5 Daily Actions That Will Boost Your Self-Confidence

Useful tips

Everyone knows the proverb that water does not flow under a lying stone.

Based on this phrase, it becomes clear that in order to achieve something in life, it is necessary to make appropriate efforts. But for these actions you need to have good self-esteem, positive perceptions and a sense of self-confidence.

It is also necessary to learn to understand that there is no one-time pill for all this.

You need to do a lot of work on yourself, which will take considerable time and will help organize your efforts to improve your life as much as possible.

New thinking can radically change and change for the better communication with your loved ones, with colleagues and relatives, it can make it easy to perceive any events, and can also teach you not to stop and focus on difficult situations, but to position yourself only in the most positive way .

Personal talents and positive qualities

The first thing you need to do is make a list of personal talents,

various positive qualities, of which you probably have many, as well as good skills.

Simply put, identify for yourself personally all your strengths in which you have no equal, at least in your environment. There are definitely things that only you and no one else can figure out. Let this become your weapon that you can use. Moreover, by showing your skills to other people, you can earn their respect and trust.

Get rid of the eternal feeling of guilt in front of everyone

You should not look for the reasons for any events in your own shortcomings.

After all, you are not God, and your shortcomings are not so powerful. Don't forget that there are various aspects of situations: natural, political, physical, social, economic, which significantly affect your life and you personally. This means that when you are drawn to take responsibility for someone’s behavior or for some event, for example, the tsunami in Thailand, remember this every time.

Let go of your failures

Don't set too high goals and be prepared for disappointment and failure. Things can go wrong at the very last moment and undermine your self-confidence. Don't let things you can't control poke holes in your armor and frustrate you.

Keep a special “frustration journal” in which you can chronicle all the things that upset you and describe how it made you feel. Later, when you re-read it, you will be able to understand how insignificant they really were.

The problems that will be described there will, for the most part, seem far-fetched to you and not worth wasting time and effort on. Ideally, you shouldn't let things in the magazine throw you off track. But this is usually easier said than done.

What is the point in meekly accepting the blows of fate every time? Isn’t it possible to at least sometimes give free rein to your emotions?

Yes, it's definitely possible. We are just people after all. There is another principle of Stoicism that you need to know about.

The second most important principle of Stoicism is this:

The worse, the better.

The more negativity in a situation, the greater its positive potential. Negative emotions always motivate people to take decisive action. The idea that everything you worked so hard for has ended up going up in smoke may be hard to accept at first, but it will be of great benefit later on.

First, ask yourself if this particular failure affected your ultimate goal. Most often the answer to this question is negative. Your self-confidence should not be shaken by this. Give yourself time to recover from what happened, and then take on the task with renewed vigor.

If the failure somehow affected the final goal, then be sure to think about what went wrong. Take time for reflection and consider the situation from all sides. Just don't let your emotions get the better of you. In any situation, with due diligence, you can always find positive aspects.

Failures are obstacles that block your path to your ultimate goal. They are important and useful because they teach us to overcome ourselves, cultivate willpower and strengthen character.

Communicate more

You need to communicate more precisely when you experience real fear from it.

. Start visiting interest clubs, sign up for some courses, start accepting invitations to various parties.

If you are a guy, then approach girls and introduce yourself. They may want communication even more than you, but they do not dare to approach you first, since it is more difficult for them to take the initiative. If you suddenly get rejected, breathe easier, don’t take it as a huge disaster. Probably, today the girl is not in the mood or for a million other reasons that are known only to her, but have nothing to do with you personally.

How the book changed people

Can a book impact the lives of at least a few people? It’s easier for Americans, they are free from birth, and we are chained with chains of fear. Below are stories of real people who managed to apply the advice given in the book to themselves.

reviews of the book the power of self confidence brian tracy

“I dared to make a plan to achieve my goal. I am adjusting the plan over time, but I am moving towards the goal. Life is changing, though not as quickly as I dreamed” - Victoria from Tula.

