How to understand that he is your destiny: 10 signs of a fateful meeting

  • October 20, 2018
  • Psychology of relationships
  • Yulia Shishkina

All people want to love and be loved, but not everyone knows how to find their person. Everyone needs to find their own happiness, and time spent alone is far from happy and makes you feel unnecessary. If you want to quickly find true love and build a strong family, you need to act right now.

A guy and a girl are walking in the park

How to understand that your person was sent by fate itself

It is worth paying attention to two points that speak of the messenger of fate.

How to understand that he is your destiny: 10 signs of a fateful meeting

  1. When you meet this person, you get the feeling that you have known each other for a very long time. You can often hear couples who have met their love say that each of them immediately realized that they had met the right person and they could talk to him about literally anything. If you have a similar feeling, then you should think about starting a serious relationship.
  2. Your partner will be ready to help and support you at any time. Words are, of course, good, but it is actions that confirm the fact of intentions. When your partner provides selfless help, you should think about his role in your life.


The next important point I want to note is that you need to continue to develop and thus raise your energetic vibrations. Listen to lectures and webinars, read great books about femininity, take new courses, develop new skills, sign up for and attend some local psychology club.

All this makes you different, more interesting, more educated, fulfilled, and energetically strong. These vibrations will attract to you the very person you wished for in the Universe. The only question is time. You are the one who will inspire him with admiration.

How to determine whether it is fate or your own choice

There are a lot of debates about fate whether it exists or not. Some will argue about the predestination of human destiny: a girl will in any case meet her betrothed if the person is destined for her from above, and vice versa. Another category of people believes that everything is in the hands of man and controlled by him. There is no exact answer to this question. The main thing to remember: if you are lucky enough to meet a person with whom you are happy, do not miss him!

By relying on fate, you risk missing out on a lot. An indifferent or passive attitude towards life often discourages luck and happiness. Don’t be shy in revealing your feelings and concern for your partner, especially if you decide for yourself that the person was really sent to you by fate.

He is ready to do anything for you9

Sometimes it seems that even for everything. He will get you an item from the top shelf, kill a spider, cook breakfast and will not mock you and your inept attempts to cope with the exercise equipment at the gym. But his attention and care are not limited to everyday household concerns.

couple in europe

He is ready for romantic actions, he likes to surprise you. And if you get sick, he will not limit himself to sad emoticons, but will come to your home (if possible) with a bag of medicine in one hand and a package of your favorite sweets in the other.

How to achieve harmonious relationships

Psychology tends to believe that since each person is individual, then each person also has their own ideal framework. For one, happiness is a family nest and a fireplace, for another, madness and a surge of adrenaline are required.

How to understand that he is your destiny: 10 signs of a fateful meeting

There are a number of signs that indicate that this relationship will be strong:

  • When conflict situations arise, they are quickly resolved peacefully. Neither a quarrel nor a misunderstanding becomes a reason for separation, but is a step towards strengthening relationships.
  • Partners do not hide the sincerity of their feelings. A girl and a guy are ready to talk for hours on any topic, also discussing intimate moments, without feeling awkward or embarrassed.
  • The couple has mutual respect and there is no groundless jealousy.
  • There is no criticism of the partner.
  • They always have something to talk about. There will be no place for boring time.

What is platonic love: appearance and types of platonic connection

According to psychologists, in strong relationships, partners have common views on religion, political preferences and similar values ​​regarding family.

Signs - whether a person is meant for you or not

In some cases, you can hear that a person immediately felt the fate of meeting that one and only partner. But how did they determine this?

How to understand that he is your destiny: 10 signs of a fateful meeting

This means that in order to understand that this is the messenger from above, the following signs indicate:

  • You communicate easily and the topics for conversation never end.
  • You have a carnal desire for each other.
  • You never have enough time spent together.
  • Memories of past relationships have faded and you don’t even remember them.
  • There is no feeling of anxiety and restlessness in the company of this person. Convinced that the partner cannot do anything bad. You are 100% confident in him.
  • Being together, you lose the sense of time: having gone out for a walk at 5 pm, you don’t notice how 10 o’clock at night comes and it’s time to go home, after which you can call and talk for many more hours to pass.
  • Unconscious periods from a possible future together pop up in your head. Thus, intuition tells you the right choice.
  • There is confidence in the other half. Your partner will always come to the rescue and support you.
  • Desire for frequent tactile communication with a loved one.
  • Don't give in to the fear that if you confess your feelings, you will be rejected.

It is also worth paying attention to the mysticism of a meeting organized by fate itself. Some people, before meeting their lover, see him in their dreams.

Numerological and astrological help to fate

How do you know that you have met that fateful partner? You shouldn’t have high hopes that you will be able to find your soul mate using these sciences, but there are still chances.

In astrology, there are certain dates that are considered unfavorable for dating. These dates are the ninth, nineteenth and twenty-ninth lunar days. It is said that the chance of meeting the person you fall in love with increases during the autumn and spring, and a month before your birthday. It is also worth paying attention to the horoscope, since some zodiac signs are considered incompatible with each other.

