Ways to restore peace of mind before going to bed

Causes of frequent insomnia

  • Bright light.
    Bright light is often the cause of insomnia. It is known that hormones that are responsible for falling asleep quickly can only be produced in the dark. Make sure that the windows are carefully curtained and there are no other light sources in the room. If this is difficult to achieve, then use a special sleep mask.
  • Noise.
    Sometimes we have to fall asleep to some annoying noise, and naturally this becomes one of the first causes of restless sleep. If you have such a problem and you don’t see a solution, then buy earplugs at the pharmacy - this will make it much easier for you to fall asleep. By the way, for some, on the contrary, it is the sound that helps them fall asleep - for example, recording the sounds of nature.
  • Air.
    Note that the optimal air temperature should be maintained in the bedroom - you should not be cold or hot. It is also important to avoid drafts and ensure that the air is always fresh - to do this, ventilate the room shortly before bed. Of course, if there is little oxygen in the bedroom and there are unpleasant odors, it will be difficult to sleep. For such cases, we recommend not only ventilating the room, but also using essential oils of chamomile, lavender or linden.
  • Pose.
    Uncomfortable posture can also cause insomnia. Try to lie down in a way that makes you as comfortable as possible. It is also better to use a medium-hard pillow - periodically turn it over so that you lie on a cool fabric surface. Determine for yourself what is more comfortable for you to sleep in - in loose pajamas, or completely naked.
  • Bed sheets.
    It is important not to forget about hygiene and change bed linen regularly, because, of course, it is not pleasant to fall asleep on sheets and pillows that are soaked with sweat or simply dirty for other reasons. Choose a blanket that is not too heavy or too light.

How to fall asleep if you can’t sleep while away or away

Many people find it difficult to fall asleep in an unfamiliar environment - not in their own bed, but in a hotel room or with guests. If you know that you may also have a similar problem, then take steps to prevent it in advance.


As a rule, in such cases, unusual sounds interfere with sleep - road noise outside the window, some conversations, loud wall clocks, and the like. You may simply not hear all this if you stock up on earplugs in advance, which can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

Mask for sleep.

Also an irritating factor may be the unusual surroundings, bright light and other visual factors. This inconvenience is completely preventable when using a comfortable sleep mask.

What not to do

  • It is not recommended to check the time and count the hours before getting up for work..
  • You should not turn on the computer and other gadgets, the light from them affects the synthesis of melatonin, and the brain will perceive your nighttime activity as a signal to wake up.
  • While lying in bed, do not think about the day's events, do not make plans for the day. Thus, you activate the brain, preventing it from switching to night mode of functioning.
  • If you woke up early and don't want to sleep anymore, feel rested, get up and do things.
  • Do not take sleeping pills when waking up at night . These medications are designed to last for eight hours. In the morning you will feel drowsiness and decreased activity for a long time. This is dangerous if you drive a car or work with other mechanisms that require special care and speed of reaction.

How to quickly fall asleep in 1 minute anywhere

It will be quite difficult for you to fall asleep in a minute if, in general, you do not have this feature. The fact is that there are people who fall asleep with their heads literally pressed to the pillow - while for others it is not so easy to move to the kingdom of Morpheus in such a short period. In this case, only a suitable sleeping pill, or very severe fatigue accumulated during the day, will probably be able to help.

There is also such a thing as “reverse psychology.” You should perform an action that is opposite to what you want - in this situation you should try to stay awake. Lie down in bed, open your eyes wide, and repeat mentally: “I must not fall asleep, I must stay awake.” According to some scientists, this method helps you fall asleep quickly. Of course, this method cannot be called the most effective, but sometimes it still works.

Yoga method to fall asleep quickly

In turn, Indian yogis use this technique, which is also called “4-7-8”:

  • Calmly inhale air through your nose for 4 seconds.
  • After this, you should hold your breath for 7 seconds.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth for 8 seconds.

Many experimenters note that this method helps you fall asleep quickly!

How to fall asleep if you don't want to sleep

Medicinal decoctions and infusions

There are many folk remedies that help you fall asleep faster. For sound sleep, it is recommended to resort to the use of the following herbal decoctions and infusions:

  1. Hop cones. A couple of tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and left for an hour. After this, the medicine is filtered and drunk 50 ml three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals.
  2. Valerian root. 50 g of roots are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, infused and taken orally a couple of tablespoons four times a day. In the evening, it is recommended to additionally inhale the aroma of the prepared infusion for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Motherwort. Four tablespoons of the herb are poured with boiling water (200 ml), poured into a thermos and infused for a couple of hours. A warm drink is drunk throughout the day, 75 ml half an hour before each meal.
  4. Melissa . Take one teaspoon each of lemon balm and orange peel. The mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for ten minutes. After this, add a teaspoon of valerian tincture, purchased at a pharmacy, to the tea and drink the prepared drink before bed.

