How to become a successful person: 8 golden rules of millionaires

  • Inga Kaysina
  • 2 399

It is obvious that successful people differ from poor people in a number of personal qualities, and not just the size of their bank account. For example, it is not difficult to guess that wealthy people are characterized by hard work, determination and self-confidence. They are always looking for new ways to earn money, they know how to live in conditions of uncertainty and know how to take risks. How can we learn to think and act in such a way that money can be “found” and not just “run away”?

They read constantly

Rich people prefer not to have fun, but to engage in their education. Eighty-eight percent of wealthy people engage in self-education or self-development for half an hour every day. Many people don't read for fun, they only do it to gain knowledge. Most often, they choose three types of books: biographies of successful people, books about personal growth, or history textbooks.


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People's understanding of success

Before you begin to understand what kind of people become successful, you must first understand what success is and how people understand it.

At its core, success is an objective and purely individual concept. For some it’s career growth and a high salary, for others it’s their own business and a huge bank account, and for others it’s simply enough to marry the one you love and give birth to a bunch of children. Everyone determines for themselves the criteria and parameters of success; only one thing remains unchanged:

Becoming successful without doing anything is like deciding to reap a harvest where you did not sow it.

Even becoming a good wife and mother without making any effort is sometimes simply impossible.

In general and in simple words we can say that:

Success is not an accident, but hard work and learning, sacrifice and perseverance, a special mindset, and a lot of love for what you do.

They play sports

Seventy-six percent of wealthy people do about half an hour of cardio daily. For example, they run or ride a bike. Cardio exercise is good not only for the body, but also for the brain. This stimulates the growth of neurons. In addition, it increases the production of glucose necessary for mental performance. The more glucose, the smarter the person.


Live every day like it's your last

The rule of almost every modern businessman. Of course, it’s worth thinking about the future, but you need to concentrate all your efforts on the current present. And you will not miss the opportunities provided by fate for development and growth. Michael Bloomberg, for example, is not afraid to make mistakes. His personal failures did not cause a decrease in capital. And all because he always found the strength to recover. “Be successful, don’t cry and don’t complain about the blows of fate, because thanks to them we gain the necessary experience,” Bloomberg often repeated to his followers.

As for Jeffrey Bazos, founder of the Amazon Internet service, he focuses on a person’s talent. In his opinion, only the innate gift of an entrepreneur leads to success. It’s good to learn how to make the right choice and gain determination.

Mark Zuckerberg, smiling, repeats that one of the secrets of his personal success was his love for his own business. Following the example of Steve Jobs, he always did only what he was crazy about. This is a loophole into the world of the rich and famous. Those who go to a job they don't like every day will never become successful. And his colleague Larry Page, one of the founders of Google, convinces that the secret of your success lies in the implementation of crazy and grandiose ideas. Forget about the expression “A bird is better in the hand.” No, it is only better for mediocre businessmen. Those who strive for unprecedented heights only need a crane.

They hang out with successful people

You are only as successful as the people around you. This is why wealthy people prefer to communicate with purposeful, optimistic enthusiasts. To maintain these relationships, rich people do the following things: say happy birthday, call from time to time, congratulate on major life events, contact when necessary for work, participate in volunteer activities and organize themed events. People with a negative attitude should be avoided. Criticism can undermine your strength on the path to success.


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Principles of a successful personality

Book in hands

The foundation for achieving success is the internal qualities of the individual. Entire books have been written about these qualities, but if we highlight the main thing, then the following are the principles of a successful personality:

  1. Self-sufficiency
    . A successful person determines his own life priorities and goals himself, not paying attention to the opinions of others and not needing approval.
  2. The ability to forgive
    . Resentment is a destructive feeling that consumes emotional energy. If you are offended by a loved one, forgive me; if you are offended by a stranger, just forget about his existence. This will free you from the heavy moral burden that interferes with self-realization.
  3. The ability to conserve strength
    . Hard work is a good trait, but you don’t need to waste all your energy, otherwise what you love may become unpleasant.
  4. Lack of perfectionism
    . This tendency can be useful, but for most it prevents them from achieving success in life. Perfectionism forces you to spend an inordinate amount of time on every little detail, improving the quality of the result only slightly. Don't strive for perfection, just do it well.
  5. Ability to be distracted and switch
    . Life consists of several areas, and you need to give yourself completely to each. While working, do not think about everyday worries, and when spending time with loved ones, do not think about work.
  6. The ability to say “No!”
    . Most people do not know how to refuse when they are called to a meeting, asked for something, or offered an unprofitable deal. Successful people always act rationally; they cannot be persuaded to do something they don’t want to do.
  7. Goodwill
    . A successful person is friendly to others, encourages and rejoices when they have achieved significant achievements in life. He is polite, does not brag about his achievements, and knows how to listen to his interlocutor without interrupting. Pay attention to how your friends behave, and you will understand that the listed traits are characteristic of successful people. Losers, on the other hand, are usually negatively disposed towards others, envious and prone to gloating.

They get up early

Almost fifty percent of millionaires wake up at least three hours before the start of their workday. This is a strategy for dealing with schedule delays, such as traffic jams or a meeting that takes too long. Being late has a psychological impact on a person. They create the feeling that there is no control over life. Getting up early to get the most important things done gives you control and confidence in your life.


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Qualities of a successful person

A person who has managed to find his calling and achieve his goals, engage in interesting work and enjoy all areas of life can be called successful. Such people independently determine their goals and look for ways to achieve them. Many people think that the everyday life of successful people is interesting and carefree. But life often throws them difficulties and troubles, they just know how to quickly cope with tasks of any complexity.

Every person can achieve success in life by developing a number of qualities characteristic of successful people. These include:

  1. Self-confidence
    Any business should be started with confidence in a positive result. This gives you strength and helps you work towards achieving your goals, even when there is a long road ahead.
  2. Hard work
    As a rule, all successful people work hard, even becoming billionaires. It is important not only to achieve success, but also to maintain the achieved result with constant work and development.
  3. Persistence
    Successful people do not give up after several unsuccessful attempts and always try again and again. A great example is Thomas Edison, who failed 10,000 times before making the major scientific discovery of his life.
  4. Optimism
    It is difficult to get down to business if you are not confident in the possibility of achieving your goal. However, if you cast aside all doubts and gain confidence in your abilities, the likelihood of achieving success will increase many times over.
  5. Persistence . Successful people do not tend to lose emotional balance in difficult situations. For them, any failure or difficulty is just an obstacle that must be overcome with dignity.

The most successful people have all of these qualities, but you can achieve success in life if you have at least a few of them. Test yourself - how many of the listed qualities could you attribute to yourself? This will give you an understanding of what still needs to be worked on. Now let's move on to the main part of the article.

They have a positive attitude

Long-term success is only possible when you have a positive attitude. According to research, this is typical for absolutely all successful people.


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“He who owns the information owns the world”

The famous phrase belongs to the founder of the American Rothschild dynasty - Nathan. He was a distant descendant of a German businessman with Jewish roots who, as a second-generation banker, was known as a good mathematician, tactician and entrepreneur. It was this distant ancestor, who, using pigeon mail, learned about Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, launched misinformation. Wanting to make money on the London Stock Exchange, he claimed that the French ruler had allegedly won. All holders of valuable shares began to urgently sell them, and cunning people began to buy them at low prices. When the truth was revealed, Rothschild was already rich, and his competitors had lost almost everything. Many of them committed suicide.

This family is still one of the wealthiest. What are the secrets of success of the great representatives of the dynasty? How did they manage to achieve such high results? The formula for their success lies in three words: “Consent. Honesty. Hard work." It is this motto that decorates their family coat of arms. Today, the descendants of Nathan Mayer Rothschild live in Europe and America: they finance the improvement of railways, the construction of buildings, the development of scientific expeditions, they have banking, and so on. Their activities are very different, but each of them remembers that information in the modern world is a priceless thing. And they often remember the founder of the family, telling children the legend of his enrichment.