To know for sure that this is your person or not, you need to draw up an individual natal chart. A professional astrologer will help you with this question.

Numerology pays attention to the numbers of a person’s destiny and, based on their results, they speak about their compatibility.

Psychologists are inclined to believe that if there are mutual feelings and numerology accompanies you, then you should put aside fear and doubts and start a serious relationship with your partner. If the numerology does not match, then put it on the back burner and believe that true feelings of true love can overcome everything!

Your family likes him7

He knows how important your family is to you. And he wants to become part of this family. He is interested in the opinion of your parents and does not shy away from getting to know them. He treats your friends with respect too. After all, he understands perfectly how much you love these people. They are an integral part of your life and your second family. In no case will he give ultimatums or forbid you to communicate with them.

relationships 3

It’s a good sign that he has become everyone’s favorite. The mother strives to feed him delicious specialties, and the father is glad that such a man is taking care of his girl. Your friends don't mind spending time with you two and they're glad you're here at last! - I got a worthy boyfriend.

How to identify a man sent by fate

How to recognize your man if intuition tells you nothing? Pay attention to the signs that show this person is your destiny. Based on them, you can make the best decision for yourself.

  • A man shows a desire to make your life happier: he is ready to greet you from work, he always tries to help and support, he is worried about your life... He does not need hints, he himself takes the initiative in the right moments. And his concern is a confirmation of the sincerity of feelings.
  • Tries to make you laugh. Those with a good sense of humor are considered intellectually developed individuals. Strives to keep you in a good mood and see you with a smile on your lips.
  • He tries to devote all his free time to you, without looking for excuses about the impossibility of meeting.
  • Shows sincere interest in your affairs: interested in hobbies, achievements, desires, and so on...
  • Constantly wants to get to know you as best as possible.
  • He never stops giving compliments and small gifts.
  • In his presence, peace and comfort come into your soul.

Mistakes when looking for a soul mate

Everyone acts in their own way and tries to use all methods to find their person. But it is worth adhering to some rules so as not to complicate this search.

If you are really committed to a serious relationship, do not start it with someone who already has a significant other. There is no need to take a person away from your family because it will not only ruin someone's marriage, but it will also not bring you any benefit. If he once decided to leave his person, then what guarantees are there that he will not do the same to you?

It will also be a mistake to believe that a person who does not love or appreciate you will change over time. If you care about him, don't try to force him to feel the same way. Most likely, this is simply not your person. When such situations happen, do not give up and continue your search, maintaining faith in success. Don't let one mistake ruin your mood, move on. Perhaps your soulmate is already very close.

Never be idle when you want to achieve results. You don’t need to sit on a park bench all day long and wait for someone to come up and invite you to build a relationship. This doesn't mean that you should always think only about finding a partner. But it is important to understand that no matter how beautiful and smart you are, if you do not take the initiative, no one will know about your positive qualities.

Don't think about how lonely and sad you are. Better imagine how great it will be when you find that very person! But don't relax when you meet him. Work on your relationship, support your significant other, and you will never be alone again.

How to understand if a man is suitable for a woman

  • Offer to go on a hike together or do renovations in the apartment. If you didn’t have any quarrels and everything went smoothly, then your relationship has passed the first stage of compatibility.
  • Ask for help. A gentleman who has no feelings will quickly come up with excuses, and the one who sincerely has feelings for the girl will immediately rush to her rescue.
  • Start appearing before your lover naturally, without makeup or beautiful outfits. If his eyes sparkle when he sees you and continues to compliment you, then you can rest assured that this person’s love is true.

Karmic Relationships: 8 Signs and Explanation of Karmic Debt

Is there a kinship of souls?

Provided that you pay attention to the signs of fate to recognize your loved one, then pay attention to the main signs:

  • You have common interests and there are similarities on important issues for the relationship (how to raise a child, the same goals for the future, etc.).
  • You have many points on which the opinions of both coincide on certain issues, as a result of which your dialogues can last for hours.
  • You can intuitively complete a phrase that has not yet been fully uttered by your partner, as if you already know him like crazy. All he has to do is start talking, but you already understand what he means and what he wants to tell you.
  • You and your partner feel each other's emotions.

The past doesn't matter anymore

You look at him and realize that you have never experienced anything like this before. The butterflies in your stomach that he gives you outshine anything that came before. The experiences you gained in past relationships are still with you. But you no longer think about failed relationships, painful crushes and other ghosts of the past. What difference does it make what came before it? You're grateful for the experience, but your thoughts are now completely consumed by the present and future with this guy.

Yesterday, with all its sorrows and joys, remains in the past forever.

Opposites Attract

There is a popular belief that opposites attract. But in psychology things are different. Of course, similar people are likely to get bored with each other, and yet...

With different lifestyles, different values ​​and views on the future, it is rarely possible to build a foundation for a relationship. In family relationships there should not be constant disputes due to different opinions. Don't forget that disagreements are often the main reasons for ending a relationship.

Listen to your intuition, pay attention to fateful signs, and this way you can determine that this guy or girl is actually destined to be your life partner. Don't be afraid and don't be shy to take the first step. Don't miss out on your happiness.

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