How communication affects a person’s mental development in early childhood

A person’s personality develops under the continuous intervention of the external environment, in which communication is given one of the dominant places. Communication helps people solve many problems: exchange information and experience, organize joint activities, get to know each other and the world, influence, express thoughts, emotions, ideas, satisfy needs, etc. Communication solves both practical problems and influences the internal state of the individual, her mood and emotions.

In some situations, the influence of communication is observed in affects, both negative (anger) and positive (joy).

The influence of communication on the formation of a person’s personality is enormous. Some patterns can be found in it. If parents and their child reason carefully and calmly, then their child will grow up calm and reasonable. If it is difficult for parents to speak calmly, their speech is filled with hysterical notes, then their child will grow up unbalanced. This is due to the fact that the baby has overexcited instincts and in every situation he recognizes something emotionally important to him. This trait is referred to as emotional lability. It often leads to wear and tear of the nervous system. Emotional lability is considered a disorder characterized by unstable mood. Those who have this trait will react emotionally to all sorts of events that do not even imply such an obvious reaction.

The negative impact of communication is reflected in the individual’s psyche, leaving deep “traces” there. Communication influences a person’s personal qualities and the decisions he makes. A spoken word can be beneficial, or it can cause irreparable damage (psychological trauma), so it is important to be able not only to communicate, but to do it correctly.

Communication in infancy

A newly born child, an infant (0-1 year old), does not yet have the ability to communicate verbally. But he is very sensitive to how adults communicate with them.

According to Elkonin D.V. in this period, communication is not just important, but the leading type of activity, which is directly emotional, non-verbal [2]. For a baby, what is important is not what is said to him, but how they talk to him: what the face of the one who communicates with him looks like, what sounds he makes, etc.

An infant has an innate ability to determine the aggressive or friendly mood of those who come into contact with him by non-verbal signs. This can be considered part of the instinct of self-preservation, in order to notify in advance of a possible threat by shouting. Or tell me through a smile that everything is fine, you can contact me.

Lisina M.I. described communication at this age as situational and personal [4]. It satisfies the baby’s need for the friendly attention of adults and uses expressive and facial means, in particular, the revitalization complex.

E. Erikson argued that depending on communication with the baby, as well as the timely satisfaction of his needs, a person develops basic trust in the world.

Therefore, if you communicate positively with the baby, smile, surround him with love and comfort, then the person develops a strong attitude towards the world as a friendly environment in which one can trust others [6]. Then the person will grow up more self-confident, decisive, communicative, and purposeful. He will be characterized by creative activity, the creation of something valuable and useful not only for him, but also for others.

If, from infancy, a person observed pictures of violence, was subjected to it himself, was surrounded by aggression, hatred, loud, sharp sounds, then he will develop a negative attitude towards the world. Such a person can grow into an aggressive, insecure, withdrawn person with a bunch of fears and phobias. Not only will it not benefit society, but on the contrary, it will harm everyone at any convenient moment.

In general, it is extremely important to communicate correctly and positively with your child from birth. Then he will grow into a successful, useful person who can improve our world.

Psychological techniques for influencing a partner

Questions from interlocutors and their psychological essence

5. Psychological techniques for influencing a partner

Business communication requires a person to have a high psychological culture, as well as constant study and consideration of the emotional side of business relationships. Anyone who believes that the concept of “feelings” does not apply to work is likely to cause numerous and costly conflicts. Many have come across cliches: “let’s talk business,” “let’s leave our feelings aside,” “our work is just business, and no emotions,” etc.

Is it possible? Aren't feelings a part of us, don't they influence our decisions, our work, our lives? Reason and emotions are inseparable components of a person. All attempts to separate feelings, suppress them, or even ban them are futile and ultimately harmful. Feelings, suppressed and hidden, do not disappear, they act from within and often manifest themselves in even more acute forms. It is known that the emotional in a person many times outweighs the rational in him. This knowledge can bring a significant tribute to those who will intelligently influence this “weak” place of a person.

Ask yourself: which interlocutor is easier for you to convince that you are right - the one who treats you with sincere sympathy, or the one who treats you with obvious antipathy? The answer is obvious. All other things being equal, people more easily accept the position of the person towards whom they have an emotionally positive attitude and, conversely, find it more difficult to accept (and often reject) the position of the person towards whom they have an emotionally negative attitude.

