Original signs of attention from a man to a girl

Hidden attention from a woman

Girls can show attention to guys in two ways: hidden and demonstrative. With hidden signs of attention, cunning tricks, non-verbal communication, some gestures, body language, etc. are most often used.

Women are very cunning but modest creatures. She may avoid openly flirting with you, but you can tell that she's acting like she's attracted to you if you pay close attention to her actions. Imagine that you are in the same company with a representative of the fairer sex. She willingly communicates with all her friends, but desperately ignores you. Her inattention to you will be the most clear sign of attention. This may seem strange, because she does not look at you or talk to you, but in this way she distinguishes you from the rest of the company.

Also take a closer look at how the girl’s behavior changes when she sees you. She may blush, become embarrassed, her voice changes, she tries to look away. With such actions, she tries to unobtrusively let you know that you are worthy of her attention.

How to attract the attention of a girl you like?

Despite the fact that winning a girl’s attention requires activities aimed at interaction, you should initially take care of yourself and carry out some kind of preparatory work that will help both attract the attention of the girl you like and win positive feedback from everyone around you. Such investments of effort and time will pay off throughout your life, because reputation means quite a lot, and even more so in the eyes of women (no matter how attractive a girl is to you, if then all her friends speak negatively about you, then she will be cold towards you, and on the contrary, there have been cases when girls fell in love with a guy in absentia before they met, only based on the stories of others). You can arouse interest from a distance, and even without knowing a specific girl, and this requires positive self-esteem and confidence in your own attractiveness. You can increase these indicators of self-perception through training and in your own life by providing yourself with multiple contacts with positive people, participating in charity events and complex projects, and improving your own skills through courses. A confident person who knows his own worth evokes a desire to communicate and gives positive emotions, while complexes and uncertainty interfere with the building of healthy interaction, and the partner becomes a psychotherapist about whom they try to resolve problems.

Courage, confidence, self-acceptance are the first steps that help in the future not to copy others, but to be yourself. Girls feel falsehood, and if you are a nerd, you shouldn’t pretend to be a hooligan, it’s better to show your strengths, which will definitely arouse more sympathy than trying to squeeze into someone else’s image. Girls like sincerity and confidence, so no matter how silly or unattractive you think your traits or hobbies are, open up and you may be surprised by the amount of female attention.

When guys read advice about taking care of their own appearance, sometimes it takes on exaggerated forms that repel girls. Yes, you should keep your body clean, but you shouldn’t pour half a bottle of perfume on yourself, yes, your beard and hair should be combed, trimmed and styled, but not filled with gel. The same applies to clothing - it should be clean, reflecting your inner essence, emphasizing your dignity, but a clutter of expensive brands and lack of convenience for the sake of fashion are not welcome.

When communicating, choose a friendly, open manner. Think about how much you yourself would want to communicate with a person who is always angry or thoughtful. Your emotional state can attract girls like a magnet, and if, after talking with you, her mood improves or her soul brightens, then she may show the next interest herself, simply because positive people, focused on dialogue, and not their own thoughts and problems, are pleasant interlocutors , attention-grabbing.

If you have achieved that the girl communicates with you, it’s too early to give up, you need to win her attention to yourself as an interlocutor, otherwise the new acquaintance may end, and the old one may become cooler. Be interesting, constantly expand your knowledge so that you have something to talk about, find your passion, learn rare interesting facts. Don’t memorize information, but read what interests you, then all the interesting moments will be remembered by themselves, and when you start answering the girl’s questions about yourself, it will sound more intriguing than “I have no hobbies, I play on the computer.” When you are interested in a girl, do not abandon your own interests, otherwise you will soon have nothing to talk about or only topics from her life will remain, and believe me, a guy who understands ecological cosmetics is more surprising than interesting.

