Professional ethics and psychology of business communication

What is business ethics, the psychology of business communication? Business ethics and business etiquette Features and principles of business etiquette Communication in business communication Business speech etiquette Conclusion

Business ethics , psychology of business communication are complex and inseparable concepts. Their basis is the principles of behavior of a business person when communicating with opponents, taking into account their psychological, moral, as well as national and cultural differences, in compliance with the rules accepted in business circles. Moreover, such concepts cover not only the norms of communication in the external business environment, but also at the internal corporate level.

Modern business ethics and psychology were formed historically and under the influence of:

  • The state, its legislative system, mechanisms for regulating the life of society;
  • Economic laws, elements of a market economy;
  • Social democratization, foundations of civil society;
  • The moral norms and principles of behavior of various groups of society, in particular business people, formed in a civilized society.

The study of the psychology of business communication and ethics is in demand among managers today. The reason for the demand is the implementation of the main function of a manager - resolving communication problems both within the company and outside it, achieving corporate goals with the constant development of the business. At the same time, there are specifics for different types and forms of business communication, but each one is primarily based precisely on the psychological and moral aspects that are usually taken into account in the business world.

Business ethics and business etiquette

Business ethics is directly related to business etiquette. Essentially, one cannot exist without the other. Many people confuse these concepts, considering them to be definitions of the same thing. However, business ethics is a broader concept. Business communication is based on its norms and rules. It is fundamental when doing business in the modern world. It is based on such principles as commitment, responsibility, and honesty.

In turn, business etiquette is specific rules of conduct during business communication, business negotiations, and business correspondence. It includes standards for the formation of a business image, the manner of communication in certain situations that arise in the process of carrying out business activities.

Features and principles of business etiquette

One of the main features of business etiquette is regulation. We are talking about certain frameworks and guidelines that a business person must comply with. It is customary to highlight:

  • Norms, which are rules that apply between opponents of the same level;
  • Instructions are vertical communication. In such communication, it is acceptable for one person to give instructions to another. The status and level of opponents during instructions is different. An example is when a manager communicates with a subordinate.

As part of business etiquette, it is customary to adhere to the following scheme:

  • To understand the purpose of the visit, to get to know the interlocutor, an acquaintance with him is carried out;
  • Understanding the appeal - when the interlocutor explains why he appealed;
  • Discussion of the problem with each opponent expressing opinions;
  • Solving the problem of finding a way out of the current situation;
  • The end of communication, in other words, a cultural farewell.

Principles of business etiquette

Vertical principle

Defines the regulation of relationships taking into account hierarchy. In this case, we can talk about even the slightest manifestations of respect for a person who has a higher status. The basis of this principle is a sense of tact and respect, which is manifested without compromising one’s own dignity.

The principle of positivity

The basis is a good, even mood. Following this principle implies the absence of complaints, a gloomy mood, or the desire to demonstrate a negative attitude. By observing the principle of positivity, it is easy to create a favorable atmosphere for business communication.

The principle of respecting the opponent's opinion

You need to be able to listen to your opponent, accept his arguments in order to argue on the merits of the problem being solved. Behavior consistent with this principle eliminates disputes and negativity on both sides. Even if the truth is on the side of one opponent, the latter should be grateful for a meaningful conversation.

Important principles of business etiquette also include:

  • Punctuality, which implies the ability to manage your time;
  • Confidentiality – the ability to keep other people's secrets;
  • Creating a business image within the framework of accepted norms and rules;
  • Literacy, which is required for high-quality and effective business communication.

We can identify a certain set of traits that should be present in a business person striving for success. Among which are the following: a sense of tact, dignity, self-education, modesty.

A sense of tact is a person’s ability to behave properly in various situations, in accordance with generally accepted norms and rules, aesthetic and ethical requirements.

