10 ways to find out everything about a person by the way he talks on the phone

How to determine the temperament of a new acquaintance if you communicated for no more than a minute? It’s simple - evaluate his manner of conversation by listening to characteristic speech patterns that stand out from the general style. To make it easier for you to understand who you are dealing with, we suggest focusing on the following parameters. Speech can tell a lot about a person's character!

Learn about a person's character: 11 speech patterns that give your interlocutor away

Abundance of diminutive suffixes

If a person prefers to reduce everything in the world to “musi-pusi,” most likely he is stuck at the level of child development. “Irishka”, “sandwich”, “babe”, “candy”, etc. In this way, adults artificially lower their level of maturity in order to arouse sympathy from others and receive concessions. The other side of this habit is conscious flirting with the environment in order to protect your environment.

Without pathologies: why is it observed in healthy people

man's head

A healthy person can talk to himself for several reasons, and all of them are not associated with any disorders. Rather, they are due to the state of the psyche.

Do you want to know why this happens?

Let's look at the reasons in the table:

Severe stressThe experienced situation can affect the state of the psyche in this way, but this “effect” is temporary and everything will pass after some time. When the body recovers and copes with the consequences of a stressful situation.
Low concentrationIf you have problems with memory and attention, then you can speak out loud all the time. In this way, the human brain better assimilates information, remembers data, and analyzes it.
Feature of thinkingA woman is a special creature, it’s hard to disagree with that, right? A woman’s thinking is like the elements, it is not linear, it resembles a puzzle that comes together into one picture from many disparate parts. The reasons for this behavior lie in the peculiarities of thinking; in women it is not consistent. In order to “put all the pieces of the puzzle” together, sometimes you have to speak out loud, in the absence of your interlocutor.
LonelinessEvery person has a need for communication, and it is irresistible, no matter how hard a person tries to avoid other people, nature cannot be deceived. Lack of communication gives rise to self-doubt, isolation, and irritation. Coping with internal loneliness is difficult, and it can “develop” into depression.
The situationIf a person speaks out loud, then the situation in which he finds himself is to blame. When keys or important documents are lost, a monologue begins, it helps to restore the chronology of events. The person begins to speak, pronounces certain points and remembers actions that he performed several hours or days ago.
Event AnalysisImaginary conversations help the psyche analyze the situation that happened, consider it “from several sides” and draw conclusions. This is a normal reaction of the body and you should not attach sacred meanings to such behavior.

It is difficult to change the current circumstances, but if a person wants to get rid of this habit, considering it indecent or “bad,” then he should consult a psychologist.

Abuse of the pronoun "I"

“And I think so and so,” “I also want this,” “I always do this,” “now I will talk,” and other expressions about oneself that a person inserts inappropriately, trying to come to the fore. What does this mean? About egocentrism and a person’s unconscious belief that he is better, more interesting and more important than others. This trait indicates low self-esteem, which the interlocutor tries to compensate for by pulling the blanket over himself.

Quiet voice

There are many people with quiet, barely audible voices. On the one hand, such behavior may indicate a person’s high education, his concern not to disturb others with his story. But if you look from the other side, this can be perceived as the presence of a number of complexes - uncertainty, shyness, fear of saying too much or seeming intrusive.

Quiet speech may also indicate that a person lacks energy to be active. People around you often have to ask questions and ask them to repeat the speech, which can cause irritation. Sometimes a person speaks so quietly that it sounds like a whisper.

Read more: 20 reasons why people may not like you

A quiet voice is not always an innate feature. Sometimes this habit appears in childhood, when parents make a comment to be quieter.

Use of derogatory nicknames

In this category we include not only openly negative nicknames such as “slow-witted”, “weeper” or “old maid”, but also derogatory and affectionate forms of dominance - “darling”, “my little fish”, “darling” - in relation to strangers or subordinates. What does this habit mean? About the hidden desire to control the environment, to impose a game on it according to one’s own rules and to assert oneself at the expense of others. As you can see, not the best qualities...

Attack with counter questions

There are some individuals with whom it is impossible to communicate. You ask a topic, but they take the initiative with a counter question. "What do you think of the weather? - And you?" "Bad mood? - Why do you think so?" “Will you have some candy? “Aren’t you kidding?” Dialogue with them resembles an interrogation, where you are always at gunpoint. This style of conversation is typical of critics and cynics who are not used to trusting people and are afraid of losing control of the situation. Counter-questions help them maintain power and not lose face if they are put in an uncomfortable position.

As a symptom of a disease: schizophrenia or mental disorder

A person often talks to himself in some mental illnesses.

Such behavior is regarded as pathological in the following cases:

  1. The patient was previously diagnosed in the PND, and he is registered with a psychiatrist.
  2. There are other symptoms that change behavior and personal qualities.
  3. People who have recently suffered severe stress and become depressed conduct a monologue with themselves.

