How to get rid of depression: how to overcome it and how to cure it

Every person at least once in his life said to himself: “I don’t want to do anything.” This state of mind is usually called boredom, apathy or blues. The lethargic state usually does not last too long and usually goes away in a few days. But what to do if you constantly feel a loss of strength and mood?

Apathy is when you should be having fun, but you don’t want to

Apathy how to deal with it? To understand how to get rid of apathy, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. To do this, it must be differentiated from other mental states. Apathy is often confused with banal laziness. However, these are different things. It is extremely necessary to make a distinction, since even though the symptoms are similar, the approach to solving the problem will be different.

Laziness or apathy

Laziness occurs when a person tries to direct his energy to things that do not arouse his interest. In other words, this is a consequence of the lack of proper motivation on the part of the subconscious. On a conscious level, a person understands that, for example, it would be good to start running in the morning, but in reality he cannot bring himself to get out of bed at least 15 minutes earlier than usual and do basic exercises. However, if a breathtaking adventure is planned the next day, getting up in the morning will not be difficult. Often, even an alarm clock is not required - a person wakes up on his own a little earlier than the planned time.

In other words, when a person thinks that he does not have the strength to do a particular thing, but he would gladly do something else, this is laziness, not apathy.

If you finish a difficult and uninteresting task, and the apathy is gone, it’s laziness

In cases where a person begins to shy away from activities that usually aroused his interest and enthusiasm, and feels indifference to everything that is happening, we can talk about apathy.

How to get rid of apathy

Recognizing the problem and understanding its origins is the first and necessary step towards solving the problem of “how to get rid of apathy.”

Low mood happens to all people; you don’t always need to talk about apathy when you’re sad. But what if this condition continues, the symptoms only increase and it is not clear how to get rid of apathy?

To overcome apathy, you need to eliminate the cause of prolonged symptoms. Of course, it’s difficult to quickly change something significant in life, for example, find a new job, it’s not always possible to change your existing work schedule, and there’s not enough energy for big changes when you’re apathetic, but here are a few recommendations that can help change your emotional state for the better :

Recommendation No. 1 “how to get rid of apathy”

If we are talking about a serious illness, then it is necessary to undergo examination and treatment. If the body’s tone is simply reduced, the doctor will advise which vitamins and microelements should be taken.

Recommendation No. 2 “how to get rid of apathy”

You should not use alcohol to combat apathy. A person turns to alcohol for help, wanting to escape from problems, forget himself, and escape reality. Alcohol, once in the blood, awakens the “pleasure hormone” in the brain, quickly removing all existing problems, and after alcohol is removed from the body, the level of endorphins in the blood drops, which aggravates the depressive state.

Recommendation No. 3 “how to get rid of apathy”

Allow yourself to rest for a few days (at least on weekends). This time needs to be devoted entirely to yourself and fulfill all your desires and whims - sleep, eat (whatever you want, without thinking about calories), watch movies, TV series or read a book.

Recommendation No. 4 “how to get rid of apathy”

A change of environment helps a lot to get rid of apathy. If possible, it’s good to go somewhere, preferably somewhere you haven’t been before, or somewhere that was once good.

Recommendation No. 5 “how to get rid of apathy”

Playing sports (without overwork) and walking in the fresh air are mandatory conditions for overcoming apathy. If you don’t have the strength to exercise, you can walk part of the road from home to work, changing the route to change your impressions.

Recommendation No. 6 “how to get rid of apathy”

Sometimes changing your social circle can help get rid of apathy. If a person is surrounded by people with a manipulative or negative character, then, having realized what exactly he is not happy with in communication and what emotions he would like to receive, he can reconsider his social circle, or at least limit communication with such people, which will significantly improve his emotional state .

Recommendation No. 7 “how to get rid of apathy”

It is worth learning to conduct an internal dialogue with yourself. Don’t scroll through the same thoughts in your head endlessly, but talk to yourself like you’re your best friend, ask yourself questions and answer them honestly. Deep down we know what we really need and how to get rid of apathy. On your own or with the help of a psychologist, reconsider the attitudes that interfere with living and enjoying life.