“I reconsidered my attitude towards life. I'm sorry that I wasted time. I am glad that it has become easy to make decisions. I’m moving towards my intended goal” - Alena from Tver.

“The book helped me understand my mistakes. Increased confidence or arrogance. I don't know what else. Some people call me arrogant. So what. The plan consists of several points, one of which has already been overcome” - Oleg from Sochi.

Play some sports

If you want to be a 99% confident person, go in for sports.

What could be better than regularly training and observing the changes in your body, noticing the progress of improvement? In this case, when you take off your shirt and see a beautiful muscle definition, your self-esteem grows by leaps and bounds.

The tone from constant exercise gives such a charge of positive energy,

that you will want to share with the whole world. Suppose, if you were previously a notorious boy with bad posture, now you see a handsome handsome man with a confident look and a certain pride in himself and his successes. Sport, according to the athletes themselves, is the first cure for an inferiority complex.

"Welcome to the army, son"

Surely you have at least once watched the Victory Parade on May 9? Before the release of military equipment, soldiers from different units march. Look how military personnel look when holding weapons with dignity? Looking at them, one can see complete confidence in themselves and their abilities. So, to become self-confident, you just need to do as in the army - chest forward, shoulders back, chin on the horizon line, and something else that we will discuss below.

Morning running

The morning shake-up of the body makes you wake up faster, produce testosterone and generally look at the world with the look: “If I can go for a run at 6 in the morning, then I can be whatever I want” and look at myself with some pride. This is the first principle of self-confidence; if you love yourself, then 75% of the path has already been passed, and all that remains is to fill in some gaps.

Read more: How to become better than you are?

By the way, a morning jog does not mean that you would wear yourself out, just a light jog followed by walking for 30 minutes. There are also advantages of jogging in maintaining your body in toned shape without sagging excess fat on the sides of the abdomen. So, the advantages here are obvious.

Harmonies like dopamine and testosterone also begin to be produced, which raise the level of good mood above zero. Notice how you feel when you go home after a run? Such euphoria in the body, a slight feeling of superiority over others appears (just a little won’t hurt, don’t abuse it) in this state you feel more confident than others and that’s cool.

✅Guide to changing yourself .pdf

Pouring cold water

This is actually a cool thing for strengthening the body and self-confidence. We take a bucket (preferably a bucket so that we can pour the water directly on ourselves) and, when we come back from a run, our body is completely warmed up, we pour it on ourselves, maybe with screams. The first times are quite unpleasant, but then you get the feeling as if there is strong armor around your body that nothing can penetrate.

There are people who, at the slightest hypothermia, immediately fall ill; I can confidently say that this manifestation of the body is a psychological, protective reaction from childhood. I recommend that you try dousing yourself, but if the disease begins, still solve the problem with the cold and then continue hardening. Or forget about the manifestations of a cold and continue to shower yourself as if nothing had happened, and after that you will definitely stop getting sick often.

More exercise

The stronger you become, the stronger the spirit becomes. By pumping your muscles at a deep level, you understand that you are becoming stronger and in case of an unforeseen situation you will be able to fight back. To do this, you don’t have to sign up for a gym and go every day; home exercises such as push-ups, dumbbells, and squats are enough.

In general, physical activity has a beneficial effect on the overall well-being and tone of the body, the main thing is not to overdo it. I have a friend who just came to the gym and immediately started lifting more weight than he should, then problems with his joints started. Don't do this.

Carry out orders given to yourself

Ideally, every person should always have a goal for the day/month/year/10 years/lifetime; this helps to navigate where the road is going. Can a person be confident if he has no goal? To do this, we start a notebook and write in it all the tasks for the day, 3-10 pieces, and complete them.

Read more: Infantility, what is it?

The main task is to complete everything that you have planned, without putting it off until tomorrow; otherwise, what’s the point of writing tasks if you don’t complete them? Gradually, day after day, your responsibility will grow higher and higher and, accordingly, self-confidence will not take long to appear. In general, the quality of writing everything down is a very useful habit.

