girl on the gynecological chair
I'm afraid to go to the gynecologist - how to cope with fears
Iatrophobia, that is, the irrational fear of doctors, is a very common symptom around the world. More
Pathological condition in a child - vegetative-vascular dystonia
Symptoms Most often, vegetative dystonia in children is observed at the age of 4 or 5 years.
Causes of whims in children
What should a mother do if her 10-month-old child throws tantrums?
The whims and hysterics of children cause a lot of inconvenience to parents. But adults often have themselves to blame, he believes
10 incredible ways to persuade your child to go to kindergarten
Children entering kindergarten is a difficult time for young children, as
Why is a girl constantly offended and what to do about it?
It’s annoying when you talk to an attractive girl, try to make a good impression on her, court her,
How to get your husband to stop drinking? 3 ways to get rid of alcohol addiction!
Do not establish prohibition at home. Hide alcohol, establish prohibition at home, categorically opposing
how to regain a girl's trust
How to regain a girl's trust and is it possible to do it?
How to regain a girl's trust: what to say during an apology Of course, there is no apology without words
Lack of romance
6 ways to understand that you have stopped loving a guy. What to do with passing feelings?
The concept of the word love You can immediately question Beigbeder’s arguments, because there are such
indifference or deep feelings
Is there love at a distance? How to understand whether a man needs you or not?
How can you understand on the first date that all he wants from you is sex? This
Psychology of relationships between men: close, friendly, business
Business and friendly relations between zodiac signs
In the modern world, stereotypical ideas about the female team, which prevailed for only a few centuries, have long been blurred