How not to get confused in hints and understand what a woman wants

A woman is a fragile, small, defenseless creature, caught up in emotions. Most men will agree with this statement. A woman is an amazing person who, by being in a young man’s life, can turn everything upside down: fill existence with care and love, warmth, support and tenderness, and something crazy. But how to understand a woman? A question asked by almost every male on earth. Women, with their own psychology, are something mysterious and even more complex than some technical sciences. She is able to create the most suitable conditions for achieving any heights, rapid and successful career growth, and create a family, without which life will seem like decay.

Why understand women?

By and large, representatives of the same sex can understand each other perfectly, but it is not always possible for a man and a woman to quickly come to a common opinion. How to understand women? What do they mean? What lies behind the coquetry? How to understand that a woman is in love? These questions are asked very often by men. After all, the very way of thinking of both sexes is very different, and therefore it is sometimes difficult to understand each other. Especially often, a man finds himself at a dead end, wanting to understand whether a lady is in love with him or is simply flirting without a goal. How to understand a woman’s attitude and correctly decipher the message coming from her?

Various equivocations

whispers in my ear

For men, hints are a scary dark forest. But ladies can easily handle all sorts of hints and equivocations. They understand each other perfectly. Although such games sometimes cross all boundaries and the woman herself may not understand the hint.

In essence, a woman wants one thing from a man - attention. All these incomprehensible conversations, subtle verbal games, all this is done so that the man himself understands what the woman wants.

The girl wants the man to take part in her solution. I don’t argue, sometimes the riddle is so complex that you can break your head. Girls love it when their wishes are guessed, when something pleasant is done to them not because they asked for it, but because the young man himself takes the initiative. The hint carries the idea of ​​what a woman wants. If she herself understands.

She can have any plan of action in her mind. And with her games she tries to bring you closer to understanding the essence of things. Women don't speak directly as often as men. To be honest, I don’t know what this is connected with. I agree, when a person directly says what is on his mind, it is much easier to communicate. Sometimes girls do this too.

There is only one piece of advice in this matter - listen to her carefully. The hint always contains the answer. You just need to hear correctly. You can ask clarifying questions, repeat her phrase with the words: “Did I understand you correctly that...”, and so on. There are many techniques for extracting a hint from a hint. Choose the one that suits you best and use it.

"Cherche la femme!"

As the French say, no matter what happens, the woman is to blame. There's actually something to it. All the ephemeral joys of the world, such as wealth, power, fame, pale before the simple happiness of loving and being loved. But here the first difficulties arise. You liked the lady. But how can you understand what she feels for you? How to understand what a woman likes, how to behave in order to rekindle her interest? There is no special science here! A little practice and attention, and in three minutes of communication with a girl you can understand who she sees in you.

how to understand a woman photo

Pandora's Box


The attitude of women towards men is a separate story. Sometimes it happens like this: you’re a bastard, I hate you, you’re a bastard, you’ve frayed all my nerves. And in the evenings she cries bitterly into her pillow because he left her. And love for this bastard glimmers in my heart. “Being with you is difficult, but without you it is impossible.”

The opposite story also happens. When: I can’t love, I’ll buy a fur coat, we’ll wear it together, but in reality she sits and thinks about how to break up with him. There are different situations. Understanding how a girl really treats her partner is not always simple and easy. It may seem that she is madly in love, but in reality she has been dating someone else for a month.

Sometimes women themselves do not understand what is going on in their heads in relation to this or that man. Is it love or affection, maybe just a habit. What is certain is that if she shows interest in you, it means she is into you. Otherwise, the girl will not waste her time.

Try to watch for nonverbal cues. Body position, facial expressions, fleeting hand movements, gaze and much more. All this says much more about what is happening to the girl than her words. Once you learn to read body language, you will have a much easier time with the female gender. People's body movements often speak much louder than their actual words. Don't miss out on opportunities and keep an eye out.

What do women desire?

