My child is a monster: ill-mannered or hyperactive? How to behave if you are fed up with the comments of others

Good manners are the key to proper upbringing

An ill-mannered child can behave horribly, fight, interfere with classes or lessons, shout down teachers and educators, or simply make noise, not giving parents the opportunity to rest after a hard day at work. As a rule, the parent tries to cope with such a situation, but the more he tries, the worse it turns out. Moms and dads very often repeat one rule, which goes like this: he requires so much attention. Of course, your child has many other psychological needs, in addition to increased attention to himself and his “wants”.

ill-mannered child

Problem child: what to do?

Let's consider the most important question: how to raise a child without harming him? Contrary to general belief, raising children is not about targeted, special classes once a day, when mom and dad sit down in the evening next to their son or daughter and begin to tell them how to communicate and behave. The process of upbringing is what happens in a child’s communication with his parents and with other adults in life. It should happen all the time: when dad is watching football and mom is going for a walk with her friends, or when mom and dad quarrel and make up. But what to do in such situations? After all, life can sometimes be very difficult, and family members are not always in a good mood. Children from preschool age already understand and realize what they are experiencing and how to react to these feelings. They learn from their parents how to correctly respond to this or that experience, and if mom and dad cannot behave in an exemplary manner, then an ill-mannered family member appears.

Which rule applies

We are dealing with short forms of participle and adjective, formed from the verb “educate” (sov.v. - what to do?). In this form of participle, according to the rules, we write one “n”, and in adjectives - two. To distinguish between these parts of speech, you need to look at them in a sentence. An adjective can always be replaced with a synonymous word (polite) and “what”. The participle answers the question “what has been done”; in the context it can be replaced with the corresponding verb (brought up). Compare with a similar example: the means were refined (they were found) - the manners were refined (graceful).

Definition of ill-mannered - spoiled child

It is known that if a child is considered spoiled, this speaks primarily of his bad manners. As a rule, the baby is emotionally unstable, subject to regular whims and hysterics, never obeys his parents, clearly expresses his selfishness, and does not know how and does not want to communicate with peers. It is these children who are ill-mannered and spoiled; they consider themselves the center of the Universe and do what they want. There is such a concept as “mind,” many compare it with being spoiled, but this is absolutely not true. After all, you can spoil him only by regularly indulging his whims, buying expensive gifts on demand. As for the darlings, they receive parental love and care in moderation.

how to raise a child

The history of the origin of these words

Many people confuse the meaning of the characteristics “ignorant” and “ignorant” and quite often use them in speech for other purposes. It is interesting that a couple of centuries ago, in the “Pushkin era”, these two words were indeed forms of the same noun, and only the Russian lexicographer V.I. Dal identified the fundamental difference between them.

In order to more accurately understand the difference between “ignoramus” and “ignorant”, it is necessary to get acquainted with the history of the appearance of these words in modern Russian.

The word “ignoramus” is originally Russian. It means a rude and uncouth person . In the Old Russian language there was also the word “vezha”, which has now almost fallen out of use.

In Dahl's dictionary, o has the opposite meaning and characterizes a person who knows the customs and rules of secular address. In modern Russian, a derivative form from the word “vezha” is often used - politeness .

The word “ignoramus” came into modern speech from the Old Church Slavonic language. Its special origin is evidenced by the letter combination “zhd”. In the modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, next to it there is a note “obsolete”.

The meaning of the word “ignoramus” is uneducated, ignorant . The ancient ancestor of this word is “to know” - to know. Derivations from the word “to know” in modern language are well known to everyone: after all, statement, department, unknown.

An ill-mannered child: signs

First of all, these are wild children who live only by their “wants” and perceive the people around them as something that they can use, how they want and when. In the context of this, a well-educated child is an adequate being and, rather, useful than harmful (after all, as we know, there are children like a natural disaster). But at least they are well-mannered and cultured. Let's look at real examples of a very important question: who is a spoiled, ill-mannered child and how to deal with it?

Part of speech: adjective

Positive degree:

Singular Plural



Neuter gender

Ext.ill-mannered ill-manneredill-manneredill-manneredill-mannered ill-mannered
TVill-manneredill-mannered ill-manneredill-manneredill-mannered

Singular Masculine

Neuter gender

Ext.ill-mannered ill-manneredill-manneredill-mannered
TVill-manneredill-mannered ill-manneredill-mannered


Ext.ill-mannered ill-mannered

Comparative degree: more ill-mannered more ill-mannered more ill-mannered more ill-mannered


Singular Plural



Neuter gender

Them.most ill-manneredmost ill-manneredmost ill-manneredmost ill-mannered
Rd.most ill-manneredmost ill-manneredmost ill-manneredthe most ill-mannered
Dt.the most ill-manneredmost ill-manneredthe most ill-manneredmost ill-mannered
Ext.the most ill-manneredmost ill-manneredmost ill-manneredthe most ill-mannered
TVmost ill-manneredthe most ill-manneredmost ill-manneredthe most ill-mannered
Etc.most ill-manneredmost ill-manneredmost ill-manneredthe most ill-mannered

Singular Masculine

Neuter gender

Them.most ill-manneredmost ill-manneredmost ill-mannered
Rd.most ill-manneredmost ill-manneredmost ill-mannered
Dt.the most ill-manneredmost ill-manneredthe most ill-mannered
Ext.the most ill-manneredmost ill-manneredmost ill-mannered
TVmost ill-manneredthe most ill-manneredmost ill-mannered
Etc.most ill-manneredmost ill-manneredmost ill-mannered