When sharing your life stories and hobbies, show interest in the girl’s life, her past, hobbies, and family. The more questions you ask, the more interested she will feel, and you will receive information from which you can build further relationships or find common topics and activities. But be tactful, consider the psychological distance at every stage of your relationship when asking questions. The same question about the first intimate experience at the beginning of a relationship can cause a storm of negativity and further ignorance on the part of the girl, while in a long-term and trusting relationship it will help to get closer and better understand each other. In addition to uncomfortable questions, watch the girl’s reaction, since you can touch upon topics that are absolutely neutral from your point of view, but painful for her. If the answers become monosyllabic, and irritation or ice appears in the intonation, then quickly change the topic.

More humor and compliments with original content. Let the jokes be relevant to the moment, instead of memorized anecdotes, and let the compliments be individual to her, instead of boring “beautiful eyes”. Treat yourself gallantly and avoid any vulgarity in the form of direct looking at or touching private parts. With girls, it’s better not to force things, but to be attentive, but a little cold, this will give her the opportunity to feel her own interest in you, instead of the usual algorithm of turning off all persistent fans. Show the girl that you can be friends, communicate and support, that you are interested in her as a person, and not just as a sexual object.

And of course, girls love flowers and gifts - take advantage of this weakness to stand out from the rest. Add intrigue by sending gifts by courier, let her figure out who it could be, invite her to dinner not by SMS, but by putting a beautiful note in chocolate. You shouldn’t bet on the price of the gift, it’s more important what mood and impressions the girl gets than the cost (and not everyone can accept an expensive gift, and many will consider this an unambiguous hint, for which you will get your slap in the face, while the bouquet Picking dandelions with your own hands will cause many different pleasant and pure feelings).

Demonstrative attention from a woman

Girls who have a more courageous and daring character may decide to show active attention to a man. Being in the company of a handsome representative of the stronger sex, a woman can distinguish him from the crowd with constant conversations and conversations; she can invite him to meet or go out from a noisy establishment to the street to get some air. Such ladies can make a date themselves and arrange a romantic surprise for their boyfriend.

Gifts are also a sign of attention from a girl. If she has singled out a certain young man, she can congratulate him on any, even the most insignificant holidays, buying him memorable gifts. It could be a soccer ball, new sneakers, a computer game, or anything else.

If a guy comes to visit a girl, she is able to show him signs of attention with the help of her care. Hot tea, a delicious dinner prepared especially for the long-awaited guest - all this can be regarded as signs of sympathy for the young man.

Also open signs of attention include compliments addressed to a man. If a woman praises your talents, the work and hard work you have done, your behavior, your appearance or your character, she is probably not indifferent to you.

How to attract the attention of a girl by correspondence?

Communication is increasingly moving from face-to-face meetings to the online space; this helps save time, allows you to communicate with those who are far away, and also opens up communication with those people who are interesting to you, and not with those with whom you find yourself in the same geographical space. The freedom to communicate with someone you like has a downside - the ease of establishing contact is accompanied by the same ease of ending it, because it is enough to remove the person from active contacts and the problem is solved, there will be no chance meetings and awkward glances. Therefore, if sympathy arose online, you should think about how to attract a girl’s attention on VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram and other social services. It is necessary to arouse truly lively interest, and not provoke empty correspondence, which can ignite from idleness and fade away as soon as things come up again.

When you want to please a girl in reality, then tidy up your appearance; when you want to please her in correspondence, tidy up your page. Remove pornographic and obscene materials, cruelty and violence, clean up your photos by deleting photos with exes, while drunk and at dubious events. Upload fresh, beautiful photos that demonstrate not only your portrait and staged studio photos, but also your activities (maybe you planted a tree, played basketball, organized an event for children at an orphanage). After this, you can appear to the girl not through direct communication, but through likes and reposts.

