Leadership Development: Ways That Will Change Your Mind

What sets a good leader apart are his qualities. Whether you're trying to start your own business, managing a team of employees, or just holding meetings and dialogue, you can be a leader. A true leader always has answers to the most difficult questions. A true leader can inspire and motivate people to get the job done. At the same time, it is very difficult for a leader. The leader has no one to turn to for advice, because... everyone talks to him for advice.

There are no magic courses in nature that can turn any rag into a successful leader. People often argue that great leaders are born that way. In part, I agree with this. Certain types of people simply do not have certain qualities that a leader should have. It will be extremely difficult for a certain type of person to become an ideal leader, because... you cannot step over your essence. But if you learn the basics of leadership, you can develop a leadership position.

So, let's begin to study the most necessary leadership qualities.

How to identify your leadership qualities

Below are ten signs of a leader.
Rate yourself based on these characteristics. Suddenly you've always been a leader without realizing it! Bend your finger every time the description matches your character. 1) Open-minded: you are open-minded and know how to listen to other people's opinions.

2) Advisor: others often ask for help and your point of view is valuable to them.

3) Responsible: you know how to keep your word, so people trust you.

4) Decent: friends easily tell you their secrets, without fear that you will reveal them.

5) Hardworking: you show by example that you need to work tirelessly.

6) Purposeful: you prefer to act rather than promise.

7) Optimist: you know how to instill confidence in others and motivate them to action.

8) Respectful: You accept people for who they are. You know how to find the good sides in others and appreciate them.

9) Caring: You care not only about your own well-being, but also about helping others succeed.

10) Enthusiast: You behave confidently and are the first to propose a solution to a problem.

If at least eight points apply to you, then you can consider yourself a born leader. If it's less, don't worry. Leadership skills can be developed.

15 Tips for Developing Leadership Skills
Daenerys Targaryan from Game of Thrones is an example of a strong leader who aspires to a managerial role. Jon Snow has leadership qualities, but does not want to notice them. But those around him, on the contrary, see him as a leader

How to stop being shy

Shyness is one of the main negative qualities that prevents one from becoming a leader and preventing one from being realized in life.

In order not to be embarrassed, it is recommended to eradicate habits that interfere with a normal life. Imagine that all your shyness is a program that can easily be rewritten.

Talk to strangers, honing your communication skills on them. It's important to warm up before important conversations. Practice in front of a mirror or on others if you have an important conversation about which you are very worried.

What are leadership qualities

The qualities of a leader are a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, and abilities from different spheres of life that allow a person to gather other people around him, lead them, create his own team and effectively manage it. It is impossible to unambiguously name any specific quality that immediately makes a person a leader; leadership qualities are precisely the combination of a large number of different personal, psychological and organizational aspects that coexist simultaneously.

At the same time, it is also not worth expanding the qualities of a leader too much, because, in fact, almost any quality of a person can in one way or another be subsumed under the leadership quality. Therefore, I decided to highlight the main qualities of a leader, which are worth focusing on if you strive to become a leader. They are briefly presented in the following diagram:

15 Tips for Developing Leadership Skills

As you can see, all a person’s leadership qualities can be divided into 3 areas, each of which contains its own list of qualities:

  1. Personal (personal) qualities of a leader.
  2. Managerial and organizational qualities of a leader.
  3. Psychological and social qualities of a leader.

Now let's look at all these areas and the leadership qualities that relate to them, in order and in more detail.

A leader must be charismatic

They talk a lot about charisma, but not everyone manages to explain what this mythical attractive force is that attracts some people to others, even if they are not at all charming and attractive, but “evil geniuses”? Charismatics become captives of their charms and begin to dominate the minds and feelings of those they captivate. They are full of energy, and people in their company begin to experience an emotional uplift.

Most modern people lack energy, they quickly get tired and irritated. They need a source of energy and find it in playing sports or watching sports programs and various TV shows, in caffeine, alcohol, etc. People are also charged with energy from leaders who are able to ignite them, inspire them and captivate them with their idea. A leader needs admirers, admirers whom he will lead.

David Eisenhower, the 34th American president, said that “leadership is the art of getting people to do what you want because they want to do it.”

Where does the leader himself get his energy from?

Diagnosis of leadership abilities

Leadership researchers believe that leaders can be found at all levels of business activity, not just at the very top level of C-suite management. The best leaders typically adhere to a common set of values ​​that include “fairness, equity, impartiality, integrity, honesty, trust.” Each person can determine his own and others’ suitability for leadership using the following criteria:

  • continuous self-improvement. You are looking for ways to improve yourself - read, ask questions, take additional training. According to S. Covey, most people are characterized by a tendency to limit themselves to yesterday's knowledge, rather than cultivating in themselves the spirit of continuous self-improvement. However, if you do not improve yourself, then it is difficult for you to encourage others to do so;
  • service-to-others orientation. You are service oriented no matter how you earn your living. In other words, you ask yourself what others need, not just what you need;
  • radiating positive energy, goodwill and avoiding the perception of negative energy and conflicts;
  • faith in others. You protect them, see value, kindness and potential;
  • rational distribution of time and effort. You try to optimally distribute your life between work, home and society;
  • inner confidence, optimism, a fresh look at events, perception of life as an adventure;
  • self-criticism, tolerance, recognition of the merits of others and their equal right to self-expression. You appreciate differences. You understand that your method is not “the only right one” and see new alternatives as exciting rather than threatening;
  • taking care of physical health, intellectual and spiritual development. You monitor your physical condition through exercise to maintain health, and your intellectual condition through reading; for the spiritual - through meditation/prayer, mental concentration and a psychological attitude towards something with complete renunciation of everything else; about things that can inspire inspiration.

Alexander Pankrukhin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of General and Special Management of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Article provided by Elitarium.ru

What needs to be done to develop leadership qualities

15 Tips for Developing Leadership SkillsWhat qualities should a leader have in order to lead others?
A leader is someone who can identify and keep in mind the ultimate goal, retains the ability to lead a group towards it even under the most unfavorable conditions, and infects others with his faith, energy and passion to achieve it.

Whether a person is born this way or whether the necessary leadership qualities develop throughout life is a question open to debate. But their formation with focused work and perseverance is possible. This is constant work, the work on oneself of a person who is ready to be responsible for others.

Vision of the goal

Define your goal, know clearly where to go and what you want to get at the end of the journey. Be able to build a strategy to achieve your desired goal. To develop this trait in yourself, you need to study the biographies of historical leaders and successful people of our time, get acquainted with classical literature on business building strategy, and observe those who have clearly expressed these qualities.

Plan your every day, analyze in the evening the effectiveness and correctness of your actions. Gradually lengthen the planning period.

Ability to make decisions quickly and accurately

Don't be afraid to make difficult and responsible decisions. To learn how to make decisions, start where the mistake will not be critical and will not violate your confidence in your abilities. Even if it is wrong, this is an excellent reason to learn a lesson about how not to do it. Learn to defend your point of view while being confident that your decisions are right.

