Why is a child too nervous and what should parents do?

A serious problem that requires a competent approach is the baby’s excessive irritability. A very nervous baby should be helped to cope with emotions, and not criticized and punished, since irritability is an uncontrollable and inadequate reaction under normal circumstances. An irritable child reacts violently to any requests and comments from adults, criticizes clothes and toys, and any little thing can provoke sobs, long-term frustration and even aggression. In especially difficult cases, the baby may try to hit adults, tear out his hair, and have trouble sleeping at night, waking up and crying. Such a child does not obey parental instructions, refuses to eat, wash, brush his teeth or go on a visit, and expresses his protest very violently - with screams and crying.

Each age has its own characteristics of the causes of irritability. For example, in children under 3 years of age it manifests itself due to problems during pregnancy (stress and illness), difficult childbirth, damage to the central nervous system and vascular diseases. Painful sensations when teeth begin to grow, increased demands from parents and their own irritability also affect the emotional state of the baby.

Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren often become irritated due to overprotection and high demands from their parents, or vice versa, due to a complete lack of interest in the child’s life. Adults can keep a child in constant tension with their demand to study only excellently, and by criticizing poor social adaptation when the child does not have good relationships with the teacher or peers. Irritability in adolescents is generally caused by hormonal changes in the body, which entails the appearance of complexes and problems in communication.

It is very difficult to raise a restless child; first you should try to understand him, understand that he himself suffers from his uncontrollable behavior. Parents should not shout, reproach or scold the child, this will only aggravate the problematic situation. If the child is old enough, then after the next manifestation of irritability he realizes his guilt and feels shame for not being able to control negative emotions. To help the child, parents should visit a neurologist with him, who will find out what diseases may be causing irritability. In addition, it is recommended to strictly observe the daily routine: the baby should have a lunchtime nap, and in the evening he should go to bed no later than 22.00.

In addition, the lack of discipline has a bad effect on the well-being of any child, so observing it is very important in every family. Parents should establish a system of prohibitions in such a way that it is easily perceived by the child in a playful way. All possible mistakes of a child should not be harshly criticized, and demand unconditional fulfillment of all requirements. It will be better to gently explain why this needs to be done, and then the child will consciously carry out everything. You need to talk to your child about this topic, discuss his relationships with classmates, which may be the cause of irritability. It is recommended to send your child to a section or circle where he will make new friends with similar interests.

Illness or personality traits?

If a child is very nervous, this can affect the quality of life of both him and those around him. This term usually means tearfulness, excitability, sleep problems, disobedience, irritability, and hysteria. It is very difficult to make contact with nervous children, since such a child reacts to any remark or suggestion with violent hysterics and protests. Psychological practice shows that most problems lie in improper upbringing in early childhood.

Naughty and nervous children are such intertwined concepts that sometimes it can be difficult to understand the essence of the problem without the help of qualified specialists. Among the most common reasons for children's disobedience are the following:

  1. The desire to attract attention. This affects children who are to some extent deprived of parental warmth and affection. The child notices that when he commits any negative actions, he receives the missing parental emotions, which he uses in the future.
  2. The desire to free yourself from many restrictions set by parents. This applies to those children who are subject to strict control on a daily basis.

    strict control

  3. Revenge. Children from a very young age can take revenge, often doing it unconsciously. This behavior may be a response to parental divorce, unfair punishment, or failure to keep promises.

Only in last place are disorders of the child’s nervous system.


Prevention of nervous disorders is important not only for children who have already encountered this problem. Every parent should be aware that the child’s psyche is not as formed as that of an adult, and therefore is susceptible to various destabilizing factors.

In order to prevent the occurrence of neurological disorders in a child, it is important to observe the following measures:

  • Listen to his emotions. It is important not to miss the moment when he needs support or simple attention;
  • Assess the child's emotional potential. A lot of attention is not always the best solution. Children should also have their own personal space;
  • Talk to him. Don't be afraid to tell your child about your feelings and thoughts. And, of course, it is important to teach him to give feedback;
  • Build trust. The child should know that parents are always ready to listen to him and accept him, even if he has made a mistake;
  • Create conditions for unlocking its potential. If a child has a craving for drawing, then you should not prohibit him from doing this activity, citing the fact that, for example, sports are a more interesting activity.

