How to find out if a girl likes you? Signs of sympathy!

Many girls are shy about direct verbal expression of feelings - they are more prone to hints. Therefore, men, unable to decipher the hidden meaning of phrases, regard female behavior as contradictory or mysterious.

To better understand a woman, a guy can imagine himself in her place and think about how he would demonstrate sympathy. At the same time, we should not forget about gender differences, because girls, as a rule, are more shy and not inclined to take decisive action. It is also important to learn the ways and signs that help you understand that you are liked.

By what signs can you understand whether a stranger likes you?

Even if a girl tries to hide her feelings, it is clear that she will not be able to constantly control her behavior. There are top 10 signs by which you can find out whether you like a guy or not.

  1. Eye contact . You can tell that someone likes you by looking at you. If a girl is interested, she will enjoy watching the guy openly or secretly.
  2. The desire to be nearby . If a girl, for example, in a cafe, club or restaurant, is constantly in your field of vision, perhaps she is making it clear that she likes you.
  3. Open pose . The position of a woman’s body will help you understand that she is sincerely interested. If you like a guy, then during a conversation the girl will turn her whole body towards him.
  4. Touching . A girl can “accidentally” hook her elbow or gently pat her on the shoulder, while asking the control question “Can you tell me...?” or “Could you...?”
  5. Preening gestures . If a girl likes a guy, it is important for her to feel irresistible in his presence. Instinctively, she begins to straighten her hair, jewelry, and clothes.
  6. To attract attention . It could be anything - loud laughter or conversation, a model pose. The main thing is to interest the unfamiliar young man.
  7. Excitement . As a rule, if a girl likes a guy, she gets excited in his presence and begins to nervously fiddle with rings, earrings, a neckerchief or handbag. Shifting from foot to foot and a slight reddening of the cheeks will also help you understand that you liked it.
  8. An attempt to provoke an acquaintance . In a public place, random questions or touches will help you understand that a stranger likes you. Also, a girl may “accidentally” drop her purse or step on her foot.
  9. Smile . As a rule, in the presence of an object of sympathy, a person experiences a lot of positive emotions and smiles.
  10. Offensive . “Pigtail pulling” is not limited to school-age boys. Many women who feel sympathy for a man involuntarily try to tease him by commenting out loud on his joke, pose or action.

Knowing these signs helps you understand that an unknown girl liked a guy in a restaurant, club, or at a party. You can learn more about the features of meeting people on the street from the article “How to meet a girl on the street? 5 best ways"

How a caring girl behaves and looks

Men cannot always boast of good intuition and the ability to read hidden signs of sympathy. Women are different, so proven signs of falling in love may be a manifestation of a friendly attitude or good manners. There are many options for how to find out whether a girl likes a guy, so when analyzing behavior, psychologists advise taking several criteria into account.


The best way to start a casual conversation is to give a compliment. This recommendation is followed not only by men, but also by women. Praise can be about hairstyle, clothing, talents or knowledge. The girl will probably notice a new accessory or detail of the image, which means increased attention on her part. If she gave a quick compliment and walked away, you need to observe her behavior and other signs of sympathy. It is likely that the girl is simply in a good mood, and she decided to share it with a guy she knows.

It’s a completely different matter when a woman, after praise, continues the conversation or asks additional questions. In this case, everything is immediately clear - finding a topic for conversation is a sure sign of interest. Women love with their ears, so they try to say something nice to the object of their affection. The compliment may seem angular or strange, but this only confirms your warm attitude towards the guy. The girl probably rehearsed the “speech” for a long time, but at the crucial moment she became embarrassed and confused.


What cannot be hidden from others: signs of female sympathy

Sincere interest in the conversation

You can tell that a woman likes you by her participation in the dialogue. A bored lady will answer questions clearly, using short phrases. If she is interested in a guy, she will try to find out more information about him. A woman will ask about hobbies, plans, leisure activities, favorite music or books - and will suggest new topics for communication. A girl will support even a boring conversation just to stay longer in the company of a person she likes.

There is also a hidden meaning in “interviewing”. The more information a woman collects, the easier the stage of seducing a man will be. She will know his habits, vacation spots, favorite cafes or clubs where he can arrange a “casual” meeting.

Many girls are happy to share the hobbies of guys in order to keep their loved one company. Joint leisure brings people together, so you can be sure that the woman has already laid out networks for future relationships.

