Self-awareness, its structure and development. Methods for studying self-awareness.

What is self-knowledge?

Self-knowledge is the constant science of studying one's body and spirit - physical and moral capabilities, understanding one's own personality, lasting a lifetime - this is what distinguishes us from animals. All questions related to you - why I live, what I can do, what is the ideal job for me, the right world and the loved one are the means of human self-knowledge. It is very important to develop the body on a physical and spiritual level. Modern people have ceased to be interested in the inner world, which makes the world more stingy and commercial. But the individual is a spiritual being who has independently descended to materialism. The stages of self-discovery are designed to develop the spirit and realize that not everything can be bought with money.

As we grow older, we discover new possibilities in ourselves, making our dreams come true. The psyche develops, the circle of communication expands, the concept of self-esteem appears, with which self-knowledge is directly related. Personal self-esteem consists of three elements:

  1. Self-awareness.
  2. Weight gain in society.
  3. Holding the bar and constantly checking yourself.

Self-esteem depends on a person’s satisfaction with himself - an adequate status is proportional to your capabilities. Try not to fly in the clouds and not mix yourself with dirt. Remember: you are no better or worse than anyone else. If everything is bad and it’s hard for you to call yourself a good character, get busy and achieve success. Each of us has our own ideal, the main thing is not to deviate from it and strive to surpass it. Find motivation within yourself and never stop there. Behind a minor failure, a huge treasure can languish in prison.

what is self-knowledge

Methods and means of self-knowledge

Self-knowledge begins at the moment when a person realizes his own differences from other individuals - all people have different characters, behavior and purpose. How do you know when it's time for you to move on your own?

  1. Self-observation is the process of continuous analysis of one's personality, according to internal sensations and external behavior.
  2. Comparison with other people helps differentiate oneself from the environment and from personal ideals.
  3. Personality modeling determines emotions - positive and negative feelings towards people, which become the cause of successful cooperation and many conflicts. It is this method of self-knowledge that explains your position in the world around you.
  4. The method of unity of antipodes - a person understands that the characteristics of his behavior in different situations can have both positive and negative aspects. The main purpose of your psychology is to accept yourself as you are. Surely you have to notice that with different people your behavior differs, although your character is indestructible.
  5. Meet new people with new knowledge . We not only compare ourselves with those around us, but also evaluate every person we meet in life.

Each stage of self-discovery allows you to discover a new side of yourself, increasing your self-esteem. Having determined the methods of self-knowledge, we connect means that allow us to continue the development of the spiritual world. Such tools are needed for self-checking and understanding the importance of the process.

Means of self-knowledge

  1. Self-report. Start a personal diary or blog where you can familiarize yourself with material on personal development and keep your own notes, analyzing the changes within yourself.
  2. Cinema, literature, theater. Try to regularly read books and go to performances, developing your spirituality. Put yourself in the shoes of the heroes, think about what you would do in their place, assessing your capabilities.
  3. Study psychology - you will be able to navigate the behavior and events happening around you. A scientific approach will allow you to competently evaluate all your actions.
  4. Test yourself with psychological tests. This way you will know the level of your self-development and personal growth.
  5. Don't be shy about psychological consultations. Only a specialist can find the problems within you and offer the right solution better than you yourself.
  6. Attend social and psychological events. Trainings stimulate the process of self-development and self-knowledge.

Sooner or later we realize the main goal of the individual - to be happy in everyday life. This is the essence of a person’s life path - we gradually improve, adopting new things day after day, and only after many sufferings and failures do we realize our purpose. If you decide to take the path of self-discovery, one day an insight will occur that will explain the meaning of all existence.

Methods and means of self-knowledge

Approaches to defining and understanding the essence of the phenomenon of group consciousness

Throughout the development of psychological science, the understanding of the term has undergone significant transformations.

Definition 1

Today, this phenomenon is understood as one of the types of social consciousness from which an individual, a personality, draws socially significant ideas, views, axiological modes, ideas, etc.; a product of the long socio-historical development of society, a group’s understanding and experience of its social environment, its own place in it, and the system of relationships with other social units.

