Midlife crisis in women: causes and ways to overcome it

General information

The age crisis for women, like for men, is a concept that has a social context. Its course depends on many factors. Let's figure out what a crisis looks like for women.

Description, main problems

What is this - a midlife crisis? To begin with, what age should be considered average? The World Health Organization (WHO) puts the average age of women between 30 and 45 years. However, psychology does not provide clear boundaries in answering this question. In this case, the external cultural environment, the level of development of society, and social status have a great influence.

The average age of a woman during the onset of a crisis is about 40 years. The period of crisis is a transitional stage, characterized by internal problems associated with the lack of meaning in life, rethinking one’s place in it, or summing up intermediate results. This is an extremely individual and purely subjective problem, which is based on important issues and dissatisfaction in the family or professional sphere of life interests.

The main problems of this period are the following:

  • Changes in appearance, which begins to show signs of fading;
  • Loss of strength, physical problems. The body is no longer able to cope with diseases the way it did in youth. This leads to the formation of chronic diseases;
  • Problems associated with hormonal changes and changes in the body that accompany the onset of menopause;
  • A woman’s feelings associated with insufficient fulfillment in one of two areas: motherhood, or, conversely, the professional sphere;
  • Full life realization. A person begins to feel that there are no goals left to move towards. Life then loses its meaning.

How the crisis begins

This largely depends on the woman’s character and temperament . Those prone to hypochondria will look for signs of crisis in themselves long before they begin to appear. A middle-aged woman who is optimistic or does not have extra time for introspection will quite possibly not notice its onset at all, or will not identify the symptoms with this condition.

In addition, research suggests that, as a percentage, only 10 to 25% of people aged forty experience a crisis condition as a diagnosis . For the rest, this stage can be considered a normal transitional age, which every person overcomes more than once in his life.

The onset of an age crisis in a woman is characterized by two successive stages.

  1. The first of them is the loss of illusions and groundless hopes. At this stage, a middle-aged woman most often comes to terms with the fact that the crazy dreams of her youth are left behind and are unlikely to become a reality. Of course, such a loss is accompanied by a decline in mood, vitality, and disappointment in oneself and others.
  2. The second stage of age-related identity psychology is characterized by the term “liminality.” The essence of this stage is that a woman, at the onset of a critical age, feels confusion and uncertainty, since under the influence of the changes that have begun, she has already left the old “herself”, but has not yet fully formed the new “herself.” In the process of developing a personality, middle-aged women often begin to reassess values ​​and goals: the past seems incomprehensible, and the prospects for the future are not yet visible.

Features of midlife crisis in women

For clarity, the features and signs of a female midlife crisis can be compared with the features of the course of a male crisis, since they are fundamentally different. This is due to fundamental differences of a physiological and psychological nature.

Comparison of male and female SWR
Women are by nature more prone to introspection. When a crisis begins, this tendency can take on hypertrophied forms: a woman constantly tries to find out where she made a mistake or did something wrong, that is, she looks for the cause of the problems in herself. The stronger sex rarely engages in introspection. Men blame anyone but themselves for the crisis, their troubles and failures (most often, their close circle of people).
A woman in crisis is withdrawn and unsure of her abilities. She also questions her attractiveness, since her youth is left behind, and public opinion most often does not favor women after 40 years. A man is often inclined to overestimate his abilities and explain failures by external factors. In addition, society does not consider men over forty unattractive. Rather, on the contrary, at this age they become the object of attention for the category of girls of twenty to thirty years old.
The female crisis is extremely rarely accompanied by leaving the family. But sometimes there is a possibility of finding another partner in the case of an unregistered relationship, or new love for single ladies. Any, even the most insignificant, family conflicts for a man in crisis can serve as a reason to “slam the door.” A fairly large percentage of men during a crisis period go to their mistress or start a new family.
Complexes about fading beauty and an aging body prevent a woman from fully enjoying sexual relations. This is followed by a lack of enthusiasm or a complete refusal to have sex. After overcoming the crisis, interest in sexual relations is renewed. Feeling increased energy, men often go to great lengths to satisfy their sexual appetite. But after a crisis, given that it occurs later than a woman’s, problems of a sexual nature often begin.
Due to the fact that women have a shorter reproductive age, the presence or absence of children can be of great importance in the process of living through a crisis. It is believed that in the latter case, women endure the crisis more difficult, since on a subconscious level they are disturbed by a feeling of emptiness and failure to fulfill their main life role. The presence or absence of offspring rarely affects the male crisis. A man, unlike a woman, does not consider children the meaning of his life and does not worry if he does not have them. In addition, representatives of the stronger sex remain capable of conceiving for a long time, so the “biological clock of the body” does not have such an influence on them.

In addition, there are clearly visible features of this age period, similar in both sexes:

  • Fear of loneliness, old age, death;
  • Regrets about irretrievably lost years;
  • Search for a new meaning in life, or attempts to seriously change its course;
  • Confinement to oneself and one’s condition, limiting contacts with loved ones.

