How to learn to enter a trance: effective techniques and exercises for beginners

For any magic, it is important to be able to enter a trance or alpha state (there are many names, but the essence is the same: relax, get ready to work). Otherwise, all further steps will be useless. Know that any magical activity begins with this step. This is the first key for beginners. The most important.

The goal is this: turn off the chaos in your head, relax your body and calm your emotions. The main thing is not to rush. Don't start visualizing or doing rituals right away. Until you have mastered the preparatory exercises, do not proceed to the next steps.

What is trance

One of the properties of the human psyche is falling into a trance, but not all people have access to it. A change in consciousness usually occurs consciously or with the participation of a specialist. Trance changes the activity of parts of the human brain, focusing attention on internal organization.

During a trance, a person becomes available to visions, memories, even deep ones, which in a normal state a person does not remember, as well as dreams embodied in real form.

Entering a trance on your own allows you to get rid of many problems, such as complexes, old experiences, past traumas, including childhood, depressive disorders. During a trance, the brain begins to filter information, process it and “sort it out.”

Failures in the functioning of the nervous system are easily eliminated by entering a trance state.

Availability and capabilities of the technique

You can enter the alpha state with the help of hypnosis, or on your own.
Of course, if you involve a good psychologist or simply an experienced person in the process, learning goes faster. True, sometimes a person does not have the time or finances to hire a specialist. Considering that the alpha state or half-sleep is natural for the body, you can not put off learning until better times, and learn to use mental reserves on your own. The alpha state allows you to get rid of everything that interferes with your life. In half sleep, a person perceives any suggestions, therefore, being in this state, you can get rid of complexes, fears, and bad habits.

An independent change in the level of consciousness allows you to analyze the true problems of personality development: find out why phobias formed; see the falsity of some beliefs; understand what is truly necessary for happiness.

The benefits of trance states

Psychotherapists use hypnosis to treat many psychosomatic diseases. One type of hypnosis is Ericksonian hypnosis, but its implementation requires the participation of a specialist. But you can independently immerse a person in a trance without the help of a specialist.

While in a trance, the brain begins to activate activity processes in the body, processes information, helps eliminate deep-seated experiences and long-standing stress. During trance, the right hemisphere begins to work actively. The body directs all its resources to relaxation and solving problems at the physiological level, which in real life are not always possible to realize.

Trance allows you to work with long-term stressful conditions, due to which a person feels tired and depressed for a long time, but the roots of this problem are unknown to him.

During trance, a person often receives a solution to many of his problems, insight comes to him, problems are solved by themselves.

Types of hypnosis

Immersion in trance can be carried out both openly and covertly.

A person agrees to voluntarily succumb to the influence of hypnosis if he needs psychological help, wants to solve existing internal problems, and get rid of phobias.

In this case, therapy sessions are held under the strict supervision of a doctor who addresses the patient’s subconscious and works with his memories, emotions and experiences. This type of trance helps:

  • cope with complexes;
  • solve family problems;
  • get rid of psychological trauma;
  • cure harmful addictions.

Properly conducted hypnosis sessions help get rid of bad habits

Covert hypnosis is used on people without their consent. Fraudsters resort to this method of influence to force their victims to do as they need (give money and apartment keys, sign documents). This type of hypnosis causes harm to a person because it goes against his interests and will.

Psychotherapists divide introduction to trance into three separate categories.

  1. With light hypnosis, the patient seems to be in a shallow sleep. It seems to him that he is watching a film from the outside in which he is the main character. The patient fully hears everything that is said and reacts to external factors.
  2. Average hypnosis is being awake while asleep. In this state, the individual’s subconscious is open, and he is able to answer any questions from the doctor, while the body is constrained by muscle tension. In psychology, the term “waxy flexibility” is used to refer to this condition, when the patient shows miracles of physical endurance.
  3. Deep hypnosis puts a person into a trance, the psychotherapist completely controls his subconscious. So a person can be inspired to do anything (make him kill, steal, convince him that white is black). After the patient who has been subjected to deep hypnosis comes to his senses, he will not remember anything.

You can put a person into a hypnotic state, both with the help of various sound (monotonous) signals, and by influencing his senses. Very often, psychotherapists use a metronome, shiny objects, and meditative music during sessions, which allow him to hold the patient’s attention and help gain control over him. Working with a person’s feelings, the doctor achieves the same result only by relaxing the body, regulating breathing, and closing the eyes.

How to prepare

In order to independently enter a trance state, you need to find a suitable place, but it should not be noisy or crowded. It is best that no one interferes with the process or enters the room. Often practicing trance people can enter this state, regardless of the place and time of the ritual, but for beginners it will be difficult at first even in complete solitude.

