Sign language: should you “let your hands go” during a conversation?

Have you ever found yourself gesticulating a lot while talking on the phone? Perhaps this might make you feel a little stupid? Do not worry. You are not alone: ​​this happens very often, and most people use gestures to accompany their speech even when no one can see them. Why can't we remain calm during a conversation?

Neuroscientists believe that it is very likely that this occurs because gestures and words form a unified communication system that ultimately serves to enhance expression, which is intended to improve ability and ability to explain.

The science of the connection between speech and gestures

Scientists have long studied the relationship between gestures and speech to better understand the meaning of gestures and their influence on the perception of the meaning of words. For example, a 2012 study by the Acoustical Society of America found that people of all ages and cultures use gestures when speaking, but some people use gestures more than others.

Scientists also tried to understand whether gestures are actually tied directly to speech, or whether this is because gestures, like any other hand movement, are processed more quickly by the brain, which allows the listener to quickly understand the essence of the conversation.

The results of this study revealed that gestures provide us all with a glimpse into the past of humanity, to those distant times when gestures were the main way of communication. And the existence of such a deep connection between gestures and speech shows that gestures are not just an addition to verbal communication (speech). Gestures can actually be a fundamental part of communication, as they help people understand each other better.

Another study conducted recently by British scientists showed that gestures made during interviews can influence and even misinform viewers. In addition, as the authors of this study suggest, audiences are unlikely to remember which gestures of the speaker influenced them the most. Scientists from the University of Hertfordshire interviewed 90 people about the content of the interview, which was shown on video.

During the interviews, the researchers deliberately made hand gestures that misled viewers so that information about the details of the conversation recorded on video would be distorted.

It turned out that misleading gestures greatly influenced the participants' perception of what they actually heard, and many of them were misled without even realizing it. Scientists believe that the gestures we make during a conversation influence the interlocutor, and this effect can be used in their work by police officers, social workers and even politicians.

Recently, researchers at Michigan State University discovered that students performed better when their teachers used hand gestures as a simple visual aid. This approach helps students better understand even such complex subjects as higher mathematics.

The researchers believe that this study has found real evidence that gesturing can have a unique impact on a person's learning abilities, and not only is gesturing a very useful tool, it is also a completely free technology that is easy to use in classrooms.

There are many scientific papers that show how strong the connection between gestures and speech really is. However, scientists continue to comprehensively study this connection in order not only to better understand, but also to find an explanation for such a phenomenon as gesturing while talking on the phone when no one can see us. After all, it is absolutely clear that while talking on the phone, most often we begin to gesticulate without even realizing it.


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Why do I keep touching my nose?!
This is just some kind of misfortune.:) As soon as I sit down on the Internet, my left hand is freed up and so I smooth this nose of mine, rub it, tug at the very tip. Lately I’ve noticed that I don’t even need the Internet, and I rub my nose in the mirror and just casually. That’s why it’s grown like Pinocchio’s :))) I’m very sharp-nosed :))))

And then I decided to find out what the reason was. Excerpts appear to be from a book, but which one is not specified:


