Group LIFESTYLE|psychology, relationships, society|quotes VKontakte

In this article:
  • Basics of women's psychology
  • Psychology of women in relationships with their husbands
  • Psychology of a woman in a relationship with a married man
  • Psychology of a woman in a relationship with a man who is older than him
  • What does a woman want?
  • Female characteristics that poison a man's life
  • 10 secrets of female psychology that men have a problem understanding
  • Unforgivable mistakes of men in relationships with women, leading to separation
  • 7 myths about women that many people still believe

The psychology of a woman in a relationship is pitch darkness in the opinion of many men. Representatives of the fair sex are so surrounded by clichés and myths that few will understand where the truth is and where the lies are until they read scientific research. For example, many people believe that women are stupider than men, work worse than men, and are most afraid of spiders. It's all a lie!

In relationships, women are fiery things, you can’t argue with that, but even here everything has its own explanation. If a wife tells all the yard gossip after work, then she is doing something nice for her husband, devoting her time to him, no matter how stupid it may sound. Below we have made a cheat sheet for men on female psychology so that they know how to react in a given situation if you want to maintain a relationship for many years.

Basics of women's psychology

Surely everyone remembers the lengths to which Mel Gibson’s character had to go to answer the question “What do women want?” in the film of the same name. After all, it’s true that it’s so difficult for men to understand women’s logic. And thanks to the superpower obtained as a result of the shock - to hear everything that women are thinking about - our hero experienced incredible and happy changes in all areas of life.

However, most men cannot yet boast of telepathic abilities, so the psychology of a woman in a relationship is something incomprehensible and mysterious. But the topic is relevant for many, so we’ll look into it.

Have you noticed that, although speaking the same language, using the same words, women and men nevertheless look like aliens who do not understand each other at all? For example, if a man said that he was tired, this means that he wants to relax in silence and solitude. A woman, having said the same thing, may mean that she wants attention, care and “to be held.” So understand it.

The explanation lies in the fact that for women, emotions and experiences prevail over the logical mind. Words are a way for them to express feelings. Therefore, when talking with a girl, a man needs to pay attention not only to words, they can mean something completely different.

Now it may seem to some that it is completely impossible to come to an understanding with a woman. We will try to prove that this is not so.

Of course, men are more “achievers”; their psychological attitude is very different from women’s. But for successful progress towards goals, a man must feel the support and favorable attitude of his lady.

A man needs inspiration, motivation and a reliable loving support. And he is looking for one among the girls who will give him all this, and he will work hard, get a star from the sky, bring a mammoth and overcome any difficulties for his beloved - this is so natural.

Psychology of women in relationships with their husbands

Psychologists know very well how many difficulties arise in marriage due to the unwillingness and inability to understand the partner. Often a man who is busy making money does not find time to notice his wife’s feelings and her emotional state. Not receiving attention, the woman becomes offended, complaints and reproaches begin.

Lovers entering into a family union have to think not only about pleasures, but also take on certain responsibilities. The active role in creating everyday life and harmonious relationships in the family traditionally lies with the woman; she is the housewife and the future mother.

How wonderful it would be if, before marriage, partners took a course called “Secrets of the psychology of a woman in a relationship with a man.” After all, it is very rare when a husband and wife manage to build a harmonious relationship and truly be happy.

In a woman’s soul there is a constant struggle between the “weak self”, which wants to be close to a courageous and strong man, and the “strong” one, who wants to command and rule over him.

Zodiac signs in linking
A woman's behavior in relationships according to her sun sign

The article talks about what a woman’s behavior in a relationship can be according to her sun sign

Can a man be soft, compliant, strong and courageous at the same time? Most likely not, because here one excludes the other. Therefore, harmony and happiness become an unattainable dream for women. Having married a powerful and strong man, it is then difficult for a woman to come to terms with a subordinate position, when her interests are not taken into account and her desires remain unfulfilled.

Another option, when the husband is quite happy with the role of a henpecked man, and the power is completely in the hands of the wife, also cannot be considered ideal - the woman gradually gets tired of constant responsibility. She would become weak and dependent, but the man is no longer ready to change. So there is no happiness in life.