Ability to take risks

Don’t be afraid to act in undefined situations; be prepared for the fact that a good result may be unattainable. Be adventurous and ready to take risks. To correctly evaluate a decision, learn to weigh the situation, clearly identifying the pros and cons of all possible scenarios on a five-point scale.

Then you should evaluate your options, recognizing that all decisions are imperfect and you can lose. But every mistake is always an opportunity to learn something new.

Ability to inspire team members

A leader is able to create a team with which it is much easier to achieve goals. It unites people to achieve it and is able to motivate them to work at a level that was previously unattainable for them.

To learn this quality, learn to manipulate people, study the motives that move them. To do this, learn to listen to a person. Listening and hearing are two different things. When talking, you need to fully concentrate on the interlocutor, let him understand that you are listening to him: with gestures, a smile, nods. If necessary, write it down. Learn to initiate discussions among team members, critically evaluate all points of view and extract common sense from them

Such attention to everyone will unite the team

Active work on yourself

Be honest with yourself and others in assessing the negative and positive aspects of yourself, be prepared to change if necessary, because there is no limit to perfection.

Learn consistency, be able to restrain fits of rage and outbursts of hysteria - by doing this, set an example for your team members. Be prepared for criticism. To do this, don’t be afraid to ask what you can improve in your leadership style, keep a diary - it helps you critically evaluate your actions. Provide feedback to team members to help correct behavior.

Don't try to please everyone

Remember that there are no ideas that suit everyone. Don't try to please. Developing leadership skills is about not being afraid of constructive criticism and being afraid of unfair praise - it slows down progress. You should learn to find the positive sides of events.

Improve your health

Working on yourself is hard work. Excellent physical fitness and health are also leadership qualities. To stand out in the crowd:

  1. dedicate at least an hour a day to exercise and sports. Daily physical activity should become a necessity;
  2. get enough sleep - a person who sleeps four hours a day loses clarity of thinking and speed of reaction. Following a daily routine with mandatory good sleep will help you maintain an attractive appearance;
  3. eat regularly - haggard appearance, bags under the eyes do not decorate the leader;
  4. consult a nutritionist and choose the right diet for you. This will ensure high performance;
  5. a mandatory day off, at least once a week should become the norm.

Violation of the diet and diet will immediately affect your appearance and health. Constant fatigue syndrome is a daily companion for violators of these rules.


How to answer questions about personal qualities in an interview: standard and atypical examples of questions and answers. Select from the answers those qualities that help you successfully cope with tasks at work.


  1. List of questions about personal qualities
  2. How to determine the personal qualities that an employer is looking for in a candidate
  3. List of common professional qualities
  4. Rating of personal qualities of candidates for top positions
  5. Examples of answers to questions about personal qualities
  6. Examples of answers to non-standard questions
  7. Lifehacks

List of questions about personal qualities

There are two types of questions about personal qualities.

The first type is direct questions . They begin with the words: “what”, “name”, “list”, etc. Most often, direct questions are asked to students, graduates, and candidates with little work experience. Such questions provide an opportunity for the candidate to list the qualities that he considers important for his profession.

List of direct questions to test the candidate’s personal qualities:

  • Name 5 personal qualities that characterize you most.
  • Name your key qualities.
  • What personal qualities would you like to highlight?
  • What are the top five traits that define your personality?
  • What professional qualities help you achieve your goals?
  • What personal qualities would help you achieve success at work?
  • What personal qualities do you think will help you successfully complete the tasks of this position?
  • Due to what qualities do you usually achieve your goal?
  • What business qualities should your manager have?
  • What business qualities should an employee who works with you on the same team have?
  • What qualities, in your opinion, should a specialist working in this position have?
  • Do you consider yourself a leader? Why?

The second type is indirect questions. They begin with the words: “how”, “due to what”, “what”, “when”, “give an example”, “tell”, “describe the situation”, etc. They are asked to candidates with work experience. These questions are hidden in nature, so they help the interviewer assess whether the candidate possesses the professional qualities that are most important to solve problems at the level of the position for which the candidate is being interviewed. These questions also test for qualities that fit the company culture.

List of indirect questions to test the candidate’s personal qualities:

QuestionFocus qualities to check
What can throw you off track when you are working towards achieving a goal?Resistance to stress, problem solving skills, results orientation, ability to communicate effectively with different types of people.
What can throw you off balance? Give an example of a recent stressor at work. Stress resistance, ability to resolve conflict situations.
What do you consider a challenge or challenge for yourself?Ambitiousness, proactivity, leadership qualities, high efficiency, innovation, creativity, the ability to take an unconventional approach to solving problems.
Give an example when your persistence helped achieve results.Persistence, results orientation, initiative, proactivity.
What's the hardest decision you've made in the last two years and how did you come to that decision?Analytical thinking, responsibility, ability to assess risks, ability to make decisions under tight deadlines and limited resources.
Give an example: when you set a goal for yourself that you could not achieve.Ambition, perseverance, responsibility, result orientation.
How often do you have to make independent decisions when performing your duties? Tell us about a recent decision you made. Ability to assess risks and make decisions, autonomy, responsibility. independence in decision making.
How do you prioritize your work?Ability to work under time pressure, multitasking, time management.
Can you give an example of a situation where you had to solve several problems at the same time?Ability to work under time pressure, multitasking, ability to manage time, ability to quickly respond to problem situations.
What would you consider to be your strengths when communicating with other people? What do you think is the most difficult thing for you to do when communicating? Communication, teamwork, flexibility, empathy.
Can you give an example of a time when you convinced another person of your point of view? Why didn't he want to accept your position? What did you do to convince? Influence on others, logical thinking, ability to express thoughts in a structured manner, ability to persuade, defend one’s opinion.
How effectively do you work under pressure?Stress resistance, multitasking, time management skills, ability to quickly respond to problematic situations.
Describe a situation (real or simulated) where you could apply your leadership skills.Leadership, ambition
There were 10 sales representatives working in the company at the same time as you. Why did you manage to build a career and take the position of sales director, while others did not? Top qualities for assessing the professional qualities of a candidate working in a specific field.
What business qualities should a person working on your team have?Top qualities for assessing the professional qualities of a candidate working in a specific field.
Tell us about your suggestions for improvements or changes in work over the past year.Business orientation, proactivity, leadership, energy, strategic thinking, systems thinking.

How to determine the personal qualities that an employer is looking for in a candidate

The list of qualities that need to be discussed at an interview depends on the profession, the level of the candidate’s position and the corporate culture of the company. The words and descriptions that end up on your personality traits list will reflect what you, as an employee, value in others. These are your core values. It is important for companies to select candidates whose values ​​align with the company's values.

How do you find out which professional qualities are relevant specifically for your field and position?

  • From the job description. To compile a list of key qualities, you need to analyze the vacancy for which you were invited for an interview. The employer most often notes the requirements for personal qualities in the job description. Write down all the qualities and use them as a basis for answering the questions.
  • From the case “Searching for Keywords.” To do this, you need to make a representative sample of vacancies on the labor market for your search purpose. A search and analysis of vacancies will show which qualities are worth choosing to answer this question. What is the “Keyword Search” case?
  • From ready-made cases for positions on BOSSHUNT: Examples of resumes.