Reaction to jokes and anecdotes

Not all men have such a sparkling sense of humor to join the ranks of KVN. However, a woman in love is betrayed by her laughter at the most stupid and unsuccessful jokes of her gentleman. The guy seems witty, erudite and very nice, so even an inappropriate phrase will make you smile. Psychologists suggest how you can understand a woman’s sympathy - just make a not very successful joke and look at her reaction.


A cheerful and mischievous girl can attract attention with loud laughter and a change of image. The quiet and modest woman will become even shyer, trying to avoid the company of a handsome guy. In both cases, girls will subconsciously begin to imitate the poses, movements and manner of speaking of their loved one. Copying behavior is the highest form of flattery and a sign of sympathy. Psychologists call this phenomenon “limbic synchrony.” If a guy crosses his legs, the girl will intuitively repeat the movement after a few seconds or minutes.

Instead of guessing how to determine whether a woman likes you, it is useful to conduct a few tests:

  1. Take you by surprise. If you suddenly sit down in the dining room, at a table or on a bench, a girl who is indifferent to a man will not change her behavior. She will cheer or even be angry that she was scared. If you like him, the woman will become embarrassed and start adjusting her clothes and hairstyle, trying to look perfect.
  2. Ask for help. To explain a complex topic, to understand a project, to suggest gift options for a mother or grandmother - you can use any available method. If a girl agrees to help and does not limit herself to quick communication, sympathy will probably arise in her soul.

Before using this method, you need to think about the other side of the experiment. It is likely that the young lady simply treats those around her well, and will take the guy’s requests as the beginning of courtship. Before conducting a test, psychologists recommend taking a closer look at body signals.

Nonverbal signs

A woman will never say about her sympathies directly, giving the initiative to men’s hands. Girls are also afraid of rejection, and the fear of being in an awkward situation causes them to have a panic attack . Psychologists recommend monitoring the hidden sexual signals that women “broadcast” to the object of their sympathy:

Nonverbal signs

  1. Sight. In order to determine for sure whether a girl likes you, you need to watch her eyes. If the eyes meet, but she turns away, you should continue the “reconnaissance.” Within a minute, she will definitely look at the guy at least a couple more times. The main sign of sympathy is a look after a joke. If a girl laughs, she will look at the one she likes.
  2. Poses. When communicating, women try to turn towards their loved one. The whole body “looks” at the man or only the toes of the shoes are directed towards him - these are signals of sympathy.
  3. Appearance. The girl will want to appear in a favorable light in front of the guy, so when they meet, she will straighten her back, straighten her posture, pull herself up and straighten her hair. Women believe in the magical power of curls, so they constantly fiddle with them, play with curls, attracting attention. Particularly daring girls can put on lipstick in the presence of a man, opening their mouth sexually.
  4. Accessories. Nervous, women touch their jewelry, checking whether earrings or rings are in place. However, this is another way to attract a man’s gaze to a certain part of the body - ears, hands, fingers, neck. Girls show off their femininity while trying to charm a cute guy.


How to behave with a girl: behavior options for different life situations

Accidental touches during a conversation or meeting will tell about a warm relationship.

Reluctance to end a conversation

If a guy is interesting, a girl will find a thousand and one topics for dialogue. She will show miracles of oratory in order to stay close to her beloved for a few more minutes. The woman listens carefully, without interrupting, and maintains the conversation. You can arrange a check and start a dialogue “about nothing” - even in this case the girl will find a way to continue the conversation. When communicating, she will try to stay very close to the guy in order to periodically touch him.

Offer to meet under various pretexts

A girl in love is looking for a weighty and meaningful reason for a meeting, taking into account the guy’s abilities and skills. Requests are formulated in such a way that it is difficult for a man to refuse:

  1. Help me figure out the computer - I'll have a delicious cake.
  2. I want to watch the premiere of the film, but I only have time for the last showing, and I’m scared to return home alone.
  3. I planned to go to the supermarket this weekend, but the car broke down - can you help me carry the bags?

Prepositions can be very diverse - it all depends on the girl’s imagination and perseverance.

How do the signs work, or should you not rush to conclusions?

Having noticed one or another sign of interest in the behavior of a stranger, you should not draw hasty conclusions and immediately approach the beauty. It's better to be patient and watch.

For example, when a girl straightens her curls, it really can only be a disheveled hairstyle. If she nervously twirls the phone in her hands, this may mean that she is waiting for a message from her loved one. A glance in your direction may be an attempt to make eye contact with the waiter.

It must be remembered that the signs work in combination and exclusively. They seem to be layered one on one, making up the overall picture. If you notice 2 or more signs within a few minutes, then you can try to meet the beauty you like. Most likely, your sympathy will be mutual.

