Analyze your handwriting and discover new things about yourself: 18 signs (with illustrations)

Is it possible to determine character by handwriting?

Character cannot always be recognized at first glance; many people skillfully hide their shortcomings and present themselves from the best side. Handwriting is something that cannot be hidden; it directly depends on the internal state.

When writing words, the human brain controls hand movements, causing each person to write letters differently. To determine character from handwriting, you need to pay attention to the font size, shape and slant. The way you hold a pen, the amount of pressure you use when writing, and the distance between words can tell you a lot about a person.

What are the common handwriting errors?

By the handwriting you can immediately recognize who it belongs to; it is a kind of business card. Just take the doctors’ handwriting, it’s already a joke. Due to the rush and constant tension, they rarely have calligraphic handwriting. In general, it is not easy for an adult to start learning and mastering calligraphy; this will require a lot of time and effort, and of course also perseverance. A good first result will be legible and neat text.

Several common mistakes have been identified that you should pay attention to first so as not to repeat them.

• Uneven lines, as if a piece of paper was being torn out from under your pen. To solve this problem, do not hesitate to purchase a lined notebook. After all, it was not without reason that we were forced to write in them at school, but apparently not everyone had an effect. • There are types of handwriting in which many letters are like twins, and it is not clear whether they are “P” or “N”. Well, a good old copybook will help here. • The manner of smearing text, highlighting it, making it dirty. Write slowly, try a pen with a thinner tip. Expand your circle of practice, write notes to your loved ones, sign cards, strive for calligraphy letters

Most importantly, practice is a surefire way to have beautiful, uniform handwriting

Beautiful handwriting

What is graphology

Graphology is a science that studies in detail the features of a person’s handwriting in order to determine his personal qualities. The main task of the teaching is to build cause-and-effect relationships between writing style and personality development. Graphologists know how to determine a person’s character traits from their handwriting.

What kind of mood does a person have - types in psychology

Since the 21st century, most large companies have used the services of graphologists to create a psychological portrait of a person based on their handwriting. By identifying strengths and weaknesses, management can distribute work more effectively among subordinates.

Note! During an interview, a person may be asked to rewrite a sample job application on a blank sheet of paper or make a list of his positive qualities - this is a handwriting test.

Why is graphology needed?


Today, graphology is actively used in forensic and psychotherapeutic practices. Criminologists help to establish a person’s identity, other experts help to better understand oneself or decide on a career choice. In this context, it is important to understand the difference between graphology, aimed at analyzing personal characteristics through the prism of handwriting, and handwriting science, aimed at directly examining writing skills without any conclusions about the psychological portrait.

Expert opinion: Graphology and handwriting studies


In criminology, handwriting science is more involved than graphology. Handwriting science identifies handwritings: based on a comparative analysis, it helps to conclude whether what was written was written by the same person or not.

Handwriting is used to establish identity. Graphology, on the other hand, makes it possible to determine a psychological portrait - in forensic science, it can provide secondary values ​​for detecting a person who is wanted.


In handwriting studies, handwriting and signature are considered two independent objects, equally informative. In graphology they are informative only if they are considered together. A signature is a business card that speaks about how a person wants to appear.

A signature is an image that may not correspond to real mental content. Moreover, a person can have several signatures. From a graphological point of view, handwriting provides more detailed information than a signature.

Sergey Sergeev

forensic expert, graphologist, handwriting expert

As noted by candidate of psychological sciences, graphologist Larisa Drygval, graphology is only a method of psychodiagnostics through handwriting, therefore, ideally, a good graphologist should be a professional psychologist who has completed professional retraining courses at specialized institutes, which should take at least a year and a half.

According to her, the main feature of a graphologist is the desire for knowledge. The specialist must be as impartial as possible. He should not have any sympathy or affection for the client. Each person has his own pros and cons, and the task of a graphologist is to understand the balance of these characteristics, so as not to exaggerate some and not level out others.

Expert opinion: who comes to a graphologist and why

Most often, people come to a graphologist to understand themselves - their inner world, their states. People are trying to know themselves and improve their lives in a qualitative way. Graphological analysis can help understand the causes of problems with work or personal relationships.

