Why does a person need love? Why is love needed in a person's life?

Why does a person need love?

  • Why is love needed?
  • Why does a person need love?
  • Love against old age

Love brings people together. We are all in search of love throughout our lives. It begins with maternal love and ends with the search for love of the opposite sex. And the reason is that a person needs it, he is not able to live without such a feeling. People ask themselves the question, is this necessary at all? What is the meaning of love?

People can't help but love. And if we define love as a need of the soul, the unity of inner worlds, then there are no barriers to this feeling. But it’s worth separating infatuation and love, let’s talk about love. This feeling is deeper and smoother, it implies the highest level of trust.

Drug addiction2

Love is often compared to drug addiction, alcoholism and gambling addiction. Is it so? Scientific research has confirmed this theory with 100% certainty. All of the above categories of people are distinguished by an excess amount of hormones secreted by the body - endorphin and enkephalin.

The first, in many ways similar to morphine, is produced in the cerebral cortex and reduces the feeling of pain. The second hormone also has the property of reducing pain. Both of them bring a feeling of pleasure, thus causing addiction. This is where the trap closes.

Why does a man need a woman?

The universe, or nature, is harmonious. Its system of individual mechanisms is so unique that none of them is superfluous or, on the contrary, more important than the others. Everyone knows stories about how the extinction of one species of insect leads to an increase or decrease in the species of other animals that, for example, fed on these insects. According to this law, known as the “moth (butterfly) effect,” each element contributes to the harmonious existence of the other components of the Universe. This means that a woman is necessary for nature. But why?

Who is a loved one

This question is often asked by women. Strange, isn't it? It turns out that initially the woman herself does not believe that not only the man, but the Universe in general needs her. This suggests that modern educational principles and public opinion deprive female representatives of importance.

So why does a man need a woman? This question often worries women themselves, since it could answer the question of how and what exactly to interest representatives of the opposite sex. Men sometimes ask this question. For some reason they are attracted to women, but why and why? That part of unreasonable men who could not find the answer to this question, after unsuccessful mental attempts, begin to treat women as objects - things, sexual toys, housewives or “incubators” who bear children. And only that small part that did not answer their question continues to treat a woman as a person needed by nature.

It should be understood that if the answer to a question is not received, this does not mean that it does not exist. And if you could not define something, this does not mean that the creature or phenomenon should be treated with disdain. If something exists in nature, then it is as important as you are.

In society there is a clearly formed understanding of why a woman needs a man. They need love, protection, affection, but most importantly, women are driven by the desire to give birth to children, which, naturally, is impossible without a man, and to provide themselves with a reliable rear in case of danger in the form of a “man’s shoulder.” A woman needs someone who can value her, impregnate her and give her the opportunity to give birth, as well as financially and physically protect (provide for) her.

  • “Behind every great man there is a great woman.”

To answer the question why a man needs a woman, we should turn to more ancient sources of knowledge. The Vedas say that “a man’s psycho-emotional state completely depends on the internal state of the woman with whom he is in close contact.” Have you ever noticed how much husbands are susceptible to their wives' moods? In a male company, colleagues often like to joke with each other when they see one of their brothers in a depressed mood. On a subconscious level, they understand what may be the reason for their colleague’s lack of mood. Remember what men say to each other: “Are you having problems with your wife again?” Why don't they ask about his health, financial problems or thoughts? The very first question that comes from the lips of other men in the direction of a friend who is in a depressed mood is about his relationship with his wife. It turns out that a man needs a woman, since he sacrifices his own mood and well-being. And according to the Vedas, this happens at the level of the internal state: in whatever state a woman is, a man is in the same state.

Who is a loved one

Let's go a little deeper and turn to the science of Hermeticism, which says the following: a man's brain, like a womb, is “fertilized” thanks to the thoughts and ideas of a woman. According to the philosophy of Hermeticism, a man's brain has a feminine polarity, and a woman's brain has a masculine polarity. Everyone knows how the process of fertilization occurs at the physiological level: a man fertilizes a woman with his seed. The same thing happens on the intellectual level, but exactly the opposite. A woman impregnates a man with her seeds of views, ideas, thoughts, desires and other mental components. This is where the expression “about the greatness of a woman who is behind a great man” comes from. She, as a source, is the generating force in the thoughts of a man who, on the physical level, being a more active being, embodies the female idea into reality.

