Why children develop weakness and what to do about it

Bradylalia is a pathology in which a child speaks very slowly. Experts qualify it as a violation of the tempo and rhythm of speech, which is not convulsive in nature. Bradylalia manifests itself as:

  • independent disorder. This type of pathology is typical for slow, overly calm and lethargic children;
  • symptom of the disease. A child may begin to suffer from bradyllalia due to acquired or congenital mental retardation, with dystrophic or organic lesions of the central nervous system, or after suffering infectious diseases. In this case, the child experiences a slowdown not only in speech, but also in movements. Children speak poorly, get tired quickly, feel weak and lethargic.

Experts distinguish between different degrees of bradyllalia. In some cases, the child speaks slightly slowly, which is almost imperceptible to the people around him. With more severe degrees of pathology, problems with adaptation in society and developmental delays may be observed. Cerebellar bradyllalia is in its own category. It is characterized by scanned speech.

Signs of bradylalia

The presence of bradyllalia in a child can be determined by the presence of verbal and non-verbal symptoms. In the first case we observe:

  • slowdown in spoken speech;
  • the occurrence of delays between words and sounds while the child speaks (the baby can stretch out vowels);
  • monotony of voice, pronunciation of sounds “in the nose”, nasality;
  • stretching out syllables and sounds (although children say all the words absolutely correctly);
  • the child's slowness in reading and writing.

Nonverbal signs include:

  • violations of facial expressions and motor skills;
  • inattention, lethargy and poor coordination;
  • deterioration of attention, memory and thought processes;
  • difficulty switching from one activity to another (the child may also experience repetition of the same movement);
  • isolation, silence and very difficult adaptation.

If your child speaks slowly, it may simply be a manifestation of his temperament. However, parents should not ignore this problem. Contacting specialists to correct the pathology will allow the child to get rid of bradylia and lead a full life.


The methods of primary therapy depend on the cause that provoked the inhibition. As part of the treatment program, various methods are used: drug correction, psychotherapy, targeted stimulation of intellectual functions and motor activity. All activities are aimed at restoring physiological brain processes responsible for the dynamics of psychomotor activity, as well as training mental and physical skills.

Taking medications

Drug therapy is prescribed to most patients and is aimed at improving the metabolism of nerve cells and tissues, protecting them from damaging factors, and slowing down death. Restoring active blood supply improves the functioning of various parts of the brain. As a result, mental activity is activated and symptoms of inhibition are reduced. Patients are advised to take neuroprotectors and nootropics.

Psychotherapy and psychocorrection

Psychocorrectional classes are aimed at increasing the speed of cognitive functions. They include exercises such as selection of associations, generalization of concepts, analysis of logical sequences, and solving intellectual problems. The correctness of the results and the speed of completing tasks are taken into account. During psychotherapeutic sessions, methods of social adaptation of a person with inhibition are mastered. The specialist gives recommendations on choosing a professional field, helps to master behavioral and speech skills that compensate for slowness.


Children speak very slowly for a variety of reasons. The main factor in the development of bradyllalia is the strengthening of inhibitory processes, which over time begin to prevail over excitatory processes. Speech therapists distinguish physiological and psychological causes of pathology.

A child can inherit bradyllalia or acquire it as a result of perinatal damage to the central nervous system. It is also a symptom:

  • oligophrenia;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • brain injuries;
  • meningitis;
  • depressive disorder;
  • brain tumors;
  • encephalitis.

Children speak measuredly and very slowly due to lack of speech training or by imitating a loved one. Pathology can also develop due to decreased mental function and mental retardation. Very often, bradyllia appears in phlegmatic children. Such a child is naturally inhibited and slow.

Symptoms of overfatigue in a child

Observations of the child and clinical tests help identify overfatigue. You need to donate blood and make an appointment with a neurologist if you have a high level of fatigue. If the picture is not critical, the help of doctors will not be needed.

If the baby refuses to eat, is constantly capricious , yawns, but cannot sleep, his temperature rises to 37-37.5 ° C for no reason, parents need to think about the baby’s daily routine, the quality of nutrition and the psychological comfort of the newborn.

