Hysteroids and their relationships and compatibility with other psychotypes

Laconic, reserved...introvert?

The partner of a schizoid personality may be taciturn, sometimes he does not even notice the needs of his other half, he may talk for hours about the creation of the Universe, and not even understand that he has not been listened to for a long time, that the person next to him is hungry, tired and clearly wants to change the topic.
Such people are often called closed, introverts, living within themselves. Sometimes from the outside it may seem that they are constantly depressed, as a rule, they do not know very much, they can support any conversation, but at the same time they very slowly get closer to other people, and always keep a fairly large distance. This may only seem from the outside, because such people are always very erudite and ready to carry on a conversation. The truth is only on the topic that interests them.

It is difficult to expect gifts, hugs, trips to a restaurant, cafe, or surprises from a schizoid. These are common problems that couples may face if one of the partners is schizoid.

Read on topic:

Is a schizoid a pure introvert?

Psychologist Sergei Klyuchnikov

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Secrets of successful communication with people of different psychological types.

Inner strength manifests itself differently in people of different psychological types . Today there are many classifications and divisions of people.

Of these, the most clear, from my point of view, is the division of people into five main psychotypes: hysteroid, epileptoid, schizoid, hyperthymic and asthenic.

What is the essence of each of these types in terms of strengths and weaknesses in communication?

Character types and keys to them

A hysteroid is an artist who loves to bask in the energy of other people's attention. As an artistic being, he can be very talented in the ability to attract attention to himself, to stand out from the gray background of the crowd. He loves humor and wit.

The power of a hysteroid lies in the influence that he can have on others, in his ability to liven up a monotonous situation. You won't get bored with him.

He will always generate words, ideas, impromptu, puns that lift the mood of listeners.

The most prominent representative of the breed of hysterics in the modern political arena of Russia is, of course, the unforgettable Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky. Looking at him, we see this psychotype in its pure form and can understand both its strengths and weaknesses.

The weakness of the hysteroid is the inability to tolerate lack of attention and, especially, loneliness, dislike of quiet, routine work, and inability to keep promises.

The tragedy of the hysteroid is when, instead of the desired applause or, at worst, whistling (this is also attention, only with a minus sign), he has to deal with cold silence and lack of interest in himself, yawning and whispering about extraneous topics.

If the enemies of this psychotype manage to calculate his main weakness and begin to hit his weak spot, then the vain artist will have a very hard time.

Therefore, a person who has hysterical traits needs to be the first to understand them and develop the habit of self-sufficiency and restraint.

In this way he can patch up those holes through which his energy is wasted. Cultivating restraint is a direct method for accumulating strength among people of the hysterical type.

An epileptoid is a strong, solid person, usually with an economic and practical orientation.

He is prone to punctual and pedantic execution of his plans. For him, Business is the most important and, perhaps, even the only pleasant pastime.

He hates laxity and always prefers a clear plan to improvisation.

The epileptoid is almost indifferent to applause, especially if it distracts him from his work. The main thing for him is the result. His strength lies in practicality, balance, solidity and skill.

He manifests himself in this way in any circumstances. A prominent representative of the mighty tribe of epileptoids (this word has nothing to do with epilepsy) among the modern political elite is the strong business executive Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov.

The strength of an epileptoid lies in his efficiency, hard work, accuracy, adequacy of worldview, and common sense.

The weakness of the epileptoid is excessive pedantry, lack of flexibility, adherence to rigid structures, and a tendency to get hung up on details.

The epileptoid is most powerful in familiar, proven circumstances. However, when the situation changes and risk conditions arise, he feels very insecure. Knowing his weaknesses, the epileptoid instinctively avoids unpredictable situations, trying to maintain the status quo at any cost.

The epileptoid does not like the role of an adventurer who feels like a duck to water in an atmosphere of risk and uncertainty.

If you have an epileptoid personality type and want to increase your strength in communication, practice acting spontaneously, answering unexpected questions easily and quickly, and not being afraid of meeting and interacting with new people; such work on yourself will add ease to your psychological type .

An epileptoid personality most often feels confident in a familiar workplace or on vacation with family and friends.

An unfamiliar company causes him to feel tense and makes him make mistakes. He needs to learn to joke, improvise and quickly get words out of his pocket.