People also often turn to a graphologist for help with career guidance. Parents of children entering universities often come for this reason, so that the choice of institute is related to the child’s inclinations and is not forced.

A similar request comes to graphology centers from clients over 30 years of age who have already graduated, worked in their specialty and realized that this is not their profession - consultations with a graphologist help them better understand themselves and find something that would truly meet their abilities and desires.

Larisa Drygval

Head of the Center for the Study of Handwriting at the Inessa Goldberg Institute of Graph Analysis, graphologist, candidate of psychological sciences

Types of handwriting

Types of human memory in psychology, classification of main types

Handwriting is an individual characteristic of each person; it begins to develop at the age of 9-11 years, and is finally formed by 20-22 years. The manner in which a child writes can be radically different from that of a mother or father.

Sheet of paper with text

It is impossible to determine exactly what types of handwriting exist; they may have different names. Based on visual features, the following types of handwriting are distinguished:

  • Straight and inclined;
  • With uniform and uneven pressure;
  • With letters connected in words and separated;
  • Large and small;
  • Stylized;
  • With enlarged capital letters;
  • Angular and rounded;
  • Straight and curved;
  • Compressed and sweeping.

Note! The style of writing can be influenced by a person's profession. For example, engineers and architects fill out drawings in GOST fonts; over time, the capital letters in their handwriting change to printed ones.

Tips for activities with children

Correct your child's handwriting step by step; under no circumstances should you scold your child for writing a letter that is not very successful, so as not to discourage him from this activity. Some effective tips for practicing to improve your child’s handwriting:

Arrange a dictation for your child, let him write under the dictation of his parents, but do not rush so that he has time to write out the correct and beautiful symbols. It is important that the child likes the text; this will arouse interest in the letter. Use the “zebra”, it will help to form a correct understanding of the size of letters, their inclination, and develop the habit of writing smoothly on any sheet, even on unlined sheets. If a child is not good at writing specific symbols, then you should pay attention to this and devote special time to writing them down. Focus on those letters and words that are written perfectly; success will delight and motivate your child. For variety, teach your child to write alphabetic symbols of different languages ​​of the world. You shouldn’t overwork your children with activities; set aside special time for this along with studying, playing and relaxing.

Beautiful handwriting

How to determine a person's character

Types of adaptation - what can be attributed to them, meaning

Determining a person's character by handwriting is a quick process for an experienced graphologist. Self-analysis will take from 30 minutes to 1 hour to get an accurate result.

You can determine common character traits by features that immediately catch your eye. Outwardly beautiful handwriting indicates a harmonious personality, while careless handwriting indicates disorganization. If an adult's writing style resembles a child's handwriting, most likely this person is trusting and vulnerable.

Large and small letters

The size of the letters indicates communication skills, how sociable and friendly a person is. If the letter height is more than 4 mm, it is large handwriting, it speaks of impulsiveness and an open character.

Those who write in capital letters easily make contact with strangers and make new friends. Such a person strives to be a leader, sometimes excessively imposing his opinion on others. Excessive emotionality prevents him from completing the things he has begun.

If the letters in words are no higher than 3-4 mm, the handwriting is small. This is how reserved individuals write, who are not used to expressing their emotions clearly. They easily cope with monotonous and responsible work, they are always diligent and disciplined. Those with small handwriting often underestimate themselves and their strengths and are unable to make an important decision for a long time.

Small letters

For a woman, small handwriting can mean her inner insecurity about her appearance or figure. If a girl writes small and illegible, she tries in every possible way to hide her insecurities and may behave feignedly.

A man who writes in neat, small print is distinguished by rationality; he must keep everything under control. Secrecy and a tendency to deceive are what small, illegible handwriting in men indicates.

Note! The size and shape of the letters can change depending on your mood. For example, during an interesting lecture, a student writes every word beautifully and accurately; during a boring lecture, he will write reluctantly and sloppily.

