Stop fighting your temperament, find out how to use it for its intended purpose

Choleric: love or hate this temperament?

Choleric – type, temperament, personality descriptionMany people associate a choleric person with a noisy, arrogant person who is not afraid to engage in direct confrontation.
Many people are afraid of too violent manifestations of emotions (see Emotions), violations of personal boundaries. It seems that choleric has long become a common name for people who do not know how to behave at all. Experts believe that most information about this type of temperament are common stereotypes. It's time to figure out what choleric people are and whether you should be afraid of them.

  • General information about choleric
  • Character Virtues
  • Flaws
  • Childhood
  • Features of education
  • Career
  • Relationship building
  • Health
  • Relationships with representatives of other temperaments
  • Training on personality psychotypes and profiling

General information about choleric

A choleric person is a person with an expressive type of temperament. It has a fairly strong, but extremely unstable nervous system. It is important for him to take a leading position, to assert himself (see Self-esteem and how to raise it) among other people. We can mention the presence of energy with extremely weak self-control. It is extremely important for a typical choleric person to succeed in everything and everywhere. He is able to take on several things at once, since the lack of fuss and movement leads to a feeling of boredom (see Why am I bored).

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How to recognize a choleric person?

It is quite easy to notice a person with this type of temperament. He speaks quite loudly and quickly, and may not finish sentences and words. His intonation is always different. We can mention the presence of pronounced facial expressions (see Mimicry of gestures and NLP), sharp and sweeping gestures. The man has an energetic gait; one might seriously think that he is always in a hurry to get somewhere. He has a thin build.

Psychologists mention the following behavioral features of a choleric person:

  • Increased sociability, boastfulness, pride;
  • Speed ​​of emotional component, thinking and perception;
  • Truthfulness, straightforwardness, openness;
  • Independence, willfulness, stubbornness;
  • Maximalism, endurance and ambition (see How successful people became successful).

It is vital for a choleric person to be in the center of attention, to provide protection and patronage. He is ready at any moment to go to save the planet, to find himself in the role of a real superhero. It is extremely important that such a person is admired and proud in every possible way. He simply cannot live without recognition and fame.

Choleric people want to participate in any competitions. He will strive to occupy a leading position and try with all his might to eliminate competitors. A person simply will not tolerate any pressure, criticism and control. You may come across rudeness on his part (see How to respond to criticism), as a result of which the “well-wisher” will simply regret his words.


Representatives of the sanguine temperament are considered “easy” people. Indeed, they are open, easily make connections and learn new activities. But they are not constancy; they tend to do what interests them at the moment and communicate with those who can captivate them.

• Sanguine people want to please absolutely everyone! If you want to live peacefully with them, take it for granted and do not make any claims. And remember: neither you nor any other person will become the “center of the universe” for a sanguine person forever.

• If you want a sanguine person to admire you and be close to you, constantly surprise him. The worst enemies for a representative of this type of temperament are boredom and routine.

• If you want to inspire a sanguine person to do something, don’t skimp on praise. For the sake of a high assessment of his merits, he is ready to do a lot.

• If you share the interests of this person, he will be simply happy: support and recognition are important to him, interest in his affairs and, if possible, participation in them.

• Remember that a sanguine person and discipline are two things that are not compatible, so be prepared to control him if he is your subordinate, and once again check your general plans if he is a friend or colleague.

Character Virtues


No postponed tasks for tomorrow (see Procrastination - leave everything for later). A choleric person will never miss the chances that life provides. Thanks to perseverance, he is able to achieve unprecedented success. He really likes to take risks and try something new. This seems to him like an ordinary competition, a test of his capabilities and abilities. This character trait makes you perceive many difficulties as an ordinary adventure, an adventure. He simply accepts the challenge that fate throws at him, without thinking about the consequences.


No obstacles will frighten a choleric person who has chosen a goal for himself. If there are failures (see: Luck in life), such a person will try again and again to achieve what he wants. He will not give up when others simply give up. It is important for him to prove, first of all, to himself that success can be achieved, no matter what business the choleric person takes on.

A person with this type of temperament is called a real workaholic. He is ready to do a lot to ensure that his most cherished desires come true (see How to achieve success). There will be no regret regarding the money, time and effort spent. The main thing is to find meaning in the activity that the choleric person has chosen for himself. No additional motivation is needed (see Negative and positive motivation).


Choleric people are distinguished by openness, wit, strength and expressiveness. They are able to lead people and attract like-minded people. Their sincere belief in victory, passion (see Gambling addiction and its symptoms) and enthusiasm captivate even skeptics. They are capable of becoming excellent politicians and public speakers if they learn to control their emotions. In any case, they will be able to evoke an emotional response in the audience, which will be spellbound to listen to the choleric speaker speaking from behind the podium.


