Lying is the main cause of illness or why you shouldn’t lie

How to find out the truth: from chewing rice to truth serum

The first techniques for detecting lies appeared thousands of years ago. In ancient China, for example, they discovered that a person forced to lie became agitated and his throat became dry. Therefore, during questions, the suspect was given a handful of rice to hold in his mouth, which he was supposed to spit out after a while. If most of the rice was dry, the person was considered guilty.

Dry mouth as evidence of guilt was also used in more dangerous methods of revealing the truth, and one of them has reached the present day. The Ayida Bedouin tribe in northeastern Egypt are the last to practice the ritual to determine the guilt or innocence of a suspect.

The suspect is forced to lick a hot iron in the presence of tribal authorities. If a person's tongue becomes blistered, it means he is guilty; if it remains unharmed, he is innocent.

The Ayidas reason like this: if a person is guilty, then he becomes nervous, his mouth becomes dry, and the hot metal burns his tongue.

An equally cruel method of revealing the truth was used in Ancient Sparta. Young men, before entering special schools, had to pass a test of courage. They were placed on a rock above a cliff and asked if they were afraid. Naturally, the answer was always negative. But in order to determine whether the subject was really so fearless or just pretending, they carefully monitored the change in the color of his face. If the young man was pale, it meant he was lying. Excessive pallor was associated with an inability to be dexterous and courageous in battle, so such young men were simply thrown off a cliff. Many years of observations led the Spartans to the conclusion that a man who turns pale with fear can never be a good warrior.

In the Middle East, subjects were given a fragile egg and interrogated. The one who could not keep the egg intact was considered guilty. It was believed that when a liar answers a question, his fingers either involuntarily clench more than usual or begin to tremble, causing the egg to burst.

A similar reaction was used to determine deception in Ancient India. During interrogation, suspects were given a gong and asked to strike it lightly when answering questions. The elder alternated between neutral questions and “critical” ones related to the crime (this is what they do in our time). When the question was difficult, that is, the topic was too significant for the suspect, he could not answer simply and completely sincerely. As a result, the blow occurred with a delay or was stronger than the others.

In addition to physiological methods of detecting lies, the ancients also used psychological tricks. In the same China, a person suspected of a crime was sent to a dark room, where he had to pull the tail of a “sacred” donkey and immediately return back. The man was warned: the proof of his guilt would be the cry of an animal. The creators of such a “lie detector” hoped that the criminal would be afraid to pet the donkey - what if he screamed? Consequently, only those who, out of fear of exposure, violated the test conditions, left the barn with clean hands.

And yet, the ideal method has always been when a person reveals the truth on his own, no matter how disadvantageous it may be for him. This method seemed pure fantasy, but only until 1913, when the American obstetrician Robert House gave the woman in labor an anesthetic that included scopolamine. When it came time to weigh the baby, House exclaimed, “Where are the damn scales?” The woman, who was “passed out,” suddenly answered clearly: “In the kitchen, behind the painting.” The obstetrician was amazed: it turns out that a person can give the necessary information against his will, and suggested using scopolamine in the interests of justice without the permission of the suspects.

In 1922, Robert House published an article in a medical journal, “The Use of Scopolamine in Criminology,” and a couple of years later he reported to police officers that his method allows, against the will of the subject, to extract from his memory information “hidden” at the subconscious level of the psyche. Scopolamine, as Dr. House assured his listeners, induces either deep sleep or wakefulness with “turned off consciousness.”

In such an artificial unconscious state, a person can answer questions like a small child - honestly, directly, without trying to evade the answer, deceive or cheat.

The intelligence services became interested in the discovery.

However, truth serum has not become widely used in the United States, partly because such a procedure violates the arrestee's right to remain silent. In addition, under the influence of scopolamine, a person perceives reality inadequately, which also affects the reliability of his words. It is difficult to choose the required dose of the drug, and an overdose can lead to death.

Another possible outcome of the effects of scopolamine is complete loss of memory in the victim.

remove the lies

LIE is a poison that destroys everything human in us.

  • A little lie makes a person inadequate in relation to the object of the lie.
  • A larger lie makes a person zombified in relation to a number of phenomena.
  • The big lie turns a person into a real zombie and makes him jump on the Maidan like a monkey.
  • The great lie forces women, children, and old people to be killed in the name of this lie.
  • A universal lie will destroy Man himself.

What is EVIL? - War?, murder?, cannibalism?, theft?, adultery? violence?

