How to find out a person’s character by handwriting; let’s look at an example of handwriting

The connection between character traits and handwriting

The proposed method is acceptable for people from 25 to 45 years old undergoing the test. Experts believe that it is this age period that has the most stable traits of personality psychology. The individual is asked to write 2-3 sheets of text in his own hand. Often, the first sheet will be much more diligent, and the subsequent ones will be filled out in a more familiar handwriting. It will be possible to accurately determine some of the distinctive character traits of an individual by looking at the last few lines of the text. The condition of the paper, which is used to study the special characteristics of an individual’s handwriting, can also indicate certain of its features.

A small piece of paper with some blurred writing marks, which the writing individual will blame on the pen, will indicate negative character traits such as sloppiness and greed.

A sheet of excessively large size, with carefully filled out data, indicates such human traits as generosity, sometimes turning into extravagance.

These indicators are very relative, because when applying for a job, the applicant fills out an application form on a form, like everyone else. However, at the same time, a greasy sheet and sloppy, smeared letter demonstrate, first of all, a person’s greed. A pedantic and kind individual will have a clean sheet and neat handwriting. Narrow margins demonstrate a person’s tendency to be thrifty, overly compressed margins indicate stinginess, wide margins indicate openness, and too wide margins indicate arrogance and desire for wealth. Small letters indicate isolation and secrecy, medium letters indicate no deviations, large letters indicate obvious qualities of a leader, the superiority of one’s own “I” over others. When the capital letter is too heavily emphasized, it can mean that the person is not very confident in himself and is easily influenced by others. A capital letter, slightly different in size from lowercase letters, characterizes the individual’s excessive constraint and his inherent distrust of everyone around him. The more pressure on the page when writing, the more experiences a person has at the moment. Wavy lines when writing quite accurately symbolize the variability of the subject’s mood, the lack of frankness in his words and actions, while straight lines symbolize the ability to adequately look at the world around him. If a line clearly rises on a sheet of paper without markings, the person is more likely to be an optimist; if it goes down, he is a pessimist.

The connection between character and activity

Despite a certain skepticism, there is undoubtedly a grain of truth in the theories of graphologists. This is confirmed by one of the fundamental principles of psychology, which states that not only human consciousness reflects reality, but also all mental processes and states are somehow manifested in the activities and behavior of the individual. And also in handwriting. There is nothing supernatural or pseudoscientific about this.

The human body is a complex system, all elements and processes of which are interconnected and interdependent.

  • Our emotions, feelings, needs, motives, interests arise under the influence of external stimuli - irritants: danger causes a feeling of fear, meeting a loved one - joy, a fascinating book - interest, the smell of delicious food - a salivation reaction, etc.
  • Mental processes are closely related to physiological ones and cause changes in the functioning of various body systems.
  • And prolonged experience of negative emotions can cause so-called psychosomatic diseases, for example, tachycardia, arrhythmia, hypertension, gastritis.

Thus, a feeling of fear, a sense of danger activates the activity of some body systems and inhibits the functioning of others. The release of adrenaline into the blood stimulates the heart - it begins to beat faster. Constriction of blood vessels occurs, due to which the face turns pale, chills appear, and hands and feet become cold. But the work of the digestive system is suppressed, since all the body’s resources are directed to other purposes - salvation from danger. Sometimes a strong feeling of fear causes general weakness, trembling arms and legs.

A feeling of anger, on the contrary, causes vasodilation and a sharp jump in pressure, which causes blood to rush to the face. Muscle tone increases, muscle tension can be such that a person involuntarily clenches his fists and clenches his jaw.

Any emotions are manifested in behavior: facial expression, gait, timbre of speech, and gestures change. Changes in the nature of fine motor skills of the hand affect handwriting, which acquires features that reflect our emotional state.

Handwriting indicators

Sweeping writing indicates that the writing subject is generous, but rather careless, and there may be some negligence in his own work.

Sweeping handwriting

Condensed handwriting indicates that the subject is petty to the point of disgrace and prefers to cling to the mistakes of other people rather than find mistakes in himself. Surely he is the owner of several complexes at once. Thrifty to the extreme, sometimes reaching the point of outright stinginess.

Example of condensed handwriting

Handwriting that is difficult to read is characteristic of a nervous but very energetic person. He always needs to rush somewhere and this leads to delays.

Pale handwriting shows the insecurity of its owner and a whole collection of various complexes. This style is typical of people who do not perceive their own loneliness as some kind of shortcoming. At the same time, a person can be a romantic to the core.

