The difference between men and women that no one wants to understand

Abilities, or who is smarter

Nobody. It is impossible to compare a man and a woman in terms of intelligence, since each sex is excellent in its own sphere and, accordingly, is superior to the opposite:

  • Women have more developed abilities in reading, writing, languages, aesthetics, that is, humanitarian abilities.
  • Men have more developed technical abilities in the field of exact sciences.

It is impossible to say what causes this pattern: natural influence or the result of stereotypical upbringing (boys are bought cars and literally forced to tinker with the equipment). But another fact definitely does not depend on upbringing: among men, geniuses and mentally retarded people are more common.

Man and woman

Two different worlds, two Universes. Even ancient scientists believed that male and female psychology have significant differences. Each person has his own character, and it often happens that some feminine traits are found in men, and vice versa. But we can note a number of basic characteristics that relate only to a certain gender. There are ten of them.

Psychology of relationships between men and women

The work of the hemispheres

Not only are the right and left hemispheres of all people not equally developed, but there is an additional difference between men and women: women use two hemispheres at once, men use only one. This is why it is more difficult for men to combine analysis and emotions. This also makes women talk faster and more emotionally. But men are better at spatial orientation.

All behavior of men and women depends on the characteristics of the hemispheres:

  • Men need time to switch from feelings to rationality and vice versa.
  • Women constantly balance between emotions and reason, while men are guided by one or the other.


Emotionally, there is a big gender difference. All this depends on the amygdala of the brain. Women and men have more developed different parts of this body. Women are more emotional; they are capable of experiencing a huge range of emotions, unlike men.

In any situation, a woman remembers feelings, and a man remembers the essence of what is happening.

What is the whole point of girls? First ask to tell the truth, then hear it, then be offended by it. Well, that’s what men say and constantly laugh at the emotional state of women. There's actually some truth to this joke.

One friend says:

“When I am not satisfied with my husband’s answer about my appearance or intelligence, or something else, I ask the same question a couple of times. Then he realizes that he needs to answer differently and does it with a laugh. And I get satisfaction. Although I laugh myself. Men just need to learn the right answers. (Ha-Ha).”

It has been proven, not without reason, that women are more prone to mental disorders: depression, anorexia, etc.


The ability to adapt is directly related to the characteristics of the nervous system. It is known that all people differ in temperament (type of nervous system), but it is also known that women have a more flexible and less stable psyche (transitions from one emotional state to another occur in a matter of seconds) than men. It is this fact that allows us to talk about better adaptation abilities in women.


Of all types of perception, men have the best developed visual. Women perceive better by ear. Yes, yes, men really love with their eyes, and women love with their ears.

As for color perception, it develops earlier in women. In addition, women can see more shades. Women's perceptions are generally more flexible than men's.

Physiological differences

Outwardly, we can easily distinguish a woman from a man: by height, size, outstanding features, figure, etc. For example, the features of women are usually more subtle and graceful. While a man has larger facial features: a massive jaw, a large nose and a wide mouth.

At an early age, girls surpass boys in development. This is because the hemispheres of the brain develop differently. For example, women have better developed vision in the dark and peripheral vision due to their physiological characteristics. Therefore, women are more attentive to details and nuances.

Assessment and self-esteem


Women are more likely to suffer from low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with themselves. When it comes to evaluating other people, women evaluate men more adequately than women. This is quite understandable. After all, every woman is a potential rival. If a conflict arises between two women, then the battle will be life and death. It has long been proven that in wrestling women are much more cynical, tougher, more aggressive and calculating than men.

Men are more tolerant and forgiving of women's shortcomings, perhaps because they always consider themselves a little better and stronger. Women in general are more prone to judgment, discussion and condemnation.

Two more patterns are also interesting:

  • Men rate women's business qualities lower than they expect. Women rate physical strength lower than men expect.
  • But in terms of appearance, women are more lenient towards men, which cannot be said about men’s perception of women’s appearance.

Male and female psychology. What are the differences?

A man and a woman... When creating them, nature took maximum care to ensure that they were completely different: it is rare to meet a representative of the fair sex who can easily push a car into the garage, and vice versa, a strong man engaged in cross-stitching. Yes, now, when gender equality is becoming more and more relevant in society, there are women who, as they say: “... both into a burning hut and into a galloping horse...”. But according to the creator’s plan, a woman is the fragile keeper of the hearth and the continuer of the family, and a man is the breadwinner, the head of the family. All this, together with the socio-historical factors of human development, has left its mark on the psychology of perception of the world of both sexes. And in particular: norms of behavior imposed by society, which are taught from a very young age (boys play at war, girls at daughters and mothers); social roles (young men are taught that they should become leaders of holding companies).