For example, one of the reasons for apathy is low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is characterized by beliefs associated with defectiveness (“I’m somehow different”), with helplessness (“I’m weak”) and with a lack of love (“they don’t love me”). Therefore, it is useful to remind yourself that you need to compare yourself only with yourself in the past, and not with other people, turn off the inner critic and praise yourself for any achievements.

Recommendation No. 8 “how to get rid of apathy”

It is useful to practice meditation regularly - focusing on your breathing relaxes the body and calms the mind.

If the recommendations from the articles do not help you, you cannot figure it out on your own and you continue to wonder how to get rid of apathy, you can always contact a psychologist who works with this topic, including me.

Reasons for apathy towards everything and what to do

Apathy is a consequence of physical and emotional overload: satiety with events and experiences. In such cases, you can get out of its clutches on your own, following the advice from this article.

How to help a person get out of depression and calm him down if he doesn’t want anything

However, an apathetic state can also be a symptom of various mental, somatic and neurological diseases (schizophrenia, depression, Lyme disease, endocrine disorders). It can occur with organic damage to the brain, and can also be observed when taking certain medications (neuroleptics, antidepressants).

Important! If, despite all the measures taken independently, improvement in well-being is not observed within two weeks, you should consult a doctor.

Recognize emotions and their causes

Learning to recognize your emotions and take control of them is the main task that faces a depressed person if he wants to return to normal life. Even if it seems that anger, aggression or a sudden attack of self-pity arises just like that and has no justification, this is not so.

To learn to recognize emotions, you need to stop being afraid of them and accept them as they are. It is important to understand that sadness and apathy, mental pain or, conversely, a strong emotional upsurge are conditions that will not last forever. The nature of emotions, as well as the reasons for their appearance, will constantly change in life.

Good and bad moods are waves that you can cope with if you learn to understand them, and then you can quickly return to your normal mental state. If a wave of anger or irritation suddenly begins to roll in, you need to immediately look for the cause of their appearance and eliminate it. If the sadness caused by gloomy weather and rain begins to spread, causing crying and apathy, then you need to curtain the windows and turn on the light that is missing outside the window.

You can defeat depression only with self-discipline and self-control, and mastering your emotions is the first and most basic step towards overcoming it yourself at home.

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Getting rid of laziness is a matter of coordinating conscious and subconscious impulses, understanding that what you “need to do” is equal to what you “want to do.”

The amount of energy spent on doing things that “don’t feel like it” is much greater than when the subconscious supports conscious decisions. Therefore, it is important to be able to negotiate with him.

You can appease the subconscious - this inexhaustible source of strength and creative energy - only by treating it like a child. Don't frighten yourself with the dire consequences of unfinished work or promise some goodies in the distant future. This may work for the adult part of you, but the inner child lives in the moment and wants to have fun right now. Therefore, the best way to overcome hated laziness and apathy is to introduce an element of creativity, a spirit of pioneering, and experimentalism into routine affairs.

To get rid of laziness, you need to awaken your inner child

What if a person sets himself the goal of not just starting to run, but also constantly changing the route, rediscovering the beauty of the city in which he lives? In this case, when he wakes up, he will not think about how regular physical activity will benefit his body in the future, but will look forward to the pleasure of the next walk.

Important! What will help you overcome laziness is not logical arguments about the appropriateness of an activity, but positive motivation on an emotional level.

Once you choose the right incentive, laziness will disappear. No one will cope with this task better than the person whom she defeated. Figuring out on your own how to get rid of apathy is somewhat more difficult.

Apathy and depression - similarities and differences

Apathy occurs as a chronic form of nervous disorder and can develop into a depressive state.

Apathy can be a symptom of depression and is often considered to be part of depressive affect.

Apathy and depression have much in common: decreased interest, high fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, psychomotor retardation.

Depression is a disease in which, in addition to the emotional state, thinking and behavior change. A person simply does not have enough energy to perform mental operations. A depressive state involves a feeling of “fog” in the head, disconnection from oneself, and an inability to concentrate, remember and assimilate information. Motor retardation manifests itself not only by visible inactivity, as in apathy, but with severe depression it reaches the point that patients stop taking care of their appearance and maintaining hygiene.

Depression or a severe form of apathy is difficult to cope with on your own, so if you get tired quickly, you are not interested in anything, you cannot concentrate on anything, you have difficulty remembering basic information, you feel lethargic and constrained, and all this is accompanied by a painful feeling of hopelessness, you should seek help from a psychologist or psychiatrist.