List of professional qualities

• analytical abilities • autonomy • ambition • adaptability • active life position • business orientation • politeness • attentiveness • flexibility of thinking • goodwill • initiative • diligence • communication skills • result orientation • creativity • team player • curiosity • leadership • loyalty • logical thinking • multitasking • perseverance • organized • structured • responsible • results-oriented • learner • performer • proactivity • perfectionism • rational thinking • efficiency • structured thinking • independence • strategic thinking • systems thinking • stress tolerance • confidence • commitment • ethics • empathy

Rating of professional qualities of candidates for top positions

What personal qualities should a person have to succeed in their career? What qualities do successful leaders use to achieve results? A list of qualities the presence of which will be checked during interviews with candidates applying for management positions.

  1. Leadership is the ability to lead and set up a team for achievements, promote the growth of people in the team, create conditions for the constant search and implementation of innovative solutions.
  2. Ability to work in a team - the ability to work together with other colleagues, the ability to effectively organize the work of a team.
  3. Communication skills – the ability to establish long-term, trusting relationships with partners/colleagues; the ability to find an approach to people with very different life experiences and priorities.
  4. Strategic thinking - the ability to “see the goal”, formulate a long-term vision, “cut off the unnecessary” and concentrate efforts and resources on key actions; ability to make the right decisions based on qualitative analysis.
  5. Innovation is the ability to quickly and adequately respond to ongoing changes, the ability to discard old approaches, to perceive new and non-standard ways and methods of doing things.
  6. High performance – perseverance in achieving goals, the ability not to give in to difficulties, the willingness and ability to work hard.
  7. Self-development and the ability to learn from your mistakes - constant improvement of knowledge, willingness to learn something new, the ability to see opportunities in problems; change your ideas about work; change yourself taking into account the accumulated experience and taking into account changes in the situation both outside and inside the company.

What qualities do employers value in candidates?

Examples of closed responses

The most typical candidate answers to the question about personal qualities contain a list of several key qualities, without additional explanation or examples. For example,

  • I prefer an orderly and planned lifestyle. Sociable, hardworking, responsible, disciplined.
  • Self-control, perseverance, involvement in work, result orientation, ability to work in a team, quick learner.
  • Responsibility, organization, communication skills, mathematical mindset, ability to analyze, ability to work with a large amount of information.
  • Active life position, positive approach to life, self-confidence, sociability, friendliness, tact, emotional stability.
  • All my previous experience has allowed me to develop the most important personal qualities for this position, such as: analytical skills, ability to meet deadlines, result-oriented, ability to work in uncertainty and emergency mode, ability to work in a team.

Such answers do not help to reveal the candidate's technical position. assessments of his professional qualities and compliance with the corporate culture of the company, and do not remain in the memory of the interviewer. And the candidate’s task is to ensure that the answer sets him apart from other applicants. Therefore, I recommend supplementing the answers:

  • a brief explanation of the characteristics of the qualities;
  • an explanation of how these qualities help the candidate in his work;
  • results for KPIs.

Examples of open questions

Examples of answers with a brief explanation of the characteristics of qualities

  • Proactive - I take initiative, am energetic, and follow my goals with enthusiasm and the desire to achieve results. I have an active life position. I have enough energy and motivation to work intensively and solve ambitious problems.
  • Autonomy – I make decisions independently and can work at different levels, from developing a long-term strategy to writing scripts.
  • Analytical skills - I am able to work with a large amount of information, able to quickly process information, both in standard situations with given instructions and samples, and in non-standard situations. Able to present thoughts and ideas in a structured manner, orally and in writing, highlighting the main points.
  • Ambitious - able to achieve results beyond the plan, set ambitious goals for myself, and are persistent in overcoming barriers and solving complex problems.
  • Quick learner - capable of learning. There is a great desire to develop and improve oneself. I know how to learn from my mistakes and perceive failures constructively. I set myself an annual development goal - to master two new skills and one new area of ​​knowledge. I always ask for feedback from my manager and colleagues, and I know how to accept feedback.
  • Communication skills - I am able to find a common language with other people, effectively establish business contacts and build long-term relationships. I confidently express my thoughts and convince others. I am able to find a solution and develop a coordinated position among stakeholders. I taught myself to listen to alternative points of view to the end, even if I disagree with them. Before reacting, I always ask myself the question: “What is the rational grain of this position?”
  • Business orientation - the ability to understand the problems and challenges of a business and propose a solution. I set clear goals, direction and high standards in my work.
  • Focused on change and innovation - I strive to improve the current state of things and encourage others to do the same. Demonstrate an entrepreneurial approach and a strong desire to try new opportunities and continually learn. I use my experience from other areas. I have experience making decisions in conditions of uncertainty, I am able to act rationally, overcoming my own stereotypes, and generate innovative ideas and solutions. When new ideas are needed, I use brainstorming instead of traditional meetings and planning sessions. I invite people with an “uncluttered” view to participate. I create conditions for the constant search and implementation of innovative solutions.
  • Perspective thinking - I can analyze various information and take it into account to develop adequate decisions. Able to properly prioritize and focus on key problems and their solutions, taking into account various points of view and alternatives. I identify opportunities and take timely action, even under difficult circumstances.
  • Flexibility – I easily adapt to working in an intercultural environment, including different communication styles depending on the interlocutor. Able to rebuild and adapt to new working conditions and non-standard tasks, I can quickly immerse myself in the specifics of new tasks.
  • Efficiency - able to work under time pressure, know how to manage time, and prioritize work.
  • Creativity - I bring innovation, find creative solutions, develop original ideas, stimulate team creativity, and am able to take an unconventional approach to solving problems. I encourage creative discussion by asking insightful questions and providing constructive criticism.
  • Team player - I communicate effectively, transfer skills and experience in the workplace to colleagues. I know how to find an approach to each employee, negotiate and find compromises. I am able to coordinate the work of people to achieve results.
  • Logical thinking - I make decisions based on arguments and objective considerations.
  • Leadership – I develop my team, increasing the level of knowledge and skills. I am a mentor (coach) for new employees, attracting the best employees to the team. I act as a role model in respect for the company's values. I motivate employees to strive to maximize their potential and opportunities for development. I share success with the team and take responsibility for mistakes. I encourage employees to express bold ideas.
  • Curiosity - I keep abreast of the latest ideas in my field, I follow trends and events in industry markets.
  • loyalty : reliable and dedicated employee. The decisions I made were dictated not by my life position and emotional state, but primarily by the interests of the company and clients.
  • Multitasking - I can quickly switch from one activity to another. I expedite numerous tasks to meet deadlines. Able to quickly respond to changing situations and make decisions under tight deadlines. Able to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Strategic thinking - I look ahead and consider opportunities in the future, building beliefs on strategic arguments. I react to the latest data and correlate my actions with them. If necessary, I quickly adapt my priorities.
  • Critical thinking - able to make correct cause-and-effect conclusions in the presence of ambiguous conditions and multiple solution options. I am able to solve non-standard problems, effectively aggregate information, and quickly respond to problematic situations. Before making an important decision, I always collect and analyze additional information to reduce uncertainty. This makes it possible to see the situation from different sides, weigh all the pros and cons of the consequences in order to make the right decision.
  • Perseverance - I show firmness in defending a principled position in negotiations with clients and partners of the company.
  • Responsibility - I take responsibility beyond the scope of my position. I am able to control results and bear responsibility for decision-making, risks, my actions, as well as for the obligations assumed and the final result.
  • Perfectionism - I constantly improve my work, guided by the principle “there is no limit to perfection.” I set high standards in my work and try to exceed them. I am ambitious and strive for excellence, pushing other employees towards this.
  • Proactivity – offering new ideas, trying new solutions, challenging the status quo.
  • Systems thinking - I can assess risks and make informed decisions in complex, ambiguous situations, I see the whole situation from different sides. When faced with complex problems and tasks, I turn to internal or external experts on the topic. I ask experts about the arguments for and against a particular solution option.
  • Confidence - I have a definite point of view, I can explain my ideas, defend my opinion, and present convincing arguments.
  • Empathy – I support employees in difficult times and never refuse to help others. I initiate relationships based on trust.