Gordon Freeman's method

A little banter, but still, when a person is silent, he shows more self-confidence than a “radio man”. If a person is confident in himself and is always used to speaking to the point, then he will not be scattered with empty conversations. This does not apply to girls; girls have an emotional brain, so for them conversations are more a manifestation of emotions.

Correct posture

What do you always notice at first glance? On a person's posture.

Your image will automatically become aristocratic if you always stand or sit straight with a straight back. It is posture that is a sign of a confident person who never caves in front of others. At the initial stage, this will be quite difficult to achieve, moreover, it can even be very difficult, because you need to train yourself to always keep your back straight. You should constantly perform exercises that will strengthen your shoulder blade and lower back muscles.

In general, get up from your computer right now

and straighten your back, pull your shoulders back and lower them. At the same time, the body should look forward, and the arms should be slightly laid back. Practice doing this exercise as often as possible and you will soon notice the results. Just don't stand like a fashion model on the catwalk. From the outside it will look extremely ridiculous.

Who should read the book?

There is no category of people who would not be interested in reading “The Power of Self-Confidence.” This book can be useful to many, not only businessmen. It is useful for everyone to gain a sense of confidence. In other words, gain freedom, throw off the chains of fear. Gain unlimited confidence.

Feeling confident will allow you to:

  • Dream without fear.
  • Feel free to set goals.
  • Feel free to draw up an implementation plan.

A person gains a lot from freeing himself from the shackles of fear, and this book is just for those who are not confident, but want to become courageous.

Be determined to win

Most people stop believing in their victory

and become very unsure of themselves because they initially set high goals for themselves, which are almost impossible to achieve. You need to start with small goals, but ones that you can achieve easier and faster.

When you have completed this task and set many small goals for yourself, gradually move on to more important tasks. At the same time, it is necessary to keep a list with all the goals, both small and more serious, in order to constantly have a reminder that you have done everything well and correctly.

Don't constantly focus on the list of only necessary things, pay attention to what has already been done. This is a great way for you to become more confident in your skills by reflecting on your milestones, goals and projects you have already achieved.

Call on mathematics to help

There is another good technique that will help you increase and strengthen your self-confidence. To monitor your progress, simply count it. For example:

  • if you are in sales, count the money you earn;
  • if you are a writer, keep track of the number of views, readers and responses;
  • If you're a marketer, track your clicks.

Simple math and calculating what results you got from completing certain tasks will provide an understanding of how fast you are moving towards your goal and provide a good incentive for further progress.

Let us illustrate everything said above with a concrete example that all writers can take into account.

All a writer can control are the words that appear on the screen and the time spent writing them. Words can be made as persuasive, attractive and wise as possible, but if they are not to the liking of readers, then they will not share what they read with anyone.

There is a theory that the more you write, the more responses you get. This factor can be checked, and then you can begin to manage it.

For example, the author of the article cites the following figures obtained from personal observation:

  • post No. 1: 500 words - 100 responses, an hour of time spent;
  • post #2: 2,000 words - 1,000 responses, four hours of time spent.

Mathematical calculations help to identify a certain pattern that can already be controlled:

  • post #1: 500 words - 0.2 responses per word, 1.66 responses per minute;
  • post #2: 2,000 words - 0.5 responses per word, 4.16 responses per minute.

If we take slightly larger amounts of information, we get something like this: each written proposal receives an average of 5–7 responses, that is, five minutes of time spent is worth approximately 20 responses. Having made such small calculations, you will understand that you did not waste your time in vain, and you will gain confidence in your own abilities.

Use tools that help you control how you move towards your goals. These are very simple and obvious formulas that need to be derived once, memorized and applied in cases where you want to evaluate your effectiveness. They make life easier in many ways and allow you to clearly evaluate the results of your efforts.

Formulas and calculations will help you gain self-confidence and understand how close you are to your goal.