How do social networks affect our lives?

First of all, social media is addictive. The desire to “capture the moment” by taking the next shot is a sign of anxiety, fear that this moment will not happen again. Boredom, desire for contact, and FOMO (more on this separately below) are additional factors that contribute to our addiction to social networks. Moreover, the addiction is psychologically stronger than to cigarettes or alcohol. The production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain when receiving likes, signs of social approval, causes a real biochemical addiction.

Secondly, online we have time to think through and create an image of the person we want to appear to be. And if in real life we ​​talk about ourselves 30–40 percent of the time in a normal conversation, then on social networks this figure reaches 80. Attractive, right?

For mental health, it is important which social network you use most often and who you follow. According to a study by the British organization Royal Society for Public Health, #StatusOfMind social networks are the least harmful to the psyche in descending order:

Why is Instagram in fifth place as the most harmful platform for the psyche? It provokes the greatest comparison of one’s life with what one sees in the photo, plus users have a fear of missing out on something. This leads to anxiety, sleep problems, increased and often unfulfilled expectations in reality. Fear of Missing Out, FOMO, is the feeling you get when you don't want to go to a party, but spend the entire evening watching your friends' content and think they're having a better time than you.

View on Instagram

Interesting fact - according to a new study conducted by scientists from Penn State's College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) and King's College London, for each network, users create a different “persona” to fit the “culture” of the platform. This is where Dolly Parton's challenge serves as a perfect illustration. Users admit that they often experience loneliness and anxiety, forgetting that the profiles of others were also created with an eye to unspoken requirements. Girls will most often choose a photo without glasses for their profile photos, and those under 25 years old will choose a photo without a smile. This adjustment occurs at the subconscious level. And if your online persona is radically different from the real you, then this has a destructive effect on the psyche. Plus, a large number of “friends” on Instagram or Facebook does not mean that you are a more social person who will easily fit into any team. Virtual friends and real ones differ in that it is not necessary to enter into real socialization with the former.

View on Instagram

Is it possible to diagnose depression based on a person’s profile? Yes. Harvard scientists recently reported that, using computer analysis, they were able to identify more patients with depressive disorders than one-on-one psychotherapists could do. Perhaps social network analysis will become the future of the science of psychology. “Depression (or a severe emotional state) can be indicated by dark tones in the profile, a sharp change in the number of publications, both in one direction and the other. And also too extreme actions,” says Moiseeva.

  • “By the colors in a profile, you can understand how open a person is to communication: the brighter the colors, the easier it is to get in touch with this person, and muted tones (bler and gray) indicate the owner’s ability to build boundaries.”

Using only photographic details (colors, brightness, filters, number of faces in the photo and number of comments and likes), the program made a diagnosis. For example, it was found that people with depression received fewer likes, but had more comments under posts, avoided filters altogether or took photos in black and white, and posted more photos with faces in the frame. “It’s worth not only carefully looking at the photo, but paying attention to the text, responses to comments - it’s so easy to understand what context a person reacts to positively, and what offends him, how he perceives criticism or admiration,” Moiseeva adds.

Psychology of a woman in a relationship with a married man

“To be or not to be” in a relationship with a married man is a very important and burning question for modern ladies. Why don’t girls consider it shameful to enter into such relationships?

Probably, one of the advantages is that a married man looks more respectable, confident and authoritative; he has certain life experience. He often demonstrates his financial viability, energy and strength. At first, this relationship is very attractive and even interesting.

But still, there are more negative aspects in connection with married men, not to mention the immorality of the concept itself. In most cases, these relationships have no prospects, sooner or later one of the participants leaves the game, and separation does not happen without disappointments, resentments, scandals or real tragedies.

