Is courage the absence of fear or the ability to control oneself?


Achieving success while understanding the danger of the situation is called courage. Willpower is a component that forces a person to complete the actions he has started. Unlike courage, which is an emotional experience, courage is a conscious form of behavior and decision-making in life-threatening situations. The definition of this type of fearlessness also includes:

  • a person’s ability to control fear;
  • willingness to take justifiable risks for the sake of a goal.

Society has a false idea that the concepts of courage, bravery and courage are completely synonymous.


Courage arises when assessing a situation and manifests itself in thoughtful volitional actions. Its outer emotional manifestation is courage. Courage is a complex quality that combines:

  • restraint;
  • confidence;
  • wisdom;
  • courage;
  • assertiveness.

Courage makes a person move towards his goal through hardship and suffering. A person endowed with courage is aware of the danger and riskiness of his actions, but is able to sacrifice himself to achieve his goal.

If a brave person accepted the challenge, it means his mind assessed the circumstances and made a decision. Only then will you need the courage to bring your plans to life.

In psychology, courage is defined as the ability, in a critical situation, to quickly make a decision that is necessary to complete a task.

Courage is character.

Author : Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa

Fear... This feeling is familiar to each of us. Fear of an important event in our lives...

Fear of not making a mistake... Fear of making a choice... Fear for loved ones and relatives... Fear of appearing stupid, uglier, inept, etc. Ultimately, the fear of death. There are people who are inexplicably afraid of certain things without realizing the source. This often manifests itself from childhood. This could be fear of water, heights, speed, forests, animals. And all these fears live with us, haunting us like a shadow.

It feels like you don’t lead the actions in your life, but fear does, passing this or that through your filter, and therefore you subsequently do only what your sense of fear does not react to. You become a prisoner of your consciousness. There is no freedom in you! There is no looseness in you. There is a string of thoughts that circles around you and does not let you go where you can be yourself. There is, of course, justified fear, but for the most part this is also a game of the mind and consciousness. There is practically nothing impossible for a person. It is not for nothing that there are many stories where, in varying degrees of shock, a person copes perfectly with something that he could not even think about before. And all because for that second, at that moment, he simply didn’t think about fear, he finally forgot about it and did what he had to do or what he wanted. Moreover, usually after such personal feats a person conceals incredible pride in himself under his heart! It’s as if the sweet aroma of good luck spreads inside, which immediately becomes an incentive to do something else like that. It's nice to feel independent and confident. This internal feeling of freedom and the realization that you can now do anything gives you the strength to live on and smile. But most importantly, it shows you an example that you can and should fight fear in some things! Fear is just one of the human feelings, which is completely within the control of a person, only if he resolutely wants to step beyond the line of fear. Remember the fear before the exam...And now remember the feeling after you passed it. This contrast of two completely opposite feelings in a short period of time gives unforgettable emotions, which subsequently give self-confidence. Now remember the fear, for example, of flying on an airplane. This, of course, is normal - the instinct of self-preservation kicks in, but then, when you soar in the air and look out the window, you feel so calm for a moment, and you understand that you would never have seen this beauty if you had succumbed to your your own fear! Everyone has their own destiny! And it will work out one way or another, but we all have only one chance to enjoy life, to take everything, to try a lot! So let's take advantage of these fleeting seconds, and therefore be free from everything that prevents us from enjoying life's flight! Fear can be conquered, you can get rid of it if you are close friends with courage. A person is designed in such a way that at a moment of danger, an alarm goes off, this is the so-called self-preservation instinct. And when a person is at rest and is overcome by fear, this is a “parasite” in your imagination. Being careful and convincing does not mean being afraid... Bravery and courage does not mean driving yourself into danger, risking your life. Everything has its own limit. There is no need to be afraid of what others are not afraid of, there is no need to show courage in those actions that others are afraid of. Fear is a feeling. Courage is character. Don't let fear break your personality!

The relationship between fear and courage

Fear acts as both a counteracting and a driving force for the individual. The most common phobias are:

  • darkness;
  • confined space;
  • violent death;
  • spiders, snakes, aggressive animals;
  • speaking to an audience.

Fear is the opposite of courage as a defense mechanism. The instinct of self-preservation forces a person to retreat in a critical situation. Behavioral psychology defines courage as a person’s developed (or innate) ability to suppress the protective mechanism of self-preservation, which is expressed through fear. A brave person controls his behavior and thinking. Courage, like a habit, can be developed by increasing a person’s confidence in himself and in his actions.