If you suddenly lost interest in activities that previously brought you pleasure, you can’t bring yourself to start doing something, you don’t want to meet anyone, you’re sad all the time, nothing makes you happy, you don’t want anything and there’s emptiness inside, then you can To get started, use the following recommendations on “how to get rid of apathy.”

What to do if you don't want anything

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There is more than one effective way to deal with apathy. It's worth trying each of the following tips to find the real cause of your lack of energy and motivation and eliminate it.

Hobbies and entertainment

When habitual entertainment ceases to please, perhaps a person simply outgrows it, like a child outgrows his old toys. The source of positive emotions should be sought in a completely new activity. Someone may need professional growth to get a taste for life. For some, it will be enough to change their social circle.

Nothing fills you with excitement and fresh energy like novelty and the unknown. It’s worth trying to get a completely new and unusual experience for yourself, and life will sparkle with bright colors. For one it will be going to the ballet, for another it will be bungee jumping or hunting, for the third it will be a fortune telling session using Tarot cards.

A good way to regain interest in life is to find someone who is truly passionate about something and ask him about his hobby. As a rule, people are more than happy to talk about the things they love. It is enough to look at the world through the eyes of such a “lover”, and a surge of positive emotions is guaranteed. Who knows, maybe the problem with finding a new hobby will also be solved.

Love for something is contagious

Maintaining a daily routine

The psyche of any person has a certain limit of the intensity of emotions that it can withstand. Even when these emotions are of a positive order. If the limit is reached, apathy turns on as a defense mechanism, dulling a person’s sensations. In this case, the approach to combating apathy will be completely opposite to that described above.

Note! Apathy can manifest itself not only when there is a lack of fresh impressions, but also when there is an excess of them.

It is necessary to relieve the body as much as possible by eliminating all unnecessary sources of information: reduce the amount of communication, reduce surfing the Internet and watching TV shows to a minimum.

It is also necessary to cultivate a measured daily routine to avoid unnecessary situations that cause stress. Reduce intellectual and emotional activity. Remove the rush, refuse stimulants.

Getting things done on time

The inability, due to apathy, to complete previously planned tasks on time provokes feelings of guilt and a feeling of even greater powerlessness. Therefore, it is important to learn flexible planning.

Flexible planning will help you get rid of feelings of laziness and apathy

It’s better not to tie tasks to a specific time, but simply create a to-do list for the week. As a result, you can start each new day by completing any task that causes the most inspiration or at least the least internal resistance.

Complete rest

Sometimes people fall into apathetic state only because they work too much and do not have time to recover. Perhaps it’s time to listen to your body and give it a break: lie on the couch to your heart’s content, sleep in a row for as long as you want, forgetting about the recommended 8-9 hours a day.

Other methods to combat laziness

How else can you fight apathy and laziness? Today, everyone has the opportunity to get an artificial dope for their soul, simply by watching a motivating film or reading an inspiring book.

Additional Information. A source of inspiration can be the books “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand, “Illusions” by Richard Bach, “Life without Borders” by Nick Vujicic, “The Pursuit of Happiness” films, “Always Say Yes!”, “Don’t Worry, He’s Far from It” will leave."

Books are an inexhaustible source of inspiration and motivation

Apathy or depression: what's the difference?

If a person who filled every day with interesting things went to bed with a feeling of regret that there are only 24 hours in a day, which are not enough to implement plans, suddenly begins to ignore the alarm clock, becomes indifferent to the things that previously fascinated him, and stops dreaming, you should take a closer look at it.

The first thing that needs to be ruled out is the development of the disease. Thus, depression often accompanies cancer. Depression occurs when a person suffers from pain, such as joint pain or recurring migraines.

Are there any obvious health problems? This means that it is necessary to understand why apathy, melancholy and depression haunt the sufferer. Here are 3 possible states that “steal” the joy of life:

  • laziness;
  • apathy;
  • depression.

The first case is easy. Laziness “attacks” most often due to the reluctance to perform a specific action. A person can shirk cleaning the apartment, but willingly responds to a friend’s offer to go to a movie or a cafe.

The mood does not suffer; slight sadness is possible, which quickly disappears if it is replaced by positive emotions. A person does not lose the ability to react emotionally to his surroundings, and his emotions correspond to what is happening.