How to fall asleep if you don’t want to sleep, but get up early

Eliminate evening snacks

If right before bed you want to eat something tasty, like a pastry or a piece of cake, then it is better to overcome this desire. Otherwise, your blood sugar levels will rise and your desire to sleep will decrease accordingly. If the craving for a snack is too strong, then choose something light and low in sugar.

Create conditions for sleep

If you need to fall asleep quickly, then create all the conditions necessary for sleep. So what are we talking about? First of all, ventilate the room in which you plan to sleep. Make sure the bed linen is fresh, there are no extraneous sounds, turn off the lights or dim them as much as possible. It would also be a good idea to drink a cup of warm herbal tea or milk - you can add a spoonful of honey to any of these drinks.

Give up the Internet

If you decide to wander the Internet before bed, but you have to get up early tomorrow, then it’s better to abandon this idea. Such a pastime rarely contributes to falling asleep quickly - most likely you will simply be immersed in studying some information and you yourself will not notice how dawn is approaching.

Try not to sleep

Yes, it’s paradoxical, but the law of meanness still works. A small study, Initial Insomnia And Paradoxical Intention: An Experimental Investigation Of Putative Mechanisms Using Subjective And Actigraphic Measurement Of Sleep, conducted by scientists from the University of Glasgow, showed that if you ask an insomniac to try to keep his eyes open, he will fall asleep faster than his “colleagues.” who were not asked for anything like that.

“Sleep is almost the only activity in life where the harder you try, the higher the risk of failure,” other scientists comment on 15 Science-Backed Ways To Fall Asleep Faster. So we relax and fall asleep.

What to do to fall asleep quickly when thoughts distract you

Sometimes you can hear advice that in order for sleep to come faster, you should “disconnect from all thoughts.” Unfortunately, this advice is rarely applied in reality. Some people can be distracted by reading at night, but moderation is also important here - choose some light and exciting work. If you do not consider yourself a book lover, then you can occupy yourself with what you like - draw, make some kind of plan, do simple needlework, and so on. By the way, you can also distract yourself from your thoughts with some interesting film. As soon as you notice that you are starting to feel sleepy, leave the chosen task, turn off the light and try to fall asleep.

It also makes sense to consciously force yourself to switch to some other thoughts - think about something really pleasant. In this case, meditation is quite appropriate - imagine a picture that gives you positive feelings. For example, you can close your eyes and imagine that you are sailing in a boat along a picturesque river, swimming in the sea waves, or walking through a flowering field on a fine and pleasant day. Think about what natural conditions you would like to find yourself in now - imagine yourself in these conditions.

Most likely, you have once heard the recommendation that in order to fall asleep faster, you should count some animals in your thoughts - for example, sheep jumping over a fence. This advice may not help everyone, but it didn’t come out of nowhere, and sometimes it actually turns out to be quite useful. This activity puts a moderate load on both hemispheres of the brain, and under such conditions it is easier for the body to switch to sleep. Of course, you can visualize other animals that do not evoke negative emotions in you.

To distract from unnecessary thoughts, we recommend lying down as comfortably as possible and mentally relaxing all the muscles of the body. Having achieved the desired result, stretch while lying in your bed - this will help the body to completely relax and relieve tension. Of course, in such circumstances it is much easier to fall asleep. We also note that for some people, pressing a pillow between their knees helps relieve stress - this promotes relaxation and pain relief.

How to fall asleep faster with sleeping pills

Play the game

To distract yourself from falling asleep, Dr. Winter suggests playing a mental game that's a little challenging but not stressful. For example, imagine playing darts and how you could hit 30 perfect apples. By repeating the same thing in your head, you can trick your brain into thinking that you are actually doing it.

So if you hit all 30 times, you might become a better darts player. Well, if you hit it only a few times before falling asleep, congratulations, you achieved what you wanted.


How to learn to fall asleep quickly if you want to sleep, but sleep does not come

Ventilate the room

As you know, in a cool room we fall asleep faster and subsequently sleep more soundly - this is how our body works. When we fall asleep, our internal body temperature becomes lower - the faster this happens, the faster sleep comes.