Courage and fearlessness

In the generally accepted understanding, courage is associated with such characteristics as fearlessness, courage, heroism, valor and bravery. Psychologists define courage as the ability to act quickly in dangerous situations (both for life and health) to achieve a goal.

Courage is a sign of good character that makes people worthy of respect. The enemy of courage is the fear of failure, loneliness, humiliation, success, and public speaking. And in order to keep your psychological state in balance in extreme situations, you need to be able to resist fear.

courage is

The Soviet psychologist, Platonov K.K., identified 3 forms of fearlessness: courage, bravery and bravery. A brave person achieves results in any situation, consciously imagining all its dangers. It is different with brave people: they enjoy danger and emotional experiences. As for a brave person, then, according to the definition of a Soviet psychologist, for such a person a sense of duty is higher than fear.

Fearlessness and courage are the antipodes of fear, which must be cultivated in oneself to achieve success and victory. Moreover, fearlessness should be understood as the ability to control behavior when feeling a feeling of fear.

Courage test

A person’s ability to control fears and behavior in an uncomfortable situation is determined using psychological tests and research techniques.

Testing is carried out by psychotherapists upon admission to leadership positions and educational institutions.

Kalashnikov technique

Testing is based on assessing the reduction in performance under hazardous conditions.

Algorithm for conducting research using the Kalashnikov method:

  • a platform of 50x50 cm is used;
  • the platform rises sequentially by 50, 100, 150 cm;
  • Study participants are asked to jump up after each lift.

In subjects with a low level of courage, the height of the jump decreases as the height increases (from 25 to 52%). The jumps of brave participants depend slightly on the rise of the platform (6-8%).

A humorous example of daily manifestations of courage is the burgomaster from the film “That Same Munchausen,” who went to work every day, overcoming reluctance and timidity. The burgomaster himself characterizes his actions as follows:

“I won’t say that this is a feat. But in general there is something heroic in this.”

Ways to Strengthen Courage

The development of will helps a person to control his own fears. Courage can be trained in several ways.

Accepting Fears

A person needs to realize that phobias are not a character flaw, but a defense mechanism in potentially dangerous situations. It’s worth telling yourself: “This spider/room/group of people is scary” and finding the plus of this fear for life.

You need to understand that the absence of a restraining instinct is not courage, but madness.

Development actions:

  • write down every fear on paper;
  • divide the points into groups according to their intensity: weak, moderate, strong;
  • determine the meaning of each phobia, the disadvantages of their presence;
  • start overcoming the small and most harmful fears.

Controlling the functioning of negative brain mechanisms (inability to talk to a stranger, sleep in the dark, etc.) will help train willpower. In such exercises, you need to clearly understand the reason why fear needs to be eliminated.

Admitting Defeat

The reason for inaction is often the fear of failure. To overcome this obstacle, you need to imagine the worst outcome in your head 2-5 times.

To develop courage, you need to learn to accept responsibility for mistakes made and possible future negative consequences. Failures are transformed into life experiences that will help you move more productively towards your goal.

Fear can only be subdued by meeting its source. Avoiding a problem makes it much more difficult to fix it. A person trains courage through his own mistakes, learning to accept his fear and defeat.

Leaving your comfort zone

New situations that cause fear are most effective in strengthening willpower. A person on an instinctive level is afraid of the unknown. To develop courage, you need to persevere on the path to your goal, meet and communicate with new people. Overcoming fear and internal inhibitions forces the brain to adapt and control anxiety.

Any new activity requires a positive attitude. Psychological studies have established a 90% dependence of success on positive expectations. To develop courage, you will have to tune in to the positive outcome of a new action. Courage does not lie in ignoring fear or recklessness, but in a person’s trust in the people around him.

People who are not socially courageous avoid social environments.

They usually distance themselves. When in society, they mostly prefer to remain silent, they are unable to have fun and look tense. Because of this, they give the impression of “arrogant, cold, narcissistic” individuals.

Client who applied for consultation: Since time immemorial, I was a shy, lonely, introverted child, but then there was a school, willy-nilly we participated in its public life, socialized. That is, friendly relations developed one way or another. School is over, work has begun, and today I feel especially lonely.

Dr. Basak: You don't keep in touch with your old friends?

“Over time, contact with them was lost. They will offer to meet once, twice, but if you do not agree to meet for the third time, they will not invite you again, and, of course, this is fair.