That's why a man needs a woman. She is his intellectual and psycho-emotional source for his existence. Depending on what source, dirty, immoral or pure, spiritual, a man drinks from, he becomes such a person. This is where changes in a man's behavior come from after he breaks up with one woman and begins a relationship with another. Next to one, a man can be a poor and weak person, but next to another, he will reach such heights and success that he never even dreamed of.

  • Why does a woman need a man? To fertilize her on a physical level. Why does a man need a woman? To fertilize him on an intellectual and psycho-emotional level.

Nature is as perfect and ideal as it is smart and cunning. She gave each sex a “bouquet” of problems that it cannot solve without the opposite sex. A woman strives for love, beauty, family and having children, but she cannot achieve this without a man in her life. A man strives for self-realization, success, career growth and material well-being, but he cannot achieve this without the help of a woman who will become his source of inspiration. It turns out that every person is interested and worried only about those problems that he cannot solve without the opposite sex. This is how cunning and at the same time smart the Universe is.

For nature, men and women are equally important. There is no higher or lower being - they are equivalent. This means that it is necessary to value every person, because thanks to him someone else is happy, thanks to whom a third person is happy, etc. Men should get rid of vile stereotypes about women and finally consider them to be the same living beings as themselves. If a woman was given only to give birth to children, she would not need brains, feelings, sensations and the same mechanisms of the external and internal body that are available in a man. Nature is not wasted on unnecessary things, and if she has made a woman the same creature as a man, distinguished only by some physiological and mental parameters, then she is just as important to nature as a man.

Who is a loved one

What would happen if there were no women on planet Earth? What would happen if there were no men on planet Earth? Start appreciating those around you, because nature cares about both men and women equally. And if some cease to exist, then others will cease to exist.

Who do we fall in love with?

The subconscious attraction of one person to another could not be explained from a scientific point of view. We can only voice the theories of researchers on this matter.

  1. A woman tends to choose a man who resembles her father, and a man looks for a life partner who resembles his mother.
  2. A person chooses a partner who is similar to the person for whom he had an unrequited feeling in childhood.
  3. Attraction is due to the real smells released by the human body

why we love

However, you should not compare the effect of body odor with the aroma of French perfume. A person’s smells signal his genetic apparatus. The greater the difference between people at the genetic level they indicate, the more suitable these partners are for forming a pair and, accordingly, producing healthy offspring. This is the so-called “hybrid vigor”, which is successfully used by breeders to obtain the most viable offspring.

What is love?

What is mature love and why experience it, why love?

In theories of love, I rely on the following 2:

Erich Fromm’s idea of ​​love and Robert Sternberg’s three-component theory of love are quite practical, understandable, taking into account both the lover and the beloved.

One of the leading definitions of love for me is that of Erich Fromm: “Love is an active interest in life and the object of love.”

Just? Yes. Clear? Yes. At the same time, in his book “The Art of Loving,” Erich Fromm places great emphasis on the fact that without self-love, love for others is impossible! And this seems very logical to me: if I cannot take care of and show love to myself, then how can I really show love to another?

Roughly speaking, there is no matrix on which the code for the manifestation of love is written. And self-love does not equal selfishness/egocentrism. And even vice versa, selfishness arises as a result of the inability to show love to oneself... But this, perhaps, is a separate topic. For those interested, I can recommend reading the above book - one of the rare deep books written in very simple language.

In a word, one of the key ideas of the book for me, which I bring here:

If there is no me, then there is no person who can experience and show love for another.

The second model that I rely on concerns purely erotic love (according to Erich Fromm), love in a couple.

I believe that it is this love that is one of the most pressing, as there are usually many difficulties with it (and parental love, but they are interconnected). Robert Sternberg's three-part theory of love includes the following components:

  • Passion is sexual attraction to an object.
  • Closeness (intimacy) – a sense of belonging, unity, connectedness, mental and emotional comfort, interest in another.
  • Commitment is the decision to stay with a partner in the short term and shared plans for the future in the long term.

In accordance with the ratio of 3 components, Robert Sternberg identifies 8 types of love:

1. Lack of love (neither component present) characterizes many everyday interactions with others.

2. Falling in love (only passion is present): relatively fleeting, without the emergence of intimacy or commitment, it can disappear suddenly.

3. Friendship (closeness only): a feeling of connectedness and warmth without feelings of intense passion or long-term commitment.

4. Empty love (there is only commitment) is characterized by commitment without intimacy or passion, common in cultures of arranged marriages.

5. Romantic love (passion + intimacy). Romantic lovers are not only physically attracted to each other, but also emotionally connected—yet without a supportive commitment. A good example is holiday romances.

