How to break the energetic connection with a man: 2 techniques

How to get rid of the energy connection between a man and a woman?

To break the energetic connection with a man, you need to:

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  • conduct a forgiveness meditation in a quiet, calm, preferably deserted place. In private it is much easier to sort out your own thoughts;
  • get rid of things that remind you of the connection - give it away, throw it away, pawn it, burn it;
  • through working with the body, you can do women's yoga. There is an unreal number of yoga asanas that have a positive effect on the body, including the psyche;
  • aromatherapy. To relieve psychological stress, essential oils are used, for example: bergamot, geranium, cinnamon, lemon balm, lavender. To lift your mood during depression: rose, cinnamon, orange, neroli, fir, lemon, grapefruit. The oil is poured into an aroma lamp or a few drops are added to the bath.

A detailed description of the ritual for cleansing past connections

How does the ritual of cleansing from past connections take place:

Emotional connection: why is it important and how to build it?

Emotions are what makes us human. And when two people decide to live together, it is these emotions that can make or break their union. A relationship between two people who are emotionally connected is sure to stand the test of time. So what is this emotional connection? How do couples achieve this connection? In this post, we will tell you about the importance of emotional attachment in couples, its signs and ways to improve your relationship with your partner.

What is an emotional connection?

Emotional connection means understanding and trusting your partner in a way that no one else can. In other words, an emotional connection is a connection between two people that goes beyond physical needs. Partners have a deep love for each other to accept each other's flaws and believe that your partner is the one for life. Be it happiness or misfortune, you will never leave him.

Emotional connection requires time and effort from both partners, and once they achieve this, this relationship can weather any storm.

An emotional connection doesn't have to be like how it's written in books or portrayed in movies. It may be different for different couples. Here are examples:

Fights between you do not last longer than a day, and you break the silence no matter who started it.

In a room full of people, your spouse “looks” at you and you immediately know what he means.

Why is emotional connection important in a relationship?

This question is similar to the question: “Why is air important to fire?” Emotional connection is like the air that keeps the fire burning in your relationship. When couples are emotionally connected, they share everything from their darkest secrets to their deepest fears, and this builds trust and loyalty between them.

Still not convinced? Here are some of the benefits you both can gain from an emotionally connected relationship.

You respect each other: When you and your partner are emotionally connected, you love them for who they are, not what they look like. You accept their flaws and when that happens, their positives make you respect them as a person. Mutual respect is critical to a long-term relationship because when you respect your partner, you value their dreams, feelings, and fears.

Conversations become interesting. Can you communicate with your partner the same way you would with your best friend? Yes! When you're emotionally connected, you can joke and talk about the silliest things without fear of being judged. Casual teatime conversations excite you and you both look forward to spending time together.

Confidence and safety are increased: Why does a child laugh when he is thrown into the air? Because he is sure that there is someone who will catch him. Likewise, emotionally connected partners know that they can rely on each other. They are confident that no matter how difficult the situation, they will always be there for each other.

Communication becomes like walking with cakes: you may love your partner immensely, but if you can't convey the same, how will they know it? Many couples experience affection but fail to communicate. This will not be the case if you are emotionally involved with your partner. Both are in sync and can sense each other's needs and expectations. In addition, you will also know how to put forward your views without offending your partner.

Improves overall well-being: When you are in a close relationship with someone, your body releases a hormone known as oxytocin, which leads to increased confidence, trust and love. When two people are emotionally connected, they tend to be less anxious, and this improves physical and emotional health, which in turn improves your overall well-being.

Once you understand its importance, you will want to know if you are emotionally connected to your partner.

Read on to find out the signs.

Signs of an emotional connection with your partner

Look for these signs to see if you and your spouse are emotionally connected.

  1. Your communication is never exciting. When you and your partner are emotionally connected, you will have so many conversations that there won't be enough time. Communication will be consistent, whether over the phone or in person. You update your partner about your day and vice versa. If your friends tease you for spending too much with your partner, then be happy because you are on the right track.
  2. You understand your partner's unique humor. If your partner is funny in a way that only you understand, then this is a sign of an emotional connection. Laughter creates positive vibrations and lifts your spirits. Research also confirms the fact that couples who laugh together stay together for a long time.
  3. You value each other's opinions. You constantly seek each other's advice and respect each other's opinions. For example, before inviting friends over for dinner, if you discuss it with your wife, it sends a signal that you value her time. When a person feels valued and loved, he tends to reciprocate.
  4. You are fighting for peace in your relationship. This doesn't mean you expect your partner to protect you all the time. But when you hear someone scolding your partner, you won't accept it. You protect your partner from everything, even his fears.
  5. You don't have second thoughts. "He loves me? Should this relationship exist? "In an emotionally connected relationship, you won't have to guess your partner's love. You are confident that what you and your partner share is genuine.
  6. You bring out the best in each other. Do your friends say you look happier than ever, more confident than before? Be glad that you and your partner are emotionally connected and you bring out the best in each other.
  7. Your fights are constructive. Don't emotionally involved partners ever fight? No, in any relationship there will be “fights”. But when you're emotionally connected, you fight to resolve the conflict rather than destroy each other with words. If you stop talking to each other, you will reconcile sooner rather than later.