Interesting fact

Girls who grew up without a father are prone to severe crisis manifestations in middle age. But girls who were adopted children are more resilient and less likely to have a hard time going through the crisis of 40 years.

Is it possible to avoid a crisis?

A woman who is able to avoid a crisis completely is rather an exception to the rule. More often it happens that a personal crisis goes unnoticed against the backdrop of some external events that completely crowd out internal experiences. The course of the crisis, its severity and the ability to avoid it depend on the type of behavior.

Psychologists distinguish four types of behavior of a mature personality:

  • Spontaneous . The life of such a person is not organized; he adapts to events on the go.
  • Functional. There is no plan for life; a person only from time to time undertakes its organization and chooses areas of activity.
  • Contemplative. A person relies on external circumstances, realizing only momentary plans.
  • Creative. An ideal (and therefore rare) behavior option. A person controls circumstances, manages them, and is able to use external events to implement his own plans.

The last type is least susceptible to crisis. The choice of behavior always remains with the person, so the opportunity to avoid an unpleasant period is in your hands.

Positive sides

Not everything in a crisis entails problems. There are also undeniable advantages:

  1. A crisis in older women helps them look at themselves in a new way and change their position and behavior;
  2. Adolescence in women, no matter what age it begins, gives a good impetus to development. Personal growth during this period is often rapid and allows a woman to get out of the crisis not just with the least losses, but with gains.
  3. A crisis situation gives you the opportunity to think about whether everything in your life is going as it should. Often a nervous shock allows you to look at the situation from a different angle and understand how to act in the future.

Interesting Facts

Psychological research over the years has revealed some interesting aspects of the women's crisis.

  • When there are problems in the family, women endure a crisis of 40 years more severely;
  • Symptoms of a female midlife crisis are more pronounced among women working in teams and less so among managers and organizers;
  • The midlife crisis in women is always accompanied by dissatisfaction with their career and chosen profession;
  • When experiencing a midlife crisis, both married and unmarried women have an unconditional value for family. Married women value the need for education, self-development, communication and hobbies lower, but they value material wealth higher than unmarried women;
  • For divorced women in a crisis situation, their own prestige is most important.

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Author: Baska Elena Yurievna

Each of us goes through a crisis in a specific period of time. From an astrological point of view, this happens when a slow transiting planet makes a difficult aspect to itself in a person’s natal chart. A crisis is always psychologically difficult, and what is most difficult is that it is protracted in time, since the planets are slow, and plus they have retrograde movement, this is when the transit planet is going on, and it seems that it is about to leave the orbit of the aspect (crisis), but it unfolds back and all over again. The duration of the crisis ranges from 1 to 4 years. The crisis progresses differently for different people. For some it’s very acute, for others it’s only slightly painful. All this depends on the strength and location of the planets and aspects. Let's take a closer look:

7-7.5 years. Saturn square Saturn. The time the child enters school. Some children feel abandoned and abandoned as they enter the new world of school, where life will test their strength for the first time. The aspect (square) is difficult in itself, and Saturn is the limiting planet, the planet of order, discipline. It is advisable that a child under 7 years of age have simple responsibilities - for example, watering flowers, taking out the trash, wiping off dust. Then the entry of the aspect at the age of seven will not take you by surprise, but will only impose additional responsibilities (study). It is important that the child has a daily routine (Saturn is also responsible for the daily routine). And not only a schedule for duties and studies, but also for rest, sleep, and games. The child’s body must recover. Before going to 1st grade, a child needs to communicate with a child psychologist. Firstly, the child will know that there are people in life to whom he can always easily turn for help and advice (children do not always share problems with their parents). And secondly, the child will receive a favorable positive attitude before school. For the parents themselves, a consultation with an astrologer will help in order to: 1. see how and with what nuances your child’s school life will go, how to cope with all this; 2. help parents choose a model of attitude and education during this period, and also consider which of the parents and family members will be better able to help the child adapt during this period. Many parents make the mistake when, in addition to regular school, at the age of 7, their child is also sent to music, art, and sports. This is a very big burden for a child. Additional school for a child is desirable: either before the crisis (up to 7 years), or a little later (after 8 years). It is very pleasant to observe the changes in the school curriculum recently. Now, in the 1st grade, the child is not given grades, they are not asked so demandingly, lessons are held in the form of a game. And this is very important! 1st grade coincides with a crisis, and with its first age crisis. You can’t throw everything at a child at once. Everything must be very delicate and careful. The child has been studying at school for 11 years. There his character develops. Therefore, it is important to choose a good school so that your child is not under constant stress for 11 years. Well, just some human advice: Parents, don’t be afraid to change schools. If your child feels bad there, another school, in another area, is better than constant stress, tension, and most importantly, the health of your child. It happens that changing the places of the terms causes the sum to change).

