, then she needs to express her thoughts more constructively, so that the husband understands what is being said and what exactly the wife wants to say, and is not left again thinking that once again something was left unsaid.

Often an offended spouse turns to specialists and declares: “My husband hates me.” Psychology is a subtle science. And experts in this field agreed that in such cases the most important thing is to objectively analyze family relationships and see future prospects for their continuation.

Mutual hatred

What should I do if my husband and I hate each other? The problem here is not that the feelings have become a little dull or a habit has appeared. From the very beginning of their family life, the couple did not have the emotional intimacy that lies behind love. And when the latter goes a little into the background, misunderstanding immediately appears. In this case, even the most insignificant little things lead to discontent and alienation between spouses, which accumulate more and more every day. As a result, everything that united the couple disappears.

My husband hates me psychology

When a woman tells her friends and family: “My husband hates me,” people give a wide variety of advice. Most believe that you should have an honest conversation with your loved one. But do this very carefully so that he does not refuse to discuss his feelings, and the attempt itself does not turn into another scandal. To do this, you need to express yourself judiciously and calmly. It is advisable to achieve this (possibly unpleasant) conversation. Then the result will be clear, the spouse will finally understand whether there is still any chance to save the family. Otherwise, you will have to come to terms with reality.

How do you understand that I hate my husband, is it really hatred?

Relationship coaches recommend imagining the situation that the hated spouse has died, left, or disappeared. He is not here. In practice, such a technique rarely brings the expected result; it is difficult to deceive the mind. Even after burying her husband, a woman sometimes needs time to realize the inevitability, the fatality of what happened, let alone an imaginary fact.

It is better to contact a practicing professional psychologist who will help you look at the situation from different angles and conduct an objective analysis of what is happening. Sometimes the roots of the problem are buried in the distant past, the client’s childhood; some act of the partner serves as a trigger that launches a negative scenario, and it is necessary to work with the woman.

If a visit to a specialist is not possible, you will have to untangle the tangle yourself. Hatred is a complex of feelings; when experiencing strong “black” moods, you must try to “isolate” the main, dominant emotion: anger, fear, guilt, pain, resentment. Then find the triggers.

The path to understanding your own mental state will be long, difficult, and it will be difficult to rationally dissect your own soul. Help can be provided by close people who are not interested in the final result (preserve or destroy the union) - mother, sister, friend.

Keeping a detailed diary (preferably in electronic form with a password to avoid prying prying noses) with a detailed description of events and feelings helps a lot. For example, I was drinking coffee, Vasya arrived, silently walked in, undressed, my mood deteriorated, I caught myself thinking that in the evening I would sit in front of the TV with a sad face, no conversation, no tenderness.

This will help identify the reasons why a woman’s basic needs are not being met. You can make a list (no need to give it to your husband) - I want to spend more (how much, how often?) time together (doing what?).

I want love (gifts, compliments, sex?). Men are rational people; a clear statement of the situation (dinner on Saturday in a restaurant and sex twice a week will make me feel loved) is clearer to them than abstract phrases (I turned into a servant).

Everyone should be happy!

If a girl says: “My husband hates me.” What should she do? Now the time has come for the wife to remember that she is a woman and also has the right to personal happiness. Pointless conversations and wasted energy will not bring anything good, except for another disappointment and disappointment.

for the husband to hate his wife

It is best to let go of your spouse rather than cling to him and keep him close. After all, the feeling that he needs his wife, and that she is desired as before, will never return. And so, left alone, sooner or later a woman will find complete peace of mind, perhaps she will have a desire to build a new relationship.

Go to church

When the husband said that he hates, the wife may need to pray to avoid succumbing to depression. So that the Lord gives her strength and patience to survive all this and not do anything stupid.

Sometimes some mistresses do everything to make the husband hate his wife. They can weave intrigues and trick a man. As a result, he really has such feelings for his legal wife.

There are women who do not believe in all sorts of magical conspiracies and rituals. What should they do? After your husband begins to hate, it is best to go to church and confess. Perhaps the priest will help restore faith in life and in yourself. It will push you to the fact that life is priceless, but short and you need to enjoy it, enjoy every day, and those family troubles are a test from God, which he sent, knowing that a person will cope with it.

I hate my husband: how to move on?

If the reason for hatred is falling in love with another man, it is worth realizing that now the body is saturated with hormones that are activated near the object of passion. This cannot go on forever; after a while the emotions will subside and “sobering up” will set in.

The inconveniences of a broken marriage will come to light, the need to build a new life with a person who will also develop unpleasant habits and behavior patterns. In addition, it will include parents, children from a previous marriage, and financial obligations. Sometimes the cheater’s hatred is a transformed sense of her own guilt.

You should get to the bottom of the true cause of the destructive feeling. The husband is an adult with an established character, temperament, and demeanor. It is impossible to change it at the request of the wife.

It is necessary to understand that a narcissist, a psychological sadist, a fan of waving his fists will never change, deep mental processes are responsible for such behavior, even professional help does not always lead to a correction of nature, especially since such people are usually happy with everything and see no reason to work on themselves .

Be sure to read:

How to find out whether your husband loves you or not: signs, how to understand, advice from a psychologist

Let go

If a woman says: “My husband hates me, living with him is becoming more and more difficult every day,” then perhaps the best way out of the situation is to let him go. After all, in the end, two people will not suffer themselves, and they will not force anyone to suffer next to them.

my husband hates me advice

If a woman complains about life and says: “My husband hates me, family relationships are going nowhere, what should I do next?...” We must not forget that there is no specific answer to this question. And the decision to save the family or, on the contrary, not even try, must be made by the spouses themselves.

It’s not for nothing that there is such a proverb: “From love to hate there is one step” and vice versa. The likelihood that, having tried to save the marriage, the spouse will be able to interest her lover, as at the beginning of the relationship, and maybe more, is very high. Then married life will continue like a permanent honeymoon.

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