Sample answers explaining how these qualities help the candidate in their job

  • The most important quality that I developed in myself during my studies and work is stress resistance. I know how to react correctly to any situation - first I analyze it, and then I try to find an alternative solution to help get out of the crisis situation.
  • Thanks to analytical thinking, I can build cause-and-effect relationships and answer the question of why sales are rising or falling. This helps to effectively forecast the volume of goods that need to be produced at the plant, as well as plan promotional activities for the whole year, taking into account all the risks and opportunities.
  • I learned how to multitask with large databases. I acquired this skill by completing various tasks every day under a strict deadline. Since I report to the sales manager in Russia and the trade marketing manager in France, this organizational structure requires me to solve several problems at the same time. Therefore, I learned to carefully plan my working day, manage my working time effectively, and this work also requires me to set my priorities correctly.
  • My persuasion skills and perseverance help me control the budget in order to reduce the company's costs for merchandising and trade marketing activities. Moreover, meetings with clients require me to demonstrate diplomacy and negotiation skills.
  • Thanks to working in a team, I develop my communication skills. I am able to effectively interact with all departments of the company and solve complex and non-standard problems. As a rule, I manage to deal with them quickly enough, but if the problem cannot be resolved immediately, I will still continue to look for solutions and will definitely bring the matter to the end. Under any circumstances, I try to do everything I promised and meet the deadlines that I agreed on. I approach my work creatively, use the entire additional arsenal of online marketing tools, look for new ways and sources of online promotion, monitoring and testing of online innovations.
  • My key qualities include strong communication, analytical thinking and the ability to combine quantitative mathematical skills with business analysis. First and foremost, interpersonal and communication skills are required to build trust with the client and project team. It is also important to provide flexibility and creativity in solving problems for the client. These qualities make it possible to quickly interpret data and synthesize results to make the best recommendations for the client.
  • I am a strong believer in teamwork. I don't lead or follow the team. I am part of it and do my part of the work. If you can somehow characterize my role, then most likely I am a conductor. The conductor does not play any instrument, and he did not write the score, but he gives the other musicians the opportunity to play in sync. And as a result they make beautiful music. In our case, this means that I coordinate the actions of my colleagues, we achieve success together and bring benefits to our company.
  • I can work effectively in a team, plan and use working time rationally. I have the ability to think systematically. I can quickly make effective decisions under stressful conditions. I don’t stop what I start until I complete it.
  • Previous work experience allowed me to learn how to quickly make decisions and take responsibility, work in multitasking mode and tight deadlines with a large amount of information, and solve complex problems independently. I have learned to effectively transfer experience and knowledge, I am able to create and maintain a high team spirit.
  • I know how to organize any process and direct people to achieve a common goal. I am able to prioritize and sequence, highlight the main thing and notice the details. I have a high level of responsibility. I welcome order and punctuality in work, and I demand the same from my employees. I like to solve complex problems, it helps to achieve great results.

How can you prove to an employer that you really have the personal qualities you stated? Complete your answer with numerical results.

Examples of answers with results

  • Leadership: conducted 5 management trainings and developed 5 managers from line employees.
  • Stress resistance: held successful negotiations with a client who had previously refused 7 managers and concluded an agreement with him. Fulfilled the sales plan by 150%.
  • Purposefulness, systems thinking and strong leadership qualities allow me to take on any complex task and achieve the necessary results. Sales for 2020 were 30% above the department average.

Examples of answers to non-standard questions

What skills and qualities do you think a leader should have?

Answer: A leader always achieves results in cooperation with other people. Therefore, extremely important qualities are the ability to persuade, negotiate, and clearly and reasonably set priorities in work. A manager is worth little without a strong, motivated team. I believe that the ability to build such a team is a key skill for a successful leader.

What business qualities should a person working on your team have?

Answer: It is very important to me that my employees love their work, try to do it as best as possible, and approach their job responsibilities informally and creatively. They must have their own opinion and be willing to defend it and give arguments, taking into account the interests of the company and its clients. Therefore, each member of my team must be able to explain why we should do this and not otherwise.

Do you consider yourself a leader? Why?

Answer: Yes, I think so. The role of a manager requires the presence of strong leadership qualities, because in the process of work it is regularly required to influence other people through one’s personality in order to achieve certain results. Working with various development teams, I often have to demonstrate my leadership skills to motivate people and achieve results. One of the most recent such examples was very recently when, as a result of misjudging the complexity of a task, my team was assigned tasks that were almost 2 times their current productivity. When this became clear, the team was greatly demotivated, because... everyone understood that we did not have time to complete the work, and because of this, the release of the product was delayed. I held a meeting with the team, where we developed a general strategy to complete tasks in time for release. I started the meeting by saying that we would definitely have time to complete the entire scope of work and described our plan to the team. I explained that I had managed to agree with the technical director on the possibility of assigning two developers to help us for the current sprint, and asked each employee to concentrate as much as possible on completing the tasks. Next, we jointly decomposed all tasks as much as possible so that they could be performed in parallel by several developers. As a result, we managed to complete the tasks and the release took place on time. My team received gratitude from management and most importantly, I was able to greatly increase and strengthen the morale of the team, and this in turn had a positive impact on further work efficiency.

Do you consider yourself a leader? Why?

Answer: I consider myself a leader because, in my opinion, I have the basic necessary leadership qualities. When I assumed the position of head of the sales department in 2020, in addition to the task of doubling sales volume, I was faced with the second most important task - to create a strong team of professionals united by a common goal. There were 15 people under my command. First of all, a leader must evaluate his team. To begin with, I spent a lot of time studying my subordinates. I met individually with each team member, asked questions, found out their core competencies, skills, difficulties they face, their motivation at work, and career plans. I also began holding weekly general meetings, where I assessed how people behave in a team, what relationships or conflicts there are that are not visible at first glance, which can both damage and, conversely, improve the result. In parallel with this, I held many joint meetings, at which, on the one hand, I got to know the company’s clients, and on the other, I observed the actions of my subordinates. Thus, I assessed them on the level of competencies, degree of involvement and the required level of control from the manager. My arrival coincided with the time of the six-month performance appraisals, which made it possible to immediately discuss the goals and objectives set for the second half of the year, as well as plans and expectations. Thus, a formal agreement was reached between the manager and the subordinate, partnership relations were established, which in the future made it possible to avoid any misunderstandings if sales plans or KPIs were not met. A flexible approach to managing employees with different competencies and different requirements for managing them allowed us to achieve immediate good results. We received an award at the end of 2016 as the best team of the year, and increased our sales volume by 2.5 times.