14-15 years old. Saturn in opposition to Saturn. A very strong crisis, which is aggravated by puberty, sexual desire, and anxiety. Here, the child clearly realizes that he is no longer a child. There may be a feeling of misunderstanding, especially on the part of adults. The danger of this crisis is very high. Many children begin to “see” the hostility of those around them - teachers, parents, classmates, and therefore try to develop protection of their interests, as best they can, each with their own methods. The child is convinced that everything is bad, and others are to blame for this - friends, girlfriends, parents, teachers, but not myself. The planet that is responsible for the crisis - Saturn requires responsibility, discipline, organization and routine in everything. Saturn does not tolerate chaos and laxity. If a person shifts all the blame for what is happening in life onto others, and not onto himself, and does not change his attitude towards everything that happens to him; unless the child asks himself the question: “What. I did it myself, personally?!” then, unfortunately, this will worsen towards the next crisis by the age of 20-22.5, when transit Saturn will make a square to natal Saturn. If the aspect is not worked out during this period (20-22.5 years), then in the rest of his life it will appear that at 30, 40, or even older, he will blame others for everything - his bosses, colleagues at work, business partners, wife (husband), parents, children, etc., but not your loved one. They say about such people that they “stopped developing in adolescence.” The most important thing here is to teach your child responsibility. This could be caring for a younger brother, sister, an elderly relative, a pet, or duties around the house and dacha. Moreover, all this should be built on a constant and systematic basis, and not on a case-by-case basis, depending on the mood, or when the child himself wants it. Regular hardening and sports also help to work out this aspect very well. The period is still very slippery. A child can go down the wrong path - these include bad behavior, drug use for the first time, and perhaps even involvement in a criminal environment. Some people leave home during this period and give up their studies. Girls endure this crisis more gently; they have a greater sense of responsibility. But in my practice there was a case when a girl who was going for a gold medal from the first grade, at the age of 14, got involved with a drug addict, got into drugs herself, and left home. Her parents were able to find her in another city, even in another region, but she never returned home.

20-23 years - Uranus square Uranus and 22.5 years - Saturn square Saturn. A painful and painful period, since two difficult aspects come into force at the same time. Especially. if during the previous crisis, at 14 -14.5 years old, the teenager did not master the lessons that needed to be learned. This period coincides with the time when adolescence is already over and a person enters adulthood. He needs to decide on a job, since by this time many people graduate from university. Just at the age of 20-23, young people fall into long-term depression because they do not know whether they have chosen the right specialty, whether they will be able to realize themselves, and adult life scares them. But during this period, a psychological crisis occurs differently for everyone, not only regarding the future profession and self-realization. It all depends on where the planets forming the crisis are located in the natal chart, which house they are in transit through, and what aspects they make. Someone cannot find a common language with peers or friends; others are not satisfied with their personal life or its complete absence; others have lost their guidelines and goals in life. There are different ways out of the crisis. Everyone has their own - according to their own astrological chart. If, during a crisis at the age of 7, the help of a child psychologist is sometimes sufficient for a child, then during the period of this crisis, the help of a psychologist will not be effective, and sometimes can aggravate the situation, due to the fact that time will be lost and wasted. Neither a psychotherapist nor a psychologist can feel the problem as deeply as an experienced astrologer can. Of course, when a crisis (depression) lasts for a long period, medication assistance from a psychiatrist is certainly required. Usually, parents, and indeed no one in general, are perceived during this period, as a result of the action of the square of Uranus. “I am myself”, “no one is my authority”, “I will figure it out myself”, “don’t bother me to live my own way, and don’t impose your advice” - parents often have to listen to all this from their children during this period. Each inharmonious aspect of Uranus to itself is a test of the strength of the human psyche: whether he will be able, in response to the challenges of the situation in the environment, to change, preserve himself as an individual, and at the same time develop the potential inherent in him from birth. Some cannot withstand the pressure of Uranus and “break”, as a result of which they can no longer withstand the wave of unpredictable events. The mistakes some parents make is when they come to a consultation without their children. What is important here is the presence of the child himself, or even better, for him to come for a consultation himself, and moreover consciously, without pressure from parents or anyone else from the outside. There is no need to force your child to consult a psychologist, psychotherapist or astrologer. He must want it himself. Otherwise, the consultation will not be as effective.