Dr. Basak: Why did you not respond to their invitations with consent?

— I don’t know, I didn’t feel comfortable with them. I don't know what to talk about, how to joke. I was worried like a little child. And when I got worried, I closed myself off and retreated back. Having gotten used to the idea that spending time with them was not fun, but torture and stress for me, I began to stay at home and eventually became distant. And, what’s most unpleasant, they consider me arrogant, proud, insensitive, they think that it’s unpleasant for me to communicate with them. One of my old friends told me about this a few years later during our chance meeting. And I just didn’t have the courage to be in their company.

Dr. Basak: People who lack social courage avoid society. They can be very courageous in many other areas, but they experience anxiety, fear, excitement when talking with unfamiliar people and the need to participate in the conversation. In society, as a rule, they prefer to remain silent, unable to relax, which creates the idea of ​​them as “arrogant, cold, narcissistic” subjects.

I thought I was weak and infirm

- With such a perception, it is hardly possible to talk about any close relationships. As soon as I am invited somewhere, I seem to see myself sitting silently in the corner, as if tensely waiting for something. At this time, tension only increases, it seems to me that everyone is looking at me and thinking: “What a lonely and unhappy person.” This may seem ridiculous, but how can I explain why it is so difficult for me to be in society?

Dr. Basak: I don't think this is at all ridiculous, since this is not the first time I have heard about such sensations. That is, these are not only emotions inherent in you: women, men, youth, elderly people, those who have education or not - these are fears that can arise in every person. How fear of cats, dogs, heights, airplanes, being in a social space or public speaking can be a cause of fear and anxiety for many people. This can be called social phobia or social anxiety, the symptoms of which are: avoidance of meeting new people, anxiety when speaking in public or presenting a report, fear of criticism from others, anxiety while being in public places, turning down proposals for a meeting. For example, you cannot return a product that is not suitable for you to the store, or when you are in society, your arms and hands are unable to find a place because you are focused on how you look and what needs to be said.

“I felt a little better when you said that these fears visit not only me. I thought I was weak and infirm, and I delved into myself too much. For quite a long time now I have not felt happy, because I am dissatisfied with myself and very lonely. Since there is a name for what is happening to me, I hope there is a way to get rid of it.

There is also a cure for social anxiety

Dr. Basak: Like all other phobias, social phobia is, of course, also treatable. Recent scientific research shows that one of the most effective treatments for anxiety disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy, which contains techniques aimed at identifying the thoughts and mental images that cause unwanted disorders and behavior patterns in a person, and changing them. For example, you share with your therapist your thoughts about the situations in which you feel the most fear, reconstruct the relevant scripts, and learn techniques to confront them. You will apply these methods first in therapy sessions (role-playing games and other techniques), and then in practice in life.

When, over time, you learn to cope with situations in which you are afraid, your self-confidence will increase, as well as the motivation to apply everything you have learned. In addition to individual therapy, you may also benefit from group therapy. In this form, you will have the opportunity to apply the techniques you have mastered as part of a small group of people, coming into contact with whom you will improve your social skills.

In some cases, along with psychotherapy, drug treatment is offered. However, do not forget that, as with all other medications, this should be done under the supervision of the doctor who prescribed the medication. Taking medications unknowingly poses a serious threat.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.


The scientific definition of the word is a feeling that is associated with emotional overstress or excitement. Quality can be described as action despite fear. Showing courage does not require deep analysis and a balanced decision; a reason is enough.

If willpower is undeveloped, courage arises spontaneously. This is an instantaneous, not always rational acceptance of unsafe conditions.


The peculiarity of courage lies in the presence of pleasure from periodically experienced emotional contrasts. A brave man finds satisfaction in proving his abilities. Insane courage is more dangerous than courage without a well-thought-out plan of action. Uncontrollable emotional impulses push people to do things that bring adrenaline pleasure.

The line between courage and boldness

The explanatory dictionaries of Dahl and Ozhegov equate these concepts. In fact, courage and boldness are manifestations of one human character trait, fearlessness. The two facets are united not by the absence of fear, but by its presence and the ability to recognize it, overcome it and control it.

The difference between courage and boldness is the motive of the actions performed. Showing courage is an opportunity to show your true self to the world. A brave person responds to another person's will by resisting it.