What is your understanding of leadership?

Answer: Leadership is the ability to lead your team, understand your employees, determine their motives and feelings, and influence them without using administrative levers. See the task, the team and the final goal at the same time. Be proactive, lead by example and see the big picture. Be able to hear people, not be afraid to make difficult decisions and be ready to bear responsibility for them. And what is important for me is to have a certain amount of self-irony and a good sense of humor.

How is leadership different from management?

Answer: Management is the ability to organize the work of a team, and leadership is the ability to influence people, lead, and motivate employees. For me, one of the main differences between a leader and a manager is when the leader’s team works like clockwork, even if he is not there. A leader has two important features: firstly, he himself goes somewhere, and secondly, he can lead people. A leader influences people. A leader not only knows how to organize, he knows how to interest and inspire.

What helps you achieve results in your work?

Answer: Firstly, I know how to carefully plan my work day, manage my time effectively and set priorities correctly. Secondly, I also need to constantly communicate and interact with colleagues from other departments, which allows me to solve several problems at the same time. It is also very important to keep everything under control. I consider myself a balanced person and so far no one has managed to make me angry. I learned to analyze situations, and always before reacting to a particular problem, I have time between stimulus and reaction. And I use this opportunity to calm down and draw the right conclusions.

Answer: In general, I am a sad optimist: hoping for the best, I prepare for the worst. I always use this formula when working on a new project. Therefore, I always have a backup plan in case something goes wrong. At the same time, I believe that it is important to remain in the moment, to be “here and now,” performing assigned tasks not simultaneously, but one by one. Even if within one day I perform different functions - and this usually happens, all this happens in turn, not simultaneously. It is this approach that helps me achieve results and meet deadlines for each project.

What makes you successful?

Answer: I believe that I achieve success in my career thanks to the following factors: passion for my work and desire for constant development, the ability to build long-term relationships with clients based on mutual respect and trust, gaining trust and authority among subordinates and colleagues.

Describe yourself in one word

Answers: You can use both adjectives (personal qualities) and nouns in your answers.

Proactive Purposeful Ambitious Leader Performer Team Player Shark Leo Strategist Optimist Realist Sanguine Entrepreneur Analyst Manager Navigator Implementer Coordinator Creator Researcher Inspirer Expert Diplomat Performer Thinker Observer Player Peacemaker Extrovert Dreamer


Lifehack No. 1. Prepare examples. A way interviewers use to determine whether an applicant is exaggerating about their qualifications is the STAR competency questions. They ask candidates to provide examples from personal experience that clearly demonstrate their key competencies, including personal qualities. If the candidate actually possesses a particular quality, he will be able to clearly answer such questions and give relevant examples. Agree that those who really found a way out of a non-standard situation or solved a problem will never forget it.

  • Sample answers to skills questions

Lifehack No. 2. Choose the correct pronouns and figures of speech that you will use when answering questions about personal qualities and skills. Speech patterns help the interviewer determine whether you really have a particular quality. For example, depending on what words you use, you can determine whether you are a “team player” or a “loner.” If you focus on pronouns and phrases: “we”, “our”, “we have achieved”, “we have achieved”, “our team”, “our actions”, “we decided”, then you will look like a team player. If your answers about working in a team are dominated by the following expressions: “I achieved”, “my results”, “I solved the problem”, “my achievements”, then this can be interpreted as follows: you are not yet ready to be responsible for the work of the whole teams and contribute to the overall result.

Lifehack No. 3. Take the Myers-Briggs Test (MBTI) to determine your personality type. The results from the test will help you describe your professional qualities. For example,

  • I am a “Consul” personality type according to the Myers-Briggs typology, which confirms my correct choice of the legal profession. I'm more concerned about practical issues. Due to my profession, I have very developed logical and analytical thinking. I make decisions based solely on existing traditions and laws, and only after carefully thinking about everything do I make decisions. And I have a unique ability to notice even small changes and anticipate possible problems. And very often my observation and quick reaction are exactly what is required, for example, in some work situations, and especially in case of unforeseen circumstances.
  • I am a “Manager” personality type. This is, first of all, a leader who has the ability to unite employees into a team and achieve the desired results. I am not afraid to take on complex tasks; I try to devote a lot of time to detailed planning and calculate all the risks. I always keep my promises and treat every employee with care. But I cannot tolerate subordinates who disdain their work, are lazy, and cheat. Therefore, I invest only in those who have potential and who can bring results. I prefer to leave the rest.

Take the Myers-Briggs Test (MBTI): Who Are You Really?

What skills and personal qualities should you include on your resume?

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Raisa Sorokina

Find out more at www.raisasorokina.ru
Career expert, resume and business letter copywriter, interview coach, founder and author of publications on bosshunt.ru.

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Learn to delegate responsibilities

A leader is not the one who takes on all the work, but the one who knows how to competently distribute responsibilities among subordinates. That is, you need to understand who can do what, who can be trusted with what, and so on. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure high-quality and timely control.

You need to develop this ability in yourself starting from the everyday level. For example, when planning housework, don't do everything yourself. Divide tasks among family members. When organizing an event (as in the previous example with a alumni meeting), shift some of the responsibility to those who most enthusiastically welcomed your idea.

15 Tips for Developing Leadership Skills

Don't be afraid of change

A leader-manager is a person who does not stop there, which means he is always ready for change. And, as you know, changes are new opportunities. However, “Most people miss the opportunity. Because she’s sometimes dressed in overalls and looks like she’s working.” These words belong to the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. And he didn’t miss his opportunities!

The modern world is constantly changing, and to remain a leader, you need to keep up with the changes.

“The only way to deal with an unpredictable future is to create a very flexible organization. As soon as changes come to your category, you need to be ready for changes and change as quickly as possible in order to survive in the future" (famous American marketer Jack Trout.

Tips and tricks for future leaders

Very often, a future leader does not know where to begin his development. This gives rise to the fear that nothing will work out, and that in general it was a bad idea.

We suggest starting your leadership journey by following these basic recommendations:

  1. Set SMART goals.
    Many people fail because they set vague goals and don’t know exactly what they want to achieve. Set yourself an exact goal. Consider the timing and methods of its implementation. Mentally imagine the result and write it down on paper.
  2. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.
    Fear of the unknown often prevents you from taking the first step. Learn to let go of fear. Let's say you are afraid of speaking in front of an audience. Set a goal for yourself to get rid of this phobia. Determine what is difficult for you in this situation and make a plan for implementing the action. For example, give a short presentation in front of colleagues. An important attribute of a leader is the ability to overcome one’s fears. Success can only be achieved through trial and error, overcoming uncertainty, fear of change and failure.
  3. Engage in self-development.
    Do you want to become an unrivaled leader? Start attending leadership development courses, read blogs, newsletters of successful people and learn from their experiences. Learn a foreign language and train your memory. Expand your horizons.
  4. Speak publicly more often.
    Gaining trust and impressing others with the right, well-spoken language is an important leadership skill. To develop these qualities, you can attend public speaking courses.

