If a married couple’s relationship has deteriorated during pregnancy, the husband is not interested in pregnancy and has become distant, what to do and how can a man understand his pregnant wife?

If a husband insults his pregnant wife

I don’t want to complain to anyone, but now I really need support, not screaming and nagging.
He then realizes that screaming is bad, he begins to fawn on me, says how much he loves us as a baby, but I’m just sick of it, I don’t even want to hug him. he thinks that since he works and I sit at home, then I should be more restrained than him, but I already don’t tell him anything and I’m still to blame. I’m completely in despair, if I go to my mother now, then he will It will take a very long time for me to remember that I take everything out of the house, but there is no joy in my house anymore, just yelling, and I really want peace, at least now, when B.


So come home and go to bed.

Just go to sleep. Everyone goes to work tomorrow. And the kids are already asleep. Why make a scandal?

Work, persist, try, believe in yourself.

But this was beyond the capabilities of my companion. It was easier for him to push and crush me than to work and try.

It took me so many years, strength and health to understand this! But the conclusions suggested themselves. Patterns were observed.

Drunken scandals arose every time everything was fine.

He made me unhappy.

But he doesn’t want to look for the reason in himself, change himself, correct the situation; it’s much easier to have a blast at home with his wife.

A wife can point out to her husband his own mistakes and failures, but there is no way out, you can only aggravate the situation, make him angrier. You can take two steps:

  • Wait until he realizes the reason on his own. But in this case, you can waste many years to no avail.
  • Pack up and leave.

If your husband abuses alcohol and becomes cheeky and aggressive after drinking, you don’t need to console yourself that he only does this when he’s drunk.

In the future, cases of drunken rudeness will become more frequent and last longer. As a result, they can turn into physical violence, since each time the husband will go further and further in his obscenities. And the reason here is not at all alcohol, it’s just that in a sober state a man can quite keep his emotions and feelings under control.

My husband and I had a fight once because of his jealousy, and he spoke to me rudely and said a lot of offensive things, we argued at night, after which I packed my daughter in the morning and went to my mother, lived there for a couple of days, did not answer the phone, did not answer SMS, After 2 days he realized that he could lose us and came to pick us up, naturally he apologized, after this incident we naturally, as a family, have conflicts, but now they pass without swearing or insults)))

What's the point of them apologizing?

You can’t get hurtful words out of my head. And if he shows his rotten side, then you can’t change the person. Another thing is that many tolerate and forgive.

The situation will repeat itself all the time.




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When I met a man, everything seemed rosy to me.

I ignored his answer to the question: why did you break up with your ex-woman, but he explained to me in detail the reasons for the separation.

But you should have listened carefully!

He said she had gained weight, become fat, and became unpleasant to have sex with. He said that he hinted to his woman about this more than once, even gave him a trainer and persuaded her to go in for sports, but even though she did exercises and went on diets, she did not lose any weight.

At that moment, I even felt superior to his previous woman, because I’m skinny and I’m practically not in danger of being overweight. That’s when it was worth thinking about, hearing something terrible about this reason.

3-6 months

1) Tie a mattress with water to the front of your stomach.

2) If you’re getting dressed, don’t untie it, just keep your shoes on yourself.

3) Sleeping – also with a mattress. How how! On the side!

4) Don't forget to take sleeping pills in the morning!

5) And before leaving for work - a liter of water.

6) At night, drink a liter of water and a diuretic.

7) Insert a cotton swab into your nose so that air can pass through, but there will be slight shortness of breath. Wear cotton wool all the time.

8) Breathe heavily? Ventilate more often – it helps some.

9) Go to the clinic and donate blood from a vein. Like what? For AIDS and syphilis. It doesn't matter what you've already passed.

10) Get examined by a proctologist three times a month. Don't untie the mattress.

How to teach a husband a lesson if he does not respect his wife?

How often do women accuse their partners of, say, lack of attention? She had a stomach ache, but he didn’t realize it.


She wanted to go to the cinema, and he took her to the park. It was their eighth anniversary of buying a new washing machine, and he forgot.

Such things often baffle men!

In other words, the lady is offended that her husband cannot read her thoughts, guess what she is up to, and in the end remains guilty. But it happens, and not at all rarely, that a man is really to blame. Why does a woman most often want to punish her husband?

There are more than enough such “sins,” but there are four main ones: If your couple has one of these problems, and you don’t know how to teach your husband a lesson for his behavior, then, of course, you really have something to seriously think about.

Why does my husband make me cry?

The news of an imminent addition to the family, if the child is planned, initially brings joy to both the wife and the husband. But as pregnancy progresses, changes occur not only in the woman’s body, but also in the man’s body.