- But all this was and was once considered quite natural... Killing your enemy and eating his heart was once considered valor. People went to watch a murder in the arena, just as people go to the circus now. Sex with anything that moves was once considered the norm. Turning a person into a slave and reducing him to the level of an animal was also the norm. And to take away the last good from the weak and leave him to die of hunger - at all times, right up to the present, it was nature...

So what is it? Is man evil by nature? But where then could the ideals of good arise?

The answer, in fact, is simple: what Man considers good and evil is not the Absolute. The concept of “evil” and “good” has changed over time. What was considered good yesterday may well be considered evil today and vice versa. Everything listed above is evil, from the perspective of our time. But once it was the norm, that is, good.

So “evil” and “good” are invented by man himself, and depend only on the dictates of time: today you can kill, tomorrow you can’t..? So what: you can do whatever you want? - Any evil? For tomorrow history will justify you, almost as the lamb of God?

This is true: the concepts of “good” and “evil” were invented by Man himself. But evil has a mother - the most powerful, faceless and many-faced monster - the ancient curse of Man, which has always, at all times, given birth to only one thing: EVIL.

This monster is a LIE.

It is lies, in essence, that are Absolute Evil . We treat lies very easily: well, just think, I lied a little bit... The world didn’t collapse...

- No. The world actually ended when you told a lie.

Look around you: we are, in fact, living in a collapsed world.

A world without war, devastation, millions of refugees, a world without hunger, poverty, meanness, deception... A world that can be described in three words: beauty, perfection, justice. “That’s what we lost when Man first told a Lie.”

What now?

A continuous stream of lies pouring from television screens, the media, fooling us with false propaganda and distracting us from real problems. The lies of responsible statesmen, the lies of the people’s “elected people” who instantly forget about their election promises as soon as they sit in the deputy chair...

— Isn’t this the “Big Lie” that turns a Man into a trained monkey?

And the outright lie of the highest government official of the most powerful state on the planet, waving a test tube on the podium of the most authoritative organization on Earth - isn’t this the “Great Lie”, which forced the destruction of an entire state in the name of this lie... And humanity “swallowed” this as “normality” - that is : raising accomplished evil to the rank of good.

We all need to understand to what dangerous degree of lies we have sunk: we just have to take one more step, and the world will collapse completely.

Lies always appear under the guise of goodness, truth, and justice. And this is its terrible power. A lie blinds a person, makes him believe even the wildest nonsense and pushes him to the most monstrous acts. Lies tenderly embrace, lull with sweet flattery: “They are stupid, they are wrong. You are always right." Or shouts: “You are blind! They are enemies! Kill them!".

Remove lies from a Man’s life and the very concept of “evil” will disappear along with him.

At the heart of absolutely all atrocities in the world - from the smallest to the greatest - lies the distortion of information, lies a LIE.

For Man is controlled by information.

- But what else? After all, distortion of information appeared long before Man. A tiny bug, for example, can pretend to be a tree branch or a formidable predator. But this is initially a distortion of information, that is, in essence, it is a lie.

But no. Mimicry—pretending that a “bug” is a branch or a formidable predator—is a way for this insect to survive. And this method has undergone adaptation in nature for a huge number of years, with its uncompromising, cruel laws of natural selection. And, in the end, he merged with nature as a natural being, establishing harmonious natural connections with other natural phenomena.

And nature, which is in harmony with nature, which is in harmonious cause-and-effect relationships with other natural phenomena, can no longer be a lie, and cannot be evil. Because it does not cause destruction.

This is not a lie. For a lie always destroys established natural connections .

Man also uses distortion of information to enhance his personal survival. But, unlike the example with the “bug,” his distortion of information is not in harmony with his environment – ​​with his society. And it brings disharmony and destruction to this society.

This is a LIE.

FALSE – is a distortion of information that brings destruction to the phenomena with which this information is associated.

Ideally, Human society should be a harmonious phenomenon of reality, with clearly established harmonious connections both within society and in the relations of society with the outside world. A lie sown by a person increases his personal survival at a given point in space at a given time. But it spreads like a fan throughout society, bringing destruction into it. Moreover, the greater the distortion of information, the greater the lie, the greater the destruction it causes, the wider it spreads in society. We can even make a certain scale of the state of Man and his society, depending on the degree of lies in it:

  1. A little lie makes a person inadequate in relation to the object of the lie.
  2. A larger lie makes a person more zombie-like in relation to a number of phenomena.
  3. The big lie turns a person into a real zombie and makes him jump on the Maidan like a monkey.
  4. The great lie forces women, children, and old people to be killed in the name of this lie.
  5. A universal lie will destroy Man himself.

