Fear of materialization of anxious thoughts: how to fight?

Fear is a holding anchor.

You need to gather all your strength to fight him and defeat him.

We need to understand that fear does not easily slow us down or prevent progress.

He does not allow us to move forward at all. Many people know absolutely nothing about how to overcome fears and insecurities.

Examples of how fear limits people:

  • If you are afraid to speak English , you will never speak it. Until you close your questions about how to overcome fear in yourself, it will continue to keep you silent.
  • If you are afraid to fight , it means that at the right time you will not be able to protect your close friends in battle.
  • If you are afraid of losing your husband or wife , boyfriend or girlfriend, you will never become his or her ideal as long as fear lives in you. Ultimately, your fear of losing your partner will only push him away, and you will break up only because your fate was initially determined by a fear that you could not cope with.

Constant feelings of anxiety and fear greatly limit and hold us back in many aspects of life.

Overcome it and rewrite the script of your life.

Leave the heavy anchors of fear behind and experience the full joy of life.

Where do these phobias come from, the reasons for their appearance?

False beliefs and concepts, incorrect perception of the world

All your obsessive and restless thoughts come from false beliefs and concepts in your head .

If there are no false beliefs and concepts, then there are no disorders or experiences.

Watch them, notice them in yourself, and they will begin to clean up. This way, you will worry less and less about how to get rid of fear and uncertainty.

Faith and feeding this feeling by the person himself

You cannot overcome fear as long as you allow it to be in charge and as long as you believe in it .

If you believe in fear, it will only increase. And then your treatment of constant feelings of fear and anxiety will be useless, because the conviction of their existence will only intensify.

Remember that fear in psychology is just an emotion. This emotion shouldn't affect you.

Doubts about something unknown and unknown

When something new and unknown awaits a person , the process of self-evaluation begins. When you evaluate yourself, your strength is called into question.

When evaluating yourself, there is an unnecessary need to always reinforce and confirm this assessment.

Jump into this unknown with pleasure, go towards something new.

In fact, it is the unknown that opens up new horizons , it is there that life exists and new space for growth opens up.

Get out of your comfort zone more often , strive to experience the unknown and no longer think about how to get rid of phobias on your own.

Self-preservation instinct - your cowardly self

Every feeling we have is justified by evolution, and is rooted in the instinct of self-preservation . The reason for the appearance of feelings of fear and anxiety is precisely this instinct.

  • If you experience jealousy , then this is one of the manifestations of the self-preservation instinct. Jealousy protects you from sexually transmitted diseases, which can be fatal.
  • If you are lazy , laziness saves you strength in case of attack by a predator, so that you are ready to flee or fight with fresh forces at a moment's notice.
  • Even love is a feeling aimed at preserving life. If you are in love, it gives you a purpose in life that overshadows everything else. Love makes the process of procreation pleasant and free from problems. Lovers simply turn a blind eye to problems.

Love is a feeling that makes sure that nothing interferes with the reproduction of individuals.

Every feeling that we have has a main purpose - to save the life of us and our family .

Fear is just one of these feelings. Know the reason for its appearance, and you will no longer be so bothered by thoughts about how to deal with the fear of death.

After all, this is a simple instinct of self-preservation.

Concept of materialization

Thinking is an integral part of our psyche. This is what makes us human and distinguishes us from other living beings on Earth. All events that happen in life are naturally reflected in our feelings and experiences.

Whether there is a reverse process in which our thoughts can materialize, no one knows for sure. Representatives of various fields have been arguing about this for a long time: psychologists, esotericists, psychics, doctors.

One thing is certain - for many people, the fear of ideas that can come to life in a negative way is quite real. Experts call this condition obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), obsession, or neurosis. Obsessive thoughts usually arise completely unexpectedly for a person. Under their influence, a person begins to constantly think and worry. Most often, the same plot with various variations scrolls through his mind.

Absorbed by a negative stream of thoughts, a person becomes lost and falls out of reality.

Thoughts can be associated with both real fears and completely irrational ones. For example, anxious thoughts regarding health issues. Very often, as soon as we sneeze, cough or feel a slight pain, bad thoughts begin to haunt us. Our consciousness immediately begins to look for symptoms of the disease, draws pictures of how we will be treated, and what we will do if the disease is incurable. As a result, we become fixated on this thought and bring ourselves to nervous stress. Although in fact our health did not deteriorate, and all the fears existed only in our heads. Some people are afraid of harming their family and friends with their negative thoughts.