There is a change of roles in the family: the wife turns into a whiny child, and the husband indulges all her whims, just so as not to irritate his beloved and the baby in her womb. But it can be difficult for a man to adapt in time, and he does not keep up with the changes occurring in a woman’s body. This leads to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Even if a man is looking forward to an heir, it is difficult for him to realize that it will no longer be the same as before, and he will have to give up a lot in the name of the child. And if the wife is completely absorbed in thoughts about the future newborn, ceases to be interested in the affairs of her husband and even refuses him sex, then it won’t be long before he explodes, which is why the wife’s eyes will always be wet.

Even if the husband does not make a scandal and, gritting his teeth, endures all the women’s nagging, the wife still feels insincerity on his part and often cries.

The wife, fascinated by the process of bearing a child, has no idea that her husband may also be afraid of something, for example, losing his job and not being able to provide for her and the unborn baby. And the anxious spouse perceives this concern as indifference and cries again.

Sometimes the future father worries so much about his wife’s condition that he goes too far. He doesn’t let her see her mother because her father smokes there, and she doesn’t allow her to meet her friend because she has a dog, which means she has dangerous germs. You can’t go to the theater (it’s too cold) or to the cinema (too noisy) and there are many other prohibitions for fear of the health of the pregnant woman. And from such excessive care, the wife will also cry for a long time and inconsolably.

my husband brings me to tears(((((

January 3, 2010, 20:35 Girls, my husband periodically brings me to tears, today we fought all day over all sorts of nonsense, I understand that the kids feel bad because I’m worried, I’m nervous, I’m crying, but I can’t help it.

Given our nervous and whiny pregnant nature, my husband also cries over nothing.

Do you have such situations? or one like this

what to do, please advise how to resolve conflicts without harming the kids with your nerves

Like 1 June 18, 2011, 01:05 Russia, Moscow And I left myself, so as not to piss him off.


And don't get mad at him. And in general, now I’m so rushing from hormones that it seems that I never loved him at all! Like May 30, 2010, 10:11 pm Portugal, Lisbon u menea vowe pohlesce!

What to do if your husband constantly makes you cry?

Hello, Tanya.

Thank you for sharing your story.

In order to save, spouses must understand, know and be able to competently, respectfully and environmentally solve and discuss among themselves even the most pressing, difficult and complex issues.

Unfortunately, it is culture, or rather its absence, of relationships and communication that is the cause of misunderstandings, quarrels, resentments, which subsequently can cause irreparable damage to relationships and feelings. When building relationships in our own, we, of course, rely on the positive or negative example, first of all, of our parents. If you think that you would like to apply and implement some positive aspects from parental relationships in your own, then you should do this delicately and tactfully.

Your partner may have a completely different example of his, or simply (considering your and your spouse’s age) a youthful desire to do everything your own way, not based on someone else’s examples.

If a husband offends his pregnant wife

Fresh air is needed.

And I’m already 9 days after my last duphaston and I haven’t had my period. The test is negative. Wait? Or. Damn, I have mutations too. VT-17mm, endometrium-9mm.

We suggest you read: What to do if your ex-wife prevents you from communicating with your child

I started applying Divigel myself.

But the truth is I'm on time. Popular blog posts Girls, I'm terribly upset.

I turned to a fortune teller and asked her to look at the cards. Interesting photos in the Girls gallery. It's just some kind of miracle. 5 years of infertility after a miscarriage.

2 hysteroscopies, laparoscopy. Hello girls, may your cherished desire to become a mother come true. Whatever you say, we’ll definitely take it.

10DPO, I’ve been doing tests for three days now, something appears on them, either a reagent, or just my imagination.

The best articles in the library So, you have built your first graphs and even before visiting the gynecologist you want to find out if there is any.

My husband is offending me. allows himself intemperance in expressions?

Observe how communication occurs in his family. Do his parents talk calmly among themselves, do they know how to listen to their interlocutor? All communication problems come from childhood.

If a husband calls his wife names, if parents constantly communicate in a raised voice, the child simply will not be able to learn to behave differently in society. For him this is the norm. he simply does not know that there may be other behavior scenarios. My husband is offending me. This is not yet a reason to panic.

You love this man, you married him, you were going to give birth to his children.

Man insults pregnant woman

He is also a living person, he needs time to understand that he was, to put it mildly, wrong. Secondly, sitting and demonstratively roaring is also strictly forbidden! Therefore, while your husband is screaming, swearing and reprimanding, it’s time for you, expectant mothers, to think about the baby. Your baby certainly doesn’t need such scenes.

Therefore, looking at your husband, you mentally direct your gaze to the baby, silently pronounce to him the warmest and most tender words that you know.