In order for communication to immediately begin as something meaningful, avoid templates in greeting and establishing contact; it is better to start with a general topic. Yes, you definitely have a common topic, because somehow you found her page (perhaps she commented on something in a common group, then start communicating with that, or you have common friends, then you can ask how she is with them familiar). For a flight of fancy in search of originality, all methods are suitable, except for humiliating and insulting jokes, and for all the others, do not be afraid to seem funny, since a person who is able to make you laugh and is self-ironic evokes sympathy and creates the impression of a confident and interesting interlocutor.

Unobtrusively ask the girl about her life - her page is an almanac with tips for topics and questions, raising which you can count on her interest. Just don’t overdo it with sweetness, praising her tastes and admiring the complete coincidence of your musical preferences, add a little variety by enlivening the discussion with questions about why she thinks this way. Not an argument, but sincere interest from a different position allows a person to tell more about himself, and gives you space to express yourself. Expecting active interest from a girl can be a mistake, so the task of self-presentation falls on your shoulders so that it looks like an indirect mention when discussing another topic.

Not knowing how to attract the attention of a girl on VKontakte, many begin to use the services offered, sending stickers with hearts, romantic music and funny pictures. This has never worked, because this is what most people do, and besides, messages sent with one click do not have a personal story and individual approach - you merge into a gray mass of the same lazy fans. It’s better to use intrigue by discussing various topics with her, expressing your opinion, don’t be afraid to criticize the girl, this will hook her. Stay independent of her messages - you can leave the network while she is writing a response or disappear for several days, you may not answer her right away, even if you are online - such behavior makes the girl doubt, and since communication has already begun, she will try to please you . There is nothing worse than intrusiveness on the Internet, when your messages begin to resemble spam mailings, and do not allow you to get bored and the flow of new information.

And the most important rule of correspondence is to write correctly, otherwise when reading, the girl’s brain will stumble over mistakes every time, which will not add advantages to you, but rather will make her stop communicating. And it’s not even that all girls are snobs and require a thorough knowledge of grammar, it’s just that this indirectly reduces your chances, not to mention the fact that automatic spell checking and auto-correction work everywhere now.

Why do you need male attention?

Almost every woman dresses, puts on makeup, and does her hair for a reason, but for someone. After all, you want someone to like you, to be loved and desired. There is an opinion that the male gaze is necessary as a breath of fresh air. This is why women always want to keep themselves in shape.

A man's gaze gives energy to the weaker sex. Scientists have proven that when a man shows signs of attention towards a girl, endorphin appears in her body, which is regarded as a hormone of happiness. This gives the weaker sex a lot of strength, vitality and good mood.

What might interest a woman in a man?

How to attract a man to you unobtrusively - what might interest you

Men by nature are conquerors and breadwinners. The same applies to the woman who interested him. He will be happy to enter into a game with her, where she will allow the man to show himself from all his best sides. The woman, in turn, will enjoy this game, where she receives attention and arouses interest - this will inspire her.

At the top of the list of items that arouse a lady’s curiosity about a man are social status, level of earnings, and ways of spending her free time. According to these criteria, it constitutes the “foundation”, that is, the strength of possible relationships. However, you should not give up on trying to meet someone in the absence of a stable job - this issue can be avoided, because many couples are good because they managed to overcome difficulties together.

Women love it when their chosen one controls the situation, but at the same time shows tenderness towards their other half - a skillful combination of the character of a teddy bear and a grizzly bear will have the most positive effect on the relationship. The fact is that a fragile girl needs to feel safe; a man is strong enough to protect her offenders, but at the same time does not offend her himself.

Women know how to distinguish persistence from obsession. The first attracts them, the second repels them at once. By the way, they feel a lot intuitively, just like the boyfriend’s attempts to pretend to be someone else, just to arouse interest. This plays exactly the opposite role in building relationships.

A woman has a natural sense of a man's intentions.

Standard signs of attention from a man to a girl

Each person, be it a man or a woman, has his own individual character. One can show attention actively, speak everything directly and frankly. The other behaves more passively, fearing for the words spoken. However, all men are capable of giving compliments. Women love with their ears, and most representatives of the stronger sex know this.