However, how to manage this factor, what are the techniques for using it in the practice of business communication? There is a category of people who know how to win over other individuals, almost immediately win their trust, evoke a feeling of sympathy, i.e. to form an attraction (from the Latin attrahеre - attraction, attraction). An analysis of the actions of such people shows that in the process of communication they use psychological techniques for forming attraction, techniques that, as a rule, are hidden from the interlocutor. But if these techniques exist, then they can be taught to those who need it.

Are we always aware of why we are attracted to a certain person or what repels us from him? How can one explain expressions like “there is something about him” and “something about him is unpleasant?”

When communicating with a partner, our senses receive a huge number of signals. But not all of them are realized. For example, you are talking with a person, but you cannot, with your eyes closed, name the color of his tie. A signal that affected our senses, but was not recorded, may disappear for you without a trace, or may not disappear. It all depends on how significant this signal is for a given individual, whether it carries a sufficient emotional charge for her. Bypassing consciousness, an emotionally significant signal remains in the realm of the unconscious and from there it exerts its influence, which manifests itself in the form of an emotional attitude.

What will happen if, in the process of communication, you send signals to your partner in such a way that, firstly, the signal has sufficient emotional meaning for the partner, secondly, so that this meaning is positive for him, and thirdly, so that the partner does not realize this signal? The following effect occurs: the communication partner will assert that “somehow this communication was pleasant”, “there is something inviting about it.” If you do this with a given partner more than once, then he will develop a fairly stable emotional-positive attitude. Having thus endeared the person to himself, i.e. Having formed an attraction, you are now more likely to achieve his acceptance of your position, his internal agreement with it.

With the help of these techniques, you cannot convince anyone of anything or prove anything to anyone, but you can only win over your interlocutor. Is it a lot or a little to increase the effectiveness of your business communication - let each of you decide for yourself. What are these techniques?

The "proper name" technique. It is based on saying out loud the name (or middle name) of the person you are talking to. And this is not just politeness. The sound of one's own name evokes in a person a feeling of pleasantness that is not always realized by him. D. Carnegie wrote that the sound of one’s own name is the most pleasant melody for a person. What is the psychological method for the emergence of a pleasant sensation when a person hears his own name addressed to him?

Here are its components.

1. The name assigned to a given person accompanies him from the first days of his life to the last. Name and identity are inseparable.

2. When a person is addressed without calling him by name, this is an “impersonal” address. In this case, the speaker is interested in the person not as a person, but only as a bearer of certain official functions. When they address a person and at the same time pronounce his name (and the name is a symbol of personality), thus, willingly or unwillingly, they show attention to his personality.

3. Every person claims to be an individual. When these claims are not satisfied, when someone infringes on us as an individual, we feel it.

4. If a person receives confirmation that he is a person, then this cannot but give him a feeling of satisfaction.

5. A feeling of satisfaction is always accompanied by positive emotions, which are not necessarily realized by a person.

6. A person always strives for someone who (what) evokes positive emotions in him.

7. If someone evokes positive emotions in us, then he involuntarily attracts us to himself, disposes, i.e. creates an attraction.

Try, for example, when meeting your colleagues or subordinates in the morning and greeting them, add to the phrase “good morning” (psychologically more pleasant than the word “hello”) the first name and patronymic of each of them, and you will evoke even if not clearly expressed, unconscious, but positive emotions. When talking with a person, from time to time address him by his first name and patronymic. It is necessary to use this technique not from time to time, but constantly, winning over your interlocutor in advance, and not when you need something from him. Try to immediately remember the first name and patronymic of the person with whom you are talking for the first time. This will cause positive emotions in your interlocutor, which will return to you. Some people have difficulty remembering other people's names. In order to better remember the name, find a reason to immediately say it out loud. Quickly go through the names of acquaintances (and great people) in your memory to establish associative connections. Of course, there are situations when you need to remember a large number of names. Then you need to specifically set aside some time and try to do this. The time spent will pay off handsomely.

The “relationship mirror” technique. To whom do you smile kindly and pleasantly more often - your friend or your ill-wisher? Of course, to a friend. Who smiles at you kindly and welcomingly more often? Naturally, friend. Your personal experience suggests that a kind and pleasant facial expression and a slight smile involuntarily attract people to you.