Do not forget that thoughts cannot force us to do something against our will. To do this, a specific intention to cause harm must be formed in the mind. For now there is no such feeling - these are just thoughts. They cause a lot of problems, but which can be successfully dealt with if desired.

Understand that there is nothing valuable in life that you can cling to.

There is really nothing in life that you can truly cling to.

If you dig deep, then for people, in fact, the most valuable thing is simply sensations (pleasures, good emotions).

But they don't create much value.

To get rid of constant fear forever, you need to be a free person inside .

People do everything in the world for the sake of sensations, good emotions, tactile pleasures.

The entire evolution of man is a race for emotions and sensations.

People are driven by emotions, they want to experience them.

Hence they are afraid of losing them, people cling and depend on sensations and emotions.

There is a fear of losing a partner and love addiction.

Because of attachment and clinging, you begin to worry more and more about how to get rid of the obsessive fear of losing your loved one.

Your lack of self-confidence and cowardice are just social programming

See the world with your own eyes

Society bends everyone under itself and scares everyone, everywhere.

Being in society, a person adopts unnecessary beliefs from other people.

Television and mass media impose cowardly behavior . People don't know anything about how to cure fear and phobias with panic attacks and obsessive thoughts.

As a result, the longer we live, the more cowardly we become. People are becoming zombies.

See the world through your own eyes, not through the eyes of society.

Otherwise, you will remain shy and timid all your life. We talk more about how to remove shyness and modesty

A person’s inaction and inactivity determine the degree of development of his cowardice

Fear is like a virus; it cannot be measured. But you can judge it by the body's reactions .

Antibodies are produced to the virus. Doctors find antibodies in the blood and understand that a virus lives in the body.

Fear is revealed in the same way.

Few people admit that they have it. But fear can be seen in the results of a person's life .

People stricken with fear exhibit inaction. A person is afraid and does not know what to do with feelings of fear and anxiety.

He can also be cowardly due to his big ego and inflated opinion of himself. This all limits people.

When the level of fear goes beyond all acceptable norms, it causes complete paralysis of activity.

From now on, all types of treatment are pills, powders and promises of how to overcome fear and self-doubt.

But they do not work while the fear virus lives in a person.

What you used to call laziness is not laziness. This is the fear of leaving your comfort zone, which is carefully disguised by your excuses.

Fear is the true reason for inaction , not laziness. You will know what to do with apathy, knowing its cause.

As soon as a person’s fears are removed, the so-called laziness immediately recedes and activity comes.

To combat fear and anxiety, you need to understand not the consequence, but the cause of its occurrence.

Otherwise they will never leave throughout their lives.

Subconsciously, people themselves avoid fighting fear.

People struggle not with the cause - fear, but with the consequences of fear - inaction.

It’s easier for people this way, because fighting inaction is much more pleasant than fighting fear.

So people occupy themselves with all sorts of activities, the effectiveness of which is no higher than simple picking their nose.

It doesn't bring results. Questions about how to remove fear and embarrassment and be confident in yourself remain unresolved.

  1. A person who struggles with fear does what is most effective, regardless of whether he is afraid to do it or not. As a result, a person quickly achieves success, becomes more confident and stronger.
  2. A person who struggles with inaction avoids everything that he is afraid of and occupies himself not with what is effective, but with what is pleasant to do. Such people spend their whole lives on various nonsense, because their goal is simply to be busy . And they get what they want - employment. They get busyness instead of results.

All the people around are trying to be busy and are not even looking for an effective method to overcome their fears and phobias.

There are no results, because the chosen activity is chosen by people only to avoid their fear, and not to achieve results.

Everyone struggles with inaction , not fear.

Because of this, a person experiences worries all his life and worries about how to get rid of depression at home.

Engage in self-education and self-development!

  • Self-education teaches us to overcome fears. It teaches us to do what is effective. Thanks to self-development, we are no longer worried about how to deal with fear and anxiety.
  • The fight against inaction teaches us to just be busy. Endless searches for employment and blind actions bypass fears.

Exercises to combat fear

Psychologists advise patients with an obsessive fear of the materialization of their own thoughts to work on self-control. Special exercises can help with this. The most effective are:

  1. Burning. You need to write down disturbing thoughts on paper, then burn it, imagining how the fear itself is destroyed.
  2. Moving towards your own fear. One must master what one is afraid of. The path to recovery lies through the search for control of the condition using the method of forced adaptation. Along with attempts to master his fear, the patient gradually gets used to it.
  3. Recreating materialization. You need to artificially recreate any of your own anxious thoughts. The evoked emotions and reactions should be recorded in audio format, which the patient can later listen to, developing adaptive immunity to it.
  4. Self-digging. Dive into your own fears. It is important to find the essence of your critical condition, acting persistently and decisively, despite the anxiety that arises. You need to not turn away from your problem, but pay attention to it.