Everyone has their own methods of dealing with laziness. Most often, motivation in the form of a gift to yourself for completing an unpleasant action helps. And after doing it, the mood improves.

Apathy is more complicated. It takes from two to three hours to seven to ten days. The main sign is a complete reluctance to do anything. The driving force is the desire to lie on the couch and indulge in one’s own thoughts, which often have a sad tint. The reasons for the development of apathy are:

  • moral exhaustion, “burnout”;
  • physical fatigue;
  • serious crisis (divorce, job loss);
  • death of a loved one.

A person finds himself in a closed world of his own experiences, it seems to him that things will not get better, he wants to be left alone.

Depending on the causes of apathy, you need to:

  • change your type of activity, add physical activity;
  • it’s commonplace to rest, leave for a while, “switch”;
  • experience negative emotions, accept a new situation, give yourself time to get used to it;
  • wait it out, exclude communication for a couple of days, put things off.

Apathy usually goes away on its own. It rarely lasts for more than a couple of weeks. Drug treatment is not required, you need rest and attention to yourself, identifying your true desires, which may be “buried” under a layer of many responsibilities and provoke melancholy and dissatisfaction.

Apathy and depression can go hand in hand. This case already requires close attention and contacting a psychologist. In the first stages, you can help the patient without using medications, only through psychological methods. One of the experienced specialists in this field is Nikita Valerievich Baturin, who has his own methods of getting rid of psychosomatic diseases, will help you understand the problem and solve it before it becomes really serious.

Apathetic depression does not happen overnight. It develops gradually, gripping a person more and more tenaciously. The course of the disease lasts for weeks and even years, and it may seem to the sick person that everything is fine, he is just tired, lost strength. Apathetic depression is not only a disturbance of the emotional background. Somatic and cerebral changes are also added (that is, physical ailments appear and problems with the blood vessels of the brain begin).

How to deal with spring apathy

Many people notice a change in mood and well-being during the off-season. Scientists associate the autumn blues primarily with a lack of sunlight, and spring apathy and severe weakness with hypovitaminosis. A lack of vitamins in the body results from a diet that is rather poor in fresh vegetables and fruits, as is often the case in winter.

Important! One of the easiest ways to overcome laziness, apathy and fatigue is to increase the amount of raw, uncooked fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Taking vitamin complexes will help replenish the supply of necessary elements. First of all, you need to balance your diet. Spring apathy can develop into chronic if you constantly pollute your body with junk food. Surrogate food not only does not provide any nutritional value, but also makes the body work harder when the last resources are spent on removing the harmful substances it contains.

Note! A feeling of heaviness in the stomach and drowsiness after eating is a sign that the food eaten did not benefit the body.

With the onset of spring, it is also recommended to walk outside in sunny weather to get enough vitamin D.

Joy to life - THIS is easy, step by step

If there is a desire, there will be a result, and it is your intention that will lead to what you are striving for.

More vitamins

A vitamin complex is what the body primarily needs to replenish energy. It’s not for nothing that Vita is translated from Latin as life. Personally, I started taking vitamins every day about 6 years ago and I will say based on my condition, I stopped getting sick almost completely, my “Achilles heel” was in my throat, any cold would start a cough, sore throat and other ailments, since then my illnesses have decreased 95% and this is real thanks to vitamins.

I recommend buying vitamins from sports nutrition, they have a higher dosage, a comprehensive complex and are much more affordable than vitamins from a pharmacy advertised on TV.

It is advisable to drink every day, without any courses, and most importantly after eating, an improvement in well-being and a surge of strength will begin immediately, as if by magic.

✅Guide to changing yourself .pdf

To sleep more

In sleep, our body is completely restored, filled with strength the next day, and if we sleep poorly, then we have no strength. Hence the CONCLUSION, you need to sleep GOOD and QUALITY. To do this, before going to bed, we drink a couple of capsules of valerian and wake up in the morning in the best mood and happiness, especially if the weather is good outside.

Another option is the sleep hormone melatonin, this is not a sleeping pill, it will help you fall asleep quickly, easily and get enough sleep in 6 hours, like in 9. Personally, when I want to get a good night's sleep on the weekend, I take a couple of tablets, go to bed, turn off the lights and slowly dive in to sleep, in the morning I feel vigorous, cheerful and, most importantly, rested.