27-28 years old. Antiphase of karmic nodes. Each person in life has his own mission, his own purpose. And if he does not feel, does not know and does not begin to fulfill them, clutching at the familiar and beloved burden of the past, fate presents tests, sometimes in a harsh way, directing him in the right direction. Sometimes it just takes life (Lermontov). And for those who move correctly, fate helps. During this period, you can radically change and rebuild your life. The best period for this, despite the crisis. You just have to go in your own direction). 29.5-30 years. Jupiter square Jupiter and Saturn Return. The crisis is connected mainly with the social sphere, namely with the “inadequacy” in the eyes of the person himself of the speed of his progress up the social ladder. It may also seem to him that the people around him do not evaluate him seriously and at his true worth. What is most interesting is that all people, whether they are familiar or not with astrology and psychology, by the age of 30 they try to outline their main plans. From an astrological point of view, this is due to the return of Saturn at 29.5 years. Many people want to achieve some kind of certainty by this period. One plans to get on his feet by the age of 30 to provide for his family. Another will get another higher education and defend a dissertation, and someone will get married and give birth. Everyone makes plans for their 30s. Even those who don’t build, at the age of 30, sort of sum up the bar. The first return of Saturn at 29.5 years is the final formation of the inner core, the character of a person. And in subsequent years there will only be adjustments and hardening of this core. For this reason (until a person is fully formed), we are astrologers and do not recommend starting a family before the age of 30, especially for men. By the age of 30, every person should be able to take responsibility for himself, his work, his team, his family, if he has one, that is, to be a mature adult. It is very important to plan your life for this period, not only in personal terms, but also in work, career, and in general completely. At least know your general priorities, and not flutter through life like a butterfly or moth. I like this period because you can calmly and soberly take stock of your entire life up to the age of 30, take into account the mistakes you have made, outline and adjust further plans for your future life, and outline a model of your life (destiny).

37-38 years old. 1) phase of karmic nodes. 2) Pluto square to Pluto. Here, as you can see, there is a double overlap of indicators. I'll start with point 1 - the phase of karmic nodes. To eliminate this factor, and at the same time turn him from an ill-wisher into an ally (I already wrote about this above), it is advisable to know your tasks, goals, mission for this incarnation by the age of 27; know those areas of your life that will work out, and God and fate itself will help in this; It is also important to know those areas in your life where you should not go at all, and for this fate will beat you, and it will be very painful, it can even take your life (the death of Pushkin, Mayakovsky at the age of 38). This is the same thing, for example - they sent an employee on a business trip, gave him important assignments, but he did nothing, and his superiors fired him. Fate (karma) gives us life, sends us to Earth to perform certain tasks, and if we do not complete them, removes us (fires us) from life as an unscrupulous worker. The 2nd point that makes up this crisis is, in my personal opinion, the most painful. This is Pluto square Pluto. This aspect means an energy crisis, or, more precisely, a recession. Some people develop cancer during this period. The theme of death is acute. Pluto itself is the planet-ruler of Death, and not necessarily natural, maybe violent. My husband almost killed one of my clients because she simply didn’t give him money for vodka. The woman miraculously turned out to be alive, neighbors saved her. But for a very long time she could not get out of the protracted crisis. The feeling of fear, anxiety for her own life and for the life of her child settled in her for a long time. My husband did not give divorce or exchange of shared housing. The woman was on the verge of insanity from the steps on the stairs and her husband opening the lock on the apartment door. I will note, however, that those who try to live according to the principles of Pluto know how to use the energy of this planet, do not feel anything negative during this period, on the contrary, they increase their strength, energy, and power. As an astrologer, I can give advice: reconsider your life, remove from life everything that interferes. Pluto is a destroyer planet. If you yourself do not remove everything unnecessary from your life, Pluto will remove it and in a very painful way. 38-45 years - Uranus opposition to Uranus. The onset of Uranus's opposition to itself at the age of 38-45. This is an acute, critical age. Almost everything in a person’s life is subject to reevaluation and rethinking. Uranus opposition is a test of identity. If the result of the self-test is negative, disappointment in oneself and severe emotional distress occurs. In some cases, the opposition of Uranus can become the end of life, and a logical end at that (V. Vysotsky at 42 years old).

42-45 years old. Middle age crisis. 1) Neptune square Neptune. 2) Saturn in opposition to Saturn. The crisis is extremely acute, because the opposition of Uranus to Uranus has not yet ended (38-45 years), and the next two difficult aspects are already taking over at the same time. The crisis caused by the square of Neptune to Neptune (1st point) is a spiritual crisis of those who feel the uselessness of their existence, emptiness (the so-called “emptiness in the soul”). I'm digging into myself, thinking that something is wrong. Or there may be troubles, deception from those areas or people where Neptune is involved in a person’s natal and transit charts. If Neptune, for example, is responsible for the person himself, this person may suddenly start drinking, taking drugs, powerful psychotropic drugs, join a sect, and plunge into complete depression. It’s not the best option either when Neptune is responsible for property or money. I had a consultation with a married couple who, at the age of 43, lost their home. They couldn’t even think that the person who was involved in their real estate could deceive them like that. Neptune is such a planet that it is not immediately clear where and what the catch is, everything can happen in a veiled manner. Neptune in the astrological chart was responsible for money for the husband, for housing for the wife, and in the end they lost both. Regarding the 2nd aspect, Saturn is in opposition to Saturn, I can say that Saturn itself is a heavy planet, and the negative aspect makes it even heavier. The same thing may happen that happened during the crisis at 14-15 years old. The crisis again concerns the sexual sphere and hormonal changes. Women enter menopause, the childbearing period ends, and men notice a decrease in sexual potency. There is a deterioration in one's attractiveness. Signs of aging appear. Women are starting to think about plastic surgery. Old age scares many people. Some are faced with the death of their peers, even those who died naturally. One of the parents may die during this period. Or problems may appear that resemble the problems of adolescence: the parents themselves can no longer cope on their own, and their grown-up child takes care of them, again falling into dependence. The nature of this dependence is now reversed. If by this time there are some unresolved complexes remaining, the person can transfer them to relationships with their boss, colleagues or spouse. Only now the rebellious nature of behavior will lead a person to a dead end. At 45 it is usually too late to change jobs. But divorce for many seems attractive, effective, and a good means for change. A person blames his husband or wife for everything, just as at the age of 14-15 he blamed his parents, teachers for all his difficulties... And a new wife or new husband helps strengthen their sense of confidence in their sexual attractiveness, fills the emptiness of life with new meaning, pushes them to new achievements, success in the profession and society. Just as many teenagers run away from home and get married, adults make the same mistake.