Courage without fear is madness

Fear when assessing unsafe situations is inherent in all sane people. This is a protective reaction of the body that occurs in a dangerous state of affairs and generates an emotional outburst that sends impulses to the brain about the need to avoid the threat. Fear paralyzes the will, making us defenseless and unable to resist.

There are no fearless people. Just remember the film comedy “Striped Flight”, when the character, refusing to go into the cage of predators - tigers, said: “I’m not a coward, but I’m afraid.”

courage, boldness

A brave person is still not fearless, but one who takes risks, knowing in advance the full danger of the situation. But the ability to overcome feelings of fear and dread is considered courage.

Thus, courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to control emotions, to manage oneself, one’s actions, and actions when feeling anxious.

Examples of courage in life

The ability to go against the will of another person or circumstances is the most obvious manifestation of courage. Such actions often go unnoticed, this is due to:

  • personal modesty;
  • unwillingness to become famous, since courage is fueled by adrenaline without the goal of becoming famous.

The following are two examples of a person resisting the will of another or circumstances:

1. Guardian of the Golden Gate.

San Francisco is home to the famous Golden Gate, one of the most recognizable buildings in the United States. The bridge has gained popularity not only among tourists, but also among people with suicidal tendencies. Officer Kevin Briggs has been patrolling the area for more than two decades, helping people overcome suicidal thoughts.

Briggs talks to suicide victims, convincing them to accept his point of view. Sometimes force has to be used, as people often take firearms to kill themselves. The American police conducted an analysis that found that thanks to Kevin, 2-4 people are saved every week. The ability to resist someone else's will out of good intentions is a manifestation of courage.

2. Victim of the Titanic mechanics.

The crash of a passenger airliner was a case of selfless bravery. Eyewitnesses claimed that the Titanic was illuminated almost until the moment of complete sinking, despite the fact that all the people on the ship tried to leave it.

The act of self-sacrifice of the mechanics and stokers of the Titanic helped save the lives of passengers. Members of the ship's crew remained at their jobs while passengers quickly left the liner. The crew's bravery in the face of death provided light on most decks and saved hundreds of people.

Life examples of courage are not only actions during emergency situations. A person’s inner courage can manifest itself in work (firefighters, doctors, etc.), in overcoming one’s own fears of the outside world.

Basic activities for developing determination

A person who does not provide a quality way out of a situation does not have determination. The result is uncertainty, slowness, poor performance, constant hesitation, and lack of courage. In such cases, prompt assistance will be required. It is necessary to cultivate this important state of mind and body.

Useful tips, look:

Several steps to help develop determination:

  • Practice independent exit and position;
  • Courage in decision making;
  • Overcoming laziness;
  • Work on yourself;
  • Setting and achieving goals.

Don't show your insecurities in the workplace. You should take on any duties. As a result, resistance to difficulties and stress will develop. Accordingly, the development of courage is guaranteed.

Laziness is the main obstacle to achieving a goal. It needs to be overcome first. Your own motivation and the words “I can”, “I will do it” will help you cope with laziness.

Working on yourself and your qualities will help you find a way out of any situation. You can't give up. If you still fail, don’t despair. By analyzing the situation and identifying the cause, you will be smarter next time.


In psychology, courage is viewed as a demonstration of bravery with a clear display of contempt for fear and threat. Studies of the human brain demonstrate the dependence of courage on a person’s psychotype. This quality is more common in choleric people with a tendency toward sociopathy.

In 2004, an experiment was conducted at Stanford confirming the connection between courage and adrenaline levels. Research stages:

More than 9,000 people have gotten rid of their psychological problems using this technique.

  • experimental rats (later humans) were forced to jump from great heights;
  • rodents were placed in chambers at a temperature of 75 °C, then the temperature was lowered to -65 °C;
  • The researchers analyzed the participants' blood and urine.

In life-threatening situations, the brains of individuals prone to courage released more adrenaline than those of other participants in the experiment.

For the average person, courage is the desire to move towards a goal, understanding the danger of the situation. Courage does not imply a complete absence of fear. A defense mechanism may be present, but a person’s willpower and internal attitudes suppress the instinct of self-preservation.

It happens that courage is compared with recklessness; this is an erroneous interpretation of human behavior in a crisis situation.

Recklessness is characterized by a complete shutdown of fear and an unwillingness to think about possible negative consequences. A sense of courage is safer for a person than madness, but also goes beyond the instinct of self-preservation. A person with this type of thinking does not assess the riskiness of his actions.