Sharp and round

To recognize a person's character from their handwriting, you need to pay attention to the shape of the letters. They can be elongated in height or width, have rounded or angular outlines. What does the shape of the letters say about a person’s character:

  • The round shape means gentleness of character and selflessness. Such people are prone to compassion, they are calm and know how to find compromises. Sometimes they lack the determination to defend their point of view, they often sacrifice their interests;
  • Sharp corners in letters are a sign of a selfish person who will not make concessions. For this type of people, freedom and independence are important; it is difficult for them to work under someone else's leadership. Most businessmen write in pointed handwriting;
  • The combination of sharp and round letters in one word speaks of inconstancy and frequent changes of mood. The advantage of such people is that they have developed both hemispheres of the brain. They cope with creative and analytical work equally easily.

Rounded letters

Note! The habit of beautifully capitalizing a sentence speaks of internal doubts and uncertainty; it is difficult for such people to defend their point of view.

Tilt left and right

The angle of the letters reflects the level of a person’s emotionality and his relationships with people.

Letters slanted to the right

What can a different slope mean:

  • A significant tilt to the right means a person’s determination and desire to move forward. These people are quick-tempered and energetic, often very jealous. They achieve their goals at any cost, sometimes neglecting the opinions of others;
  • A significant tilt to the left is a characteristic of a self-sufficient character. Such individuals often argue and always defend their point of view. A tilt to the left may mean that a person does not want to part with his past and is afraid of change;
  • A slight tilt to the left is found in people with an analytical mindset who are critical of other people's work. They place personal interests above the interests of others;
  • A slight tilt to the right side is most common and characterizes a balanced character and confidence. Such people easily join the company and can carry on a conversation. They do not strive to always be in the center of events; they can easily give up their place as a leader to others;
  • The lack of slant and straight letters indicate a confident person who is in harmony with himself. He is characterized by emotional stability and rationality. Such people are stubborn, they think about every detail, take a long time to make decisions;
  • A chaotic tilt, when the letters “fall” in different directions, speaks of lack of composure and uncertainty. Such people find it difficult to concentrate and perform monotonous work.

Note! Many creative people wrote illegibly, including Paganini, Beethoven and Picasso.
Often, gifted individuals think quickly; many ideas arise in their heads in a minute, so they do not have time to keep track of their handwriting.

Beautiful handwriting is a reality. How to develop it?

Beautiful handwriting is a reality. How to develop it?
Beautiful handwriting is an optional, but very useful skill. Clear spelling of words by schoolchildren helps teachers and parents understand words well, and the student himself can better navigate his notes and remember grammatical rules. Today we will learn what factors influence the formation of handwriting, and consider several exercises and tips for developing beautiful writing.

Formation of handwriting

Forming handwriting is a rather lengthy process. It begins in preschool age (when the child first picks up a pen/pencil and tries to draw something) and ends at the age of 20-25 years. The process of forming and consolidating handwriting is influenced by:

  • Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child. What hand does he write with (right, left, both), how does he hold the pen when writing, what size are his palms and fingers, what is his usual posture when writing texts, etc.
  • Temperament type. It influences character, perseverance, and the ability to work long and hard, which in turn shape a particular handwriting. For example, choleric children are in constant motion, are not able to perform monotonous work for a long time, and are fast. Therefore, the handwriting of such children is very often illegible, the letters are uneven, “jumping”, and have different sizes. Phlegmatic people, on the contrary, have written words and lines that are even, clear, often small, but identical and very neat. This is explained by their calm nature, ability to slowly and thoroughly carry out any work, and to engage in one type of activity for a long time.
  • Quality and quantity of writing practice. The more often a child writes and tries at the same time, the clearer and more beautiful his handwriting will be. The quality of writing practice refers to the correct posture when writing, the convenient placement of a sheet of paper on a plane, and the student’s perseverance.

The influence of these factors is decisive, but quite amenable to correction. Special exercises and simple tricks will help your child develop perfect handwriting or correct writing deficiencies in older schoolchildren and adults.

Tips and exercises for beautiful handwriting

The sooner serious handwriting training begins, the clearer and more beautiful it will be. With age, it is more difficult to straighten a letter, but it is quite possible if you have a great desire and spare no effort.