It is completely natural for ladies to want to be beautiful (in order to attract a worthy companion), start a family and give birth to children. Knowing this, a man receives the key to understanding the behavior of women. You don’t have to want to get married, but if you show yourself to be a worthy man, someone you can rely on and be at peace with, then the ladies will treat you with great affection.

Remember: you don't have to give it all to the woman. It is quite possible to simply show that you are not afraid of responsibility, that you can be relied upon. This will be enough to look decent in the eyes of a lady. If you don't want to get married or have children, that's no reason not to be loved by the woman you like. You will discuss these issues later in the relationship. Which will certainly arise when you learn how to understand women.

how can a man understand a woman

How to understand women or what a woman wants from a man

The psychology of women is a rather complex science, the intricacies of which every man should understand in order to create a strong family. From time immemorial, writers, thinkers, psychologists, philosophers, men of different professions, social statuses, ages have wondered how to understand a woman, what should be done, how to act. In the modern, technologically highly developed world, with all the careful research into personality psychology, men have not been able to fully comprehend the logic and psychology of their beloved ladies.

It should be noted that mastering the art of understanding the psychology of women is not given to all males. There are individuals who, from birth, do not have or develop qualities that contribute to the understanding of women. No, they won't be alone all their lives. Depending on their own level of self-development and education, through trial and error, they will learn to determine the type of women that suits their status. Their life will be aimed at satisfying their own needs and nothing more. Therefore, the main criterion for understanding women is the level of development of a man as an individual. The more a man develops and tries to achieve something in life (even if it is the slightest achievement at the level of fixing a refrigerator on his own), the greater the chance of identifying the true path to understanding the female gender.

The main thing is to understand the essence - you don’t always need to try to understand a woman; often a lady does not understand what she wants. Yes, this makes the female sex seem frivolous, flighty and fickle. You can only come to terms with this. Before throwing a tantrum, it is enough to directly ask what the girl wants, so as not to unravel all the branches of her hints.

First you need to understand what women often demand from men:

Stability. Do men understand women in this concept? I think no. For a man, stability means having enough capital on a bank card, a place to spend the night, a constant companion and children. This is not what such a fragile creature as a woman needs. Stability, translated for a woman, means attention to her behavior, condition, showing care and support. Yes, women often look at a purse to see how much money is in it, that’s how nature works. The main role of a woman is mother, protector of offspring. And like a good caring mother, she wants her child to live and develop in comfort. What is needed for this in modern society? Money.

Even if she turns to mother nature: every self-respecting female chooses only an alpha male in order to feel protected. This is where the relationship with stability is visible. For a woman, it is important how much her chosen one is ready to accept her as she is: angry, kind, without makeup, rude, childishly crazy, joyful. Everything that causes tenderness today can become irritating in a week. This is her world, it’s not her fault, it’s nature. Women are created to bring diversity and emotionality to this world. Men should understand that it is important for a woman when she is supported in those moments when she acts strangely, her whims, sudden joys are another chance to study the inner world of a woman every day, and get something new every time.

A man needs to learn to perceive all negative emotions as a request for support, care and love. You need to adapt to listening not to the words a woman says, but to the intonation and emotions with which she says it. After all, when the husband has been away for a long time, he often hears: “Where have you been hanging around, have you been drinking or walking somewhere again?” Initially, these words are insults, but the intonation says a little something else - the wife is worried about her husband, and is worried whether everything is fine with him. You need to start panicking when your wife is wondering where you are and with whom. As a result, you simply need to be always there, to support her at every moment when you want to be angry with her, you need to remember how much you love her and do not skimp on saying it.

Passion. Full of jokes and anecdotes about how women shirk marital duty (intimacy). Either you have a headache, or you’re tired from household chores, or the children are sleeping, or you can’t disturb your neighbors. But do men understand women in this way? And the men themselves forgot that they say: “don’t pester me, I’m tired at work,” “today is a hard day, just let’s do it quickly.” Perhaps it is not the variety of intimate life, inattention to wishes in bed, a disregard for the attitude, but simply the satisfaction of their needs that is the consequence that wives from passionate lionesses in bed turn into bores or simply avoid intimacy. Psychologists have proven that passion is a feeling that can bring people together for centuries or separate them forever. The differences between a woman's passion and a man's are noticeably different. Impulsiveness, impressionability, and emotions are important to her. Learn to create passion through nonverbal communication.