Childhood neuroses

The psyche of a small child is very fragile and subject to outside influence. Against the background of numerous prohibitions, stressful situations and lack of attention, neuroses can form. This is a neuropsychiatric disorder that is characterized by the appearance of unusual psychosomatic and behavioral symptoms. Children are often nervous precisely because of the occurrence of neuroses.

The peak development of the pathological condition is considered to be the age of 5-6 years, when the child begins to behave inappropriately. In some cases, neuroses appear as early as 2-3 years of age.

Neuroses in children

Asthenic neurosis (neurasthenia)

It is formed in children who are timid and suspicious.
Often occurs after long-term infectious diseases, against the background of chronic stress or overwork. Neurosis is manifested by sleep disorders, anxiety, and unreasonable fears. The patient develops inadequate sensitivity to familiar stimuli: noise, bright light. Somatic symptoms include headaches, discomfort in the heart, and gastrointestinal disorders. Vegetative components are often added: goosebumps, chills, sweating.

Hysterical neurosis

Children with traits of demonstrativeness, publicity, and infantilism are prone to hysterical neurosis. At an early age, disturbances in physiological functions (affective-respiratory attacks, involuntary bowel movements and urination), falling to the floor screaming, are typical.

Children with normal speech development develop symptoms of mutism - lack of response in dialogue, reluctance to engage in verbal contact. For older people and teenagers, a vivid picture of hysteria is typical: theatricality, arching in non-physiological positions, loud emotional sobbing. Less commonly, convulsions and hysterical blindness may occur.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Among the sick, children with increased moral responsibility are more common. Patients are usually distinguished by pedantry, adherence to principles, and meticulousness. The child is haunted by obsessive experiences and phobias, which he himself wants to get rid of: fear of death, war, separation from parents.

There is an obsessive component, which is realized by convulsive spasms, obsessive movements (blinking, coughing, wrinkling the forehead). Children have “calming” rituals, for example, sucking the edge of a pillow, washing their hands for a long time.

Depressive neurosis

It often develops as a result of the action of a constant psychotraumatic factor in the family. Adolescents and children at puberty are more prone to depressive neurosis. The child is withdrawn, wants to be alone, and is constantly in a depressed mood. Speech becomes scanty, the face becomes hypomimic. Characterized by decreased physical activity, poor appetite, and insomnia.

Systemic (asymptomatic) neuroses

The group includes a number of diseases that are represented by individual manifestations. One type is tics or tic movements. Neurosis looks like periodic twitching of the eyelids, facial muscles, limbs or torso as a whole. Loss of control over urination (enuresis) or bowel movements (encopresis) also falls into this category. A representative of systemic neurosis is logoneurosis, or neurotic stuttering, in which disturbances in the rhythm and fluency of speech in children are associated with spasms of the speech muscles.

Causes of neuroses

Psychologists identify the following prerequisites for the development of a pathological condition:

  • situations that are traumatic to the psyche (alcohol or drug addiction of one of the parents, divorce, use of corporal punishment on a child, conflict situations with peers, adaptation to kindergarten or school);
  • severe fear;
  • negative atmosphere between parents;

    tense atmosphere in the family

  • the birth of another child in the family.

Also, a child 2 or more years old can become nervous due to the death of a relative or getting into a car accident.

Causes of nervous breakdowns in children

There are several factors that can greatly affect the child's psyche and lead to major mental disorders. Nervous breakdown is a common phenomenon among children and occurs as a result of exposure to such factors:

  • Mistakes in raising a child. Many parents allow them. This happens because, firstly, little attention is paid to the child, and secondly, the methods of education do not correspond to the age or emotional state of the baby. Very often, parents intimidate their child, deceive, promising something, and then do not fulfill their promise. They allow too much or, on the contrary, make a strong ban.
  • Aggression in the family. If a son or daughter often witnesses aggressive relationships in the family or somewhere else, over time he begins to show aggression in his actions.
  • Sudden fear has a very negative effect on the psyche, phobias, fears and even stuttering may appear.
  • Severe stress. Moreover, a child can experience it even after losing his favorite toy.
  • Change of environment, relocation, change of place of study. The little man needs to get used to new people and a new environment again. This cannot but leave a mark on his behavior. Even if the changes are for the better, as the parents think, the child may not support them. It is at this moment that his psyche is ready to explode in the form of a breakdown.