The main desire

Beautiful handwriting is a reality. How to develop it?

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The desire to have calligraphic handwriting is a great motivation for starting exercises and training. But children very often do not strive to write clearly and beautifully, and some do not even understand why this is necessary, because we live in the age of computer technology. In these cases, you can motivate the child in one of the following ways:

  • Talk about the importance of clear handwriting. Neat and beautiful writing allows you to better understand what is written both by the student himself and by strangers, develops creative abilities, and can bring additional benefits to the student (for example, the child will be asked to sign posters, wall newspapers, etc.).
  • Introduce a reward system. You can attract a child to cooperate in working on handwriting by promising him the purchase of a desired item for successfully completing tasks, relieving him of some of his responsibilities around the house, etc.
  • Play on the child's pride. If a student likes to be the first in everything and strives for success in different areas, then you can show him that beautiful handwriting evokes the admiration of other people, is a role model, etc.

Developing fine motor skills

Good fine motor skills allow you to more confidently handle writing instruments, which helps to straighten your handwriting. The following will help you develop this skill:

  • Exercises with plastic materials. These are plasticine, clay, salt dough, etc. It is enough to sculpt some figures several times a week, gradually complicating the task and adding small details.

Beautiful handwriting is a reality. How to develop it?

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  • Beading, beading. Preschool children can be given special educational toys in which they need to move small balls from one place to another. Older children can be occupied with needlework: creating beads and bracelets, weaving various figures and beaded jewelry, and bead embroidery.
  • Folding buttons of different diameters. It is important that the exercise is performed with both hands at the same time.
  • Connecting the dots. This seemingly simple exercise allows you to develop coordination of movements, establish eye-hand contact, and teach you to perform precise actions on paper. You can use ready-made dotted/dotted lines from children's books or create an outline for connecting yourself.
  • Massage of fingers. You can do it yourself: carefully knead each finger with your second hand.


This is an ideal option for practicing beautiful handwriting for children of any age and even adults. Regular and diligent writing of letters according to a model helps to consolidate the skill of writing in a certain way.

IMPORTANT! Entries in the copybooks must be checked. If the child deviates significantly from the given model, it is necessary to correct the inaccuracies, show how to write correctly, and guide the hand. The explanation can be verbal, accompanied by a demonstration of the correct spelling of the symbol, leading the child’s hand with the hand of an adult.

Drawing (copying)

Another great way to straighten your handwriting is to draw (copy) various symbols and images. To begin with, the child is given simple examples (for example, to redraw a geometric figure on square paper), then the task becomes more complicated (an unlined sheet is given, details are added to the image, etc.).

Beautiful handwriting is a reality. How to develop it?

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We print each letter

To practice handwriting, diligence and perseverance are important. The child needs to carefully write out each character, trying to bring its spelling as close as possible to the exemplary one. Video tutorials will help with this, showing in detail how to write a particular letter (you can use the alphabet of absolutely any language). First, the student simply reviews how to write. Then it performs actions in conjunction with the video. And finally, it outputs the characters from memory.

You can set the time for writing each type of letter in seconds (for example, 5-6 seconds). The child should not spend less than the specified time on performing the action. This will ensure the necessary accuracy and thoroughness.

Choosing convenient writing instruments

Surely you have noticed that the beauty and clarity of handwriting depends on the type of pen or pencil we write with. This is why it is important to choose comfortable writing accessories: try pens with different types of paste, with different thicknesses of the core and body. Pen/pencil size and paper type are also important factors. The latter should not be too thin or too transparent (the characters written on the previous page are visible).

Choosing a comfortable position

It is very important that the student practices his handwriting in the correct posture. The back is straight, the writing hand rests completely on the table (it is unacceptable for the elbow to hang down). Exercises must be performed strictly on a hard surface. The remaining nuances of the pose (head tilt, torso rotation, position of the legs, etc.) are selected by the student himself, depending on what is most comfortable for him.