The slightest damage to the nose affects a person's intelligence... therefore, be attentive to your nose. When we push animals, we clog them and at the same time they develop a painful, unpleasant condition. When you grab a dog by the tail, it immediately bares its teeth and shows that it is unhappy. Why does she do this? – Because energy flows strongly through its spine... This happens with all mammals. This process also occurs in humans, except that blockage occurs in the nose. And that’s why Bulgarians often say about someone: “Puffed up his nose.” If you become blocked and energy collects in your nose, how will you heal? There is one mental treatment method. If you are clogged or unhappy with something, take your nose and say: “There is nothing!” If you don’t uncork, again grab your nose with your hand, swipe it from top to bottom three or four times, say your name out loud and say: “There’s nothing!” You can hold your nose with both hands. This way you will calm down. Try this when you are in a split state to see whether this law works or not. This is an experience for easy transformation of energies. Otherwise, a whole week may pass until your strength is balanced. 76.8-60 The glands in the nose may stop functioning. To restore energy, rub your nose until the glands begin to work. This can be recognized by the mucous fluid that flows from them. Run two fingers across your nose from top to bottom until you concentrate. This way you will turn your bad mood into a good one. If you do something stupid, grab your nose and run your fingers from top to bottom, and after some time a bright thought will come into your head 69-155 Treat your nose carefully, don’t pull, don’t pull it roughly. 68-142 One of the reasons people fail is that they do not know how to touch their nose. Someone touches their nose often - this is a black box technique. When you need to touch your nose, think a little, then take a clean handkerchief and rub it lightly. The nose must be handled very delicately. Someone grabs his nose roughly, pulls it, not suspecting that by doing this he is hindering his future development. 69-229 If you roughly grab your nose and pull it, all your affairs during this day will be ruined. 191-29 When you clean your nose with a handkerchief, pull it down, not to the sides. If you pull your nose to the side, you disturb the harmony of mental forces, and thereby change the direction of the forces acting in it. 87-78 Any touching of the nose must be reasonable. As you touch your nose, think about the Lord and everything he has created. Touch your nose with reverence and say, “Thank you, Lord, for the good nose you gave me.” If your nose has any flaw, don't concentrate on it. 68-196 When you look at yourself in the morning, look at your nose and say: I have a good nose, but it has not yet grown as much as it needs to, it still needs to grow. Lightly stroke your nose and say: “Be smart, think well!” The nose is associated with intelligent beings who work for its development. This process is not yet complete, so you must take part in it. Do not touch your nose roughly or push it. Every morning, stroke him gently, with skill, because your happiness and well-being depends on him. It makes the face beautiful. Your thought depends on your nose. No matter how much you put on airs, if you don't have a nose, you're worthless. He who understands the meaning of the nose rejoices and blesses. Stroke your nose and say: “How good you are!” I love you so much!" You are looking for some external wealth, but you forget that all your wealth is in your nose. There is no better friend in the world than the human nose. He solves all difficult issues. Pet him and thank him. He is the station for the human mind, and the mind is the minister of education. Ring the bell, i.e. stroke your nose and ask him: “Can I meet Mr. Minister?” - "Can". Go inside and bow politely. You are required to have a good attitude towards your nose. When you get out of bed, stroke your nose gently and thank him for the work he does. Make sure no one sees what you are doing, because they will not understand you. 68-120 You get up in the morning gloomy, in a bad mood, as if the world has turned upside down. Don’t be angry, lightly stroke your nose and tell him: “Something is hard for me, help me.” A little time will pass and your bad mood will disappear. Caress your nose when you are in a bad mood, unhappy, or when you cannot do some homework. Grab your nose lightly and ask him for help, and he will help you right away. 90-29 So, every morning, lightly touch your nose, stroke it from above with the desire that it does not become sharp. Study your nose, work on it to acquire new, true knowledge. 64-102 If you know how, what place on your nose to take and when, you will be able to use its energies. People pull their nose, tug at it, and instead of using its energies, they harm themselves. It is not easy to deal with your energies. That is why every morning, after washing your face, lightly touch your nose, stroke it and wish to gain energy from it for work. Look at your nose as something beautiful and fashionable. Today the nose works the most. A lot of energy passes through it. Get in touch with the activity of the nose and work on it to lengthen and widen it according to nature's parameters. 64-102 Someone sits at home for hours, does nothing and blows his nose. He doesn't know why he blows his nose. I know why a person blows his nose. When he blows his nose, he holds his nose and thus affects his mind. I have given you many rules on how to blow your nose, how to hold your nose, but you do not follow them. If you applied the rules I gave you, you would straighten out a lot of messed up cases. If you are in a bad mood, touch your nose first on both sides, then on top and say: “I will be careful not to cause any harm.” 68-17 Imagine that you are in a bad mood, irritated, nervous, and cannot sleep all night. What should be done? Concentrate your thought, your consciousness on the upper part of your nose and imagine that your nose is gradually expanding. By concentrating your thoughts on your nose, you will calm down and fall asleep. 73-257 If your nose is itchy, it means that you want to lie to someone or do some kind of trick. What should be done? “You don’t need to get irritated and scratch your nose, you need to pick it up and say to yourself: “Think as a reasonable person thinks.” 10.17-25 Something is annoying you. - Why? – You have excess energy gathered on your nose. Touch that area lightly and the irritation will go away. 68-204 If the child is angry, touch the top of his nose lightly with two fingers. 82-134 It’s good when teachers in schools practice this method on their students. When a child gets angry at school, have the teacher lightly stroke his nose and say, “It’s okay.” This method is a way of uncorking the pathways through which energy flows. Give your nose a little massage and the energy will flow. Why do you need to massage your nose? – Since the nose is the peak on the human face, excess electricity and magnetism sometimes collects on it, which clogs it. 76.8-61 You are in a bad mood. If you know your nose, it is enough to tug it a little to change your condition. If you don’t know how to pull it and in what place, then instead of helping yourself, you will only worsen your situation. It's good to pull your nose from time to time, but consciously. When nature sends illnesses to a person - runny nose, cough, she turns to her wayward children. So she forces them to do movements, to heal. Whether they want it or not, they pull their noses and thus help themselves. - “I’m tired of blowing my nose, I don’t want to pull my nose.” - Thank the runny nose. Without it you would become a cripple. He who does not pull his nose dies, but he who does tug lives. Learn to know where and how to touch your nose. 68-125 A runny nose is a consequence of the deposition of excess matter. To get rid of a runny nose, lightly touch your nose from time to time and think about the unnecessary matter that needs to be thrown away. After some time, the runny nose will disappear and the mind will become clear. 68-204 When you hold your nose, you are treated with the energy coming out of your fingers. If the nose is completely inactive, it will atrophy. 68-204 If I want to make a gesture, I will hold my nose and say, “Listen, you have been placed up here, so remember that you must express God’s thought”! 10.17-25 Touch your nose with reverence and say: “Thank you, Lord, for the good nose that you gave me!” 68-204