This kind of relationship is almost always accompanied by the presence of the following negative factors:

  • a man can show his dissatisfaction if a girl calls him whenever she wants, because he can be with his wife at that time. The time of calls is negotiated, most often only the man has the right to call, and the girl has to adapt to his schedule;
  • often when talking on the phone or in instant messengers, a man addresses his beloved using a man’s name, which is unlikely to please;
  • the tone of a telephone conversation can also be dry and businesslike in order to ward off suspicion;
  • meetings take place according to the scheme “we could serve in intelligence”; the man is more often the initiator, choosing convenient options;
  • places for dates are most often out of town, secluded, so as not to run into someone you know;
  • an unpleasant moment for a woman is that a man tries to get rid of all the evidence on his clothes and in the inside of the car;
  • any meeting ends predictably, the woman has to remain alone, and the man hurries home to his wife.
  • As for vacations and holidays, the beloved is usually with his wife at these moments;
  • a girl can be jealous of a man as much as she wants for his rightful half, but he may be more likely to be annoyed by her claims and reproaches, because the rules of the game have been established.

But there are also women who find many advantages in a relationship with a married man. After all, in principle, you can consider yourself free from obligations and there is no need to report on where you are. Some ladies get pleasure, and even expensive gifts, by manipulating their lover, who periodically feels guilty towards his mistress and wife. Unfortunately, manipulation in relationships between men and women is not uncommon, and psychology, as a science, carefully studies these methods of influence.

At the beginning of a relationship with a married man, a woman dreams of romance, passion and adventure, but in the future, if the relationship drags on, problems still cannot be avoided. One way or another, the man is not going to part with his wife; his family comes first.

The mistress retains a separate position; acquaintances and friends, in principle, should not know about her existence in order to avoid a scandal. This is where the main disadvantages of relationships of this kind lie. A man here has advantages over a woman, because a woman always hopes that she can become the one and only, and for her beloved will leave his family.

But if he gets tired of this triangle, which poses a threat to a safe and stable life, the man will break off relations with his mistress, paying off his farewell with an expensive gift. However, young, inexperienced and insecure girls do not even get this. Usually a love story turns into drama or even tragedy.

According to psychologists, such unhealthy relationships are more often created by girls with psychological problems laid down in early childhood. And even if a man leaves his wife and goes to his mistress, such a turn of events does not always lead to happiness and harmony.

What to talk about with a girl on VK: 30 interesting topics

When you hear from your friends that they can chat with their girlfriend on social networks for hours and the two of them really like it all, one single question arises in your head: what to talk about with a girl on VK in order to maintain mutual interest.

You regularly feel that you and your friend have long since run out of topics to talk about and communication has turned into an exchange of cliched phrases.

When you're in a new relationship, you probably have hundreds of questions that you want to ask your girlfriend, but you take your time so as not to seem rude.

On the other hand, if you've been in a relationship long enough, it's natural that you don't have much to talk about like you used to.

You know almost everything about each other, and after discussing the daily routine, what else is there to talk about?

Many guys are interested in the following question: “If a girl communicates with me on VKontakte, should I touch on some deep topics or is it better not to escalate the situation and communicate only about something fun and carefree?”

My answer to this is this: a good, thoughtful conversation is simply vital if you want to build a stronger, more trusting relationship with this girl.

While communication is the only thing that helps maintain a relationship and make it grow, interesting conversation is even more important in this matter.

If you know how to captivate and interest a lady in a conversation, then your friend will never want to look for a replacement for you.

On the other hand, if conversation is so important, then why don’t girls want to communicate on VK a few months after they met?

The answer to this question is quite simple - you both are so used to each other that even the online silence you share seems completely normal.

However, if you can find the right topics, your relationship will be even more fun and fulfilling.

Good communication helps bridge many of the gaps in your relationship and promotes better understanding.

If you're running out of things to talk about with a girl, then just take a look at this list of 30 interesting topics for a fun conversation:

  1. You can talk to your girlfriend about your future together. Talking to your girlfriend not just about the future, but about specific goals is very important because it gives a general idea of ​​​​which direction to move. This will help you understand whether you can continue to be together or whether you will have to break up at some point. Be sure to listen to her dreams and plans. If she decides to sacrifice everything for you, then think a thousand times whether you need such a sacrifice. If you are in a stable, time-tested relationship, then conversations about your future together will fill you with stimulation and positivity, and you can both look forward to a long, happy life together.
  2. Plans for the coming weekend Making plans for the weekend is in itself fun and interesting. You can plan some fun event or a short trip to another city. This will help you get to know each other's tastes better and you will look forward to something exciting.
  3. Give a compliment to a girl If you have nothing to talk about, give sincere compliments to your friend. This will change the mood to a more playful one, she will be happy to hear something pleasant from you and will definitely reciprocate your feelings. But there is one important rule here - be sincere and don’t overdo it. You can praise her for her sense of style, her choice of perfume, the food she cooks, and even her beautiful soul.
  4. Daily worries and problems It is very important to discuss this with each other every day, as it strengthens the relationship. You will feel better if you have shared your problems with each other, discussed how to find a way out of this or that situation, support and comfort each other. This will make you feel like you are part of the same family.
  5. Movies and TV Shows If you want to shift your conversation to a calm, casual topic, then start discussing a movie or TV show. This way you will learn about her favorite movie genre, favorite actors and actresses. This will also help you find out her perceptions and thoughts about a particular episode, you will be surprised to discover how the same episode can look from different points of view.
  6. Share your secrets It will be fun and something that will remain only between the two of you. Each of us has some secret from childhood, college or work. Share this with a friend and add some fun elements to the story.
  7. Tell us about your family If you are already in a long-term, serious relationship, then your friend may show interest in your family. This is not surprising, because she subconsciously already considers herself part of it. Tell her in full detail about your family so that she can better understand your past and know what to expect in the future. She should feel like she is part of your family. This will be a personal and interesting topic of conversation. If you are in a new relationship, then it is better not to describe everything in detail, but to give her only general information about your parents, brothers and sisters.
  8. Tell her about your work It may seem like something boring at first glance, but you sometimes need to talk about it so that your friend knows about your daily life. This way she will understand you better, be more interested in how your day went, how your relationships with colleagues are and why you are sometimes not in the mood. In order for you to be interested in communicating with each other, you must be familiar with your daily life. Romance, endless declarations of love and memories of the past by themselves are not sufficient for the development of normal relationships. You should have common topics of conversation.
  9. Your dreams If you have any dreams and aspirations, then your friend should be the first person to know about them. Not only will she be by your side as you try to make them come true, but she will also help you achieve certain results.
  10. Favorite dish Your friend should know about your favorite food in order to be able to surprise you and cook dinner herself or order your favorite dish in advance at a restaurant. You should also know her choice.
  11. Cafes and restaurants Tell her about your favorite hangouts and ask her where she likes to spend her time most. This way you'll know where to take her for Valentine's Day or where to order takeout.
  12. Your hobbies and interests Painting, dancing, cooking or any other hobby that really interests you. Tell your girlfriend about your hobby, how it all happens and what emotions you experience. Not only will this give her an idea of ​​your likes and interests, but you will also have a common topic for interesting regular conversations.
  13. Your biggest fear Every person experiences one or another fear in life. There are no absolutely fearless people in the world. For some it is the death of a loved one, for others it is not realizing oneself in life and becoming a failure. Tell your girlfriend about this and ask her what she is most afraid of. If any misfortune befalls the two of you, you will be able to understand and support each other.
  14. Joint vacation If you have a desire to go to any exotic place that you have long dreamed of, then you can discuss this with your girlfriend. You will find out if she shares your desires or if she has a dream to visit another place. Perhaps you will find some alternative that will satisfy your general desires.
  15. Friends Your friend should not only know all your eccentric, funny, lustful, stupid, lazy and crazy friends, but also become part of your party. Find out about her friends and try to be friendly and welcoming with them.
  16. A Proud Moment Talking about things like this brings you together on an emotional level. You will not only learn about her achievements, but also about what made her the happiest in her life.
  17. Your most embarrassing moment Such topics should also be discussed. If a person tells you about his most awkward moment, then this indicates that he feels a strong emotional closeness to you, which is why he will trust such personal details of his life. Thanks to this, you will find out how prone a girl is to self-irony, whether she can accept her mistakes and regret some life situations. Such sincere conversations remove all omissions and falsehoods in relationships.
  18. Self-improvement goals If your conversation revolves around such serious topics, then by doing this you are showing your girlfriend a new side of your personality. She will begin to see you as someone who has purpose and motivation, as well as someone who is aware of her weaknesses and tries her best to improve.
  19. Sex Talk Sex talk can be a really fun topic, especially if she's not a prude. Indulge yourself with frequent conversations about sex, ask her intimate questions, just don’t cross the line beyond which she will be uncomfortable. Thanks to questions like these, you will learn how to more effectively please her in bed.
  20. Share your school and college jokes. A little fun, light-hearted conversation never hurts. Think about the brightest, funniest, most ridiculous situations that happened to you at school or university. I think that your girlfriend also has many equally funny stories in store.
  21. Your Past This can be a very sensitive topic, so only bring it up if you and your friend are comfortable talking about it. Ask how her childhood was, but don’t bother with questions if she avoids answering. Everything has its time.
  22. Personal opinion Personal opinion should not be categorical, especially if you are talking to your girlfriend. Gently express your opinion to her, but do not insist on anything or challenge her thoughts. Thanks to this, it will be clear to you what you both think about this or that issue. This will help you avoid many conflict situations.
  23. Some advice If you feel that your friend can give you some advice, be sure to listen to it. You can also help her with something, just give advice very delicately so as not to offend her.
  24. Some gossip In fact, there is no harm in gossip, so you can enjoy it with a clear conscience. Just make sure no one is listening!
  25. Your Passions and Hobbies Ask her to talk about her most passionate hobbies, whether it is cooking, music, painting, dancing or any other activity that she is passionate about, you should know about it. Support her in her endeavors and help her achieve certain goals related directly to her hobby.
  26. World news If your friend is interested in world news and big politics, then you will have a constant topic of conversation. This will not only refresh your knowledge, but will also make you look like a well-read person.
  27. Sports You can only talk about sports news if she is also a sports fan, because for many girls this topic is completely uninteresting.
  28. Career Goals Each of us has our own career goal. You need to know her intentions, both short and long term, just as she knows yours. Ask her a few questions about her workplace and see if you can help her achieve something more. Likewise, ask her opinion regarding your career development.
  29. Find out her views on life. Ask her how she imagines your life in 5-10 years. What comes first on her wish list, how she plans to grow and develop. Be sure to tell her about your views on life. This can lead to a very long and tense conversation.
  30. Your Mutual Plans If you both plan to spend the rest of your lives together, then discuss marriage, future goals, your home, children, and even having pets.