In cinema, fearlessness is a very popular subject. The Oscar-winning Forrest Gump tells the story of a soldier who, despite his physical limitations, was able to save half of his platoon in the Vietnam War.

The duality of courage

This quality belongs to the category of neutral, that is, capable of bringing benefit and harm to a person equally. Courage is ambiguous; it can cause harm when a person cannot separate personal desires from the primary task. Because of this, courage often develops into selfishness and pride.

Courage means overcoming fears that prevent you from moving towards your goal. Due to the duality of feelings and the suppressed instinct of protection, a courageous person is unpredictable, his motives are often illogical.

In this context, courage differs from heroism, which arises as an internal resistance to fear and injustice. Heroism is a unipolar feeling related to the positive qualities of a person.

Innate and acquired courage

The human ability to sense danger was formed several thousand years ago in the process of evolution. The hippocampus and anterior cingulate cortex are responsible for fear and fearlessness in the human brain. Bravery, drive, and willpower are not innate character traits. The propensity for each feeling is built into the brain and can develop like the muscles of the body. A person can increase courage through:

  • moderate risk (approaching a stranger, going on a trip), which activates cells in the prefrontal cortex and forces the body to react and overcome an obstacle;
  • training willpower (introduce a new habit), which is a fundamental factor for the formation of courage in a person.

Any manifestation of fearlessness is inherent in a person from birth. Courage can be strengthened and made to serve you to your advantage. Therefore, we can conclude that fearlessness is an innate quality that needs to be developed.

How to develop courage

How to develop courage

Even in ancient times, great philosophers often thought about courage and courage. Thus, Socrates once participated in a discussion about it with two Athenian generals. And Aristotle in “Eudemic Ethics” not only talked about this, but also gave his own definition. According to him, courage is something between fear and recklessness. Cowards are often exhausted by a lot of fear, especially in situations where there is nothing to fear. Reckless people take risks in situations that would require some thought. A courageous, brave person finds a balance between these two extremes. He is not without fear, but he minimizes risks because he knows how to avoid unnecessary problems.

According to Wikipedia, courage is an act of will, performed consciously, the implementation of which requires the individual to overcome fear.

Also known is the Internet meme “Dementia and Courage,” which depicts Dale the chipmunk, the hero of the animated series “Chip ‘n’ Dale.” This definition has several interpretations, but the essence can be expressed this way: to be brave, you need to be reckless. About the same as Don Quixote. He risked his life for the sake of honor and nobility and in this he is similar to the courageous Aristotelian man. The difference is that Cervantes’s hero was a little crazy, while Aristotle insisted that this very trait does not allow a person to be called courageous. Bravery is most likely independent of intelligence: the two concepts are completely unrelated, although they do allow for the creation of unique and interesting characters.

Let's immediately decide that, despite some controversial differences, courage and courage are still the same concept. And this is a quality that needs to be developed regardless of gender. Every person will face many challenges in their life that will require the ability to act in spite of fear. Moreover, if you do not develop yourself as a person, you can get to the point where talking to a stranger on the street will be considered an act of courage.

Now let's give our definition. Courage is a learned character trait in which a person overcomes his fear for a specific goal.

Attributes of Courage

Since there are several definitions of courage, it is important that you find out for yourself what it means to you. And for this you need to find out what its attributes exist. This exercise will also help you identify your level and understand where you should strive.

Feel fear but act anyway

Courage is moving forward even when you are afraid. It is not the absence of fear, but rather the victory over it.

Imagine that you are walking along a crumbling wooden bridge, and there is impenetrable darkness below. We need to move, because a lot depends on it. However, not everyone: if you turn, few will judge you. You won't starve and the world won't end up in chaos. But if you pass, you will defeat yourself and make yourself and your surroundings a little better.

Be persistent in the face of adversity

Problems are part of life. There will never be peace, there will always be adversity and failure. But the one who does not retreat, but goes forward, will not only achieve success, but also strengthen his character.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “The hero differs from the common man in that he exhibits courage five minutes longer.”

Follow your heart

It is very difficult to show courage when there is no passion in the soul, there is no higher goal. And even if it’s scary with her, it’s clear why you should go through all the hardships. Odysseus knew why he was taking risks and overcoming all obstacles.

If you have a passion in your heart, it will lead you in the right direction.

Expand your horizons, let go of the familiar, get out of your comfort zone

The world simply demands to be explored and studied. Despite the development of science and technology, every day some persistent and brave person discovers something new.