15 Tips for Developing Leadership Skills

You can, of course, not take any courses and study on your own, but by learning from the experts in your field, you can achieve success faster. Remember, nothing is impossible. The main thing is your desire and perseverance.

5 best books for leadership development:
  • "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" by John Maxwell
    . The author questions the phrase “Leaders are born, not made.” In each chapter, the author reveals the essence of the laws of leadership and, using the example of others, shows how you can apply them in your life.
  • "Turn Your Ship Around" by David Marquet.
    The book was written by a nuclear submarine captain. In it, he talks about his experience of changing the mechanism of interaction between crew members and overcoming any obstacles to the cherished goal.
  • "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey
    . An international bestseller for people seeking to develop their potential. The author says that every person can overcome any obstacles by improving themselves and becoming the best version of themselves.
  • "On the limit.
    A week without self-pity” Eric Bertrand. The author’s main idea is to live just 7 days at the limit of your capabilities. In the book, he talks about the intensive program you need to follow to become the best version of yourself. After completing the intensive course, many obstacles will seem like nothing to you.
  • “Leader’s Charisma”, Radislav Gandapas.
    A well-known leadership specialist in Russia tells in his book how you can develop the ability to influence people, motivate, inspire and captivate with a common goal.

15 Tips for Developing Leadership Skills

3 best motivational films for leaders:
  • "Wall Street". The film tells the story of a young broker and his stunning ups and downs. He is ready to do anything to achieve success in his career. The film will be useful for those who are unsure of themselves and are afraid of making a mistake. Remember, mistakes build character.
  • "Harvard Bum."
    The film is based on real events. The heroine, who grew up in a family of drug addicts, is trying to get out from the very bottom of her life and she succeeds. She finds the strength to get up and move forward. If you feel like nothing is working out and you're on the verge of despair, watch this movie. Perhaps after watching, you will change your point of view and begin to act.
  • "The Pursuit of Happyness".
    The main character's life is going downhill. The wife left, leaving her little son, and was evicted from the apartment. He gets his dream job - in a trading company. True, I'm still an intern. Constant malnutrition, lack of sleep, spending the night in the toilet and free hostels. He endured everything. He built a business and became a successful millionaire. This film will be useful for those who have lost faith in victory when faced with insurmountable obstacles.

15 Tips for Developing Leadership Skills

The heroes of these films did not give up. They fought for their destiny, despite hunger, fatigue and failure. There is a lot to learn from them. At different times in your life, when it seems like everything is lost and you can’t achieve anything, watch these films. They will help you cope with despondency and charge you with motivation.

How to develop leadership qualities in a teenager

Adolescence is one of the turning points in personality formation. It is at this moment that timidity, shyness and isolation may appear, which are not at all conducive to achieving success. To help a child become a leader, parents need to adhere to these recommendations from psychologists.

  • Treat your teen with respect. Parents should talk to him as equals, ask for his opinion, and ask him for advice. A teenager should feel that something and someone in life depends on him, that he can influence something.
  • Get him interested in something. Finding a hobby is a great way to help develop leadership skills. For girls - dancing, for boys - sports. Any hobby stimulates you to be better than others.
  • Involve your teenager in communication. If you are discussing something with your family, be sure to involve him in the discussion. If guests come home, do not let your teenager hole up in his room.
  • Give constructive criticism. Many parents sin by criticizing the character and personal qualities of their children. It is correct to criticize actions and actions (but not the personality). You should also forget about the habit of comparing your child with others. This will not add excitement and “sports anger”, but may cause the development of an inferiority complex.
  • Give a certain degree of freedom. Approaching adolescence, you need to gradually wean your child from the fact that you decide and do everything for him. Let him manage his life himself (within reasonable limits). Start with little things like clothing style, hobbies, and so on.
  • Help develop the right attitude towards defeat. Given teenage maximalism, any failure can be perceived as the end of the world. Your task is to explain to the child that this is an invaluable experience. Analyze the situation together with him in order to draw the right conclusions.

Obstacles to leadership

Some people believe that if they are not leaders, then they will not be able to develop such qualities in themselves. This is the main mistake that prevents you from achieving success.

In addition, there are other barriers that prevent progress in personal self-development. Among the most popular are:

  1. Inability to clearly define goals and objectives;
  2. Everyday vanity and minor problems that take too much time to resolve;
  3. Inability and unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s decisions;
  4. Fear of changing anything in your life;
  5. Reluctance to leave the “comfort zone”;
  6. Overwork, nervous breakdown;
  7. Lack of motivation.

In fact, most of these problems are easily eliminated with the help of a set goal and the desire to work on yourself.

TOP 11 best books for leaders

Reading is a way to spend time pleasantly and usefully. Below is a list of books you need to read to develop your leadership qualities.

Title Description “Emotional leadership. The Art of Managing People Using Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman The author skillfully described how you can manage other people through compassion and empathy. "The Leader Without a Title" by Robin Sharma Canadian author and leadership coach has released a series of books. This work is the result of 15 years of experience in large companies. Throughout the collection he conveys the idea that in order to become a great leader one must first become a great person. Suitable for both new recruits and experienced businessmen. “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”, John Maxwell A famous American expert, author of a large number of works with practical advice and valuable knowledge in the field of leadership. He collected fundamental laws that help to become a leader. “How to Become a Leader”, Warren Bennis Another guru and coach in the leadership niche. He writes that the lack of competent leaders is the scourge of our time. Any manager who strives for new knowledge and personal development can become a leader. "Lessons from Great Leaders" by Peter Sims, Bill George The book is based on research that proves that a leader must be an experienced, mature person. Suitable for beginners. “Leader's Workshop”, Antonio Meneghetti A practical guide for leaders striving for big goals, who want to develop new young successful businessmen who find profit where there seems to be none. “Reaching the maximum. 12 principles”, Brian Tracy The author has collected effective methods for business development, which he tested himself. The book charges you with energy and desire to grow and increase your achievements. “Good to Great” by Jim Collins According to Forbes magazine, Collins's work has become one of the best business projects of the last 20 years. It contains practical methods from leading companies. It will be useful to anyone who wants to become a successful leader. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey Based on the author's observations of successful famous people. In it he forms his own commandments and says that under any circumstances it is necessary to be true to one’s principles and ideas. In 2011, the American magazine The Times recognized the book as one of the most influential modern self-development manuals. “Influence and Power”, Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Andrey Parabellum, Alexander Belanovsky A practical guide to creating an effective team, managing, influencing employees. “Charisma of a Leader”, Radislav Gandapas A popular Russian trainer and businessman not only manages to conduct trainings, perform and record video lessons, but also wrote a series of books and made films about how to become a leader

In this work, he describes an important quality - charisma, and tells how to influence people with its help.