Do you have most of these traits in your relationship? Then you are emotionally connected to your partner. But if you don't agree with most of these signs, then the emotional quotient may be missing.

Lack of emotional connection in relationships:

Without an emotional connection, a relationship will wither like a plant without water. When you don't know your partner's true identity, you can't trust him. Without trust, you cannot be open and honest with your partner.

Here are some reasons for the lack of emotional connection in a relationship:

  1. One of the partners does not want to open up.
  2. You (or your partner) had a bad experience in a past relationship.
  3. Both of you are too busy in life and ignore each other's feelings.
  4. You are unable to convey real feelings.
  5. You accept and read too much into each other's actions.
  6. One partner is a recluse when it comes to expressing their emotions.
  7. Regardless of the reasons, it's never too late to start working on your emotional connection.
  8. You just have to be sincere in your efforts.

How to build an emotional connection with your partner?

Emotional connection is not rocket science. You and your partner can achieve this with patience and constant effort. Here are some ways to communicate emotionally with your partner.

  1. Make your partner feel wanted. Make your partner understand how lucky you are to have him in your life. If your spouse is the best thing that has ever happened to you, then let him know it. If you are not very good with words, then show him small loving acts like cooking his favorite food, dressing up as per his choice, etc. This will make your partner reciprocate and thus build trust which turns over time into an emotional connection.
  2. Try to be sensitive/sensitive. Empathy plays an important role in developing emotional connection. When you can see things from your spouse's point of view, then you will understand and not just assume. When your spouse cancels your date plan when something urgent comes up at work, you can reflect and know that it has nothing to do with you and he/she should be at work.
  3. Talk about your childhood. Another way to increase emotional connection is to talk about each other's childhood and the time when you both met. Tell them how naughty you were, how you aspired to be a pilot, share your stupidity with them. By doing this, you are inviting your spouse to look at your vulnerabilities. Also, sharing your childhood will help them understand the events that made you who you are today.
  4. Tell them about the moment you fell in love with them. It could be how they took care of you when you were sick, or how they helped you when you hit rock bottom or realized you loved their traits. Tell them what made you say “Yes.” This is a way to increase their confidence in the relationship. Sharing such intimate moments will create memories that will last a lifetime.
  5. Do things together. Couples need to spend time together to strengthen their emotional connection, but how do you do it? You can't just sit in a room and stare at each other all day! Plan and carry out activities that interest you. For example, if you love to travel, plan a vacation just for the two of you. Ordinary things like cleaning and gardening together can also bring you closer together.
  6. You found the love of your life and spent some fantastic years with them, but lately your relationship has lost its spark. Besides, there have been a lot of stupid fights and you're worried that you're growing apart.

A few rough patches don't mean your relationship is doomed. It's normal for couples to separate. There could be many reasons - it could be your new job or responsibilities that require too much of your time. So, if you truly love your partner, it's never too late to rekindle the magic in your relationship.

Reconnecting emotionally with your partner

Here are some ways to rekindle the fire in your relationship.

  1. Bring those conversations back to tea time. Did you somehow miss your time? Then talk to your spouse and create that tea date. But be careful not to touch on sensitive topics that will spark an argument. Instead, remind them of how you both met, how you went on long trips, and ask if they would like to do it again. Such conversations help break the ice and restore lost comfort.
  2. Clear the air. If you are unable to make time for your spouse due to your obligations, then it is your responsibility to explain the situation to your partner. This kind of open conversation will save your relationship because your partner knows the reason for your distant behavior.
  3. Ask uncomfortable questions. Try this only when the initial ice has been broken and you and your partner are ready to open up. Ask questions like what caused the rift in your relationship? Why did they get hurt? And while your partner is talking, don't interrupt; give them your undivided attention.
  4. Don't be shy about apologizing. If you feel that you have done something that hurts your partner, then have the courage to apologize and let them feel that the apology comes from your heart. Make sure you identify the problems and also promise each other not to repeat them.
  5. Give them time. Understand that once you've reached an impasse in your relationship, healing takes time. Give time to rejuvenate your lost love; During this time, try whatever works to restore your emotional connection.