Before entering a trance, you need to satisfy your physiological needs so as not to be distracted by them in the future. There is no need to go into a trance hungry or vice versa on a full stomach. The condition should be comfortable. Also, you should not start entering while you are sick.

All irritating factors, such as sounds, noises, distracting luminous objects, must be eliminated. The body position should be comfortable and as relaxed as possible.

How to learn to hypnotize people yourself

You can try on your own, at home, to practice techniques that enhance the impact of a gaze. The proposed practices will make it clear what degree and strength the gaze should be, and how best to focus it. To begin to understand how to hypnotize a person with your gaze, you need to regularly perform exercises aimed at training and focusing your gaze. Among them:

  • training to gaze intently and for a long time into the eyes of another person, without blinking or looking away;
  • focusing on a specific point, on a pencil near the face or an arbitrary point on the wall located at a distance of 2-3 meters for 10-15 minutes without losing concentration;
  • development of peripheral vision, for this you need a place with a wide view (stadium, crowded street), where you need to take a comfortable position and try to see as much as possible of what is happening to the right and left of the straight line.

After you gain confidence in the power of your skill, you can start practicing on friends. For this:

  1. Choose a sufficiently suggestible and sensitive one, preferably a woman.
  2. Ask permission to put her into hypnosis, telling her about your training and intended goal. Without expressed desire and interest, most likely nothing will work out.
  3. It is convenient to sit opposite each other, making sure that in case of unexpected relaxation and loss of control the person does not get hurt.
  4. Ask your partner to select a point above the operator’s right eye and remain focused on it throughout the conversation, maintaining the highest possible degree of concentration.
  5. In a practiced low voice, looking into the eyes, repeat the selected set of phrases several times, based on an introduction to relaxation. This can be either a classic technique with the phrase “your eyelids are getting heavier,” or a complex learned from any of the working trainers. It is advisable to find a complex that is suitable for a particular person and carefully rehearse it with a voice recorder, achieving the most confident sounding voice.
  6. After obtaining a relaxed state of the partner, “anchor” him, saying that complete relaxation will occur after touching his shoulder with his hand.
  7. After making sure that you are completely relaxed, report that your partner is hypnotized. He must grasp this state, accept it and feel its attractiveness.
  8. You can use standard combinations of words: “You only hear my voice,” or any others, but get the result in the form of an absolutely relaxed partner.

Removal from the state of hypnosis should occur in 3 counts, with a quick push. The combination of sight and voice will not be sufficient without confidence in one's abilities and the effectiveness of the practice. Knowing how to lead a person into hypnosis will not be sufficient without the personal power of the operator himself. The impact occurs based on the laws of the human psyche,

Entry techniques

To enter a trance, there are some techniques that allow the body to adapt quickly and easily in a short period of time. However, they all require significant effort, since it may not work the first time. Entry must be practiced frequently.

  1. The easiest technique to perform is holotropic breathing. You can perform this either with a quick noisy exhalation or with slow and deep breathing. The number of breaths per minute should be at least 50 if you use the fast intermittent breathing technique. It is best to perform lying on a flat, flat surface, with dim light. During breathing exercises, the body is saturated with oxygen, which leads to a slight change in consciousness, as well as immersion in a trance.
  2. One way to enter a trance is to use sound. You can use a mantra, which will need to be repeated monotonously, observing a certain tone. The concentration of sensations should be only on sound. Feeling the vibration of the vocal cords and the flow of oxygen into the lungs.
  3. The technique of monotonous movements is often used. The easiest way is to sit on the floor and swing your body in different directions, slowly and monotonously. This method can be supplemented with the sound method.
  4. Concentrate on one action or sound. It can be the sound of an hour or drops of water evenly dripping into the sink, for example. You can focus on your own body and try to listen to your heart.

While entering a trance, a person feels lightness and even some kind of floating. Some people feel leaving their body. Reality is blurred, consciousness is dulled. The state resembles a state of half-asleep, when you are not yet completely asleep, but at the same time you are no longer quite in reality. Self-hypnosis is achieved experimentally. The most popular techniques allow you to achieve a trance state after just a few workouts. Some manage to achieve the desired result already in the first session.

Self-hypnosis methods

The most effective techniques for entering a trance:

  • autogenic training;
  • affirmations;
  • visualization;
  • fixation.

Immersion in trance is available to a person who is fully prepared and has the skills to relax the body and self-control.

Autogenic training

One of the simplest methods to put yourself into a trance is autogenic training. Suitable for beginners, it allows you to relax and calm the nervous system. Based on self-control and knowledge of your body.