Group consciousness varies from one social group to another, acquiring its own specific characteristics (professional, national, class, etc. types of consciousness). The main element of group consciousness is the individual’s awareness of himself as part of a social unity, awareness of his group identity in contrast to other social associations. The carriers of group consciousness are individuals who are part of a social association.

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Personal growth as a stage of self-knowledge

The spiritual concept of self-knowledge interprets personal growth as unity with God, complete humility and comprehension of the inner world. All holy scriptures are little distinguishable from each other in terms of life rules - the Bible, the Koran and the Book of the Dead put self-knowledge and self-improvement in the first place. These books tell you how to find your purpose in simple words, following which a person can know himself. Please note that the holy scriptures were formed several thousand years ago, but do not lose their relevance today.

The psychological concept of self-knowledge is characterized as a person’s desire for absolute health, development of capabilities and unity of spirit with nature. Of course, all three points represent a single whole of the stage of self-knowledge. Already from birth, the child’s psyche absorbs everything it sees, learns quickly and from the first years begins to distinguish itself from others. From the age of three, a person develops a personal worldview.

The next stage of self-knowledge as an individual grows is the emergence of principles and character, which are transformed into a culture of behavior. Feelings appear, we begin to think analytically, to become aware of what is happening around us - all this is called personal growth.

Self-concept theory as a stage of self-knowledge

The theory of self-conception is an esoteric system of methods that explain the self-development of the individual using the triple image of “I”, each of which is unique and unrepeatable. This stage of self-knowledge finds an explanation for human thoughts, dreams, aspirations and principles as a certain ideal that requires the manifestation of only the best qualities. Family values, culture of behavior and self-awareness are the highest goal of the “I” concept. That is, the concept of “I” is an expression of the spiritual world of the individual, as the main stage of self-knowledge, reflecting the soul in the material world.

The main goal of the concept is to create an ideal image of a person that needs to be achieved. That is, such an image allows you to neutralize personality shortcomings, constantly developing all aspects of your worldview - in the process of self-knowledge, you notice certain disadvantages within yourself, and level them out, according to the established image. To achieve the ideal, we set goals, which contributes to the development of motivation. You need to understand that nothing is impossible. In this concept, it is important to accept as an ideal a person who existed, or exists in reality, and who has achieved unprecedented heights. Over time, the line between the majestic figure and the person’s personality becomes thinner, and one day disappears completely. However, one should never stop fighting the vices and harmful aspects of existence.

Only by considering yourself as an individual can you find your purpose through self-discovery and personal growth. It is important to feel like an individual, something special, unique, otherwise motivation will disappear and development will stall. Don't be ashamed of yourself - develop yourself as widely as possible.

Personal growth, as the main stage of self-knowledge, depends on self-esteem and self-control - never put yourself below others. When you achieve success in what you love, you become closer to the ideal, your self-esteem increases, and the more achievements, the greater your weight in society.

Self-concept theory

Group identity

Hello, today we’ll talk about group identity, I promise to tell you everything I know. In order to better understand what group identity is, I strongly recommend reading everything from the Ethnopsychology category