Schizophrenia is considered one of the reasons for this behavior. This is a mental illness that occurs with exacerbations.

symptoms of schizophrenia

Also, similar symptoms are disturbing in Alzheimer's and are considered a manifestation of multiple sclerosis.

Attention! But don’t panic, mental disorders are never accompanied by one, single symptom.

The total symptoms are assessed, which include:

  • hallucinations can be both auditory and visual in nature;
  • excessive irritability and suspicion, coupled with nervousness;
  • sleep problems, increased aggressiveness that occurs for no apparent reason;
  • auto-aggression, up to attempts to commit suicide;
  • inaccuracy when performing ordinary actions or, conversely, excessive pedantry;
  • persecution mania, which occurs under certain circumstances or without them;
  • uncontrollable outbursts of anger, fear or other emotions.

People with schizophrenia have no value for human life and can cause harm to others without realizing their actions.

It is difficult to say why schizophrenia occurs; often such diseases (of a mental nature) have a hereditary predisposition. Associated with personal experiences and the initial emotional instability of a person.

causes of schizophrenia

But do not rush to make diagnoses and “hang labels”; psychology is a complex science; it is impossible to understand “streams of consciousness” on your own.

Schizophrenia requires constant monitoring of the patient's condition. The disease can be “put into remission,” but it is unlikely that it will be completely eliminated. Like other disorders of psychological origin, this disease is treated by a psychiatrist. The participation of a psychologist is also required in therapy.

Fast, as if unfinished speech

If your interlocutor talks incessantly about something, while his thought does not reach the final point, but is overgrown with new ideas and discoveries, you are dealing with an intellectual or an avid debater. Such people love to think on their feet and do not particularly consider the interests of others. Maybe that's why they have so few friends? If at the same time a person speaks very fluently and swallows some of the words, he does not strive to find understanding from those around him, because he is used to being a “black sheep.”

Man Speaker as a subject of language, culture and communication

Man Speaker as a subject of language, culture and communication.

Perhaps one of the most difficult questions that has ever faced humanity is what a person is and what is his place in the world. At different times, this question was answered differently, depending on the living conditions of people, the type of worldview and the level of science. Scientists call our time the time of Homo Loquens, the Speaking Man. Today, the activities (both life activities in general and even professional ones) of many people are no longer connected so much with material production as with the production, reproduction, transmission, perception and storage of texts.

Homo Loquens is a single subject in three persons. On the one hand, this is a subject of communication, a communicative personality who is a participant in specific communication. On the other hand, the Person Speaking acts as a subject of language, having his own idiolect, different types of speech behavior, implementing one or another strategy of behavior in each specific communication. Thirdly, Homo Loquens is also a subject of culture, a linguistic personality, possessing a certain body of knowledge and ideas (N. Ufimtseva called this “linguistic-cultural consciousness”), the presence of which determines a person’s belonging to a given culture and native speakers of a given language.

Perhaps the most difficult is the third component of the Speaking Man, the linguistic personality. The founder of the concept of linguistic personality gives the following definition of this concept: “this is a set of abilities and characteristics of a person that determine the creation and perception of speech works (texts), which differ: a) in the degree of structural and linguistic complexity, b) in the depth and accuracy of the reflection of reality, in ) with a specific target orientation.” Thus, three levels of linguistic personality are distinguished: verbal-semantic, which presupposes normal language proficiency, cognitive, associated with a person’s picture of the world and consisting of concepts, ideas, ideas, and pragmatic, which includes the goals and motives of the individual, that is, considering the real human activities in the world.

At the same time, in the process of socialization, a person becomes familiar with the national culture and language, assimilates the amount of knowledge and representation common to representatives of a given culture and, at the same time, becomes familiar with human culture in general, that is, he receives a certain amount of knowledge about the world, as well as ways of knowing it. generalize - a set of concepts.

However, there is no, and cannot be, even in modern conditions of so-called “globalization,” “man in general.” These two hypostases are combined in a person, since, on the one hand, he belongs to the human race, on the other, he “grows into culture” (), and this culture is national. In this regard, an interesting and complex question arises about the relationship between these two hypostases, for the formulation and resolution of which the concept of “picture of the world” is used. Actually, the image of the picture of the world is the result of human experience, a set of generalized ideas about the world, one might even say, a model of the world. Then the linguistic picture of the world is our idea of ​​the world, a picture of the world enshrined in language.

Let's consider the phenomenon of the Speaking Man in his hypostases and subjects using a specific example:

— How do you feel about the “Black Square”?..

- No way. The same as for a black circle or rectangle.

- No, I agree, it’s very simple. It’s amazing how no one thought of this before!

- Until what?!