6. Friendly love (intimacy + commitment), stronger than friendship due to the element of long-term commitment. It is observed in long marriages, where there is no longer passion, but there is deep affection and commitment to each other.

7. Fatal love (passion + commitment) is characterized by a stormy beginning of a relationship that turns (often immediately) into marriage. Its flaw is that commitment is built on a foundation of often unpredictable passion without the stabilizing influence of intimacy.

8. Perfect love (passion + intimacy + commitment) is the complete form of love and is presented as the ideal relationship that people strive for. According to the author of the theory, these couples continue to have great sex after more than 15 years of dating, they cannot imagine a happier long-term relationship with anyone else, they know how to solve their few problems, and everyone enjoys their relationship with their partner. Although the author writes that maintaining perfect love can be even more difficult than achieving it.

What do you think of this theory? I like it for its simplicity, applicability, clarity, and also it does not indicate anywhere that the lover is obliged to sacrifice something or someone “in the name of love.” I think this is a very important factor.

Also, both theories include the dynamism of love and suggest possible changes, which corresponds to reality - it often changes and forces you to adapt. I believe that the feeling of love also undergoes changes according to circumstances, personality and ultimately physiological/physical changes in a person.

And now we move on to the key question of the article: why love?

Reasons for love5

Most likely, the true reasons why we love a person will never receive a scientific explanation. The point here is that we love not for something, but, on the contrary, in spite of everything.

why we love a person

Often, partners cannot even more or less explain why they fell in love and love each other. Of course, over time this feeling acquires additional “companions”. We are talking about mutual respect, empathy and, to some extent, friendly relations between spouses.

Only the interaction of all these components can guarantee that love will last a lifetime. This is important, since it is very difficult to live without this feeling. It’s possible, of course, but it’s incredibly boring and pointless.

The great feeling of love accompanies us throughout our lives. It is important for the baby that has just appeared to us - in this case it is all-consuming maternal love. Further, these are feelings for the father, relatives, kindergarten and school teachers, peers and people surrounding the person from all sides.

The subtlest biochemical processes that accompany us from birth to death make us feel attached to someone throughout our entire life journey.

why we love

But, this is all science. If you just listen to yourself, you can always hear the call of your heart, which will certainly signal that here she is - the True and Sincere Love of your whole life.

It is impossible to escape from her, and there is no need to try to do this. It is much more pleasant to simply succumb to the call of the heart and fully experience the amazing cocktail of feelings that a love affair brings us.

Why does a person need love?

Based on the above, we will answer the question of why, in fact, a person needs love. This feeling is important so that we can choose suitable partners for ourselves, with whom life, family and offspring will be better. After all, few people fall in love with ugly, weak, stupid people. They have weak genes, so families with them will not be viable.

But the question arises, if we know that it is important to find the best partner, then why are we not able to determine for ourselves who is worth loving and who is not worth loving. In fact, some conscious individuals are able to manage their own feelings. And so that ordinary people do not make mistakes, nature does not allow them to control their feelings so easily. She continues to participate in natural selection, in the improvement of the genotype and humanity as a species.

In love, people look for something of their own. Aspirations and hopes are often placed on love. If a person has not found happiness in life, then in the lack of high feelings he finds the source of problems. If everything is not good in the family, then they say that there is no love. There is a confusion of concepts here. Love is not always a spontaneous feeling that comes from above. Often it is the result of serious work on themselves that people do in order to save relationships and families.

And we need a family for many reasons. After all, if a person does not have loved ones who are ready to support him at any moment, help him and become a support, then it is much more difficult for him to decide on something important. We need tenderness and warmth. Only a strong family, which is built on love, can help us.

Opinion: I believe that there is no love

One should not give up love, because it is a desire for unity with Nature, its objects, but how can one lose this? At each level of existence - emotional, mental, intellectual, physical and spiritual - people are connected with an infinite number of different objects of the Universe, living, inanimate, unconscious and conscious. The severance of these connections leads to the cessation of existence, the death of the object that has decided to renounce the world.

Even if you decide that you don’t need love, you will not be able to get rid of the passive perception of someone’s feelings. Someone will still love you: your mother, relatives, pets, society or, finally, God. Absolutely every person is loved by someone, we all could not exist for even a minute if no one loved us. It’s just that people we know don’t always feel the same way towards us, and we don’t always know about it.