In addition to business literature, classics are a must-read. It promotes the development of literate speech and expands vocabulary.

Article information

This article was co-authored by. Maureen Taylor is the CEO and founder of SNP Communications, a corporate communications company in the San Francisco Bay Area. Helping leaders, business founders, and innovators in all industries improve communication and feedback for over 25 years.

Categories: Personal Development

In other languages:

English: Improve Leadership Quality, Español: mejorar la calidad del liderazgo, Italiano: Migliorare la Qualità della Leadership, Português: Melhorar a Qualidade da Liderança, العربية: تحسين مهاراتك القيادية , ไทย: พัฒนาคุณสมบัติความเป็นผู้นำ, Français: améliorer les qualités de leadeurship, Nederlands: Leiderschapskwaliteiten verbeteren, 日本語: 指導力を改善する, हिन्दी: अपनी लीडरशिप क्व ालिटी में सुधार लाएं, 中文: 提高领导力, Bahasa Indonesia: Meningkatkan Kualitas Kepemimpinan, Tiếng Việt: Cải thiện ph ẩm chất lãnh đạo

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Decide what kind of leader you are.


In a group, the leader is a person who has authority among most of its members. In a large community, for example, in a student group or production team, there are always several leaders. Analyze what kind of leader you can be:

1) formal and informal. This is a familiar situation to everyone - the formal leader is the official head of the company, but the informal one sets the tone;

2) a leader - an inspirer who generates ideas and organizes a group around it, or a leading performer who is able to complete the task best;

3) business - the organizer and inspirer of the production process, who knows how to correctly distribute work tasks;

4) emotional – the heart of the group, evoking sympathy and trust;

5) situational - manifesting itself at a critical moment and taking leadership to solve a specific problem;

6) a universal leader who combines all these qualities.

Try to become one of these leaders, use your innate characteristics. Decide what you do best - organize work, generate ideas, or masterfully conduct business meetings. Achieve perfection in this and climb one more step up on the path to your goal.

Leadership qualities, such as the ability to motivate people, allow group members to reveal their potential and push them to do more than they could before. His energy allows you to unlock the hidden resources of others - the personal properties of a person, the hidden capabilities of a group or company. A leader is a beacon that marks the path for others and is followed voluntarily.

15 Tips for Developing Leadership Skills


A leader masters the art of communication

If you are a leader, then you often have to communicate with other people. None of the problems can be solved without your participation in it. You will regularly hold face-to-face meetings, make calls to clients, and correspond with clients on a regular basis. It's worth noting that not all conversations will be pleasant. For example, accept the client’s negativity or inform a colleague about his dismissal.

You can ask any successful leader what skills are most valuable for success, and they will probably name communication skills, among others. For example, billionaire and serial entrepreneur Richard Branson called communication the most important skill a leader has.

Communication makes all processes smoother. Developed communication skills help to more effectively convey various instructions and details of tasks to employees. Communication also allows you to convey your mood and degree of importance through the tone of the conversation. Accordingly, communication is an objective and subjective means of influencing your listeners.

How and where to start developing communication skills

Email and chats are the easiest way to start improving your communication skills. In this case, you will have time to think about each proposal. If you start right away with telephone conversations or live meetings, it will seem too difficult. Dealing with your interlocutor’s objections during telephone conversations is much more difficult than in correspondence.

When speaking, pay attention to your wording and tone. Don't be afraid to experiment to find the right combination. Try not to speak to your interlocutor so quickly. This will allow you to think through your proposals. It will also make you appear more confident without going overboard. If you take it too far, you can look like a stoner.

Psychological and social qualities of a leader

And finally, the last group of leadership qualities, which consists in the leader’s ability to build relationships within the team, within his team, in the social function that he takes on. Let's consider these qualities of a leader.

1. Communication skills. A leader must be able to communicate. And not just communicate, but find a common language with people of different views, different ages, different social groups, different genders, different characters, etc.

This is a very important quality of a leader, which helps him build and maintain his team.

2. Justice. The most important social role of a leader is that he must be fair and provide fair decisions to his team members. People need to know that they can always turn to a leader for advice and help, and get it. A leader for a team is a fair judge who objectively and impartially resolves all controversial situations.

3. Upholding the interests of the team. A modern leader-manager must care not only about his own interests, but also about the interests of his team, and be able to defend them before some external authorities, in the presence of external danger or threat.

4. Creating conditions for self-realization of followers. And finally, the social qualities of a leader should include providing opportunities for self-realization to his followers, his team, and perhaps even “growing” new leaders from its members

This is a very important leadership quality that will always be valued and respected by his followers and successors.

These are the qualities of a modern, good leader. Develop these qualities in yourself - and you, too, will join those who are able to lead. In other posts on Financial Genius, I will go into more detail on how to develop your leadership skills, so join our regular readers and stay tuned.

Do not forget that leaders are not necessarily born (although this is possible), leaders are made, and this is quite real, the main thing is to set a goal for yourself and strive to achieve it

Thank you for your attention and see you again!

A leader has a strong belief in his own beliefs, which inspires those around him.

If a person strongly believes in his beliefs, then more often than not, such a person will stick to his values ​​in all situations, which affects the overall vision of the leader and the future of the company. But this should not mean that the leader ignores the opinions of all people who think differently. A good leader is a flexible leader. A good leader will listen to the opinions of others, adapt his ideas and develop them, taking into account the suggestions of his team. Adapting your own ideas is not a change in your own beliefs.

Research shows a high degree of correlation between feelings of uncertainty and stress. Prolonged feelings of uncertainty often lead to depression, which is very detrimental to any organization. If your employees are unsure of what decision you have made about a new idea, or they feel that the leader changes his decisions too often, then they will not be able to focus on their work and their productivity will be minimal. Such a leader is most often no longer respected, and his instructions are not taken seriously.

There is a famous story about the former head of Apple. Steve Jobs demonstrated a very strong stance on his beliefs. For example, when the first iPhone was released, many said that people prefer a traditional keyboard, and no one would want to use a touch one. Jobs always responded to such arguments that people would get used to it. That's how confident he was in the correctness of his decisions.

Qualities a leader needs

  • Courage is bold decisions and actions on the way out of failures and difficulties. Controlling yourself in the face of fear, making difficult decisions, and taking actions when there is no guarantee that success will be on your side are qualities of a good leader.
  • Sincerity. To earn trust, you first need to be honest with yourself. Only then can we say that we are open to other people around us.
  • Realism. Accept the world as it really is, and not as you would like it to be. This is the golden rule of realism. It is necessary not to allow yourself to be upset because of troubles, and also you should not believe that someone will solve the painful problem for you. Being an example in everything is an essential quality of a true leader. It is common to look up to such people; they are very reliable. If a leader has made a promise, albeit perhaps very tentatively, it is worth trusting that it will be kept.
  • An analytical mindset is exactly what will make it possible to learn valuable experience from failure. In the future, such “full cones” will definitely come in handy and help avoid possible failures.
  • Ability and willingness to learn. Personal growth, self-development - all this requires conscious preparation, effort and work on oneself. A leader is one who is always ready for the new and unknown, one who wants to deeply study those nuances that will subsequently make him an even more determined person.