Get ready for bed in the morning

If you want to fall asleep faster, but you don’t always succeed, you need to do this trick, which has a wonderful subconscious effect: be sure to make your bed in the morning, hide bedding and sleep clothes. According to scientists, people who regularly make their beds suffer less from insomnia than others. This small but useful action seems to trigger a sleep mindset in our subconscious.

Falling asleep in 10 seconds

No method can guarantee that a person will fall asleep in 10 seconds. However, the military method can help people achieve this.

Military method

This method is borrowed from US military practice. The complete method takes 2 minutes, but the last 10 seconds are the key to falling asleep:

  1. Briefly tense and then relax your facial muscles. Let your tongue relax.
  2. Relax your shoulders and arms
  3. Inhale and exhale at a normal pace, relaxing your chest.
  4. Relax your thighs and shins.
  5. Allow thoughts to come and go without dwelling on them or making judgments.
  6. Imagine a relaxing scene, such as floating on a boat looking up at the blue sky, or lying in a hammock surrounded by soothing darkness. If you can't visualize any of the scenes, repeat the mantra: "Don't think."
  7. You should be asleep within 10 seconds of completing these steps.

It is important to note that no studies confirm the effectiveness of this method.

How to fall asleep faster with sleeping pills, tablets, drops

If you have tried many methods, but have not been able to achieve the desired result, then it makes sense to pay attention to medications in the form of drops, tablets, or sleeping pills. Of course, your doctor should prescribe the medicine for you. If you decide to purchase some light drug that is freely sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, then be extremely careful when taking it subsequently. Follow all recommendations contained in the instructions. Do not increase the dose, thinking that this way the effect will be more noticeable - this is not so! By exceeding the dose, you can only harm your body and cause serious problems with your well-being.

So, what drugs should you pay attention to? It could be something based on herbs such as mint, valerian, chamomile, motherwort, and so on. In addition, tranquilizers, which are designed to calm the nervous system and dull emotions, are considered very effective - often they are the only way out if insomnia is caused by any serious stress.

Sleeping pills, as a rule, have an effect on nerve receptors, helping them produce the sleep hormone - of course, for the problem under discussion, this is a good solution.

Also, don’t discount various vitamins. Quite often, the development of chronic insomnia occurs due to the fact that the body is in dire need of vitamins B and D, calcium, and magnesium.

Immerse your face in very cold water for 30 seconds

Another, albeit slightly extreme, way to calm down and tune the nervous system to sleep.

Immersing your face in a bowl of cold water triggers the so-called diving reflex Your body's amazing reaction to water in mammals: heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature decrease... In general, the body enters a calm, pre-sleep state and falls into oblivion more easily.

Ways to fall asleep quickly during the day

If you slept well the night before, you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep quickly during the day without resorting to an additional remedy such as a sleeping pill. However, if you slept restlessly at night or were completely awake, and now want to catch up.

Try the following:

  • Lie on your back in a comfortable place (ideally your bed).
  • Close your eyes.
  • Try rotating your eyeballs under drooping eyelids - first do it in one direction, and then in the other. Repeat each stage of action for a minute - in the end it will take you two minutes to complete the full exercise. However, in general it should be repeated 5 times - this will take approximately ten minutes.
  • Now you need to extend your arms along your body.
  • Try to relax, imagining how the tension is released from all your muscles - starting with your toes and higher and higher.
  • Pay special attention to relaxing your facial muscles.
  • Try to maintain even breathing.

What to do to fall asleep at night - folk remedies

By following certain recommendations, you will not have difficulty falling asleep at night.

So, take a look at some very effective tips.

  • People who play sports should be aware that their last workout of the day should not be right before bed, but no less than three hours before it. It is important to note that regular walks in the fresh air in the evenings, on the contrary, can be beneficial.
  • If you have problems falling asleep at night, you should exclude daytime naps from your daily routine - this way, the problem will probably be solved.
  • A great way to relax before bed is to take a bath or shower. It is better to give preference to water procedures with various useful additives - essential oils, foam, sea salt.
  • Most often, the main cause of insomnia is stress, and if it is present in your life, you need to find a way to get rid of it.
  • Before going to bed, it is important to be in a calm and relaxed state, so avoid watching heavy movies, sitting for long periods in front of the monitor, or communicating in raised voices.
  • Keep a routine: try to go to bed at approximately the same time.