Observing the girl's behavior

The most important sign of a young lady's sympathy for a guy is flirting. A girl likes you (or even she loves you) if in your company she starts laughing, touching you, or getting into arguments. However, remembering that every woman is a bright individual, consider the following rules:

  1. Some girls simply love to flirt with absolutely all representatives of the stronger sex, other young ladies do not understand at all that they are flirting, while others are shy and do not resort to such gestures.

  2. If the young lady is shy, but you assume that she loves you, take a closer look at the implicit “symptoms” of interest on her part. For example, she may blush in your company, adjust her clothes or bag. This is also considered a kind of sign of interest.

In addition, pay attention to changes in the young lady’s appearance. If she likes you, she will try to change her wardrobe, hairstyle or makeup. However, there are girls who look almost perfect in all situations. In this case, you need to observe her for some time to notice changes in her appearance.

It should not be assumed that changes in the appearance of the young charmer are associated with her sympathy for your person. Some girls do not consider it necessary to change their appearance because they are self-confident and prefer to remain themselves.

Communication is a great way to test the interest of both an older woman and a young lady

If a girl communicates with you, this is already half the success. This means that she is interested in you, at least as an interlocutor. But how do you know if a woman likes you as a man?

  1. Questions . Interest on the part of an adult interlocutor will help you understand that she likes you. If a girl feels sympathy, she will directly or indirectly ask about the guy’s interests, hobbies and try to find out if he has a girlfriend.
  2. A story about yourself . When a woman talks about herself, she makes it clear to a man that she trusts him. This means she cares about him.
  3. Full agreement . Of course, a girl does not always share the point of view expressed by a man. However, in order not to offend the person she likes, to let him know how significant he is, she agrees with the opinion of her interlocutor.
  4. Support . If in a conversation a guy mentions some problem or is simply upset, the interlocutor will try to cheer him up and support him with advice. Showing her participation is a clear sign of interest.
  5. Offer to help . When a guy is at a loss, for example, when choosing a gift for his mother or sister, a girl who feels sympathy will definitely offer help. This way she will spend time with the man she likes and make it clear that she is not indifferent to him.
  6. Request for help . If an adult woman trusts a man and sympathizes with him, then if problems arise, he will be one of the first people she turns to.
  7. Hidden invitation . As a rule, it is quite difficult for a girl to ask a guy out on a date. But if he is shy and does not take the initiative, you have to act on your own. Hints about spending time together will help you find out what a girl likes. If she asks about your plans for the evening or expresses her desire to watch a new blockbuster, then she is making it clear that she would like to go on a date with you.

When a woman likes a man, she will do everything possible to express herself as much as possible and win the object of her sympathy.

Method 4.

This method is suitable if you have not yet communicated with her, but are in the same room. You should just take it and “stare” at some object. And if in the near future she also looks in that direction, this will mean that she is really interested in you. This works with both girls and guys.

If the object you are concentrating on starts looking at some other object, then automatically you start looking there too.

Communication over the Internet, or how to find out about reciprocity online

There are several proven signs to find out if the girl you're talking to online likes you.

  1. Showing initiative . If a woman likes a photo, leaves reviews or writes a message, this signals that she is interested in you.
  2. Quick response . Her prompt response to messages will help you understand that a girl likes you. Even if she doesn’t have time for long-term communication, she will answer “Sorry, busy!” or “We’ll write later!”
  3. Detailed response . When a lady is interested, she answers each interlocutor's question in sufficient detail. The exception is the presence of important matters that cannot be delayed.
  4. Compliments . It is a mistake to believe that compliments are exclusively the prerogative of men. Women note his virtues, highlight the guy’s strengths, thereby expressing their interest.
  5. Showing interest . As soon as questions regarding your personality begin to slip into an online conversation, you know that the interlocutor likes you.
  6. Self-promotion . Impressing the man you like is one of the ways to win his affection. If a girl talks about her virtues, praises her culinary abilities or mentions her sporting achievements, it means that she is not indifferent to the man.

To practice online communication, you can find a beautiful girl in the convenient and safe LOFT application. The submitted profiles and photos of girls are pre-checked, and the man may not add a photo or indicate personal information in the profile. Meeting people in the LOFT app is fast, comfortable and safe. You can download the application for IOS or Android by following the links.