All of these qualities that a leader needs to achieve success must be improved daily.

The leader does not allow inaction and maintains the momentum of the team

Great leaders tend to have the trait of not allowing inaction. If you are faced with a problem, putting off solving it is the worst thing you can do.

Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.

This is a quote from US President Harry S. Truman. This is the same man who gave the order to drop the atomic bomb, which ended the lives of thousands of innocent lives. On the one hand, his act was terrible, but on the other hand, it prevented a possible war that could have claimed many more lives.

Where to begin

When you are faced with a problem, think carefully about possible scenarios for this event, then, depending on the scenario, you can build an action plan.

Additional materials for this lesson

You can also read useful materials on leadership in the special “Leadership and Relationships” section of our blog. The topic of this lesson is complemented by the following articles:

  • How to Arouse Empathy in Others
  • SMART goals
  • Getting Things Done by David Allen
  • Time management or time management for leaders

Please also note that some test questions for this lesson, as well as for the leadership exam, are based on the material in the above articles. Now that we've covered some tips for improving your leadership skills, let's move on to the next lesson.

Now that we've covered some tips for improving your leadership skills, let's move on to the next lesson.

A leader must be decisive to demonstrate his capabilities and power.

A leader must show his determination to prove his authority on the ground if the situation demands it. Leaders/managers are, first of all, people who make decisions, which means that the leader also has to bear responsibility for all the results from these decisions.

Good leaders are not afraid to face consequences, especially during times of uncertainty. A leader makes decisions based on the data he has. The ability to make decisions and bear responsibility is essential for any leader. This makes any leader more authoritative and encourages others to follow your decision.

What should a leader be like?

Basic leadership qualities are developed at an early age. But if for some reason the parents did not raise them in the child, when he becomes an adult, he can develop them in himself on his own. For example, long-term vision

Every manager must accumulate knowledge and experience in order to anticipate a critical situation and be able to make forecasts, which is very important in business. Listening is another valuable character trait.

A born leader must understand that he cannot be an expert in all areas. Finding the right employees, combining their efforts and achieving the goal is his main task.

A true leader is always self-critical. He knows how to admit his mistakes and apologize if he is wrong. Learning and learning again is the main “commandment” of a leader. The ability to be flexible, adapt, and focus on innovations in a particular area is a guarantee of the success of any enterprise. A true boss must be decisive, energetic and courageous. He is always an example for his subordinates.

Healthy Ambition

Healthy ambition (not to be confused with unhealthy ambition) is the desire to be the best in your field, to achieve mastery. This quality helps you achieve your goals.

According to American leadership expert J. Maxwell, “The caliber of a leader can be measured by the problems he takes on. A leader always looks for those that are commensurate with himself.”

A leader-manager works harder and harder than others, because what he does is much more important than what he says. He must be able to do something that no one else can do. By his example, he encourages others to follow him and trust his opinion. At the same time, he should not succumb to the temptation to constantly monitor and double-check his subordinates.

Traits of a True Leader

The innate qualities of the owner themselves do not automatically make them a leader, but they help them become. The acquired qualities can turn you into an effective leader. But, without some individual qualities, it is difficult to become a real leader that people will voluntarily follow.

  1. Character. Determined in relation to oneself and people, to things and activities. The character trait that immediately identifies a leader is will. The ability to consciously manage one’s behavior and emotions, formulate a goal and concentrate on it. Self-regulate your own activity to achieve results. Basic volitional qualities:
  • Determination. A leader sees the main thing and does not lose it in many problems and trifles. The ability to concentrate on the expected result is also the ability to plan the path to achievement, as if watching a movie from the end. John Maxwell, who has written dozens of books on motivation, calls this property long-term vision.
  • Self confidence.
  • Self-control and courage. A leader's behavior depends on his decisions, not his circumstances.
  • Independence, determination, perseverance. Ability to make decisions. Take full responsibility and complete what you start, regardless of failures.
  • Proactivity, initiative, curiosity. Be in the center of things and one step ahead of everyone else.
  • Performance. Oddly enough, diligence is also a trait of a true leader. After all, in order for the decisions made to lead to the achievement of the goal, it is necessary to work on them diligently and systematically.
  1. Charisma. Exclusivity and personal appeal, inspiring unconditional faith in others in the capabilities of the owner.
  1. The desire to manage people, expressed in organizational skills:
  • Ability to quickly find a solution to a problem.
  • Communication skills. The ability to express oneself correctly and accurately.
  • A true leader will easily create a team. Can select the necessary personnel, find application for their abilities in the context of the assigned tasks, understands the psychology of people. Reveals their talents.
  • Ability to organize. Give instructions and commands or otherwise influence others. Including manipulating them.
  • Able to bear responsibility for the actions of subordinates.
  1. Emotional competence. The ability to create an emotional microclimate in a community or team that is most suitable for quickly achieving your goals. Atmosphere is achieved through persuasion, suggestion or contagion. This is helped by:
  • Faith and passion.
  • Positive attitudes.
  • Energy.
  • Politeness and tact.
  • Listening skills.
  • Fairness and rigor.
  • Ability to punish and reward.
  • Flexibility of behavior.
  • Generosity.
  • Sense of humor.
  • Eloquence. The gift of persuasion.
  • The ability to appreciate people.
  1. Competence. It is not necessary to have the highest IQ, but to be effective and successful, you must have some experience and sufficient knowledge to troubleshoot problems and find solutions.
  2. Willingness to take risks. Inextricably linked with intuition and the ability to think analytically.
  3. Reliability and consistency.
  4. Knowing yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. And the ability to work on shortcomings and organically replace them with advantages.
  5. Ability for self-learning and self-education. The desire to develop, not to stop developing. Striving for ideal.

A leader and a manager are not the same thing. The leader is endowed with formal, official power, and the leader is endowed with the ability of psychological influence. Ideally, these two roles coincide.

You can try to cultivate real leadership traits in yourself, because it is not for nothing that the view is widespread that leaders are made, not born.

A leader uses emotional intelligence to improve relationships with clients and colleagues.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand your own emotions and the emotions of others. If a person knows how to do this, then he gains maximum control over his own emotions and understands the emotional state of others. This greatly helps in conducting business negotiations and helps make good sales because... Any person is very dependent on the emotional background and does many actions based on emotions.

One study of a foreign insurance company, Fortune, found that people with high emotional intelligence were more successful. They more often received high grades and more positive results in their work. This is justified by the benefits of emotional intelligence. Such people often have good control over their emotions and behavior, work better in teams with other people, and can quickly resolve conflicts before they get out of control.

Where to start developing emotional intelligence

Some people have a natural ability for this, while others have to spend several years to master it at a basic level.

If you're just starting to develop emotional intelligence, spend more time learning about other people's feelings. If you notice positive or negative emotions, then try to analyze it. Why did the person feel these emotions and what led to this?

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