Be an example. How to raise a child to be a good person?

Sometimes parents can hear from their child something like “Mom, you’re evil!” or something like that, but don’t rush to despair and be sad that you are a “bad mother” since your child considers you evil. Most likely you are on the right track, because you are trying to raise your child, and in this case you have to limit him to some extent, since not everything in this world is allowed, but children do not understand this and begin to get offended. Don’t worry, over time they will understand, that you were right. Now let's look at some useful tips, which, if you follow them, your children will most likely consider you at least a strict, or even an evil mother!

Children should maintain a sleep schedule.

A child needs to get enough sleep to be healthy, so parents should control their bedtime. Naturally, at first the children will protest, but over time they will understand that this fate is hopeless.

You shouldn't spoil your children with desserts every day.

You should not get carried away with sweets, firstly, it is harmful to your health and teeth. And secondly, the child will no longer feel the “pleasure” of dessert and it is unlikely that this will become a reward incentive for him.

Let the child “pay” for what he wants.

This is a kind of lesson from adult life, you must explain to your child that every THING has its own price. No one tells a child to buy toys and things for himself, but if your child gives part of his accumulated money, for example, to a new game console, then he will treat it more carefully.

There is no need to stand on ceremony.

Parents should quickly understand this - the less you “fuss” with your child, the easier it will be for him in adult life, where everything is not so easy and smooth.

Let the child do not only easy, but also difficult work.

If a child copes with difficult work, believe me, this will give him a sense of self-esteem and pride in his work, and the child will continue to want to conquer more and more heights.

Let your child have a watch and an alarm clock.

Teach your child to plan and control his time from childhood, this will be very useful to him in the future.

You should not spoil your child with the latest models of toys.

The child should feel gratitude and satisfaction for the things received (donated), and not feel an instant desire (after the gift) to be bought something better and more.

The child must know what loss is.

You should not immediately replace a broken toy with a new one, otherwise the child will never learn to treat his things with care and care for them.

A child should not use the Internet uncontrollably.

You shouldn’t follow everyone’s opinion and allow your child to play video games or watch some shows just because everyone his age is doing so. If it is not intended for his age category, then it is prohibited!

The child must be responsible for his words and actions.

The child must understand that if he has done something bad, it has its consequences and he must be responsible for it. Don't miss this important point so as not to raise an irresponsible person.

Start with yourself and control your manners.

Children copy our actions and imitate our behavior, so start with yourself, and you will not notice how your child will pick up good manners from you. However, be careful, because children learn even faster from bad things.

Let the child work for good.

Why not help your grandmother in the village or play with your younger brother? Such little things teach a child to help others, and to understand that other people have their own problems and needs that he can help solve.

When following all the above tips, do not forget to praise your child and say that you love him very much, and you will not even notice how your baby will grow into a worthy and strong person!

Is the concept blurred?

We all dream of raising a child so that he confidently steps into the big world and feels free in it.
But raising such a personality is a lot of work, which not everyone can do. How to do this “perfectly”? So that we are proud of the child and realize that we have raised a real person - noble and moral. Of course, now the concept of morality is blurring, and sometimes it is not clear whether it is worth “applying”.
After all, the rules of the game in the big world are changing, values ​​are becoming different. Will it turn out that by raising high moral principles in a child, we will doom him to a deliberate loss - taking into account modern realities?

Qualities of a successful and happy person

Everyone has their own concept of “happiness” and “success”. For some, this is an opportunity to be yourself, for others, constant career growth, and for others, happiness and success are measured in monetary currency.

Despite this, there is a set of qualities that are inherent in every successful person, regardless of what is meant by this concept.

· Positive thoughts. A successful person is not afraid of sudden changes. He easily reacts to difficulties, realizing that they are temporary. No panic - just common sense.

· Competent expression of your thoughts, communication skills.

· Ability to understand and accept mistakes.

· Responsibility for your actions and decisions, self-confidence .

· Ability to think and make independent decisions.

· Competent time management .

· Loyalty to your choice.

· The ability to give yourself an objective assessment.

· Ability to lose with dignity.

· Normal physiological and mental health .

· Desire to constantly develop.

These are exactly the qualities that parents should try to instill in their child during the upbringing process. Therefore, before asking yourself how to raise a child to be successful, you should understand whether he has these qualities or whether he needs to work on them.

Road to the future

In fact, the concept of morality, which includes goodness, duty, and justice, is the foundation on which many important principles, views, and decisions of the child will be built. Having become an adult and faced with a choice, he will be guided by the concepts laid down in his childhood.

Therefore, no matter what path the child chooses in the future, you and I will provide him with a good solid foundation so that in adulthood it will be easy for him to make important decisions, separate good from evil and do a great job - to be a good person.

Rules for raising a teenager. Advice from psychologist Lawrence Steinberg Read more

Eighth month

The baby already knows how to correctly sort toys by color or size. Knows how to perform various manipulations with them: throw, shake, fold, open. The baby smiles at his reflection. Able to sit and stand at a support.

An 8 month old baby understands the purpose of objects

We need to continue to help the child develop. It is necessary to describe the actions that take place, the objects that are involved in it. When speaking, you should not distort words like a child, they need to be pronounced correctly. You need to listen to the child’s babble and respond to him so that the baby understands how communication occurs.

The most important thing is to tell your baby more often about your love and how lucky he is that he is who he is.

Be an example

Show by your own example what to do in this or that case. It will be strange to instill in a child the truths “what is good and what is bad” and act contrary to these rules before his eyes.

And be sure to teach gratitude, say words of politeness, manage emotions and sincerely wish the best for the people around you. Tell us that everyone who meets us along the way may not know “our” rules and act differently. But this should not affect our behavior, we should not repeat: “As you treat me, so do I”; “Like everyone else, so am I.” We ourselves can become an example for many people - by expressing kindness and doing good deeds.

