Is it worth dating an ugly girl or is appearance not the main thing?

Situations often happen when people fall unrequitedly in love. When we like those who don't like us. However, it also happens that a girl may stop liking a guy after some time in the relationship, and not just at the initial stage. Why is this happening? Sometimes guys have the question “why don’t girls like me as a stronger sex, what’s wrong with me?” This will be discussed below.

The guy is too soft

At all times, girls have been attracted to courageous, determined and persistent guys. Those who have a commanding intonation in their voice, a steely gaze, and a strong-willed chin are doomed to success with women. Yes, a guy should also be sensitive and gentle, but just a little.

A girl should look at a man and understand that he is the one she dreamed of. The one behind whose back she feels comfortable and protected. The one who will never give offense and will not offend himself. And qualities that are on the opposite side are usually characterized as a sign of weakness and lack of self-confidence. You can be friends with such kind and gentle guys, but nothing more. For serious relationships, girls prefer those who are courageous and powerful.

Girls don't like me because of this I have an inferiority complex

Anjey, you correctly noted that looking for a girl in order to increase your self-esteem through her is a dead end for you. Because you are afraid to start communication - “I swore never to fall in love again”, “I don’t have an algorithm for what to say after “hello!””, “I have standard templates on my mind, and girls probably want something original”, “if communication goes well, then The main thing is not to show off any stupidity, otherwise it’s all a waste,” and so on. You have set yourself a bunch of barriers and surrounded yourself with all sorts of restrictions - don’t do this, be afraid of this, don’t say/don’t do this, etc. On the one hand, you write that girls are not interested in anything other than shoes, bouquets and romance, but on the other hand, you are afraid of seeming unoriginal or stupid. On the one hand, you write that you are not interested in girls, because you essentially need a “man in a skirt,” and on the other hand, you are trying to get the attention of at least someone, no matter what, as long as it’s female. You are entangled in contradictions - those who cannot talk about anything other than fashion and romance do not require any originality or flight of mind from you. Girls talk about fashion mainly with their girlfriends - they don’t need a guy for that. Bouquets and romance are external manifestations of the fact that a man wants to please and do something nice. The girl is proud of this evidence of a man’s affection for her and can boast to others - and this is very important in the female community :). So, if you feel sorry for spending money on bouquets (or are simply too lazy to work hard for a girl), then you are deliberately depriving yourself of a very simple way to win over a girl without words. Since you are not a master at talking to girls and are not confident in yourself, it makes sense for you to learn to express your feelings and intentions non-verbally - that is, not through words, but through deeds and signs of attention. This is also a great way to win a girl's affections. By the way. Girls who climb mountains, kayak and sleep in tents, are interested in computers or cars, there are quite a few of them. Just find communities that are associated with this on any social network, and look at the lists of community members - you will find a lot of girls there with whom you can easily find common topics for conversation, and among them there will be skinny and crazy ones (as you like). Girls who are more interested in boys than girls have existed at all times, and now, in the era of emancipation, they are not uncommon at all. So look for a friend with similar interests - you have a real chance of meeting someone you like and with whom you will find common interests. Don’t be afraid to “be stupid” or “not be original” - if you do not communicate in a scientific or creative (bohemian) environment, then you will be easily forgiven for this. Most girls are looking for a guy for love, for feelings, for the heart, and not for abstruse conversations (so don’t overuse conversations). And just like you, most young girls are also worried about how to be liked, what to say, how not to look stupid, etc. So don't be afraid of girls.

The guy is acting withdrawn2

It’s very difficult for a girl to feel comfortable on a date with a guy who can’t find a topic for conversation or put two words together. Sometimes such people even answer the girl’s questions as if his answers will be used against him. Of course, girls are repulsed by this behavior. Because she is determined to be entertained and captivated, but she has to drag out the entire conversation and date on herself. You need to be sociable, find out facts about the girl, ask her questions, find common topics for conversation.

Why is it worth a try?6

Not particularly pretty can only be so on the outside. It is important to learn to accept her internal factors, for example, such as: mind, soul, interests. There is a high probability that this charming lady will captivate you from the beginning of the conversation, when you realize that she is an interesting person and completely suits you.

If you like a person, then why not form a couple with him, despite his appearance? There is no shame in dating an ugly girl. It’s terrible if you feel embarrassed every time you go out together. It's low. Understand that you don't choose your face. We are all born as we are. Some have the money to fix this with plastic surgery, while others have learned to accept themselves.

It is necessary to evaluate a person by his personal qualities, and not by his beauty. Try to understand this.

Start your experience with such a woman by at least simply meeting her on the street or on social networks. Chat, become friends, and after a while you will understand whether you are ready to start building something with her or not. As they say, trying is not torture. It will be more difficult to overcome the generally accepted stereotype that you should enter into an alliance only with outwardly pretty people.

Should I have a relationship with an ugly girl?

In addition, beauties are accustomed to having to look after them for a long time and at great cost, and to spend money on various gifts and entertainment. Unlikable ones are more down-to-earth and will be happy even with simple attention from you. They are simple and very easy. This will not be clear to you until you decide to at least get acquainted and communicate. The difference between a pathological beauty and a not very pleasant one is colossal. And very often she is in favor of the second young lady.