Them.most ill-mannered
Rd.the most ill-mannered
Dt.most ill-mannered
Ext.the most ill-mannered
TVthe most ill-mannered
Etc.the most ill-mannered

Examples of ill-mannered children

  • The baby does not want to share his personal belongings, food, or the attention of others. Often he deliberately uses hysteria to achieve his goals.
  • Strong dependence on parental care. Such an offspring constantly needs the presence of relatives, no matter how difficult it may be.
  • Shows increased complaints about food, does not want to eat regular food, demands forbidden sweets.
  • Constantly dissatisfied with clothes, food, toys, attention. Often refuses to go for walks.
  • He will never help adults when cleaning the apartment; he is convinced that his mother or grandmother is obliged to clean everything after him.
  • He is constantly rude to adults, and they, in turn, gradually lose respect and cease to be an authority for him. Often ill-mannered children at a party show their whims and disobedience, which even their parents feel ashamed of. In an effort to attract the attention of adults, he can make noise, interfere with conversation, have fits, and so on.
  • He knows how to manipulate adults and uses this to achieve his goals. Hysterics, tears, licking can be used, and assault on the part of the offspring can also be traced.
  • Doesn't know the word "no". This is the result of permissiveness, and over time he will begin to not understand why he is being denied.

well brought up child

The reasons for the above signs may be the initially incorrect and non-pedagogical approach of the father, mother, grandparents in the eternal question of how to raise a child. Very often there is not enough time for the education of the offspring, and adults then pay off with expensive gifts.

What future awaits a person who was spoiled as a child?

Psychologists are convinced that spoiled children, growing up, cannot fully adapt to the outside world, the norms and rules of behavior existing in society. If a child grows up under the wing of parents who protect him and defend his interests, then in adulthood all this will no longer happen. The world is cruel, and no one will indulge its whims, desires and demands. It will be very easy for a person to be insulted and offended, and he himself will begin to take everything that is said to him too close to his heart. The world will be incomprehensible, cruel and hostile for him.

The upbringing given by the parents will not be able to protect this person from reality, and this will affect his emotional state. As it turned out, spoiled children, growing up, have low resistance to stress and are more likely to encounter psychological problems, depression, self-consciousness, and complexes. They also allow themselves excess without taking into account current opportunities - this applies to money, health, and other areas of life.

However, other studies show that some spoiled children became quite successful in adulthood. Moreover, their success did not depend on the financial well-being of their parents or other relatives. They achieved everything on their own. All this is explained by unshakable self-confidence, parental support, and lack of fear of uncertainty. These qualities are possessed by children who are under the protection of their adoring parents. However, one can be quite skeptical about these studies. You can raise a confident person with love and support, but at the same time give him knowledge about real life, and not pamper him with or without reason.

Uncultured parents and their problems in education

There are also ill-mannered parents who deceive other people, cheat, pretend, lie and act hypocrites in front of their relatives, neighbors and friends. Be sure that children will see and do the same, repeating all your actions. It is from you that they learn to lie, deceive, behave meanly and unworthily. Such upbringing will not lead to anything good; your children will no longer be respected and loved, they will even be shunned. Such children will not grow up worthy, they will always not be satisfied with everything, and they will blame it not on themselves, but on the evil world around them.

What is possible and what is not?

And there are those individuals in the family who are unable to refuse their beloved child and are foolishly convinced that every restriction will have a negative impact on the emotional state of the child. It is necessary to build an education system so that the child understands and determines where it is good and where it is bad, where it is possible and where it is not possible. And also show respect for other people, try to react correctly to life situations with the help of parents and be able to control your emotions.

ill-mannered parents

Synonyms for the phrase “ill-mannered person”

meaning of the word ill-mannered person
The Russian language is diverse. For each of the words you can find something similar. What synonyms are suitable for the phrase “ill-mannered people”? Well, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the concept of “boorishness”. Rude people who do not know how to behave in society often receive this nickname. Impudent is another synonym for an ill-mannered person. Moreover, this word has a pronounced meaning. An impudent person is not simply called an ill-mannered person, but a person who behaves very defiantly in his ignorance.

Basic tips on how to raise a child

  • You need to love the child for who he is, even if sometimes he is capricious and indulges. Trust is the main factor in education. When the baby sees that they believe him, he will strive for prudence, honesty and will not want to upset his parents.
  • Go through all the failures and difficulties together, this will show that you are worried about him. Thus, the child learns to pay attention to the problems of other people, help loved ones, and he will develop a sense of empathy and sympathy.
  • It is necessary to communicate and show passion for everything that interests the baby. Then he will be happy to share his experiences, impressions, and thoughts with you.
  • When your little one wants to help around the house, never refuse. Otherwise, in the future such an impulse may disappear forever.
  • Remember that children need to be praised, even if they have completed a simple task. Subsequently, they will want to look for solutions to more difficult problems.
  • If a child makes a mistake, do not rush to scold and punish him. First you need to find out why he did it and what he wanted to show by his behavior. It is necessary to explain to him that it is not good to do this.

Baby's successes and failures

  • Give your child the opportunity to correct his mistakes on his own, hear his explanations. Then he will stop worrying and being afraid.
  • In order for children to grow up organized and confident, parents must behave the same way. There is no need to rush to reproach someone for something, but rather, first pay attention to your mistakes and actions.
  • No matter what difficulties you experience, always support your child and help him. This will give self-confidence and strength, thanks to this the child will have a desire to conquer new heights and achieve their goals.

ill-mannered children visiting

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