Treatment of depression: types of depression and treatment methods

If you are reading this article, then you are either someone who suspects you have depression or are looking for a way to help a loved one who suffers from it. Let's first figure out who treats depression: a psychologist or a psychotherapist?

Will the help of a psychologist help with depression, and what is it?

Can a psychologist help with depression?

Does a psychologist help with depression? Client reviews provide conflicting information:

Evgeniya: “When treating depression, a psychologist is useless. I went for two months and just wasted my time and money. Only the pills helped.”

Olesya: “A psychologist saved me from depression, but pharmacological drugs had zero effect. I’m in no way saying that psychiatrists don’t know how to treat—it’s just my personal experience.”

Anatoly: “A year ago I suffered from depression. A friend who studied to become a psychologist advised me to see a psychotherapist. And not to someone who prescribes pills (this was tried), but to a specialist who treats with conversation. I found such a therapist, and now, after five months of treatment, I can say with confidence that my condition has improved, my life has sparkled with new colors.”

Alena: “Consulting with a psychologist for depression helped me. You just need to spend time finding “your” specialist. A few weekly consultations were enough for me to recover, but my situation was not such a difficult one. My friend, whom I sent to the same psychologist, was treated for probably seven months: she had more severe depression.”

The main methods in the work of a psychologist are psychodiagnostics, counseling, and training. If you suspect depression, you can consult a psychologist. He will talk to you and run tests to confirm or refute your concerns. But a psychologist has no right to officially treat depression without appropriate professional retraining.

Only specialists who have received special medical education or have been trained in psychotherapeutic methods can treat depression. Psychiatrists (medics) can prescribe medications (antidepressants, tranquilizers). Only they understand which drug and in what doses is appropriate in each specific case, since they are able to determine what biological reasons provoke the development of depression.

When treating depression, an integrated approach is justified when the acute stage of depression is relieved with pills prescribed by a psychiatrist (when you simply don’t have the strength to get up in the morning, do basic self-care, thoughts of suicide arise), and then a psychotherapist deals with the correction of the condition. Let's look at ways to treat depression without drugs.

Traditional methods of treatment

To treat depression, you can use natural herbs that are not addictive. For example, St. John's wort, which is highly effective. To prepare this remedy, you will need six tablespoons of dry herbs, which are poured with half a liter of boiling water. After this, you will need to let the mixture sit for fifteen minutes. Take the infusion for three months, twice a year. But, if a person is taking antidepressants or undergoing chemotherapy, then treatment with St. John's wort is contraindicated for him.

Another common remedy is mint, which is effective in improving sleep and eliminating signs of anxiety. To prepare, you will need a glass of water and a tablespoon of dry mint leaves. It is recommended to mix them and cook for twenty minutes.


Motherwort - to prepare the product you will need fresh herb of this plant, which is crushed and the juice is squeezed out of it. It is taken three times a day, half an hour before meals, thirty drops.

The safest are ordinary vegetables, namely beets and carrots, from which juice is squeezed. You can eat a whole glass of carrots every day, but beets in such quantities are dangerous. It is allowed to consume only one hundred milliliters per day, mixing the juice with three teaspoons of honey. But before use, the composition should be infused for two hours in a warm place.

Review of psychotherapeutic treatments

Psychological help for depression can be provided in various ways, depending on the direction in which the psychotherapist works.

Psychoanalysis and treatment of depression

From the psychoanalytic point of view, the neurosis is associated with unintegrated material from the client's past. What is not integrated and repressed from the sphere of consciousness tends to be reproduced. Any losses in life (death of a loved one, loss of a job, breakup of a relationship) are experienced as a reproduction of the first traumatic situation - weaning from the mother's breast. A depressed person introjects (includes into his inner world) a beloved object and identifies himself with it. When an object is lost in the outside world, a person with a depressive position blames himself for abandoning it. That is, the place of the lost object of love is taken by the punitive Superego.

