How to feel another person at a distance and find out what’s wrong with him?

What it is?

The transmission of thoughts at a distance has a well-known name in psychology - telepathy .

Using this technique, you can exchange with another person not only thoughts, but also feelings, emotions, desires, you can even make some settings.

The exchange of information can be mutual , that is, a telepath is capable of receiving other people’s thoughts at a distance. Often this happens without the participation of the recipient's consciousness.

Telepathy is the object of close study by specialists around the world. There is already some data on how you can learn to transmit thoughts and discover telepathic abilities in yourself.

Tricks of the unconscious

No one has canceled the area of ​​the unconscious in people, something that is still recognized as present in a person, but at the same time very little studied, because it is not known where to look for it.

If consciousness is the highest level of human mental activity, then the unconscious is the sphere of unconscious ideas (which often becomes the cause of conscious actions). This also includes intuition, which is part of consciousness, but based on other, also unknown mechanisms.

That is, at the level of intuition and unconsciousness, a woman picks up small details in a man’s behavior, summarizes them and, based on this, receives information that she begins to interpret and feel at a distance.

What can your constant thoughts about a person lead to? No, of course, this won’t make him love you if he didn’t love you before. But he may often have thoughts about you. He will want to meet you by chance, he may have such an inexplicable desire. Also, a man will suddenly remember the smell of your skin or hair.

It is believed that it is precisely on such, only deeper moments, that magic is based. Based on the laws of energy, which people begin to use, sometimes not at all for good purposes.

It is believed that any magic is an act of harm, because through the energy attracted to help, a person begins to subjugate the thoughts and feelings of another. And this, according to the same energy laws, is fraught with the return of negative, negative manifestations to those who use such techniques for unseemly purposes.

Is telepathic communication possible?

A keen interest in telepathy began in the mid-nineteenth century . Then magic salons began to open en masse, and magicians who appeared out of nowhere began their march across the country.

In the first half of the twentieth century, scientists first became interested in telepathy. The Rhine couple from America conducted an experiment that ultimately did not prove the existence of telepathy, but marked the beginning of serious research into this phenomenon.

During the last decade of the twentieth century, Edinburgh scientists concluded that the transmission or reception of thoughts at a distance is possible only during an altered mental state. A person is in such borderline states, for example, before going to bed or during a bright outburst of anger.

To date, world scientists have already conducted a large number of experiments, which have led to some conclusions.

It turned out that most often people who are in close emotional contact .

Russian academician Kobzarev Yu.B. explained the phenomenon of telepathy in his own way. He claims that during the appearance of thought, charged particles are launched into space, which are given the name “psychons.” Psychons accumulate in clumps that are captured by people with a family or emotional connection.

Technique for transmitting thoughts at a distance in this video:

How to get someone to call?

how to get a man to call

My dears, let me clarify right away.

We don't force anyone to call! We only direct our thought into the noosphere in order to transmit it to another person. All this is quite harmless.

If you want to make a person think about you, call, or come to you - I know how to quickly achieve what you want >>>

For more information about this method, watch the video.

So, one day I really wanted a young man to call me. An old friend of mine, with whom I have not spoken for a very long time. And that's what I did.

I began to mentally imagine what he would say to me if he actually called. I came up with words that I knew exactly what he could say. To do this, I turned to my memory and remembered how he used to start his phone call to me.

And he started it banally: a long, drawn-out “Hello,” then a pause and “How are you?”

I presented not only the content of the text.

I also imagined his voice, intonation and emphasis.

After this image, I moved on to another.

I imagined the phone ringing, I looked at the screen and saw that he was calling, I saw the name with which he was written in my phone book.

I “flavored” both of these visualizations with the emotions that I will experience when he actually calls. So, of course, I will be happy...

Hmm, what should I tell him?

It probably wouldn't be bad for him to know about...

This was my train of thought. I fully believed that I would actually receive a call from him in the near future.

And in the end he called me about 5 days later.

Everything went exactly according to plan.

When I saw his name on the screen and then heard these “hello” and “how are you” - I was a little stunned. It's incredible how you can convey thoughts at a distance!

