Why do people “eat stress” and how to deal with it

Most people who are faced with a stressful situation begin to drown out negative emotions with food. Due to uncontrolled food consumption, metabolism can be disrupted and obesity can develop. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to understand how to stop stress eating and overcome depression.

Overeating during stress can lead to obesity

Why do you want to eat when you're stressed?

A stressful situation leads to increased production of cortisol in the blood. Its task is to eliminate negative emotions. Some people have impaired production of the stress hormone, so they have to look for other ways to relieve emotional stress.

The relationship between cortisol and stress

Important! Food is a quick source of positive emotions, so most people, during experiences, begin to eat uncontrollably from morning to evening.

According to psychologists, such a habit is formed in the subconscious in early childhood. The baby cries and the mother gives him milk, after which he calms down. Sweets and other favorite foods help to gradually drown out emotional pain.

Additional Information. During times of stress, overeating can be caused by a lack of vitamin C and magnesium, which are actively consumed when a person is nervous.

To replenish micronutrient reserves, many unconsciously reach for high-calorie foods:

  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • flour products.

What is emotional eating?

Emotional eating is quite common. People susceptible to it tend to fall into two types: those who start eating more than usual due to stress, and those who eat less. The essence of this unhealthy eating behavior is that the process of food consumption becomes a response to emotions. “When we work with patients on this problem, we often find much deeper root causes,” says Thomas. “This could be years of self-restraint and dieting, disrupted or malnutrition. A psychological ban on food, manic calorie counting, the perception of certain foods as bad and harmful - all this leads to negative consequences. As a result of such prohibitions, the body gives a response that provokes emotional eating.”

During the first consultation with the patient, the nutritionist first of all finds out what role food plays in a person’s life. Then Thomas finds out from the client what he lacks for happiness and what gaps he is trying to fill. “There’s nothing wrong with us using food as such an emotional plug. People who engage in this habit should not be shamed or judged. This is a harmless defense mechanism. Some people become addicted to gambling, alcohol, sex or drugs, although these addictions are not so adaptive.”

Problems arise when, in our arsenal of life, emotional eating becomes the only tool for shifting attention from the problem. Thomas advises expanding the adaptive toolkit: for some, it’s enough to just have a good cry, for others, it’s worth going to psychotherapy or developing mindfulness.

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What makes you eat emotions?

How to calm down and stop being nervous and worrying about trifles

Different human needs can provoke stress eating. They can be both psychological and physiological.

Support is an important element of a good mood

Among the most common are:

  1. Need for support. Occurs before a responsible task or difficult negotiations.
  2. Need for rest. If a person simply does not allow himself to take a break from work, food becomes a serious reason for him to put things aside.
  3. Need for a good mood. If everything is boring and monotonous, tasty food will help trigger the production of the joy hormone called endorphin.
  4. Need for consolation. With the help of food, a person is able to help himself cope with pain, resentment, and insults.

Relieve stress without overeating

To combat uncontrollable gluttony, you should not go on a diet. Restrictions will only increase the feeling of hunger. In order not to eat stress, you need to establish a proper nutrition system. Simple rules will help you always stay full and not gain weight.

Set a meal schedule

First of all, include a nutritious breakfast in your diet. It should be quite high in calories. Eating in the morning will allow you to not think about food for several hours. Don't be afraid to gain weight. Sweets that you don't notice during the day contain much more calories.

Have lunch and dinner at the same time. The body will get used to the regime and will not require snacks outside of normal hours.

Eliminate spicy and fatty foods from your diet. They stimulate the appetite, and you will not be able to determine the feeling of fullness in time.

Food is a way to survive

Remove chips, candies, and crackers from the access area. The habit of stress eating will not disappear instantly. Therefore, keep chopped vegetables and fruits on hand. Gradually, you will train yourself to snack on healthy foods without gaining weight.

Start to see food as a means of survival rather than a source of pleasure.

Replace food with healthy habits

You can cope with emotions in various ways. Eating stress is far from the most effective of them. Psychologists give a lot of advice for maintaining calm. You can choose the option you like.