A few secrets of beautiful handwriting

Sometimes it is enough to correct minor points so that the handwriting becomes clear, beautiful, and understandable. There are some tricks for this:

  • Try to write letters straight, without slanting. Capital letters are not always more beautiful than printed ones, and incorrect connections often spoil the whole picture. Writing characters without slanting will visually make your handwriting look businesslike, clear and compact.
  • All letters must be the same size. Only the capital letter has differences, the rest should have the same height and similar width. For practice, you can draw a sheet of paper into thin stripes and write letters within one line, limited at the top and bottom.
  • There should be sufficient space between words. Do not make the space too short - this may cause the words to merge into one continuous text. To begin with, you can make a distance equal to the tip of the pen/pencil, simply substituting it to the last letter of the word. Next, the required space will be inserted automatically.
  • Try to use as few abbreviations as possible. This is especially true for texts that will be read by other people. Abbreviations visually make words and sentences chopped off and may simply be incomprehensible.

More practice!

Beautiful handwriting is a reality. How to develop it?

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Finally, last but not least, provide your child with as much practice as possible. You support his desire to improve his handwriting in every possible way, praise him for his successes and do not criticize him if something doesn’t work out. Let there always be copybooks, a large amount of paper and writing materials of various types in the house.

You can turn handwriting exercises into a fun game or competition. More often ask the student to write letters, shopping lists, sign postcards, etc. If it is possible to write something by hand rather than type it on a computer, then be sure to insist on the first option.

Smooth, clear and beautiful handwriting is a source of pride for a schoolchild. It greatly facilitates the understanding of written text, promotes the development of creative abilities and better memorization of grammar. In many ways, the type of handwriting is determined by the natural characteristics of a person, but with great desire and perseverance, you can develop ideal writing at any age.

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Wise owl 07 August 2015

What is needed for handwriting analysis

You can analyze text written with your own hand on a white sheet of paper without lines or cells. It is advisable to use a simple pencil to examine the degree of pressure. To analyze your writing style, you can get recent entries or write a new text. There is no point in analyzing old notes or notes; a person’s character can change over the course of several years.

The verse is written on an album sheet

To check someone else's handwriting, you can invite the person to write any text: favorite quotes, quatrains. The main condition is that at least 4-5 sentences must be written on the sheet. When writing the first two, a person may be worried, but he writes the last sentences calmly - you can determine the character from them. At the end you need to sign.

Important! When a person writes a text for analysis, he begins to think about how the writing looks. Some people begin to draw letters out of character in order to make them more beautiful. In this case, the description of the character will be incorrect. You need to write at your usual pace, without thinking about quality.

Signs of male handwriting

Men are meticulous creatures. Most often they have smaller handwriting than women. Also, the angularity of the shapes of the letters and the simplification of the forms, rectilinear or partial right-leaning can be generally traced. The written letters can be tall or narrow, and the variation in height in the handwriting (upper and lower branches) can be quite large. The lines are solid and clear. The strokes are completed with sharp strokes, or are completely cut off with one decisive movement. Pen pressure is medium to strong. Lines and letters dynamically move forward.

What personal information can you find out?

In addition to the shape and inclination of letters, there are other characteristics that indicate personality traits:

  • Strong pressure indicates a person’s confidence; he is always concentrated and thinks clearly. Such individuals are rarely interested in other people's problems and experiences;
  • Weak pressure on the pencil while writing is a sign of indecisiveness. Responsible work is difficult for a person; he often falls under the influence of others. Frivolous and inattentive people write in almost translucent handwriting and may not complete the last letter of a word;
  • By the manner of writing you can determine deviations in mental health. If the written words line up in an even line, the person is balanced. If the letters are lined up unevenly, the words lean in different directions, this indicates an unbalanced psyche. Such people are prone to neuroses, they quickly develop addiction to alcohol, smoking and online games;
  • The direction of the line does not speak about a person’s character, but about his mood at the moment. The written line rises upward - this is a sign of optimism and good spirits. The direction of the line down indicates depression and depressive mood;
  • Words “floating” in waves are a sign of cunning and deceit. Such people try to mislead everyone and love to gossip;
  • The distance between words in a sentence speaks about a person’s attitude towards the people around him. If the intervals are the same, a person treats everyone equally politely, shows respect and tolerance. Different intervals indicate resourcefulness, a tendency to change the manner of communication with different interlocutors;
  • Closely arranged letters indicate a person’s need to be in society; loneliness oppresses him;
  • If in long words the letters become smaller towards the end, a person may quickly lose interest in work and not finish the job he has started;
  • A sweeping signature is a sign of dependence on someone else’s assessment. A modest, no-frills signature speaks of self-confidence. If the signature is partially or completely circled, the owner is shy and does not like to be the center of attention.

