How does alcohol coding affect potency and libido?

Why is encoding dangerous?

There are rumors among people that this is a dangerous type of therapy. Some argue that it can influence the state of the psyche and provoke the formation of neuroses. In men, it has a negative effect on erection, leading to the inability to have sex.

In fact, if coded correctly, there will be no negative impact. Coding can lead to certain side effects that can be corrected with medication. The impact will mainly consist of a possible change in the emotional state of the addict.

Typically, men and women, after they stop drinking alcohol, begin to experience a prolonged depressive state and feel a loss of strength. Of course, this is unpleasant, but it does not affect the psyche in any way and does not cause severe psycho-emotional disorders. In addition, depression is easy to block with the help of certain pharmaceutical drugs. Sometimes coding from alcoholism negatively affects potency in the stronger sex.

The consequences may be as follows:

  • no sexual desire;
  • erection problems;
  • decreased libido.

Sometimes impotence may occur. Usually, it is possible to restore normal potency without medication. Quite often the symptoms go away on their own. Just a short time after coding by sewing or intravenously, the general condition and well-being improve.

Unfortunately, side effects cannot be avoided. The consequences of coding, both medicinal and psychological, will be present. How strong they will be depends on various factors. For one patient, the results of the encoding may be mild, but for another, they will cause serious physical and emotional harm. Therefore, before being coded, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination. In the presence of severe concomitant pathologies, filing, injection into a vein, or another coding method can seriously harm health. The alcoholic must be informed about how encoding occurs, what the mechanism of its effect is, and what negative consequences treatment may have.

For example:

  • depression;
  • allergic reaction;
  • problems with potency;
  • gaining excess weight.

All side effects, if coded correctly, fall into 2 large categories: psychological effects and physiological. The psychological ones include mental problems, the second - somatic disorders. It is difficult to say which of the presented consequences harms the alcohol addict more. While depression can be cured with medication, other conditions are very difficult to correct.

Consequences of a breakdown after coding

what coding and how it is carried out.

The first drink of alcohol after coding can cause an acute reaction - antabuse. In especially severe cases, it leads to death. This happens when urgent medical care is not provided, an allergic reaction occurs, or the patient’s condition deteriorates too quickly.

If this does not happen, then you should not think that the drug has lost its effect or that there will be no consequences.

Negative consequences after a breakdown do not always manifest themselves in the form of obvious symptoms. Situations are possible when a person does not feel acute illness, but irreversible consequences occur in his body, which will make themselves felt in the future.


Almost all physiological disorders are functional in nature.

Side effects may include:

  1. Problems with potency. They are provoked by psychotherapeutic coding, namely: emotional stress psychotherapy. Injection or application of Disulfiram in such a situation is the least dangerous. Usually a man stops feeling sexual desire and his libido decreases. In this case, psychotherapy helps. Unfortunately, no “magic” injection will return a man to his former strength.
  2. Extreme thirst, reluctance to eat or, on the contrary, overeating. People may overeat or eat nothing at all. An injection or pill will not dull or restore lost appetite. To change the condition, the addict must pull himself together and fight the addiction on his own. Psychotherapeutic treatment will help.
  3. Sudden weight change. People may not change their tastes and preferences at all, but at the same time lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight. This problem is associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the body. This is also difficult to deal with. You need to independently regulate the amount of food you eat: this will help keep your weight normal. Metabolism will become the same over time.
  4. Weakness, apathy. Medicines also will not help a person become happier and more cheerful. In order to somehow speed up the recovery process, you need to follow a diet and take vitamins.
  5. Migrating pain. Pain syndrome may develop in muscle, joint tissue and in the head. To improve the condition, you can give a painkiller injection or take a pill. We are talking about medications from the NSAID group (Analgin, Paracetamol).
  6. Allergic reaction to the administered medicine (Esperal, Torpedo). Treatment of alcoholism with psychotherapeutic methods, for example, the Dovzhenko method, never provokes an allergic reaction, since suggestion has a completely different mechanism of action than drugs.
  7. the temperature may rise .