Once you lose interest and curiosity in the world, you will perish as a person. But if there is a desire to study and learn, then you will more often show courage, take risks and go far where no one has gone before.

Stand your ground if you are absolutely sure that you are right

If you are confident in something, especially if you have studied the issue, gained solid experience and have subjected your opinion to criticism, then stand your ground to the end. There are unshakable things in the world: to protect the weak, to achieve justice and not to remain silent when everyone around you believes in lies. There is always a temptation to hide and not stick out with your opinion, so as not to get hurt, get more money or a new position. But only this will eat you up from the inside.

Every time you remain silent in a situation that requires a moral tirade, the world becomes a darker and more unpleasant place, and you lose respect for yourself.

Facing suffering with dignity and faith

Dale Carnegie said that no matter what obstacles a person faces, he must go through life with a rose in his buttonhole. Aristotle wrote that he is fascinated by those who, when faced with adversity, face them with dignity and faith.

How do you react when something bad happens to you? Do you take it for granted and try to fix everything or look for those to blame, blame circumstances and evil fate?

Types of Bravery

There are different ways to show courage. Depending on this, let's sort it by type.

Physical courage

This is often the type that comes to mind when we hear the word “bravery.” Myths and stories about courageous warriors who save others, risking their lives, filled our childhood memories. Every country is proud of its heroes, makes films, writes books, and composes ballads.

Intellectual Courage

Humanity at all times of its existence has faced a huge number of problems: lack of food, air, soil and water pollution, and much more. We are inspired by the examples of many geniuses or mere mortals who had the courage to challenge old ideas and come up with new ones.

Many have given their lives for displaying intellectual courage, from Socrates to Galileo. Others were persecuted for a long time - Francis Bacon, Charles Darwin, René Descartes - but they did not retreat.

These people, with rare exceptions, did not pick up a sword or a machine gun, but sometimes risked no less than those who bravely defended their homes.

Moral courage

Moral courage can be described as the strength and determination to follow what one believes is right, regardless of the disapproval of others. History is full of examples of such people who showed moral courage.

The first example that comes to mind is Gandhi, who liberated India without having either an army or political influence. The only thing he had was moral courage. He knew what values ​​he stood for and did not retreat a single step. He could have been killed, he was threatened and demanded to surrender. But this meant betraying himself and Gandhi did not agree to this.

Humanity needs individuals who are willing to demonstrate physical, intellectual and moral courage. They are the ones who move history forward and allow us to believe that man is not just the next stage in the development of a wild animal.

How to develop courage

It takes time to develop courage because it is associated with fear. And wherever it is present, you need to do a lot of work and have a lot of patience. What do you need to do to develop courage?

How to develop courage

Step One: Remind Yourself of Past Successes

One of the most effective exercises that will help develop courage and self-confidence.

No matter how bleak the current situation, there were times in the past where you excelled. Even if you achieved these successes in other areas of your life.

The more often you remind yourself of how you have already shown courage, the faster you will adjust your psyche in the right way. Ask yourself:

  • What are my greatest successes?
  • Where have I succeeded in the past that will help me find inspiration in the present?
  • How have I been able to overcome obstacles that have gotten in my way in the past?
  • What exactly did I do? What exactly were you thinking about? How did I talk to myself?
  • What act of courage am I most proud of?

Undoubtedly, you have had moments in your life when you needed to show courage and succeeded. Moreover, not everything was planned in advance, but rather was a spontaneous decision. Use these memories for your current situation. If the past sometimes influences our actions in a negative way, then why not use it for positive changes?

Step Two: Create a Resource List

Often we lack courage because we simply don't believe we have enough skills, support, knowledge or experience to achieve our desired goals. If this is the case, then it is important to start developing a list of resources.

A list of resources can be created by simply listing everything you might need to improve your self-confidence and achieve your goals. It's similar to how you pack a backpack for a hike: water, compass, blanket, phone, spare battery for it and other useful items. You don't have to use all of them, but it's important to know that they are there.

You may need to read several books to gain valuable knowledge. Some may say that this is not real courage, because such a plan is not needed by a courageous person: he can simply take a piece of bread and a bottle of water and try to survive in difficult conditions. But this is stupid advice. Show courage, not recklessness.

Some people still find it difficult to decide to do something brave because the fear inside is extremely strong. In this case, you need to move in small steps. If you want to conquer Everest, first at least spend a weekend outside the city in a tent. This will be a great experience and will allow you to see what resources are needed and exactly how to use them. In short, start gaining practical experience.