Example of pale handwriting

Firm handwriting, usually accompanied by strong pressure on the pen. A person with a similar handwriting has increased energy and is always confident in his words and actions. May be a workaholic.

Firm handwriting with strong pen pressure

Trembling handwriting demonstrates the owner’s depressive character and constant lack of self-confidence. Represents an excellent target for various phobias and fears.

Trembling handwriting

Large handwriting belongs to a person with an open and friendly character. He has no difficulty in making contact with a stranger. There is not the slightest difficulty in communicating with him, and he is characterized by emotional stability. Freely faces the need to demonstrate leadership qualities.

Large handwriting

Frankly shallow writing is characteristic of a person who can be considered secretive and introverted. At the same time, the individual may be distinguished by a clear sense of purpose.

Small handwriting

Handwriting that stretches belongs to a lazy and even relaxed person. He is in no hurry, leaving current affairs in the middle, letting them take their course. Capable of delaying the solution of a problem to the limit, but never admits ignorance of what should be done.

Example of handwriting that stretches

Wavy handwriting belongs to a person who easily changes his mood and his views. Can be resourceful and actively resorts to deception.

Direct handwriting is characteristic of a person who is distinguished by openness and prudence. It is always easy and pleasant to communicate with him. A person with such handwriting has adequate self-esteem.

If the line rises, the owner of this handwriting is optimistic about life.

Example of handwriting where the line is rising

If the text runs down the page, the owner of this handwriting is a pessimist with low self-esteem.

When all letters are written separately, the subject has a creative character and imaginative thinking.

Handwriting with separate letters

Letters characterized by a sharp or angular image show that the person has an egoistic orientation.

Smooth writing belongs to a quiet and pliable person, capable of easily giving in in order to throw off responsibility. The lifestyle of such an individual is to go with the flow, without interfering in anything.

Handwriting characterized by a reverse slant belongs to an obvious egoist who actively admits all the blame to everyone except himself. An attempt to convince such a person is doomed to failure. Any dispute would be a waste of time.

Handwriting slanted slightly to the right

A strong tilt of the letters to the right belongs to a purposeful person, and also for whom jealousy is not at all an extraneous feeling.

Center for the Study of Handwriting by Irina Bukhareva “Modern Graphology”

There are handwritings that are visually very similar. And to a person who is not professionally trained, at first glance they may seem almost the same. But this is far from true. In nature, there are no two identical people, just like no two identical handwritings. It's like looking at twins: to a person who doesn't know them, they appear identical in appearance and it will take a lot of time to distinguish one from the other. But parents and people close to them will do this without difficulty, without looking closely at small, sometimes barely noticeable differences, such as moles, scars, elements of clothing. In the same way, even the smallest details, subtleties of a person’s character and behavior are obvious to a graphologist. A person’s personality is individual, multifaceted and unique. But then an absolutely natural question arises: “I have several different handwritings. What does it mean?" It turns out that some people have many faces and are able to change like chameleons? Let's figure it out.

The reasons for this can be different and lie in the depths of personal characteristics, worldview, and self-awareness. The human personality, having individuality, in itself, is changeable and flexible. She adapts to changing circumstances. Accordingly, handwriting follows these changes. After all, our style of writing is directly related to the activity of the brain, which transmits signals to other organs, incl. and hand while writing.

One way or another, having different handwritings, a person feels uncomfortable, he tries on all sorts of images, constantly trying to seem different from who he is. But the true face is hidden. It is reminiscent of a one-man theater, with many costumes, wigs, makeup and different roles, where no one knows his true face, even he himself is confused about which one he really is. This is often typical in adolescence, as a person searches for himself and is prone to changes in mood, behavior, and desires.

But in adulthood it leads to absolutely the opposite effect, since a self-sufficient and internally free person will never pay attention to the shape of handwriting. People who write in different styles and behave ambiguously, in different circumstances, in different ways. For example, in one team, they adapt and seem more open, sociable, talk calmly and without hesitation on any topic. Where they feel uncomfortable, defense mechanisms are activated and behavior changes greatly.

There is also a widespread belief that if you change the inclination, size or writing of any letters, then this is a completely different handwriting, and therefore a different person wrote it. Visually, this may be true. But it is difficult to deceive a true professional, because... only the level of general dynamics, internal freedom or restraining factors, criticality, tension or relaxation, caution, attention, concentration or greater spontaneity changes.