The consequences of treatment in some cases are as dangerous as the disease itself. Coding is performed in 2 ways: medication and psychological influence. The influence of drugs on a person, and especially hypnotic ones, does not go away asymptomatically and often has negative consequences.

Prohibited states for encoding

How does encoding work on a person?
The most important contraindication to coding is the patient’s lack of desire to be treated

If you want to encode a loved one, but you don’t know what impact the procedure will have on his physical and mental state, then it is very important to understand that placing a blockade is strictly not recommended for chronic alcoholics with the following concomitant diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus and any disorders in the endocrine system;
  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.
  • Brain disorders (epilepsy, etc.). During attacks, this disease squeezes a lot of strength out of a person and requires a long time to recover.
  • Liver diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.
  • All infectious diseases, including increased body temperature.
  • Pregnancy in women and even suspicion of it.


The following violations may develop during encoding:

  1. Aggressive state, irritability. Addicts become petty, find fault over trifles, and conflict. Systematic quarrels with relatives and friends often occur. This condition does not harm health and does not affect the psyche. Typically, behavioral disorders are triggered by a change of environment and difficulties adapting to sobriety. A person can break down. In such a situation, the drug Tiapride will have a positive effect. It is taken orally or as an injection.
  2. Depressive state. It develops after coding using non-medicinal methods: an injection into a vein or under the shoulder blade. Depression occurs due to a sudden change in lifestyle. The addict’s body cannot get used to sobriety, and the person experiences suffering. A depressive state cannot harm your health, but it does lead to a lack of comfort. Depression can be overcome if your doctor prescribes special medications. Due to their influence, it is possible to remove all the harm of coding and return the joy of life to a person.
  3. Anxiety. Typically, an addicted person experiences unreasonable psychological discomfort and a feeling of anxiety. In order to avoid a breakdown, you can use antipsychotics and tranquilizers. Doctors recommend taking Phenazepam, Elenium or Seduxen (by prescription). They can be taken orally or injected into a vein.

Alcohol addiction is a serious pathology. You should get rid of it, but before encoding, it is important to study the positive effects and negative consequences of this or that method.

Does coding help with alcohol addiction: reviews

When people talk about coding for alcoholism, reviews and consequences, they are only talking about the coding procedure itself. And this is a fundamentally incorrect assessment of the effectiveness of doctors’ actions.

Addiction itself gives a person a feeling of pleasure: under the influence of a chemical substance (alcohol, drugs), the brain either produces dopamine (the so-called “joy hormone”) in excess quantities or blocks the mechanisms of its elimination. In any case, the concentration of the substance becomes sharply high; in real life, a person cannot receive such an amount of pleasure.

The body gets used to the dosage, and the person needs more and more. Physical dependence perfectly complements the above mechanisms of psychopathic disorders. If a person is nervous and aggressive, the drug calms him down, if he is anxious and suspicious, it relaxes him. In other words, in drugs people are looking for something that life and they themselves do not give them.

Of course, when alcoholism is being treated, it is necessary to eliminate the reasons that made the person coded and go to a narcologist.

Consequences for men

Changes in human psychology are the main problem of coded men. In some situations, a large-scale change in personality and basic traits may develop, which in the future develops into an uncontrollable process.

Let's look at the main deviations:

  1. Aggression . When alcohol is prohibited, the coded one begins to feel anger towards everyone. Conflicts arise out of the blue and personality disorder occurs. This condition is dangerous, since a person constantly quarrels with family and friends, deliberately enters into conflict and violates discipline at work. He will act this way until he gets used to a sober life and stops wanting an alcoholic drink. As a preventative measure, doctors prescribe sedatives.
  2. Depression . A very common occurrence. A depressive state develops due to a sudden refusal of alcohol. By their nature, depression or apathy are not the worst side effects and cannot cause serious harm to health. However, sometimes a person may have suicidal thoughts that are very difficult to suppress. A number of specially designed medications (antidepressants) that help eliminate emerging depression can affect the situation.
  3. Anxiety . A coded man develops suspicion and unreasonable anxiety even in ordinary situations. This is a side effect after encoding. Physiological deviations pass without symptoms, at the functional level. There are no obvious violations after laser or other types of coding. Sometimes, even a detailed diagnosis does not make it possible to discover the reason for such a negative reaction of the body to coding for alcohol dependence. But, in case of prolonged deviations (disturbances in the prostate or frequent headaches), you should visit a narcologist. The doctor will prescribe medication treatment.