To find an effective way to combat anxiety, you need to understand its basic patterns. If the patient understands the specifics of his own fears, it will be easier for him to cope with them. Don't forget that you can always turn to specialists for help.


Burning your fears on paper will help you get rid of them.

Realize that you are not inside the body (all Buddhists know)

The body saves its own skin and is afraid almost always.

Many questions about how to overcome the fear of death or other misfortune will disappear forever and will never return when you realize that you are not in the body .

This does not mean that you will deliberately mutilate your body. Not at all!

No need to exaggerate.

You will also continue to do your favorite things, but there will be an awareness that you are not inside the body.

99% of fears are associated precisely with the feeling that you are this mortal substance. This gives rise to concerns that you might lose something or be deprived of something.

By associating yourself with some object, in this case with the body, you understand that you are mortal. From here, thoughts constantly arise that you may disappear, or that your body may fall into danger at any moment. This creates a huge amount of fear. How incredibly useful it is to realize that you are not the body, the skin .

Realize this and you will no longer be bothered by thoughts of how to get rid of the feeling of fear.

Psychotechniques to eliminate fears

Let's look at step-by-step techniques on how to remove fears from the subconscious.

  • Thinking big

When fear begins to choke and your heart is filled with sorrowful feelings, you need to disconnect from your problems and think that someone on earth is much worse off at the moment. Perhaps someone is saying goodbye to life or suffering from an incurable disease.

There are a lot of people in the world who are much worse off than we are. Therefore, our problem in comparison with them looks simply insignificant.

  • Make an action plan

If fear refuses to go away, accept it. Imagine that the worst has already happened. What's next? Make a point-by-point action plan. When you complete this, your soul will feel much lighter. And over time, fear will go somewhere, because there is nothing more to be afraid of.

  • Do some spring cleaning

Physical activity does not allow dark thoughts to take over a person. Therefore, do some general cleaning or start digging up the garden (if you have one), or do a big wash. If everything is clean at home, help someone. If you wish, you can find something to load yourself with.

  • Find like-minded people

You can find interest groups on the Internet. You are not the only one who suffers from fears; this disease has affected almost every fourth inhabitant of the earth. Together, being afraid is not so scary.

  • External calm

Psychologists have proven that external form affects the internal state. Therefore, portray complete equanimity and calm in a “terrible” situation. Try smiling carefreely, even if it's a little forced. Soon the external will touch the internal, and fear will dissolve.

  • Live in the moment

Most fears relate to a future time that has not yet arrived. If you shift your attention to the present time, there will be no room for fear. Because in the present time they simply do not exist.

Let him do whatever he wants inside you - an effective technique of non-resistance

Fear is illusory.

The main points and essence of this technique:

  • If you look at him and let him eat whatever he eats without judgment, you will see that he does not affect you. Then you begin to see the helplessness, stupidity, limitation and uselessness of fear. Fear is simply a fake that is not worth attention or trust.
  • Tell fear : “ Do whatever you want .” Allow it to manifest itself as it pleases within you.
  • Don't run away from him and look at him.
  • Don't try to make fear go away ! Let it reveal itself in all its beauty. It may be an unpleasant process, but it is effective.
  • Don't get involved in it and let it be . Then he will not be able to control you, and you will be able to overcome your fears.

During such a process, you realize that fear cannot do anything other than create an emotion or sensation.

After all, fear is a ghost without a reason or basis .

Look straight into fear.

After all, it’s just not a real emotion, it can’t touch you.

By allowing fear to be, you realize that it is like a ghost. There is no real danger. There is only an emotion that appears. And if you don’t run away from it, it appears, grows and then disappears. The more often you DO NOT run away from fear, the faster the fear will disappear.

Without resisting what comes and goes, you close your questions about how to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears.

Know that fear has no power over you, it is simply experienced in the body

With this kind of thinking, you understand that fear will be experienced in the body and this is the maximum that will happen to you !

Gradually you don't pay attention to him.

For you, this is just another emotion that appears and disappears .

There is nothing at the root of fear. There is no foundation on which it rests.

Watch the following useful video on how to cope with the fear of death, the future, failure and all sorts of unnecessary thoughts.

Indisputable evidence No. 11: materialization of thoughts through the energy of words

strength and materialization

A clear, striking example of the impact of the Word is an experiment by a group of Russian scientists, a description of which is contained in an interview with Academician P. Garyaev in the NRS publication (New Russian Word).

