Types of sexual preferences of men and women. Is this normal or a disorder?

Interests and inclinations in choosing a profession

Genuine interest is accompanied by actions aimed at the object of interest:

  • study of an object of interest
  • reading, watching videos
  • experiments with it
  • practical activities with it: development and repair, sewing, cooking, etc.

This very active interest in any matter is the inclination towards this matter. We do not consider bare declarations.

You ask: well, maybe the boy doesn’t have time to read and experiment, he’s studying lessons?

I will answer. A person always has some time and energy for something that interests him.

Is this correct13

Anyone who observes some signs of certain sexual preferences should not be embarrassed or, much less, feel afraid. After all, elements of, say, voyeurism accompany us even on television screens (obvious sexual connotations in advertising slogans for lingerie).

Videos of a pornographic nature are also the most obvious voyeurism. But if it already becomes noticeable that certain sexual preferences are becoming predominant or without them full sexual satisfaction is simply impossible - the conclusion is clear, you need to visit a sexologist, and in some cases, a psychotherapist.


Professional inclinations when choosing a profession

One girl says she wants to be a psychiatrist. As you can see, she is not interested in a school subject, but downright in her profession! But has this girl even read anything about psychiatry? Strange, but no, I haven’t read it. But she read a lot about other things - about the human body, about organ systems, about proper nutrition and muscle function - she already knows a lot about this!

But why doesn’t the girl read about psychiatry and watch videos? I'm finding out. It turns out that she is not interested in learning about psychiatry. It turns out that the girl herself is not inclined towards psychiatry. It turned out that psychiatry was my mother’s idea and an unrealized dream. That's it! However, you won’t last long on your mother’s interest. I need my own. And the girl’s real interest bore fruit - she now knows a lot about what she was really interested in. She doesn’t just read, she studies the anatomy and physiology of movement and nutrition - but with an eye to her future profession. So here we can safely say that this is her professional inclination towards somatic medicine.

What is important to know about inclinations, inclinations and abilities?

The tendency is manifested in the child’s desire for a certain type of activity - drawing, playing music, writing. But remember that along with a true inclination there can also be a false (imaginary) one. Hobby can be active, but the results are only mediocre.

False inclination is most often the result of parental or teacher, or coaching suggestion, or self-hypnosis. If you notice that the inclination is imaginary, do not apply strong pressure to improve results, get out of the situation gently, accustom yourself and the child to the idea that there are countless interesting activities, and he will still find his true inclination.

Sometimes parents really want to give their children a musical education, and that's fine. However, my advice to you is to find out at the initial stage whether the child has a true inclination towards music, whether he has the inclinations for a serious musical education. After all, it’s no secret that playing music takes a lot of time, so it’s physically impossible to engage in any other attractive activity.

If the inclination turns out to be false and the results are consistently mediocre, never get annoyed or accuse your child of laziness! You will only poison your own life and leave a deep wound in the child’s soul, because he suffers greatly because he did not live up to your expectations. Look for a worthy way out: light irony about stable failures, Baba Yaga’s humor towards herself. The fact that a child can play an instrument and is musically educated can undoubtedly be useful to him in life, and more than once, brightening up his earthly existence.

If you see that a lot of work does not bring the expected result, but the teacher encourages you, consult with an independent specialist, switch to a gentle regime of classes, support the tendency to another type of activity if you notice it in your child.

Know! It has already been experimentally proven that children with weak musical abilities can successfully learn music - there are numerous methods for this. Even in those children who had no ear for music, after intensive training using the appropriate methodology, stable pitch discrimination was formed.

However, the differences in the quality of abilities between children who have natural musical abilities and children who have been trained using special methods are very significant. Children with perfect musical ear only need a few exercises to successfully complete the task. A child with a weak ear for music needs to create additional singing pitches.

With a true inclination, one observes not only a gravitation towards a specific activity, but also the rapid achievement of significant results and progress towards mastery. True inclination forms an emotional-volitional attitude towards the chosen type of activity, and this attitude can help overcome difficulties on the path to success. In such cases, we can talk about the manifestation of special talent.