Of course, there are side effects of coding, but its benefits are much more valuable.

Consequences of Dovzhenko coding

The conclusions about coding are as follows: it didn’t help me! It's all nonsense. Of course, this is nonsense if you were expecting to undergo a hypnosis session, force yourself not to drink and immediately become healthy. Addiction has been developing for years, if not since childhood (we are talking about the same psychopathies), but you want to be cured of addiction in half an hour. That, alas, does not happen.

It is not for nothing that the doctors of our clinic strongly recommend completing the full course of treatment. This is not the case when you need to save money and choose the cheapest treatment route. Only with complete and high-quality, comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation, working with psychiatrists and psychologists is it possible to recover from addiction. Then, according to reviews from those who have recovered, hypnosis coding for alcohol will be effective.

Many patients have a question: what will happen to my psyche after a hypnosis session. After all, this is interference in my “head”. The hypnosis method can lead to a number of unusual reactions in the body: aggression, irritability, and rejection towards those who drink alcohol may occur. All of these mental reactions are possible because the nervous system, under the influence of an attitude toward giving up alcohol, is rebuilt. Reactions within the normal range are unusual, because both the format of your thinking and your internal sensations change.

Over time, these reactions will pass and the condition will stabilize. It is recommended to see a specialist and monitor your condition. This is important for yourself. However, there is nothing terrible about such consequences after coding. Naturally, the psyche tries to compensate for the new state. You don't get the usual dose of doping, it's natural that you get irritated. You have a mindset of abstaining from alcohol: it is understandable that you feel aversion to those who drink alcohol. Normally, such reactions should not occur, but if they occur, the corrective work of a psychotherapist will help you cope with new sensations.

Consequences for women

The only way to overcome a chronic disease is special medical therapy for female alcoholism and long-term rehabilitation. Reviews from women who have overcome their cravings for alcohol prove that female alcoholism can be cured. However, in the fight against the disease there will also be health losses.

In addition to changes in the condition of internal organs, appearance also changes. 12 months after the start of therapy, facial swelling will completely go away. The previous features will return, but the skin will still be far from ideal. This, naturally, ages a woman. Alcohol flushes vitamins and minerals from the body. Thus, the consequences of female alcoholism are significantly reflected in the quality of the nail plate and the quality of teeth (they fall out and crumble).

The consequences are similar to those for men:

  • depression;
  • aggression and anxiety;
  • weight gain.

It is clear that it is better to prevent the disease than to deal with addiction or the consequences of coding. Although female alcoholism is not as obvious as male alcoholism, it is quite easy to identify changes in behavior and cravings for alcohol. It is important not to abandon a person, but to help him.

We will help you choose the right and effective method

In this article we will talk about honest feedback about coding and the consequences of coding

But before considering the consequences of coding
, let's make a short excursion - a digression - into the topic of alcoholism and the causes of addiction. Alcoholism, as a rule, is not a self-sufficient disease, but a consequence of developed psychopathy - disorders as a result of which a person’s behavior does not correspond to accepted social norms.

To one degree or another, many people may have deviations from the norm, but with a strong accentuation of certain character traits, a person is much more likely to become a victim of addiction or a dependent person - that is, codependent.


Coding has a number of contraindications, since the procedure affects both the psyche and physiology.

Cannot be coded if diagnosed:

  1. Drug addiction.
  2. Unconsciousness of the alcohol addict.
  3. Mental disorders.
  4. Delirium tremens.
  5. Epilepsy
  6. Brain injuries.
  7. Stroke.
  8. Diabetes.
  9. Severe allergic reactions.
  10. Hypertension of 2-3 degrees.
  11. Heart attack.
  12. Some diseases of the nervous system.
  13. Respiratory failure.
  14. Hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  15. Kidney failure.
  16. Thyroid diseases.
  17. Acute infections.
  18. Age over 60 years.