Necessity. Like any person, she wants to feel loved and needed. But as a more emotional person, she demands it everywhere and always. She wants to understand that she is needed not only through verbal statements, but also through actions. It is important for her to see and know that a man likes her madly, that she drives him crazy, that she is insanely seductive, beautiful, no matter how she is dressed or what emotional state she is in. It’s strange, but it is an absolute truth that a woman’s appearance and health depends on a man. Only a man can influence a woman's ability to take care of herself. When buying expensive and beautiful clothes, a man should do it for both, and not for his wife, just to satisfy her needs. He should admire her, ask her to wear beautiful dresses and heels, so that the girl feels like the one and only, and the man next to such a lady will always be at his best. By showing sincere support and care for a woman in return, it is possible to receive so much care that any obstacles and impossibilities will become real and very accessible.

Analyzing the information received, some conclusions should be made. Men should learn to talk frankly with their chosen one, find out all her desires and needs, so as not to twist all the hints in their heads. In conversations, perceive not the text that is heard (this can also include insults), but the subtext that is hidden deeply. You should spend a little time in the girl’s shoes, develop empathy as a means of perceiving a woman’s life and actions from the point of view of her emotional worldview. All a woman wants is to feel stability and confidence. Looking at her chosen one, she should see strength and protection in him. Show her that you can be a caring father, a faithful husband, an understanding friend, and can provide for her. Perhaps it will be quite enough to demonstrate that you can be counted on, that you are not afraid of any responsibility.

Rule one: women are from Venus

Before you learn to understand the fair sex as themselves, you need to understand the following. There is a huge difference between the behavior of men and women due to different instincts inherent in nature.

Who is this man? Family successor, breadwinner, “stone wall.” He may not be affectionate, since nature has not assigned him the function of raising and educating cubs. He may not know how to cook, since his task is to get food, and let his companion show her culinary talents.

Who is a woman then? This is the mother, the continuer of the family, the keeper of the hearth. Sometimes modern young ladies try to escape from their destiny, begin to build a career, and call themselves childfree. And then they shock those around them when they suddenly give up all this for the sake of a snotty-nosed baby and beloved spouse. It is these functions that nature has laid down in women.


Numerous sociological surveys have shown that women lack initiative on the part of men . This may be due to the fact that gender roles are rapidly changing, women are building careers on an equal basis with men and even often taking on men’s responsibilities. Therefore, they want to be able to allow themselves to be weak, at least in relationships with men. They want to see initiative on the part of a man: this will give them confidence in them and in future relationships.

every woman's dream
Women want to see initiative from men

Rule two: the whole world is a theater, and the main actors in it are women

In ancient Greece, in theatrical productions, all roles (including female ones) were played by men. But in fact, the situation is exactly the opposite: it is women who are most inclined to acting. Not all ladies are great actresses, but acting is common to everyone from time to time, and we are not talking about the stage in the theater. Don't be surprised if you see the woman you like in different roles. Some are afraid of the world and diligently play the role of a bitch, others - a little girl, others - an insidious seductress. How to understand women in this case?

how to understand what a woman loves

Remember that a mask is just a mask that is tried on in public. If a woman sees that you can be trusted, that you can lend your shoulder at any moment, that you will not betray or deal a crushing blow, then she will open up to you. Any lady, when she is natural, is feminine, sweet, light, caring. Remember that the rest are just masks.

“Maybe divorce is not a bad prospect?”

Question: “Mine threatens that if I cheat on her or she finds out something, she will divorce me. And so I started thinking: maybe this is not a bad prospect? Sometimes everything gets so boring that you want to provoke it on purpose so that you can be left alone. I didn’t cheat on her, but sometimes I think that maybe it’s easier alone. Nobody will blow their minds. I'll buy beer and watch football. I can meet with friends when I want, and not when she deigns to go to her mother’s for the weekend, usually after a small disagreement.”