  • To relieve stress and fatigue, soak in a hot bath. Essential oils or aromatic foam will help you relax. If lying in hot water for a long time is not for you, take a contrast shower. You will feel more confident and cheerful.
  • Practice aromatherapy. You can add a few drops of oil to water and take a bath. To relieve stress, use the scents of fir, lavender, chamomile, and orange.
  • Get creative or enjoy your favorite hobby. Drawing, knitting, and cross-stitch help well in the fight against stress.
  • Include sports in your daily routine. Physical activity will help relieve stress. Walking, swimming, and visiting the gym increase the level of endorphins in the blood. As a result, your peace of mind will be restored and your mood will improve. The problems won't go away, but you will stop worrying about them.
  • If you are an introvert and don't want to share your experiences with anyone, try keeping a journal. After transferring it to paper, you will look at these life situations from the outside. This will give you the strength to overcome difficulties and stop worrying.
  • Take vitamins. Twenty minutes of stress can destroy the daily supply of vitamin C, which is the main defender of our immune system. During emotional overload, the body requires an increased dose of B vitamins, magnesium and zinc.
  • Practice meditation and yoga. Spiritual techniques will help you maintain inner peace.
  • Learn to enjoy the little things. The simple pleasures of everyday life - a cup of coffee, a cozy blanket, a sunny spot on the wall - will distract you from anxious thoughts.
  • Smile! Even if you don't feel like laughing, force yourself to open your mouth into a smile. This facial exercise will increase your serotonin levels. Over time, you will feel much less nervous. In fact, the body's resistance to stressful situations will increase.

There are many ways to relieve tension. You can choose any one or combine several of them in any order. The main rule in the fight against nervous overload is to think about your health and not let the situation take its course. Take care of your body, and it will gratefully serve you for many years.

How to identify the problem

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Before you get rid of stress eating, you need to study the psychology of this phenomenon.

Eating negative emotions is a path to worsening depression

Among the main characteristic signs of emotional hunger are the following manifestations:

  • eating food is perceived as a “prize”;
  • after a hearty meal, there is a desire to snack on something tasty, sweet and high in calories;
  • the presence of excess weight is not perceived by a person as a problem and a health hazard;
  • daily nutrition is based on fatty, fried and sweet foods;
  • eating is devoid of any sense of proportion;
  • in moments of sadness, irritation, resentment, there is a strong desire to eat high-calorie food;
  • uncontrolled eating occurs at any time of the day.

If you have at least a few signs, it’s time to figure out how to stop eating bad moods and problems.

What are the dangers of stress eating?

Excessive consumption of food threatens a number of problems:

  • Obesity . According to statistics, 70% of obese people gain weight precisely because they fight stress with food. As a rule, during times of stress, you want to eat junk food - fatty, salty, sweet, smoked. Such food leads to excess weight gain. And taste enhancers and all kinds of food additives cause addiction and dependence on these products.
  • Health problems. Obesity is not the only danger of excessive consumption of high-calorie foods. Cakes, pastries, sweets, chips, fast food cause various diseases. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, problems with the kidneys, liver, pancreas develop, a feeling of heaviness in the body, and chronic fatigue appear. Excessive sugar consumption increases the risk of developing diabetes.
  • Dissatisfaction with yourself. A person who eats stress with food understands that he is dependent, but cannot cope with it. This makes him feel weak and weak-willed. And the sight of a plump body only adds negative emotions. As a result, the person experiences new stress and again tries to get rid of it with food.

Finding ways out of depression

Uncontrolled eating is a consequence of depression. Therefore, in order to stop eating stress, you need to get rid of the depressive state.