It is extremely important for people with this type of temperament to try as many activities as possible. They are constantly on the move, trying with all their might to overcome boredom. People around them are only surprised how choleric people do several things at the same time. They manage to switch between assigned tasks extremely easily and perform several tasks at the same time, like the greatest statesman of Ancient Rome.

Pros and cons of the choleric temperament type

Choleric is something like a perpetual motion machine. He cannot sit still, he needs to be in constant dynamics. His gait is almost always swift, his facial expressions are agile, his gestures are sweeping and expressive. The energy of a choleric person can result in conflict: a showdown and insults. Things can come to a fight - people of this type of temperament are characterized by weak self-control.
Vivid emotionality, expressiveness: if he likes something, he will not be stingy with enthusiasm.The expressiveness of a choleric person also has a “dark” side, and hot emotional “outbursts” can be the exhaust of irritation and temper.
A choleric person has strong leadership qualities, he sets an excellent pace in work, and does not like stagnation and marking time. He is very purposeful and does not panic at the first setbacks. The same is true in family and friendship. The choleric person's desire to dominate others can make him a real tyrant and even a tyrant. Cholerics make not only excellent leaders (at work, in family or friendship), but also real dictators.
Choleric people are able to do several things at the same time. Multitasking does not scare them, but rather encourages them. The main thing is that they find it interesting. Unfortunately, a choleric person can give up what he started halfway to the goal: if he cools down to any activity, he will no longer be ignited.
He is truly captivating. The person who delighted him will be exalted to heaven. The disappointments of a choleric person are no less emotional. And God forbid he ends up in the place of the one in whom he was disappointed: it will be bad.
The speech of a choleric person is expressive, bright, loud, exciting, supported by expressive gestures and convincing intonations. If a choleric person wants to work on himself, he can become a brilliant speaker who can ignite a huge audience. The swiftness of a choleric person introduces negative qualities into his manner of speaking. He often loses his thoughts, does not finish sentences, speaks confusedly and impulsively, and can allow himself to use a raised and impolite tone. His oratorical improvisations can be not only brilliant, but also disastrous.
Choleric people are straightforward people, they do not like talking behind their backs and various behind-the-scenes intrigues. They are honest, decisive and courageous enough to say what they think to their faces. The love of truth and straightforwardness of choleric people sometimes look rather exaggerated, turning them into “truth tellers” and uncouth rude people.
People of this type are independent and persistent in achieving their goals. They are persistent and not afraid of obstacles. They are difficult to lead astray. Unless they themselves lose interest in the goal and switch to another. Cholerics are very capricious and stubborn. It is impossible to influence them from the outside.
They are true maximalists and perfectionists. They are interested in either everything or nothing. If they are passionate about something, they spare no effort, no money, no time: the main thing for them is to achieve what they want. Maximalism and perfectionism often prevent them from building normal relationships with others. It is impossible to reach compromises with them.
People of choleric temperament are acutely aware of injustice. They often act as patrons of the weak. Sometimes choleric people interpret injustice too subjectively. As a result, their “patronage” can do a disservice.
Cholerics are determined. They do not like to put off until tomorrow what can be done today. That is why they rarely miss the chances that life gives them. Choleric people are quite often hasty in their actions and do not always think about the consequences. They are too lazy to waste time weighing the pros and cons.
Cholerics are very charismatic. They are witty, charming and spontaneous. They always have enthusiasm, faith in victory, and excitement. They are able to inspire others. Possessing a predominantly magnanimous character, a choleric person can get angry over nonsense. His anger will be uncontrollable. But at the same time, people of this type (unlike melancholic people) are very easy-going and completely unforgiving.
Cholerics are passionate and versatile people. They often have several hobbies, and quite varied ones. They can do a lot of things and switch easily. They are often inattentive, scattered and miss important details. They find it difficult to concentrate on one thing. Because of this, they do not reach depth in their hobbies.

Psychological reactions characteristic of people with choleric temperament are characterized by high speed. This applies to perception, emotions, and thinking. They like to act first and then evaluate the consequences.

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In childhood, choleric people are restless, often distracted in class, can disrupt a lesson or get into an argument with the teacher, violating all the rules of subordination. Choleric teenagers are hyperactive, they can skip classes. You can’t shout at them: it won’t make them more obedient, they’ll just get offended.

From childhood, choleric people need to be taught to control their emotions and resolve conflicts peacefully. Another important skill that is difficult for choleric people is concentration.

The professions of actor, journalist, director, and coach are suitable for choleric people.