You can hum to yourself some song that you both love. Mentally imagine that your child is in a protective shell through which all unpleasant words or phrases do not penetrate. There is also no access to shouting, raised voices, or insults.

The main thing is to believe that your baby is completely safe.

Yes, your husband will try to bring you back to reality and drag you into a quarrel, but your task is to survive. Info I'm afraid that he might harm me if I file for divorce.

My husband brings it!

Afterwards he became more attentive, but he still puts up with it - the day before yesterday he invited guests, he didn’t even ask me whether I wanted it or not. All the same, he is an EGOIST and is used to me jumping around him, but now I’ve stopped jumping and demand attention and understanding.

22 Lithuania, Klaipeda And what can they MEN even understand? You are pregnant and you feel the baby moving and sleeping. Everything is simple and easy for them and you know this for sure. MCH left me at 8 months despite REALLY WANTING A CHILD, LOVING ME TO DEATH, LOVING ME TO DEATH, MAKING FUN PLANS FOR THE FUTURE, and in the end I was left on the ice with a little man under my heart.


Sometimes these people behave as if those around them do not exist at all. You think about saying it, but you doubt it: “It’s already hard for them, if you say it, it will become even harder.”

Therefore, I am not in favor of offending, but in favor of carefully explaining that your difficult situation is not new and arranging it for others.

09/25/10, Why should I kneel in front of pregnant women?

And because of her, they brought a criminal case against me; she, you see, is a pregnant female! Because of this monster I wasted a lot of time and nerves, I wish her the birth of a down child or a sick underdeveloped moron.

Man insults pregnant woman

“Pregnancy is a wonderful, but very exciting time, both for the expectant mother and for her husband, and, as practice shows, men experience this period much more difficult than women.

What worries future fathers and how to behave correctly with their pregnant lovers, we will tell you today. Serious changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, and this is an absolutely normal natural process. It is only natural for women, but men should prepare as much as possible for this period, at least theoretically, in order to understand what will happen to their wife during these nine months and how to behave in this or that situation that arises.

Our advice will help your husband survive pregnancy, this wonderful and memorable period of time.

One of the most common problems in communicating with a pregnant wife is the speed with which her mood can change.

Letter from a wife who is beaten by her husband

I have everything except a life without fear. For most of my marriage, my husband beat me from time to time.

What do I mean by "beats"? What I mean is that he delivered brutal blows to different parts of my body many times, leaving me with painful bruises, bleeding wounds, bumps, loss of consciousness, and sometimes all of these at once. He threw glasses at me, he kicked me in the stomach when I was in the last months of pregnancy, he threw me off the bed and hit me while I was lying on the floor - and again during pregnancy.

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He spanked me, knocked me down, picked me up and threw me on the floor again.

Allah loves people with an easy-going character. A person's bad character irritates Allah Almighty.

Offending anyone is prohibited. Men of bad character who take pleasure in torturing others with their bad manners are not allowed to marry.

. Arriving home, you need to greet your wife with the words “salaam alaikum” and ask about her affairs and well-being.

Seeing her good mood, you need to seize the moment (away from prying eyes), touch her hair, humorously, with laughter, hug and kiss.

Emotional support

It’s just that in your posts one can read uncertainty in the decision to break off this relationship. - Don’t think about yourself, think about your future daughter!!!


Get the hell out of this idiot! After all, it won’t kill, it will cripple!!!!

— @nastyavox, I didn’t write to you to tell you to disagree with this guy because it’s your decision, and don’t let negativity in to close yourself off from bad things! Collect his things, change the locks, leave the apartment yourself today, let the men do it, give him his things and close the door behind him!

Don't make contact! Ask one of your friends to stay with you for a couple of days just in case. Love yourself and your child Good luck to you!

— @tatyanasweetmama I’m not afraid, I’m renting the apartment, not him, I left earlier myself, giving him time to pack things not in my presence. then it was like silk and everything went away.

In Ancient Rus'

Even before the establishment of Christianity in Rus', a woman was treated as a sacred being, because she is the source of life. Both girls and young women, and expectant mothers, were raised with special trepidation and according to special rules, strenuously protecting them from danger. In this regard, pregnant women were not allowed to leave the village, so as not to expose themselves to evil spirits.

A ban was imposed on insulting expectant mothers. If someone dared to violate it, he would face severe punishment, including expulsion from the community. The man was given responsibility for the well-being of his wife before the gods and members of the clan.

Husband doesn't care about his pregnant wife

I barely forgave him. I won’t forgive the name-calling a second time. This was in August 2012. But after the last words, I can’t even imagine having sex with him. Apparently, you’re getting on his nerves too, so he doesn’t call. He won’t change, and neither will you.

