What is Strength? Meaning of the word sila, dictionary of epithets

Can you call yourself a strong person?

Do you have self-confidence, calmness, self-control and independence, strong will, emotional balance, the ability to withstand stress and find optimal solutions in extreme situations? I suspect that not everyone will be able to answer this question affirmatively.

All of us are familiar with the feeling of self-doubt. The French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, the conqueror of Europe, who with his very name brought delight to his friends and horror to his enemies - and he once fainted from fear. And all he had to do was give a welcoming speech to the army.

Remember when a slight chill appeared in your chest, an unpleasant “scraping” in your soul, your knees began to tremble, your palms began to sweat, and your voice began to tremble. It is unlikely that at that moment the issue of “life and death” of the future of humanity was being decided. Most likely it was a normal, albeit difficult, situation.

Perhaps you never dared to give a toast prepared in advance at the celebration? Or you were confused when an attractive girl (man) spoke to you. Or maybe you didn’t even dare to approach this person? All these are syndromes of weakness and self-doubt. And they are inherent in each of us.

Power activation mechanism

Strength training is nothing more than the practical application of Newton's second law, which defines force as the product of mass acceleration. From a physiological perspective, strength is the ability to activate muscle motor units (motoneurons) and the muscle fibers attached to them to produce sufficient force to achieve a certain result.

The amount and rate of force production is determined by the efficiency with which muscle motor units are recruited into action. To optimally engage muscles in work, it is necessary that both intramuscular coordination and intermuscular coordination (the ability of several different muscles to work in unison) participate equally in the effort.

Normal strength

Type: Contact Force

When two surfaces are in contact, they exert normal forces on each other. The term "normal" refers to perpendicular. This means that the force is directed perpendicular to the two contacting surfaces.

Example: When a laptop is placed on a table, normal force prevents it from falling over the table. The Earth's gravitational force is pulling the laptop down, but since it doesn't actually fall, there must be a force constantly pushing it up. This is what we call normal strength.

It comes from an electromagnetic force: electrons from the laptop pushing electrons from the table. Since the electrons are all negatively charged, they don't get much closer together and the laptop rests on the top of the desk.

Principles of force specificity

To achieve each specific goal, it is necessary to adhere to a certain power strategy. While moving a very heavy weight at a slow pace will produce one kind of force, moving a light weight at a fast pace will produce a completely different kind of force. For example, to train for maximum strength, you need to work in a very low rep range with very heavy weights, while to develop explosive strength, you need to lift moderate weights at a very fast pace.

Below we will present 7 types of strength, and you will determine which one is suitable for your goal in a given period of time.

Best exercises with a bag

Functional strength

Functional strength refers to the ability to generate and control forces in the context of daily living.

While traditional strength training is aimed at producing muscle contractions in order to move weight along a clear path in one plane, in everyday life there is a constant need to move something heavy in several planes at once.

Roughly speaking, if you need to carry bags of cement, then train your ability to carry heavy bags.

Examples : lifting and carrying a child, a bag or a refrigerator.

Benefits of Developing Functional Strength:

o Improving the elasticity of muscles and connective tissue.

o Reducing the risk of pulling a muscle and getting a sprain.

o Increased functionality in different sports.

o Improved performance in everyday activities.

How to train:

To develop functional strength, it is necessary to use movements that allow you to move weight in different planes. Choose exercises using dumbbells, sandbags, medicine balls and cable machines.

Intensity: Low to moderate, at 50-75% of 1RM (repetition maximum) for each individual exercise.

Number of repetitions: 12-15+

Tempo: variable, from slow to fast.

Sets: 2-5+

Rest: 30-90 seconds.

What is inner strength?

Inner strength is fortitude, a set of strong-willed qualities that allow one to overcome various life difficulties. Accordingly, it manifests itself in stressful cases, when a person, feeling that he cannot control the situation, still continues to act “in character.”

This quality literally gives people superhuman abilities, allowing them to go where even six-foot bouncers would break. Inner strength does not depend on a person’s age, gender or other parameters.

It can manifest itself in anyone, the main thing is not to suppress it. The main factors that suppress the development of internal strength can be considered bad habits, complexes, negative attitudes, stress, fears, grievances, worries and fatigue.

Take a temperament test

Strength endurance

Strength endurance refers to the ability to maintain muscular effort for an extended period of time. In fact, this can be called endurance, but in the source for the beauty of the set it was classified specifically as a type of strength.

Endurance relies on the efficiency of delivering oxygen and nutrients to working muscles while removing metabolic waste.