People are judged by their behavior. To present yourself in the best possible way, it is very important to follow the rules of ethics, while good manners should be a manifestation of a person’s internal attitude, attention and respect for others. There is also an actual tact that tells us whether something should be mentioned or done in a given situation, or whether it will look incorrect and inappropriate. It cannot be just an external manifestation; it is suggested by a person’s culture, sensitivity and ability to individually approach each situation and each person. Modesty plays a big role in the ability to behave tactfully. You cannot learn tact - it is acquired in the process of education and under the influence of the environment, but it can be developed. Usually the psychology of a business person , namely the sense of tact, is well manifested in conversation. Such a person usually listens carefully to the opinions of others, does not boast about his merits, and behaves very diplomatically.

Dignity is one of the important features of the psychology of a business person. This is a kind of self-esteem, self-respect that makes a person believe in himself and in his strength. A person who has a well-developed sense of self-esteem is, in most cases, calm and balanced. He does not insult himself or other people, and does not allow himself to be vulgar towards them. Also, such a person will not raise his voice at others, insult people, or behave indecently. Such people always make promises that they will keep in any case; they value trust.

Self-education is “building oneself”, developing certain qualities and skills. Self-education involves self-criticism and awareness of your mistakes. Without overcoming shortcomings and building positive and valuable traits, self-education is not mental.

Another important quality of a business person is modesty. This quality presupposes a critical attitude towards oneself, one’s abilities and behavior. Usually such people do not show off their “I”, their superiority over others. They do not impose their views and principles on others, but look for ways to convince and thus achieve their goals. Modesty cannot be equated with shyness. A shy person underestimates himself, and modesty is associated with naturalness. This is the ability to behave and show yourself as you are, without deceit. But this does not mean that you need to open up completely; this is where a sense of tact comes into play.

Good luck to you in achieving your plans!

Communication in business communication

Business professional ethics, its rules and norms determine the features of communication in business communication. Business communication itself is an expedient process. In other words, contact to achieve a specific goal, satisfy interests. The outcome of communication includes the correlation and interconnection of the interests of the participants. Moreover, these interests can be either the same or different.

If the interests coincide, it will be enough for opponents to have the basic communication skills of a business person to choose and use an appropriate strategy. If the interests do not coincide, then you will have to take into account both the personal characteristics of the interlocutor and take into account all the factors of a certain situation. The outcome of communication is also influenced by the communicative competence of each opponent. Accordingly, if the interlocutors do not have such competence, then it will be very difficult to come to a solution beneficial for both parties.

Types of communication in business communication:

  • Verbal – using words in oral communication;
  • Nonverbal – assessment of facial expressions, gestures, posture of the interlocutor;
  • Direct – direct communication with each other;
  • Indirect – example – business correspondence.

Communication in business communication can be expressed in any of the following forms:

  • Business correspondence;
  • Conversation;
  • Meeting;
  • Business meeting;
  • Public speaking;
  • Press conference.

All of the above forms of business communication require certain knowledge and skills that allow you to achieve effective communication in business communication.

Psychology of communication in a team

We spend most of our time at work, so a favorable climate in the company is of great importance for everyone. A good team can be distinguished by how people interact in it.

The subject of the psychology of business communication is the problems of interaction between people in business.

Relationships between employees depend on many factors, including

  • floor;
  • age;
  • education;
  • moral principles.

Approximately the same age determines common interests, and a similar level of education helps maintain a favorable environment in the team. As a rule, there are fewer conflicts in male teams, and mixed groups are considered the most optimal option, since they have a beneficial effect on the work process and team spirit.

In the psychology of communication with colleagues, an important role is played by the presence of corporate values ​​shared by all employees. Corporate principles directly affect the socio-psychological climate in the team, as well as the company’s image.

The psychology of business communication and management attaches great importance to business ethics.

Business ethics includes six basic principles

  • literacy (do not use swear words in speech);
  • confidentiality (do not disseminate company secrets);
  • attention to others (listen to other people’s opinions and constructive criticism);
  • punctuality (not to be late, do everything on time);
  • courtesy (in any situation, behave kindly towards partners);
  • appearance (dress with taste).