And the clearest example of this: the collapse of the USSR. The main lie that doomed the USSR to collapse even at the moment of its birth was the law of the “builder of communism,” which formed the basis for the construction of Soviet society: “Sacrifice everything, even your life, for the victory of communism.”

This false premise brought powerful destruction to the main law of existence of every human individual - the law of his survival. For the law of survival: “Survive! Survive everywhere and always. Survive, no matter what the cost!” is the main thing for absolutely all biological life on the planet. Including for Man.

What is surprising is why we, and science - first of all - tore Man away from this law. Allegedly, Man no longer obeys this law. Allegedly, the Human Mind allows him to ignore the Law of Survival: “Man, his Mind, is above the primitive Law of Survival...”.

No. No. And no.

A person, no matter where he is, must first of all survive - as a physical body. All his life activity, in fact, obeys, first of all, the law of survival. Only it survives not in nature, but in human society. A person must be well-fed, clothed, shod, healthy, and have a roof over his head. Only by providing all this, a person will be able to do the rest: fight for freedom, democracy, take care of friends, develop spiritually... First of all, a person must survive. And it doesn’t matter what kind of system: socialism, capitalism or feudalism - it, first of all, must survive.

And this is true: only after a person is able to ensure the existence of his physical body in society, a person will be able to love and engage in family, children, favorite hobbies, grow spiritually... For all this will not happen if he cannot simply survive.

The society itself, which cannot ensure the survival of the majority of its members, is doomed to destruction.

That is why it was impossible to build a society based on the law: “Sacrifice everything, even your life, in the name of the victory of communism.” The law of survival does not allow this.

But Stalin managed to do the impossible: he not only introduced this law, but made the law of the builder of communism the main one. And on its basis he built a completely new society.

This is only possible in one case: if failure to comply with the law “sacrifice everything, even your life, for the sake of the victory of communism” almost certainly leads to his death. Only in this case, the “law of the builder of communism” becomes an integral part of the law of survival of the individual in society.

It was also possible to combine these two laws into a single whole in only one way: repression, repression, repression... It was for this substitution (of the law of survival) that the Soviet people were forced to pay such a cruel bloody tribute, in the form of repression and the Stalinist Gulag. The life and survival of every citizen of the USSR, including the life of every Soviet official at any level, directly depended on how “holy” he believed in the “father of all nations” and followed the “law of the builder of communism.”

It was possible to build socialism in a single country, surrounded by a hostile capitalist world, only and only in this way. For, in accordance with the natural laws of evolution, humanity first had to completely go through all the stages of capitalist society, know all its sides: both good and evil, and had to “mature”, grow evolutionarily to socialism.

Tsarist Russia could not “just like that”, overnight, jump over the entire stage of capitalism - into socialism. For the entire way of life, the social and cultural development of the peoples of Russia, and the development of the economy and technology - everything raised the masses in Russia, who “matured”, “grew up” to the freedom of private enterprise, but not to the ideas of a universal national economy. Only by continuously paying bloody tribute could these masses and, in general, the peoples of the USSR be kept, so that they would not slide back to their natural stage of development - into capitalism (and some into feudalism).

And only Stalin's death stopped this continuous blood sacrifice. But stopping this repressive mechanism meant the beginning of the end of the USSR. For the law of survival immediately came into its own - in its natural form. And, sooner or later, every individual, the peoples of the USSR, had to demand a comfortable, safe life, successful material well-being, freedom of speech, self-expression, the highest cultural and spiritual development, etc. - everything that the law of survival in a highly developed, civilized (socialist) country.

But it was precisely thanks to this bloody sacrifice that the society itself - the USSR - gained fantastic survival rates. His embryo managed to grow in the conditions of a brutal civil war. He managed to rise in conditions of post-war devastation, widespread illiteracy and severe hunger. And, in the end, it grew into the most powerful superpower, which - an unprecedented, unique case in the history of the planet - managed to withstand the battle with the greatest Evil - the fantastic power of a united Europe (what fascist Germany turned it into).