If you ask me whether you need to communicate with a girl on VK, because you can chat on the phone or in person, I will answer - it’s definitely necessary! Considering how much time we spend online, she'd rather have her talk to you than someone else.

All these seemingly insignificant questions easily develop into an interesting intimate conversation.

Such conversations are necessary to establish a close emotional connection, fill your relationship with meaning and bring clarity to your future together.

Psychology of a woman in a relationship with a man who is older than him

Today, many taboos in the sphere of relationships have been lifted; according to recent decades, quite a lot of couples have appeared in which the man is much younger. In previous years, such marriages were looked upon with disapproval, and even now not everyone manages to build long-lasting, happy relationships.

If a woman is 20 or more years older than her partner, then naturally she begins to dominate, lead and teach. It is important to find a balance, to avoid pressure and manipulation, then such a marriage has a chance of success. Relationships based on trust, love, respect, and mutual interest in each other can last for many years and do not depend on age and other criteria.

If the basis is a calculation of any kind, then conflicts and disagreements will gradually fill all spheres of family life: everyday life, intimate relationships, communication, etc. People from different generations may have different outlooks, life experiences, levels of culture and upbringing, emotional mood . For better compatibility in the intimate sphere, it is desirable that there is no more than 10 years difference between spouses.

Zodiac signs in linking
Detailed horoscope for 2020 for Tiger women

The article talks about the horoscope for Tiger women

Modern women have many effective means in their arsenal that allow them to remain beautiful, well-groomed and healthy until old age. Age is not a barrier to being a woman. And a harmonious intimate relationship with a loving man definitely helps to prolong youth.

True, British psychologists, in their studies of families in which the men were younger, noted the following: women in such unequal marriages die earlier than their peers living in traditional relationships. Perhaps one of the reasons for early departure is chronic stress due to the generally negative attitude of society towards such marriages.