46-47 years old. Karmic nodes are in antiphase. It's quite a sensitive period here. A person is given time to rest from his karmic task and time to again use past experience, the baggage of previous incarnations in his life. But usually (from the age of 27) a person becomes so involved in performing the tasks with which he was sent, and he likes it, he is so used to it and has gotten used to it that he no longer wants to throw off this burden. During this phase, actors Anna Samokhina at 47 and Turchinsky at 46 left us.

56-58 years - the third return of karmic nodes. For those people who have clearly expressed nodes in their natal chart, this is a time of crisis, a time of tough testing, a period of testing, but also an opportunity for the revival and elimination of negative karma. The last attempt to fulfill your mission - the karmic task for this incarnation.

59-60 years - the second return of Saturn. Just like at the age of 30, summing up what you have done in life. It happens differently for everyone, it depends on the degree of development of Saturn - some have painful depression and experiences, while others have setting new goals and attitudes. It is very clear from older people at this age how well their Saturn has been worked out. Usually, at the age of 60, you can tell from a person whether he is wise or not. Wise older people at this age do not judge young people under 30 years of age. And they don’t feel the crisis at all. They have a well-developed Saturn, they are wise and beautiful. Young people are drawn to them. They are happy with life.

63 years old. Uranus square Uranus. If at the age of 21 the square of Uranus to Uranus gives a crisis of youth, then at the age of 63 - a crisis of old age. Many people’s health is collapsing, interest in work is declining, and life itself is viewed in a dark light. Panic arises that he won’t be able to do anything new, life has passed. And all this is felt very deeply. Some, on the contrary, gain a second wind during this period. Someone finds themselves in creativity (Buranovsky grandmothers), someone starts playing sports, hardening, winter swimming, studying and mastering the Internet, and someone passes on their accumulated experience to young people.

65 years old. Opposition of karmic nodes. At this age, the completion of the karmic task - the mission for this incarnation - is summed up. Fate seriously asks a person whether he has fulfilled his karmic task, and no longer gives him time to complete this mission (at 65 years old). As a result of not fulfilling one’s karmic task, as a rule, serious illness and death occur.

74 years old. Saturn opposition to Saturn. During this period, regardless of the degree of development of Saturn, any person feels loneliness, physical imperfection (decrepitness). Here a person is tested to see whether he can take care of himself, both physically and financially. A person gives himself an account of the years he has lived, and is not satisfied with this report (opposition). The period is very difficult. Those close to such a person need to show care as never before. Often it is during this period that older people fall into the hands of black realtors and all sorts of other swindlers. It would be good if close people surrounded their elderly relative with care, came up with some useful activity for him - caring for flowers in the country, for example, caring for grandchildren, walking the dog, etc. The main thing is that the elderly person feels useful.

84 years old. Return of Uranus. Neptune opposition to Neptune. It happens differently for everyone. Some people are looking for new ideas and ways to self-realize themselves even at this age, while others fall into depression and insanity. I observe the lives of many old people from the outside. I came to the conclusion: those older people who are constantly busy with something at this age, work, grandchildren, dachas, do not feel crises at all. For them, periods of crisis are always associated with setting another new goal, task and its implementation.)

88-89 years old. Third return of Saturn. This period is characterized by a kind of farewell to the world, a final review of one’s life, everything that has happened, everything that has been done and not done. A period of humility with the thought of the inevitability of leaving this life for eternity...

Author: Baska Elena Yurievna


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Symptoms of age-related mental changes

When a midlife crisis occurs in women, it can be accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms. The most common ones can be divided into two types: external , related to the psychology of middle age, and behavioral .

External psychological symptoms include :

  • Self-doubt, combined with depression and lack of initiative;
  • A sharp change in lifestyle. It is manifested on the positive side by increased attention to one’s health, a healthier diet, and a desire to move actively and play sports. Departure in a negative direction is accompanied by food promiscuity, bad habits, and alcohol abuse;
  • Lack of life plans combined with dissatisfaction with the time already lived. Accompanied by anger, irritability, mood swings, searching for shortcomings in oneself and others;
  • New hobbies appear, often unexpected. Accompanied by the desire to try yourself in a completely new capacity: learn to play a musical instrument, draw, engage in extreme sports. Sometimes an interest in philosophy and religion appears;
  • Sleep problems may begin, and a depressed state may develop. Depression in women after 45 years of age very often accompanies a crisis.