How to attract a message from the right person?

And now the second story. About SMS.

This story was shared by a girl, a reader of the blog, when I asked her what wishes you have already had fulfilled, and here is the story she told:

I really wanted to make peace with the man.

In the evening, on a piece of paper, I spontaneously drew a dialog box, like in Viber, and a text from it: “Hello, I miss you.”

About two hours later I received a message from him on Viber with exactly the same text.


As you can see, both mental visualization and what we write down on paper work.

Do you want to receive a call or SMS from someone?

Then try it. No magic. Only the power of directed thought!

These two stories clearly show how one person can direct thoughts to a call or text message to another person.

Do you know what it looks like from the side of the person to whom the thought was sent?

He will be absolutely sure that this is his own thought!

Now think, are you thinking your own thoughts now?

I have an amazingly deep article about “receivers” and “translators”, read it to learn how to create your own thoughts, and not catch other people’s. Projector of a separate reality: receiving and broadcasting thoughts.

Is it possible to feel a person who is far away?

A series of experiments have shown that a person is able to sense another person at a distance. Many of us have experienced similar sensations when we think about a person and he appears in the room or does something that we were just thinking about.

A similar connection at the telepathic level occurs between close people who are strongly connected to each other at the emotional level.

This usually happens between parents and children, between spouses and lovers. These people spend a lot of time together, communicate often and know almost everything about each other.

Mentally, they can talk to each other and consult, imagining what a loved one would do in a certain situation.

Why do I feel from a distance?

If you feel a person from a distance, it means that he is of great importance to you .

You think about him often, experience positive emotions and are on the same wavelength.

If the person is your relative, then everything is obvious. And if the one you feel at a distance is not a close person, it means that you have a special relationship with him: resurgent love or affection.

You often mentally talk to him, feel his mood with the help of intuition. Surely, you want to be close to the person, but so far you have not succeeded in this, so the subconscious finds a new way out and you begin to feel the person even at a great distance, trying to fill your emptiness associated with his absence.

Also, such a situation indicates that you have strong potential, with the help of which you can develop telepathic abilities , since you subtly sense the world.

Often a person sees signs and feels another at a distance before an important event in life that will require making a difficult decision.

How to do it?

To feel another person, you need to tune in to his wavelength and call up a phantom . There are various ways to do this:

  1. Mentally imagine an image of a person in front of you, carefully reproduce the face, his eyes, smile, characteristic features of movement, imagine that he lives in your imagination.
  2. If it is difficult to imagine a person in your imagination, take his photograph. Looking at the image, try to bring it to life, imagine how the wind moves his hair, how he laughs, smiles or talks to you. It is very important to achieve the revitalization of the image.

Before you start visualizing the image, you need to get ready to work, since under normal everyday conditions the telepathic connection will be minimal . Immerse yourself in a state of complete relaxation, calm all your thoughts and consciousness, do not think about anything extraneous.

Is there love at first sight? Find out about this from our article.

Feeling a man across distances: mysticism or reality?

Sometimes you can hear a mother say that she feels her child in her heart. This is the same energy that many have not heard of, some do not believe in it. Meanwhile, there are cases when, in moments of danger for their loved ones, a person suddenly begins to experience inconvenience, some kind of discomfort, and then realizes that everything was not accidental. At the same time, the closer the person in question is to you, the higher the likelihood that you will feel him.

Also amazing is the fact that sometimes we are about to call some man or woman, and it is at such a moment that he or she picks up the phone and dials our number. Or a person who is in another place suddenly appears unexpectedly where we are, but this happens at the moment when we have been talking about him for a long time or emotionally, or remembering him.

How does this happen to a man when someone persistently thinks about him? Suddenly, at some point, a fleeting thought comes to him about the one who desires him. This is explained simply by the energy that can make one think for a moment about the one who remembers. At such a moment, a person seems to feel a light breeze.

So why is this happening?