Set realistic goals

Another thing that distinguishes successful people from everyone else is the ability to look at things objectively and set achievable goals.

Set clear deadlines for obtaining results. You want to lose excess weight. The abstract formulation sounds like this: “I want to lose 10 extra pounds.” A specific goal sounds different: “In 3 months I will lose 10 kilograms.”

The second formulation sounds more convincing. It makes you believe in the reality of achieving results.

Correct goal setting

Main components of success

They were singled out by the richest man in Brazil, Eike Batista. They were the ones who influenced his career and led to positive results and financial independence. So, the secrets of business success from Eike:

  • Father's example. His parent was a major businessman involved in the mining industry. Despite the open prospects, Eicke refused to come prepared. He did not cooperate with his father, deciding to try his strength in another area. I only took business acumen from my dad. According to him, it is important to find an example that can be emulated.
  • Individual approach to business. Having started his own business, Batista tried to find new ways to increase capital. He did not use the methods of a successful dad, trying to invent something creative and potentially innovative. Therefore, the second component of his success is to try to raise the bar and achieve more than your motivating example.
  • Strive to get rich. Eicke never rested on his laurels and always tried to increase his capital. Even if you have squeezed the most out of your business, do not put limits that slow you down. After all, human capabilities are limitless, and idleness and idleness nullify any positive result.

secrets of success of the rich
Interestingly, Eicke is sure that superstition also played an important role in his life. Remember the expression from the Soviet cartoon: “Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float”? The Brazilian millionaire preached something similar. He always used the letter X in the names of his companies - the multiplication sign. He believed that she would help increase his capital several times.

The secret of mastery

Does success depend on talent? Undoubtedly! But just what is this notorious talent and where does it come from people?

One of the most harmful and long-lived myths goes something like this:

There are people on earth who have received a “great heavenly freebie” in the form of innate abilities. These people became outstanding composers, artists, poets, and scientists. But we guys are out of luck...

A rather depressing conclusion follows from this myth: why should we bother if we don’t have the abilities anyway? Well, I like, let’s say, drawing. But I still have no talent! What can I count on?

Fortunately, at the end of the 20th century, science left no stone unturned from this myth. The biggest sensation in this area was the experiments of the Swedish psychologist Anders Ericsson.

Ericsson decided to thoroughly understand the mechanisms of talent and began to study the abilities of musicians from the Berlin University of the Arts. Having carefully studied their biographies, he was surprised to discover that the level of talent of the musicians depended on only one thing: the amount of time spent on studying and rehearsing.

The dependence of talent in musicians on the time spent on practice

Ericsson discovered the same pattern in other areas: sports, science, medicine, etc.

Later, scientists found out what exactly this pattern is connected with. It turned out that talent is formed solely due to the ability of our brain to change under the influence of new experiences. This property is called “neuroplasticity”.

Its essence is this: every time we gain new knowledge and skills, new neural connections are formed in our head. And the more neural connections we have that are related to a particular area, the better we are oriented in this area.

And here lies another benefit of persistence:

The longer we do something, the higher the level of our skill.

That is, the more we program, draw or write, the better we get at it all.

However, there are three more mandatory conditions for increasing skill:

1. Development must be purposeful. Mindlessly repeating the same actions is ineffective.

2. Availability of feedback. We must always understand how correctly we are doing everything, know about our mistakes and weaknesses.

3. Constantly overcoming yourself. We regularly have to do something on the edge of the possible (“get out of our comfort zone”). Only in this case are neural connections formed.

The most important thing is that increasing skill can sometimes significantly accelerate the movement towards success.

For example, if a certain blogger is constantly “upgrading” his skills, then over time he will begin to create more interesting content. As a result, his content will attract more readers or viewers, and his audience will begin to grow exponentially.