Aptitude is the earliest sign of ability. An inclination signals to you the presence of certain prerequisites for the development of abilities. And know that children often develop a desire for a particular activity quite early. Be attentive and careful to the manifestation of early talent.

Children are not equal in their abilities and cannot be equal, and parents know this well. Abilities are distinguished between general (mental) and special. The properties of a child’s personality that ensure relative ease and productivity in mastering knowledge determine the child’s general abilities. Special abilities determine the properties that ensure the achievement of high results in knowledge and creativity in a special field, for example, in music, theatrical art, and literature.

How to determine abilities? Ability is understood as a set of properties of a human personality that meet the requirements of a specific activity, and each ability has its own structure with supporting and leading properties. And, of course, the analysis of abilities is always carried out in comparison with others.

For example, in the structure of the ability to draw, the supporting properties are figurative memory, the high natural sensitivity of the visual analyzer: a sense of form, proportion, line, light and shade; the leading properties are the properties of an artistic creative image.

Practice has shown that special abilities are organically related to general (mental) abilities, so try not to stop training to develop them. The higher the general abilities are developed, the faster and more intensively the special abilities can be enhanced. In turn, the development of special abilities can have a positive effect on the child’s intelligence.

When talking about a child’s abilities, we always pay attention to his inclinations, that is, to what nature has given him as a gift. By inclinations we mean the primary natural basis of ability. Congenital characteristics of the brain are manifested in the typological characteristics of a person, changing in the process of life. These typological features appear in the child very early. They are the primary natural properties of your child - his inclinations.

Typological features have multifaceted significance - they form the natural basis of both character and abilities. Mobility, strength, and balance are important for the formation of both general and special abilities. The strength of nervous processes, combined with balance and mobility, contributes to the formation of many personality traits.

A weak nervous system that is highly sensitive can favor the development of artistic abilities, and parents must remember this - be sensitive to such children. The artistic type is characterized by figurative thinking, emotionality, integrity and vividness of perception. This type usually includes musicians, writers, actors, and painters.

The thinking type is characterized by the power of abstract thinking. The thinker transfers a fact from reality to the abstract world of reason. A passion for science can lead to one-sidedness (one-sidedness) in development. People who have balanced both systems, and these are the majority, belong to the average type. The majority of exceptionally gifted people also belong to this type.

Observe your children's behavior. If their imagination is developed, imagination prevails over abstract thinking, then they have a system of the first type, artistic. Look for a tendency and develop it in a child, and perhaps it will help lead to success in life.

Do not forget that abilities are a combination of natural and acquired, they are measured by the level of skill. Take care of yourself and your children, study their typological characteristics, never lose heart and live happily

Tags: observation, abilities, psychology, artistic abilities, inclinations

Real interests lead to knowledge.

So, when a person is actively interested in something, he automatically acquires knowledge about the subject that interests him. Therefore, during career guidance, we cast nets into the child’s knowledge. And sometimes the catch can be very rich! The teenager shows deep knowledge - in history, electrical engineering, paleontology...!

One adult uncle told me this: I was interested in learning English. About five years ago, interest appeared.

And what? - I'm asking.

Answer: But two weeks ago the interest ended.

- And you…. never started learning the language...? - No.

Well, what can you say about such interest, dear readers?

This is not interest. This is a kind of cautious question to myself: shouldn’t I go out to people? But this is not an attempt to reach people. It didn’t come to an attempt, because intellectual work is an unknown thing for this person.

But maybe interest fades due to fear that it won’t work out or laziness...

What is laziness? This is a lady who sometimes comes to each of us. But she is just a mask. And under the cover is psychological trauma, fatigue, lack of motivation, lack of work habits, lack of training.


You can get information using tests. They can be general or highly specialized.

First, the individual must pass general tests so that the researcher understands which properties predominate in him. Testing requirements:

  • standardization - the procedure must be uniform in order for the results to be reliable;
  • reliability - questions must be tested in practice;
  • unbiased attitude towards the subject on the part of the researcher.