Pavel, 41 years old

Answer: - Hello Pavel, convincing you to make a specific decision, imposing an opinion is not in my rules. The choice of actions will always be yours. And only you can decide how to build your life. Yes, feelings are sometimes changeable, and relationships require constant development. In order for you to competently approach your situation, you need to calm down and conduct a detailed analysis of what is happening, evaluate your and your spouse’s life today and make a rational decision together with her. There are quite a few reasons why a wife threatens divorce: uncertainty about the future, arrogance, resentment for an offense, some kind of test, lack of love, etc. and so on. However, despite the friction in relationships that arise at times, conflicts are resolved more quickly if there is understanding and constructive discussion.

Rule three: watch the movements

Comparing women to cats is banal and as old as time, but sometimes you just can’t do without it. Imagine a fluffy, playful animal. When a cat is in the mood, it smoothly moves its tail and rubs its head. If you make her angry, her movements will become jerky and nervous.

how to understand that a woman is in love

How can a man understand a woman by observing her? Always remember cats. A playful mood will be revealed by playing with your wrists, fiddling with your curls, or stroking your jewelry. If you appear in front of a woman, and she starts stroking her hair, adjusting something in her clothes, she clearly sees you as an object of attention. If, when looking at you, nothing in the young lady’s behavior changes, most likely she is not interested in you.

"This offends"

Question: “My wife and I have been together for five years. Of them have been married for a year. And this year it has changed a little. First of all, she very often points at me that she does something better. Like, “I get a thousand rubles more. You’re a loser, and you see how great I am.” This offends. As if she specifically needed a reason to pry. Why?"

Sergey, 36 years old

Answer: - Reproach is one of the forms of aggression. Do not confuse reproach and criticism. When reproached, a person is never satisfied, he will put forward more and more new demands - you always don’t have time, you’ve stopped earning money... etc. It's like the fairy tale about the goldfish. Here you can also classify into direct and comparative reproaches. And the consequences of reproaches can be very sad. When reproaching, you should not make excuses. Try to answer in a way that your wife does not expect, but she naturally expects excuses. Try using her own weapon. For example, if the message is “you are not a man...”, then you can answer according to the boomerang principle: “You did not awaken the man in me, which means that as a woman you also have some shortcomings.” The main position when reproaching is not to make excuses. By making excuses, a person really begins to consider himself guilty. And if you lower your ego and lower your self-esteem, you can hardly achieve high results. Accordingly, this path of relationship will lead to the worst. There are many reasons for such aggression. If the reproaches still do not stop, are already systemic in nature and make life unbearable, then it is advisable to contact a specialist for a personal consultation.

Love and pigeons

By the way, observing behavior can tell you that a woman is in love. As soon as her favorite appears in front of such a lady, her cheeks turn pink, her eyes sparkle, and her feet point towards her lover.

Falling in love and sympathy are good, but how do you understand what a woman loves? That this is not a mask, but genuine feelings? In addition, how not to confuse love with friendly feelings. Below you will read what signs in a lady’s behavior indicate her warm attitude towards you:

  1. The woman shares everything with you. There are moments in life that can only be told to those closest to you. If you fall into this category, it means that a woman has a special relationship with you.
  2. The woman told her close friends about you. Each of us has one or two closest friends. These people become confidants of our secrets. If you don't know how to understand a woman's feelings, the surest way is to find out if she told her friends about you.
  3. The girl is involved in your life. It would seem that unnecessary little things like how much you like to sleep or what you eat for breakfast are of no interest to anyone, but only if the person is not in love with you. If a woman asks you about everything down to the smallest detail, this is not by chance.
  4. Empathy for troubles. When problems happen in the lives of others, we sympathize out loud, but by and large we don’t care. If a woman sincerely worries about the difficulties that exist in your life, then she is not indifferent to you.

    how to understand a woman's attitude

Advice from psychologists on how to understand a woman

Every person periodically uses feelings instead of reason when solving problems; often such actions lead to life mistakes that a person begins to regret. Feminine nature contributes to a more emotional perception of information and reactions that are more spontaneous and thoughtless. Taking into account the concept of logic, it should be mentioned that it is female logic that has an inherent emotional coloring. From a male point of view, their logic is more sober and rational. The psychology of women and men has many differences, which is why different opinions arise about one situation and conflicts due to misunderstandings. A woman is an individual, often guided by feelings and emotions. It is possible to understand a woman’s feelings only by feeling her experiences and being in an identical emotional state.