Behavioral characteristics of a 45-year-old woman experiencing a crisis:

  • Thinking about career changes, quitting a good job;
  • Constantly compares herself with others, is dissatisfied with her own life;
  • Feels like a failure and belittles his own merits;
  • Lies about his age;
  • Feels out of place next to young people, or, on the contrary, tries to spend time more often among younger people, since he feels younger in their environment;
  • More often he remembers his childhood and thinks about the future.

Features of a midlife crisis in women

You need to know that an age crisis is a normal phenomenon in a woman’s life. Its characteristic feature in women, as well as in men, is the fear of impending old age and retirement age , which a person has always considered something distant.

For the weaker sex, the period of 30-35 years is considered more difficult, when old age seems to be still far away. But it is precisely the crisis of 35 years in women in psychology that is often called the midlife crisis, while in men the prerogative is given to the forty-year crisis. There are several reasons for this:

  • Women's and men's bodies differ in their biological clocks;
  • Women's reproductive age is shorter than men's;
  • The period of thirty years is the heyday of male attractiveness, while a woman at this age often believes that she is beginning to fade.

Another characteristic crisis feature is changes in the relationship between men and women. The apparent impression that relationships have outlived their usefulness, misunderstanding and unwillingness to meet halfway during a crisis lead to a large number of divorces and separations.

Sad statistics

In 2020, there were 829 divorces per 1,000 marriages in Russia. Almost half of them are due to a relationship crisis, mutual misunderstanding, and personal immaturity. Moreover, according to statistics, about 80% of men subsequently regret the divorce and want to get back together with their partner.

Causes of the crisis of 30 years

At this age, those women who were unable to fulfill the tasks they had previously set for themselves are often susceptible to crisis. The reasons may be:

  • Dissatisfaction with the chosen life partner;
  • Conflicts with your own family (for example, due to excessive passion for your career) or with your spouse’s family;
  • There is a desire to have a child, but it is not possible to get pregnant for some reason, or pregnancy is unwanted by one of the spouses;
  • The simultaneous desire to become pregnant and the fear of losing your job because of this;
  • There is already a child, perhaps more than one, but there is no career. For example, a woman with three children in a crisis understands that she will not be able to go to work in the near future; this is combined with the fear of becoming uninteresting to her spouse.

It is noteworthy that no matter how old a woman is, during a crisis period everyone is dissatisfied with their situation - both those who have achieved something and those whose life is not going the way they want.

What problems can await a woman at the age of 40?

A woman at this age evaluates her life, realized achievements and dreams, and sets goals for the future. When unfulfilled hopes are accompanied by feelings of shame and guilt, this can seriously worsen the condition. Depression at 40 is a fairly common companion to a crisis . Therefore, it is important not to focus on failures, because every woman has reasons to be proud.

At this age there is a danger of judging yourself too harshly. You shouldn’t do this; it will only worsen the crisis. It is best to try to carefully analyze mistakes and successes, set priorities correctly and move towards new goals.

Turning point at 50 years

The crisis of 50 years, or the crisis of retirement age, manifests itself differently in women than at 30 or 40 years old. At the age of 50, a woman often humbly accepts her body and the changes that occur to it . However, the psyche is seriously affected by other critical changes in life.

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By this age, all life goals have usually already been fulfilled: the children have grown up and moved away, work and career are almost over, life has been established and arranged. A woman needs to search for a so-called “new identity”, which is strongly influenced by the desire to be in demand and loved.

It is at the age of 50 that representatives of the fair sex can “kick up” and commit some act that can seriously affect their life, even destroy it. It is important to prevent such a development of events, to take responsibility for your destiny, to independently fill your life with new people, events, and deeds .

Also, a woman can subsequently experience a crisis of 60 years - a period of acceptance of old age, physical and mental decline.

How can a woman get out of a crisis?

According to statistics from psychologists, there are women who have never faced a midlife crisis. And this phenomenon was observed not in those women whose lives were ideal, but in those who were constantly worried and simply did not have time for self-analysis.

Overcoming the crisis has its positive consequences:

  • strengthening mental strength;
  • readiness for a new stage of life;
  • accepting your own life experience, your mistakes and achievements;
  • awareness of new perspectives.

But such consequences are possible if a woman managed to overcome the crisis. Otherwise, you can be disappointed in life and in your own abilities. As a consequence, this leads to prolonged depression, loss of work, drug addiction or alcoholism, and severe mental disorder.

If you cannot overcome the crisis on your own, you should contact a psychologist who will help you get through the difficult period and find positive aspects in the situation. At the same time, it is recommended to be examined by an endocrinologist, since an anxious state is often associated with hormonal disorders.