What is the psychological mechanism of this attraction?

1. Most people smile sincerely and kindly at their friends, not at their enemies.

2. If, when communicating with us, a person has a kind and pleasant facial expression, a soft, welcoming smile, then most likely this is a signal:

"I am your friend".

3. A friend in the truest sense of the word is a like-minded person on some issues that are significant to us.

4. One of the leading human needs is the need for safety, security. It is a friend who increases this security, i.e. satisfies one of our most important needs.

5. Positive emotions make a person feel satisfied.

6. A person always strives for someone who (what) evokes positive emotions in him.

7. If someone evokes positive emotions, then he, voluntarily or involuntarily, creates an attraction.

It should be noted that the effect of this mechanism does not depend on whether your partner wants or does not want to have these positive emotions. What matters is who will use this technique.

Do you know how to smile when necessary? A similar need arises when you need to evoke positive emotions in your interlocutor and win him over. This is necessary so that he accepts your position, so that he fulfills your order or request not under pressure, but voluntarily. And all this is necessary... always. In our context, a light smile is a welcoming smile, a sympathetic smile, an encouraging smile, and an empathetic smile. If you find it difficult to smile “to order,” then we can first recommend the following: when left alone with yourself, smile at the person looking at you from the mirror.

In the vocabulary of managers, words that are pleasant for subordinates who note their merits (perhaps in a somewhat exaggerated form) are rare. What explains this?

Compliments are words that contain a slight exaggeration of the merits that the interlocutor wants to see in himself. In this sense, we will consider a compliment as one of the methods of creating attraction in business relationships.

Of course, each of us is pleased to hear compliments addressed to us. At the same time, we realize that what has been said is, albeit a small, but still an exaggeration. So why are we still pleased to hear such words?

If a person is often told: “You’re smart” or “You’re great at this,” although in reality this is not entirely true, then after a while he will really believe in his abilities and will strive to realize his potential.

The effect of suggestion occurs, as it were, in absentia, the satisfaction of a person’s dreams, desires, and needs to improve some of his traits. In fact, the need will not be completely satisfied, but the real feeling will be the feeling of its satisfaction, the emergence of positive emotions on this basis.

There are rules for using “golden words”. Without knowing or violating them, you can, against your will, turn “golden words” into banalities (at best).

A compliment differs from flattery precisely in that it contains a slight exaggeration. A flatterer greatly exaggerates the merits of his interlocutor.

For example, compare: “This color suits you very well” (compliment) and “You are the most beautiful” (flattery). Flattery is harsher than a compliment and is more likely to be rejected due to implausibility. But there are people who like flattery.

In business communication, the advantage belongs to the compliment. Compliment and praise cannot be equated. Praise is positive evaluation. A positive perception of a compliment is facilitated by the use of facts known to both partners. The absence of a factual basis makes the compliment unconvincing and can reduce the statement to the level of banal flattery.

If there are doubts whether the interlocutor will understand what fact is being discussed, then it is better not to risk it and first remind about it, and then beat him.

It is unacceptable if the compliment contradicts the facts. For example, an employee did not sleep at night suffering from toothache, and they will tell her that she looks great. These words will be perceived as ridicule. The compliment should be brief, contain one or two thoughts, and should not contain teachings. Ambiguous phrases must be avoided. Compliments should be given as often as possible. It is through practice that ease and ease in a compliment are achieved, which makes it natural and irresistible. A compliment begins with the desire to give it. Find what you personally like about your interlocutor, what you would like to borrow from him.

People accept compliments favorably, since everyone is pleased just by the fact that they want to say something good to him. That is why they easily forgive possible mistakes. Since men are not spoiled by compliments, they are less demanding of their quality. That is why it is better to learn how to compliment men.

When you like the compliment, the person’s face lights up with a smile. A good mood, along with a smile, is transmitted to the interlocutor. This is why compliments benefit everyone involved in communication.

How to make a compliment a compliment?

There are several rules.

1. “One meaning.” A compliment should reflect only the positive qualities of a person. In a compliment, double meaning should be avoided when, for example, a given quality in a person can be considered both positive and negative.

For example: “Listening to your conversations with people, I am each time surprised by your ability to avoid answering so subtly and wittily!” This rule, conventionally called “one meaning,” is clearly violated here.