If a person considers a woman’s action irrational and stupid, it is not advisable to hold a grudge against her, get angry or react aggressively - this will lead to even more deeply thoughtless actions on the part of the woman. You need to learn to be patient; when this storm of emotions subsides, the girl herself will understand and regret how she acted. A man must learn to calm a storm, an emotional explosion, and not throw wood on the fire with the help of insults, aggression and the same emotional actions.

Here's what psychologists advise you to do in order to understand a woman and her desires:

• You should not immediately strive to understand all women. Determine for yourself who you want to understand, how you feel about this female representative. Having decided, begin to act based on the attitudes you have acquired in a specific direction (after all, this woman could be: a wife, daughter, grandmother, sister, employee). Trying to decipher the origins of one lady’s behavior, we can draw conclusions and derive the basic principle of action for other women. Don't try to focus on quantity, try to be content with quality. When attempting such an understanding, the young man must be as sincere as possible and make his intentions clear. No girl will make herself understood or open up if she does not feel confident and protected.

• A woman is also a person. She not only reacts emotionally to everything, but also knows how to think, think rationally, comprehend, follow events and draw conclusions. Accordingly, a woman is capable of changing not only externally, but also internally. At first she will be a little girl, then a girl, a woman, and over time a completely old woman, while maintaining her values ​​and styles of behavior, but deep inside she will be a completely different person. Men should not forget this. Ladies are prone to contradiction, so a woman today may be the absolute opposite of a woman tomorrow.

• Women's reasoning. Such a fragile and carefree subject can easily turn a small fly into a huge bear that is capable of destroying everything. Don’t try to understand all the branching nature of women’s logic; this often confuses men even more and easily unsettles them. This must be taken for granted, as something deeply stable, and then it will be easier for a man to find the right key to a woman. Remember, no matter what her actions are, a woman always seeks attention with them, she requires an understanding of care and love.

• Duration of the process. Everything is not so hard, at the same time it’s not entirely easy - it’s all real, and like any learning (for example, language or mathematics) it takes time. It is important to understand a woman’s feelings and you need to do this with love, sincere desire, and also with respect. It’s not easy to achieve your goal, but to change your own life for the better. The main thing is mutual understanding and mutual support. Don't be afraid to talk sincerely with beautiful representatives of humanity, they deserve it.

Don't confuse friendship with love

Ladies don't always play fair. They flirt, flirt, but don’t experience anything themselves. So how to understand a woman? Photos of lovers are especially annoying when you are alone, and all the girls around you seem to mock you with their behavior. Don't get excited! So you are confusing friendship with falling in love.

Sometimes we wishful thinking, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. How do you understand a woman who is sincerely interested in you, but at the same time it seems to you that there is no love? Perhaps you are close to such a young lady as a friend. She sees that you are interesting and trustworthy, but at the same time she is not physically attracted to you. As they say, there is no spark. The surest sign of this is the absence of jealousy. Tell the woman about some (possibly fictional) lady of your heart. If her reaction is completely neutral, then you are just a good friend to her.

“Is this female friendship?”

Question: “After breaking up with my ex, I slept with two of her best friends. Is it on purpose that your friends are waiting for the moment and they have some kind of sport? The initiative came from them. Is this some kind of female friendship?

Tumen, 29 years old

Answer: - Hello, Tumen. Perhaps “your ex” spoke very highly of you and told her friends about you, which in turn aroused their similar sexual curiosity. A good product presentation stimulates interest. The reasons, of course, may actually be other, but not “female friendship”.