Causes of the crisis

The main cause of the crisis is serious contradictions in important life categories associated with the impossibility of implementing the plans built in the head . For women, family, health, love, freedom, self-development, and self-confidence are important.

Since all these areas are interconnected, discomfort in one of them provokes a general crisis, which is aggravated by:

  • Loneliness;
  • Problems at work;
  • Depressive state;
  • The coming menopause.

There are some of the most common causes of the female crisis, which are worth taking a closer look at.

Family, children and motherhood

The process of emancipation brought career success to the fore. And women are often so immersed in work that they decide to start a family and children at an age when it becomes more difficult.

At the same time, the very idea of ​​motherhood can so captivate a woman that she becomes obsessed with the desire to get pregnant and does not notice anything around her. Such fixation subsequently leads to deep depressive states that require the help of specialists.

Housewife problems

Difficulties that are diametrically opposed to the previous ones. A woman who devotes all her time to children and home, by middle age acquires a bunch of complexes associated with a lack of professional fulfillment. Moreover, in this case, complete financial dependence on the spouse also causes problems.

External changes

Any manifestations of age that are reflected in appearance give a painful reaction. The situation is complicated by the fact that age-related changes are difficult to slow down and correct. Beautiful women who are accustomed to male attention react especially sharply to this.

Effect of hormones

The hormonal changes in the body that accompany the crisis entail not only physical, but also psycho-emotional changes. It is important for a woman to distinguish between mood swings that have a hormonal basis and those that simply accompany a new life.

You shouldn’t be led by emotions and “wind up” yourself. A visit to a female doctor and the prescription of adequate therapy will help cope with sudden hormonal changes.

Professional stagnation

With a long gap in work, for example, maternity leave, a woman may lose motivation to work. Either she loses the desire to work due to an unsuccessfully chosen profession, or her work involves constantly being, as they say, “in trend,” when even a small gap becomes irreparable, and the woman is not able to “catch up” with her colleagues who have gone ahead.

Interesting fact

According to statistics, women are less likely than men to believe that they have chosen the wrong profession. In addition, it is a well-proven fact that a woman by nature has a wider range of inclinations than a man. Therefore, a woman can almost always choose some alternative activity for herself.

Fear of loneliness

A crisis based on the fear of loneliness implies the absence of family and children. During this period, a woman can deliberately create unnecessary and unpromising relationships, with the goal of “just to have them.” And at a later age, closer to sixty years old, the “empty nest” syndrome is added to this.

Fear of death

Fear of old age and death is the universal basis of the crisis for both women and men. During a period of crisis, the thought that more than half of life is already behind us is haunting, and then it will gradually roll downhill.

Symptoms of this condition

Recently, very often women after 30 experience a crisis period. The “trigger mechanism” can be:

  • another failed relationship;
  • problems at work;
  • difficult family situation;
  • misunderstanding of parents or husband;
  • difficulties associated with separate housing;
  • loneliness.

And when faced with one of these problems, a woman may experience certain symptoms of a 30-year-old crisis.

How a woman can cope with a midlife crisis

How to overcome a midlife crisis in women? The best way is to contact a specialist. But if there is no desire or opportunity for this, you can try to take independent steps:

  • Don't rush into action. Calmly analyze the situation, analyze it into its components, solve problems consistently;
  • Rely on the support of loved ones and friends;
  • Find yourself active activities. Communicate with new people, start learning a foreign language, read good books. You can try yourself in some completely new activity that is interesting to you;
  • Try to have a positive attitude towards emerging situations.

Treatment of female SWR

How can a woman successfully overcome a crisis when it lasts for a long time? In this case, it is strongly recommended to consult a psychiatrist - a good specialist will determine the degree of emotional disorder and select adequate treatment . Since the crisis state is often complicated by depression, sleep and appetite disorders, and complications of menopausal symptoms, it may require not only symptomatic treatment, but even serious drug correction.

The prescription of medications that affect the psyche is always accompanied by psychotherapeutic sessions. People over 30 are often advised to consult a family psychologist, since the help of a spouse with emotional disorders is very important.

Models of crisis behavior

Women during a crisis act according to four behavioral models:

  1. Those who have given preference to building a career compare the result with the effort and money spent on it.
  2. Those who chose family over a career indulge in regrets about missed opportunities and lack of fulfillment.
  3. Those who began to live independently early or started a family at a young age are trying to somehow delay the passing of youth.
  4. A woman can also completely rebuild her life: find a new job, start a new family.

Communication with loved ones

How can loved ones survive a woman's midlife crisis? During this period , it is dangerous to leave her alone; the support of her family is extremely important . The husband should be reminded more often that his wife is beautiful. It is also worth getting close and making friends with children. A woman should try to find common ground with her husband, for example, a joint hobby that is interesting to both.