Here is the answer to why people with plastic surgery seem soulless... After all, nose surgery is one of the most common operations. They end up losing part of themselves. A very important part.

The importance of intonation in understanding speech

The online publication ScienceDaily reported on a new study led by Marina Nespor, a neuroscientist at the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste. In this scientific work, scientists considered the existence of a connection between speech and gestures not only in the listener, but also in the person who speaks.

Dr. Nespor, together with Alan Langus, a research fellow at the International School of Advanced Study, working in close collaboration with Bahia Guellai from the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Dfense, published report on his research in the Swiss open access journal Frontiers in Psychology. The study demonstrated the role of gestures in speech as part of prosody.

For reference.

Prosody in phonetics is considered as the study of stress, tone, intonation, that is, of suprasegmental units of sound. Prosody is also considered as a synonym for rhythm. Linguists define prosody as the intonation and rhythm of spoken language.

As you know, these are the features that help emphasize the structure of a sentence and, therefore, make the message easier to understand. For example, without prosody, there would be nothing to distinguish the declarative statement “Is this an apple” from the sudden question “Is this an apple?” As we understand, in oral speech the difference between these simple sentences lies only in intonation.

According to researchers, even gestures are part of prosody. Dr. Langus explains that the prosody that accompanies speech is not a modality (a semantic category that expresses the speaker’s attitude towards the content of his utterance).

For a person receiving a message, prosodic information is a combination of auditory and visual signals. These higher (at the cognitive level of processing) aspects of spoken language are correlated with the programming of those areas of the brain that are responsible for motor functions and for the production of both auditory speech and accompanying gestures.

How to become "Mr. Body Language"

Alan Pease, who wrote Body Language, has been called "Mr. Body Language." He knows everything about how to decipher people's thoughts and feelings from their gestures. He also tells “How to learn to speak body language” and even how to fake it and “tell a lie without revealing yourself.”

Experienced speakers use these techniques and, with the help of gestures, win over listeners, evoking certain emotions in them.

So, gestures should be soft, “rounded”. Hand movements are symmetrical, the breadth of gestures of both hands is approximately the same . A mistake is to gesture with one hand while the other is tucked into your pocket or hanging along your body. A grand gesture will show that the speaker is a confident person. Uptight - that he is shy and complex.

However, measures are needed here too. Excessively broad and active gestures in speakers who are excited and have poor self-control. It is appropriate to resort to broad gestures in front of a large audience. In a small company, active gestures will look like awkward waving of your arms. However, in countries where people with hot temperaments live, this will not surprise anyone.

You can practice symmetrical gestures, when both hands are equally active, using the “left-handed” exercise. From the name it is clear that we must imagine ourselves as a left-hander, and all the work that was previously done by the right hand will now be done by the left. This exercise is also useful for the formation of new neural connections. The main thing is not to be lazy, and then soon we will be able to control even a computer mouse with our left hand.

Gestures should be open - palms turned towards the listeners. The mistake is to hold them with the back to them or hide your hands behind your back in your pockets. Since ancient times, closed gestures have been perceived at the subconscious level as danger: who knows what is in your hands - maybe a stone. An open gesture shows that I have nothing to hide, here I am here, in front of you, all in full view.

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