The results obtained are announced, and other tests are compiled on their basis.

When determining creative inclinations, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of creativity:

  • semantic flexibility;
  • creative thinking;
  • originality of associations.

Aptitudes and abilities when choosing a profession

They ask me: if there is interest, but there is no opportunity to realize this interest, can you somehow check this? For example, you want to sing, but you don’t have a voice.

My answer is this: during career guidance, I will definitely listen to how the person sings. We all know cases when an artist is a favorite of the public, but his voice is not strong (Mark Almond, Mark Bernes, Maya Kristalinskaya, Zemfira,..). What if you have incredible artistry and charm. And then you can capture people’s hearts without a special voice.

And if there is no artistry, then we move on: your talent lies elsewhere.

Normal career guidance is based not only on interest, but also on a person’s capabilities - physical, mental, human. And Live career guidance has the opportunity to test abilities.

I do not believe in determining abilities by the stars, or by the pattern on the fingers, or by his mobile phone number, or by DNA analysis. The last one, however. possible, but very limited. For example, if we learn from DNA that a given person has very fast thinking, then this still does not indicate any profession: after all, in many places a fast mind is needed.


Many psychologists have studied the problems of developing abilities. They tried to answer the question why some people develop quickly and reach great heights, while others cannot find themselves throughout their lives. Based on the ongoing research, several methods have been compiled that allow you to find a hobby and develop talents.

Abilities should not be confused with inclinations or talents. Makings is a “dormant” potential that may not be revealed until the end of life. Talents will break through, no matter what a person does. Abilities help an individual develop in an area of ​​interest.

Determining interests and inclinations when choosing a profession

How can parents understand what opportunities a child has? And what are his interests? What things in the world around you can fascinate a child?

Very simple. Let your son and daughter try a lot.

Well, the child tries it out and gets carried away with it. We see that the child has developed an inclination towards some kind of activity. He demands that we buy him cutting tools and a head with a wig for his hair.

And what? So that's it? Is he already a hairdresser?

Here, dear parents, be afraid of overloading your child. He said “la”, and you ran and bought him a piano right away. Don't do that. Let his interest mature. Take the interest seriously and give it a chance to try on someone else's instrument. If you want a drum set, don’t buy it right away. Let him work for someone else for now. Still, the installation is expensive and, having purchased it, you internally begin to expect improved results. And they may never exist. But the child needs to try. Let him try and at the same time the strength of his desire, his inclinations will manifest itself.

World of Psychology


Inclination (English disposition) - in the psychological sense, inclination is any positive, internally motivated attitude (attraction, interest, etc.) towards someone.
occupation. The psychological basis of S. is the individual’s stable need for a certain activity, when not only the results achieved in it, but also the process of activity itself are attractive. Developed self-esteem is also characterized by a long, insatiable desire for activity and a creative attitude towards its change, development, and the constant accumulation of knowledge and improvement of skills and abilities corresponding to this activity. Such an inclination, which has all these characteristics, is called a vocation. Inclinations develop, as a rule, in unity with corresponding abilities and act as a factor, a component of giftedness. Syn. inclination. (A.B. Orlov) Addition: In another sense (English susceptibility) inclination is a predisposition to something, the presence of conditions for the occurrence of something, exposure to something. Examples: tendency to be overweight, to get sick (tuberculosis, schizophrenia), to illusions, to panic, to overvalued ideas (in psychopaths). (B.M.)

Dictionary of a practical psychologist. S.Yu. Golovin

Addiction is an individual’s selective orientation towards a certain activity, encouraging him to engage in it. Its basis is the individual’s deep, stable need for some activity, the desire to improve the skills and abilities associated with this activity. The emergence of an inclination is usually a prerequisite for the development of corresponding abilities, although there are cases of mismatch between inclinations and abilities.

Psychological Dictionary. I. Kondakov


  • Category. — subjective representation of elements of the motivational-need sphere.
  • Specificity is a form of reflected motivation. Realized in various life choices.
  • Synonym: interest.