Healthy Habits

If you didn’t lead a very healthy lifestyle before the crisis, now is the time to start! This will help both cope with the crisis and improve your overall condition and well-being. Review your diet, add vegetables, herbs and fruits to it. Give up alcohol and smoking. Replace strong coffee with herbal tea .

Engage in non-stressful sports in which you will succeed - this promotes vigor and optimism.

Trainings and specialists

To cope with a situation, you need to understand its causes. There are a sufficient number of trainings and thematic seminars that will explain the nature of the crisis, examine whether women have special problems that require specific solutions, teach how to resolve difficult situations, set new goals and move towards their implementation.

Interesting information

An alternative to psychological training is the Turbo-Suslik psychotechnics, which is designed for completely independent work. But this technique is not for everyone, as it seriously changes your ideas about life.

Advice from psychologists

Recommendations from experts on how to overcome the crisis include the following:

  • First of all, you don’t need to bring yourself to exhaustion and serious overwork . A tired body is unable to cope with crisis manifestations. It is necessary to rest regularly, but not on the couch in front of the TV, but in the air. Walk more often, go into nature;
  • Find something to do . Often self-digging begins simply from an excess of free time. Choose a hobby that brings you pleasure, meet like-minded people, change the stagnant course of your life;
  • Understand your attitude towards the work you do . Answer questions about the pleasure of the work done, its impact, and the benefits for others. It is quite possible that you should change the direction of your activity;
  • Building good relationships with your family is also work . Take time for your husband, children, parents;
  • Don’t look at everything “through rose-colored glasses”, give preference to reality . It is better to adequately treat your own strengths and weaknesses than to try to close your eyes to them.

Causes of the female crisis at 30 years old

Any crisis condition has an underlying reason, which most often includes certain events in a person’s life.

Psychologists identify the reasons for the emergence of a midlife crisis in women:

  • Problems in your personal life. A single woman aged 30 most often suffers from low self-esteem. She begins to doubt her own attractiveness, since she still cannot boast of having a spouse. Experiencing constant worries about realizing herself as a wife and mother, a woman can fall into a prolonged depression. In such a situation, psychologists strongly recommend paying maximum attention to developing a sense of self-confidence.
  • Reassessment of life values. Quite often, married women, having crossed the thirty-year age mark, begin to analyze their experience of family life. Unfortunately, most often such an assessment leads them to disappointing results. Frustration is caused by chronic fatigue from household chores, problems associated with raising children, and lack of time for one’s own hobbies. Realizing that over the years the number of worries will only increase, a woman may begin to perceive her family as an obstacle to a happy life.
  • Age-related changes. A woman begins to notice the first wrinkles on her face, almost constant dry skin on her hands, the appearance of cellulite and loss of breast firmness. All changes show a woman more clearly than anything else that the passing years do not stand still. Almost every representative of the fair sex begins to experience an irrational fear of old age. She doesn’t want to lose her attractiveness and tries to slow down the aging process in every possible way.
  • Professional failure. For most women, building a career plays a big role in life. If a girl started working at the age of 20, then 10 years later, already as a middle-aged woman, she tries to analyze all her professional achievements. If over the past time she has not been able to achieve the desired heights, then she begins to experience an acute feeling of helplessness and professional failure.
  • Other people's achievements. Having reached the fourth decade, every person begins to reflect on what he was able to achieve in life. If he has nothing special to brag about, and among the people around him there are many quite successful ones, then he may become disappointed in himself. This also applies to women, who may also begin to feel anger towards their more successful friend.


A successful exit from a crisis involves reformatting a person’s consciousness towards an adequate real understanding of life and its limitations. Maintaining a harmonious family and relationships becomes a priority, while one's own selfishness is relegated to the background .

A woman who has emerged from a crisis with a breakthrough in personal growth realizes how important it is to enjoy what you have, without paying much attention to things that are likely to remain unattainable. Thus, there is a tendency towards satisfaction with one’s own position and place in life.

All this marks the onset of a period of stability, an age of wisdom and understanding of life priorities . For many women, the process of renewal, launched with the onset of the crisis, ultimately leads to a calm and happy life.

If you don’t want to give up and are ready to really, and not in words, fight for your full and happy life, you may be interested in this article .


Experts identify several common causes of crisis in men :

• lack of financial viability;

• unrealized dreams and plans;

• career failures;

• absence of family or children;

• strained relationship with your spouse;

• betrayal of a partner;

• problems related to health in general and the sexual sphere in particular.

The responsibility for ensuring the material well-being of the family does not fall on women's shoulders. Therefore, the reasons for the development of depression in women aged 30-40 differ from men:

• awareness of a mistake when choosing a spouse;

• husband's betrayal;

• conflict with the older generation: mother or mother-in-law;

• inability to get pregnant if you want to have a child;

• unplanned pregnancy and abortion;

• difficult childbirth and postpartum depression;

In reality, all these factors are relative. It is impossible to predict in advance which of the reasons will initiate the development of depression after 30 years, and accordingly, there is also no way to protect against it.

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