Pay attention to your choice of clothing

For a woman, this is perhaps the most obvious answer to the question

how to become more confident in yourself. And not even because we are greeted, as a rule, by our clothes, but because correctly selected clothing items will help even the shyest girls to add self-confidence.

In those moments when you need to be on top, you need to approach the choice of clothes with the utmost care: you simply have to be on top, but at the same time remain yourself.

Learn to define your own style.

To do this, you can consult with your friends or even turn to professionals. Maybe all you need to become more confident is just a slight change in your image.

Lacks self-confidence. What to do? How to learn to overcome uncertainty?


- a common problem that psychologists have to deal with quite often.
Sometimes the feeling of self-doubt is the leitmotif of our entire life, sometimes it unexpectedly attacks us, and we have to make incredible efforts to overcome it. It also happens that in some situations we are confident in ourselves, but in others for some reason we become like little confused children, looking around restlessly. Where does the feeling of self-doubt come from? How to learn to overcome it? Our wonderful professional psychologists are discussing this today. Rumyantseva Marina Alekseevna - psychologist, psychotherapist,
business coach: Confidence is a quality that opens the door to a space of success, so necessary and desired. A confident person knows what he wants, sets goals and achieves what he wants, and, of course, he makes a certain, very favorable impression on others. And here, it is worth noting that the impression is sometimes more important than the rest. If you want to come across as a confident person, you can practice. To do this, you need to know what confidence is made of and how it manifests itself in the body. First of all, 70 percent is due to body posture. And here support is important for the body. Remember the cat that lies down on the owner’s chair and try to shoo it away. A wise animal shifts its center of gravity wherever it finds itself. Perhaps, thanks to this ability, she “walks on her own.” Therefore, if you want to appear confident, try to lean on any possible support. If you are standing, then “glue” to the floor, if you are sitting, lean your back on the back of the chair. The main thing is that your posture should be stable. The rest (30%) is voice, gestures, and gaze. Complete, appropriate, calm gestures, affirmative intonation, fixed gaze - these are the external manifestations of confident behavior. Remember a situation where you felt insecure, try to feel what happened to your body. If any muscles in your body are tight, tighten them even more and then relax. Then imagine a situation where you were absolutely confident in yourself and observe how the sensations in your body change. Try to practice this by moving from an uncertain posture, gaze, gestures to more confident ones. Record how sensations in your body change. This little body training can help in a specific situation. On the other hand, if everywhere, always, under any circumstances, even alone with yourself, you are unsure of yourself, then perhaps your path is to a psychotherapist’s chair, where you can understand the causes of difficulties and overcome them. True, this will require time and some effort.

Konorov Fedor - psychotherapist (certificate of the EAGT standard (European Association of Gestalt Therapists)), employee of the Moscow Gestalt Institute, supervisor

, leader of psychotherapy groups and long-term training programs in Gestalt therapy: From my observations, the expression “self-doubt” is used to describe a wide variety of experiences. There are three most common ones. In order to understand the nuances, I will give real and almost real dialogues from practice.

1. Client: “I’m unsure of myself.” Therapist: “Why do you think that?” Client: “I'm afraid to ski on difficult trails.” Therapist: “How long have you been skiing?” Client: “Two days”

2. Client: “I’m not confident in myself.” Therapist: “Why do you think that?” Client: “I’m afraid to meet girls.” Therapist: “What are you afraid of? Client: “I’m afraid that they will refuse me.” Therapist: “What will happen to you then?” Client: “I’ll be alone, I’ll be lonely”

3. Client: “I’m not confident in myself.” Therapist: “Why do you think that?” Client: “I can’t speak in public.” Therapist: “Why?” Client: “I’m afraid of making a mistake, forgetting the text, stumbling on stage.” Therapist: “What will this mean for you?” Client: “Everyone will see how worthless I am, I will burn with shame”

So, I think what is most often hidden behind the words “I am not confident in myself” is -

1. natural fear and attempts to ignore it

; There are many cultural stereotypes that label fear and doubt as “bad” feelings. For example, such as “a boy should not be afraid”, “don’t doubt - act”, etc. If such ideas are deeply rooted in a person’s mind, and he does not criticize them, then such natural experiences as doubt and fear will be perceived , as something abnormal and in the inner world they will be labeled with a shameful “label” - “lack of self-confidence.” It is important that in the process of psychotherapy a person can regain the ability to think critically about ideas heard in childhood, perceived from movies, books and the media.