It will be useful for him to often imagine himself as an easy and free person, to remember that life is in many ways a game, and therefore he should not take himself very seriously.

If you find yourself in the company of people who take themselves and the world lightly, your seriousness will ensure that you become a telegraph pole that stands in the wrong place.

A schizoid is a closed person, withdrawn into his inner world, largely divorced from reality and living in the name of some kind of his own idea.

As a rule, people with the schizoid psychological type are very contradictory creatures with a philosophical view of the world, although their creativity can be somewhat abstract.

The rich imagination of a schizoid more than compensates for his poor understanding of the practical aspects of life. A man of concept, he does not really like life as such, preferring to focus on one aspect of it.

A schizoid often has difficulty communicating and is almost never perceived by others as an easy person.

Inside himself, he either reacts to this very painfully, or does not react at all, as if his sensitivity is under anesthesia.

The power of a schizoid is the ability to dream vividly, to create theories, concepts and images, sometimes so powerful that they can change the lives of many. When a schizoid is insensitive to external injections, his strength increases and life begins to obey his plan.

However, when a schizoid is painfully sensitive and touchy, he may not forget the insults inflicted on him for a long time and take revenge for them.

The weakness of a schizoid is his inability to successfully communicate with people , establish interpersonal connections and the non-viability of many of his constructs. Quite often he builds his house on the shifting sands of dreams and loses because he cedes the battlefield without even realizing there was one.

A schizoid is a lonely dreamer and conceptualist

If you feel that you belong to this psychological type and are not satisfied with your isolation, try to get out of the box of your ego.

Force yourself to be attentive to the outside world, try to go out into people and into the world.

As soon as you catch yourself falling into a bottomless pit of yourself again, and instead of lively communication with attentive looking and listening to your interlocutor, you are having a dull conversation with yourself, stop yourself.

Switch to a world where there is much more energy and life than in the stuffy basements of the subconscious. The more genuine your interest in the outside world and the more attentively you learn to communicate with people, the stronger you will become.

Hypertim is a leader, a leader, an active passionary, a kind of Mayakovsky, who can be heard a hundred meters away. Wherever he appears, within a few minutes everyone begins to feel how big this person is becoming. He usually has large gestures and a loud voice.

He easily fills the space, forcing the others to fall silent and scatter into the corners. Hypertim may be a business man, but his main life's work is leading people.

A born leader, formal or informal, hyperteam has the ability to attract people to itself and start doing things with them.

He doesn't really like it when someone else wants to replace him in this role. The main question that hypertim solves when meeting a new person is the question of strength and power.

He peers at the other and evaluates his strength, as if testing his teeth.

Internally, it is very important for him to ensure that the other recognizes his superiority and submits to him in one form or another.

The power of hypertim is in its continuously generated energy of magnetism, which helps it attract other people into the energy funnel of its own affairs and endeavors.

He easily makes others instruments of his will. On the Russian political Olympus, one of the brightest hypertims was Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. With all his sprees and “squiggles,” he represents the classic version of hyperthymia.

True, authority does not always ensure the quality of government and the success of the leader’s undertakings, as we have become very well convinced of by observing the sad results of the reforms he has begun. Hypertim is a leader and once again a leader.

The weakness of hyperrhythm is a rude manner of behavior, a disdainful attitude towards people, inattention to detail in any serious matter.

A person with such a psychological type. He is used to reveling in power and is ready to conflict with anyone who encroaches on this power. It should be understood that all these manifestations of hyperthymic weakness are the flip side of his strength, if it is not very intelligently oriented.

hyperthymia in yourself and are not very happy with some of your manifestations, begin to consistently cultivate the qualities of intuition, the ability to manage yourself, and sensitivity to the problems of other people.

Then your hyperthymic power, in addition to its virtues, will acquire the features of wisdom, clarity and calm.

An asthenic is a person by nature who is painfully sensitive to all nuances and changes in the situation. He is very nervous and gets tired quickly. As a rule, an asthenic person is unsure of himself, anxiously suspicious, and unstable in emotions.

An asthenic person calms down only in a home environment. The biggest moral torture for him is meeting new people in a large company, as well as conducting tough negotiations on some controversial or problematic issue.