Another contraindication to undergoing coding is the patient’s refusal to undergo treatment.

Probability of consequences after a failure

Severe reactions can occur from alcoholic beverages 6 to 10 months after taking drugs included in the anti-alcohol course. Abuse can take a malignant course, sensitivity to the perception of alcohol increases, as a result of which degradation quickly develops.

During coding, the narcologist, in the presence of the patient’s relatives, warns about possible health consequences. Such a warning is necessary due to the fact that the patient, having taken the first dose of alcohol after the course of treatment and making sure that there is no reaction, considers further consumption of alcoholic beverages harmless to himself.

If the patient has chronic diseases, for example:

· Alcohol liver ;

· Chronic pancreatitis ;

Schizophrenia or epileptic seizures ,

which stopped bothering him after he stopped drinking alcohol, then after a breakdown they will not only resume, but can also quickly worsen.

Psychological coding

The principle of psychological coding is similar to medication (the formation of a negative conditioned reflex that prevents the body from absorbing alcohol), but this is achieved through targeted suggestion, sometimes with the help of hypnosis.

Advantages of psychological coding

  • the effect can last indefinitely, sometimes even for life;
  • There are practically no contraindications (with the exception of mental disorders);
  • it is possible to instill indifference or aversion to alcohol, which leads to complete recovery.

Disadvantages of psychological coding

  • removing psychological coding is difficult, and sometimes even impossible;
  • with deep personal changes, the effectiveness of coding may decrease.

Types of psychological coding

There are three main methods used in modern drug addiction psychotherapy:

  1. Dovzhenko's method.

    The patient is told in detail about the dangers of alcohol, and then an aversion to alcohol is given, accompanied by a mild psychophysical effect of a shock nature, most often an electric shock.

  2. Rozhnov's method.

    The alcohol coding procedure completely repeats Dovzhenko’s method, but in addition to this, the doctor tries to change the dominant emotional state of the patient: dispel pessimistic and depressive moods, instill optimism and faith in a happy future.

  3. Ericksonian hypnosis.

    The patient forms an “anchor” - some powerful negative memory or experience that is strongly associated with alcohol and pops up in the mind whenever he tries to drink alcohol, after which the desire to drink completely disappears. The method is based on the NLP (neurolinguistic programming) technique developed by Milton Erickson.

Serious health problems and coding

If a person is diagnosed with serious diseases, for example, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic pancreatitis, cardiomyopathies, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, he can no longer lead his previous life. You urgently need to stop drinking. When you can’t cope on your own, you need to urgently contact a narcologist.

If drug treatment is contraindicated (medicines may have side effects), psychological coding is used. It additionally insures the patient against alcoholic breakdowns, and therefore against death.

Coding for alcoholism: how does coding work and is it worth doing?

Coding for alcoholism comes in 2 main directions:

  • medicinal
  • hypnotic or psychotherapeutic

Recently, laser encoding has emerged. But this method has not yet gained much popularity in comparison with the two main methods.

Medication coding

It, in turn, is divided into several more subspecies:

  1. Taking pills. Their secret is the element disulfiram. It is his merit that ethanol does not break down, and drinking alcohol causes a deterioration in overall health. Everything seems simple and obvious, but there is a high risk that the patient will simply stop taking them. No disulfiram - no coding!
  2. Sewing the ampoule. Disulfiram is also used as a basis, but it is sewn into a capsule under the patient’s skin. The advantage is that the effectiveness is longer and higher - the solution penetrates into the blood gradually, so it lasts for about six months. One of the disadvantages is that drinking alcohol can cause severe poisoning.
  3. Injections are also based on disulfiram. The method is effective only in a hospital setting; it is quite problematic to give injections on your own. Ideally combined with psychological suggestion. If the patient took a share of alcohol the day before, intoxication of the body may occur.

