Strong attraction to a girl: a reason for joy or the risk of becoming addicted

0 26630 September 23, 2020 at 11:44 pm Author of the publication: Evgenia Astreinova, psychologist

Why does sexual attraction in a couple where passions raged fade away over the years? What to do if your partner has no sexual desire? And if I don’t want sex myself, is that normal? You will find the answer to these and other questions about sexual desire and its signs below.

“System-vector psychology” is a comprehensive training about the human psyche and not only “about that,” but as far as understanding sexuality is concerned, this is the most accurate information today. In system-vector psychology, there are 4 types of sexuality and 4 types of eroticism. Depending on the presence of one or another “vector” in a person’s psyche, his physiological and psychological attractiveness acquires an amazing, unique mosaic; nevertheless, understanding and seeing the desires of another person is not particularly difficult. But first things first.

Nuances of behavior

Dilated pupils, a frank smile, wandering hands over clothes are typical subconscious signs of sympathy that can be observed in any guy when he sees a girl he likes. If you dig a little deeper, these subconscious actions are a hidden cry that the female sitting opposite is suitable for this male to mate with. This is if it's rude.

In fact, the body's chemistry is added to the subconscious reaction and creates a real picture, which is called falling in love.

Who needs them2

Full-fledged courtship takes a lot of time and resources. And in the conditions in which our primitive ancestors lived (survival of the fittest), detailed energy expenditure could turn out to be a deadly investment. I overdid it with signs of attention - I didn’t have enough strength to escape from a wild mammoth or tiger.

If he couldn’t convince a pretty lady of his qualities, he was left without the possibility of procreation. Therefore, the body uses non-verbal messages to indicate the sexual attraction of the sexes to each other. Evolution, nothing more.

Sexual attraction

Secrets of unconscious attraction

We are attracted to each other due to pheromones, the unconscious smells of our body. A natural couple develops when a man and a woman have opposite psychological properties - a strong attraction to each other arises.

sexual attraction

For example, an ambitious, enterprising, dexterous man with a skin vector experiences a strong sexual attraction to a woman who has a completely different character. She is the owner of the anal vector - economical and sedate, loves home comfort and handicrafts, and is committed to the values ​​of marriage.

In women, attraction is of a more pragmatic nature. She unconsciously relies primarily on ranking pheromones - how wealthy and successful a man is in society. The one who has a higher rank or has the potential to have a higher rank is the sexiest for her. This is natural, because the woman is responsible for the offspring. Only secondarily do pheromones of attraction play a role for her.

Why are they not clear to everyone?3

Why would nature create a subconscious reaction if it is incomprehensible to those for whom it is intended? Nature should not be considered stupid; it will not create a useless mechanism. Another thing is that the individual character traits of each person interfere with this mechanism. Accordingly, not all males demonstrate hidden messages in the same way:

  • The guy's current hormonal balance. A young man, in the absence of regular sex, will use every opportunity to demonstrate his intentions.
  • Features of age. In youth, such messages are not noticed, in youth they are incorrectly interpreted... and in old age they are perfectly understood, but the body is not always able to carry out its plans.
  • Character traits. Some people subconsciously feel sexual desire from their interlocutor. Others cannot boast of this. In such situations, only life experience will help.

Sexual attraction

Sexual attraction does not guarantee sex4

Hidden messages have a wider range of functions than meets the eye. Otherwise, it would be a simple invitation to bed games for the first person of the opposite sex. All nonverbal signs can be divided into three subgroups. Moreover, the first two categories cannot be perceived as an invitation to create a couple. They are needed to slightly indicate their intentions, and in case of reciprocity, move on to the third subgroup:

  • Signals of the first category - demonstrate to a pretty lady that a guy has noticed her. The young man sucked in his stomach, the girl straightened her hair, etc. The task of such signs is to hold the attention of the opposite sex on themselves. Often there is no intention behind this.
  • Signals of the second category demonstrate an attempt to distinguish the carrier from other competitors. The task is simple - to show your attractiveness as a possible partner.
  • Signals of the third category demonstrate clear intentions to move from words to action. These are the most challenging signs (attempt to hug, tactile contact, etc.).