Ancient ways to combat depression

Psychologists advise doing this as follows:

  1. More communication is needed. You don't have to go to noisy parties. A modest meeting with a good friend, neighbor or colleague is enough. When you're depressed, it's important not to avoid people. The main thing is to choose positive interlocutors who can charge you with positive emotions.
  2. You need to stimulate your vision. Bright colors make the brain work better. Therefore, to combat depression, it is advisable to wear bright clothes, use colorful objects in everyday life and avoid the dark.
  3. Despite the “I don’t want to”, you need to take care of yourself. When depressed, people often stop brushing their teeth, bathing, ironing clothes, and putting on makeup. Daily rituals require strict control and implementation. The more diligently a person performs them, the faster he will enter the desired rhythm of life.
  4. New impressions, skills and abilities are excellent companions in the struggle for a good mood. If depression does not want to go away, you need to take up your favorite hobby or start learning something new.
  5. A psychologist can help overcome sadness. Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are faithful helpers for depressive conditions.

There are many ways that can replace food during times of stress, and they are much more effective than food.

Sport is a great source of endorphins

Prominent representatives of anti-stress helpers are:

  1. Physical exercise. It is enough to do the exercises for 15 minutes, and the joy hormone will be produced in the required quantity.
  2. Regular drinking water. It helps reduce the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol.
  3. Essential oils. Aromatherapy with the scent of lavender, orange, pine needles, and chamomile will help drive away sadness and fatigue.
  4. Cold and hot shower. Temperature changes provoke the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, resulting in a feeling of vigor.
  5. Singing. Playing your favorite songs helps negative emotions “come out.”
  6. If you want to eat loneliness, you can start eating with the other hand: left-handed - right, and right-handed - left. An inconvenient way of eating in 3-4 days will help you get rid of overeating.

To stop eating stress, you need to overcome the cause of its occurrence. When it is eliminated, the diet will return to normal.

Signs of stress

Imagine that you are greatly frightened by a sharp, heart-rending screech. You have not yet had time to understand where the sound is coming from, but your body has already reacted: your heart beats faster, your breathing becomes faster. The body experienced emotional shock - a reaction to sudden danger.

Psychological stress is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • muscle tension;
  • dry mouth;
  • trembling in the body.

Sometimes people lose their appetite during stress. The body spends a lot of energy on protecting itself from external danger, but there is no energy left for food. But more often, with nervous tension, we begin to feel hungry and gradually eat our emotions. At the same time, we absorb much more food than usual.

As a result, emotional distress is often accompanied by weight gain.

What makes you eat emotions?

During stress, a shock dose of the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine enters the blood. For a person, such a shake-up is useful when it happens infrequently and does not last long. If you are constantly under stress, the exhausted body tries to eliminate the symptoms of stress.

The brain requires energy to normalize its condition. The easiest way to get it is through high-calorie food. To get rid of depressing thoughts, we often use foods high in carbohydrates - chocolate, sweet soda, fatty foods.

Eating stress is a protective reaction of the body. However, if you constantly relieve tension with high-calorie foods, this will negatively affect your figure. Uncontrolled eating will also harm the cardiovascular system.

Choose healthy food

It’s easiest to eat up problems when you always have sweets or unhealthy snacks on hand. If you know that out of boredom you might once again reach into the refrigerator for a portion of “something tasty,” try to make sure that only healthy foods are inside. It can be fruits, berries, any vegetables.

Try drinking more tea - this drink has the miraculous property of giving a feeling of calm and comfort. Mint and herbal teas will best help relieve stress, hibiscus and ginger tea will save you from nervous tension and invigorate you, and the simplest black and green teas will satisfy your hunger and give you strength.

If you are still hungry, instead of consuming high-calorie “junk” food, cook yourself something tasty and healthy - the cooking process will distract you from heavy thoughts, and the quality of your meal will be much higher than a feverish snack.

Don't sit still

Perhaps the most effective way to avoid stress eating is any physical activity. Walking or exercising is a wonderful and healthy way to take your mind off your problems and increase the amount of endorphins that are responsible for a good mood.

Find something that will bring you pleasure and relieve accumulated fatigue: dancing, yoga, jogging, working out in the gym - make time for what you really like, and you will no longer want to solve your problems by mindlessly eating food.

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