Symptoms of mental disorder

The first signs of disturbances in the functioning of the child’s nervous system can be considered the following manifestations:

  • the emergence of fears and anxiety;

    childhood fears

  • insomnia and spontaneous interruptions of sleep in the middle of the night;
  • restless state;
  • reluctance to communicate with other children, isolation;
  • coughing that does not go away for a long period of time;
  • urinary and fecal incontinence, especially during sleep;
  • stuttering;
  • the appearance of obsessive movements.

Attentive parents will definitely notice some changes in the baby’s behavior. This may be excessive aggressiveness both towards other children and adults, irritability, hyperexcitability. All these manifestations give reason to contact doctors, since letting the situation take its course can result in negative consequences in the future for both parents and the child.

How to help your child survive a nervous breakdown

Nerves happen to all children, and parents should be prepared for this. You need to adhere to tactics that will help the child feel supported and understood, only then will he be able to relax and calm down.

To help your child, you must follow these rules of behavior:

  • Don't provoke. If you see that the child is about to lose his temper, it is better to switch his attention to something else. His psyche is still quite flexible, so his emotional state is easy to change.
  • Much depends on relationships in the family. You cannot show aggression towards your son or daughter or among each other. Friendly and calm communication is the key to a healthy child’s psyche.
  • You shouldn’t scold your child; at such moments you should become not a teacher, but a partner. Then the child will trust more, and you will get out of a difficult situation together.
  • During a nervous breakdown, you can use the mirror projection method. This means repeating his actions after the child, then he will see what his behavior looks like from the outside.
  • You cannot leave a child alone with himself; in a state of passion, he can cause harm to himself and others. But it’s better to take him to a quiet place where there are not many people and try to talk calmly there.
  • Give cold water to drink. For adults, a contrast shower is recommended during a nervous breakdown; for children it can be dangerous, especially for small ones. This technique cools and brings people to their senses, returning a person to reality. It can only be used from 10 years of age.
  • After the breakdown, when the baby has calmed down, it is better to put him to bed. Before this, you can give sweet tea infused with motherwort or mint. And when he gets up, be sure to talk about what happened, but in a calm tone;
  • For children who often have nervous breakdowns, doctors recommend taking vitamin B. It strengthens the human nervous system, thus stress has less impact on the body, and emotionality appears in moderation.
  • If aggression and neuroses are observed in a child too often, this can lead to the development of serious mental problems in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the problem is at an initial stage, then it can be cured using special psychological techniques with minimal harm to the child. It is important to understand that neuroses in childhood are serious problems in the future.

For prevention purposes, you need to take care of the child’s nervous system from birth. Experts say: educate yourself, and your children will follow your example. Children always repeat the behavior pattern of those around them, and the hereditary factor also plays a significant role. Therefore, shouting, punishing, threatening is not a solution. Such methods only make the situation worse. Try to understand your child, help him, with the right approach you can forever get rid of problems associated with nervous breakdowns. The main thing is not to ignore the situation and pay attention to it in time.

Treatment of neuroses

Therapy for pathological conditions of the nervous system is selected in a comprehensive manner. It is important to undergo a full examination with a psychologist, neurologist and other related specialists. Today there are the following methods for treating neuroses:

  1. Psychotherapy is aimed at solving social problems that could cause neurosis. Sessions can take place with both parents and the child alone. The psychotherapist uses the following techniques for treatment: individual treatment, family session, art therapy, hypnosis, group sessions with children to improve their socialization.
  2. Drug therapy includes herbal remedies with a calming effect, vitamin complexes, antidepressants, tranquilizers, and nootropic medications. Treatment is selected based on the established severity of the pathological process.
  3. Folk remedies that are designed to calm the child’s nervous system are infusions of valerian, lemon balm, and motherwort.

As an additional therapy, communication with animals - dolphins, horses, dogs - can be used.

Nervous tics

Unfortunately, psychological problems do not end with neuroses. Doctors note that every nervous child from 3 to 18 years old can be nervous due to tics. There is evidence that almost every fifth child experienced such phenomena. For convenience, experts have divided the types of nervous tics into 3 groups:

  1. Motor - biting lips, grimacing, involuntary twitching of the head or limbs.

    nervous tic

  2. Vocal - the child makes atypical sounds (coughing, howling, sniffling, grunting).
  3. Ritual - actions include scratching the head, twitching the hair, clenching the jaw.