Men give flowers. This is standard courtship that will not leave any woman indifferent. However, before you give a bouquet, find out what flowers the girl likes.

Many men give gifts, because it’s no secret that girls love surprises. This could be jewelry, soft toys, candy.

Many men give perfumes or cosmetics. However, do not forget that it is better for a girl to choose these things herself. Before you give them, you must be sure that they are suitable for the lady.

If you want a girl to remember you from time to time, give her an indoor flower. This is a great gift. When she waters it and takes care of it, she will always remember you. Beautiful paintings or figurines will regularly remind the girl of your relationship.

It is not necessary to show your attention with expensive gifts, an invitation to a movie or a restaurant. Many women don't need this. Respect her and she will give you the same respect.

Tips for Shy Introverts

Every time, like the first time? Although you still lacked knowledge and experience in meeting girls at school, your desire to correct this has already brought you here!

That's why take the following 3 tips seriously.

Fear of Rejection

A factor why some men never make the first move. You've heard hundreds of times that failure is an experience. However, it can be a severe blow to self-esteem.

The second is unlikely to help you meet a girl, so let’s act more wisely and not throw ourselves into the machine-gun fire of women’s refusals.

Start your journey with normal conversations with strangers. Don't try to get acquainted or flirt - just talk.

The first steps may be standard requests: “Excuse me, what time is it?” or “Please tell me how to get to the supermarket?”

The second step in preparing for refusals is to talk, without asking. This is more difficult than finding out the time, but also much more effective.

“Is it just me, or did it taste better here before?”, “This line lasts forever, have you also been hanging around here since the morning?”, “I’m going to the center, and where do you get off?”

The pick-up artist never dreamed of: 10 ways to attract the attention of the girl you’re crazy about, photo

Get ready to face rejection, because sometimes people just don’t want to chat about anything or be distracted by unexpected communication. But 80% of girls will support your conversation.

The third step is dating. If you haven’t yet gained self-confidence and are nervous every time you talk, start with girls you don’t particularly like.

“Hi, aren’t you bored here? If you want, we can chat,” “This is not the first time I’ve seen you and I’ve finally decided to meet you,” “Do you mind if I keep you company?”

Having gone through a long path of successes and failures, each subsequent failure will only strengthen your confidence in future success.

Don't cause pity

The pick-up artist never dreamed of: 10 ways to attract the attention of the girl you’re crazy about, photo

Shy and unsure of themselves - guys very often use this method. It is natural for them to complain if there is someone who will feel sorry for them.

And, lo and behold, girls are wonderfully able to feel sorry for and care for the unfortunate. But is it worth using these features of female psychology when dating?

Remember - a man should evoke delight and admiration, but not pity or a desire to pat him on the head. Maybe you have heard the phrase from men: “Don’t look at me like that, don’t feel sorry for me...”? They understood that they could arouse pity, and this would damage their image of a strong and unshakable man.

“Hi, thank you for your concern, I’ve never gotten into something like this. But I still appreciate your attention, what’s your name?”, “Hello, everything is fine, I can handle it, don’t worry. Enough strength even for a walk. By the way, maybe you can join me?”

Don't be weird, be a person

The pick-up artist never dreamed of: 10 ways to attract the attention of the girl you’re crazy about, photo

Introverts have specific interests, tastes in music and clothing styles.

In different situations this can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. But in general, with the right presentation, you can always count on your features.

Do you listen to hard rock and have grown a long hair? Then monitor the quality of your hairstyle and choose a clothing style that matches your look.

The point is not to look as “normal” as possible, but to look objectively good.

“Hey, I couldn’t help but notice that you were looking at my tattoos. Which one do you like best?”, “Do you think my hair is longer than yours? Let's compare!

Does a woman always need compliments?

Girls like beautiful words. However, do not forget that they must be from the heart. A woman feels flattery immediately.