How to properly raise a child from birth: age characteristics

Raising children of one age or another is significantly different: either you demand independence from a one-year-old baby, or you coddle with an almost adult girl - and what is right? Let's take a closer look at age characteristics.

How to raise a baby up to one year: more love and affection

How to raise children under one year old

It is important to understand how important a mother's love is at this age. It would seem that the creature is very small, what can it be aware of? Psychologists say that before the age of one year, a little person develops a very significant foundation of trust in the future. And not so much to the parents, but to the world around us and people in general.

Don’t worry when you become a “witch” for your baby: this will happen in any case, since this is a natural moment. When you cannot help your baby and feel completely helpless, do not scream, do not take out your anger, just resign yourself. Remember that it’s not only hard for you. The only thing you can do to help is to delay this moment as long as possible. And, of course, forgive yourself: there are no omnipotent people.

Cortisol is a hormone produced during stress to adapt to changed conditions; it is very harmful to infants. Therefore, the only possible upbringing strategy at this age is to simply love your child and protect him from various diseases.

How to raise children from one to three years old: do not give in to provocations

How to raise children under 3 years old

A child’s behavior at this age changes somewhat: many people think that he is trying to do everything to please his parents. Very often the child is capricious, breaks things, demands, and throws tantrums. And here many parents make the main mistake: they try to literally hammer into this little person what cannot be done and what can be done.

Another important building block in a child’s mental health is the will, which is formed at this age. It is important not to completely suppress the initiative of a small person - this promotes his independence in decision-making. Therefore, the right decision at this age would be to let him express himself, but within the framework of such control that the child would never have guessed about. Don’t be fooled by his tantrums, but don’t spank him in the event of another scene. Observe and remain calm.

How to properly raise children from three to five: we protect, but do not interfere with development

How to raise children correctly

At this age, children develop communication skills: they need to communicate not only with their parents, but also with their peers. Therefore, you should make sure that your son or daughter has a small group of friends; this can also be organized by sending your child to a kindergarten or nursery. Remember that it is peers who will help you learn to obey the concept of “no”: various games introduce rules, the violation of which excludes the child from the action. Such roles will help your child learn to comply with the norms by which the whole society lives.

Your important task at this stage of development is to instill communication skills so that the baby can understand and accept social rules and norms. And he must learn the latter on his own: it is very difficult to impose this on a little person.

How to properly raise a schoolchild: simple psychology and affection

How to raise a schoolchild

This section is very important, as it touches on aspects of parenting and a teenager, which is often enough to cope with. And if for the first 6-7 grades this miracle follows all your advice, rejoices at every excellent grade, then a sudden change in mood and habits should not frighten parents - although it does frighten very often. The child grows up and tries to understand what the real world is and how to survive in it.

The gap between generations is more noticeable in high school. Hormones and puberty also leave their mark on behavior: an easy-going child can become angry at the whole world. Every parent wants the best for their child, but remember that the more you insist, the stronger the opposition you will receive. Therefore, it is important to be calm about the decisions of your son or daughter - let them make mistakes, they need to gain experience and understand how important it is to listen to the opinions of their parents.

read books

Good fairy tales, instructive stories - read them with your child and be sure to figure out why the characters did what they did. What would your son or daughter do in their place? What are good and bad deeds? By analyzing and analyzing the actions of book characters, we absorb the norms and laws that the child will be guided by later.

At least 15 minutes of happiness a day. Why creativity should be a part of life Read more

Nine to 12 months

In this trimester, babies are especially active in their physical and speech development. Children try to walk independently, love to communicate, however, even their parents do not always understand what they are talking about.

  1. Encourage every child's attempt to stand up and take a few steps. At first, lead the baby, holding both hands, and then only one. Very soon he will take his first steps.
  2. Read little poems by children's classics - K. Chukovsky and A. Barto. Act out skits and short performances using finger puppets and glove toys.
  3. Don’t forget that purposeful upbringing of a child under one year old is useless without a personal positive example. Demonstrate a good attitude towards other people and pets. Praise your little one for kind and generous actions.

The most common parenting mistakes

In parenting, parents often rely only on their “parental instincts.” However, it is rarely possible to instinctively find a solution to what to do in a given situation, so the same mistakes still happen. Among the most common parenting mistakes:

  • No attempt to solve the problem. No matter how well you try to raise your child, he will still face problems. Conflicts with classmates, frequent awakenings at night, hysterics, behavior problems - this can last for months and years. Brushing it off, thinking it will go away on its own is a bad option. There are many books, websites, psychologists that can help.
  • Overestimating problems is just as harmful as ignoring them. For example, is the teenager spending more time away from his family or trying to become more independent? This is a completely natural age-related phenomenon, do not overestimate it!
  • High expectations. Parental impatience, when a 5-year-old child is expected to be eager to learn to read, or a two-year-old is scolded for wetting the bed, is harmful! From birth, everyone has individual developmental characteristics that need to be taken into account and accepted, and not try to educate in spite of them.
  • No rules. It's not right to allow everything. Having rules, limits, and agreed upon opportunities will teach your child to be organized.
  • Inconsistency. If mom or dad is very strict at one time and too lenient at other times or just doesn't look after the child well, it will be difficult for him to understand what is expected of him.
  • Using ineffective methods. One of the common mistakes is to educate every day using methods that are not effective. For example, if a child tosses and turns for a long time and cannot fall asleep, it makes no sense to force him to go to bed exactly at nine - maybe it makes sense to go to bed half an hour later? You can read how to create a proper schedule in this article.
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