The guy often criticizes the girl4

He can always look for a catch and think stereotypically. Perhaps sometimes this skill is useful. But only for those who have it. Girls are unpleasant about the fact of having such a life partner nearby, who is always unhappy with something and doesn’t like it. Therefore, girls are uncomfortable in such relationships and there is no incentive to continue them further.

what kind of men women don't like

Causes of the problem of unattractiveness

It happens that a woman does not notice the attention of men, so she thinks that they do not like her. You need to work with the perception and interpretation of men’s attitude towards you. Be attentive and open, notice and celebrate manifestations on the part of the stronger half of humanity.

If a woman wants the attention of a specific type of man or man, the problem lies in the area of ​​interpersonal relationships. You can understand how to attract a man’s attention by learning his needs, tastes and interests.

If a woman is deprived of male attention, she needs to work on herself, get rid of complexes, increase self-esteem, work on femininity or solve another internal problem.

Possible reasons for inattention on the part of men:

Lack of self-confidence, complexes, low self-esteem. Excessive modesty, shyness, lack of initiative. Inability to communicate and have a conversation. Lack of culture, bad manners, rudeness, arrogance, ignorance. Frivolity, unpunctuality, irresponsibility. Real or apparent ease of accessibility. Difficulty of access, inaccessibility (too smart, beautiful, and so on). Commercialism, focus on receiving gifts and money from a man. Selfishness, excessive pride and narcissism. Age. Young girls, girls dream of love and romance. But male attention presupposes sexual interest. A prudent man will not have a relationship with an underage girl.

To notice and receive male attention, a girl must be mature, smart, and experienced enough. A girl may think that guys don’t like her because she doesn’t know how and in what way their interest is manifested.

The guy often complains about something or someone5

Nobody likes whiners. The guy must understand that he must pull himself together and deal with the problems that have arisen in life. If you constantly complain about a problem and do nothing to solve it, then nothing will change.

Girls want relationships in which there is joy, and not daily indignation about the rise in gasoline prices or the lack of fairness at work. Yes, the girl will calm you down and provide moral support, but someday her strength will run out and then she will leave for a more confident and independent man.

How to please men: some basic tips

  • Be yourself. Yes, a girl can try to be the best version of herself in public, but you shouldn’t play the fake yourself, otherwise you can make a mistake and the man will understand that he was deceived.
  • Stay feminine. You shouldn’t tell a man that you know something better than him, let him look after you. Let him help carry groceries, or hold the door - all these little things do not make you weak, but will only allow the man to take care of you.
  • Don't rush to a man as soon as you see a chance. Men are providers by nature, and they enjoy getting something that was unavailable. You shouldn’t hide your emotions completely, but there should be a secret in a girl.
  • Make him worry. Next there will be a little secret, so all the men who are reading this - close the article! As Marilyn Monroe said, “If you want to be loved, run away.” The point is clear: pretend that you are not too interested in a man, but from time to time make hints that stir up emotions.
  • Have incredible self-esteem. One that nothing can shake. You are a woman, which means you are a priori born the embodiment of beauty and grace. So don’t give yourself a reason to doubt this, and especially those around you! Men love self-sufficient girls.
  • Deal with the cockroaches in your head. Kill all the fears and complexes that make you feel insecure, love yourself, and only after that give love to a man. After all, if a woman doesn’t have love, can she give it to someone else?

The guy is passive6

Girls expect guys to conquer them. They want beautiful deeds, decisive actions. But some men don't think this is necessary. There is an answer to the question “why don’t girls like me as a stronger sex” and it’s simple. There is a reason for this and it is one of the most significant. It is necessary to constantly please and surprise your lady, regardless of how long the relationship lasts - two months or two years.

what kind of guys girls don't like

Signs of an Attractive Partner

Let's look at what kind of guys girls like based on their appearance.

  1. Clean face, no acne.
  2. Slightly unshaven or clean-shaven face. If you have a beard, it should be well-groomed and neat.
  3. With a well-groomed hairstyle, washed hair, an interesting haircut.
  4. Be sure to have clean, neatly trimmed nails
  5. A man should have a pleasant aroma of perfume and fresh breath.
  6. Polished shoes.
  7. Clean clothes, ironed, always chosen for the occasion and weather, suitable in size. The right taste in choosing clothing items is also of great importance.

In a word, girls are attracted to neat, neat and well-groomed young men.

Let's look at what kind of guys girls like based on their character:

  • caring;
  • attentive;
  • erudite;
  • generous;
  • With a good sense of humor;
  • purposeful;
  • self-confident;
  • romance.

The guy doesn't love himself8

In order for others to love you, you must love yourself, first of all. Of course, there are limits. You can’t get arrogant and be too narcissistic and narcissistic. It is necessary to find a “golden mean”. If a guy perceives himself as worthless, then why should a girl like him and perceive him differently?

why don't girls like me

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