of Psychotherapeutic Suggestion

  • In the 1980s, Russian physician Dr. A. R. Dovzhenko (1918-1995) invented a method that made very effective addiction treatment possible, especially alcoholism coding. In his approach he combined elements of hypnosis and stress psychotherapy with elements of naturopathy into a very effective overall concept. Various sources cite success rates ranging from 80 to 93%.
  • The treatment begins with abstinence testing and is divided into 2 parts: hypnotherapy for mental preparation and the use of a naturopathic drug for organic preparation. By combining both elements, optimal efficiency is achieved. Because only when the psyche and body “get closer” is the best possible success!
  • In a hypnotic trance, the code is deeply embedded in the subconscious by a psychotherapist who extends the phase of abstinence from alcohol for a period of time chosen by the patient. The combined use of hypnosis and medications is especially effective - this ensures deep consolidation of the subtle structure of the brain. The code takes full effect immediately after the end of the session!
  • Hypnotherapy often involves explaining the negative effects of alcohol on a person’s life and health through suggestion. It may also include building a negative attitude of the patient towards alcohol itself and even its smell, forming new associations.

Laser coding as an innovative method

Relatively recently, encoding began to be carried out using a laser, which affects certain areas of the brain, changing impulses in relation to alcohol. The basis is a change in the memory code - a person seems to forget about his addiction, and alcoholic impulses are dulled. The method is quite expensive and is not available in all clinics.

Important: But any of the methods can only be carried out on a voluntary basis! If you decide to accidentally add pills to food without the patient’s knowledge, the result will be zero, but poisoning is guaranteed! After all, before any coding, an addicted person must abstain from drinking alcohol for at least 2 days, ideally 5.

Pros, cons
Pros, cons

Changes in eating behavior after coding

After coding, a person cannot perceive ethyl alcohol, which means that any alcohol becomes taboo.

Many are so afraid that they stop using kefir, kvass, and vinegar. It's not obligatory. The alcohol content in these products is so low that they are not harmful. If necessary, you can even be treated with alcohol tinctures. However, for some, the very awareness that something contains ethyl alcohol can lead to a breakdown and weeks of heavy drinking. If there is a possibility that you will not be able to resist, it is better to avoid temptation.

True, to relieve depression and aggression, you can sit and have a heart-to-heart talk over a glass of kvass. This is beneficial because it lifts your mood, helps you relax, having a beneficial effect on your well-being and perception of the world.

Why coding alcoholism causes complications

Complications after coding from alcoholism -
The negative consequences of coding are due to a number of factors:

  • Insufficient patient motivation. The effect of treatment without sufficient volitional effort on the part of the addict is minimal. Since coding, especially psychotherapeutic, is based on a voluntary and conscious desire to get rid of addiction.
  • Insufficient qualifications of the doctor. A specialist may incorrectly assess the situation, the stage of the pathological process, and related problems. The quality and safety of the treatment depends on this.
  • Poor diagnostics. Before coding the addict, you need to conduct a full examination. Assess the functional state of organs and systems, determine the stage of alcoholism. Only then can specific measures be prescribed.
  • Wrong preparation. The blocking is preceded by special measures: maintaining sobriety, detoxifying the body, interventions (motivating a person for treatment). If the preparation is insufficient, the effectiveness of the encoding is reduced or completely eliminated.
  • A known ineffective method or combination of coding methods. For example, in advanced stages of addiction, hypnosis as an isolated measure does not make sense, and so on.
  • Lack of an integrated approach. Coding is just part of the correction. But it will not be enough to completely get rid of the addiction.

If you take all these points into account, the likelihood of successful coding will increase significantly. The main thing is that the correction is carried out by a competent narcologist.

Helpful information

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  2. What terrible consequences does a lack of vitamin B in the body result from alcoholism and is it possible to cure Wernicke-Korsakoff .
  3. What does alcoholism lead to during pregnancy, and what consequences will it have for the unborn child?
  4. Why does the pancreas suffer due to alcohol abuse and how does acute pancreatitis ?
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