Books on practical psychology

The topic of practical psychology is extremely broad, so if you want to study it further, check out the books on this list.

  • “How to treat yourself and people, or Practical psychology for every day” Nikolai Kozlov.
  • “It's in your power. How to Become Your Own Therapist by Jeanette Rainwater.
  • “A book for those who like to live, or Psychology of personal growth” Nikolai Kozlov.
  • "On the limit. A week without self-pity" Eric Bertrand Larssen.
  • “Psychology about personality” Alexey Bodalev.
  • “Games that successful people don’t play. Master class in practical psychology” Pia Bylund, Kåre Christiansen.
  • “Workbook of a practical psychologist: a manual for specialists working with personnel” Alexey Bodalev.
  • “Practical consulting” Galina Kolesnikova.
  • “The Gift of Psychotherapy” by Irvin Yalom.
  • “Textbook of Systemic Therapy and Counseling” by Arist von Schlippe.
  • "The Book of Self-Power" by Tony Robbins.
  • From Frogs to Princes by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

We wish you good luck!

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We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Where to start studying psychology
  • Methods of career guidance
  • Criminal psychology
  • Differential psychology
  • Cognitive psychology and cognitive psychotherapy
  • Psycholinguistics as a tool for in-depth study of speech and language
  • Psychology of money
  • Social technologies
  • Solving non-standard Fermi problems
  • Wundt's method of studying psychology

Key words:1Self-knowledge

What does a woman want?

  • She is driven by the desire to be the best in every way.
    A woman blossoms when in her partner’s eyes she is the very best: beloved, beautiful, desired, sexy, etc. To confess your love, give a compliment, give flowers or a gift - a man needs to remember that these are the little things that can make your beloved happy.
  • A woman dreams of always hearing words of love .
    The psychology of a married woman in a relationship is such that it is not enough for her to remember how you once confessed your love to her before the wedding. She lives in a world of feelings, so she needs to hear again and again that you love her, see your smile, feel protected in your arms. Especially when she is tired, upset or even angry. Attention and care are the best medicine.
  • There should be only her in your heart .
    A woman wants to be the only one for her man; fighting rivals is hardly included in anyone’s life plans. Marriage, on the one hand, is a guarantee, but even being married, a woman needs to feel her importance and value for a man. He should not abuse his trust if a woman is uncomfortable with his attention to other ladies.
  • Listen to me carefully!
    According to some scientists, a woman needs to speak 20,000 words per day. Most likely, not the entire flow will pour out on your poor head, but in any case, try to take your girlfriend’s words carefully, let her speak out, talk about what worries and worries her. Just hold off on giving advice, this is not required at all. Your loved one needs support, simple participation, and advice only after a request.
  • Tears are an integral part of life.
    What can you do, you will have to accept this option. Women's tears can be the result of a variety of feelings: from tenderness and delight to deep sadness and grief. It is not always clear to men what to do in such situations. The most important thing is not to neglect her feelings, not to try to turn everything into a joke. Make tea, sit next to him, hug him, your concern will be appreciated.
  • To keep everything under control.

    A woman is created in such a way that she can control several things at the same time: watch how the soup is being cooked, look out the window at the children walking, think about the upcoming vacation. She lives in her own world, in her fantasies and internal dialogues with different characters. That’s why it’s so important to discuss common plans with your partner, communicate, and find compromise solutions.

  • The essence of a woman is to show care .
    A woman feels needed and valuable when she takes care of a person, animal or plant. This manifests itself at the level of instinct simply and naturally. Until children are born in the family, all unrealized potential is directed to the immediate environment. Therefore, do not resist and give her this opportunity to feel that she is irreplaceable.