Lost heaven

I repeat - we all strive for the ideal, for the search for the other half, which was originally given to us by the gods, in order to once again become perfection - anrogyne. One part of us believes in the absolute without any doubt, and the other part suggests checking it out. And, probably, swinging the scales first in one direction and then in the other is what we need - the process of learning love. After all, what is important is not the final goal, not the moment of balancing, not the moment of unification, but the path itself. What will he be like, who will we unexpectedly bump into around the corner, who will we meet, who will we glance at briefly, and who will make us suddenly and at once look intently into the eyes of another, whom we will invite for tea, and whom we will not even allow on the threshold... And why in we will come as a result - this is the answer to the question of why a person loves a person, which, in fact, is a great mystery.

On the same wave

What seduces us so much about the feeling of closeness and warmth of another person? Why is love a need, and not a pleasant addition to our already eventful life? Love is still different from other types of relationships. This is an experience of the value of the Other, a positive emotion from the fact that he exists in the world. In addition, in a love relationship there is an emotional resonance when my “I” meets the related “I” in you. There is a desire to do good to each other, while remaining yourself.

There is another obvious answer: the production of dopamine and stimulation of the areas of the brain responsible for pleasure. After all, it has long been no secret that falling in love is a chemical process that is also pleasant on a physical level.

How to understand that you love a person...

Francois La Rochefoucauld once remarked that there is only one love, but there are thousands of its counterfeits... The great French writer, of course, is fair, but at the same time he is not. Let's imagine love in the form of a school. There are elementary, middle and high grades... First graders learn to write, hold their hands correctly, draw sticks, circles.... Further - more: numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication tables, equations, trigonometry. Each new stage in learning is impossible without the previous one. You can't jump from first class to fifth class. However, often a high school student, looking back, perceives all the previous steps, all his suffering, torment, or victories as funny, ridiculous, even stupid. How could he not solve the “2+2” example, forgetting that today has come only thanks to past mistakes and achievements.

All this applies to love. Each person, each soul is at its own stage of development, at its own level of knowledge, in a certain class. And this is not always determined by age. For one, intense passion is love. For others, it’s falling in love. The third is ready to pick the flower of love on the edge of a bottomless abyss. And the fourth is looking for clarity and tranquility in love... And each of them is right and at the same time wrong. What a person feels at the moment is his truth, another step towards the truth. Therefore, you just need to listen to your heart and follow only it. It is the best teacher and helper. And the question of how to understand that you love a person disappears by itself. By asking it, we do not seek to understand ourselves, but are afraid of rash actions and their consequences. We seem to be asking, can I fall in love... But in fact, no one can forbid loving or not loving, and nothing will protect you from possible mistakes. If feelings appear, albeit immature, even naive and shallow, it means that they are needed for something and do not need explanation or confirmation, especially from the outside. The words of M. McLaughlin that those who fall in love for the first time seem to know everything there is to know about life - and, perhaps, he is right - are the best confirmation of this.

love for people

Loneliness is a joy

In pursuit of a companion or life partner, we often no longer think about how to take care of ourselves in this difficult matter. But first you need to learn to take care of and love yourself, and then your feelings for another person will bloom with new colors. Accept your own shortcomings, limit your inner critic if it is too strict. Praise yourself more often, even for small victories. Look for beauty and virtues in yourself and don’t be afraid to show them more clearly.

If you are familiar with the feeling of gray vegetation when your loved one is not around, start increasing your self-worth. Give yourself a gift or arrange a pleasant adventure for yourself. Fill the bath and spend sweet moments in silence and fragrant foam. Prepare your favorite dish. Figure out how to please yourself so that time alone brings genuine pleasure! It is extremely important to live the period outside of the relationship so that you give love only to yourself. Then the wait for a new romance will not be so tedious, and possible separations will not break your heart to pieces.

The woman you love shouldn't make you happy

A common misconception among many people is that their partners should make them happy. When building a love relationship with a woman, a man expects in advance that she will somehow amuse him. But your loved one should not make you happy. Moreover, he will not be able to do this with all his great desire, since happiness is the internal state of a person, which he forms himself.

Who is a loved one

If you want to be happy, then you do not need to wait, search or demand any special actions from the woman you love. Sure, something might make you happy, but not for long. Happiness, a constant and sincere feeling, is formed not by external circumstances or other people, but by a man who decides for himself whether to be happy or not.