Step three: ask yourself the right questions

Courage emerges when we face adversity. At such moments, you cannot retreat into your comfort zone, you need to move forward, no matter the cost.

But this does not mean that you need to move forward blindly. First, analyze the situation in which you find yourself. Ask yourself solution-oriented questions:

  • How can I overcome this?
  • What's the next step?
  • What options do I have?
  • How can I use them?

If you ask yourself questions like these every time you encounter trouble, it will become a habit. Now you will not react with the usual flight, but will begin to think about how to overcome the problem. This will allow you to develop flexibility of thinking.

Step Four: Increase Physical and Mental Endurance

It is impossible to show courage out of the blue if you did not know how to do it before. To begin to face life's adversities with courage, you need to increase your endurance, both physical and mental. This will raise your stress threshold so that you can cope with high levels of stress without becoming emotionally upset. You will have the ability to make courageous decisions throughout the day, not just when the mood is right.

Movement creates positive emotions, so go in for sports: run, swim, go to the gym. The better your physical condition, the easier it is to get into a fighting state.

To increase mental toughness, take a course on emotional intelligence, meditate, and do breathing exercises.

Step Five: Plan Carefully

One of the reasons you lack courage is uncertainty. When you're not sure what might happen, you don't want to move forward. And, of course, one way to reduce this uncertainty is planning.

Planning is about assessing the risks and creating a suitable course of action that will minimize the impact of potential obstacles that may be encountered during life's journey.

In other words, you need to identify a list of possible problems, evaluate their impact, and then develop an appropriate action plan. The valiant and glorious knights of the past did not strive to commit a heroic act without thinking through exactly how they would act. Of course, there is often an element of impromptu, but you always need to prepare.

Step six: study biographies of successful and courageous people

Courageous people have specific beliefs, values, and worldviews that help them have the courage they need to achieve their goals. Moreover, they talk to themselves in a certain way, make firm decisions and take decisive actions.

By being in their company, you will be able to adopt most of their habits and begin to change your personality.

But if there are very few such people around or it is difficult to get to know them and maintain close communication, books or films will help. For example, for many of those who want to live in the tundra or other difficult conditions, Bear Grylls has become an idol. He is called the only person who will be afraid of zombies in a zombie apocalypse.

Of course, books and videos cannot replace real experience, but they can push you to take decisive action.

Step Seven: Create Mantras and Affirmations

Brave people also use mantras and affirmations, so don't think that this is some kind of deception where courage is replaced by a set of thoughts about courage. This is a completely common practice of strong people.

The way brave people talk to themselves helps them move forward despite fear. Everyone is having a dialogue within themselves. Only the weak use completely different phrases and words.

You can create your own mantra starting with the words:

  • I am brave.
  • My fears only spur me on, but do not frighten me.
  • I am strong and can overcome all obstacles.

Yes, of course, these are just words, not confirmed by actions. But now it doesn’t matter: the main thing is that they carry the necessary emotions and allow you to look your fear in the eyes.

If you imagine your mantra, that is, use visualization, this will only be an advantage. Visualize in your head the difficulties and how you deal with them. When you imagine an image with a powerful word, it creates an emotion that allows you to move forward.

Step Eight: Create a Fear Journal

The very name “fear journal” does not evoke any pleasant emotions. Well, who in their right mind would want to write down their fears and conjure them up in their imagination? But that's what strong people do. They look their fear in the eye so often (even if only in their imagination) that they stop being afraid of it.

When you learn to quiet your fear and your knees stop shaking, you will finally be able to analyze and manage your thoughts and emotions.

What is even more surprising is that by writing down some fears, you can find out that they are not worth a damn. When we call phobias and fears by their proper names, we often understand that there is absolutely nothing terrible about them. What scared you was the fear of thinking about fear.

Another positive thing about keeping a journal like this is that you can learn from your experiences. For example, when faced with one of your fears, you need to sit down in a quiet place that same day and ask yourself two questions:

  • What lesson can I learn?
  • How can I use this to develop my courage?

Regardless of experience, asking questions like these allows you to look at fear from a completely different perspective.

Step Nine: Regularly do what you're afraid of

Lastly, do something you fear regularly. To start, go back to your journal and write down what you were afraid of doing during the day. Your goal for the next day is to do half of what you were afraid to do yesterday. After all, this is best practice. Prepare for new adventures and go into battle.