Choosing a man based on his handwriting: how to avoid mistakes

Choosing a man based on his handwriting: how to avoid mistakes or “show me what you write and I’ll tell you who you are...”
Women, even with bitter experience in personal relationships and a realistic outlook on life, are often very trusting.

Especially when it comes to romantic impulses and the desire to start a family. And how often we make mistakes about our chosen one!

We close our eyes to the “alarm bells”, ignore the opinions of others and hope: we will be together, and HE will become better.

But people change rarely or not at all . And how we regret later that we knew nothing in advance about the character of a seemingly close person.

Although one could find out about the advantages and disadvantages by looking at the lines scribbled by the hand of a loved one.

Differences in handwriting between men and women

A person’s handwriting always says a lot about his character, while male and female writing styles differ from each other. It is generally accepted that girls' handwriting is always even and legible, while men's handwriting is rude and sloppy.

Boy and girl

Girls often give letters a rounded shape, write in a sweeping manner, and even small letters look legible. Often words are slanted to the right, with strong or medium pressure. Small letters with weak pressure may indicate the presence of chronic diseases, migraines.

Representatives of the stronger sex more often use small letters in words, and when writing, press hard on the pen or pencil. Men's handwriting predominantly consists of sharp angles and clear lines. A man can give even rounded letters an angular shape.

Note! Today, women's and men's rhythms of life are equal to each other. Representatives of the fair sex successfully combine work, raising children and playing sports. If a girl had perfect handwriting as a child, it can change with age along with the pace of her life.

The psychology of handwriting is inseparable from the psychology of personality; by the peculiarities of writing words, you can learn a lot about your colleagues and friends. One person writes each letter, another writes quickly and sweepingly - each of them has their own character and manner of behavior. When analyzing handwriting, every detail matters and can reveal what a person is hiding.

General organization of handwriting

When analyzing, the first thing to check is the evenness of the handwriting. This determines from which side (positive/negative) this or that personality trait will be viewed:

  1. Smooth and perfectly organized handwriting shows an active and focused person who is always confident in his own abilities and does not have a tendency to frequent failures.
  2. Large, but not entirely organized handwriting indicates impulsiveness.
  3. Small and organized indicates that its owner uses his own strength wisely.
  4. Indecisive and timid people show small and very poorly organized handwriting - this is an insecure person who retreats at the first difficulties.

Large or small handwriting will tell about a person’s relationship with the people around him. Many people want to know what the small size of letters says about a person, because statistics show that the number of individuals with small handwriting slightly exceeds the number of people accustomed to large letters.

To begin with, you should mark the boundaries - letters that reach 3 millimeters in height are considered average. Accordingly, small ones are up to 3 mm, and large ones are from 3 mm.

  1. Owners of large handwriting are always sociable and active, they can support any conversation and cheer up the most boring company.
  2. Too small letters indicate modesty and reluctance to attract attention. Although it should be noted that people who write in small handwriting love to think, it is difficult to expect bold actions from them.
  3. And medium-sized letters go to people who always know how to find compromises. They realistically assess their strengths and can adapt to any situation.

What does small handwriting say about your character?

Small, bead-like handwriting will indicate the following character traits:

  • You are calculating and observant
  • You may have visual impairment
  • You have an analytical mind and are pedantic
  • You have a fairly high attention span, which means you pay attention to all the details.
  • You do not like noise and large companies, as you experience some difficulty when communicating with strangers
  • You do not often show your own character, only in exceptional situations

Very often people with this style are shy in nature. As a rule, small letters are characteristic of individuals who value their own inner world. The behavior of such people is interesting and at the same time familiar: modesty and restraint are their main character traits.