The psychoanalyst's task is to help the client become aware of this process. During therapy, the client’s self wins more and more space from the unconscious and becomes more integrated. But personal development is a painful and time-consuming process. Therefore, some call psychoanalysis an outdated and too long, expensive method of therapy. But its use gives long-term results: what is once realized cannot be forgotten.

Gestalt therapy

A need that is actualized in the present (“figure”) must be satisfied immediately. Otherwise, an unfulfilled need risks “fading into the background,” becoming neurotic and leading to the development of depression.

The task of a Gestalt psychologist is to help the client understand his current needs, since they are the very life force that supports the will to live. Understanding his real needs, a person, with the help of a therapist, organizes behavior that is adequate to meet them, and as a result comes out of a depressive state.

Treatment of depression within the framework of Gestalt therapy usually takes less time (25–40 meetings) than psychoanalysis (up to 1000 sessions).

Cognitive psychotherapy

The task of a cognitive psychologist is to identify errors in the perception of a life situation and the client’s defeatist beliefs about himself and the world, which negatively affect his emotional state and behavior.

Depression is caused by activation of three main cognitive patterns:

  • negative self-esteem (“I am inferior, unworthy, untalented”);
  • negative assessment of external events (“people are cruel”, “I’m never lucky”, “the world is merciless to me”);
  • pessimistic assessment of the future (“only bad things await me ahead”, “I will never get rid of this suffering”).

Cognitive therapy differs from psychoanalysis in that it focuses on problems “here and now”, and minimal importance is given to the client’s childhood experiences. The client, together with the psychologist, finds out what situations are characterized by the appearance of negative thoughts, learns to replace them with more realistic ones. The course of cognitive therapy usually ranges from 5–10 sessions.

Treatment of depression with hypnosis

The hypnotherapist, immersing the client in a state of trance, gets the opportunity to work both in the present and in the past of the person. In this case, the client rests - he is not required to re-experience some painful events, as with other methods. Therefore, hypnosis is used in treating even the youngest clients.

The therapist’s attitudes are more easily accepted by the psyche in a state of hypnosis. A new positive program begins to change emotional and behavioral reactions - the person comes out of depression. The very process of immersion in a hypnotic trance helps eliminate nervous and muscle tension.

Hypnosis produces even faster improvements than drug therapy. If the effect of antidepressants begins to be felt 3-4 weeks after the start of use, then hypnosis often gives good results after just one or two sessions. At the same time, there is no risk of developing chemical or psychological dependence! Therefore, the method is loved by psychotherapists of other directions and is used as an auxiliary tool.

Art therapy for the treatment of depression

Art therapy is a method of psychotherapeutic assistance loved by many psychologists and clients. The art therapeutic method consists of harmonizing the mental state through self-expression in art. Widely used in the initial stages of depression and when working with children. Areas of art therapy: drawing, clay modeling, writing fairy tales and musical compositions, dancing, sand therapy.

Behavioral approach to treating depression

Treatment of depression through behavioral therapy focuses on the behavioral aspects of depression. For example, deep depression, the symptoms of which include refusal of social activity, communication, difficulties in expressing emotions, and passive behavior. The psychologist’s task is to break down depressive behavior into individual behavioral acts and teach the patient to get rid of them by learning other, more productive forms of behavior.

In some cases, behavioral therapy takes about a year or even more if severe depression is identified. The specialist suggests performing actions that were previously completely uncharacteristic of this person - this helps to discover new facets of one’s own behavior and consolidate those that can be designated as productive. The scheme of such “treatment” is based on the stimulus-response relationship. By presenting new stimuli, the therapist modifies the client's responses and reinforces them by presenting appropriate new stimuli.

How to get out of depression on your own: advice from a psychologist

The help of a psychologist for depression will never be superfluous. But there are ways to alleviate your condition that you can resort to on your own.