And now, for the purity of the experiment, let’s imagine that a choleric person has fallen in love with you, and compare two situations: before you got to know the choleric person better and after:


Hot temper

The emotional instability inherent in choleric people can significantly ruin the lives of those closest to them. Representatives of this temperament show lack of restraint and irritability (see How to stop being irritated). They may well lose their temper over an innocent little thing. It can be noted that they have aggressiveness and uncontrollable anger. Family members may hear a lot of insults and encounter the choleric person trying to start a fight.

As soon as the emotions subside, the person regrets what he did and said (see: Guilt). He is able to forget all grievances, not remember other people’s mistakes, as if this emotionally intense situation never happened at all. It is important to realize that choleric people are characterized by intensified feelings, both positive and negative. They can show jealousy (see Othello Jealousy Syndrome) and react equally violently to joy and grief.


The choleric person does not think at all about the consequences of his actions. He will not take the time to analyze the disadvantages and advantages of his solution (see Intuitive decisions). It is extremely important for him to immediately run and implement the idea that comes to mind. This leads to the fact that a person can get into trouble, lose money, friends, and his reputation.

It is important to mention the choleric person’s lack of attentiveness and concentration on one thing. He wants to do everything at once, without achieving success in any one area. No desire to delve into details. Before the eyes of a choleric person there is only the general picture, which he orients himself towards.


Cholerics are not guided by logic. It is important for them to act under the influence of some momentary impulse. For these people, emotions dominate reason. They are capable of not caring at all about their health: introducing junk food into their diet, unwillingness to adhere to any daily routine. You can note situations where a person saved money for a long time (see Does money bring happiness), and then spent it all in one day. It is worth mentioning the inattention to friends, who at one point may leave the choleric person completely alone, tired of his quirks.

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Translated from Latin, “temperamentum” means a stable mixture of components. In the modern understanding, human temperament is a set of psychophysical characteristics of a person, partly received, partly developed and dynamically changed over the course of an individual’s life, due to the content of aspects of his activity.

You can change your temperament, according to research by Air Force scientists: the human brain is flexible. He can adapt to external influences, especially since he is easily trainable. Yes, with age it is difficult for a person to adapt to a new way - it is much easier to force a child or teenager to change the temperament by carrying out significant psychological work, besides, the lack of will and desire (interest) in adulthood plays its role.

Existing types of temperament

Types of temperament that explain the characteristics of certain people were formulated back in Ancient Greece. Hippocrates' theory was based on the differences in the fluids that fill the human body, and the Roman surgeon Galen explained the behavior of each person in the presence of different elements or "vital juices."

  1. Melancholic. Translated from ancient Greek, this word means “black bile,” the presence of which in the human body leads him to a state of sadness or fearfulness. We understand on an intuitive, basic level that black bile is a bad characteristic, that it does not make the body healthier.
  2. Sanguine. The opposite type of temperament translated from Latin means “blood,” which makes a person active, lively and cheerful. Blood is a natural and necessary supply of the body, which means it is good for health.
  3. Choleric. Translated from ancient Greek. also means “bile” or “poison”, but without qualifying adjectives. Excessive amount of bile in the body makes a person hysterical, hot and unpleasant.
  4. Phlegmatic person. Phlegm - phlegm - makes a person calm, since lymph predominates in it, slowing down processes.

How to change your temperament?

Changing temperament, according to Air Force scientists, can only be done consciously and through long-term psycho-emotional work. In order to acquire the traits of a particular type of temperament, it is necessary to perform exercises to maximally adapt to it. N. Kozlov, a researcher at the laboratory of the Institute of Psychology, also agrees with this idea. Regular repetition of the “Choleric” exercise led to a transformation of the basic mental reaction. As a result, in any situation the subject began to react quickly, clearly, with a riot of superficial emotions.

Only a conscious understanding of why it is necessary to change temperament will help achieve results in this area. You can choose reactions to external stimuli or current situations by varying the choice of temperament type. You can also completely adjust to the “new wave” of perception and sent signals if you place yourself:

a) in conditions that will support the reaction of a new type of temperament;

b) consciously monitor and modify mental reactions;

c) adjust the traits of the temperament type, integrating it into the type of your personality, for complete unification.