We check whether the young lady is in love or not

how to understand a woman's feelings

But still, if this lady is not indifferent to you, then know that from friendship to love there is one step. Show a woman that you can be a worthy gentleman, surprise her with masculine actions. If you think her attitude is starting to change, try this trick. This technique has a double meaning. If a woman already feels something for you, she will split. If not, then you can get away with it and allow the woman to look at you with different eyes.

So, write her a message in the evening (or better yet at night) something like: “I’m madly in love with you! Can I count on reciprocal feelings? Ideally, a woman should respond positively to the message. If she says “no,” then don’t be upset. This means that your efforts to conquer have not yet borne fruit. The next morning you can say that you got drunk and mixed up the recipient in your contact list. This will calm the woman down, but even if she doesn’t feel anything for you, certain metamorphoses will occur in her head overnight.

"Discussing me"

Question: “Hello. I love my girlfriend very much. I am 45 years old, I was already married, but it seems that I have found her. She is beautiful, bright, ambitious, easy to talk to, and even my friends love her. The only problem is with her friends. She tells her friends everything about our personal lives. Everything is absolutely. And here they sit, discussing in every detail the details of our personal lives. For what? And then her friends look at me strangely and make jokes.”

Stepan, 45 years old

Answer: - Hello, Stepan. First you need to understand what does a girl share with her girlfriends and friends? Is he bragging or complaining? After all, emotional states and thoughts are doubly pleasant if her friends also know about it. However, the question arises in the filtering and dosage of transmitted information, and your girl needs to be taught this. Explain to her that happiness loves silence. Become for her the person with whom she would like to share her secrets. Try to explain why she needs or doesn’t need other people’s acceptance of your personal life, does she need pity or understanding? What do you both ultimately want? If a girl bears at least some responsibility for you, you need to understand and work on this in order to prevent the destruction of the relationship in the future.

Who is really the most important person in the family and how can he save his brain?

When a woman starts nagging her husband, the point is not that she needs professional help. Although, if she audits, she will gradually find herself and build her life in such a way as to be a happy person. But besides such serious, deep things as personal growth and self-development, there are also banal, time-tested recipes for a happy life.

And they say that a woman is intended to give birth and raise children. And a man, his main function is protection and he is a breadwinner, he earns money. He earned money, brought it home, and there everyone loves him, pampers him and cherishes him: he is the most important person in the world.

Edrit Madrid, well, after this, you walk out in the morning like this, the sea is up to your knees. You chop as much of this firewood as you need and do everything you need to do: plow, sow... You shake yourself off, come home, and there you receive respect and respect - the father of the family has come home. Well, after such support, it’s not a problem to continue to earn money and perform other feats.

That is, a man’s family inspires him. And a woman needs someone she needs to inspire. And if a woman is not considered worth a penny, that’s also not good. She is also involved in the man’s successes, and these are her successes too. This is one family, one organism: everyone in it is a full member of the team.

There’s also this theme: a man sometimes gets bogged down: I’ve provided everything and it’s like, that’s it, fuck off. But just like in that movie. A man meets his girlfriend in an apartment. And she immediately takes off her panties: “Let’s dive into bed and let’s sleep.” He said to her: “I can’t do this, but how can I talk first…”

Love is not only manifested in sex. Well, pet him there, say something kind, praise him, go somewhere together, bring him a gift... Well, everyone feels good about it. And she will chirp, her brain will stop being unbearable.

"Secular" girls

This is the type of girl who really loves nightlife and going to clubs. They sleep during the day, wake up in the evening , and sit in contacts all day long.

This is also the type of girls who work go-go, dance in clubs, restaurants, bars, work as bartenders or strippers. They can certainly be cute. But it will not be so easy to see them in time and place. And in general it will be difficult, because the value system is built differently .

These girls are club party girls who are very much hooked on nightlife . If you don't really like clubs, these girls will be especially difficult for you to date.

How passionate is the girl about her appearance?