Sexual attraction between men and women

First category5

As soon as a young man notices any pretty girl, his back straightens and his stomach tightens. He tries to appear more massive and stronger.

The guy tries to turn his body towards the person who has attracted attention. Here it is appropriate to remember the stunning beauties whom men see off with a turn of their heads. If the situation does not allow you to turn your body or head, at least one of the gentleman’s feet will be directed towards the girl.

Examine your appearance, blow off the non-existent dust from your shoulders, straighten the collar of your T-shirt. The future winner must shine with his appearance (so his instincts say).

Irresistible attraction... of mosquitoes to people

Author Pavel Urushev

28.10.2009 00:10

Eureka » Discoveries

For centuries, people have been fighting blood-sucking insects with varying success. The most dangerous and unpleasant of them is the mosquito. Just like its “colleague” - the malaria mosquito, it spreads several dozen diseases, including yellow fever, malaria and Dengue fever. And for the first time, scientists have been able to identify a natural pheromone produced by humans and birds, which attracts the attention of mosquitoes to them.

Irresistible attraction... of mosquitoes to people

Every year, more than 700 million people become infected with various diseases through mosquito bites. 2 million of them die.

In addition to traditional tropical diseases, these insects have a variety of infectious diseases in their arsenal, and recent studies have revealed the ability of mosquitoes to transmit HIV.

As many years of experience have shown, the use of inorganic repellents against blood-sucking creatures acts with variable effectiveness and rarely leads to the desired result.

Second category6

An attempt to reduce the distance - a desire to distinguish one’s majesty from the crowd of other men. There can be absolutely any reason to approach the beauty. If a person does not suffer from tightness, he will not only approach, but will also attract attention.

Desire to have sex

Many animals lure females with serenades during the mating season. In a man, the timbre changes, notes of hoarseness may appear. They laugh loudly even at banal jokes.

A man's sexual attraction to a woman is also manifested in the position of a suitor. They are either maximally relaxed, or, conversely, optimally stable. If a young man, when communicating with a lady, takes a stable position, or moves from his usual pose to an imposing one, this is a good sign.

And of course, such a frequent hidden sexual signal as a gaze. A possible partner tries to draw all the girl’s attention to himself and look into her eyes. Based on the response, conclusions will be drawn about sympathy

Human sexuality

In animal nature, everything is balanced: a male is attracted to a female solely for the purpose of reproduction. That is, procreation. Have you visited your favorite one? And that's enough, wait for posterity.

A person has an additional desire. On its basis is built sexuality, which animals do not have. A man's sexual desire is aimed at obtaining the highest pleasure - orgasm. And the birth of children may or may not be a consequence. Our attraction does not go away from contraceptive protection.

It is not difficult to notice that sexual attraction is selective: strong towards one person, none at all towards another. What does this depend on?

Third category7

A man who begins to repeat the beauty’s gestures directly hints at open desires. If you ask him why he is portraying a mirror, the answer will be silence - after all, he himself does not understand where the urge to repeat the movement of his interlocutor comes from. The same applies to the manner of conversation; with mutual sympathy, both partners try to copy each other.

Hidden sexual signal

At hidden signals from the third subgroup, the guys begin to “let go.” The bravest ones will try to put their hand on your waist while walking, the more modest ones will take your hand, and the most insecure ones will try to at least touch. If the boyfriend fails, he will touch other objects.

These are just a few of the many nonverbal signs that demonstrate a person's true intentions.

Direct intentions8

Nature is nature, but you should not rely only on hidden signals of the subconscious. A modern young man, in addition to non-verbal messages, will definitely use more direct ways to indicate his intentions:

  • There is a desire to protect the object of your dreams. It manifests itself in attempts to shelter the beauty from bad weather with an umbrella, to move forward in a dark alley, to help with solving difficulties.
  • The man expresses compliments, tries to treat the lady with a cup of something, and gives gifts.

Men's intention

  • He jokes a lot, tries to entertain and make his interlocutor laugh.
  • Sensually reacts to female touches, be it simple hugs or kisses.
  • Eventually, there will be direct invitations to retire.