2. “No hyperbole.” The positive quality reflected in the compliment should be slightly exaggerated.

For example: “I am always amazed at your accuracy and punctuality,” said the manager, accepting a report from a subordinate. These words not only surprised him, but amazed him. Firstly, he has a reputation of the exact opposite nature, and secondly, now there was not even a reason for these words, let alone a reason.

3. "High opinion." An important factor in the effectiveness of this technique is the person’s own opinion about the level of qualities reflected in the compliment. Suppose a person knows for sure that his level of this quality is much higher than what is said in the compliment.

For example, a person who has a truly phenomenal memory (and this opinion is firmly entrenched in his mind) suddenly hears the following words addressed to him: “I am amazed at how you immediately remembered the phone number! You have a brilliant memory!” Or the doctor hears: “One can only be amazed at your skill! How quickly you diagnosed him with appendicitis!” In both the first and second cases, these are not compliments, but platitudes. The consequences can be negative, since the rule conventionally called “high opinion” is violated.

4. “No didactics.” This rule is that a compliment should state the presence of a given characteristic, and not contain recommendations for improving it.

Here are some examples of such “compliments”: “You should be more active!”; “Firmness of conviction adorns a man! Know how to defend your positions!” Here the rule conventionally called “no didactics” is clearly violated.

5. “No complaints.” The employee does not at all strive to improve this quality. Moreover, he believes that it would be bad if this positive quality were expressed more strongly in him than it is now.

For example, one of your subordinates, who is also a manager, believes that the ability to give compliments is not at all a virtue of a real production organizer. And if you, being convinced of the opposite, try to give him a compliment like: “I heard that you are brilliant at giving compliments!”, then he will probably be offended.

6. “No seasoning.” The last rule concerns not the content of the compliment itself, but those additions that often follow it.

For example: “Your hands are truly golden. But your tongue is your enemy.” Or: “I am very impressed by your ability to win people over. If only this ability is in the interests of the business...” Therefore, when making a compliment, refrain from the fly in the ointment, i.e. similar additions. Follow the rule conventionally called “no seasoning.”

Of course, it is difficult to remember all these rules at once, but if you use associative connections, then it will be much easier.

The “patient listener” technique. From childhood, we all remember the usual rules that you cannot interrupt your interlocutor, you must listen to him to the end, and be attentive to him. No one is saying that these rules should be ignored.

The “but” begins when you have to “pay” for compliance with these rules, and the unit of calculation is time. This is when the true attitude towards these values ​​manifests itself.

It takes a lot of time to patiently and carefully listen to your interlocutor, because not everyone knows how to express their thoughts concisely and clearly. In addition, we have to listen to statements that are not relevant. If you do listen to your subordinate, he will satisfy his needs and receive positive emotions, connecting this against his will with you. Since you were the source of these positive emotions, they will be “returned” to you in the form of a slight increase in sympathy for you, i.e. in the form of an emerging or intensifying attraction. Reception "private life". Each person, along with professional interests, also has personal interests, hobbies and personal life. In empirical observations, it was noticed that if you have a conversation with a person in line with his expressed personal interest, this will cause increased verbal activity in him, accompanied by positive emotions.

From time to time, talk with your subordinates about issues that are important to them in their personal lives, show interest in their feelings and experiences. For example, one of the employees is passionate about growing cacti and often talks about them. Everyone is already quite bored with this. Be patient and talk to her about them for at least a few minutes.

Who lost in this situation? A few minutes of wasted time listening to unnecessary information is on one side of the scale, and on the other is your like-minded subordinate.

Concluding the description of the techniques with which you can win over a person, you should make several general recommendations.

1. Using these techniques in practice can be compared to a lottery in the sense that the more often you use them, the more chances you have to win (achieve your goal). By using them in the process of communicating with partners, you have a chance to win (you may not win). However, you cannot lose by using these techniques, because by using them you do not lose anything.

2. As you became familiar with these techniques, you more than once caught yourself thinking that you had sometimes used them before. But let's note the following:

— you applied these rules in personal relationships;

- you did it intuitively, not always realizing what you were using

— psychological method of forming attraction;

- applying these techniques intuitively, you did not suspect that you were influencing the sphere of the unconscious, and not the consciousness of a person, his rational mental activity;

- many did this occasionally, without a specific system.