You should consult a doctor if parents notice the following signs of fatigue in your child:

  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Insomnia has become chronic;
  • The student is clearly aggressive and emotionally tense;
  • The child does not eat well or eats too much;
  • The temperature decreases or increases steadily;
  • The child develops atypical body movements and tremors of the limbs;
  • The baby changes his sleeping position every 20-30 minutes or more often;
  • Reduced concentration, loss of interest in communication, games, and activities;
  • The baby is inhibited, the speed of reaction to touch and questions is reduced;
  • The child often suffers from ARVI , colds, rhinitis ;
  • The skin of the face is pale, there are bruises under the eyes;
  • Weight decreases;
  • Children complain of nausea and headache.

Clinical blood tests also help to recognize fatigue. In a weakened child, hemoglobin and the number of platelets are reduced, and the level of leukocytes and red blood cells is increased.

Diagnosis of bradyllalia

Parents of a child who speaks slowly should seek professional help. A comprehensive examination may require the participation of a neurologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist and psychologist. Instrumental studies are used to identify the physiological causes of speech pathology. The child may be prescribed:

  • MRI of the brain;
  • PAT;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • EEG, etc.

In addition, the child is examined by a speech therapist. He conducts speech diagnostics to determine the degree of bradyllalia and select an effective correction method.

What is this?

Floppy baby syndrome is a congenital muscle weakness (hypotonia), the origin of which can be varied. The reason is pathologies and diseases of various etiologies, which are characterized by a decrease in muscle tone.

Floppy child syndrome is often accompanied by disorders such as dysfunction of the swallowing and respiratory systems, impaired consciousness, and convulsive reactions. We have already noted that it is not an independent disease. However, its isolation is necessary for the reason that the complex of therapeutic measures for various diseases and causes is almost the same.

The term “floppy child syndrome” was proposed in 1958 by neurologist Greenfield (USA). However, studies of this condition in newborns have been conducted since the beginning of the 20th century.

First of all, the pediatrician diagnoses the condition by the characteristic lifeless posture of the baby. However, muscle hypotonia must be confirmed by instrumental examination to determine the diagnosis. To find out the causes of the condition in modern times, MRI, genetic mapping, and laboratory tests are used.

The directions of therapy are symptomatic and pathogenetic. Artificial ventilation and neurometabolic drugs are widely used.

Today the syndrome is considered one of the pressing problems of global pediatrics. More than 80 diseases have been identified in which it can manifest itself. What’s sad: the vast majority of them have disappointing forecasts, confirming a high mortality rate.

floppy baby syndrome symptoms

Correction of speech pathology

If a child speaks slowly due to physiological disorders, then therapy is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. First of all, treatment involves normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system. Complex therapy may include:

  • taking medications. Strengthening and stimulating medications, as well as vitamin complexes, are selected for the child. Medicines containing glutamic acid are actively used;
  • physical therapy. Water activities, swimming, massage and physiotherapeutic procedures are very effective;
  • consultations with a psychotherapist. Sessions with a psychologist are also possible to overcome emotional problems. A child who spoke slowly for a long time could withdraw from society and lose self-confidence;
  • educational games. The child will benefit from activities that improve motor skills, facial expressions and emotional speech. For example, children benefit from acting lessons and stage performances. The child also needs to read more, solve riddles, learn and sing rhythmic songs;
  • manual labor. Assembling construction sets, embroidering and other activities help develop fine motor skills. The child's speech rate improves when learning dance moves. Physical education and sports will not be superfluous.

Of course, a child who speaks very slowly needs the help of qualified teachers and speech therapists. This is one of the most important parts of treatment.

Preventing overfatigue in children

Most often, the main culprits of chronic fatigue in children of preschool and school age are parents. Adults do not take into account the baby’s ability to bear loads and quickly adapt to changes in the daily routine. Plus, parents often make excessive demands on education, forgetting about the health and interests of the child.

To avoid overwork in young children and schoolchildren, pay attention to the following recommendations from psychologists.

Children enjoy what brings them joy.

Do not force your beloved child to play sports or play a musical instrument for hours if this hobby does not bring pleasure to the child. Violence traumatizes the psyche.

Change activities frequently for children

There is no need to play one game with a baby for more than 20 minutes; it quickly tires the child. Similarly, a schoolchild does not need to write and read for hours; alternate rest with study every 30-45 minutes.