As we see, the psychology of successful communication in a team is influenced by many factors. Therefore, if you want to succeed in business or make a career, you must follow all these rules.

Business speech etiquette

Business speech etiquette , its norms and rules are a component of business ethics. This is a set of rules of speech communication that are interconnected and mandatory for use in certain corporate situations. The application of such rules facilitates cooperation, the implementation of business processes and even determines their success.

Business people apply the rules of business ethics when communicating with each other:

  • Conduct a conversation legibly, clearly, understandably, and correctly;
  • Maintain an average speaking rate. A slow pace can lull you to sleep, while a fast pace can lead to a misunderstanding of the essence of the conversation;
  • Monotony is avoided so as not to cause boredom to the opponent;
  • Observe hierarchy, if present;
  • They clearly understand the goal, the decision that needs to be achieved as a result of the conversation;
  • They know how to listen and hear their interlocutor in order to find a way for a mutually beneficial solution to the issue;
  • They appeal with facts, accurate data. Unverified information is not used.

The speech etiquette of business people is based on almost the same principles as business etiquette: adherence to hierarchy, positive communication, respect for other people's opinions. In addition to the above, business speech etiquette requires adherence to the principle of accounting, the appropriateness of the situation, as well as the principle of predictability, which allows you to avoid unpredictable and awkward developments in corporate communication. Oratory is closely related to business speech etiquette. A business person who possesses such art is more successful in achieving his communication goals. Even if you do not have the skills to be a successful speaker, you can always learn this by attending our public speaking training.


Communication is one of the most significant areas of human life. The process of communication allows people to exchange ideas, emotions, information, and also form an image of themselves. To achieve success in any field, you need to know some rules of ethics and psychology of communication.

Punctuality . Without her, any relationship is impossible. It is important to always stick to this promise and complete assigned tasks on time. This helps in the future to gain a reputation as a responsible person who can be entrusted with a particularly important task.

Privacy . Incoming information is divided into public and confidential. Excessive talkativeness characterizes a frivolous person who can hardly be trusted.

Goodwill . Courteous manners and a positive attitude always encourage people to communicate more openly and effectively. And the inability to control oneself, excessive emotionality or secrecy, on the contrary, repel others. According to psychologists, during an argument, observers are more willing to side with the calmer and more self-possessed person. Conclusion: friendly presentation of information and politeness in communication are an effective way to convince others that you are right.

Attentiveness . The fact is that the ability to listen and delve into the problems of others is a quality that can make any situation mutually beneficial. The ability to reconcile your own desires with the needs of other people often helps improve the results of your work.

In the process of communication, both parties have a rather complex influence on each other. And the main methods of influencing an opponent are persuasion, suggestion and coercion.

The most optimal way to persuade a person to your side is to persuade using facts and logical conclusions. Based on the above arguments, the person makes his own decision.

Suggestion is a method in which information is perceived without any evidence, on faith.

The coercion method forces a person to act contrary to his own beliefs and desires. This is ineffective, since in the end the person will still do it his own way.

Ethics and psychology of communication include such a concept as the emotional meaning of words. Associations that arise in a person in connection with what has been said can greatly distort the original meaning. In such a situation, the opponent is more preoccupied with his own emotions and experiences than with the real meaning of what he heard. This is the main cause of conflicts and in order to avoid them, it is necessary to eliminate communication barriers. To do this, you must first understand the point of view of the other, then, starting from it, propose your own idea.

Another reason for misunderstandings and conflicts is a lack of information , in which the opponent draws conclusions based on facts that are not entirely clear to him. This requires the ability to clearly express your thoughts and answer the interlocutor’s questions.

Summarizing what has been said, it should be noted that the main mistake when communicating with an interlocutor is the desire to present the situation in a light favorable to oneself , forgetting that the only reason that can force a person to accept a different point of view is to gain benefit for oneself.

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