For a girl, a person’s attitude towards her is very important. A woman loves compliments, but she must see sincerity in your eyes. Even in intonation, a lady is able to sense falsehood.

Creativity in compliments is very important for a girl. Tell her about her hairstyle or dress. A girl will be pleased with such a compliment, because she tried to create her image for your sake.

What attracts girls to guys

As a result of surveys conducted among women from 17 to 27 years old, several criteria were identified that allow you to attract the attention of any girl:

READ How to start dating a girl: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

  1. Modesty. This quality adorns anyone, because selfish machos are only suitable for short-term romances. For serious relationships, modest but successful young people are chosen.
  2. Sense of humor. A joke can smooth out a conflict or lighten the mood. Women love witty and cheerful young men who are not afraid to show emotions.
  3. Ambition. Even if a man’s income is now impressive, but he does not demonstrate the desire to climb higher on the career ladder, his attractiveness in the eyes of a woman will gradually begin to fade. For her, it is not his achievements that are important, but that subtle aroma of success that surrounds purposeful individuals.
  4. Jealousy. For a girl, weak manifestations of jealousy are an indicator of affection. And groundless scandals based on her, on the contrary, lower the status of a man and indicate his lack of self-confidence and his choice.
  5. Tact. Even a relaxed woman regards the manifestation of sexual bad manners as a threat to her own safety. Women treat deranged males who do not understand the word “no” with caution.

It is important for girls to feel protected. They need a man who can stand up not only for himself, but also for his companion. In addition, prudence is also important here in order to be able to resolve the conflict through constructive dialogue.

Original signs of attention

If you want to give a gift to a girl, then make it unusual. Originality is the first thing you can do to surprise your loved one.

Give her a surprise. If a girl likes practical gifts, then the present can be related to household appliances. Of course, first it is advisable to find out what exactly your beloved wants. Her friends will be happy to tell you.

As a rule, many men invite the girl they like on a date to a cafe or restaurant. You can make the date unusual. For example, invite her to the theater or the circus. Perhaps your loved one will like an amusement park. Even adults love to have fun like children.

Almost every person will enjoy boating or motorboating. Invite the girl to spend her leisure time on the water. Take provisions with you and set sail. After such a walk you feel tired, but it is very pleasant. Such entertainment will raise you in the eyes of your beloved.

Serenades under the window used to be in fashion. Why not take advantage of the hint from the past? After all, at that time men knew how to surprise and conquer women! Come with a guitar and sing a heart-warming song under the window. Few will remain indifferent after the serenade.

Write a poem for your beloved. Girls like such original signs of attention. After all, it’s not every day that poems are written in her honor.

Remain attentive to your chosen one at any time. Try not to push her away, help her in everything, support her. Make your chosen one's life varied. A man who shows original signs of attention has a better chance of winning a lady.

Tips for attracting female attention

It’s not difficult to attract a girl’s attention, but in order to evoke positive emotions and a desire to get to know each other, you need to adhere to some rules. The tips below will help you not only attract attention, but also win the heart of your chosen one:

  • Appearance – none of the beautiful girls will pay attention to an unkempt and unkempt guy. During the first meeting, the girl does not yet know about the positive traits of your character, about your kindness and, say, an excellent sense of humor. First of all, the chosen one evaluates the young guy externally. And if your appearance leaves much to be desired, then there will be little chance of making acquaintances and attracting girls’ attention. A neat appearance means not only fresh and ironed clothes, but also clean, styled hair, trimmed nails and, of course, clean shoes. Many women pay attention to men's shoes, which should match the guy's image and, of course, always be clean. Therefore, you need to start with personal hygiene, and then move on to choosing the most suitable clothes and shoes.
  • Smile – to be liked, you need to be happy and smile yourself. Enjoy life, every moment that comes and appreciate everything that surrounds you. In this case, the lady will understand that you are happy and will want to receive a piece of your happiness as a gift. Guys with a gloomy facial expression are less likely to make a pleasant acquaintance, since a dissatisfied or dissatisfied facial expression is not friendly and does not encourage acquaintance.
  • Posture - you need to keep your back straight, which will speak about your health, strength, confidence and willingness to stand up at any moment both for yourself and for your companion. If a man is tall, but walks without proper posture, it will be difficult for him to interest the lady he likes.
  • Walking – some of the guys walk unsteadily and withdrawn. To attract the interest of the opposite sex, you need to develop inner confidence, which will later be reflected in your gait. Girls approach self-confident men in order to get acquainted.
  • Favorite business, hobby - if a man does his own business and looks like a busy and respectable person, attention to him increases. It is advisable to show that you are a worthy young man and value yourself. You need to find something that you will be happy to do and achieve success in this matter, since the time wasted searching for love cannot be returned. Representatives of the fairer sex find successful people themselves.
  • Flowers as a gift - to attract the attention of even a girl you don’t know, you can simply give her a bouquet of flowers. This will interest her, and she will want to thank you for the pleasant surprise. And let this gratitude consist of a smile, but it is worth remembering that the positive emotions received will not be quickly forgotten. Of course, unless this is the case when the girl is so popular that she receives bouquets every day.
  • Self-confidence - often guys are afraid that a girl will see them watching her. In fact, if you look at a girl and suddenly turn away, look away when she notices you, this indicates your fears and the girl sees them and understands them. You can’t look away, you need, on the contrary, to smile. Most likely you will also receive a smile in return. Do not hesitate to turn your attention to the stranger who interests you.
  • Courage and bravery - every woman is looking for a strong and courageous man. Therefore, it is necessary to develop, since not only physically developed people enjoy success, but also smart, psychologically stable, successful representatives of the stronger sex. Such people have much more opportunities to make acquaintances. Girls value guys who have achieved success and wealth through their own labor and applied knowledge.
  • Ignoring - a beautiful and popular lady will not like your indifference, but the main thing is to stop in time and not overdo it. After all, soon she will stop thinking about you and turn her attention to another young man. Therefore, taking advantage of her bewilderment, you need to start showing all kinds of signs of attention. Such an act will have a positive effect against the background of previous indifference.
  • Be yourself - sometimes, to get acquainted, guys pretend to be someone they really are not. You must always remain yourself, only in this case the ladies will find you themselves and will try to attract your attention in order to get to know you. And you shouldn’t waste your time, you need to achieve success, live and enjoy life.

Rules for attracting a girl

A little about obsession

Very often, signs of attention from a man are too intrusive. This can irritate a girl.

This manifests itself when a man can call many times a day or write letters on social networks. Many ladies don't like this behavior. Therefore, the relationship that the young man dreams of does not work out.

When a date doesn’t work out, try not to write or call that day, but give your loved one time. She must miss you. Only then will the lady understand how much she misses your attention and courtship.

Signs of attention that every woman appreciates

Women need attention. In fact, anyone needs attention, I'm serious! But women still need a little more, because, damn it, they are women!

Even if you're an awesome boyfriend, you can always improve, right? And if you have a problem understanding women, this article should help you.

Welcome and goodbye kisses

Nothing helps us feel more at home than a kiss from a loved one in the morning and goodbye. Agree that this is nice for you, and how nice it is for a girl! When your lady leaves for work or when she returns home, greeting her with a kiss is one of the great ways to maintain a cordial relationship. The warm and friendly effect of these kisses reminds us of the time when our ancestors were apes, and showed their affection by examining them for small parasites. A welcome kiss means “I'm glad to see you,” and a farewell kiss means “I'll miss you.”

Snuggle up to each other

If you say something like “this is all calf tenderness, men do not lie in an embrace with their young ladies, wrapping them in a beard,” I will tell you that you are categorically wrong. Hugs are a key factor in a healthy relationship. If you find it unpleasant to hug more than once a day, your relationship cannot be called normal. Even the touchy one wants to hug and feel a loved one next to her more often. All this talk about how hugs prolong life is not a fairy tale.