Spend more time on your child's physical activity

Without walks and active games outside or in the gym, the child will quickly become weak and painful. It is not necessary to go in for sports professionally; it is enough to walk for at least an hour every day in any weather.

According to doctors and child psychologists, the internal mood of the family and the atmosphere in the house play a huge role in the prevention of stress and overwork in children of different ages. Children who grow up in a world of care and attention without fanatical surveillance and pressure from their parents are more efficient and healthy, they have no fear of failure , anxiety about failure in school or life.


Attention! The use of any medications and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any therapeutic methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

How are classes with a teacher going?

For a child suffering from slow speech, the most effective correction method is logarithmics. During classes, kids run, march, or perform other physical exercises to rhythmic music. Games are also played, accompanied by the pronunciation of various sentences and words.

The child’s speech in classes with the teacher is gradually stimulated. Correction classes include four main stages.

  1. The teacher pronounces a very simple sentence, for example, “sa-sa-sa is a fox walking through the forest.” At the same time, he sets the pace by clapping, tapping on the table or moving his hands. The child needs to repeat the sentence several times. The pace set by the teacher gradually increases. Therefore, the child has to say the phrase faster and faster.
  2. The child is asked to learn a few simple poems. Then he must quickly recite lines from them. If the child already knows poems, then you can use his favorite ones.
  3. At the third stage, the child needs to learn not only a fast pace of speech, but also its expressiveness. Therefore, during classes, children speak in roles, acting out excerpts from fairy tales.
  4. At the last stage, children learn tongue twisters. This allows the child to consolidate the skills acquired during the correction.

Timely detection of bradyllalia in a child makes it possible to begin correction. An integrated approach to eliminating pathology allows you to achieve good results. However, in addition to classes, the child needs the help of parents. They must be careful to ensure that the baby does not start speaking slowly again. It is recommended to repeat poems and tongue twisters at home.

Causes of overwork in children

Overwork does not occur immediately. This is a long-term developing process. The state of fatigue in infants is provoked by discomfort, muscle tension, improper daily routine (incorrect distribution of time for sleep and activity), frequent illnesses, and a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

In schoolchildren and adolescents, the following common life situations may be the causes of overwork:


  • Overload at school, in extra classes;
  • Lack of motivation to activity. The child does not understand why he needs to play the violin for 2 hours a day if his mother just wants it;
  • Emotional instability at home. Strictness of parents, excessive pickiness about behavior and academic results;
  • Non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • Poor nutrition. Deficiency of vitamins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • Minimum number of walks;
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Hormonal imbalances in adolescence.

Thus, the deterioration of a child’s physical and psychological condition at any age is influenced by external and internal reasons. If you identify them accurately, eliminate them, and cope with overwork, you will be able to more effectively and quickly.

Overtiredness in a child

Prognosis and prevention

In most cases, the prognosis for bradyllalia is favorable. Especially if the parents noticed in a timely manner that the child spoke slowly and turned to specialists for help. However, after a successful correction, you should not let your guard down. As a preventive measure it is recommended:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle and follow doctors’ recommendations during pregnancy;
  • protect the child from traumatic brain injuries and infectious diseases;
  • maintain a daily routine and diet;
  • ensure that the child develops speech and work with him;
  • talk to the baby, teach poems and songs.

Slow speech is not always a symptom of a disease. In most cases, lessons with a teacher are sufficient. Therefore, you should not worry too much when signs of bradylia appear. But if you are worried about your baby, then contact the NEAPL speech therapy and psychology center. Experienced teachers will help correct speech disorders.

Inhibited child (“mattress”)


Overactive child

This is a naughty and restless child. The two main problems of such children are motor

activity and inattention. These problems appear almost from the third month of life.

Within reasonable limits, these qualities are inherent in many children under 3 years of age and are the key to good

physical development and flexibility of thinking. Of course, the limits of normality are difficult to define.

