Rudeness and aggressive behavior of a teenager: what should parents do?
How do parents notice that their child has already grown up, that he is now a teenager? Somebody -
The essence of a phobia
Androphobia: fear of loneliness or fear of men
Causes of androphobia, or fear of men What is the fear of men called? Androphobia. The main reason for the development
formation of drug addiction
Drug addiction: causes, signs, treatment, prevention
Drug addiction Drug addiction is the most dangerous disease of our time. People have a pathological craving for
Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis: 6 steps to internal change
Ivan Vdovin 3599 7 2 If you are on this page, then you know that
School maladjustment - what is it?
Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of school maladjustment
School maladjustment is a very common phenomenon among modern schoolchildren. A large number of children experience serious
How to learn to remain calm in any situation: advice from a psychologist
Learning how to be calm in any situation in the ocean of life is simply necessary. Problems are pouring in
Help for computer addiction
Computer addiction and children: advice from a psychologist, consultation (senior group)
New habits go hand in hand with technological progress. The development of computer technology has brought great
Features of the psychology of a 2–3 year old child, tips for proper upbringing
How to raise a boy to be a real man: tips
From birth, children have a single temperament, which determines their behavior in early childhood.
The main stages of human evolution. The earliest, ancient and first modern people
In everyday life, words are often used that can simultaneously be considered a process and its result.
Emotional stress or trigger for change
. The life of a modern person is impossible without stress. Social conditions, work, fatigue - all this