Stalin built an amazingly survivalist society with new laws of survival. The isolation of the USSR from the rest of the world only helped this. Here it is appropriate to draw an analogy with the above example of the formation of mimicry. Man in the USSR, having gone through the most severe selection of Stalin's laws of survival, grew into a new Man, with a completely different vision of the picture of the world, with different ideals and values, with higher spirituality than Man from the capitalist world. This was already a man of the socialist world.

The survival rate of the new, Soviet Man, in the end, became the highest in the history of the Earth.

Let us remember: by the end of the seventies of the last century, for the first time in all the years of Soviet power, the Soviet people were able to straighten their shoulders. For the first time, after devastation, famine, a terrible war, Stalin’s terror, the people began not only to survive, not to cling to survival, but began to truly live. Guaranteed housing and work, high-quality universal medical care, the best education in the world, the highest cultural level - everything became available to him.

But it could have been even better: to live at such a level of prosperity and well-being that no one in the world had ever dreamed of. That is: survive at a much higher level. The highest level of spirituality and universal literacy, economic self-sufficiency of the USSR allowed this. And the people understood this.

I just didn’t see what exactly was preventing this.

It was then, in the seventies and eighties, under the conditions of the new, Soviet man, with a new (socialist) vision of the picture of the world, that it was possible to carry out reforms in the country corresponding to this new man. What unprecedented heights could the society of the USSR reach...

But the poison of lies had already taken deep roots: the opinion of a better life in the West was widely spread among the people. It was this false information that became the main factor that, in the late eighties, directed the emerging discontent of the people into the direction of protest. But this protest, in fact, was not aimed at changing the political system, but at demanding improvements that socialism and only socialism could provide .

But the local ruling elite also understood all this. They just looked from the other side: they saw perfectly well how the elite lived there, “over the hill.” And they, first of all, it was they - the local party and Soviet elites - who passionately wanted to change the existing system, wanted to join capitalism. This is the only way they could become Rockefellers.

So a situation arose when “the lower classes did not want, but the upper classes could not” live in the old way. The “tops” - the highest political power in the country - found themselves paralyzed. For the basis on which they relied was the very local party and Soviet elites who were eager for capitalism with all their souls. Which became the main driving force behind the coming revolution. These elites had to take the very last step: lower the standard of living in the country so that a classic revolutionary situation would arise.

Which is what was done.

A lie about the Western way of life, which, by the way, suited the local party and Soviet elites perfectly, pushing them into direct collusion and sabotage, unwittingly supported by the masses, plus Judas, who also dreamed of becoming an “elite” in the Western sense, reaching the pinnacle of power - that’s what destroyed the USSR.

But if people knew about real life abroad... If there were no lies... Everything would have turned out completely differently.

What about the West? By the same eighties, he came with a clearly defined deep economic crisis. Moreover: not the usual crisis of overproduction, which shook Western society every few decades, but a deep systemic crisis - a crisis of the entire system of capitalism. The West, as a world order system, was on the verge of collapse.

So what: the notorious “reagonomics” saved him? - No. A thousand times no. One and a half trillion dollars of investment will save absolutely any economy, even the most thieves in the world. Reagan did just that. And here, just in time: the collapse of the USSR and the system of socialism.

The West got “for free” something for which it is ready to rip the throat of anyone who stands in its way (world wars alone are worth it...). The West received fantastically huge markets and access to the richest resources. They could not even dream of such a miracle.

The West was saved. But if it were not for the collapse of the USSR, today we would be announcing sanctions to the West. And the West would obey. Resignedly.

Alas, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood.

And what happened then?

One and a half trillion dollars did not breathe new life into the US economy, but only delayed its end. The lie about the prosperity of the West has done its job for them too. For example: the basis of the US mortgage crisis at the beginning of the century was laid precisely then, during the years of the collapse of the USSR and the holy faith of the West in its steadfastness. The masses, firmly believing in the eternal prosperity of America, “grabbed” mortgage loans in abundance. And when the economy fell into place, sobering came, and it turned out that there was nothing left to pay...

What now?

We see the agony of the Western way of life, based on the lie of the “eternal West”, as well as the “eternal Rome”... Russia, unfortunately, “jumped on the bandwagon” of capitalism, which is already heading into the abyss. From there all her troubles and misfortunes...

But remove the lies and everything will fall into place.

I just want to shout: “REMOVE THE LIES!!!”

Remove the lies, at least from responsible statesmen. Elevate their lies to the level of a state crime. And you will see how our lives will change.

Alas, today it is a utopia.


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