It is necessary to evaluate behavior objectively, since these qualities, taken to the extreme, become

a serious problem. In infancy, “little ones” torment their parents by not settling down

sleep, especially since many people become overactive in the evening and at night. In preschool

age - injuries and misfortunes that alternate endlessly. At school they have constant

conflicts, they get into fights more often, lose money and things, in general, they commit completely

inexplicable actions. It has been noticed that many of them are noisy, but even if these children are silent, then

You have to wait for trouble every minute. Noisy in excess of feelings, screaming, gesturing, fussing

wringing hands in infancy. Although such a child gets acquainted with the world faster, this knowledge

shallow, random. This makes parenting difficult.

The impulsiveness of these kids is also a serious problem. They can act

unmotivated, illogical. This cannot be considered abnormal. That's exactly how it is with these kids.

the nervous system works. Undoubtedly, the “living people” need help. The nature of this

hyperdynamic temperament. But this is most often accompanied by errors of upbringing,

which lead to abnormal behavior. Spoiled, uncontrollable, disobedient -

this prevents the baby from developing properly. And here all responsibility falls on you,


There are two ways to raise such a child:

1) together with the child, a close adult should go along the path of knowledge, ready to explain

the child’s behavior is incorrect and make sure that the child corrects himself (asks for forgiveness,

collected toys, etc.);

2) limit the child’s motor activity: if he scatters toys, leave him next to

them until it is removed. The main thing is not to distract the child from the conflict.

Inhibited child (“mattress”)

These are quiet children, slow in their movements and in their reactions to the events that surround them.

They are born this way and it is not a disease. Such a child can be born in any family. IN

In the first months he may lag behind in development. If these children are not helped, then the harsh pace of life will

may have a negative impact on their character. Therefore, we must try to do everything for them

possible. And again, first of all, parents should do this.

Most often, the “mattress” is an obedient child. If he is offered any business, the baby will

to do it for a long time due to his nature, but he will still feel, maybe a little later,

fatigue from monotonous work. And here you need to seize the moment and change your occupation, interest

child with something else. And so it is gradually necessary to expand the circle of communication with objects, and

then with peers, with people unfamiliar to him. If you don't do this from the very early

age, then you will grow up to be a lethargic, dull, overweight, indifferent teenager. They think so

psychologists advise organizing the child’s life, starting from the first year, so that he participates

in some events. And it doesn’t matter whether these events are big or important or not.

You can also show contrasting feelings in front of your child and it is not necessary that they be

directed at him. Try to awaken in your child a joyful feeling from the work done,

from communication. This will be a stimulant for the child’s emotional development. Need to create

the possibility of contact with peers, but we must avoid ridicule and conflicts that could

injure the baby.

We must also try to teach the child in kindergarten and school to be active.

The “mattress” will not develop independent activity, especially since it is necessary to encourage even the rudiments

in a variety of ways - from praise to toys, everything will go into action.

Of course, these characteristics are of an extreme kind, and children most often have something of both “mattress” and

"live". But one type is sure to predominate, so we advise you to figure out what your type is.

baby, because knowledge, as you know, is power.

At 8-10 months the child begins to crawl, and this is a favorable time for the development of the baby

creative abilities.

Since it is very important for a child to explore the entire world around him, at this moment it is worth

refuse the playpen. Of course, there are circumstances when a playpen is necessary (for example,

if you are away for a while). But don't overuse it. Moreover, in the opinion

pediatricians, a baby on the floor will learn to fall, and this is one of the most important skills. And remember: ordinary

Falling to the floor is safe for the child. In a small person, the body is adapted to

fall. You should only make sure that the baby does not fall from a great height.

From 10-11 months, the child must be introduced to dangers. But this must be done wisely, not

injuring the baby. The word “impossible” will be clear to him much later, but here is a serious answer to

the desire to reach out and take out a hot kettle: “Careful, it will be hot!” It will hurt!” —

important and necessary. And even if the child does touch the hot kettle, treat the little one

the burn will not be too severe, but with your help he will learn to be careful.

By the same age, the child is already able to experience joy, sympathy, and show desire.

“help”, imitate elders. This desire must be supported, allowed to do something

simple, don’t play: fold the pieces of paper, wipe the table. And let nothing happen at first

It will work out, but it will help to develop emotionally, the child will be open to the world.