  1. Accept yourself in the state you are in now. There is no need to fight negative emotions by drowning them out with alcohol and uncontrolled consumption of antidepressants. Any emotion is your friend and advisor, not your enemy. Just as physical pain signals that you have put your hand too close to the fire, mental pain signals that your thoughts have taken an undesirable direction. Fight negative thoughts, not feelings.
  2. Cling less to positive emotions. Enjoy the moments that make you feel euphoric. But don't worry that they won't last forever. If life did not consist of periodic ups and downs, we would not be able to feel happiness so keenly.
  3. Meditate. If you can stop your thinking for at least 10 minutes, your emotional mood will naturally return to normal. And by practicing meditation daily, you will develop sensitivity to the weakest negative thoughts. An internal monologue like “it’s all my fault, I’m a complete idiot” or “I’ll never be able to solve this problem” will become impossible for you, because it will feel too “painful” and unnatural.
  4. Aromatherapy is a great way to improve mood during depression without resorting to pharmacological drugs. Try rosemary, orange, lemon balm, lavender oil. You can simply inhale the scent of the aromatic oil or add a few drops while taking a bath.
  5. Healthy sleep. In a dream, your internal dialogue turns off and your psyche reboots. Immediately after waking up, it is easier to focus on the positive aspects of your life and “get off on a new foot.” Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Try to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night. If possible, rest during the day and wear a night blindfold.
  6. Walk outside more often in the daytime, under the bright rays of the sun - increase the level of serotonin - the hormone of happiness.
  7. Watch your diet. During depression, many people lose their appetite or become inattentive to the quality of the foods they eat. Don't make that mistake. The functioning of the nervous system depends on quality nutrition. Be sure to include antidepressant foods in your diet: seaweed, bananas, oatmeal, buckwheat, green leafy vegetables, St. John's wort tea, rose hips.
  8. Avoid sources of negative information: do not watch the news, do not engage in useless “chewing” of problems among friends. If a healthy psyche is somehow still able to endure all this negativity, then a sick one is unlikely to.
  9. Direct your attention to the positive aspects of life. Try to enjoy the little things (a soft, comfortable bed, playing with your pet, listening to your favorite music) and feel gratitude: some people don’t even have that.
  10. Don't think ahead. Nobody knows what the next day will turn out to be. Being in a bad mood, people often miss favorable chances. Tune in to positive changes.

Occupational therapy for depression

People often say that depression is a luxury for idle people. There is some truth in this statement, because... the opportunity to engage in active self-criticism arises when a person spends time aimlessly. In light of the fact that nothing positive happens, this leaves a negative imprint on a person’s self-esteem.

Occupational therapy with a gradual, or, on the contrary, rapid involvement of a person in an active activity process, forces you to rethink the content of your own experiences.

On the other hand, active physical activity promotes the production of happiness hormones, so this type of therapy brings over time, in addition to strengthening muscles, an increased sense of pleasure from life and overall self-satisfaction. A person seems to challenge himself, proving that he is capable of something more than just lying on the sofa in a closed room and reveling in self-pity.

Determining the type of depression

When choosing a doctor, it is worth considering the type of depression, which is determined by the cause that caused it.


In turn, it is divided into neurotic and reactive. Neurotic occurs under the influence of prolonged stress: conflicts at work, bad environment and misunderstandings in the family, etc. Reactive occurs from one big shock, a strong stressful situation: the death of a loved one, dismissal from work. The psychogenic type of depression has positive experience in treatment by psychologists and psychotherapists.


Occurs as a consequence of a somatic disease. A striking example is the frequently occurring depression associated with thyroid disease. It is treated by a therapist, as it goes away without a trace once its cause is eliminated.


This type of depression is congenital and is characterized by a constant depressed mood, frequent changes in mental state, etc. In especially severe cases, it can be a manifestation of schizophrenia or manic-depressive psychosis. It is treated by a psychiatrist, and sometimes psychotherapy is used.

Erased depression

This species is difficult to diagnose due to the fact that there are no symptoms or appear in small quantities. As an example: poor appetite or sleep disturbances. Erased depression is extremely dangerous, because it is almost impossible to identify it in a timely manner, which means that very often it turns into a severe form, threatening the health and life of the patient. Only a psychiatrist can treat this type.


Getting out of depression is facilitated by a number of steps that need to be taken, taking into account the above. Their effectiveness has been proven by people suffering from different types of this disorder from their own experience.