A person can plunge into a trance on his own, doing monotonous work, feeling lazy, and not concentrating on thoughts. Purposefully focusing on the heaviness in the body helps relax the muscles, and fixating on the lightness will force them to work. Before entering a trance, a beginner should prepare.

  1. Create a comfortable environment so that there are no distractions.
  2. Wear comfortable clothes.
  3. Find a cozy place.

The “driver on a droshky” pose can be used anywhere there is a chair, armchair or stool. Sit on the edge of the seat so that it rests on the buttock folds, and not on their entire area. Give your legs a stable position by spreading them wide. Your shins should be perpendicular to the floor. If tension remains in the leg muscles, build a pose until it disappears.

Tilt your head forward, round your back. Lower your forearms onto your thighs. Gently hang your brushes down. Do not press your forearms onto your thighs. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

After resting in this position, you need to get out of it correctly. Pay attention to the state of your body, feel rested. Start slowly moving your fingers, clench and unclench your fists. Feel the strength flowing into your body. Clenching your fists tightly, stretch your arms forward. As you inhale, raise your arms up, lean back, bending at the waist, lift your face up. Do all the manipulations without opening your eyes. Stay in this position for 1-2 seconds. Exhale completely through your mouth, unclench your fists and open your eyes at the same time.

Exiting trance incorrectly will cause severe fatigue. Take your time, control your movements, breathing and concentrate on the energy you received during the session.


The simplest technique for entering a trance is the use of affirmations. A person is given complete freedom of choice in the frequency, place and types of affirmations. They are short phrases containing a formula for success. It all depends on the goal that a person sets for himself. For example, you are afraid of the dark or want to improve your financial situation: “I am brave, the darkness is not scary for me,” “Tomorrow I will gain new opportunities and receive financial rewards.”

You can use any phrases you create yourself. You need to repeat them daily before bed for 15-20 minutes. Having taken a comfortable position, let the flow of thoughts pass through you. Breathe deeply, measuredly. When you feel that your body has relaxed and your mind has prepared to perceive the desired attitude, begin to repeat the phrase (you can do it out loud).

You can conduct such sessions in the future on your way to work. The more you repeat, the faster your mind will tune into the right frame of mind.

Another type of affirmation is gratitude: but not for what already is, but for what will be. If you want a car, say “thank you for the new car.” The point is not in words, but in focusing on a powerful positive emotion. You need to clearly imagine your feelings at the moment of achieving the goal and at the same time say words of gratitude.

Visualization method

The technique is used to understand the causes of nervous breakdowns. Allows you to find the right resource in the body to combat the problem. Relax, take a comfortable position. Concentrate on your breathing. Feel how your body becomes warm, pliable, nothing bothers you. Imagine a place that evokes a positive emotion or person in you.

The visualization method is used to analyze the causes of nervous breakdowns.
Transport yourself to the last unpleasant moment for you.
Analyze what you feel (pain, annoyance, irritation). Try to remember events from early childhood in which you had similar feelings. Analyze what resource you lacked in order not to experience those feelings. Then recall the event in which this resource is present. Return back to the nearest conflict situation and use the extracted resource. The technique is quite complex and a beginner will not be able to perform such an entry on his own for the first time. Practice the technique with a partner first.

Fixation of attention

The technique allows you to quickly enter a trance. Before you do this, set a goal for yourself. You can describe it on paper. In the installation, you cannot use negative words: “no, you can’t, get rid of”, etc.

How to put yourself into a trance by fixing your attention:

  • create a fixation point by drawing it on the wall or a white sheet of paper;
  • sit comfortably;
  • relax;
  • peer at the point without being distracted by extraneous sounds or thoughts.

Sit in this state for several minutes. Then proceed to installation. Say it out loud, clearly and clearly, 5-10 times. Close your eyes and relax. Gradually return to reality.

Meditative music

You can enter a trance using various techniques. One of them is the use of meditative music. Meditative trance music is sold on audio media in specialized stores, it can be found on the Internet, or you can chant the mantra yourself, having previously studied the correct tonality and sound combination.

Music, not only for trance and meditation, in general allows a person to relax and put his feelings in order. It is not without reason that psychologists recommend listening to calm, relaxing music as often as possible, both for adults and children. Classical music has a significant impact on improving the health of the body, normalizing mental processes and balancing a person’s state of mind.

Meditative music is aimed at helping to enter a trance, but it can be used not only solo, but also in combination with other techniques for entering an altered consciousness.