The weakness of an asthenic is his generic property, manifested in everything. Even if an asthenic person is very talented, he can drown his abilities in the abyss of suspiciousness and doubt.

The strength, in principle, is the only one that can awaken in him - this is the strength of dissatisfaction with his own weak personality, a passionate desire to change and become strong, as well as steady self-overcoming and work on oneself.

An asthenic man should start with muscular pumping and sports, which will cultivate masculinity in him. A woman of an asthenic psychological type will also benefit from physical training, which will breathe vitality into her.

Then you will need to become aware of the image of your own confidence and learn to enter into it, develop a new external image that includes everything that may be needed in communication, from brighter clothes to a stronger voice.

After this, it will be possible to move on to behavioral confidence training, when in each situation the asthenic person will try to bring the energy of strength into his actions. Asthenic is a constant lack of vitality.

The listed types receive and transform the general vital energy that fills the space in different ways.

How do people of different psychological types spend their vital energy?

The hysteroid spends energy on narcissism and turning his life into a continuous performance, into a one-man theater. He twists energy around his personality and is fueled by new portions of power, giving him the attention of other people who, as a rule, get the role of the public.

The epileptoid puts all the energy he has into work, into current and strategic affairs. He is no stranger to attention to his person - if it helps him maintain the image of a respectable, businesslike and successful person. He evenly distributes the expenditure of vital force between himself and his affairs.

The schizoid is fenced off from the world by an almost impenetrable veil and therefore does not take so much energy from the outside world.

However, everything that he managed to absorb from space goes to strengthen his schizoid concepts and programs. Often the transmutations of the vital energy of a schizoid are so strange and bizarre that on the outside he gives completely different reactions than people expect from him.

Hyperthym absorbs a large amount of life force from the world and then redistributes it between fueling his leadership image and providing emotional support to his team. He spins rings of energy around himself, betting on a breakthrough, both personal and team.

If a hypertim belongs to the category of smart leaders, he will not pull the energy “blanket” only on himself, but will definitely share with others - at least in order to have a team and count on it.

An egocentric or narrow-minded person will always limit his actions to himself.

An asthenic person is to a very small extent able to take energy from space. The main channel through which life force can come to him is human resources, the help of loved ones who sympathize with him.

As a rule, an asthenic person wastes his reserves of vitality on experiencing fears, imaginary threats and far-fetched fears, as well as on carrying out everyday life stresses, which seem very large and tiring to him. The life force of an asthenic person, already small, is consumed faster than that of people belonging to other psychotypes.

Therefore, more than other people, he needs the quality of patience, calmness and the ability to accurately calculate his small strengths.

People of different psychotypes contact the vital force in different ways. When communicating, do not forget that although people are equal, they differ in many ways. Arguments that will convince a hyperthymic person will not be suitable for a schizoid.

The goals of a person belonging to the hysteroid tribe do not seem important to an asthenic or epileptoid. When trying to convince a person of something, appeal to his value system and link it to your tasks.

Independent work questions:

1. What are the main psychological types? 2. What are the best methods for understanding other people's motives?

Practical work:

1. Carefully observe yourself for a week to understand what psychological type your communication belongs to.

2. Analyze what difficulties arise in communicating with people of other psychotypes, how can you fix this?

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Schizoid man in a relationship

It is very difficult for girls in such relationships when they are waiting for the manifestation of emotions, which a schizoid is not always capable of. A partner of the schizoid type is looking for a kindred spirit in a relationship, with whom he can always talk for hours, who will also think outside the box. The gifts of schizoids can be as extraordinary as he himself, and it often happens that the other half cannot appreciate them. Although a schizoid man in a relationship, of course, is sure that this gift is very important - for him it really is!

Schizoid men feel uncomfortable with overly emotional partners. Therefore, relationships with partners who require a lot of attention, emotions and frequent sex from them, as a rule, end. A schizoid is simply not able to maintain the same level that is required of him.

In response to the partner’s excessive emotionality, the schizoid will move away. He may leave home for a long time for no reason or stay at work for a long time. A person of the schizoid type absolutely does not accept hysterical scenes and loud conflicts. He perceives all this as an invasion of his personal space, and tries to distance himself from his partner as quickly as possible.

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