Prohibited techniques during a business conversation

Under no circumstances should you:

- interrupt your partner;

- evaluate his personality negatively;

- emphasize the difference between yourself and your partner;

- sharply speed up the pace of conversation;

- avoid spatial proximity and do not look at the partner;

- try to discuss the issue rationally, not paying attention to the fact that the partner is excited;

- not understanding or not wanting to understand his psychological state.

Conclusion: At this point in the plan, I looked at various psychological techniques for influencing a partner. The most important techniques are a slight smile, which involuntarily attracts people to you, as well as praise and compliments. Of course, each of us is pleased to hear compliments addressed to us. If a person is often told: “You’re smart” or “You’re great at this,” although in reality this is not entirely true, then after a while he will really believe in his abilities and will strive to realize his existing potential. With the help of all these techniques, you cannot convince anyone of anything or prove anything to anyone, but you can only win over your interlocutor.

Conclusions and offers

Summing up the course work, it should be noted that business communication plays an important role in the management of any organization.

Business conversations with knowledge of the matter, at the boss-subordinate level and vice versa, or between colleagues during working hours, bring a certain positive effect in the work of the team, in management. It is quite natural that communicating only using specific business terminology for 100% of the working day can simply tire the employee and lead to some kind of error. Therefore, certain psychological unloading breaks are required, such as a coffee break, etc., during which you can relax and exchange jokes. All this together will bring the expected positive result in the work of the organization.

At the first stage of the course work, I examined the concept of business communication and its types. Everyone needs the ability to build relationships with people, find an approach to them, and win them over. This skill lies at the heart of life and professional success.

At the second stage of work, I found out that business conversation is the most common and most often used form of business communication. And that the greatest difficulty for interlocutors is the beginning of a conversation. It is the first two or three sentences that create the interlocutor’s internal attitude towards us and the conversation; based on the first phrases, the interlocutor gets an impression of us. Thus, one of the main tasks of a business conversation is to convince a partner to accept specific proposals.

At the next stage, I found out that information does not come to us on its own; to obtain it, we need to ask questions. Although, we must not forget that most people, for many reasons, are reluctant to answer direct questions. That is why you should first interest your interlocutor.

Next, I looked at the main types of comments and gave possible options for what the reaction to them might be. The other person should always feel that you take their comments seriously and will consider them carefully before you give a final answer. You should help the interlocutor express his comments and objections, try to find out the reasons for his unspoken displeasure or excitement. Naturally, it is impossible to provide for all options, since real circumstances always make certain adjustments.

At the last stage of the work, I examined various psychological techniques of influencing a partner, types of techniques, and that with the help of all these techniques you cannot convince anyone of anything or prove anything to anyone, but you can only win over your interlocutor.

When drawing conclusions on this topic, the leader during the conversation must know well the essence of the subject, the goal he is pursuing in this communication, and clearly imagine the results he wants to obtain. It is quite natural that communicating only using specific business terminology for 100% of the working day can simply tire the employee and lead to some kind of error. Therefore, certain psychological unloading breaks are required, such as a coffee break, etc., during which you can relax and exchange jokes. All this together will bring the expected positive result in the work of the organization.


1. I. Alekhina “Image and etiquette of business communication” - M, 2001.

2. E.E. Beketova. Secrets of communication: a collection of situational tasks-tests on the psychology of business communication. - M, 2001.

3. I. Braim “Culture of Business Communication” - Minsk: IP “Ekoperspektiva”, 2000.

4. T.B. Markicheva, E.A. Nozhin “Business communication: practical recommendations” - M, 1997.

5. E.I. Rogov “Psychology of Communication” - M, 2001.

6. G.M. Shelamov “Business culture and psychology of communication” - M, 2004.

Questions from interlocutors and their psychological essence

Information about the job “Business communication manager”

Section: Ethics Number of characters with spaces: 48016 Number of tables: 0 Number of images: 0

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Communication in early childhood

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In such a situation, communication acquires a more informative and educational value. Adults can show how to handle objects, how they can be modified, held, and how to work with them safely. The child gains the first experience of indirect interaction with the world, studies the methods and consequences of using various objects.

The child has completely intelligible oral speech and can now communicate using language, express his thoughts and desires [1]. And to develop speech, he needs active practice, with which adults should help. You need to provoke him into conversation, listen to him carefully, ask questions, answer his questions clearly and completely, tell him short stories, give him small directions and instructions.