Examples : triathlon, digging up a vegetable garden, high-volume strength training in the gym.

Benefits of Developing Strength Endurance:

o Improvement of aerobic muscle performance.

o Improved performance in everyday activities.

How to train:

Of course, the bulk of strength endurance training occurs directly during long-term strength loads - for example, cycling, if you need to increase endurance for cycling, and so on. However, to train endurance you also need strength training in the gym. Triathlon coach Igor Leonovich (about whom we write in the series about preparing for the 70.3 triathlon in Turkey) considers the best method of training endurance in the gym to be static-dynamic exercises according to the method of Professor Seluyanov. There is also a more traditional view, described in the text “Strength Training for Runners.”

In the source for this text, the authors recommend that when training endurance, the main emphasis is on multi-joint movements; isolating work and exercises with body weight are also allowed.

Intensity : Low to moderate, at 40-80% of 1RM.

Repetitions: 10+

Tempo : steady, from slow to fast.

Sets: 2-5+

Rest : 30-60 seconds.

Friction force

Type: Contact Force

The surface force opposing the relative motion of a body is called friction force. Since no object is completely smooth in the real world, there is always some friction between two surfaces. Its value is proportional to the coefficient of friction of the surface material.

The two main types of friction forces are static (friction against a stationary object) and kinetic (friction against a moving object). Air resistance is also a frictional force that acts on objects as they move through the air.

It always acts in the opposite direction to motion and converts kinetic energy into thermal energy (work into heat). In general, friction is a critical and desirable force that provides traction to facilitate movement on land.

Example: An example of friction is sliding a coaster across a table, sliding two cards in a deck against each other, and rubbing your hand to create heat.

Maximum strength (absolute strength)

Maximum strength refers to the ability of a muscle group to recruit each motor unit to provide maximum resistance to external stress. In the process of training aimed at developing maximum strength, the athlete is able to achieve the highest level of neuromuscular communication, which allows for improved intra- and intermuscular coordination.

Examples : powerlifter training, strongman competitions.

Benefits of Developing Maximum Strength:

o Using the full activation potential of type II muscle fibers.

o Increasing the level of hormones that are responsible for increasing muscle volume.

o Improved intra- and intermuscular coordination.

o Increased bone strength.

o Increased functionality in different sports.

How to train:

The basis of the training mainly consists of basic exercises with free weights.

Intensity : high, at 90-100% of 1RM.

Repetitions: 1-4.

Tempo : slow.

Sets: 3-4+

Rest : 2-4 minutes.

Relative strength

The amount of force per 1 kg of an athlete’s weight is called relative. If neuromuscular coupling and maximal strength increase while the athlete's body weight remains the same, relative strength increases.

Example : 2 athletes with the same weight perform a deadlift. The first lifts 220 kg, and the second lifts 235 kg. Since the second athlete is able to produce more force per 1 kg of his body weight, his relative strength is higher than that of the first athlete.

Benefits of Developing Relative Strength:

o Increased intramuscular coordination.

o Improved neuromuscular communication.

o Increased functionality in different sports.

How to train:

Relative strength can be increased by using any of the presented strength styles. An indicator of its growth is the progression in working weights while maintaining or reducing the athlete’s weight.

The enormous inner strength of a person that is hidden in him

We are accustomed to paying attention to obvious character traits and working on them, forgetting that there are colossal reserves within. People often don’t even realize that inner strength can help them in many ways. Its power is very enormous, but all our lives they have been trying to suppress it.

We are born to be extremely competitive. We try to beat our brothers for mother's milk and parents' attention. But from childhood we begin to be taught socialization. We are taught to share toys, give in to others, give in to girls and be obedient. At school they teach us order and suppress our psyche. We are not allowed to use our strength and are called to be humble. We must give in to others, give in to the weak, be tolerant. Tolerance is artificially implanted in us. The authorities, the state and those around him manipulate a person, preventing him from fully realizing himself.

Weak character is the result of a person’s program being knocked down by society. Character needs to be strengthened, but it has been suppressed for years. How to reawaken your inner strength? How to make your character iron-clad? How to train character and willpower? Believe me, it's worth it.

Speed ​​Force

Speed ​​strength is trained through efforts that the muscles are capable of producing at the highest possible speed.

Examples : sprinting, throwing a baseball.


o Improved response.

o Improved athletic performance.

o Reducing the time between muscle relaxation and contraction.

How to train:

Perform multi-joint exercises using your own body weight or a minimal set of equipment in a maximum speed style.