Treatment methods

The essence of treating insomnia caused by stress is to get rid of the irritants. We are talking about taking sedatives, using relaxation techniques and following the recommendations of specialists.

You can see how to relax in bed before going to bed in the following list:

  • take medications with a sedative effect;
  • use folk recipes;
  • apply relaxation techniques;
  • familiarize yourself with the algorithm for proper preparation for bed.

Advice! In difficult situations, you should consult a psychotherapist and somnologist. Doctors will help establish the sleep-wake cycle and eliminate the causative factor.

Drug therapy

The doctor prescribes medications based on the examination results and disturbing symptoms. Experts prohibit self-medication, as this can aggravate the condition and increase the likelihood of adverse reactions. Relaxation before bed occurs when taking the following groups of medications:

  • antidepressants;
  • nootropics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • neuroleptics.

If a child cannot calm down before bed, then it is worth using herbal-based products. Chamomile decoction is suitable for babies up to 2 months. Homeopathic medicines help children over 1 year of age to fall asleep well. Before taking, be sure to consult with your pediatrician.

Application of herbal medicine

Products based on St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, motherwort, valerian and other herbs with a sedative effect soothe and allow you to fall asleep quickly. It is necessary to cook strictly according to the recipe. The following forms of medication are suitable for treating insomnia caused by stress:

FormCooking method
Tea• 2 tsp. pour the crushed raw materials into a glass of boiling water. • Leave for 10 minutes.
Infusion• Pour crushed leaves and buds into boiling water. The ratio of raw materials and water is 1:10. • Wait 15-20 minutes.
Decoction• Cook the roots and stems over a small window until boiling. The proportions are similar to the previous recipe. • Allow to cool. • Remove the raw materials from the broth.
Tincture• Pour alcohol into the buds and leaves in a ratio of 1:5. • Leave to infuse in a dark place. • After 10 days, strain.

The duration of the course of therapy varies depending on the chosen prescription and the severity of the psycho-emotional disorder.

Attention! If an allergic reaction is detected, you must stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques will help you stop being nervous. Their essence is to calm the nervous system and muscle tissue. The likelihood of harm to health is reduced to a minimum. A list of useful techniques that allow you to fall asleep as quickly as possible is given in the table:

Relaxation methodDescription
Moderate physical activityFeeling slightly tired allows you to fall asleep faster. You need to devote at least half an hour a day to sports. It is advisable to exercise at lunchtime so as not to overload the body before resting. In the evening, you can spend 15-20 minutes relaxing your muscles with yoga asanas.
Breathing exercisesLying on the bed, take a deep breath through your nose. Then exhale slowly through your mouth. Breathing should be smooth and muscle tissue should be relaxed. Repeat the exercise for 4-5 minutes.
Relaxing massageThe muscles and mind are perfectly relaxed after a massage. If there is no partner who can help, then self-massage techniques are suitable for home use. Particular attention should be paid to the collar area. Improve the effect of aroma oil.
Muscle relaxation techniqueIn a lying position, it is necessary to alternately strain different muscle groups. You need to spend 5-6 seconds on each approach. Breathing should remain calm. When done correctly, the brain will be cleared of anxious thoughts and the body will relax.
Taking a bathA bath will help you stop worrying. The water temperature should be between 37 and 40°. Additionally, you should use aromatic oil or sea salt. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening.
ReadingWhile reading an interesting book, the nervous system calms down. It is only important not to get too carried away with the process, so as not to overload your eyes and have time to relax.
Impact of musicTo relieve nervous tension, somnologists advise listening to relaxing melodies or sounds of nature. Unbeknownst to yourself, the person will begin to fall asleep.

The therapist’s word is key in matters related to stress relief. If we are talking about severe mental trauma, then relaxation techniques alone may not be enough. Doctors advise combining generally accepted methods of relaxation with special techniques:

Forgiving others and yourself• Throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head. • Try to let go of resentment towards others and yourself for the wrongdoings you have committed. • Repeat the action several times.
Freeing your mind• Close eyes. • Try to clear your head. It will help to compare thoughts with clouds dispersed by the wind. • The awareness of mind control must remain in the head.
Visualization• Sit comfortably on the bed. • Recall a good memory or imagine something pleasant.
Meditation• Lie down and clear your mind of extraneous thoughts. • Start monitoring your breathing, focusing on the duration of inhalations and exhalations. • Meditate for 15-20 minutes.
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