Great encyclopedia of psychiatry. Zhmurov V.A.


  1. in psychiatry - any psychological or physiological dependence on a drug, addiction to it. Originally, the term referred only to physiological dependence, that is, those biochemical changes in the body that were thought to motivate patients to continue taking the drug. Since the line separating both forms of dependence is still insufficiently defined or even ephemeral, the semantics of the term was subsequently expanded, and then it was decided to replace it with the term “dependence” with appropriate clarifications;
  2. very general meaning - the ability or strong and constant tendency, attraction to certain actions. Approximate synonyms: attraction, desire, predisposition, predisposition;
  3. sympathy bordering on a feeling of love.

Oxford Dictionary of Psychology

Addiction is any psychological or physiological dependence of the body on a drug. Originally, the term was used only to refer to physiological dependence, when a drug causes such changes in the body's biochemistry that it is necessary to continue taking the drug, often increasing doses (see tolerance), as occurs with opiates and with alcohol. However, the line between a purely physiological addiction and psychological dependence is not very clear; and in recent years the semantic scope of the term has expanded. Even in the specialized literature there are statements such as “the patient had a penchant for chocolate cake.”

The confusion that has arisen with such loose use of the term, as well as the difficulties in defining it that have arisen as various official agencies have attempted to restrict the use of licit drugs, have led the World Health Organization to recommend the use of the term "dependence" with appropriate definitions in cases where when it comes to medications, drug addiction.

subject area of ​​the term

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dictionary of terms
glossary / table

Literary ability

A writer requires not only good imagination, a sense of language, a creative mind, but also life experience. Therefore, literary talent manifests itself quite late. This can happen during adolescence or adulthood. However, some prerequisites can be seen already in preschoolers. These include:

  • love of books;
  • the ability to retell the plot in an engaging and logical manner;
  • large vocabulary;
  • interest in writing your own stories and poems;
  • rich fantasy.

Encourage your child to try to come up with a fairy tale on his own, read interesting books together, play games with words and rhymes. Even if the child does not become a great poet, these classes will play their role in Russian language lessons.

It is important for parents to pay special attention to the development of creative abilities in preschool children. It is during this period that you can teach them to think originally and express themselves freely through different types of activities. During school years, the education and socialization of children for life in society comes to the fore.

About all types of inclinations

And so let’s begin the story about the distinctive features of each of them separately.

Life. When blocking an opponent's blow, your character gains 20% health from the possible blow. For example, an opponent throws a punch to his left hand. You blocked her. The blow was dealt with 100 damage. Your character receives, resulting in +20 health.

Very suitable for blockers, lucky ones, and reaction dodges.

Of death. When you deal damage to an opponent during battle, your character receives 20% of the damage dealt. For example, your character hits an opponent with 100 damage. As a result, you receive +20 health.

Very suitable for lucky people and critics.

OK. Damage dealt to your character is reduced by 20%. For example, an opponent hits with 100 damage. With this tendency, your character will only receive 80 damage.

Very suitable for tanks.

Chaos. Damage dealt to opponent increases by 20%. For example, your character hits with 100 damage. The force of your character's blow will be 120 damage.

Very suitable for critics and lucky people.

Intellectual abilities

Inclinations towards history, physics, biology or chemistry usually appear in adolescence. The following evidence indicates a child’s possible talent for science:

  • curiosity;
  • excellent memory;
  • interest in learning;
  • observation;
  • the ability to concentrate on intellectual pursuits for a long time;
  • attempts to conduct their own experiments, experiments;
  • love of reading encyclopedias;
  • passion for puzzles, riddles that challenge intelligence and logic.

Creative abilities of preschool childrenThe child’s abilities are just beginning to form, so it is important to guide their development along the right path.
A future scientist requires not only deep knowledge in a certain field, but also the ability to creatively work with information, formulate problematic problems, and independently find their solution. To develop mental activity, invite your child to solve interesting tasks that require careful analysis of the situation and flexibility of thinking. Play games that develop voluntary attention, teach you to make predictions, and come up with effective strategies.

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