Intensity : low to moderate, at 30-50% of 1RM.

Repetitions: 1-6

Tempo : fast, explosive.

Sets: 2-6+

Rest : from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Maurice Green


1. Physical (muscular) energy of a person.

Bogatyrskaya, big, bull, great, oxen, Hercules (Hercules), huge, hefty (colloquial), iron (colloquial), animal (colloquial), strong, horse, bearish, mighty, young, valiant (colloquial) , remarkable, immense, extraordinary, extraordinary, exorbitant, inhuman, huge, Samson’s, elephantine, terrible (colloquial), titanic, amazing, terrible (colloquial), monstrous, young. Evil, sweeping, striking, leaden, predatory.

2. Power, might; vitality, vital energy; a person's ability to engage in spiritual activity.

Unknown (obsolete), boundless, unrestrained, restless, unconscious, frantic, gracious, beneficial, vigorous, invigorating, divine (obsolete), violent, rebellious, great, majestic, cheerful, spring, imperious, attractive, inner, exciting, magical, all-conquering, all-destructive, supreme, gigantic, hypnotic, proud, huge, formidable, rough, daring, wondrous, wild, dormant, soulful, devilish, cruel, living, life-giving, life-giving, life-giving, vital, life-affirming, mysterious, afterlife ( obsolete), creative (obsolete), evil, mature, gigantic, witchcraft, magical, magnetic (obsolete), mystical, powerful, young, rebellious (obsolete poet.), folk, heavenly (obsolete), unknown, Incredible, invisible, invisible, ineffective, frantic, unable, unbridled, immense, irresistible, irresistible, invincible, incomprehensible, adamant, irresistible, nervous, indefatigable, inhuman, moral, huge, primitive, primitive, pristine, pristine, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful imperative, overwhelming, latent, impetuous, natural, destructive, fatal, satanic, fresh, supernatural, free, heartfelt (obsolete. poet.), blind, creative, calm, elemental, terrible, harsh, mysterious, secret, creative, dark, titanic, heavy, fascinating, withered, healing, healing, healing, enchanting (obsolete), enchanting, enchanting, devilish ( colloquial), pure, wonderful, wonderful (obsolete), miraculous, miraculous, crazy (colloquial), generous, young, ardent, bright, furious. Storm, passerine, reinforced concrete, ringing, affectionate, jubilant, aboveground, underground, sparkling, talismanic, black earth.