Each ethnic group (tribe, nationality, nation, any group of people connected by a common origin and distinguished by certain features from other human groups) has its own group identity, which fixes its specific features - real and imagined. Any nation is intuitively associated with one image or another. They often say: “The Japanese have such and such traits” - and evaluate some of them positively, others negatively. Students at Princeton College were twice required to describe several different ethnic groups using eighty-four characteristic words (“smart,” “brave,” “cunning,” etc.) and then choose the five characteristics that seemed most typical to them. for this group. The following picture emerged: Americans are enterprising, capable, materialistic, ambitious, progressive; The British are athletic, capable, respect conventions, love traditions, conservative; Jews are smart, self-interested, enterprising, stingy, capable; Italians are artistic, impulsive, passionate, quick-tempered, musical; The Irish are pugnacious, quick-tempered, witty, honest, very religious, etc. The website talks about this. e. Already in this simple list of traits attributed to this or that group, a certain emotional tone is clearly evident, an attitude towards the group being assessed appears. But are these features reliable, why were these particular ones chosen and not others? Overall, this survey, of course, only gives an idea of ​​the stereotype that exists among Princeton students. It is even more difficult to evaluate national customs and morals. Their assessment always depends on who is assessing and from what point of view. Special care is required here. Among peoples, as well as among individuals, shortcomings are a continuation of advantages. These are the same qualities, only taken in a different proportion or in a different relationship. Whether people want it or not, they inevitably perceive and evaluate other people’s customs, traditions, and forms of behavior primarily through the prism of their own customs, the traditions in which they themselves were brought up. This tendency to consider the phenomena and facts of a foreign culture, a foreign people through the prism of the cultural traditions and values ​​of one’s own people is what is called ethnocentrism in the language of social psychology. The fact that every person is closer to the customs, morals and forms of behavior in which he was brought up and to which he is accustomed than others is quite normal and natural. A slow-moving Finn may seem lethargic and cold to a temperamental Italian, and he, in turn, may not like southern fervor. Other people's customs sometimes seem not only strange and absurd, but also unacceptable. This is as natural as the differences between ethnic groups and their cultures, which were formed in very different historical and natural conditions, are natural. The problem arises only when these real or imagined differences are elevated to the main quality and transformed into a hostile psychological attitude towards some ethnic group, an attitude that divides peoples and psychologically, and then theoretically, justifies the policy of discrimination. This is ethnic prejudice.

Write your attitude towards group identity. This will inspire me to write more and more interesting things for you. Thank you I hope that now you understand what group identity is and why all this is needed, and if you don’t understand, or if you have any comments, then feel free to write or ask in the comments, I will be happy to answer. In order to gain a deeper understanding, I strongly recommend studying comprehensively all the information in the Ethnopsychology category

Temporary stages of self-knowledge

Temporary stages of self-knowledge reflect the life essence of a person in different time periods. With the help of the language of self-determination, a person becomes original, realizing himself as a particle of the globe.

  1. Primary self-knowledge is the first milestone of self-knowledge. At this time, the young person gets acquainted with the world around him and gets to know the people around him. The child creates a primary “I”, forming the first idea of ​​the world. The help of parents and other loved ones at this phase of self-development is invaluable. There may be a discrepancy in views with others, because the external world may differ from the child’s internal understanding.
  2. The crisis of primary self-knowledge occurs in adulthood, when many outside opinions appear about a person. Outside criticism significantly changes a teenager’s inner world, creating “cognitive dissonance.” For the first time, a person experiences doubts that gradually go beyond the inner “I”. This process is nothing more than gaining life experience. Over time, we realize that outside opinions are not always objective and return to our own views, self-determination is developed.
  3. Secondary self-knowledge follows from the crisis of the primary one - a person changes his views on his own life, and the active and final phase of self-knowledge begins. From now on, no one can influence a person except himself, the individual gains independence. Now a person can be called an accomplished person who is able to achieve everything he wants, the process of gaining life experience begins. Information is received, consciousness is reconstructed, the individual develops an action plan for the successful passage of life.

Of course, there is a second group of people - unformed individuals, for whom it is easier to act as intermediaries between representatives of the first group. In such a situation, it is necessary to overcome oneself and learn to be strong - the concept of the higher “I” is realized only when the individual realizes his own imperfection, moving towards the established ideal.

Levels and types of professional self-determination of the individual (according to E.A. Klimov, A.S. Pryazhnikov).

In Russian psychology in recent years, an increasing number of scientists connect the processes of professional self-determination with the choice of lifestyle and personal self-determination. When choosing a profession, a person plans a way of existence, correlating his future professional status with meaningful life values. In line with this approach, research was carried out by K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, M.R. Ginzburg, E.I. Golovakhi and others. The most consistent and comprehensive issues of professional self-determination of the subject are considered in the works of E.F. Zeera, E.A. Klimova, N.S. Pryazhnikov.