The main thing is to continue to work on yourself throughout the entire journey, and not just “pull the strap.”

How to motivate yourself?

But not every person is able to rise after failure. Many lack the motivation and desire to fight. And if a person knows how to choose a plan of action, then the next question that requires disclosure is motivation for success.

Motivation is a mental state that reproduces the desire to act. But it doesn't appear at the snap of a finger. Motivation for success is a feeling that is developed by special skills over time. The main ones:

  • Wake up early. The sooner a person wakes up, the more time he will have for business. This rule also applies to weekends.
  • Give yourself instructions. After sleep, you should not drink coffee, but give yourself a positive attitude towards victory.
  • Positive thinking. No matter what happens, you need to think positively and turn the next failure into your favor.
  • Help. By helping others, a person first of all helps himself.
  • Keep your word. And it doesn’t matter to whom the promise was made, to yourself or to a business partner.
  • Alternative. It is worth understanding that there are no alternatives in terms of achieving success; you cannot put it off for later.
  • Progress. The mandatory rule is to become better every day.

how people become successful

Get to know yourself

Successful people insist that a person must initially get to know himself better. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. The human brain is a flexible and customizable instrument, therefore, during self-analysis, the subconscious mind accepts negative personality characteristics from common sense and tries to correct them. Simply put, a person does not want to admit his weaknesses and tries to pretend that he does not have them. And he pretends until his real weaknesses dissipate. The ability to control your emotions is important. You can hardly find a successful person who will burst into a whirlwind of discontent when something doesn’t work out for him.

Keep a success diary

Words on paper acquire magical power: you tell the Universe about your desires and aspirations. Keeping a success journal can be beneficial.

You can use a regular diary. It should be divided into 2 parts: the first will contain short-term goals (up to 1 year) and their gradual implementation, the second will contain those that require more time to complete.

Reviewing records of your own success in achieving your goals is the most powerful incentive to move forward of all!

Success Diary

A success diary will help you achieve your goals

Common Misconceptions

Very often the concept of “success” is confused with professional success in the narrowest sense. Simply put, this word refers to prestige and money. Professionally successful people always occupy high positions and are completely devoted to work that they do not really like. These people are known by sight, they are respected in society, but nothing more. Leaving all their strength at work, they do not develop in other aspects of social life.

As for professional success as a positive phenomenon, it is characterized by the following principles:

  • A person enjoys work and achieves personal goals.
  • He earns exactly what he needs.
  • He always finds time for a good rest and communication with friends and family.

How to make time work for you

We tend to underestimate the time factor.

When we look at those who have already achieved success, we see only the difference between their situation and ours. And this difference sometimes seems to us like a huge chasm, which is simply impossible for an ordinary person to overcome.

The gap between successful and unsuccessful people

This gap is demotivating. Involuntarily, we begin to look for explanations for other people’s achievements that fit into the “simplified formula for success” (see the previous section). For example:

  • A blogger with a hundred thousand or multimillion audience? He probably just chose the topic well or “unfastened” someone for “promotion.”
  • Successful entrepreneur? He had “blat” and good initial capital.
  • A guitar virtuoso playing something with two-handed tapping? This guy sure has natural talent!

Yes, luck and good starting conditions sometimes also play a role. However, there may be another explanation for this “insurmountable gap”: time. The secret of success for most people is very simple and lies in the following:

Make small but constant efforts over a long period of time.

There are no miracles here: this is ordinary school mathematics. The efforts we make over a long period of time gradually add up and turn into outstanding achievements.

In some cases, we can observe not just the amount of effort, but the “effect of compound interest.” What do you think you can achieve in a year if you increase your performance (skill level, audience reach, income) by just 1% every day?

There is a “mathematical motivator” on this topic:

You can also use a “geometric” analogy. Imagine two birds: one walking along the ground, and the other taking off at a slight angle. After some time we will see something like this:

Geometric example of success

Time has a way of turning even small efforts into amazing results. And one of the main benefits of persistence is this:

Constant effort makes time work for us.