Source: Dictionary of Russian language epithets on Gufo.me

Meanings in other dictionaries

  1. FORCE - In mechanics, the measure of mechanics. actions on a given material body of other bodies. This action causes a change in the velocities of points of the body or its deformation and can occur directly. Physical encyclopedic dictionary
  2. strength - s, w. 1. The ability of living beings to produce physical movements and actions by tensing their muscles; physical energy of a person or animal. Small academic dictionary
  3. strength — • hellish ~ • mad ~ • heroic ~ • big ~ • great ~ • gigantic ~ • formidable ~ • enormous ~ • wild ~ • devilish ~ • iron ~ • significant ~ • exceptional ~ • gigantic ~ • colossal ~ • large ~ • maximum ~ • powerful ~ •… Dictionary of Russian Idioms
  4. strength - noun, number of synonyms... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  5. strength - spelling strength, -s Lopatin's Spelling Dictionary
  6. Strength - (Acts 15:40; abbreviated word Silvanus 2 Cor 1:19) - one of the 70 apostles, called in the book. Acts of a ruler between brothers (15:22) and a faithful brother (1 Pet 5:16). Archimandrite Biblical Encyclopedia. Nikephoros
  7. Strength - • Sila, Σίλα 1. forest in Bruttium, still AD. Sila. It stretches from the city of Consenza (n. Cosenza) to the Strait of Sicily and is mainly famous for the resin that is extracted from it. Cic. Brut. 22, 85. Strab. 6, 261; 2. city of Italy near the Adriatic Sea. Polib. 34, 11. Dictionary of classical antiquities
  8. strength - see: etitsky; not childish Explanatory dictionary of Russian argot
  9. force - FORCE I. In mechanics - a measure of mechanical influence on a material body from other bodies or fields; causes a change in the speed of points of the body or its deformation. - driving force. Dictionary of sports terms
  10. strength - Strength, power, power, authority, weight Maintain discipline with an iron fist prot. != powerlessness, weakness cf. !! power, meaning, dignity, reason, see >> authority, power, dignity, meaning, reason, essence, see Abramov’s Dictionary of Synonyms
  11. Strength - Strength (Greek form of Aramaic name, corresponding to Hebrew Shaul, in the Synod. Transl. - Saul (“requested”)). S., called in his epistles by his lat. named Silouan (from silva - forest), - one of Paul's closest colleagues and, like the apostle, Rome. citizen (Acts 16:37). Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia
  12. strength - (intensity) of sound. The quality of sound, depending on the amplitude (span) of vibrations, i.e., on the distance of the highest point of rise and the lowest point of fall of the sound wave: the stronger the swing, the stronger the sound. Rosenthal Dictionary of Linguistic Terms
  13. strength - Obsesslav. Related Lit. siela "conviction". Wed. convince. Shansky Etymological Dictionary
  14. strength - Strength, strength, strength, strength, strength, strength, strength, strength, strength, strength, strength, strength, strength Zaliznyak’s Grammar Dictionary
  15. force -: by virtue of what and the strength of what (as a result, for the reason). I went out into the yard and unconsciously, due to an old habit, headed towards the very workshop in which I had spent more than one year (Bakhmetyev). And soon, by the force of things, we found ourselves in Paris (Pushkin). Management in Russian
  16. strength - Strength/a. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  17. strength - STRENGTH -s; and. 1. usually units. The ability of living beings to perform physical actions that require significant muscle tension. Muscular s. S. arms, legs. S. in the hands, feet of smb. Someone of remarkable strength. Hit with all your might. Push someone Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  18. Strength - orf. Strength, husband name (Silich, Silichna) Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  19. strength - • Bogatyrskaya (Nikitin). • Herkulesovskaya (Andreev). • Proud (Koltsov). • Hefty (Drozhzhin). • Strong (Corinthian). • Mighty (Frug). • Molodetskaya (Korinthsky, Rosenheim). • Rebellious (Frug). • Exorbitant (Krylov, Sologub). • Power-mochenka (Nekrasov). Dictionary of literary epithets
  20. strength - Indo-European - sei- (connection, connection). Common Slavic – sila (strength). The word “strength” has been known since ancient Russian times (11th century) with the meaning “natural ability, property”, “bodily strength”, “spiritual strength”, “might”, “power”, etc. Semenov’s etymological dictionary
  21. strength - STRENGTH f. source, beginning, main (unknown) cause of any action, movement, aspiration, compulsion, any material change in space, or: the beginning of the variability of world phenomena, Khomyakov. Gravity is the main force of nature. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  22. strength - Superiority, great Dictionary of thieves' jargon
  23. strength - I. (foreign) - multitude, abyss Wed. Luka couldn’t even imagine giving such a power of money (100 rubles per piece); Leskov. Sealed Angel. 8. II. (foreign language) - the essence of the matter, the reason, the basis Wed. “To do something by virtue of doing something.” Wed. Mikhelson's Phraseological Dictionary
  24. Force - I Force in mechanics, a quantity that is a measure of the mechanical action of other bodies on a given material body... Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  25. strength - strength I f. 1. The ability of living beings to produce physical movements and actions by tensing their muscles; physical energy. || trans. Physical pressure, violence. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  26. strength - strength ukr. strength, blr. sila, other Russian, old Slav. strength δύναμις, ἰσχύς (Ostrom., Mar., Zogr., Supr.), Bulgarian. strength, Serbohorv. strength, slovenian sila, Czech. sîla, slvts. sila, Polish siɫa, v.-luzh., n.-luzh. suɫа. Praslav. sila cognate lit. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  27. FORCE - FORCE - in mechanics - a measure of mechanical action on a given material body from other bodies... Large encyclopedic dictionary
  28. strength - STRENGTH - WEAKNESS Physical strength - physical weakness. Strength of character is weakness of character. ○ Strength [L. Tolstoy] - in criticism of our system from the point of view of the Christian principles supposedly recognized by this system. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language
  29. Strength - Y, husband. Star. rare Report: Silich, Silichna. Derivatives: Silka; Silasha. Origin: (Presumably from the Latin Sila - Strength (forest in southern Italy)) Name days: January 17, April 8, August 12 Dictionary of personal names
  30. FORCE - FORCE (symbol F), in a broad sense, is the cause of blows, jolts, or turns experienced by the body. A force acting on an object can 1) balance an equal... Scientific and technical dictionary
  31. strength - S'ILA, strength, female. 1. The ability of living beings to perform physical actions, energy generated by the ability to control muscle movements. “Some ant had exorbitant strength...” Krylov. “In your beauty, height and strength, you had no equal in the village. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  32. strength - STRENGTH, s, f. 1. A quantity that is a measure of the mechanical interaction of bodies, causing their acceleration or deformation; characteristic of the intensity of physical processes (special). Unit of force. Centrifugal village C. gravity. S. current. S. light. C. inertia. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  33. Strength - S'ila (Acts 15:22,27,32,34,40; Acts 16:19,25,29; Acts 17:4,10,14,15; Acts 18:5) - believer from Jerusalem, a leader among the brethren and a prophet sent with St. Paul to Antioch. Later he accompanied ·ap. Paul in some of his travels. Vikhlyantsev Bible Dictionary
  34. strength - noun, f., used. max. often (not) what? strength, what? strength, (see) what? strength, what? by force, about what? about strength; pl. What? strength, (no) what? strength, what? strength, (see) what? strength, what? forces, about what? about forces... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
  35. strength - Take strength (colloquially) - strengthen, strengthen. ► The fire took over. Dahl. Enter into power 1) the same as take power. ► The hemp plants have already entered into force and are releasing their heavy but pleasant spirit. Turgenev. 2) transfer become influential and authoritative. Volkova's Phraseological Dictionary
  36. strength - Power, might. Concise Church Slavonic Dictionary
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Starting force