“Sparkle” (from 1 to 2 years)

This can be called a child 1-2 years old. At this time, the first thinking skills arise in him.

creatures. He begins to think, relate one thing to another, rejoice and be sad, sympathize and

be in love. Therefore, the main thing during this period is not to extinguish interest. Do not accidentally, accidentally touch this

openness to the world, a lot now depends on it.

Curiosity, inquisitiveness, desire to act with a lot of toys and

objects, the desire to learn and think about it - everything should be noticed by adults, should be

be encouraged. It is necessary to organize the child’s life so that his interest in the world does not fade away.

Toys are absolutely necessary, but it is not at all necessary that there be a lot of them. Main -

diversity. With the help of dolls, a set of dishes, furniture, etc., the child can depict actions

adults, with the help of balls, hoops, cars, carts, etc., organize outdoor games.

Toys for assembly and disassembly (matryoshka dolls, pyramids), materials for construction (construction set,

cubes, mosaics), as well as shovels, buckets will help you learn how to perform a number of useful tasks

future action.

“Simple toys are the best,” says Dr. B. Spock. Children usually study more often

simple toys, and don’t worry that you don’t have enough money for expensive ones. For example,

a train made of blocks is more interesting for a child than a “railroad”, and even if he breaks it, it’s not so

scary. Moreover, they do not sink in water, so they can become a ship. By one and a half years

The child happily puts one object into another. Therefore, my favorite toy is

box on wheels. Also interesting are ordinary soft toys - bears, bunnies, etc.: they

you can feed, put to bed, etc.

In order for cognition with the help of toys to be deep and versatile, it is impossible that

a large number of them came into contact with the child’s eyes, as the baby quickly becomes bored with them. Toys

need to be changed.

Tip No. 1,

basic. Several times a day, engage in play with your child, as he will be alone.

clearly bored, and the toys lose their purpose. A timely hint, even a simple one

attention to the game encourages the child to take new actions. This helps him be more successful

mental development.

Already in the second year of life, the baby needs picture books. At first you will consider

them together so that he can learn to treat them well. Hang pictures above your child's bed

so that when he wakes up, he sees colorful drawings.

You can also involve your baby in simple housework, such as wiping and

putting away washed spoons. And even if he does it ineptly, there is real help from him.

action is not too great, you still need to try to include the baby in homework.

You cannot drive a child away, even if he really is in the way. Expressions: “You will smear more than

wash it up” or “You’ll get all dirty, go away,” extinguish his interest and curiosity.

It’s better to find acceptable actions for the baby: “Bring a rag, we’ll wash the floor.” Teach and

encourage your child. Try to answer most of his questions, and in such a way that

he understood.

Tip #2.

Even if you are tired, irritated, and your baby demands an answer, try to calm down and

answer or switch the child’s attention to something else.

Remember that your answers develop an inquisitive mind, a desire to learn, understand, and understand. When

If you answer him, you make it clear that explaining something is important for you too. The makings of future

heart-to-heart conversations - that’s what answers to children’s questions now look like.

In the second and third years, perceptual and mental actions develop quite quickly.

actions. If in the breast period the baby’s mental life was unified,

undifferentiated character, then it is now quite clearly visible: your child visually examines

an object, its properties, solves a mental problem, for example, how to take a favorite toy from a shelf.

But it is not yet possible to single out individual mental processes: memory, attention, imagination. They are still

are involuntary.

At the beginning of the second year of life, the child gets to know his friends and family well. Even if he saw

They are only a few days old, their image remains in memory. The baby is also able to remember that

it was a week ago. He begins to navigate in space, that is, he notices how and where

objects are located in the house, how many rooms are in it, etc. When going outside, he can find

a place where he constantly plays.

In the third year, he can already find a place where he lives, if you are close to home, also

can remember distant events (in winter he talks in detail about how he went with his dad to


Talking with your child about what happened in the past and will happen in the future (“We will go with

you on the bus. Do you remember how the bus travels?”), you develop his figurative memory and horizons.

During the second year of life, the child spends much longer playing with toys (3SM minutes), and

if an adult joins the game, then even longer. Now it is difficult to tear him away from what interested him

affairs. Keeping your child busy with something else that doesn’t interest him is also very difficult. Therefore it is necessary

try to involve the child in different games so that it is useful for him and develops in a variety of ways.