Let's look at examples

1. Several variations of handwriting for one person

male, 30 years old, right hand

This handwriting is quite flexible, streamlined, spontaneous in movement, with a healthy thread-like quality. The stroke is thin, light, pointed. Intuition is developed here. The person is sociable, makes contact easily, is open to new things, and feels at home. Possessing flexibility, she easily adapts and overcomes stressful situations. Garlands speak of a social orientation, a sensual need, despite the fact that the owner of this handwriting is a man. He is quite smart, interesting, has well-developed verbal abilities, and easily finds a common language with the female sex. Soft, non-conflicting.

In this handwriting pattern, there is greater release (relaxation), control and pressure are reduced, and the letters increase in size. Both their width and the distances between them increase. Readability deteriorates. Those. a person gives free rein to his intuitive nature, relying on internal signals.

Here the size decreases, the middle zone narrows, and in some places the slope straightens. The handwriting is more collected, heavier, control appears, sensory perception also appears, the need to feel for yourself, to touch, to make sure becomes visible. A degree of obsession, restraint, and monotony appears. A person begins to restrain himself, tries to think, rationalize and move away from the natural and intuitive perception of the situation.

This example shows even greater control compared to the previous one, the size is uneven, the handwriting becomes narrower, and the distances between letters widen. All this speaks of an even greater attempt to concentrate, but on oneself, a thorough attempt to think and calculate moves.

Despite the fact that these handwritings from a visual point of view will seem completely different and one might think that they belong to different people, nevertheless, it was written by the same person, whose essence, “depth” is unchanged. And if you separate the superficial, changing signs, then it is quite possible to discern the true face hiding behind these seemingly different samples. The basis of his personality is an ethical, sensory perception of the world. There is a lot of tolerance, flexibility, and psychology in him. A person passes everything through himself, obeying sensual impulses. By nature, of course, he is a humanitarian, has all the skills to study foreign languages, and is aimed at society. Communication, being in a team, etc. are important to him.

2. Handwriting in general is all uneven

It also happens that handwriting as a whole is very changeable and heterogeneous. A person seems to be tossed from side to side, he is subject to frequent changes in mood, desires, internal impulses and motivation. Uniformity is the degree of consistency both in handwriting and in life behavior and adaptation. There will never be ideal constancy, but if there is a preponderance towards heterogeneity - as you write, there is a constant change in the inclination, size and width of letters, distances between lines and words, etc. - then we can talk about a loss of internal control, inconsistency.

male, 22 years old, right hand

Here you can see strong heterogeneity, large size, loss of pressure, a large number of corrections, itchy movement. Before us is an unpredictable person, subject to mood swings. The need to be surrounded by a protective social framework and to feel cared for and understood is replaced by a focus on internal dialogue with oneself. He finds it difficult to make decisions and hesitates regarding his goals.

3. Heterogeneity due to the intuitive beginning

Intuition allows you to capture information “from the outside” at the subconscious level with a holistic picture. This is the direct ingestion of information, where, without turning on any mechanism, choices are made and decisions are made. But, if it is in a dominant position, then this often leads to heterogeneity, the lines begin to loop, hover above the line line, individual letters “knock out” from them, and tilt fluctuations become visible.

male, 33 years old, right hand

In this sample, a strong threadlike pattern dominates, and pressure disappears. The shape is original, thread-like. The letters are abstract, impoverished and difficult to read. The handwriting is flexible, streamlined, uneven, and unreadable. Intuitive perception is well developed. But due to the lack of pressure, the handwriting flows as if on its own, inertly. The person is indifferent, detached, speaks and expresses himself ornately, pursuing his own goals. He does not like frameworks and rules - he lives as he sees fit, as is more convenient for him. Not emotional and not dependent on the opinions of others.

4. Handwriting that changes as you write on the sheet - several styles in one

When a person starts writing in one style and ends in another. As a rule, in this case there is also general heterogeneity (see paragraph 2). This indicates internal conflicts and great instability. A person experiences a conflict of self-perception and self-esteem; he cannot find peace, is unstable, and vulnerable.

male, 30 years old, right hand

What is striking here is the heterogeneity of the handwriting as a whole and the change in styles. A loose, smearing stroke, changes in pressure, even disappearing in some places. Emphasis on form. The movement is restless and itchy. Strong control. This person tends to live in pleasure, enjoying the fullness of life; he loves comfort and convenience. Very changeable, loaded with his thoughts and internal emotional states. She urgently needs communication, care, it is important that someone is nearby. Tries to control everything, because... feels that it is safer and calmer this way.