The essence of the experiment is as follows:

Researchers irradiated plant grains with 10 thousand x-rays. With such a huge dose of radiation, even the chromosomes in the seeds are destroyed.

Then, the grains were divided into two groups. The first group was treated with a certain spectrum of electromagnetic radiation on which an acoustic signal in the form of a human voice was “superimposed” with a request to the seeds to restore their original natural properties.

The second group was exposed to the same spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, but a set of random unrelated words was used as an acoustic signal.

As a result, the seeds of the first group completely restored their properties, while the seeds of the second group died irretrievably. Experiments were carried out repeatedly, and their results confirmed the significance of the directed power of the Word.

The experiments of Masaru Emoto and P. Garyaev convincingly prove that the “Word” is not just a sound expression of a certain subject of thought, it is a certain amount of energy, thanks to which the effect is observed.

In fact, there are many, many more similar stories showing that the materialization of thoughts has been scientifically proven. Scientists continue to work on this area.

I think new discoveries and new devices that will be controlled by the power of thought are just around the corner. And if you are interested in my experience of materializing what you want, come to the master class>>>

Laugh in his face, he should only have one role in your life - entertainment

Laugh from the mere feeling of fear.

This laughter destroys any of its manifestations .

This is the only weapon. This is how you can overcome anxiety and fear with just laughter.

You cannot fight it, solve it, or negotiate with it.

You can just see that it's just fake .

Fear is a reflex that develops on its own.

This reflex bypasses the cerebral cortex.

Persuasion and reasoning have no effect on him.

Fear does not go through the cerebral cortex and does not respond to persuasion.

If you feel afraid or afraid of something, laugh and smile at it, and you can get rid of your inner fear.

It makes your life more interesting and exciting. This is how wise fighters in the ring close their questions about how to get rid of the fear of fighting and all phobias.

Do your own self-analysis in writing.

Self-analysis allows you to clearly analyze the problem and write your own answers to it.

Grab a pen and paper and do some written self-reflection.

The benefit is that this way you can independently remove fears from a person and get answers yourself without the need to turn to someone for help.

For example , ask yourself these questions:

  • What is bothering me now, and what is the cause and source of the problem?
  • What makes me feel this way?
  • Is it really real or is it just a feeling?

Everyone will have their own unique answers to questions about how to get rid of fears and phobias.

Everyone can solve the problem themselves.

Create new reference experiences, destroy old limiting beliefs

When you face fear and do something that was previously scary, your brain creates a new reference experience.

The brain understands that there is no fear and there is no reason to be afraid of anything.

This way you gain new insights about how to treat anxiety and fears.

To leave it behind, you have to go through it.

Only by walking through fear will you rewrite and create a new reference experience that will destroy old limiting beliefs.

  1. If you run away from fear, it will chase you throughout your life. It will wear you down and turn your life into an escape.
  2. If you follow fear , then at some point you will realize that there is none. After all, he is left behind and nothing can hold you back or stop you.

That's all. Now you know everything about how to overcome the fear of death and live in harmony.

Obsessive states: possible mistakes

You should not hope for instant results when fighting a phobia. Fear could have been developing for years, so immediately learning to think in a new way, avoid anxious states, and stop negative thoughts is not easy. This will require significant time and investment of certain mental strength. Some people will be able to take control of their thoughts almost immediately. Some people need more time.

Be prepared for the fact that at some point you will get tired of fighting and the fear may return. The main thing is not to stop working on yourself.

During this period, you should not share your experiences and emotions with others. By retelling our experiences, we once again experience stress. In addition, we can easily fall under the influence of acquaintances who will definitely want to give their assessment of the situation and tell us what we need to do. In addition, exclamations such as: “Are you doing well?!”, “How are you coping? I couldn’t do that!” It really knocks you out of a positive mood. Therefore, you should discuss all your experiences and doubts only with a psychotherapist, under whose guidance you learn to cope with your own fear.

You don’t need to push yourself all the time and wait impatiently for obsessive thoughts to disappear. Because you cannot, with the wave of a magic wand, stop thinking and worrying about this. Go to victory over your phobia gradually, impartially assessing your feelings, emotions and the situation as a whole, do not try to look for logic in the subconscious, do not delve into yourself and do not criticize yourself.

Use the above tips, and they will definitely help you cope with the fear of materializing thoughts. By getting rid of this phobia, you can easily start a new life filled with interesting, happy and joyful events.

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