Depending on the degree of severity, there are local (one muscle group is involved) and mixed (nervous tics of several types at once).

Causes of nervous tics

Experts distinguish between primary and secondary pathological conditions. The first group is associated with the following factors:

  • lack of important microelements such as magnesium and calcium in the body;
  • emotional turmoil - stressful situations, severe punishment from parents, fear, lack of love and affection;
  • loads on the central nervous system that arise from drinking large amounts of tea, coffee, and energy drinks. Most often this affects teenagers from 12 to 18 years old;
  • overwork due to heavy academic loads, prolonged use of a computer, watching TV;
  • unfavorable heredity.

Secondary nervous tics can develop against the background of serious diseases, such as:

  • Tourette's syndrome;
  • encephalitis;
  • traumatic brain injuries, both closed (concussion) and open types;
  • a brain tumor;
  • congenital diseases of the nervous system.

Most often, nervous tics appear when the child is awake, while sleep can be called relatively calm.

How does neurosis manifest in adolescents?

A nervous disorder causes symptoms that fall into three main groups. Not all signs will necessarily appear at once. Sometimes a teenager has symptoms of only one of the groups:

  • Mental signs. They occur more often than others. Phobias, stress disorders, generalized fear, obsessive and even panic states - all this indicates problems with the nervous system.
  • Physiological symptoms. The emotional sphere is directly related to the work of internal organs. For this reason, when mental symptoms appear, physiological abnormalities also develop.
  • Behavioral signs. Adolescents are characterized by behavioral changes associated with puberty, so not all symptoms in this category indicate a nervous breakdown.

Mental imbalance

Parents may notice that their child is talking to himself, depressed, and apathetic. In a calm state, his limbs twitch.

A teenager may often be absent from home or, conversely, not go out. At night he sleeps poorly, tosses and turns, and wakes up periodically.

Irritability in teenagers is also a common sign of moral overstrain. Against this background, the following signs may also be observed:

  • panic attacks;
  • groundless fears;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • increased excitability, nervousness;
  • constant depression;
  • indecision;
  • lack of protective actions against external threats;
  • megalomania with a paranoid type of nervous breakdown.

Physiological disorders

Constant emotional stress inhibits the functioning of individual organs or entire systems. Teenagers may experience the following symptoms due to stress:

  • headache of varying intensity;
  • constant fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • pathological weakness;
  • digestive disorders, problems with stool;
  • migraine;
  • anorexia;
  • stuttering;
  • menstruation disorders in girls;
  • decline in academic performance;
  • nightmares;
  • changes in taste preferences in food;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

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Changing Behavioral Patterns

An emotional breakdown causes a sharp change in behavioral line. The teenager falls into a stupor, and then, on the contrary, becomes very active. Fear and crying are replaced by hysterical laughter or anger. Teenagers in this state begin to constantly conflict, do not make contact, and do everything out of spite. Other characteristic behavioral changes:

  • suicidal thoughts;
  • need for emotional doping (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes);
  • avoidance of communication;
  • frequent deception by parents;
  • sudden cessation of communication with friends;
  • neglect of hygiene rules;
  • lack of interest in everything;
  • a teenager can leave without explaining his behavior to others;
  • cynicism when communicating with loved ones.

Therapy for nervous tics

The condition requires medical attention in the following cases:

  • the nervous tic did not go away on its own within a month;
  • the pathology causes any inconvenience to the baby;
  • severe symptoms or a combination of several types of tics.

In most cases, treatment of nervous tics in children is easy to treat if their causes were related to psychosomatics. In more severe cases, the problem may remain permanent.

Therapy for nervous tics of a psychological type is prescribed similar to the treatment of neuroses. It is necessary to select a set of sedative medications, as well as conduct several sessions with a qualified psychotherapist. In some cases, folk treatment in the form of soothing tinctures of valerian, lemon balm, motherwort or aromatherapy through baths with essential oils of lavender and mint is sufficient.

Treatment of secondary tics, which are caused by injuries or diseases, must be started only under the supervision of a doctor who will identify the true diagnosis and prescribe competent therapy.