  1. Mental connection (explained by karmic connection and astrology)

The so-called karma or fate is explained by many esotericists as a kind of miracle, when predestination is placed at the head of human relationships and everything is explained through the prism of only communication on a level that is not understood by most mere mortals.

There are certain signs of a mental connection between people:

  • they experience inexplicable feelings for each other - they seem to be drawn to each other;
  • only together they feel good;
  • they are similar in many ways: they have common tastes, preferences, desires;
  • can understand each other without words.

Scientists believe that a mental connection does exist, but it is explained by other, more mundane circumstances. Firstly, during long-term communication, adaptation occurs between two people who “get used to” each other. Their brain (not one for two, but each individually, but together) begins to think approximately the same way, as common topics of conversation appear, common affairs, common dreams, etc. They develop a close emotional connection, which Over time it strengthens and takes on a mental form. That’s when they say about people: “They live in perfect harmony!”, “They understand each other without words!” and etc.

To achieve such a mental connection, it is best to:

  • spend as much time as possible together;
  • respect and value each other;
  • identify points for unity;
  • achieve maximum mutual understanding and trust;
  • to be together “and sorrow, in joy.”
  1. Psychological explanations

Having studied the psychotypical characteristics of someone, a person is able to predict his actions; Living together means adopting habits and habits. A psychotype is a concept that characterizes a person’s personality type, his values ​​and beliefs, lifestyle, habits, and psychological characteristics. That is, in fact, predicting the behavior of a male representative is quite possible. Knowing a man’s psychotype, a woman can easily guess how he will react to something in any situation, how he will behave, what he will do at a certain moment. This is precisely what they see as the ability to feel at a distance.

Mind control

With the help of telepathy, you can control a person’s consciousness at a distance. You can instill in him the necessary thoughts that will lead to the desired consequences , and even give certain orders.

Using the technique of instilling thoughts, you can make a person sympathize with you if you constantly send him love signals and thoughts, and confess your love.

With the help of thoughts you can even heal a person. Mothers have a tremendous ability for this. They are connected to children by a thick emotional “rope”.

If they feel worried about the child, if they wish with all their might for the child to recover , and try to instill in him thoughts of a speedy recovery, a miracle can happen.

If you want to try to heal a person from a distance, mentally send to him a warm energy ball that has healing powers.

Imagine how the ball will reach its target and begin to have a healing effect on the patient .

Imagine that he is getting better, that he is beginning to rejoice and experience positive emotions.

With the help of the power of thought, a person can be moved to take any action. For example, you quarreled with a loved one and want him to call you.

Sit comfortably, clear your mind, clearly imagine the person, revive his image and mentally encourage him to action. Imagine that he picks up the phone, dials a number and calls you.

What do light shades of a thin body mean?

Discussion: 3 comments

  1. Anna Markova:
    01/10/2018 at 15:24

    I try not to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, because it is a window into another reality and, of course, drinks our energy.


  2. Sergey Startsev:

    01/19/2018 at 18:03

    It turns out that almost the majority of types have a negative annotation? Either they drain your energy or they spoil you. In this case, one should not be surprised at the bad character of the various watchmen through whom hundreds of thousands of such “vamirs” pass through every day.


  3. Lyubov Uryvskaya:

    01/20/2018 at 19:18

    People leeches and sticks are the most common in our time, because... have not learned to save and accumulate their own energy. I’ve been doing yoga for about 4 years, I learned to concentrate on the energy of the mirror, quite successfully. As for the wall that you should strive for - the deepest work on yourself, from the very bottom subcortex..


Suggestion techniques

  1. Before starting work, relax, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and information . Sit comfortably, try to evoke in your head the image of the person to whom you want to convey your thoughts. Place his photograph in front of you and carefully look at the image for five minutes. All this time, revive the image, imagine how he talks, how he smiles or laughs.
  2. Give your full attention to the other person. If at some point you feel the presence of someone else in the room, it means that your actions are correct and you have established a telepathic connection with the desired object. Now begin to mentally reproduce the thoughts that you want to convey to him. Clearly imagine how the thought flows through the energy channel and penetrates his brain.
  3. Imagine that he hears this thought and is immersed in it. The person to whom you are transmitting thoughts will hear a certain voice in his head and it will seem to him that new thoughts were born in his brain on their own. Repeat the exercise every day for thirty minutes.

