Why am I always tired and want to sleep? Therapist talks about autumn-winter blues

The causes of fatigue have been studied for a long time and from different points of view.

In this article I will briefly talk about research in this area in different directions and will dwell in more detail on the energetic causes of fatigue. After each factor named by the researchers, I will give an energetic reason and advice on what to do about it. This is my specialty and here I can talk at length on this topic, identify the most common causes of fatigue and give practices to restore strength. All the advice I will give in this article is time-tested and tested in practice with thousands of clients (over 20 years of consulting). In this article I will use materials from medical sites.

One of the ways to get out of a state of chronic fatigue and just tiredness is to restore your energy!

To do this, I am holding an Energy Flash Mob on WhatsApp. Free week. Registration via the link https://chat.whatsapp.com/CTojUAgB56GFahW7jsBeAX

What is fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a constant feeling of fatigue and overwork, loss of strength that does not go away even after a long rest. This disease is especially typical for residents of developed countries and populated cities. The main cause of the syndrome is considered to be long-term psycho-emotional stress on the human nervous system.

People aged 25-45 years are mainly susceptible to chronic fatigue syndrome, since at this age they are most productive and strive for success and career growth, placing unbearable loads on themselves. According to statistics, about 85-90% of those suffering from this disease are residents of large, densely populated cities, with an accelerated pace of life and an unfavorable environmental situation. The largest number of cases are registered among residents of the United States and Australia.

Interesting Facts:

Chronic fatigue syndrome can spread like an epidemic, affecting several hundred residents of one city. So, in 1984, about 200 cases of this disease were registered in the city of Incline Village (Nevada, USA). Women suffer from this syndrome several times more often than men, their share among those affected is 75-80%. Increased responsibility at work (doctors, pilots) can trigger the appearance of chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome has been officially considered an independent disease since 1988. Often women suffer from it, this manifests itself in the fact that after work they have one desire - to get home and disconnect from the outside world. In the morning they get up rested, but literally an hour later everything happens again.

Unlike chronic fatigue syndrome, fatigue is simply restored by rest, sleep, and relaxation.

(I list the reasons not in order of importance; for each person they may be in a different order)

Too much “comfort” food.

Carbohydrates are what makes us energetic, happy, full, kind and cheerful. True, not for long. Nutritionist Dr. Glenville says people actually get tired of the foods that should give them energy because they take a lot of energy to digest. Cookies, sugar, rice, pasta, white bread - all this quickly raises blood sugar levels. But then this level drops just as quickly, and then we want to sleep, we get irritated and feel tired. And we feel tired because we haven’t received enough nutrients. We got sugar, but we still don’t have enough nutrients! Foods that release energy slowly and are rich in nutrients really give you strength - fruits and vegetables are among such foods.

Too much physical activity

Too frequent and intense warm-ups take away strength and cause fatigue. “It's good to be physically active, but the body has a limit,” says Spiegel. “When you deplete your supply of glucose and other nutrients that provide energy to your muscles, your body will begin to produce more lactic acid, which makes your muscles sore.”

If you feel tired—either from a busy work schedule or intense physical activity—try to rest instead of pushing your body harder.

Advice from S. Duda

Whether you work physically or mentally, your body needs water to keep it functioning well and not overheat. If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. Train yourself to drink!

From an energetic point of view, water is also a conductor of energy, and it also helps cleanse the body of negative energies.

If you know how to charge water in any way, then charge it for good luck, for health, for a good mood, or for the healing of some conditions in the body.

We learn to charge water on 1 foot of the VEGAS school.

And remember, water holds information perfectly! There is no need to hold a glass of water in your hands and discuss negative topics with someone or think about illnesses and other failures. By doing this you will fill the energy of the water with negative energies and then drink it...

Water with this information will enter your cells and fill them with this information and energy. Chronic diseases - prolonged illnesses or frequent relapses disrupt the coordinated functioning of the immune system and the body as a whole, leading to overload of the nervous system, depletion of the body's vitality and a feeling of chronic fatigue. Viruses are also cited as causes of chronic fatigue.

What does the doctor do?

The doctor will first take your medical history in the initial interview (anamnesis) to find out the cause of your fatigue. You must talk openly and honestly about your life situation and possible problems, otherwise the doctor will not be able to help you. Possible questions in the medical history:

  • How severe is the fatigue? How long does it take? How does fatigue go during the day?
  • Are there any other complaints?
  • Is fatigue new and unfamiliar to you?
  • Do you fall asleep while driving?
  • Does this affect fatigue in everyday life?
  • Are you suffering from symptoms of depression or anxiety?
  • How well and how long do you sleep at night?
  • Do you snore?
  • What is your social, professional and family situation (anxiety, stress, over/under demands, etc.)?
  • Have you won or lost lately?
  • Have you had an infection recently?
  • Are you suffering from a chronic illness?
  • Do you take medications regularly?
  • Do you use drugs?
  • Are you regularly exposed to harmful environmental exposures (eg, working with toxins and pollutants, noise pollution)?