Features of male desire9

Not only the stronger sex is attracted to women. The latter also tend to experience sexual desire. But guys have some differences:

  • Testosterone is present in all people's bodies. But its concentration in the male body is much higher than in women. Simply put, the male half of the population has higher sexuality.
  • The peak need for sex is observed in boys under 25 years of age. After the third decade, this need decreases. In girls, it is maximally intensified by this age.

Male attraction

  • Attraction on a physical level manifests itself in guys even before they meet. It is enough for them to evaluate the girl’s appearance in order to decide to get to know each other better.
  • Psycho-emotional mood does not greatly affect a man’s sexual desire. Bed games act as a kind of relaxation, minimizing stress and overexertion.
  • Guys can desire many beauties at once. But real desire is activated simultaneously with feelings for a person.

If a representative of the fair half of the population knows how to perceive non-verbal messages, she can build further acquaintance in the most convenient way for herself.

A recipe for those looking for a long-term relationship

It is possible to bring back the faded passion, but this requires conscious efforts from the couple. There is no need to rely on fleeting animal attraction. We need to build relationships at a higher, human level.

First of all, it is an emotional, spiritual connection. It is easiest for a woman to set the right tone for its occurrence. By revealing her innermost thoughts and feelings to her partner, she encourages the man to be mutually frank. Deep trust and spiritual intimacy arises. Then it becomes not just an attraction “I want a woman”, the man experiences feelings: “I want exactly this woman - the one with whom I feel so good with all my soul.”

When sexual desire is revealed in a couple with a deep emotional connection, natural differences in character become not an obstacle in a long-term relationship, but cause additional mutual interest in each other.

Levels of male desire10

It has already been said that young men experience physical desire for many girls. But this is not the only type of attraction that people are obsessed with:

Women's sexual desire

  • After physical attraction (and sex, respectively), he tries to see a close person in the girl, and if he notices, the attraction takes on a different character.
  • Emotional attraction - a girl begins to attract not only her body. I begin to like her character and behavior, some habits. Some people like naive, silly girls, while others prefer mature and experienced ladies.
  • Intellectual attraction - a man admires her temperament, outlook on life, clear mind. It is with this attraction that a smart guy will consider a beauty as a possible future wife. The girl's honesty, elegance and spirituality are assessed.
  • Spiritual attraction - to open such a craving for a woman, the gentleman must have intelligence and wisdom, as well as a completely open heart. A lady is perceived as something dear and dear.

Do not forget that a man can limit himself to only satisfying his needs, especially if the girl could not interest him in more than a simple bed partner. The ability to determine the background of words and actions comes to representatives of both sexes only with experience.

And we suggest you study our next article about why men use only for sex and which girls are at risk, follow the link.

Keeping the fire going in family life [↑]

The attraction of a man to a woman and a woman to a man is fueled by the differences that exist between them. The key concept here is polarity. When a husband and wife are too similar to each other, when they do absolutely everything together, on equal terms, and do not have the opportunity to spend at least some time apart from each other, fatigue gradually creeps into their relationship. And the point here is not only the loss of novelty, but also the leveling of differences between men and women.

It is not for nothing that he recommends that a wife not change clothes in the presence of her husband, and a husband - in the presence of his wife. Not everything in a marriage needs to be shared.

Compliance with the laws of purity of family life, the obligatory periodic separation of spouses from each other (in the physical sphere) guarantees the stability of attraction in all its strength. And this is how the Talmud describes the psychological consequences of observing the law of family purity:

“Why does the Torah command a woman to remain at a distance during the seven days of her uncleanness? Because the husband gets used to her and cools off. Then the Torah said: let the uncleanness be for seven days, so that she may be desired by her husband, as when entering under the wedding canopy" ( tractate "Nida" 316


Marital intimacy, which knows no restrictions, brings complete sensual satisfaction, even to the point of satiety and boredom, and boredom brings disharmony into family relationships. At the same time, spouses who follow the requirements of the Torah and observe the rule of physical distance are not subject to this danger of satiety, and their original love continues to exist in all its strength.

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