But you can change your attitude. Like March 17, 2014, 07:22 Kazakhstan, Kokshetau posts like this really bother me. We live in the 21st century, everyone knows where children come from and that this is a controlled process, not using protection = getting pregnant, if you know that your husband is, to put it mildly, an asshole, why are you not protecting yourself?


Either you are 18 years old, or you just have wind in your head instead of brains. And people don’t change. If he is rude, rude and cruel, then the fact that you have another child will definitely not make him softer. Quite the contrary. I hope you have at least an education and your own personal home, so that you have somewhere to go and something to feed your children when you can’t stand it anymore! Like March 17, 2014, 09:37 Russia, Moscow In general, how can you sleep with him after that????? Women have completely forgotten about honor.

My husband insults and beats me, and I'm pregnant

Good afternoon, Oksana889!
Judging by your letter, the state of affairs is quite serious in terms of the fact that you are pregnant and any shocks (quarrel, stress, screaming, and even more so beatings, etc.) directly affect the health of you and your unborn child. Oksana, answer a few more questions: - How old is your husband and how long have you known each other? - Whose territory do you live in? — will you receive maternity benefits? - How old is your grandmother, with whom you live? — where do your husband’s relatives live and how do they feel about you and your pregnancy? — did your husband play computer games before? And describe your husband's character. Oksana889, you need to calm down now, I understand that it is difficult to do this in such an environment, but it is possible if you wish. To do this, you need to focus on yourself and your child. This is important because there is nothing more important for the future life of the baby: how the pregnancy is going, how the mother feels, what she is worried about, what she is thinking about, etc. There are many different videos about this, register on VK and come visit me - vk.com/ms.olga.klimova, I have many videos on this topic and here is one of them: vk.com/video-39207484_163066155?list= e8f93cc02e54176bc4

I'm very worried about my appearance. I gained 20kg, acne and stretch marks appeared on my body, and I had to wear glasses because of my vision. What is your deadline? What do doctors say during a consultation: how is your pregnancy going? Is your weight gain normal?

He came up and kicked me as hard as he could in the leg. I was very hurt. I cried, to which he said “shut your mouth, ****. Shut up! Don't be annoying." But I couldn’t, it hurt, I cried and became hysterical. Hysteria in my case is a moment when I can’t calm down myself, tears flow like a river and I’m suffocating. Lately, due to frequent quarrels, I need more and more time to calm down. About an hour or more, because... As soon as I begin to calm down, he begins to bring it up again. And I'm suffocating. Abdominal pain immediately. He does not care. This is far from the norm in a relationship; for good reason, you would need to distance yourself from your husband and live separately until the birth - is this possible? And your task now is to enter into conflict situations with your husband as little as possible. When a woman is pregnant, a very strong hormonal change in the body occurs, many things and conditions appear, such as: drowsiness, absent-mindedness, tearfulness, touchiness, forgetfulness, irritability, etc. And this is within the normal range, it goes away after childbirth. But abdominal pain is an alarming signal that you shouldn’t worry, you need to calm down. I recommend to many people to do the “Resource State” technique, you can find it here: https://www.psysovet.ru/articles/18, it’s the last one in the section, try it. You can do it every day - it helps you calm down.

As for the weight, everything is normal so far, but I’m eating less than in the first trimester, but I’m gaining more weight. + swelling. + This is normal for the last trimester, since now the baby is gaining a lot of body weight, to prepare for the upcoming difficult feat - he needs to be born. And this requires strength)

Lately I’ve been eating stress with delicious food, which also affects me. For example, we had a fight, I went and bought myself some ice cream and immediately felt happy. And it is also understandable that, due to your position, you need positive emotions and support from your husband, and in such a situation doubly so. Do you understand that you have already developed an addiction to sweet food as compensation for pleasure? You can work on this sooner after giving birth, although now you can still enjoy it through: massage, walks, watching movies, music, handicrafts. After childbirth, swimming and walking are good for recovery. I tried to go on a diet (which can be done if you are sick), but the desire to grab something tasty is always higher. Forget the word DIET, you need to eat normally, fully, just shift the emphasis from sweets to healthy foods. If I wanted ice cream, I went and peeled carrots and ate them, for example! Of course, this requires awareness in actions and a desire to help yourself and your body.

Regarding hysterics and lack of air, this also happened before, but in exceptional cases. At what age did this start?

And in order not to be so nervous because of rudeness, it helps me to emotionally close myself off from a person, not to do anything for him. Not to love. Fall out of love. So I organized a boycott for him for such behavior - I cook at home, if he wants to eat, let him cook for himself, etc. But this is not the family I would like to have. I want to live in love and mutual respect, and not when you are taken for granted. Again, if I don’t love a person, I won’t be able to live with him. Describe your relationship before marriage and now? What is the difference between his attitude and yours?

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