The medical history is accompanied by a medical examination . Focuses on the lymphatic regions, heart, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts, as well as nervous system and muscle function. To do this, the doctor may perform a blood test , a blood glucose test, a sleep laboratory test with brainwave recording (EEG ), and an electrocardiogram (ECG) .


If your doctor has identified an underlying condition as the cause of your fatigue, he or she will recommend appropriate therapy. Some examples:

Infections such as flu or colds - and therefore also fatigue - usually disappear on their own after a few days if the body fights off the pathogens. Perhaps you can, for example, use antipyretics, mucus removers, inhalations, etc. to alleviate the symptoms and support the healing process.

With anemia due to iron deficiency. Iron-containing foods usually help relieve the symptom. The trace element is found, for example, in plant foods such as whole grain cereals, green leafy vegetables (broccoli, spinach), beets and nuts. However, iron from animal products (such as meat) may be better absorbed by the body. In cases of severe iron deficiency, the doctor will also prescribe an iron supplement.

If anemia is caused by a lack of folic acid or vitamin B12, taking appropriate supplements may also help.

The thyroid gland goes well with drug treatment. Those affected usually have to take artificial thyroid hormones for life.

For mental illness, behavioral therapy combined with regular exercise may help.

Sleep apnea is usually based on obesity. Therefore, affected individuals should lose as much weight as possible. Usually a few kilograms is enough to help you breathe more often at night and sleep better. Anyone who abstains from alcohol and sleeps on their side can better cope with nighttime breathing problems. If all this is not enough, respiratory masks, bite splints or surgical correction are possible.

Advice from S. Duda.

Whatever type of activity you do, there must be conscious physical activity.

Swimming, gym, long walks with exercise (not shopping with bags!).

It is the load that stimulates 1 chakra and makes it raise energy and work more actively. Let you have a similar load at least 1-2 times a week, just don’t overload yourself! Otherwise you will get the opposite result!

I will return to the topic of physical activity when I talk about depression. Another situation that leads to an unhealthy lifestyle, stress and overwork is the desire to do everything perfectly! To be the best everywhere and in everything at once. Perhaps this comes from childhood, as one of the ways to attract the love of parents and others.

How to stop being a perfectionist and an excellent student in everything? How to start loving yourself and being just a person?

Course “In harmony with yourself”

In this course we learn to work with emotions so as not to put ourselves and our body into a state of stress. We learn to accept ourselves and love ourselves as we are. Let's stop being an excellent student!

Meditations and practices that help relieve stress

Meditation will help relieve tension and stress.

Many meditations do not require additional time; it is enough to take 3-5 minutes and just be alone. There is no need to sit in the lotus position or lie down. Just relax.

Recommended meditations:

  1. Meditation for inner peace “Don’t make waves”
  2. Exercise to restore the nervous system

Often a failure in the state of the nervous system is caused by a set of negative programs and information in a person’s energy (aura). They begin to provoke the release of emotions, irritability and other manifestations (signs when you need to clean your aura in the article “Why clean your aura?”

You can also cleanse your energy through meditation.

A chic cleansing meditation based on folk conspiracies removes a lot of negativity from the energy, from the power of the name, from the nervous system. You can get the meditation here

Advice from S. Duda

Often people are depressed and don't even know it.

There are simply no desires, just lethargy, just tired of everything... From an energetic point of view, this is a lack of energy in 1 chakra. This suggests that there is an outflow of energy somewhere and there may be several reasons.

Everything that doctors describe as psychological disorders is actually a description of problems of the 1st chakra. The reasons for the outflow of energy can be situations when a person has already said goodbye to life, when he found himself in severe stressful situations, when he himself was thinking about suicide (perhaps it seemed to him that these were just thoughts and he even forgot about them, but energy remembers this and continues to dump energy), suicide attempts, these are situations of surgical intervention, often situations of loss of loved ones, fears that a person invents for himself, and then is afraid of them, and... alas, envy and the deliberate negative influence of other people. If nothing like this happened and the state of 1 chakra is fine, then again physical activity will help you!

Depression and chronic fatigue live in the 1st chakra with physical activity. And you yourself can choose what to take up space in 1 chakra: activity or fatigue. What to do if from the list you remember a number of situations that affected the state of 1 chakra?

We learn what to do about it and how to help ourselves and others at the level of Practice for Improving Life in the New Reality of the VEGAS School.

We do simpler and faster-acting techniques at the Energy Flash Mob.

WhatsApp group link https://chat.whatsapp.com/CTojUAgB56GFahW7jsBeAX

How to prevent fatigue?

Prevention of the root cause of fatigue in almost every situation is preventable by lifestyle.

What to change in your lifestyle

  • Try to control your stress level and practice relaxation techniques;
  • Exercise;
  • Check with your doctor to see if your medications may cause fatigue;
  • Balance your diet;
  • Avoid overuse of caffeine and other stimulants;
  • Quit smoking;
  • Maintain a normal sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol after dinner and reduce the total amount of alcohol you consume;
  • Treat comorbidities.

What will help you feel less tired at work and at home?

  • Planning and organization of work;
  • Delegation of responsibilities: the help of family and colleagues is a lifeline that should not be abandoned;
  • Take your time or hurry moderately;
  • Take short, frequent breaks if necessary.

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