2. fear of losing significant or highly desired relationships, fear of loneliness

; Many of us like to live with the illusion that we can control another person's feelings. For example, it’s nice to believe that “if I’m very good, then someone else will definitely like me and he will always love me, the main thing is not to make mistakes...” But, fortunately, this is only an illusion. It’s not easy to part with her, but if you decide to do this, then this kind of uncertainty will go away on its own. If I cannot control the feelings of another, then I can allow myself to be who I am. It makes no sense to control your every gesture and choose your words on the first date.

3. shame, fear of feeling humiliated

. There is normal, natural shame - this experience regulates our behavior, allows us to notice when we have “faked” or deceived ourselves. Another experience is toxic shame, which burns the personality, as if telling the person, “you should not exist, you are not worthy of being.” Such an experience occurs when a person has formed an ideal image of himself, an image that does not contain flaws, it is perfect and that is why it can never exist in reality. Every time a person encounters deviations of his behavior from an impossible ideal, he experiences painful experiences. “Lack of self-confidence” in this case can be deciphered as “distrust of oneself,” that is, a person does not believe that what is happening to him (mistake, weakness, limitation) is normal, natural, and logical. For such a person, only the opinion of others about himself matters (and he rather fantasizes about this opinion than actually asks for it and listens to it). He does not dare to trust his own “feeling of himself.”

Nikolaeva Irina – practical psychologist, full member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League of the Russian Federation,

runs a private practice: I think that everyone can sometimes say about themselves that “I lacked confidence.” Because there are situations in life when even the most confident and courageous suddenly feel useless, losers, etc. After all, we evaluate our attitude towards ourselves through the actions and words of other people, we try to meet their ideas about us. And now you feel guilty! This is where the word “self-esteem” comes to mind. Of course, for those who are unsure, it is always underestimated. And if someone has a feeling of uncertainty, but occasionally, then you will not envy those who constantly live in stable uncertainty. This is constant worry and anxiety, and the fear of being rejected. And as such people always ask the psychologist at an appointment for a miraculous pill: so that in one or two times they can become all active, decisive, while modest girls just want to quickly turn into a bitch. They were so fed up with this shyness! But, unfortunately, there is no pill, but the only person who will come to your aid is you. And only you can support yourself, and not hide from people, as you did in childhood. Be responsible for your own actions and words, defend your views, and not look at the world through someone else's eyes. And often people simply don’t need themselves, but complain that no one pays attention to them, that no one needs them. What did you do to get noticed? Or maybe it’s not a matter of insecurity, but of elementary pride? So what to do? Straighten your back and shoulders - this is how your body signals to others about your independence and well-being. Smile at yourself in the mirror every time, play the role of a confident and cheerful person. It’s very, very difficult at first, but then you really become different. Study your character, find your strengths and weaknesses and use them skillfully. Someone is given from birth to open the door with their foot and achieve their goal, while others, in modesty and shyness, will find their resource to become successful. And finally: repeat when a wave of uncertainty comes over you: “What other people think about me has nothing to do with me!” and achieve your plans.