For long-term relationships, emotional connection is vital because physical attraction can fade over time. But the connection you have made with your partner's soul will continue until death do you part.

How did you create an emotional connection with your partner? Let us know in the comments below.

How to close an energy channel with another person?

Instructions on how to close an energy channel with another person:

  • imagine your man right in front of you, on whom you feel emotional dependence and want to get rid of it;
  • mentally send him a signal that you are grateful for the opportunity to realize freedom on Earth;
  • let the man know that now you are ready to get rid once and for all of the incorrect energy connections that you had with him before;
  • ask the man to repeat the same actions;
  • imagine him standing in front of you at a distance of 1.5-2 meters. Imagine seeing these two-way channels of energy between you, for example, in the form of multi-colored ropes or in the form of hollow pipes of different diameters through which energy is transmitted;
  • and now slowly remove your channels from your man, and ask him to similarly remove his channels from you;
  • be sure to do this smoothly, without haste or jerking.

Spiritual connection

This is another type of connection between people that can be viewed with skepticism. Nevertheless, it exists and can be explained in words. A spiritual connection is very similar to an energetic connection. It is also installed as invisible, helping to make partners harmonious and happy. The only difference is that no harm should be expected from a spiritual connection.

This type of relationship requires a lot of work and patience. But when a spiritual connection arises between people, words are no longer needed for this couple. By the way, it can arise not only between a man and a woman, but also between same-sex representatives. You can consider some people to be close in spirit, which means that such a connection has already arisen between you.

Another practice for getting rid of attachments is annealing

Ritual of annealing of bindings:

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  • imagine a person who gave you negative emotions;
  • mentally forgive him for all the insults caused to you;
  • imagine that invisible threads from each chakra are stretching from you to that person;
  • take a lighter or match and gradually light each of these threads;
  • imagine as if a barrier of blazing flame had arisen between you and this person. This needs to be presented as realistically and believably as possible.

It is likely that after performing the magical ritual described above, a man will appear in your life. On an internal level, he will begin to feel that he has stopped being fed with energy. Naturally, he will want to restore the connection and therefore will remind him of himself, for example, by writing a message or calling him on the phone. If this happens, then do not panic, but calmly, kindly communicate with him, and then repeat this procedure again.

Breaking the energetic connection with a salt bath

How to remove attachment to a person using a salt bath:

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  • to cleanse a past connection with a man, pour a fragrant bath with hot water, add sea or table salt, 740 grams;
  • light candles, preferably scented ones, soak in the bath, make sure in advance that you are alone at home, turn off the telephone and intercom so that no one can disturb you;
  • Immerse yourself in a meditative state, imagine your man in front of you. Out loud or silently say words of forgiveness and gratitude for the experience given;
  • then close your eyes, imagine a thin thread connecting you with the person;
  • feel this connection within yourself, feel it, and when you want to break it, chop it off, cut it off or cut it off - do it mentally. Then clap your hands three times and enjoy the relief that comes;
  • pour out the water and take a shower to thoroughly cleanse yourself.

In order to significantly improve the quality of your own life and increase your level of vital energy, you need to:

  • free yourself from energy vampires, probably your man (already ex) appeared to him;
  • you should avoid any negative emotions, do not get upset over trifles, do not take everything to heart, especially other people’s experiences and problems;
  • dream as much as possible, make your deepest desires come true, realize important goals and follow your dreams! As they say, if you really want something, then the whole Universe will help make your wish come true;
  • communicate more often with people who have positive energy. They are easy to recognize - after talking with them, you will notice an improvement in your mood and a surge of vigor. Make new acquaintances with such people, do not be afraid that you will take away their energy and it will dry up. Such people, on the contrary, do not know what to do with excess energy, so communication with you will be a kind of mutually beneficial cooperation;
  • playing sports has a beneficial effect on internal energy. During physical exercise, new energy replaces the old, and vitality increases.