The woman you love is not a clown or an entertainment attraction. She is a person just like you, who can be both cheerful and sad, both strong and helpless. As long as you wait on your partners to make you happy, you will never achieve your goal. You can make it your own to feel your own happiness. But other people, even the closest and dearest, will not be able to do this no matter what they want.

Mutual love

There is a kind of love that has a negative effect on a person. This is the case when the feelings are not mutual. For example, does a person need love that will make him worry and suffer? Some people fall in love without even knowing what the consequences might be. It’s good when feelings arose mutually for both – the guy and the girl. However, it happens no less often that only one person loves, and the other tries to hide from such a feeling.

With mutual feelings, everything works out better than you could imagine. Both people strive to get to know each other and do something nice. Thus, people become happy, which can be called one of the main reasons why love was created.

Does reciprocity always occur?

Is it possible to say that the statement that “people need to reciprocate: love for love»

right? Of course not. Today, everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether they love a person and whether they will be with them. Sometimes such a feeling does not arise because the person does not like someone. Not only appearance, but also character and behavior may not attract a person. This is why difficulties arise, and this is where the concept of non-reciprocal love comes from.

Why does a person need love?

If we talk about whether it is possible to achieve love from a person, then the answer will probably not be entirely obvious. In fact, you cannot guarantee that you will be loved and never let go. Sometimes people date for years, but in the end they break off the relationship because they fail to create mutual love. There are always reasons why people don't like each other. Why do people need love? To live together. However, if this feeling is not there, it is unlikely that you will be able to successfully create family relationships. Most likely, this will remain only in dreams.

What kind of love does a person need? We can name three main signs of the love that a person would strive for:

  • Firstly, as mentioned earlier, it is mutual. This is the most important thing, because everyone wants to be loved. When a feeling comes from only one person, it is very noticeable. In the end, all this gets boring and people break up.
  • True love is the second sign. If a person cheats, it is unlikely that he will continue to love you as much as he did before. Usually, after betrayal, two people break up, since it is very difficult to live with such a burden.
  • Sincere. You shouldn't deceive someone, you shouldn't hide your real feelings. If there is love, it’s good, but if it is not there, there is no need to create illusions. It is better to tell the person the truth.

To love means to fall asleep and wake up with the thought of one person. It's a wonderful feeling when you know that when you open your eyes after sleep, you can see your favorite guy or girl. Such moments are truly priceless, because they are the ones that give strength and good mood to a person.

The question of why love is needed in a person’s life has not yet disappeared? Just remember what you feel when you feel bad. Of course, you want to hug someone and hear warm words addressed to you.

This is an incredibly strong motivation to get up and move forward, overcoming all obstacles on the way to your cherished goal.

One of the most powerful instincts inherent in all living things is procreation. Therefore, the main function of the family is to produce and raise children. Moreover, to raise them healthy, comprehensively developed, happy. To do this, it is absolutely necessary that the relationship between him and his wife be harmonious, based on love, mutual assistance and mutual respect. Since it is the family that mainly determines what kind of new personality will be formed.

A family is also needed to achieve pleasure, not only in a sexual sense, but also in an emotional one. A warm, friendly atmosphere between spouses contributes to the achievement of spiritual comfort. A person sincerely rejoices when returning from work to a home where he is loved and expected. Accordingly, having had a good rest at home, he willingly goes to work the next day and works with complete dedication.

The unofficial status of a family man is higher than the status of a bachelor or an unmarried woman. Although times have changed, and many things are now looked at completely differently than just recently, yet stereotypes of thinking are difficult to lose ground. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a man with a family and children is subconsciously treated as a serious, reasonable person, but about a bachelor they will think with bewilderment: something is wrong here. A grown man - and still not married!

In addition, family gives a feeling of mutual assistance and security. Anything can happen in life. Difficulties, problems, especially dangers, are easier to endure together, feeling the support of those closest to you, whom you can always trust.

We must not forget about such a prosaic, but absolutely necessary thing as money. Maintaining a common family budget disciplines, teaches prudence and reasonable frugality. Again, in the event of temporary difficulties or problems encountered by the husband or wife (job loss, illness, delayed payments, etc.), the family can survive a difficult situation, relying on the earnings of the second spouse. It is immeasurably more difficult to do this alone.

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  • person and family

A person cannot help but love. If we define love as spiritual unity and spiritual need, then there are no obstacles for a person to experience this feeling. But let's differentiate between infatuation and love, let's talk about love. This feeling is calmer and deeper, which implies a high degree of trust in the person you love and the desire for him to be happy. Moreover, he is happy even if you are not together.