5. Psychological distress

Heterogeneity of shape, size, inclination, itching movement, etc. are very characteristic of adolescence, the transitional period at the stage of personality formation, when hormonal changes occur. But in adulthood it often leads to psychological problems and ill-being when a person causes “damage to himself.” This can indicate both depression and a lot of fears, control, feelings of guilt, etc. In these cases, “brokenness” will be visible - minor glitches on any detail in the letter (as if the person was pushed, although this did not happen), sudden changes in pressure, as well as a number of other signs.

female, 24 years old, right hand

In this example, a large number of angles, inflexibility, narrowness of the middle zone, small distances between words and lines, and heterogeneity are clearly visible. Lots of kinks, changes in pressure, a scratchy, hard touch. Before us is a person who thinks specifically, of a sensory type. She needs precise and clear directions and instructions. There are a lot of internal conflicts, irritation, anxiety, stubbornness. Attempts at the most severe self-control with a tendency to succumb to sudden internal impulses. It seems to her that she was unfairly offended, so she accumulates past grievances inside. Needs care, reliability, support and understanding. Takes criticism painfully.

6. False distinctions

It also happens that a person believes that he can write in different handwritings, but in reality these changes are not so significant.

We see handwriting with distorted letter shapes and poor readability. There are many corners and a narrow middle zone. Spasmodic, confused movement. There are a lot of corrections, “snails” - centripital twists in the letters. Before us is a person focused on himself, on his inner world, very distrustful, constantly expecting negativity from others.

We see “two versions” of the same person’s handwriting, where the changes are minor. But, nevertheless, their owner believes that the differences are significant. The signs remain the same. In the second sample there is only a clear loss of pressure. This is a kind of attempt to show some creativity and ease of handwriting by the author.

7. Temporal variability

Handwriting can change throughout the day, depending on your mood, well-being, some personal, internal changes - for example, you completed a “young fighter course” or “personal growth” training. But these are far from drastic changes, since handwriting is three-dimensional and has depth, which includes a number of stable features that are not very noticeable to a non-professional specialist, such as movement, stroke, pressure, etc., therefore the main essence of a person, his “ depth" always remains the same.

But temporary personality fluctuations do not mean a big internal change. A person tends to change, develop, and find himself in stressful and conflict situations, sometimes due to circumstances beyond his control. And he can react to them differently, in accordance with his temperament, internal make-up, worldview, and thinking.

Irina Bukhareva, handwriting expert.

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Determining temperament by handwriting

A melancholic person writes in letters that openly dance. He does not consider it his main task to give the text some beauty and accuracy.

A sanguine person has a rather beautiful and neat handwriting, and the letters can be expressed too broadly in writing.

A phlegmatic person uses different amounts of pressure on the pen while writing a text. The volume of letters may vary, and there is space between letters.

The choleric person always presses the pen hard, and there is a slant to the right in his writing.

Why do doctors have bad handwriting?

There are many versions about why medical workers have bad handwriting. Not all of them are true. The fact that even pharmacists make mistakes when choosing a medicine prescribed by a doctor causes a storm of discontent among pharmacy visitors. The main reasons for unsatisfactory calligraphy by a doctor:

  • Workload
    . A simple pediatrician at a public clinic is given no more than ten minutes to see a patient. During this short time he must:
      Listen to the complaint.
  • Carry out an inspection.
  • To diagnose.
  • Prescribe treatment.
  • Fill out the appointment on your medical card and write out a prescription at the pharmacy.

A natural conclusion: where the doctor saves his time is in writing a medical history.

  • Healing mystery
    . There is an opinion that doctors write incomprehensible hieroglyphs deliberately. In most cases, they serve two purposes:
      Thus, they protect the nerves of overly suspicious patients.
  • This is how you can “get out” in front of your superiors during a consultation: the pressure is 130/60, which can be interpreted as 150/80.

As you can see, under various circumstances, healers are able to encrypt diagnoses and test results.

Doctor's terrible handwriting

How are appearance and handwriting related?

In a subject whose height is not very tall, the characters when writing seem to strive to grow. The text necessarily contains extra strokes.

A tall subject's handwriting does not tend to stretch, and there is some unstable pressure during the writing process.

For a person of average height, the text is quite condensed, and the end of the text is slightly lower than what was written earlier.