Types of neurotic reactions

Nervous tics are one of the most common types of neurotic reactions in children. It is expressed by involuntary obsessive movements - twitching of the eyelid, cheek, shoulder; smacking, etc. These movements appear or intensify with excitement. As a rule, they do not appear at all if the child is in a good, calm mood. You cannot demand that your baby “stop” a nervous tic - these movements are involuntary and absolutely uncontrollable. Neurotic stuttering worries many children in preschool age, when they are actively developing speech. It is noteworthy that parents often attribute stuttering to problems with the speech apparatus, when in fact it is caused by neurology. For the majority, this type of stuttering goes away over time without any intervention, but still a certain percentage of children cannot get rid of this trouble for many years without the help of a specialist. Sleep disturbances in neurological disorders are quite pronounced: the child cannot fall asleep, he is tormented by nightmares, he sleeps restlessly and may complain because of this of fatigue right in the morning. Neurotic enuresis is involuntary urination during night sleep in children over 5 years of age (before this age, enuresis is not considered a pathology).
This trouble often occurs after punishment, overexcitation or nervous shock. Typically, children suffering from enuresis are characterized by unstable emotional behavior and tearfulness. Various eating disorders are also classified as neurotic reactions. This can be either refusal of food or individual dishes, or obvious overeating. The difficulty is that preschool children have not yet formed eating habits, and they may suddenly become selective in food for reasons not related to neurology. Therefore, this symptom must be considered in conjunction with the child’s general behavior.

A sudden refusal to eat may indicate a nervous disorder in a child.
A sudden refusal to eat may indicate a nervous disorder in a child.

Rules of conduct for parents

Nervous children are most often the fault of their own mothers and fathers. Psychologists advise that in order to get rid of problems, you need not only to show your baby to a specialist, but also to reconsider your own behavior model:

  1. It is important to smooth out conflicts that arise during upbringing.

    parental attention

  2. You should not demand from a child the same love for all relatives. Frequent questions about who the baby loves best can cause nervousness.
  3. During a divorce, you should create the most comfortable conditions for the child, in which he will not feel guilty or deprived.
  4. You should not indulge all the whims, otherwise the child will use manipulation as the only model of behavior in trying to achieve his goal.
  5. Punishments for the child should be reviewed and perhaps reduced if they were too harsh. Also, punishments should be carried out alone with the child, without prying eyes.
  6. The child’s psyche needs to be prepared in advance for the arrival of another family member. The baby must understand that with the birth of a brother or sister they will not love him less.
  7. In communication you need to try to be equal with children. There is no need to try to humiliate or insult them.
  8. You should take into account the mental and physical capabilities of the child and not demand impossible actions from him.

In addition, it is important not to show your own negative emotions in front of children, as kids can adopt this behavior model.

Daily and nutritional regimen

A nervous child 3 or more years old should have a special circadian rhythm. Psychologists give several important recommendations on this matter:

  • during activities that require mental activity, it is necessary to take breaks of 15 minutes every 20 minutes;
  • nutrition should be as balanced as possible to compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • Drinks such as cocoa, coffee, and strong tea should be excluded from the diet - they excite the nervous system.

It is necessary to devote a lot of time to physical procedures, such as hardening. However, this should be done under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Age characteristics

Treatment of a nervous child is not always necessary, as these may be developmental features:

  1. Until the age of 3, nervousness is caused by innate behavioral characteristics. The situation can be aggravated by the birth of a subsequent child, if the eldest is not yet 3 years old.

    Small child

  2. From 3 to 4 years old, children begin to be interested in the world around them, and if the child receives only ultimatum instructions “does” and “cannots” without explanation, this can cause aggression.
  3. From 5 to 7 years old, it is necessary to stimulate the child’s zeal for knowledge, but he cannot be forced to do anything.
  4. From 8 to 10 years of age, consciousness is formed as a part of society, so negative behavior may be the result of incorrectly chosen ideals based on school influence.
  5. From 10 to 16 years old, hormonal changes are observed, which are expressed in behavior as protest and a desire to stand out. During this period, it is necessary to smooth out conflict situations especially correctly.

Parents must “grow up” with their own child, take into account his characteristics and communicate with him as equals from childhood. This is the only way to maintain trust and peace in the family.