In order to understand a woman, you need to pay attention to her attitude towards her appearance. Of course, all girls want to look like a king, to evoke admiring glances and envy, but an obsession with appearance will tell more about self-doubt than about the good qualities of a woman. However, complete indifference to the reflection in the mirror does not cause tenderness at all, but disgust: the hair is unkempt and dirty, there are layers of dirt under the nails - you cannot invite such a lady to your circle of friends or to dinner with your parents - it will be simply embarrassing.

Girls from Puritan families

We are not talking about the religious component here. But these are usually girls whose parents are much older. For example, when a girl is 22 years old, and her parents are under 60. Accordingly, raising a girl of a completely different generation . If a child is very different in age from her parents, then various ambushes arise in her head, as if she were from the 60s or 80s. That is, there are serious pressures regarding sexuality, there are a lot of old attitudes from Puritan values ​​in my head.

If parents are young, they are very close to their children in their perception of the world and, in general, contact with children is closer.

It is difficult to get along with girls from Puritan families at all. It seems that they want a free life, but there are a lot of cockroaches in their heads. They think more about building a family, building a marriage, children and everything else . If you really want to deal with them, then they can undermine your psyche, too, if your psyche is not yet so strong. Such girls will simply knock out your reality with their dense reality. She herself doesn’t understand what she wants. You certainly won’t understand what a girl wants and how to understand her.

Although outwardly they may be dressed normally and look good, but they will give out things that your mother will not cry about. In our country, these are usually girls from military families, from families of high-ranking officials and police. Their families are so pseudo-religious, and there is such a military spirit in the family! At the same time, Christian values ​​when communicating with her will be conveyed in every sentence.

Here you just need to think: “ Do you need it? »

In the new article at the link, we talk in more detail about how to build mutual understanding, trust and comfort in the relationship between a guy and a girl.

Planning or spontaneity?

By the kind of daily routine a girl has on a day off, you can understand what kind of lifestyle she is a supporter of: where everything is planned point by point or everything changes by chance. Such an analysis helps to understand a woman.

If a girl is prone to adventure, and her life is constantly changing, then for a follower of plans this will be a lot of stress, although such spontaneity will bring bright colors to life.

However, with such a woman who lives only for today, it will be difficult to plan a joint vacation trip - she would rather spend the money on some thing she likes.

Planning does not characterize a woman as an unusually boring person, it means it makes life easier for her. Clear rules will save you from many troubles, for example: she will not spend the money taken on credit on expensive nonsense, but will only buy with it what is really necessary, for which she can then repay the loan.

And yet, of course, it is ideal to look for a middle ground: after all, there are more impressions from an unplanned vacation than from a scheduled one.

“How to survive in a women’s team?”

Question: “I think I’m not alone in my problem. I work in a women's team, and my boss is also a woman. I feel stressed all the time. Jokes from colleagues, some stupid stereotypes (I’m also the youngest). Sometimes they ask me for my male opinion, telling me something about their men. But I either don’t understand them, men, or I’m afraid to tell the truth, because they definitely won’t like it. Anything can happen to the boss, too. Emotional, everything about her is somehow... it’s not good to operate with stereotypes again, but women’s logic... and emotions. How can I survive in such a team? I must say that in general they are all excellent. But it’s not easy with them.”

Oleg, 24 years old

Answer: - There is no clear opinion as to whether the female team is worse or better than the male team. It’s just that the women’s team has its own characteristics, just like the men’s team. After all, women have a natural need for live communication. They have a greater need for verbal communication. Therefore, conversations will be about everything: the boss, children, husbands, new shoes, etc. However, if you don't get along well and simply can't stand working with women, it may be advisable to look for a job in a male or mixed team. Why force yourself into unbearable conditions? Nevertheless, it is not the place that colors a person, but the person who paints the place. Remember that the reasons for intrigue and gossip are created by the person himself. Therefore, do not create such situations and do not let yourself be manipulated, call a spade a spade. If the team does not accept you, you need to understand the reasons for what is happening and build your own tactics of behavior.

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