Continuing this topic, in order to get a good night's sleep, you need to give access to clean air, so at night I recommend opening the window at least a small crack, even in winter. Nothing invigorates you in the morning like a cold apartment.

And it’s also important, try to change your daily routine, if you are a night owl, become a lark, if you are a lark, become a night owl. But this is by the way more than advice.


To tone up and recharge your energy for the whole day, start not with coffee, but with tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus; these drugs are sold in pharmacies, are not expensive, but have a lot of positive benefits for our body. The list of adaptogens is large, here choose what you like.

It is better to take it in the morning before 12, otherwise you may have problems falling asleep.

Read more: How not to be afraid of anything

It is available in the form of tablets and in the form of a tincture with alcohol; if you drive, it is, of course, not recommended to take it with alcohol. As early as 3-5 days you will see the result and feel the morning surge of strength.

Avoid alcohol, coffee and other psychoactive stimulants.

We all love to drink coffee to cheer ourselves up or drink alcohol to relax. Alcohol and caffeine are strong stimulants, in small quantities they provide benefits and produce dopamine (the happiness hormone), but if you do this constantly, the internal reserves of the happiness hormone are depleted and it takes time to restore energy.

Therefore, just try to give up mental stimulants for 14-30 days and see what kind of condition comes in its place. If you have an addiction, then withdrawal will be difficult, usually lasts a week and manifests itself in the form of irritation and aggression.

It's okay - it will go away with time. The main thing is to hold out a little and life will get better.

Just walk more

Yes, walking in the evening is beneficial, it burns excess fat and recharges you with oxygen. Of course, it’s better to go to a park, if there isn’t one, just go out and walk, go shopping and visit interesting places.

Observe other people, sometimes it is interesting and interesting to look at the lives of others, but nothing more.

Find entertainment outside the home, clubs, dances and other events. Exhibitions, finally.


Take colored pencils, felt-tip pens and anything else you can draw with, express your current emotional state, draw in detail, add more details for at least 15 minutes, describe in the picture what worries you, upsets you and prevents you from being happy.

Take the drawing in your hands and look at it for 5-10 minutes, realize that everything that is drawn usually begins in the body, something to reap, manifest or feel somehow, pay attention to these sensations, tell them that you love them and ask for forgiveness , for not paying attention to them for so long. The better you ask for forgiveness from yourself for these conditions, the faster they will go away.

Now take a blank sheet of paper and draw your desired state in paint, show your creativity without being shy in full details, the more details you draw, the better.

Take the drawing and look at it in the same way, pay attention to all the details, most likely clamps and blocks will begin to appear in the body again, pay attention to them, ask for forgiveness for not accepting them for so long, tell them about your regret and tell them that you love them . These are your subpersonalities that broke away from your “I” during stress. They want to unite with you back, so ask them for forgiveness and forgive them yourself and see how your emotional state changes for the better.

✅Guide to changing yourself .pdf


This is a limitless way to get pleasant emotions and the hormone of happiness. During sex, the hormone dopamine is produced, which is why after sex it becomes easy and pleasant for the soul. There is only one recommendation: the more, the better.

Why do women suffer from apathy?

Women, compared to men, have to ask themselves more often in their lives: how to get out of apathy? Moreover, even young girls face this problem. The reason for this is hormonal changes that occur in the fair sex more than once in their lives. Low mood, lethargy and apathy are often felt by girls during puberty, women during pregnancy and after childbirth, as well as with the onset of menopause.

Hormone replacement therapy, herbal medicines and dietary supplements relieve hormonal imbalance. However, you can take such medications only after consulting a doctor.

Drug treatment

Sometimes only medication that contains psychotropic substances can stop a depressive train of thought. To combat this insidious disease, the doctor may prescribe medications called antidepressants.