E.A. Klimov considers professional self-determination as one of the most important manifestations of a person’s mental development, as a process of his inclusion in the professional community and more broadly in the social community. Over the course of a person’s life, he develops a certain attitude towards various areas of work, develops an idea of ​​professions and his capabilities, identifies preferences in socio-economic factors for assessing work, and determines the range of possible choices. The result of a person’s semantic and motivational searches is the implementation of socially significant activities aimed at producing a socially valuable product.

The most important component of self-determination, according to E.A. Klimov, is the formation of professional self-awareness, the structure of which includes: 1. Awareness of one’s belonging to a certain professional community (“we are engineers”). 2. Assessing one’s compliance with professional standards and one’s place in the community according to the system of social roles (newcomer, one of the best specialists, etc.). 3. A person’s knowledge of the degree of his recognition in a social group (“I am considered a good specialist”). 4. Knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses, ways of self-improvement, individual methods of successful action, and your individual style of activity. 5. An idea of ​​yourself and your work in the future. E.A. Klimov identifies two levels of professional self-determination: gnostic (restructuring of consciousness and self-awareness); practical (real changes in a person’s social status).

N. S. Pryazhnikov proposed a model of professional self-determination of the individual, which includes the following components: 1. Awareness of the value of socially useful work and the need for professional training (the value-moral basis of self-determination).

2. Orientation in the socio-economic situation and forecasting the prestige of the chosen work. 3. General orientation in the world of professional work and identification of a professional dream goal. 4. Definition of immediate professional goals as stages in achieving a long-term goal. 5. Search for information about professions and specialties, relevant vocational educational institutions and places of employment. 6. An idea of ​​possible difficulties in achieving professional goals, of personal qualities that contribute to the implementation of planned plans. 7. Availability of backup options in case of failure in the main option of self-determination. 8. The beginning of the practical implementation of personal professional prospects, constant adjustment of plans based on the principle of feedback.

Professional self-determination, according to N.S. Pryazhnikov, is implemented at the following levels: 1. Self-determination in a specific labor function. The employee finds the meaning of his activity in the high-quality performance of individual job functions or operations. The freedom of choice of human actions is limited. 2. Self-determination at a specific job position. A work post is characterized by a limited production environment, including means of labor, professional rights and responsibilities. Performing diverse functions increases the possibility of self-realization within the framework of the activity performed. A change in job position negatively affects the quality of work and causes employee dissatisfaction. 3. Self-determination at the level of a specific specialty. It involves changing various job positions, which expands the possibilities for personal self-realization. For example, a vehicle driver can easily drive any type of vehicle. 4. Self-determination in a specific profession. The employee performs related types of work in several specialties. 5. Life self-determination. It is associated with the choice of lifestyle and, in addition to work, includes self-education, leisure, etc. A profession becomes a means of realizing a certain lifestyle. 6. Personal self-determination. It is characterized by finding an original image of the Self and establishing it among the people around. A person rises above his profession, social roles, and becomes the master of his own life. People around them characterize the employee not just as a good specialist, but, above all, as a respected person and a unique personality. 7. Self-determination of personality in culture. A person’s focus on “continuing” himself in other people is observed. It is characterized by a significant contribution of the individual to the development of culture, which allows us to talk about the social immortality of man.

Professional self-determination is an independent and conscious finding of the meaning of the work performed and all life activities in a specific cultural-historical (socio-economic) situation. This process is determined by the manifestations of internal resources, forces, attitudes on the path of professional formation of the individual and its development. Professional self-determination of a person in the world of professions and on the professional path is a personal aspect of the formation of a professional. The problem of personal self-determination should be considered not only in the context of choosing a profession, but also on a broader scale, in connection with issues of professional development of the individual.


In conclusion, I would like to appeal to the reader - after reading this article, get up from your chair and start acting. Many people don’t know how to find their purpose, spending days and days wasting their lives. If you want to achieve a little more than eternal work in a factory or office and boring everyday life - take action now! Read books, travel, analyze yourself. Life is not given to throw resources into the void - a person must improve. Self-development and self-knowledge are the key to conquering the world, but many of us don’t think about it, drawing boundaries between work, home and store. Develop, explore the world, comprehend new areas of life, and one day you will become an ideal for many others.

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