Erinova Elena Gennadievna - clinical psychologist; family and developmental psychologist

), employee of the Psychological Consultation Center "PsiGrad": One of the hot topics lately, which is being actively discussed on the Internet, print media, specialized and popular literature, is Self-doubt... Sometimes it seems that so much advice has been given on how to overcome it, it seemed would be, take it and do it. But when you start doing all this, first you get inspired: “Yes! It’s possible, everything can be solved.” And then, at some point, your strength runs out, despair sets in, you give up, and... you stop doing anything in this direction... What prevents you from becoming a confident person? In my opinion, what hinders us, first of all, is that we do not accept ourselves as we are. We try to meet standards, norms, rules, values ​​and, adjusting ourselves to them, sometimes we forget that we are not robots, but living people, and nothing human is alien to us, including fears and doubts. We have the right to doubt, to be indecisive, to be unsure about some issues. And we also have no less right to be confident and decisive in other situations. In the pursuit of material values, success, we forget about inner harmony, about what we really need and what we really want. Self-doubt is a lack of faith in yourself, faith in YOURSELF. The first step towards confidence is to honestly admit that I am who I am. And I have everything: negative and positive, fears and doubts, as well as joy and love, confidence and determination. If you analyze in what situations this uncertainty arises, you will see that these situations have something in common with each other. There are situations in which you act confidently and do not doubt the correctness of your actions, and there are times when you cannot decide on anything. But if you look deeper and forgive yourself for not being decisive, you will find that indecision and uncertainty itself can also be a solution in some cases. These are just mind games. Stereotypes, beliefs, rules that we ourselves create in our heads…. And if we throw them away and listen to our inner self, our heart, trust our intuition, are we really such insecure people? Do we always doubt everything? Forgive yourself for sometimes lacking confidence. And start loving yourself right now, just the way you are!

Egorova Anna Stanislavovna – psychologist-consultant

, professional coach: Lack of confidence? Dream, fantasize, wish, think, first of all, what CONFIDENCE is for you, why YOU need it. Don’t deceive yourself, admit honestly, what do you really want, why do YOU ​​need to be confident in yourself, what goals are behind this confidence? Why do you need it? Ever thought about this? The formula for confidence and success is simple: “I WANT – I CAN – I DO.” “Should, must, could, would like...” - all these clichés in no way affect our motivation, plans, achievements. They, in fact, do not come from us, but were “learned” by us once for some reason, invested in us in childhood by our parents, prescribed by job descriptions, they are “not ours.” “I could” is an expression of an uncertain, unformed, timid “I want”, which has not yet turned into a goal. And while there is no goal, there is no action plan to achieve it, there is no clear path from the current state to the desired state. Train yourself to say “I want!” - only this phrase can fully reflect the true needs and desires, launch the mechanism of action to achieve this “I want”. Confidence can be learned to “turn on” with the help of your own body. You are tired, feeling overwhelmed and empty. Stand up, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, look forward - even these minimal actions to change your posture are enough for a positive transformation. You change your mood, look confidently into the future, and start the process of positivity. As soon as the body takes a confident pose, the consciousness adjusts accordingly. If a new, bright image and positive colors of clothing are added to the confident state, success is guaranteed. Thinking about uncertainty is ineffective; it is more useful to think about HOW TO GAIN CONFIDENCE. Think about what you want to achieve. If you can't do it yourself, contact a specialist. A coach is the person who accompanies positive changes; a coach will help you reformulate the problem into a goal and draw up a clear step-by-step action plan to achieve this goal. The coach will accompany you on the path to change, help you not to go astray during the “journey”, and if necessary, you will work on developing new skills. Don't be afraid of change, don't waste precious time! Work with a coach, turn to your uniqueness and intuition, achieve the desired result, enjoy success, live life to the fullest!

Know how to relax

Always try to listen to your feelings

desires and feelings. Try to constantly find time to be alone with yourself. This is necessary to collect your thoughts, understand and hear yourself better.

Learn to take care of yourself, constantly ask yourself what exactly you would like today.

These may be small, but necessary things for you, for example, taking a walk down the street, buying something tasty, doing gymnastics, or watching your favorite TV series.

Start smiling

You might be surprised how much of an impact even the smallest smile can make to defuse any situation and make everyone feel as comfortable as possible.

Who would you turn to for help, a gloomy and stern person or a smiling person?