How to get out of depression? It is important to take medications correctly:

  1. If you experience constant nervousness and don't know what to do, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant. Therefore, it is imperative to take pills. It is important to overcome laziness and reluctance to use the drug systematically.
  2. Getting out of depression is not easy, so you shouldn’t expect an immediate positive result.
  3. The drugs are taken in courses. You should not independently extend the time interval for taking the medicine and increase the dose of the active substance.
  4. The difference between modern drugs is that they do not cause addiction, and there are practically no side effects.
  5. If treatment is carried out within a month, but symptoms of depression still bother you, then you should consult a doctor. It is likely that the specialist will prescribe you a different drug. There is no need to worry that the doctor made the wrong prescription, because the psyche is complex. Sometimes the doctor has to select different drugs to achieve the desired effect.

There are drugs that help overcome laziness and decadent mood, but do not forget about personal responsibility for your own happiness. Avoid developing a depressive disorder. The main differences between a wise and a foolish person are that the wise man will suffer, but will not stop looking for a way out of the situation, believing and hoping for a happy outcome, while the fool will immediately give up, and over time will even stop waiting for a miracle.

Treatment of the disease takes at least six months, so it is better to start listening to your own feelings now in order to avoid dire consequences. You shouldn't be lazy when it comes to working on yourself every day.

How to help a person in apathy

When people see a moping person next to them, they usually try to somehow stir him up, cheer him up with their usual joys. Sometimes these efforts lead to success. Much more often, such behavior is perceived by a person in apathy as violence. It’s one thing when he himself complains: “I don’t want to do anything, apathy towards everything, what to do?” Then you can offer some leisure options. You should not drag the unfortunate person against his will to parties and walks, because in an apathetic state, performing even the most ordinary actions, such as taking a shower, can cause difficulties.

Often, intrusive help from others is perceived by an apathetic person as violence.

You don’t need to play the role of a psychologist, just being there is enough. It is necessary to create a space in which a loved one can freely express negative emotions, including anger.

What is really important is to stay on an optimistic wave yourself. Let the person understand that if something happens, his loved ones are always there and ready to provide any support, but not to impose. When a person in apathy is completely exhausted, you can offer him help around the house and prepare food.

What is apathy?

Apathy is just an emotion that means indifference to life, for example, as in the Soviet fairy tale “Marya the Mistress”, “Whether you choose or not, it’s all the same,” and in the same way people in apathy suffer from this ailment.

Help from a psychologist in eliminating apathy, depression, unwillingness to live, self-hatred, etc. Come in!

Is there a way out? Of course have! And most importantly, it’s easy and without much effort, you just need to start taking action, work on yourself a little at a time, start with exercise in the morning, this will improve the general condition of the body and strengthen the immune system. But if you do it every other time, the result is NOT guaranteed, sorry about that.

Psychologist's advice

Reasons for apathy in the realities of modern life are a dime a dozen: some negative event occurs, and a person falls into long-term apathy. When faced with unforeseen difficulties, people form beliefs that the world is too aggressive and cruel, that dreams are unrealistic, and there is no point in fighting. The fear of another failure leads to a loss of ability to act - the body goes into energy-saving mode.

It is necessary to overcome a negative attitude. To do this, you need to learn to get rid of destructive beliefs. Here is an approximate list of erroneous thoughts that deprive you of the desire and energy to live:

  • “Life is a valley of sorrow”;
  • “Negative emotions cannot be controlled”;
  • “All people are essentially bad, you shouldn’t expect a good attitude from them”;
  • “Striving to satisfy one’s needs selfishly”;
  • “In the future things will be just as bad as they are now.”

For some, an optimistic outlook on life may seem like a complete utopia, but as soon as habitual beliefs are questioned, experience will begin to confirm the truth of new ideas, and the quality of life will increase dramatically.

Eat properly

Depression always manifests itself in eating disorders. Someone eats too much, thus trying to drown out internal pain. Others, on the contrary, completely refuse food, not even feeling hungry in their apathetic state. Both conditions are extremes and must be dealt with.

During treatment for depression, you need to completely review your diet. It is important that the daily menu is dominated by the most healthy products - fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. Nuts and carob-based chocolate have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and brain. But you shouldn’t abuse them, everything should be in moderation.

Heavy foods negatively affect digestion and lead to a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, so there should be more light, low-fat and healthy foods.

At the same time, food should bring pleasure, so you shouldn’t give up goodies forever. Sometimes you can treat yourself to your favorite gastronomic dish, but you should do this only occasionally, without overindulging.