Psychophysiological manifestations of energy connection

In addition to obsessive thoughts about an ex, an irresistible desire to see him, find out about his life, look through the ex’s pages on social networks, attachments and connections can have quite physically tangible manifestations:

  • a feeling of emptiness or, conversely, a “lump” in any part of the body;
  • tightness in the chest or stomach;
  • heaviness in the arms or legs;
  • vanity, the feeling that you need to “run” somewhere and “call”;
  • weakness, lack of energy;
  • headache, migrating body pain;
  • a feeling of “load” on the shoulders, it is difficult to straighten up and relax the neck and upper back.

Depending on the plane on which the energy connection occurred, the outflow or inflow may occur mainly in one of the chakras. Well-being and condition vary.

See also:

Women's misfortune: I don't want to live with such a husband

First chakra

When the attachment occurs at the muladhara level, the woman feels exhausted, because she literally “feeds” the male consumer with her flows. Also, a channel opened through the lower chakra can balance the conflict and restrain the acute situation of showdown and scandal. The woman does not want a “showdown,” but as a result, her energy is quietly drained away to prevent her from “exploding” and expressing her anger. Also, a connection at the muladhara level creates pity for the ex, a desire to take care of him, to protect him from everyday adversities.

Physically, it can be felt as a nagging pain in the very bottom of the abdomen, a pulsating point, and can be expressed in problems with the cycle and the condition of the genital area.

Second chakra

The channel at the level of svadhisthana prevents the severing of a woman’s energy connections with her ex-men, maintaining sexual desire and hunger towards them. Obsessive sexual arousal, longing for an intimate relationship with an ex-partner (even if they were not of very high quality, they were not completely satisfactory), “burning” in the pubic and uterine area, pictures of memories of sex scenes, disgust for new boyfriends at the physical level: aversion to the sound of voice, smell, touch. In this case, the woman, before she can break the energetic connection with her ex-man, is not able to create a new relationship.

Third chakra

Manipura, if the energy thread is “hooked” on it, begins to receive through the channel the energy of someone else’s will, submission on the physical level. Without a partner, it can become scary, panic states, horror and coldness in the stomach appear. It seems that without an ex-boyfriend, a woman will disappear, will not cope with her tasks, will be unsuccessful and will be of no use to anyone.

Fourth chakra

A connection at the anahata level is manifested in the feeling of maintaining a heartfelt attachment to the ex. His image is “whitewashed”, negative traits are forgotten, he begins to seem like an ideal prince whom it is a pity to lose. By becoming dependent on a partner, a woman not only pleases his pride, but also allows him to use himself as needed for energy replenishment, leaving her and forgetting to give news about himself during the period of “charge.” The connection in this chakra allows a man to read a woman like an open book, skillfully manipulating her behavior, using gaslighting and pressure on feelings. Longing and a feeling of “sucking in the pit of the stomach”, lack of warmth, the desire to hug an ex are typical sensations when the channel of energy outflow through this chakra is open.

Fifth chakra

The connection in this chakra does not allow you to express everything that has accumulated to the offender, to defend your interests, or to express emotions. While he is away, the words come on their own, but upon meeting, paralysis sets in, and the woman, without understanding how, agrees with all his demands and proposals, to the point of letting him back in or returning to him, although she knows for sure that she is not wants this.

Sixth chakra

Binding on ajna (“third eye”) creates the feeling that the ex is still nearby, his presence is actually physically tangible, his silhouette is caught by peripheral vision in a crowd or an empty room. The obsessive presence of an ex-partner is exhausting, stressful, and deprives you of strength. The woman becomes depressed and/or begins to doubt her adequacy.

Seventh chakra

The connection in the crown chakra allows the former partner to continue to control the woman’s behavior and to manage her actions on a subtle level. She remains obedient to his will, commits actions, the meaning and justification of which she sometimes cannot explain to herself. My thoughts are in chaos, it’s hard to concentrate and make a decision. The ancients believed that a couple connected in the crown chakra would not part even after death, persistently meeting in all subsequent rebirths. The channel at this point must be blocked first of all by finding a way to break the energetic “crown” connection with the man.

See also:

Advice from psychologists: how to help a woman survive pain if her husband left the family?

Hand chakras

The feeling of heavy bracelets on the arms, shackles, handcuffs or ropes are signs of binding in this area. There may be self-harm (cuts and burns during cooking, cleaning), objects falling from hands.

As a result, the woman loses her will, cannot act independently, and literally gives up.

Foot chakras

A break in grounding gives a feeling of instability, loss of support in life, derealization and depersonalization.

Loss of centering can result in feet turning in while walking, dislocations and sprains, reluctance to walk anywhere, and loss of activity.

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