Character of a man with small handwriting

You can also say about such people that they are petty, cold-blooded, reserved and secretive. At the same time, such people are beautiful, smart and interesting during the conversation. In extreme and difficult situations, these individuals even become cruel and authoritarian leaders.

What does slanted handwriting mean?

Slope in handwriting is an important and controversial indicator. In a number of cases, the interpretations of different graphologists differ sharply from each other. The final conclusion should be made solely based on the combination of other characteristics.

Handwriting tilted to the left means life is against the rules.

The individual perceives any external influence as an attack on his own independence and at the same time - with an abundance of sharp lines - he is prone to violence against others. Dissatisfaction with life entails an unconscious, and in the case of intellectual development, a conscious protest against those norms that bind the will of the individual. Behavior due to antisocial attitudes is often unpredictable. Among other things, the predominance of sharp angles indicates a cult of strength, an obsessive desire to play the role of Superman. According to French graphology, a strong slant to the left indicates pretense to achieve a certain goal. According to Morgenstern, handwriting slanted to the left belongs to a stubborn person.

Handwriting tilted to the right - according to some, indicates an internally repressed person

Not inclined to reveal his true feelings even in front of loved ones. According to others, a strong tilt to the right reveals a capricious, stubborn, and distrustful nature. The truth, obviously, is found somewhere in the middle. Heightened sensitivity makes these people easily vulnerable, and stubbornness and distrust serve as their protection from possible shocks.

Meanwhile, when you are dealing with impressionable people, you should never rush to conclusions. A strong slant of handwriting to the right in combination with other signs gives the most unexpected results. If the letters in a word are not connected to each other - selfishness. If the letters are round - unscrupulousness. If the letters are round and the strokes are weak - a colorless personality, an ordinary character. If the handwriting is sweeping, it means a limited mind. If the lines are thin and the strokes are long, there is anger caused by external circumstances or illness.

Handwriting letters with different slants in one word indicate the absence of a single core

A strong mental foundation. These are capricious, picky natures, unrestrained in words and actions. Throwing from one extreme to another, they ultimately rarely achieve their goal. But maybe it’s for the best, since their goals are also born of the moment.

Vertical handwriting is independent in nature.

According to old French graphology, standing handwriting belongs to prudent, reserved natures, with a strong character. But here's what in practice: those who have vertical handwriting, in fact, have excellent self-control, you cannot deny them prudence, and the firmness of their principles is worthy of respect. The trouble, however, is that their restraint sometimes turns into spiritual insensitivity, and the notorious steadfastness often turns into unbreakable stubbornness. At the same time, such natures cannot help but admire the fortitude with which they endure mental suffering and physical pain.

Tagged with: future predictions enlightenment self-development seminar esoterics

What does printed handwriting say about character?

As a rule, when filling out some forms and documents, people write in block letters. But there are individuals who write in such handwriting all the time. Any printed letter looks neat, in some cases perfect. But what does this method of writing mean?

So, if you prefer to write in printed handwriting, your letters are usually accompanied by neatness and aesthetics. Most likely, you write letters with an angle and separately. Many people may even feel like you are writing in a computer font. Often, documents and postcards are filled out using this handwriting.

  • But if your handwriting contains only block letters, this indicates that you have a touch of productivity in your character.
  • Of course, your psychological character depends on several factors, for example, how you form your own handwriting, press while writing, distribute text on paper, and so on.

Variety of printed handwriting

  • In general, you have well-developed self-control. You like to carefully monitor your own behavior, how you speak and show emotions. Therefore, you are considered a sincere person.
  • Sometimes you even lack spontaneity, as you think through and calculate every step you take.
  • Perhaps you are constantly accompanied by a “mask”, with the help of which you want to draw attention to yourself. You are dependent on other people's assessments, you don't like being criticized and are sensitive to it.