How to overcome apathy with training

The “Brain Detoxification” course is a good way to free yourself from oppression, self-absorption, apathy and indifference. Often despondency and indifference come to us due to our brains being cluttered with problems. This training will help you completely:

  1. Clear your mind and consciousness.
  2. Concentrate on important things.
  3. Get rid of annoying stress and anxiety.
  4. Sleep well and rest.
  5. Develop empathy.
  6. Get rid of bad, toxic thoughts.

The author of the course is Viktor Shiryaev, a first-class specialist in developmental psychology.

You will receive 10 lessons with practical tasks, exercises and techniques to get rid of excess brain garbage.

What's the result? The course developers claim that you will become a new person with a clear mind and clear consciousness!

Cost – 1,053 rubles.

If suddenly you are not satisfied with something, within 7 days you can return the money for the course.

HOW TO OVERCOME LAZINESS AND APATHY AT HOME: we are aware of the problem

According to experts, awareness of the problem is the first step towards finding a method to overcome laziness and return to an active and happy life. Laziness is an invented state. Such a phenomenon simply does not exist, and the methods that prophesy getting rid of it are fraud. Reluctance to go somewhere, do something, finish what you started, loss of interest and enthusiasm for everything around you - all these are manifestations, but not the cause of laziness.

Basically, they lead to apathy and laziness:

  • dislike for unloved work, study, the need to do unloved things;
  • energy and emotional imbalance;
  • lack of clear, specific intentions and aspirations for the current period and mental stagnation;
  • lack of global goals and lack of understanding of the reasons why something needs to be done, go somewhere, etc.

Each of the above reasons provokes a variety of symptoms, and often they are similar and are called in society by one word - laziness. However, the healing medicine is different in each case. For example, dislike of studying can be treated by changing the educational institution, teachers, or the direction of the chosen profession. The lack of large-scale goals in your studies is cured not by changing the university, but by setting yourself new, more ambitious goals: to become a professor, to invent a perpetual motion machine or a vaccine against a deadly disease.

In a state of apathy, it is important to understand that you need to look for the reasons that cause it. This is sometimes much more difficult than dealing with symptoms by flying on vacation to warm countries, plunging into alcohol anesthesia and idle entertainment. All this will distract you for a short time, but will not cure you.

③ Lack of clear intentions and current goals

How to overcome laziness and develop determination in yourself if you don’t know what you want? If human activity has no direction, then it gradually weakens and the person falls into apathy. He eats when he doesn't want to, sleeps even when he's not tired, and is generally in a state of indifference to the world around him. Everyone knows that a person quickly gets used to everything and to this state of affairs in his life too. Getting out of this apathy becomes more difficult the longer it lasts. Willpower gradually also fails and it becomes difficult to return to tone.

The way out of this situation is to realize the problem of stagnation and set yourself a very real, feasible current task. Let it not be very grandiose and large-scale. Even a seemingly insignificant goal achieved can radically change your life.

Some people, having finished knitting a sweater, finishing a painting, or repairing a car, feel a surge of new energy and emerge from a state of indifference and apathy. This helps them understand that everything in life is much simpler and easier than they thought.

① Dislike for work, school, etc.

Professional activities that do not bring pleasure and satisfaction , study and other activities that cause internal opposition for some moral or other reasons cause a mental crisis and contribute to the emergence of laziness. A person simply cannot bring himself to do something. The stronger the need for meaningless actions, the greater the counteracting force of laziness. At the same time, a clear understanding of the full depth of the problem can provoke severe states of apathy.

In this situation, the simplest and most effective answer to the question of how to overcome laziness is the decision to quit your job , move to another educational institution, etc. However, after being fired in an uncertain state, the person also does not feel better and laziness does not go away.

During this period, a person must understand what he loves and wants to do, and find a new meaning in life. He must choose what he will do with his soul, devoting himself completely to this matter. And this must necessarily be the desire of the person himself, his true desire, and not imposed by parents, family, friends, society or anyone else.

Often, after spending a long time doing a job they don’t like, it is difficult for people to start doing something, giving 100%, but it is this attitude that will help get rid of laziness and fill life with new colors. By giving a piece of yourself, a person will receive much more in return. This is worth remembering. It is important to overcome the consumerist attitude towards the world - “come up with and give me something I love.” Love for the business will manifest itself with the receipt of the first positive results, after overcoming problems and fears.

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