But you can’t force, coerce, because you can discourage your child’s interest in doing this for a long time


At the same time, the child’s imagination begins to develop. The stick becomes a horse, the chair becomes

by car. But this imagination still needs external objects, without them a child is nothing.

can't imagine. From which it follows that the child’s imagination and perception are at the second level.

year of life is developed, but imperfectly. The baby needs help!

Tip #3

- offer your child toys that would teach him to distinguish objects by color and

shape as well as size. These are pyramids, cubes, balls, etc. In early childhood, the size of the toy and

color could not yet have any meaning. By one year, the baby distinguishes colors, but with signs

they are not one or the other object for him. Therefore, the child does not pay attention to

rings of different colors. For now they are everything to him - rings that can be rolled and put on a rod.

In order to teach your baby to navigate the colors of objects, it is useful to offer to choose from

two objects of different colors, the one that matches the sample.

The next game presents a more difficult challenge. Take two sheets of paper of different colors 20 x

20 cm. Cut out a triangle or circle in the center. We give the cut out figures to the child. He must

Insert the figurine into the hole according to the color. An adult will be able to name colors, but a baby

it is enough to demand that he say in words whether it is the same color or a different one, since the name

The child has not yet mastered colors. Colors must be contrasting (green - red,

White blue). And then less contrasting ones (yellow - orange, red - pink).

You also need to teach your child to distinguish the shapes of objects. Circle, oval, square, rectangle should

be not only named by parents, but also used in games. And try to play games with the child,

where the baby puts all the objects that represent some kind of

a certain geometric figure. The child must learn to distribute objects according to

a certain sign. In this case - by form.

In the same way, you need to teach your child to distinguish between the sizes of objects. Also, when communicating with a child,

Adults constantly use words that denote the properties of objects. The most ordinary

activities - eating, dressing, washing - carry a lot of information. We need to teach the child to compare

objects, for example: “Look how big dad’s sock is and how small yours is.”

When you go for a walk, pay attention to natural phenomena: snow and rain, sand and grass,

sun and clouds should all be conversation pieces for you.

Tip #4

- continue to sing songs to your baby, listen to music with him - this will help you develop

the child’s hearing, and in terms of emotional contact this is invaluable.


Signs of floppy baby syndrome become noticeable already in the first days (and sometimes in the first hours) of birth. The specific symptoms will depend on the disease, pathology, which is accompanied by hypotension (muscle weakness). However, general symptoms of floppy baby syndrome are also observed:

  • Characteristic “frog pose”. The child’s legs will be spread wide and bent at the knees, with the feet “looking” at each other with their plantar surfaces.
  • During examination by the doctor, excessive joint mobility is observed. It is caused by reduced muscle resistance.
  • In some cases, in the distal areas of the limbs, muscle tone remains elevated. If hypotension is general, then the newborn’s fists are clenched.
  • If the syndrome is caused by an infectious, traumatic brain injury, convulsions and loss of consciousness may be present. The decrease in muscle tone here is temporary, giving way to hypertonicity.
  • With congenital myopathy and muscular dystrophy, hypotension, on the contrary, will only progress. It begins with muscle weakness of the limbs, moving to the respiratory and swallowing systems. The child has difficulty eating and is diagnosed with shortness of breath and apnea attacks.

floppy baby syndrome clinical picture

The place where the child sleeps

When a baby sleeps, he sees a wonderful world of dreams, his imagination develops, and at the same time his entire body. At such moments, he should feel comfortable and cozy, so that nothing could distract him from such a sweet and unique dream.

From an early age, children need to be shown that there is a special place in which they can bury their nose and relax. Every day, the child gets used to his crib, and thanks to this, he knows that if he is put there, then he needs to sleep, and this, believe me, will make the process of lulling easier for the mother.

Often, it turns out that parents take their baby to their bed, or even put him in a stroller, and this is not very good. In this case, the baby will have difficulty falling asleep, will play around, and it is not a fact that he will feel comfortable after visiting all the places.

It is very important to pay due attention to the place: choose a pleasant color scheme for the room, purchase a comfortable crib and a soft blanket (it is better to choose it according to the child’s height). Having carefully thought through and organized everything, you can be sure that your little happiness will be in harmony with rest and sleep.

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