To alleviate the patient's condition with teenage neurosis and eliminate the causes of its development, it is recommended to use traditional medicine. The drugs are characterized by a high level of effectiveness, which makes them possible to use for a wide range of patients. The preparations are prepared on the basis of:

  • Honey. Take 60 grams of fresh product and dilute it in half a liter of water, which is first boiled and cooled to room temperature. It is recommended to take the medicine 4 times a day, 150 milliliters. Thanks to the medication, improved well-being and stabilization of sleep are ensured. To achieve lasting results, it is recommended to use the medicine for at least a week.

Honey water for neurosis in adolescents

  • Oregano. To treat the disease, it is recommended to use an infusion from this plant. Take a few tablespoons of pre-dried and crushed above-ground parts of the herb. It is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for 1 hour. After filtering the medication, it is used for oral administration. The patient needs to drink the infusion three times a day, 100 milliliters. The drug is characterized by the presence of calming properties.
  • Geraniums. If, during a pathological process, a teenager experiences insomnia or increased blood pressure, then he is recommended to use a medicine based on this plant. With the help of medication, irritability is effectively combated. It will be enough to place this indoor flower in the house. According to studies, it has been proven that with daily inhalation of geranium aromas, the patient’s condition improves. After two weeks, normalization of sleep, strengthening of the nervous system and a persistent decrease in blood pressure are observed.

Geranium for neurosis in adolescents

  • Valerian. A medicine is prepared based on dry and crushed roots of the plant. Take a tablespoon of raw material and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. The product is set on fire and brought to a boil. After a few minutes, the product is removed from the heat and left to infuse for 20 minutes. After filtering, the medicine is taken orally, 100 milliliters three times a day. Patients are recommended to take the drug 30 minutes after meals. It is recommended to take the drug if neurosis occurs against the background of mental fatigue. The medication is able to eliminate headaches that often accompany the disease. It is recommended to use it to combat neurosis.

Valerian root for neurosis in adolescents

Neurosis is a pathological condition that often develops in adolescents and school-age children. Children often experience obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is explained by the fact that during this period of life the formation of personality is observed, so the child often conflicts with peers and parents. The pathological process has pronounced symptoms.

When the first signs of the disease occur, the patient is advised to seek help from a doctor, who, after conducting appropriate diagnostics, will prescribe effective treatment. To combat pathology, traditional drugs or traditional medicine can be used.

Useful tips

A nervous child a year or later can cause a lot of trouble, so sometimes it is easier to prevent the development of mental disorders than to treat them. Psychologists give several recommendations on this matter:

  • Regardless of the situation, it is necessary to remain calm, since the mother’s nervousness is transmitted to the child, especially for young children;
  • it is important to teach your son or daughter to apologize for wrongdoings, but it is also important to ask for forgiveness from the baby;
  • to raise calm offspring you need to be patient;
  • you need to set a positive example through your own actions;
  • the interests of the child should not be put above all else;
  • It is important to give the child the right to choose.

In addition, children of any age are in dire need of the care and love of their parents.

a happy family

Characteristic symptoms of a nervous breakdown in children

A nervous breakdown is a type of neurosis that is characterized by a psycho-emotional disorder. If we talk about children, this condition can be observed in almost every child. Parents must understand that their son or daughter is growing, and at this time their nervous system is forming and strengthening, therefore, when exposed to unfavorable factors, it can produce neuroses. And, most often, it is the parents who are to blame for their manifestation.

In children, nervous breakdowns manifest themselves in their own way, and each individually. It depends on the temperament, emotionality, age and maturity of the baby.

The most common symptoms of childhood nervous breakdowns are:

  • Sudden changes in the child’s behavior;
  • Tearfulness and moodiness;
  • Hysterics;
  • Increased emotionality and even aggressiveness (in particularly difficult cases);
  • Poor appetite, complete refusal of food or, conversely, excessive overeating;
  • Sleep disorders: insomnia, nightmares, long time to fall asleep, daytime sleepiness;
  • Frequent mood swings.

Any nervous breakdown, even the mildest one, leaves an imprint on the child’s behavior. Therefore, attentive parents can immediately determine that something is wrong with their child and try to help him. The first step is to determine the cause of the neurosis.

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