A person cannot live in a vacuum. Hundreds of invisible threads connect him with the world that surrounds him. Even if he positions himself as a misanthrope (and there are such people), he still needs love, although he does not admit it to himself. Every person loves and recognizes himself, forgives himself for his shortcomings, is proud of his virtues, but this feeling is selfish. Love for another person allows you to overcome your selfish interests and put first not your personal life, but the interests and happiness of another person.

It turns out that the feeling of love allows you to feel the fullness of true life, to experience happiness and pleasure not from the fact that you received or acquired something, but from what you gave for free. Agree that this is an excellent occasion and reason for a person to want love and look for it.

Love is needed not only to reveal the abilities and capabilities of your soul. This magical feeling, having arisen for a certain person, makes you fall in love with the rest of the world. It opens the heart, soul and eyes. You begin to look at everything with a different perspective, notice and appreciate what is happening around you, appreciate feelings and beauty that you had not noticed before.

By loving one person, you begin to love other people. It has been noticed that a loving person literally “glows,” attracting with his light, warming those around him with the warmth that love generously gave him. If falling in love gives a feeling of euphoria, then love is an even feeling of happiness that gives strength and makes a person invincible. If you love, then you don’t care about all the troubles, you can always overcome them.

Every person needs love, this feeling should be experienced at least once in life. Even this one time will be enough for your soul to fully open, and you could say that your life was not in vain.

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  • do you need love

A family is a full-fledged social unit of society, which is based on a marital union or kinship ties, conditioned by relations of mutual assistance and mutual responsibility. So what is a family for? Is it really necessary in modern society? These questions are more relevant than ever, and it is simply impossible to give a definite answer.

The family plays a huge role in the life of both the individual and the entire society. It provides psychological and physiological comfort to a person. In the family, a person experiences a sense of usefulness and importance. A lot of human tragedies have unfolded as a result of the fact that a person did not feel necessary to anyone. The family allows everyone to realize their importance and uniqueness.

The more in demand and valuable a person feels, the more strength and zeal he has to overcome loneliness. Each of us wants to be loved and to love. But it is love that saves a person from loneliness. It makes it possible to fully (not only sexually) accept a person.

Communication in the family promotes consistency in the actions of spouses aimed at achieving important goals and objectives. In the course of communication with each other, spouses exchange information that is important only to them, empathize with each other, and become morally enriched.

Spiritual communication between spouses is very closely related to intimacy. Family life makes it possible to have a permanent and reliable partner for sexual life. Over time, spouses develop a need to have children and a desire to be parents. This need is realized in the forms of motherhood and fatherhood. The educational function of the family is incredibly important and irreplaceable. Children must be born in marriage. There are no children without a family, and the main reason for the existence of any sane adult is children.

Every person has a goal in life, which is very difficult to achieve without a solid foundation. The family is precisely this foundation and foundation.

The fact that the family is a unit of society is not empty words. We regularly complain about it, but in fact it is we who shape the society in which we live. A prosperous family means prosperous children, and prosperous children today mean a prosperous society in the future.

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Many young people are sure that having a “soulmate” at a certain age is simply necessary for them. At the same time, they are not always able to explain even to themselves why exactly they need a girl. But entering into a relationship without knowing why is a serious mistake that can affect the rest of your life.

Arranging your personal life is, of course, a very important task that almost all guys are forced to solve in one way or another. But before you rush into the world of romantic relationships, you should stop and understand why exactly you need a life partner. Moreover, in order to avoid serious disappointments, it is better to decide in advance why the girl is not needed.

Love and family

A guy needs a girl if he feels like he loves her. Of course, there are a huge variety of definitions of love, but, as a rule, this feeling is not difficult to distinguish from a hormonal surge or a thirst for communication. Relationships built on mutual love are not always marriage, because this requires the ability to love your partner more and more every day, which is acquired only with experience. In addition, not every girl will reciprocate her fan. Finding a girl “for love” can bring a lot of experiences and disappointments, but this path will provide the opportunity to create truly strong and long-lasting relationships.

Ideally, such a relationship will lead to the creation of a family and the birth of children, but you should not rush to the registry office until you are sure that you have found exactly the girl with whom you want to live for the longest possible time. And although divorce is not uncommon in the modern world, it may make sense to wait a little before entering into a marriage. After all, from a traditional point of view, a person needs a romantic relationship, first of all, for procreation, and if you do not want your children to grow up in a single-parent family, try to find the one with whom you are going to live your whole life.

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