Starting strength is the ability to produce force without first stretching the muscle, due to which mechanical energy is “loaded”. In other words, the starting force is produced by a movement that starts from a stationary position.

Examples : first second of sprint, getting up from a sitting position.


o Increases the ability of muscles and connective tissue to produce force.

o Accelerates the initial phase of movement in those sports where it is required to make an effort from a stationary position.

How to train:

Use of multi-joint and isolation exercises with an emphasis on maximizing force production early in the movement.

Intensity : Moderate to high, at 50-90% of 1RM.

Approaches: 1-6

Tempo : fast, explosive.

Sets: 2-6+

Rest : 45 seconds to 3 minutes.


We understand that in order to show the maximum number of types of power and hit the reader in the heart, some types of power were somewhat far-fetched in the source.

However, there is an important conclusion that attentive and loyal readers of Zozhnik will make: there are different characteristics of the development of your body and you need to train it in accordance with your goals .

If you want to run a marathon, one type of training, if you want to throw a javelin, another. It is also important to understand that in fact, strength is determined not only by the cross-sectional area of ​​the muscle, as we were taught in biology lessons, but also by some other factors - for example, in the training of neural connections in the brain. The brain also needs to be trained to give coordinated commands to muscle fibers to maximize their potential.

To develop each specific ability, you need to follow a separate strength training strategy. Choose the type of strength training that suits your specific goal.

Source: Pete McCall, American Council of Exercise (ACE).

How does inner strength arise?

A person’s inner strength does not depend on his external power, but does not exclude it. After all, for any strength, there is always more strength. And in the event of a collision with it, it is precisely the inner strength that manifests itself.

Of course, it is easier to defeat a weaker opponent. But we all know examples when a small but “spiritual” person emerges victorious from a fight with someone clearly larger than him. Why is this happening? Apparently he is more confident in himself and this confidence is transferred to the enemy, literally disarming him. According to the principle of the textbook Moska, who strikes terror into all the local elephants.

There are five main components that make up a person’s inner strength:

  • Strength of spirit is the core of personality;
  • Life energy is everything that is necessary for life;
  • Willpower is an internal reserve that opens up during difficulties;
  • Self-control - the ability to control your body and thoughts;
  • Mental energy – emotional and mental stability.

Their interaction determines how strong a person will be in a given situation, therefore it is very important to pay attention to the development of each of these components.

Strength of spirit is the ability to take responsibility for your life on yourself. It determines a person’s determination, character and assertiveness. It develops both through physical self-development and spiritual self-improvement.

Vital energy implies the necessary resources for activity. All processes occurring in the body require energy. It is replenished by the nutrients we consume. After all, we are made up of what we eat.

Willpower is the ability to move towards a goal, despite all obstacles and difficulties. It becomes stronger in the fight against its weaknesses, fears and stereotypes. Daily work on yourself is the best way to strengthen your strong-willed qualities.

Self-control allows you not to lose control of yourself in any situation. Inner strength is based on inner calm and composure. It is necessary to develop the skill of self-control by leaving your inner comfort zone. After all, this quality manifests itself only in unusual situations.

Mental energy is a person’s emotional stability, his ability to control his psyche, especially its darkest corners. Strengthening the mind is no less important than exercising to develop strength, endurance or agility.

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