Differences in types of thinking

Nature gave men a more rational, logical and abstract type of thinking. Women tend to think specifically about something at the same time as ten other thoughts about completely different things. The thoughts of the stronger sex are usually occupied with worries about how to make a million, about a new car and how to tell his wife that today he will be late after work with friends at the bar. At all times, the goal of self-realization was in first place for men. The beautiful half of humanity has always thought about family, giving birth and raising children, helping parents and relatives. Thus, a man should be more tolerant of his mother-in-law who comes to visit, and a woman should support her protector in all his career endeavors.

Differences in Hobbies

Conflict of interest. Lovers often face this problem at the stage of a relationship, when they are just getting to know each other. Women are always interested in love affairs, relationships in other families - nature has empathy and concern for others! For men, the moment of dominance, the manifestation of one’s “I” is important. Therefore, the conclusion: in order to become for your man not only an object of love and passion, but also a kind of friend, you should share his passion, for example, for football and go with him to the game of your favorite team. A man should be sympathetic to his beloved’s worries about the fate of the main character of the series.

Differences in environmental influences

Often, it doesn’t matter to a man what others say about him or about his life and actions. This feature helps them take decisive action, even if they are subsequently criticized by the public. Women, on the contrary, are very dependent on what others say about them. Appearance, clothing style, makeup, hairstyle, work and even a man can become a topic of discussion among women. In order not to fall into the category of those who are being discussed, a woman is ready to listen to the advice of everyone and try to please everyone. In most cases, this leads to sad consequences, because it is impossible to please everyone at once.

Differences in behavior in critical situations

It's no secret that men cope with stressful situations much easier than emotional women. Representatives of the stronger sex are used to always keeping everything under control; their brains are able to quickly rearrange the course of their thoughts, which cannot be said about women. In a state of stress, their reaction is dulled, and it becomes more difficult for them to navigate what is happening.

To summarize, it is worth noting that all of the above does not necessarily fit the description of every man or every woman. Man is unique by nature. In life, you can meet both a powerful female leader and a male artist with a special vision of the world and a subtle organization of the inner world.



Men pay attention to arguments. In communication, they are laconic and unemotional. Women tend to be distracted from the essence of the conversation, using emotions or intonation instead of arguments.

Men are prone to discussions and consideration of different positions. They do not perceive any difference of opinion as a quarrel. For women it’s the opposite. Because of this and the psychological tendency of men to weakly recognize intonations, women’s grievances often arise.


It is impossible to judge this clearly. So, on the one hand, men cannot combine two different things if one requires emotional costs and the other analytical. But on the other hand, the ability to multitask is a mandatory requirement for a modern specialist.

However, psychology notes that women find it easier to multitask. Another question is that it is unlikely that it will be possible to study them equally qualitatively and in depth. And more often we are talking about everyday affairs, which, as a rule, are brought to the point of automation. Women are not so much prone to multitasking as they often have to combine several activities and areas, for example, family and work.

In conclusion, I want to make a reservation that the article was about the average man and woman. Of course, there may be unique exceptions that prove the rules.

On a mental level

  1. Women can do two things at the same time (for example, watch TV and talk). Men only do one thing. Scientists believe that women are capable of this due to more efficient functioning of both hemispheres of the brain.
  2. A woman, being in the same room with another person, cannot remain silent for more than 20 minutes. A man in the company of another man can simply go about his business without saying a word.
  3. A woman immediately notices when her partner begins to be jealous. A man almost always does not see this until she tells him in plain text.
  4. During a quarrel, a man is usually more silent, and a woman expresses her emotions more.
  5. Women start crying very easily and do not feel anything shameful about it. It is much more difficult to make men cry and they prefer to cry alone.
  6. Men are not inclined to chase the same thought aimlessly. They determine whether the problem can be solved and decide... or not, but then they don’t think about it anymore. Women often cannot even sleep, over and over again thinking about the word someone said.
  7. Women express their love with words, and men with deeds.
  8. Women understand much better than men what other people feel (scientists believe that they have a kind of instinct that is developed in order to understand a child while he is not yet able to speak).
  9. Because women are more sensitive, it is easier to persuade them to make some kind of negative decision for themselves.
  10. Women know how to listen. Men - no.
  11. Women look weak but are strong in nature. Men, on the contrary, look strong, but are often weak by nature (this is noticeable in life expectancy and suicide rates).
  12. When a woman is in love, she thinks about the object of her adoration 24/7. It's not like that for men. They think about work, and about friends, and about family, and about their beloved.
  13. For women, sex is closely associated with emotions. For men, this is purely physical pleasure.
  14. Women are attracted to status, and men are attracted to youth and beauty.
  15. Women live either in the past or in the future. Men live in the present.
  16. Men are much simpler creatures than women.

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