In some situations, there are people who have low self-esteem, with a lot of complexes, anxiety, and a need for protection. Let us note that such people have perfectionism, that is, something that prevents them from being a truly happy person.

What else is worth knowing

The ability to write beautifully and legibly is called calligraphy (Greek calligraphy - “beautiful handwriting”). Calligraphy is one of the branches of fine art.

Poor and illegible handwriting is a problem for both children and adults, but experts say that it is completely fixable. And even more than that, handwriting reflects the character and inner state of a person, which means that once you achieve calligraphic handwriting, you should expect changes in yourself.

Writing not only competently, but also beautifully is a requirement of many employers. According to experts, people of creative professions who have a sense of line are prone to calligraphic handwriting. Historians report that the Bible contributed to the development of calligraphy. It was necessary to create large quantities of copies and lists of religious texts, so the ability to write quickly, beautifully and competently developed quickly.

Experts agree that the best way to learn to write beautifully is regular, mechanical training in the most common school copybooks. You need to work on writing all the letters of the alphabet one by one until you finally like their appearance.

Tatiana Leontyeva's technique

A talented Omsk teacher Tatyana Leontyeva has developed a unique and effective method of teaching calligraphic writing. Experts say that by practicing this method for 10-20 hours, even a left-handed person will begin to write beautifully and legibly.

The essence of the technique is in special recipes. “My students correct their handwriting in a special copybook, with a special line, which was common in elementary schools before the 1968 reform. In the first week, we relearn how to write all the letters of the alphabet on this particular line. She quite strictly regulates the inclination and width of the letters,” says Tatyana Leontyeva.

What does the slant of handwriting say about a person’s character: description with examples

The characteristics of handwriting can tell us about the level of emotional reaction and the degree of understanding of other people. It is very difficult to find people who have perfect calligraphy.

Slant letters

But before you consider your own handwriting ugly, understand its inclination and the location of each letter:

  • If your letters are positioned strictly vertically, then you are considered a calm and calm person. You are often indifferent to other people.
  • If your letters have a slight slant to the right, then you react softly to the world around you. You are not particularly restrained, because before you show certain emotions, you first think carefully about everything.
  • A strong tilt of the letters to the right indicates that you are constantly emotionally tense and impulsive.
  • If your letters look to the left while writing, then you are considered a cold person. You protect yourself as much as possible from external stimuli and often act selfishly towards other people.

What does curly handwriting say about your character?

Curls are present in many letters when writing. Let's look at the most common options for using them.

  • The curls at the bottom of the letters are small. You have independent thinking. You like to look for something simpler for yourself. Do not like lies and falsehood, appreciate other people for what they were able to achieve. You are resourceful in new things and can adapt to situations that have unexpectedly changed.
  • A narrow curl at the bottom of the letter. This sign indicates that you have sharp thinking and strive for spiritual values. Love family and home, try to stick only to the circle of your friends and relatives.

Letters with curls

  • Wide curl at the bottom of the letter. You are a striving nature, you are aimed at satisfying your own material needs and emotions. You also love when others notice you.
  • A disproportionate curl at the bottom of a letter. You never get attached to the work, you don’t like it at all.
  • A disproportionate small curl at the bottom and top of the letter. You are independent, limiting yourself to very little whenever possible.

How to recognize a person’s character by letters and combinations of letters: description with examples

  • If every letter in a document is connected to each other, then you have a consistent, logical character. You are conservative in some views and have a complex perception of everything that is new to you.
  • If your handwriting has a moderate number of breaks between letters, then your thinking is considered to be quite deep, plus adaptive. This indicates that you know how to bring the desired and the actual into harmony.
  • If your handwriting has a lot of gaps between letters, then you have figurative concrete thinking. Your actions are unpredictable, you are a dreamy person, you strive to draw more attention to yourself and make the best impression on people.

The gap between the letters speaks about the character of a person

  • If the distance between the letters is very large, then you are afraid to contact other people. You find it difficult to get to know a certain person, but after you get close to him, he seems like an interesting person.
  • A small distance between the letters indicates that you are an open person. You like to let people get very close to you and you love it when you have a lot of people to talk to.
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