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  • Academic success will be very average. No perseverance, absenteeism is possible. Often such children are called hyperactive, because they are distracted during school hours and do not listen to the teacher at all.
  • Favorite lesson is physical education. The child loves to take part in various activities.
  • The child does not tolerate well when they begin to criticize him in public. The teacher may encounter a conflict situation during which the student will scream and try to disrupt the lesson (see Child is hysterical).
  • It is extremely important for a little choleric person to be in the center of attention (see Need for attention). He will try with all his might to take the place of the leader, the child whom everyone admires. If the need is not satisfied in an amicable way, the choleric person will demonstrate antisocial behavior (fights, insults, ridicule).
  • It makes no sense for a child with this type of temperament to single out one of his friends. He shows sincerity in his relationships with all his friends.
  • A choleric person is quite capable of providing protection to other children. He loves the feeling of being feared or idolized, as a result of which he will pursue it with all his might.

Features of education

  • Parents should be aware that their child will often participate in fights. Do not forget about proper upbringing so that the child does not try to solve all problems with the help of threats and violence.
  • Under no circumstances should you shout at a choleric person or use various types of violence (emotional, physical, economic). There will be no obedience, only resentment (see Resentment) towards an adult followed by running away from home.
  • It is worth enrolling your child in different clubs and sections and teaching them how to safely release their energy.
  • Parents are obliged to teach their son or daughter respect for peers and adults. All conflicts must be resolved peacefully.


Cholerics can be called natural-born leaders. They have enough strength, motivation and perseverance to achieve their goals. Their work proceeds quickly and intensively, and decisions are made on the fly. It is important for them that others work at a similar pace.

It is important to understand that people with this type of temperament are most often rude and formidable bosses. They can criticize too much, control subordinates, and scream.

What does a choleric person value in work?

  • Spirit of competition (bonuses based on performance);
  • Independence and freedom in decision making;
  • Lack of critical comments about oneself;
  • Projects that will require more intensive efforts;
  • The presence of a cohesive team whose members pursue the same goals.

A choleric person in the role of a subordinate will be a fairly energetic and proactive worker. He will beg for work himself, look for problems that need to be solved on his own. At the same time, the leader himself, whose position the choleric person most often applies for, should be wary of (see: Sat at work). This type of temperament is ideal for such professions as: director, politician, actor, private entrepreneur.

Understanding the terminology

Everyone knows that there are several types of temperaments. But it is not always clear how they differ, what their features are and what type you can classify yourself as.

I’ll tell you right away that the pure type is extremely rare, or rather, never. Each person combines traits from several types of temperaments. Of course, one may predominate, but in temperament there will always be traits from different types.


Melancholic. A touching person, acutely reacting to negative assessments of loved ones, easily wounded. Such people feel very deeply even the smallest failures. They react extremely sluggishly to the outside world.

The nervous system of a melancholic person is highly sensitive, their intuition is well developed, and they experience emotional unrest more often than others.

phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic person. Calm, reasonable, unperturbed. This is how this type can be characterized. Phlegmatic people have an almost unchanged mood, their main feature is constancy.

Such people find it very difficult to move from one activity to another. Phlegmatic people are slow to learn new things, but retain them for a long time. They are not prone to scandals and vivid expressions of emotions.


Choleric. He can be described as an impulsive person. Reacts quickly, is prone to sudden mood swings, and experiences deep emotional experiences.

Cholerics are often described as people with rapidly changing moods. Their facial expressions and gestures are lively, sharp, expressive. This type is characterized by swiftness, sharpness, and sometimes aggressiveness.


Sanguine. A cheerful, active and active person. Sanguine people look at failures quite simply and easily and quickly cope with difficulties. They tend to experience positive emotions, which change quickly enough. A sanguine person is able to work, but without proper work on himself he can be inattentive and make hasty decisions.

Drawing conclusions from the above, we can say that Melancholic and Phlegmatic are calm and slow, while Phlegmatic and Sanguine are fast, sharp, and active. Remember, traits from different types coexist in every person.

Relationship building

You can forget about boredom and calmness in a relationship with a choleric person (see relationship with Narcissist). He will show unprecedented passion, but at the same time jealousy (see How to stop being jealous). You can encounter an extremely painful reaction when a person finds out about your partner’s communication with someone. With him, it is best not to praise other people, as you may end up in a scandal.

A choleric person is able to devote himself entirely to relationships. He will arrange romantic dates, tell everyone about his feelings, and do crazy things. In return, it is important for him to receive the loyalty and devotion of his partner. He will always want to take first place in the life of his loved one, for whom he is able to give up many of his hobbies.

Choleric people exhibit the following behavior in relationships:

  • Gentleness and the ability to compromise during the candy-bouquet period;
  • The desire to spend all your free time with loved ones;
  • Inability to understand the real emotions of loved ones (they don’t understand any hints, they don’t notice that they offended); (see Emotional Intelligence)
  • It is important to arouse interest from members of the opposite sex to increase your own self-esteem;
  • The ability to be a hero for your loved ones, but words do not always turn into real deeds, as a person forgets about promises.