Do nice little things

No girl will refuse a bouquet of flowers. The main thing, of course, is to choose those flowers that the girl really likes, so as not to make a mistake, otherwise the surprise may not be entirely pleasant.

Of course, not only flowers are the only joy for women’s eyes. Write her a note on paper and put it in her jacket, send her a couple of gentle messages on Skype, prepare breakfast, make her coffee, go for a walk with her in the park and draw something funny on the asphalt together with children’s crayons. Buy her her favorite chocolate bar, give her a funny hat, remember when her mom's birthday is. Lots of little things! The main thing is to have imagination, it strengthens relationships with girls.

Notice little things and give compliments

Girls spend a lot of time trying to look their best. They often do all this makeup, manicure, haircuts and other procedures so that people pay attention to them and admire them. Kindly notice this nonsense. Of course, there are women who do all these manipulations only for themselves (yes, man, they really do exist), and there are those who don’t take care of themselves at all.

Noticing a new haircut or that she's wearing a dress is important. The girl tries to look good, and if it really suits her well, you can and should praise her. It is not so difficult to notice that something has changed in a girl. If you don't notice this, there are two logical explanations. First: you don’t see the point in noticing such “little things”, because you are a man, this is not a man’s business, “women love it when everything is harsh and without tenderness” (underline what is appropriate). Second: you don't care about her. Small compliments will go a long way in any relationship.

Women need attention. Why does a woman need attention?

A man is an independent being, and he can build his life without a woman. A woman is a dependent creature, and she needs protection. A woman's disappointment in family life is based on a lack of protection. A man thinks either in the past or in the future, and a woman thinks in the present moment. You need to communicate with a woman in the present moment. A woman is an inspiration, and if she is happy, then everyone is happy.

Women need attention. Why does a woman need attention?
And such a moment is that since family relationships are built around an independent partner, usually a man, he serves the dependent partner, that is, a woman. And if you don’t want a three-day scandal with tears and breaking dishes, then, for example, if you are very busy, but your wife comes in and asks what may be an absolutely stupid question, then it is better, for the peace of mind of both yourself and her, to immediately give her a little attention , and she will be pleased, and so will her husband. Because relationships are important to a woman, and she constantly checks them, not just consciously, but she just needs to feel that her husband loves her just as much, only for this a woman asks her beloved questions. A common opinion is that a man needs to build a house, plant a tree and raise a son (if I’m not confused. And when all this is there, he tells his wife, I bought you a car, an apartment, a dacha, etc., lies down on the sofa and turns into a boiled potato. But for a woman, all this is of secondary importance, relationships are important to her, and she will not be satisfied and happy until she gets them. Therefore, a man should be a man, not a boiled potato, and learn relationships at this moment. A man should react and learn on a woman's mood. A cool, powerful man is a scary woman. Women are weak and dependent, and their quality is gentleness. Men are strong and independent, real men, not boiled potatoes, their main quality is attentiveness. For those who are going to start a family, you need to know the nature of a man and a woman. Only a man returns the relationship to the level of happiness. And a woman always waits for an answer to what she does. Disputes in the family are intended to ensure that the relationship curve moves up. If the man does not react properly, then the relationship curve is moving down. Then the woman simply stops criticizing and inspiring. A woman’s criticism must be present, since a woman must inspire, bind and force her to act. A person seeks the depth of a relationship, and if this depth is not there, then the person cannot return to the spiritual world. What we are looking for, we can get with our spouse. And there are only 2 types of existence for men: 1 - static (clergy), 2 - married. Only if this is just a single man, then he does not want to obey spiritual laws and does not want to take responsibility for the family. Being married means a lot of work on ATTENTION. Dynamics implies attentiveness, and relationship dynamics are precisely the prerogative of a married person.

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