The child’s communication has a situational and business-like form [4]. It satisfies the need for cooperation with adults, is directly related to objective activity, has a business motive and uses verbal means (speech).

Communication at this age can also be both positive and negative.

If you work with a child a lot, show him a lot of objects, teach him how to use them, and be calm about his mistakes, then the person grows inquisitive, active, and independent [6]. He will continue to strive to explore the world, engage in self-development and self-education, travel, make discoveries and engage in socially useful activities. He will study well, will be able to choose the profession that is most interesting to him, get a good education and achieve great success in his professional activities.

On the other hand, a child can grow up in conditions of cognitive deprivation, come into contact with a very limited number of objects, no one shows him how to use them, and show aggression when making mistakes. In such conditions, a person will grow up extremely passive to development and learning, and may even speak late. Most likely, he will fail at school, is unlikely to receive a good professional education, and will not achieve success in work and in life.

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Communication in preschool age

At this age (3-7 years), the leading activity is symbolic-modeling activity, which is embodied in role-playing games [2]. In them, communication is used to organize and implement numerous game situations.

A preschooler no longer communicates with adults, but with peers. They discuss the game, come up with plots, rules, scenarios, and what items they will use. Communication during the game itself is of a modeling nature: children portray real and fictional characters, their behavior, facial expressions, and style of speech.

Such activities, which actively use communication, develop a person’s communication, leadership and creative abilities: creativity, originality, innovation, sociability, independence, initiative, the ability to negotiate, organize, delegate, etc.

Communication during this period has an extra-situational, personal and cognitive form [4]. It satisfies the needs for respectful attitude of adults, mutual understanding and empathy, and has cognitive motives. Verbal means are used, very often questions (why, why, how, etc.).

A preschooler who actively participates in games grows up more confident, open, and proactive [6]. Support from adults is required in the form of organizing conditions for such games, providing game materials, but leaving freedom to come up with increasingly complex plots and rules. Through this, the preschooler develops attention, thinking, perception, memory and other cognitive functions. He is able to solve assigned problems in an original way, shows ingenuity, and can find ways out of hopeless (for him) situations.

If a preschooler is limited in his ability to play, he is isolated from his peers, he experiences social deprivation, then his thinking and abilities develop extremely slowly. He can think in stereotypes, only repeats what he has seen, feels discomfort when asked to come up with something or solve a logical problem, copes with them slowly or cannot solve them at all.

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The influence of communication on people's behavior message. What is the use of communication

The beneficial effects of communication on human health have long been proven. When talking, the human body produces special hormones that help cope with hypertension, various viruses, and have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and circulatory system. Good social skills are an excellent prevention of strokes and cancer pathologies. The connection is quite simple. Inability to communicate or lack of interlocutors leads to loneliness, which, in turn, causes stress. As you know, stress negatively affects health and is often the cause of many serious illnesses. To avoid negative consequences, doctors recommend not withdrawing into yourself and trying to find as many friends and acquaintances as possible with whom you can talk about various topics, share problems, and discuss issues of concern.

Communication in primary school age

During this period (7-12 years), the leading educational activity for the child is schooling [2]. Now communication is the main tool for understanding the world and oneself. The main “interlocutor” is the teacher, who helps the student expand his picture of the world and change his attitude towards him and himself.

When communicating with a teacher, what is first important for a student is the teaching style, the use of game elements to explain the subjects being studied, the manner of speech, and its expressiveness. In the future, the essence of the information conveyed by the teacher is more important to the child. He tries to understand the meaning of the things he is told about, tries to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Another characteristic feature of this age is that the internalization of speech is completed and it becomes an instrument of thinking, i.e. verbal and logical thinking develops [3]. Moreover, thinking, which actively uses speech, becomes the main mental function that a person will continue to develop in subsequent age periods.

During this period, it is important to properly organize the educational process both at school and at home. If the school creates conditions in which a child is interested in studying subjects, then he develops inquisitive, active, proactive, and confident. He will place special emphasis on those subjects in which he gets good grades, which give him the most pleasure. Perhaps his future professional activity will be connected with these areas.