It can be noted that the individual’s encounters with this temperament are short-lived. Not everyone is able to tolerate strong emotions and unpredictability. Often a choleric person suffers terribly from loneliness, despite the fact that he lives among people.

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Relationships with representatives of other temperaments


Two rivals cannot get along together. It will take a lot of effort on both sides to make the union happy. The partners will be crazy about the stormy showdown and the equally stormy truce for some time, but will soon get tired of this state of affairs.

Working relationships will become more viable with the successful opening of a common business. Friends can count on harmony in communication if they learn to give in to each other.


We can talk about an ideal combination of two temperaments. Both partners quickly forget the insults (see How to forgive an insult) and can enjoy joint happiness (see How to become happy). A choleric person and a sanguine person can build a profitable business and spend their free time together. They will complement each other perfectly if there is no constant competition for leadership.

Read the description of Sanguine here:


You can mention the rather tense working relationships (see: Sat at work). A choleric person will always push a partner who is too slow. He will be annoyed that he is not able to quickly solve the assigned tasks.

Love relationships can be built more harmoniously. A phlegmatic person will contribute to the emergence of rationality in a partner and will protect him from participating in dangerous adventures with unpredictable consequences. Friendship is impossible in this case (see Friendship between a man and a woman). No common interests.

Read the description of Phlegmatic here:


Just imagine the clash of two emotional but opposite temperaments. The choleric person will criticize the slowness and increased sensitivity of the melancholic person. The second one will constantly experience a feeling of guilt (see Feelings of guilt - how to get rid of it), which is why he will demand to break off the relationship.

A choleric person simply does not understand how one can live the way a melancholic person lives. He does not have such empathy, as a result of which it is extremely difficult for such people to communicate. You can build a relationship if a melancholic person learns composure, and a choleric person learns sensitivity and attentiveness.

It is worth realizing that a choleric person is not such a bad person as one might think based on public opinion. There are many hidden advantages in him that can be revealed when building a relationship with him.

The most important thing is to give a person a chance to prove himself.

Read the description of Melancholic here:

Business qualities of a choleric person

Therefore, a choleric boss will be strict, but he will be the bestTherefore, a choleric boss will be strict, but he will be the best.
Choleric people have one feature that sets them apart from the rest: they are less susceptible to stress than others. They may succumb to momentary panic if a tense situation arises at work. But after a short time they will regain their strength and will again be eager to fight.

Choleric people make excellent leaders. They manage work processes and people easily and efficiently.

Choleric and difficulties

If difficulties come his way, he does not retreat from them, like most other people. On the contrary, a sense of excitement grows in him, because the desire for risk is in his blood.

However, despite the love of active pastime, choleric workers often overestimate their strength.

If at first he was full of energy, then pretty soon he feels empty and unable to complete the task.
If at first he was full of energy, then pretty soon he feels empty and unable to complete the task.

Choleric and others

A competent leader knows how temperament influences the choice of profession. Therefore, it is not news to him that choleric people are very emotional and impulsive in communication. Sometimes you can notice straightforwardness and even aggression behind them. But at the same time, they are always open, thanks to which they always gather a crowd of people around.

Cholerics have a large social circle. But most of his contacts are superficial.

Choleric people love to be leaders not only at work, but also in informal company
Choleric people love to be leaders not only at work, but also in informal company

They play the role of ringleader well. This is easy to notice by the fast, sometimes confused, always emotionally charged speech, rich in facial expressions and gestures.

Choleric and performance

If you give a choleric person a lot of monotonous work, he will quickly get tired and lose interest in it. This is why it is so important to know which professions suit different types of temperament.

Such workers make decisions quickly, but soon afterwards they often regret them and change their position.

Mood has a huge impact on the performance of a choleric person. And for effective work, it is important to capture a good mood, which often changes.

Cholerics and study

Studying is hard, especially if the subject being studied is boring. In this case, the choleric person simply cannot bring himself to learn through force. Studying is hard, especially if the subject being studied is boring.
In this case, the choleric person simply cannot force himself to study through force. But this does not mean that studying is contraindicated for such people. You just need to properly organize your study time, making yourself as interested in the material as possible. How to do it?

  1. Use different ways to perceive the material: after reading, watch educational films on the topic you are studying, look at infographics, and so on.
  2. Ask classmates to explain particularly difficult material.
  3. Alternate study with rest. Breathe fresh air as often as possible and do simple physical exercises.

Using as many perceptual channels as possible ensures successful learning.

When preparing for exams, it is better for choleric people to study information in separate semantic blocks. The method of searching for clues in the material will help you quickly reproduce all the material in your memory.

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