- Before writing such a canvas! Drawing a black square is brilliant!

- What kind of canvas? Are you crazy?!

- How?! Malevich! Have you never heard of the “Black Square”?!

- Which Malevich? What are you driving?..

- I’m not driving anything. I say, have you never heard of such an artist?..

- Fuck off, huh?..

So, let's consider the first participant in communication (hereinafter he will be conventionally referred to as an “intellectual”) as a Speaking Person. We can immediately say that, in this case, he failed on all three “points.”

Firstly, there is a communication failure: as you know, the first sign of an intelligent person, according to Pushkin, is to understand with whom you are dealing. Thus, as a subject of communication, the “intellectual” was defeated.

Secondly, his self-realization as a subject of language can also hardly be called successful: the strategy was chosen incorrectly, which resulted in some, if you can call it that, homonymy - the “intellectual” could not even imagine that his statement would be misunderstood, that it may have another meaning (just a black square).

Thirdly, of course, the participant in communication we are considering, in this case, failed as a subject of culture, since he was turning, as it seemed to him, to a general cognitive field, while the second participant in communication did not possess this knowledge.

From the point of view of the hypostases of the Speaking Man, the “intellectual” turned to a certain cultural knowledge, which, in his opinion, any bearer of a given culture has, that is, he turned to the Cultural Man. Meanwhile, the interlocutor answered him from the hypostasis of Homo Sapiens, that is, he simply tried, using logic and concepts known to him, to comprehend the statements of the “intellectual”.

Although such a dialogue is unlikely to be heard in our time, it is unfortunately a generalization of many similar cases. It is even possible that such a speech situation could be called intercultural communication. List of used literature:

, “Russian linguistic personality and the tasks of its study.” , “Selected works on linguistics and cultural studies.” M., 1993. Leontiev psycholinguistics. M., 1997.

Emelya as a unit of linguistic culture. This essay is devoted to the consideration of the Emelya mentefact. This mentefact is one of the ideas; we will consider it as a precedent phenomenon. wrote about the precedent phenomenon, in contrast to precedents of other types, that precedent phenomena “turn out to be associated with collective invariant representations of specific “cultural objects”, nationally determined minimized representations.” We can say that Emelya is a national precedent phenomenon, since these phenomena are “known to the average representative of a particular linguistic and cultural community” (Gudkov). We consider Emelya as a Representation, namely, a Precedent Name. PI Emelya can perform a reference function, since it symbolizes laziness, idleness, and simplicity. In Ushakov’s dictionary we find the following definition: “emelya (capital), emeli, m. (famous form of the name Emelyan) (colloquial region). a nickname applied to a chatterbox, a windbag, a simpleton. shallow, shallow, your week. proverb. Emelya is a fool." At the same time, the SYMBOLS of the most precedent name Emel can be its attributes: stove, pike. It is interesting that recently Emelya as a precedent phenomenon can be reduced to the meaning of one of the attributes: “Emelya makes wishes come true!” (promotion of “Emelya” crackers), stove-heaters for “Emelya” cars, etc. Proverbs and set expressions about Emelya are also often used: “Emelya is a fool and went to the stove for water”, “Emelya’s shallows, your week” .

Examples of use - “The principle “wow, someone is given something, but for what merit?!” inherently parasitic. These words easily hide behind: “Why not me?!” This is pure “economy,” in my opinion,” “These are my neighbors. I repeat, not bad people. But it was Emelya. As soon as they started talking about relocating communal apartments, they stopped doing anything for the apartment altogether. That is, I still have to “carry” their stoves” (forum State Customs Committee RTR), “to denote a message on the Internet, the term “emelya” is used - as a tracing-paper from the English “e-mail” and as a reference to Emelya, the hero of the fairy tale about a magic pike that sat on the stove and from there commanded all life processes - a good position for a modern programmer.”

The precedent Name Emelya is a culturally specific Russian phenomenon, as it fits into Russian. At first glance, this is an unattractive character: lazy, can do anything only for the sake of profit. But he is clever and lucky, and laziness in Russian culture is not always a negative value.

According to , “the idea behind PF is essentially a ‘collapsed’ myth.” This is confirmed by our example, since Emelya becomes a brand that is actively used by various companies, and this occurs precisely due to its potential mythology (see the above example with “wish fulfillment” in advertising crackers).

Using stationery

Have you ever met people who talk as if they were reading a bureaucratic pamphlet? “I am in a state of extreme exhaustion” instead of simply “tired.” “Committed the act of consuming food” instead of “ate.” “Provided all possible assistance to a friend” instead of “helped a friend.” Not only is such a jumble of words not used in spoken language, it also sounds unnatural. This style is typical of posers who want to give themselves importance. Or narrow-minded individuals who consider such a manner a sign of a highly artistic style. Alas, both are wrong.

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