If you are concerned about the sincerity of your smile, it is enough just not to smile all over your face. An insincere smile will be noticed a mile away. Well, if you are truly truly happy, then those around you will simply feel it and appreciate it.


If you want to become different, more confident

person, then your previous habits also need to be changed. For example, take some old habit of yours and redo it. There is no need to do this in any drastic way; it is enough to just add new colors and touches.

If you have done exercises before, this is commendable, but now try to add music to it, or do it in a different place than where you did it before. Or do it in the evening rather than in the morning.

Or you can go on your lunch break to dine not in your usual place, but in a completely new one, somewhere you have never been before. You can try changing your eating habits and switching to vegetarian food, or you can change your music preferences. The choice is yours.

What is self confidence

Becoming self-confident means highly appreciating your capabilities and abilities in solving problems and performing necessary functions.

Confidence is a derivative of the word “faith.” We can believe in anything and anyone: in God, in power, in truth, in another person. Faith means unconditional acceptance, absence of fear and discomfort. If we trust a friend, then we are not afraid that he will betray, if we trust our husband, we do not experience the fear of betrayal.

Self-confidence consists of the following points


  • understanding your personality, knowledge of your weak and strong characteristics;
  • awareness that any goal can be achieved if enough adequate effort is applied to its implementation;
  • having self-control when making mistakes;
  • independence from other people’s opinions, choosing your own decisions as the only right ones for you in a particular situation.

Many women have complexes about their appearance and spend time and money trying to achieve the ideals offered by society. But they remain unclaimed by the opposite sex.

There are opposite examples, when ladies of ordinary appearance, with a non-standard figure, and unharmonious facial features are in great demand among men, get married repeatedly and do not allow themselves to be used.

What's the matter? In self-confidence. The exquisite beauty doesn’t really consider herself a worthy woman, which is why she pumps gel into her lips and enlarges her breasts. But the lack of self-confidence is internal; no external improvements will correct the situation. Men intuitively recognize such a girl, she becomes not interesting to them. The girl is weak, it is difficult to rely on her in difficult times.

Another thing is a lady who knows her worth. She is calm about the extra pounds, because she knows that as soon as they start to bother her, she will quickly correct the situation. She adores her long nose, considering it her highlight.

In a hungry year, a self-confident woman will buy a bag of flour, dig up potatoes and cook pies. It will feed the whole family and there will be some left over for sale. Men feel this inner strength and are drawn to it.

Self-confidence and self-esteem are similar concepts, but not identical. Self-esteem is an attitude towards one’s internal qualities, and faith is an understanding of the ability to cope with a task, hope in oneself and one’s strengths.

Becoming self-confident is not only possible at any age, but is also necessary in order to find harmony and stop worrying about trifles. Uncertainty can lead to the development of psychological problems. For example, if we constantly return home to check the iron or the locked door, then this is already a pathology. Self-doubt causes discomfort and anxiety.

Learn to praise yourself

The most important key to self-confidence

is the joy of victories and any achievements. Always try to praise and encourage yourself. Be positive. Just be happy with yourself without any special reasons for this and forget about various complexes.

When starting to do something new in life, it is quite difficult to take in everything at once, so act slowly but surely, mastering something new for yourself step by step, slowly and without rushing. Give yourself extra time for this. Praise yourself for the smallest successes.

History of the book

For more than 25 years, Brian Tracy has studied the behavior of extraordinary individuals. He was interested in everything from the ability to think to making decisions. Uncertainty and confusion are obstacles that need to be overcome. Brian Tracy understood this, which is why he created this book. In his work “The Power of Self-Confidence,” Brian Tracy popularly explained what thoughts allow you to achieve your goal.

Brian Tracy has found that building confidence is possible. The author shows how to achieve this through his own example. He convinces the reader to replace doubts with confidence; one should not be afraid to commit the wrong act. The author is convinced that the confidence that everything will work out accompanies people who are capable of thinking outside the box.

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