Signs of complete indifference

Girls love to lead guys by the nose, and men do wishful thinking. Psychologists have compiled a list of options on how to check whether your crush likes you:

  1. Conversations. Intimate conversations are not considered a sign of sympathy if the topics revolve around her boyfriend, actions and leisure time with him. The guy just entered the “friend zone” from where he will never get out. The girl considers him a friend - that’s where the mission ends.
  2. Rival. A woman will not appear in the company of an admirer in front of someone she likes and cares about. Young girls can arouse jealousy in such a stupid way, but such checks are considered rare. The risk of ruining a relationship that never began is too high to parade with a competitor.
  3. Ignoring. All attempts to start a conversation are nipped in the bud, even if the guy wanted to give a compliment. The girl is not at all modest or shy - she does not like the company of her interlocutor, so she tries to end the dialogue as soon as possible.

Signs of complete indifference

  1. Contact. A woman would prefer to carry heavy bags herself rather than end up next to a man she doesn’t like. She will jerk her hand back sharply if accidentally touched, and will proudly demonstrate her independence every time.
  2. Initiative. A girl won’t write or call first if she doesn’t like the guy. When women fall in love, they look for a reason to meet, talk and spend time together. If Cupid's arrow flies past, the girl will prefer the company of other people.
  3. Ignoring. She does not respond to messages on social networks, does not pay attention to “likes” and SMS on her phone. You can wait until retirement for some kind of reaction, but there will never be an answer if the girl is not interested in a relationship.

When communicating, a woman closes herself not only in words, but also verbally: she crosses her arms over her chest, crosses her legs, constantly looks at the time, as if she is in a hurry to get somewhere. Under a plausible pretext, she will disappear within a few minutes from the start of the conversation, citing being busy. In this case, psychologists advise not to impose - “no” means refusal. Sometimes girls try to flirt like this, testing the perseverance and patience of the gentleman, but in combination with the above signs, disappointing conclusions can be drawn.

It is difficult to understand female psychology, but a little observation and patience will help you understand her feelings. The main sign of sympathy is that a girl always has time for the guy she likes. Several meetings and regular communication will allow you to dot all the i's in the matter of developing relationships.

Work colleague, or restraint in expressing feelings

Of course, the walls of the office constrain freedom of action, because at work it is necessary to maintain subordination and not go beyond what is permitted. However, if a woman likes a colleague, she will find a way to make him know about it.

  1. Flashing before the eyes . It doesn’t matter what the distance is between your workplaces, the girl will try to be in your field of vision as often as possible.
  2. Sublimation of the desire to touch . If a girl constantly touches her hair, touches her face, or handles some object in her hands in the presence of a man, perhaps in this way she is trying to suppress the desire to touch him herself.
  3. Change of tone and manner of speech . Her voice will allow you to understand what your work colleague liked. If, when a guy appears, a girl involuntarily changes her tempo or intonation, it means that she feels sympathy for him.
  4. Support . When a woman acts as a “lawyer” at every opportunity, defends a man’s point of view, agrees with his position on all issues, lists the merits of his ideas - this is clear evidence of her feelings.
  5. Attention to detail . A sharpened pencil, fresh coffee, a flower placed near the computer are evidence of care. This is how a woman makes it clear that she likes her colleague.
  6. External transformation . Every woman uses external attractiveness to win the man she likes. A sudden change in hairstyle or wardrobe can signal that a girl is in love.

Is it possible to understand that a man is not indifferent to you?

Of course, it is possible based on the following criteria:

  • The guy is always looking for a meeting with you, calls you, wants to talk both in person and on the phone.
  • He regularly gives compliments, calls her affectionately, and flirts.
  • When he meets you, he gets very worried, behaves differently, not like he does with other girls.
  • A man’s gaze often reveals all his feelings; it is a gentle, shining with joy and kind look.
  • Naturally, he is not indifferent to you when he personally admits it.

How to understand that a girl is indifferent to you 47-2

So, now about behavior. A girl must follow some unspoken rules so as not to give false hopes to a man. In other words, you must behave in such a way that the guy clearly understands that you are indifferent to him. To do this, it is not necessary to tell him about it directly or to offend the person, it is enough to behave in a special way, and this is exactly what you can learn about further.

A look from the outside, or what the behavior of friends says

Close friends are on the same wavelength, trust each other, are ready to help, and sometimes push in the right direction.

To determine whether you like you or not, you can observe a woman’s behavior among friends, when she is most relaxed and feels confident. Under the pressure of her friends, even a very modest elementary school teacher can show activity - a flirting glance, a sweet smile, or even an invitation to continue the conversation.

The reaction of your friends to your approach will also help you understand whether you like it or not. If they giggle, look at you with interest, or tactfully leave you alone, it means the girl really likes you.

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