1. Proper nutrition is very important - a healthy diet allows you to feel good physically and be in a good mood. It does not include everything that is called fast food: Big Macs, grilled chicken, French fries. hot dogs, etc. These instant foods can poison the body and introduce many toxic substances into it. Meat can also be considered dangerous in this sense.

Much healthier are fatty varieties of sea fish, nuts, hard cheese, fruits (especially bright ones), vegetables, and seaweed. Chocolate is a good option, but you need to be careful with it, since excess sweets negatively affect your figure, and extra pounds can, in turn, again provoke depression.

2. Another great way to get out of depression is to normalize your sleep. You shouldn’t use any handy “helpers” to quickly fall asleep and sleep fully until the morning, without waking up from every rustle (this means sleeping pills or alcohol, although folk remedies in the form of decoctions are quite suitable). You can do it this way:

  • make it a habit to go to bed strictly at a certain time, and not when you want or as it turns out;
  • The most natural sleep pattern for a person is to fall asleep before midnight, or even better, at 10 pm, and get up early. In this case, sleep has healing, restorative properties;
  • before going to bed, it is inadvisable to watch the news, films with a negative connotation such as thrillers and horrors, as well as read something like that - this can provoke nightmares;
  • dinner should be early and not too heavy;
  • the bedroom needs to be ventilated, you can take a warm bath, drink a glass of warm milk with honey, ask a family member for a massage.

3. Physical activity is an excellent way out of depression. We live in an era of physical inactivity, we move little, we lose little energy. But not so long ago, our grandparents, not to mention our distant ancestors, did not have such a problem as depression, although their life was not easy. They worked more physically, traveled on foot, and did not have as many “smart” household appliances to make household chores easier.

Therefore, we need to set aside some time a day for physical activity, be it leisurely walks, running, working in the front garden or in the garden, doing fitness or using exercise equipment, or walking. You need to be in the fresh air more often - it improves metabolism and enriches the body with oxygen.

4. Positive thinking is very important to get out of depression. Color the depressive grayness with bright colors, think about good things, do good to people. Smile, look for the best in others. If someone nearby is completely negative and nothing can be done about it, just reduce communication with him to a minimum.

5. Do what you like. A favorite activity or hobby will charge you with positive energy, allow you to relax faster and better after a hard day at work, and distract you from worries and bad thoughts.

6. To get out of depression you need to pamper yourself and give positive emotions. For women, shopping plays the role of a depressant. And it doesn’t matter what kind of purchases they are, small or large, they will still please you. By the way, shopping is also good for men, but they will not like jewelry, outfits or shoes, but something related to their hobby: fishing gear, a gun for hunting, a tool.

Diversity also brings positive emotions. This could be a trip, going to a restaurant, cinema or theater, or a dolphinarium.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits and complexes, treat emerging somatic diseases in a timely manner, do not delve into yourself or whine, avoid stressful situations. You can have a pet - your favorite animals have a positive therapeutic effect on people.

And now about the main thing: in order to get out of depression on your own, you need to appreciate every moment of your life. It is given once and must be enjoyed so that nothing passes by. You should not dwell on failures or consider any problem global. Throw everything out of your head, love and appreciate your loved ones, communicate, enjoy every minute.


Psychotherapy for depression involves influencing the patient’s psyche using all sorts of techniques and techniques within various schools, directions and movements. Main goals:

  • identify and eliminate deconstructive elements of the psyche;
  • relieve the main symptoms;
  • teach the patient to independently cope with depression and control emotions.

The problem is that the mechanism of depression is complex and can affect several levels simultaneously:

  • vegetative (disturbances of the complex of central and peripheral structures that regulate the functionality of the body);
  • neurological (diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system);
  • mental (mental state);
  • somatoorgan (disturbances in the functioning of individual organs);
  • somatosystemic (disturbances in the functioning of entire body systems).

In addition, the degree of depression at each of these levels is individual. Therefore, the psychotherapy program is selected in accordance with the specific case.

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