We wish you good luck!

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We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Traps of happiness
  • Some fears of modern man
  • How to raise a Man in yourself?
  • Definition of values
  • The benefits of failure and failure
  • Overcoming Fear
  • Stoicism: main principles
  • How to deal with the fear of rejection
  • What is fear and how to overcome it
  • Overcoming Fear of Failure

Key words:_D1043, _D1052, 1Psychoregulation

Life examples of cowardice

The definition of the term is refusal to act or act in a specific situation; the reason for inaction is fear of the source of danger.

Weakness of character, which interferes with a person's actions, makes the owner like an animal that does not control its behavior under the pressure of fear. It is necessary to distinguish a coward from a person who may be afraid.

A healthy personality is able to subdue fear and avoid rash behavior. A coward is unable to overcome panic and take actions that are in line with moral standards (or refrain from violating them).

Refusing to take a risky action may be a sign of caution or cowardice and depends on the specific circumstances. A coward will not discuss salary payment problems with management for fear of losing his job. An adequate person is able to overcome internal discomfort and resolve misunderstandings.

Some examples of cowardice:

  • the refusal of a young man to stand up for a girl for fear of being insulted or drawn into a fight;
  • in the face of general condemnation, a coward will not speak out in defense of a friend, worrying about negative remarks addressed to him;
  • fleeing or injuring oneself during military operations in order to avoid participation in battle.

Every person is endowed with fears that can be suppressed by willpower. Sometimes they control behavior. Cowardice becomes the reason for trampling moral norms in an unpleasant situation for the sake of personal illusory peace of mind. The illusion is that avoiding confrontation with fear strengthens it.

A literary example of cowardice was Evgeny Onegin, the main character of Pushkin’s novel of the same name. Evgeniy wanted to give up the duel with Vladimir Lensky, but fear of being judged by society forced him to participate.


A person independently controls his character by feelings and the presence of certain qualities. It is up to him to decide whether to be decisive or constantly become a coward in the face of any situation.


People who lack this quality find it very difficult to live, work, have fun, and make decisions. Usually these creatures are unhappy, do not advance in their careers, and are unlucky.

The peculiarity of determination is that it is associated with many qualities. Among these are:

  • Courage;
  • Luck;
  • Mind control;
  • Strength of will;
  • Confidence.

It is impossible to be indecisive and brave at the same time. The above points appear only in a strong person who knows how to lead and control all qualities. Such people are not cowardly; they know how to control their minds and move forward, achieving their goals.

Biography of Eugeniusz Lazowski: salvation by typhus

Among the heroes of World War II there is a not very well-known name of a doctor of Polish origin, Eugeniusz Lazowski, who was able to save more than 70 thousand people from death in concentration camps. Before the start of the war, the young scientist was successfully engaged in private practice, but German troops changed his plans.

Having arrived as a medic in the Auschwitz camp, the doctor and his childhood friend came up with an effective and reckless way to save the camp prisoners from genocide. During his peaceful practice, Lazovsky discovered that dead bacteria of the causative agent of typhus give a positive test result. Using this fact, the doctor created a massive false epidemic.

This brave act had an effect because of the Nazis' sensitivity to the health of their own soldiers. The Nazis closed the camps for quarantine to protect the German population.

The doctor maintained the illusion of an epidemic until the arrival of the Soviet army. For 3 years, Lazovsky saved more than 60 thousand Poles and 10 thousand Jews from death. After the surrender, Evgeniusz left for the United States, where he resumed his medical practice. The doctor repeatedly asserted that his actions were guided by a sense of duty to suffering people.

Bravery in literature

Writers often turn to the theme of fearlessness, which is deeply developed in works describing military operations.

Vasily Terkin in Tvardovsky’s poem of the same name was not a daredevil from birth. Vasily is a soldier who is ready to sacrifice his life to defend his homeland. Courage, bordering on recklessness, is manifested in the episode of crossing an icy river under Nazi bullets.

A century earlier, Tolstoy, in his epic novel War and Peace, described in detail the Battle of Shengraben and the little captain Tushin. This is an unremarkable warrior, in whose figure there was something “completely unmilitary, somewhat comical, but extremely attractive.” During the battle, an ordinary person shows courage and heroism, covering the retreat of the army. Tushin performed his duty without realizing his feat. The courage with which he is ready to cheerfully accept death delights and encourages the soldiers, resurrecting courage in them.

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