Days, weeks and months no longer pass without a trace for us, but become an investment in future success. All that is required of us is to “hold out” on the chosen path for as long as possible and maintain constant efforts.

Responsibility: heavy burden or freedom?

Most of us have unpleasant associations with the word “responsibility,” and the roots of this should be sought in childhood.

Indeed, from a very early age we are forced to take responsibility for our words and actions, appealing to our conscience and moral values. Having matured, to the responsibility for our decisions and actions we also add responsibility for our loved ones and children - another “unbearable burden”. And I don’t even want to remember about the legal liability provided for by various codes! Yes, there is little pleasant in all this.

But let's try to look at responsibility from a different angle. Have you ever thought that responsibility is not a burden, but freedom? Yes, yes, you heard right!

Taking responsibility for your life gives you the opportunity to control all the events that happen in it. To control means to manage. And if you can manage, then you are free in your actions and decisions.

Thus, the more responsibility you accept, the greater your freedom becomes. Responsibility not only imposes obligations, but also opens up truly limitless opportunities and prospects! This is how you become the Creator of your own destiny and shape your reality.

All responsibility for everything that happens to a person must be placed on oneself, and not on fate, on God, on the location of the stars and on God knows who or what. Today what we created yesterday is happening to us, tomorrow will be what we created today.

Vladimir Lermontov "The Power of a Singing Heart".

Remember: accepting responsibility is a distinctive feature of the thinking of rich and successful people.

I would like to draw your attention to one more important point.

Understand: accepting responsibility for your own life and everything that happens means being responsible for both positive and negative circumstances in it, accepting both positive and negative manifestations of it, appreciating both victories and defeats.

Taking responsibility for successes and achievements is easy, but taking responsibility for failures and failures is extremely difficult. But believe me, it's worth it!

This is the “missing puzzle” and “secret ingredient” in the formula for true success.

Take responsibility - and your life will change!

Have your own opinion

Don't be afraid of what people will say. There will always be someone who claims that our dreams, plans and aspirations are meaningless and unattainable.

At the very beginning of his career, Stephen King received so many refusals to publish his works that he even got a special nail on which he would string rejection letters. The number of letters grew, but King did not give up, he continued to write. Now Stephen King is a successful and sought-after author, the generally recognized king of the horror genre, having published more than 50 novels and 200 short stories.

Walt Disney was fired from the newspaper "due to lack of imagination and good ideas." If he had lost heart, we would never have seen any of his wonderful cartoons.

Victory starts with failure

Any successful activity begins with the successful launch of an idea. When starting to carry out any business, you need to immediately set a goal and indicate the end result. Naturally, brilliant ideas are the preserve of a select few, and therefore, before you begin to implement your plan, you need to thoroughly prepare. Preparation means courses, trainings or development of a theoretical knowledge base on the relevant topic. After the preparations are completed, a specific action plan will be outlined; in most cases, it still requires additional adjustments, but the main path will be outlined.

But this is just the beginning. Before taking action, it is necessary, to the extent possible, to identify risks and consider ways to mitigate them. To do this, you can use knowledge about the experiences of other people (no matter whether it is positive or negative). The main thing is to understand that there will be situations that are not provided for in the plan. And that's okay. Defeat is natural, and the path to success in life begins with it.

motivation for success

Think positively

People who have achieved success have something similar in their worldview, lifestyle and behavior. What makes successful people different? The secret of their success is that they are initially focused on achieving the goal. They perceive obstacles along the way as temporary difficulties from which they can gain useful experience.

Successful people have one thing in common: they are positive.

There are many books that promote the development of positive thinking: “Smile before it’s too late!” Alexandra Sviyash, “The Thinking Man” by James Allen, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie, “I Can Be Happy” by Louise Hay. They tell the reader the main rules for success in life. They not only contain useful tips, but also exercises that will help you develop the habit of thinking positively.

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