Favorable conditions must also be created at home. You should have everything you need to complete homework and study subjects independently. But it is much more important that at home and on the street he can apply in practice the knowledge that he received at school. Adults, especially parents, should actively help with this. This will allow him to understand the essence of the things that the teacher is telling him, to realize how important it is to listen to him carefully and study school subjects. In the future, he will be inclined to self-development and self-education, and will strive to get a good education in a more significant, highly paid profession.

And when a child is both at school and at home, exclusively under critical supervision, experiences severe pressure from the teacher and adults that he simply must study well without explaining why he needs this in the first place, then the child will be more withdrawn and insecure , passive, will get bad grades and do minimal homework. In the future, this may result in receiving minimal vocational education and performing simple, low-paid work. And there it’s not far from alcoholism and antisocial behavior.

Thus, it depends on adults what kind of attitude to learning and development a child will develop at this age.

Communication in adolescence

During this period (12-15 years), communication again becomes the leading activity. Only now, unlike infancy, communication for a teenager is of an intimate and personal nature and is aimed primarily at peers of the same and opposite sex [2].

A characteristic feature of this period is the puberty of a teenager. He develops a sexual desire, which he can satisfy primarily with those with whom he communicates closely.

Communication at this age is used to simulate adult life. Teenagers begin romantic relationships, but not so much to start a family, but to gain experience in such relationships. Communication with a partner brings more pleasure than with other peers, but also leads to more conflicts.

In addition, at this age the teenager’s desire to be part of society intensifies, which he expresses through participation in various social groups: circles, sections, public organizations, help in hospitals, nursing homes, starting work, etc. This develops the teenager’s communication skills when communicating with partners, colleagues and management.

Teenagers also begin to create their own teams to achieve common goals and realize common interests. For example, to solve school problems, they create creative associations, musical groups, etc. This develops the ability to communicate constructively, negotiate, seek compromises, distribute roles, choose leaders, etc. Those. what you need to successfully create an effective, strong team.

For full development at this age, conditions are needed in which a teenager can freely communicate with peers and actively interact with them. Then his communication skills will develop, he will be more confident, proactive, and creative. In the future, the teenager will be more successful in his professional career; there is a high probability that he will create his own business and start family life without any problems.

If a teenager experiences deprivation, he is forbidden to communicate with friends, his access to communications with them is limited, and his desire to attend any clubs is mocked, then the teenager will grow up aggressive, embittered, withdrawn, and promiscuous in relationships. It will be difficult for him to start a family and move up the career ladder. Will experience feelings of loneliness, sadness and depression.

The influence of communication on a person. Coercion, punishment, criticism

Sometimes, to cope with a situation, the only right way is coercion. It is used in certain cases when other methods of influence psychology do not work on the opponent and the conflict situation must be quickly stopped. Coercion occurs against the background of active disagreement and protest on the part of the target.

More often, people communicate in the context of disciplinary methods of influence. Methods: warning, reprimand, punishment, threat. I would like to dwell on this method of psychological influence, such as intimidation, in more detail. An individual who has been threatened is in a state of fear. And when a person is afraid, he is easy to manipulate, critical thinking decreases, and he becomes controllable. Skilled manipulators play on this feature of the human psyche. People can be roughly divided into those who influence and those who are susceptible to it.

Even in ancient times, priests frightened people with heavenly punishments if they did not perform certain actions and live according to given rules. The same scheme applies today. Frightening news is broadcast from television screens; the lion's share of news has a negative connotation. Nothing has changed, the same struggle for power over minds is happening.

In everyday life, people use psychological influence in the form of blackmail. It can be expressed in small things: hints of awareness of other people’s secrets, secrets, “skeletons in the closet.” Spreading rumors is nothing more than the psychology of influencing people. This is done in order to generate mistrust, doubt, influence individual or public opinion, and change the current situation.

Criticism can also be considered the psychology of influence on personality. It causes a person to have many unpleasant feelings: guilt, inferiority. In an attempt to rehabilitate herself, a person is likely to make concessions and submit to someone else’s will.

There is also influence through self-praise, when a person resorts to self-promotion to strengthen his authority. Relevance and measure are important here. Sometimes this kind of influence method causes irritation and leads to the opposite result. There is also the concept of self-edification.

The personality presents himself and experience as the ultimate truth, causing in the interlocutor a feeling of insignificance and guilt. Managing a person who feels guilty is not difficult. These methods of psychological influence are very ambiguous.

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