The subject, distinguished by his characteristic slenderness, lengthens the characters, and writes punctuation marks smaller than the rest of the text.

A fat person is distinguished by constant but uneven pressure in the writing process.

The blond subject's writing is clear and beautiful. It is characterized by a slight decrease in growth. The text is not written too large.

The dark-haired man has beautiful handwriting, and the capital letter always stands out ornately.

Briefly about the main thing or what graphology is

In all areas of life, it is simply necessary to know the person with whom you communicate, work or live. After all, the effectiveness of teamwork or other activities is often directly related to how well you know another person. And you can understand another only when you have drawn his psychological portrait.

And in cases where you do not have the opportunity to acquire the information you need through physical contact, such a necessary and subtle science as graphology can help you.

Graphology is the science of handwriting and the methods that allow us to study the personal characteristics and mental state of the individual who wrote a specific text.

Today there are a lot of books in which everyone can find information that interests them. But here we will look at the most important points of this science, so that you can independently study the handwriting of the person you need and understand his character and more.

So, first of all, graphologists assure that for an accurate analysis it is necessary to study more than one sheet of paper written by the person whose handwriting you want to study.

Since experts have come to the conclusion that at the beginning of a letter a person writes unnaturally, and then begins to slowly “open up,” that is why the last pages are the most interesting for researchers.

Man writes

Determining your profession by handwriting

People of different professions

A businessman usually has rather unpleasant writing.

The pharmacist is characterized by uneven handwriting.

The philologist writes in uneven and choppy handwriting.

People of mental work highlight their text when writing with strokes.

For philosophers and poets, writing can go downhill.

People associated with creativity tend to have wavy writing.

The fight against bad calligraphy by doctors in Russia

In addition to the unpleasant situations that arise from misunderstanding what is written, the usual assignment sheet has turned into a commercial project for many sales managers. Businessmen began to visit attending physicians and offer rewards for the fact that the drug they provided would be included in the patient’s prescription.

In 2013, the Russian healthcare system stopped this unscrupulous practice:

  • Active substance
    . In the prescription, you can only write the active ingredient of the drug, and not the commercial name of the drug. The pharmacist will help you choose the appropriate option:
      . A pharmacy visitor will help you buy medicine based on your financial capabilities.
  • Lobbying.
    Original foreign-made drugs are overly advertised and promoted to the domestic market of the country. The innovation will allow the development of domestic pharmacology.
  • Transition to electronic format
    . By the end of 2020, every clinic in the country must be computerized. This practice exists in many countries around the world, and this significantly increases the efficiency of medical institutions.

Very bad handwriting

The relationship between handwriting and personality traits

Based on the individual characteristics of writing, it seems quite possible to determine the most striking character traits of a person.

If an individual is hot-tempered, when he writes, the letters rise very high, and the tails of some letters are lowered too much relative to the line on which the inscription is made. An indicator of intelligence is the presence of some additional decorations. There is practically no bias, the words are located at an almost identical distance from each other. Aligned lines distinguish well-balanced individuals, whose handwriting has a certain attractiveness and even seems not entirely legible at first. Stupidity is that part of character which is expressed by the fact that words are depicted at different distances from each other. A significant difference in the writing “font” is that the capital letters are fundamentally different. Composure is a quality of character in which different lines are written with obvious unevenness, letters look neat, and words are separated by different spaces. Finally, cruelty is characterized by underlining when writing, and some characters are written with distinctive care.

How small issues turn into big problems

In 70% of cases, the beauty of a doctor's letter is stolen by daily routine work. Everything goes harmlessly if the diagnosis includes a common ARVI. Another thing is serious illnesses.

An incorrectly chosen course of treatment can be fatal for the patient:

  • Hospital treatment
    . Difficulties in reading outpatient cards are easily resolved: the neurosurgeon calls the cardiologist and clarifies what conclusion he wrote in the patient’s history.
  • Recipe
    . The patient takes a prescription sheet and goes to the pharmacy. If a pharmacist misreads the name of a prescribed medication, serious problems may occur, which may even result in death.

There is a way out of the situation - as soon as possible, all medical documentation should be transferred to electronic format. Two problems are solved:

  1. Data correctness
    . All medications will be in a single database, which will not allow prescribing an incompatible medicine to a patient.
  2. Current statistics
    . In unusual situations, such as a simple epidemic or a widespread pandemic, the Ministry of Health, having up-to-date data, can quickly solve serious problems.

Doctor writes a prescription

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