Monotonous body movements are called stimming. This is one of the techniques for entering a trance. This technique is considered the most popular and easiest to perform. To achieve an altered consciousness, it is necessary to take a comfortable body position and make monotonous repetitive movements of the body. You can sway from side to side or back and forth. In this case, all your attention should be focused on relaxing all the muscles of the body.

Often during this method additional influence is used on active points of the human body. They are stimulated with fairly strong pressure, and then, releasing, the meditation continues.

No additional help

It is possible to enter a trance on your own. Some skills are required, which can be obtained from specialized literature, a knowledgeable person, or after several independent attempts.

The gaze should not be focused, the body should be completely relaxed. All thoughts are turned off, you need to concentrate only on a specific action or sound. At first it will be difficult to turn off your thoughts, since their constant flow is familiar to a person, it seems impossible to stop it. However, this is not so, and after several attempts, entering a trance will become easy and accessible.

How to exit

The exit from the altered consciousness must take place gradually, just as the immersion was. Visually, you can imagine yourself swimming out of the depths, emerging from under the water, or going down the stairs.

Gradually, thoughts and feelings will come to consciousness, the brain will assimilate the new existing reality. Slow counting will help you come to your senses after falling into a trance. You can perform several relaxing, but toning, movements, like gentle stretching. After entering a trance, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm water and not begin your daily duties for some time so that the body can adapt and tune in to the desired wave.

Breaking out of trance

There is no need to worry or fear that there may be any problems with getting out of trance on your own. You do not lose consciousness, and in general you control your condition. Sometimes, upon completion of the program of suggestion, the eyes open on their own, sometimes it takes a little effort, just like when waking up from sleep.

Just like after a good sleep, you don’t want to immediately get up and start active activities. And it is not necessary. Take a deep breath, stretch with taste, trying to “savor” the feeling of good rest. This state of relaxed pleasure is also beneficial.

Is there any harm

Some scientists believe that going into a trance has only benefits, while others are inclined to believe that it is as harmful to the body as it is beneficial. However, each person should decide for himself whether a trance state will bring him benefit or harm.

First of all, it should be remembered that changes in consciousness affect the functioning of internal organs. The heartbeat slows down, nervous processes are suspended, emotions are suppressed and some numbness of consciousness occurs.

While entering a trance, a person can see some hallucinations or visions that are associated with his internal subconscious fears, which were deposited in early childhood in the subcortex of the brain, and since then the person has not remembered them. Unpleasant memories can cause depression, since a person is not always ready to accept that past reality again.

During a trance, oxygen starvation occurs as breathing slows down. A certain amount of endorphin, the hormone of joy, enters the blood, which causes enlightenment and a feeling of insight for a while. However, this feeling gradually passes, and is followed by a state of lethargy and apathy.


In order to enter a trance, it is necessary to completely relax the physical body and turn off all thought processes. Only by relaxing can a person plunge into an altered consciousness and experience the benefits of a trance state.

Relaxation may not occur immediately, but initially you need to physically try to relax all your muscles, including the muscles of your face, because people often forget about them. After the onset of complete relaxation, achieving an altered consciousness will occur easier and faster.

Freeing yourself from emotions and thoughts

One of the most difficult tasks when entering a trance is turning off the consciousness from the constant stream of thoughts. People are accustomed to conducting an internal monologue without interruption for a second. This constant flow of thoughts allows us to control our actions, concentrate our attention, and direct our movements and actions. However, when entering a trance or during meditation, it is necessary to completely turn off consciousness, relax and not think about anything. Only in this state will entry be possible.

Entering a trance is possible for almost every person. It must be remembered that for some diseases it is impossible to use sound effects or flashing signals, for example, for epilepsy. But otherwise, a person can fall into a trance quite easily.

Many composers and great writers have used trance to gain insight. Each of us can easily use this method to solve our everyday problems, or even children's fears that have accumulated over many years of life.

Preparing for the dive

A trance state occurs in conditions of concentration, a high degree of concentration. Therefore, when immersing yourself in a trance, you need to create the conditions for this:

  • make sure that no external stimuli distract from the self-hypnosis session;
  • Take a comfortable position - lying on a sofa (bed) or sitting in a chair.
  • use additional factors that ensure relaxation and concentration: dim lighting, pleasant quiet music, aroma lamps with soothing essential oils;
  • choose an object of concentration: a shiny object, a candle flame, a rhythmic sound.

You can also plunge into a trance by concentrating on mental images, pleasant memories, pictures of nature, and home comfort. But such images are very fluid, changeable, often they evoke spontaneous and not always desirable associations that distract from immersion. And sometimes these spontaneous associations cause unpleasant sensations or memories, which is completely undesirable during self-hypnosis. Therefore, at first, it is better to choose an object that is not associated with memories.

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