It is best to repeat the process about five times a day, then the expected effect will be much stronger.

Holding technique - practice:

How to understand who is in front of you?

Not only people have an energy field, but also animals, plants, stones, etc. From this it is clear that the relationship between man and nature occurs as a result of the exchange of information.

Human aura

A person’s energy can be determined by the following criteria:

  1. Day, year and place of conception. If conception occurred during a solar or lunar eclipse, then the energy will be changeable, with certain disturbances.
  2. Solar Activity. Those born during this period have strong energy and are resistant to external factors.
  3. Human field. For example, a stranger entered the room, and there was a feeling that he had crowded everyone out. This means his energy is very strong. And vice versa, if he went unnoticed, this means that in front of you is an energetically weak person.
  4. Intuitiveness. The sensitivity of each individual person is developed differently. When contacting someone, you need to listen to your feelings.

About the power of thought

Thoughts have enormous power and are believed to be waves tuned to a specific frequency .

These waves can be transmitted over very long distances. The person to whom the suggested thoughts are transferred is a kind of “receiver”.

The great power of thoughts is no secret to anyone: how many times have you had amazing situations when you called a person who was dialing your number at the same moment?

There are such examples in everyone's life. Scientists claim that one information field has been created around our planet, in which all our thoughts “float”.

They are on different waves, so each person picks up from the outside world only those thoughts that correspond to his personal wave .

How to stop being jealous of your girlfriend or boyfriend? Read about it here.

How to suggest a thought?

In addition to the above practices of instilling thoughts, there is another interesting technique . Free your mind, don’t think about anything, close your eyes and clearly imagine the sun’s disk. After the image of the sun has steadily appeared in your imagination, switch to the person to whom you want to send the message.

Recreate his image in your head, imagine his characteristic features, bring the phantom to life. Having tuned in to the same wavelength as the receiving person, clearly imagine on the solar disk the phrase that you want to inspire.

Be sure to use first person to overcome subconscious defenses.

The practitioner of suggestion must repeat the phrase sixteen times , and then imagine a person in the solar disk who begins to carry out a kind of order.

In this experiment you will send a message to your friend. Concept of nonlocality:

How to attract a man from a distance?

to make a man fall in love with the power of thought .

Using this technique, you can only make him think about a woman, make him interested in a person and evoke positive emotions associated with the image of a lady.

The ritual must be performed while full of strength and health . If you are sick, it is better not to resort to suggestion, as there will be no result.

Go to bed around the same time your lover is going to bed. Relax, clear your mind. You can turn on pleasant music or light some essential oils. Mentally imagine the image of a man, connect with him, penetrate his consciousness.

After this, start saying short phrases , for example, “get bored,” “think,” “remember,” each time adding your own name. If the process is reproduced efficiently, soon the man will start thinking about you


Friendship between a man and a woman: and is it possible? Find out the answer right now.

How to attract someone from a distance. Working with submodalities:

How to get your loved one back?

Women often suffer greatly if their lover leaves them. They cannot come to terms with what happened and want to return it. With the help of suggestion of thoughts you can significantly speed up this process. First, a woman must work on herself.

She should no longer feel sorry for herself and expect pity from others. She must radiate love and positive emotions so that a man with all his soul wants to return to a woman filled with harmony.

If you are tired, exhausted and miserable, you don’t even have to try to renew the relationship, because a man will not connect his life with such a lady.

After careful work on yourself, proceed to suggestion using the above methods. Every day imagine the image of a man in your thoughts and inspire him that he thinks about you, that he wants to call, come and ultimately return forever.

How to call?

How to attract a person? If you want to call a person who is at a distance, but cannot enter into an open dialogue with him, use the power of thought.

Constantly think about the person, try to instill in him the idea that he should come .

At least five times a day, perform special rituals, which consist of complete relaxation, a thorough presentation of the image of a person and instilling in him the necessary thought.