Female characteristics that poison a man's life

  1. Faith in ideals. Having read fairy tales about princes and women's novels, the girl is waiting for the ideal man, who combines all the qualities of a superhero: strength, youth, beauty, intelligence. In addition, he must throw the whole world at the feet of his chosen one. One look from her! And if this is not the case yet, then the girl expects that she will be able to change her hero. But more often than not, such ideal views on relationships fail and lead to disappointment in their superman.
  2. Love to sort things out. Well, here’s how it is: just now everything was quiet and calm, they were sitting and talking, suddenly something inside her switched, there was a change in mood, and you don’t understand what’s what. She remembered something and let's sort things out. In fact, there is no problem at all, in your opinion. And she was almost hysterical. Although, if you hug, say that you love, listen, wipe away your tears and... the storm subsides. Pay attention on time and there will be fewer such outbreaks, verified.
  3. Emotional explosion. Women live by feelings and experiences. If your beloved lacks joy, pleasure and other positive things, then expect arrows with negative emotions in your direction. For men, this property of the female psyche seems incomprehensible.
  4. A penchant for Napoleonic habits . It happens that if a woman has got something into her head, she will go towards her goal, even disregarding moral standards. Do you think that your quiet and shy person won’t allow anything like that? Don't promise! You know who lives in the still waters. If you have already exhausted your strength or desire to achieve your goal, then the woman will continue to hit this point. Provided that it is important for her to get what she wants.

Unforgivable mistakes of men in relationships with women, leading to separation

Believe it or not, a woman makes just one mistake in a relationship that can ruin everything - she chooses the wrong man.

Men have their own criteria for assessing relationships, although it is believed that they are less concerned about this area of ​​life. Opinions may be different, but still many are not indifferent to how relations in the union will develop. Here are some mistakes that are best avoided:

  • You should not underestimate your merits by deliberately standing one step lower than your chosen one. A woman needs to be admired, she should see next to her a real hero, a winner and a champion, and not a humble servant.
  • Bragging and talking only about yourself is also not recommended. Such narcissism is unlikely to please an intelligent woman who perceives information adequately. Women have a special nose for false statements, and showing off can simply push you away.
  • We will also classify male ingenuity as a mistake. We are talking about thinking for the girl, as timid guys sometimes do. You shouldn’t expect the girl to decide everything for both of you; with your excessive shyness and mysterious silence you can only achieve that the girl gets tired of this performance.
  • Lack of generosity - let's call it mildly - also does not contribute to the creation of harmonious relationships. Many men today are frankly greedy; they do not consider it necessary not only to pay for a lady in a cafe, but also do not give flowers or gifts at all. Perhaps this is the result of feminism, but why take it to the point of absurdity? Any woman needs to see that her lover is ready to spend money on her, otherwise what kind of earner is he?
  • The opposite is considered to be excessive generosity . There is a feeling that the man wants to buy his lady’s favor in this way or is atone for past sins. To a woman, such behavior seems insincere. So in everything you need a golden mean.
  • If a woman asks for help, and a man constantly refers to being busy or is not at all interested in how you will solve the problem that has arisen, then this is a serious signal to ask yourself the question “Do I need this person?”
  • Obvious cowardice, indecisiveness, inability to stand up for defense. A man with such character traits should immediately be taken out of the equation of your life. Leave it to such a hero to look for a protector elsewhere.

  • The option when a man is only interested in intimacy should also be alarming . Even if he is simply magnificent in this regard, life is much broader than the bed, so you need to think carefully about continuing the romance.
  • Does not take responsibility; he blames other people and external circumstances for any of his mistakes. He can also place all the blame on his half. Such a man will not be able to be a reliable support and support in the family. Don't expect to be able to change it.
  • Attempts to improve a woman by comparing her with others - such an action on the part of a beloved man can seriously damage the relationship or end it completely. A woman needs constant confirmation that she is better than everyone else, that a man is very lucky to have her. No comparisons should be allowed. Categorically! If you want to change your loved one, start with yourself.
  • Selfish behavior does not help strengthen relationships. If a man has no desire to make concessions, negotiate, come to an agreement, then what kind of feelings can we talk about?
  • If we talk about the psychology of a woman in a relationship, then cheating has the highest negative rating. It’s hard to imagine what an offended woman can turn all her anger into. The traitor will have a very hard time, and there is no need to talk about returning to the previous trusting relationship.
  • And in conclusion, let's talk about the most terrible mistake. When a man for some reason wants to continue the relationship, but he no longer feels either love or respect for his woman. Even the most patient and loving woman will not be able to love for two.
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