A sincere message must come from a pure heart, then the person receiving your thoughts will definitely respond and come.

How can you meet a girl or guy if you are shy? Advice from psychologists will help you!

How to act based on a photo?

The appearance of photographs has made life much easier for various magicians who read thoughts at a distance, instill thoughts and influence a person. Photography is great for instilling thoughts at a distance if it is difficult for a person to reproduce the image in his mind.

It must be placed in front of you and examined for a long time, trying to “revive” the image depicted in the picture.

Here lies a certain danger for a person who does not think about the power of photography and distributes it to everyone. Never give your images to strangers who may want to harm you.

Types of energy


The mirror man has the ability to reflect energy. Directed energy returns to the one who sends it. And it is not always positive. This type of person easily defends himself from any kind of negativity, including that specifically directed at him.

They feel those around them. Mirrors distinguish the energy that is sent into the world around us. With any contact, the mirror person becomes clear who is in front of him, and whether it is worth dealing with the stranger in the future.

Man mirror

Anyone who carries negative energy tries to avoid mirror people. After all, he receives negativity emanating from himself in an even greater volume, which in turn provokes illness and causes problematic situations.

The mechanism of action for a positive person is the same: when communicating with a mirror, he receives only positive emotions.

The mirror's social circle consists of only good people who carry positive emotions.


Wall people have the strongest energy. You could say they are impenetrable. Any misfortune that comes to them bounces off like a cork from a concrete wall.

But interacting with a human wall has its downsides. Everything bad that is directed at him flies away and returns not to the one who sent it, but to the people surrounding the wall.


There are a lot of such energetically charged men and women. Every day we encounter them, be it at work, the subway or the street. This could be any of the family members. Leeches are very similar to vampires. They replenish their energy by taking it from others. The life force goes with it.

Leeches work according to this method: they provoke conflict and humiliate others. As soon as people are charged with negativity, they gain positive energy and feel better. Leeches become more active and feel a strong surge of strength. Anyone who has succumbed to the influence of such a person feels empty, depressed, and experiences physical weakness.

This type of people is quite aggressive and persistent, and a strong wave of negativity comes from them.

Conflict woman

In order for a leech to always be in a good mood, it needs energy donors. She surrounds herself with such people, because she can connect to their energy field.


The type of people who throw a huge amount of negativity at their interlocutor (even a stranger). They try to stick to a person for a long time in order to slowly suck the positive out of him. Sticky people want to be close to a source of energy, call, make appointments, give advice or ask for advice.

A man thinks

But if something not entirely good happens in the life of a sticky person, they immediately remove the blame from themselves and condemn those around them. That is, they act a little differently than leeches. Sticky people are fueled by the energy of people who provide them with moral support, feel pity, and give advice.

It is worth noting that their energetic influence on people is much less than that of leeches.


Absorbers are both recipients and donors. They have accelerated energy-information exchange and increased sensitivity. They feed on the fact that they are introduced into the lives of others, touching on personal aspects and showing increased care.

Couple in love

There are two types of such people:

  1. The former absorb both positive and negative. They often look offended, but quickly calm down.
  2. The second type needs negativity and gives its positive energy to others. Representatives of this category help people, but they themselves suffer.


They are called energy donors. Plant people give their energy to others. At the same time, they like to poke their nose into other people’s affairs, which is not particularly liked by those around them, who express their dissatisfaction and anger.


They have quite strong energy, allowing both positive and negative to pass through them. Everything that is directed at the human filter flies to the sender, only with a completely different charge.


The negative remains in the filter, only the positive is returned. Such people are found in the following professions: psychologist, diplomat, peacemaker.


A category of people with accelerated energy metabolism. They absorb positive (and not so positive) emotions, but cannot sufficiently resist the negativity. It manifests itself like this: the intermediary was given information, he cannot cope with it and sends it on. This is one of the most common types of people.


People are quite fixated on their experiences. They rarely come into contact with the outside world, since they are not endowed with the property of competent distribution of energy. They hide a lot of negativity within themselves.

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