What is Ataraxia? Meaning of the word ataraksiya, philosophical dictionary

Brief Definition

So, ataraxia is a definition of behavioral qualities of a person, which is characterized by a complete absence of fear, worry and anxiety. In other words, a person who is in this mental state behaves extremely calmly, insensitively, impartially. Both negative and positive emotions are alien to him, therefore he completes any work, any task he has started, as if in one breath, without changing his mood, technically and impartially. It is worth noting here that only now this term is used exclusively by psychologists, characterizing the mental state of their clients. Previously, he was related exclusively to philosophical teachings, and therefore his history is extremely interesting.

ataraxia is

The origin of the word

Ataraxia in philosophy is, first of all, peace of mind, serenity, composure and equanimity. Conditions that could only be achieved in their mature, or even in their old years, by the wisest philosophers and healers of the ancient world. The word itself originated around the fifth century BC, and Democritus of Abdera is considered its “father”. However, in his writings a specific description of this mental state occurs only occasionally. In subsequent years, Aristotle began to develop this topic. In his concept, ataraxia is like a special definition of virtue. With this term he denotes such qualities as courage, restraint and dispassion.

ataraxia in philosophy is

Ataraxia in ancient teachings

During the period of prosperity of ancient philosophy, this term became very widespread in such movements as skepticism and Epicureanism. Some researchers also believe that ataraxia in philosophy is precisely the starting point that made it possible for these teachings to develop, because they are essentially based on it. Skepticism teaches us that we should pay attention, first of all, to facts. There is no need to be distracted by various hypotheses, reflections and other nonsense. Only with the help of proven material, objects that can be seen and touched, reality is built. In Epicureanism, ataraxia is the basis for receiving pleasure. Slaves and women came to the philosophical school, which was founded by Epicurus. The basis of the teaching for this stratum of the population were the following dogmas:

  • No fear of the gods.
  • No fear of death.
  • The benefit can be easily achieved.
  • Evil can be easily survived.


  1. Vavilov S.I.
    Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Volume 03 // Great Soviet Encyclopedia / Second edition. - M.: State scientific publishing house "Big Soviet Encyclopedia", 1950. - 720 p.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Solopova M. A.
    Ataraxia // New philosophical encyclopedia / Institute of Philosophy RAS; National social-scientific fund; Pred. scientific-ed. Council V. S. Stepin, deputy chairmen: A. A. Guseinov, G. Yu. Semigin, student. secret A. P. Ogurtsov. — 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mysl, 2010. - ISBN 978-5-244-01115-9.

School of Stoicism

Concepts such as apathy and ataraxia are closely related to the doctrine called “stoicism,” which appeared in the Hellenistic era and lasted until the fall of the Western Roman Empire. In earlier years, these terms were not fundamentally different, and the words were considered synonymous. Later, ataraxia began to be called the ability to behave with restraint, coolness and prudence, making the right decisions. Marcus Aurelius, in turn, believed that such psychic abilities appear in a person after he has experienced certain events and encountered difficulties that made him more callous and sensible. It is worth highlighting here that it is on the basis of his teachings on this matter that all the developments of modern psychologists are based.

ataraxia disease

Qualities of an Adept: Apathy. Ataraxia

The adept has a consciousness that has achieved the unity of the individual embodied personality with his divine nature, purpose, function in the universe.

In modern practical psychology, ataraxia is a state of complete absence of fear, usually after experiencing emotional stress. Apathy is understood by laymen as indifference, indifference, a detached attitude towards what is happening around, in the absence of a desire for any activity.

In the history of ancient philosophy, the terms apathy and ataraxia, which are quite close to each other, were understood differently.

Apathy is dispassion, a worldview devoid of personality and individuality, detached from the subject, which only sages who have curbed their egoistic passions are capable of. The Stoics understood apathy as an important characteristic of the virtuous state that a sage possesses. In late Stoicism (Seneca, Marcus Aurelius), “apathy” has the meaning of the ability to dominate oneself.

Ataraxia - equanimity, inner calm, is closely related to the “epoch”, that is, with abstinence from judgments and evaluations. Epoche is a state of open-mindedness of the mind rather than of feelings or emotions.

In the emotional, sensory sphere, apathy corresponds to euthumia : equanimity, emotional calm and constancy of the emotional plane, which is achieved through combining introspection with the practice of pratyahara. Democritus recommended euthumia as a way of life. Cicero considered euthumia “the highest good,” while Seneca considered it only “tranquility.”

Epicurus clarified this formulation, separating the concepts of aponia (absence of physical pain) and ataraxia (peace of spirit, absence of disturbance of the soul and mind). In his opinion, a person could achieve true pleasure only if he had both aponia and ataraxia. This, in his opinion, is the peak of the state of joy that a person can achieve, and it must be distinguished from dysthymic melancholy (“black bile”) and enthusiasm.

Epicurus defined pleasure as the absence of bodily pain and mental suffering and anxiety. Anxiety in the soul arises from false opinions about gods and death, which cause fear in people. Sober reasoning, which leads to ataraxia, eliminates false opinions.

Ataraxia is a concentration on the most general and important things, i.e. on your own True Will. According to Aristotle, Ataraxia serves as the source of such virtues as restraint and courage.

Ataraxia is a holistic conscious attitude of the adept to any of his states, to his own personality, to any phenomena, things or events directly related to his own current incarnation.

Ataraxia is achieved by perfecting the student in the first five stages of Raja Yoga:

  1. Yama is the primordial state, co-present awareness in thought, word and action.
  2. Niyama - control of behavior, reactions, diligence.
  3. Asana - control of the body and its condition.
  4. Pranayama is the control of breathing and the associated circulation of prana, vital energy, and pneuma.
  5. Pratyahara is detachment from objects of sensory perception, emotions, thoughts.

This is how the Practitioner will develop the qualities necessary for an Adept.

  • Samyasa is the simultaneous practice of the three highest stages of Raja Yoga leading to Mastery.
  • Dharana - concentration, concentration and retention of the object of the mind, firmness of intention.
  • Dhyana is unity with the object of thought while maintaining personality, the point of maximum personal presence.
  • Samadhi is the unity of the perceiver and the perceived.

An alternative to the yogic practice of Samyasa are the Zen practices of zazen and koan.

Zazen involves the further development of pratyahara through the gradual cessation of internal dialogue until the phase of achieving satori (enlightenment).

Koan is a method of sudden enlightenment through a strong existential experience, cognitive dissonance that occurs as a result of the irrational resolution of the dichotomy of logical thesis and antithesis.

From a medical point of view

In contrast to ancient philosophers, modern psychologists perceive the term “ataraxia” in a completely different context. A disease, a disorder, a deviation, which is often acquired - this is how ataraxia is characterized these days. Most often it is covered by psychologists as an intermediate phenomenon in human behavior. On the one hand, ataraxia manifests itself as a consequence of severe stress. The body, enclosing itself within the framework of restraint, composure and indifference, protects itself from further emotional shocks. If ataraxia is achieved in this way (and not artificially, through spiritual practices), then it can have very serious consequences.

ataraxia how to achieve

What does this disease mean?

Many modern researchers are often interested in the question of what ataraxia and aphasia are together and how these concepts are related to each other. So, a mental disorder such as ataraxia, if acquired naturally (a consequence of stress), can lead to more serious disorders in the functioning of the brain. The most famous case is considered to be aphasia - a speech disorder due to damage to the functioning of neurons in the left hemisphere of the brain. It is worth noting that the functioning of the speech apparatus remains healthy. Syntactic norms of speech, morphological or phonemic may be distorted.

Definition in modern medicine

Psychologists believe that ataraxia is somewhere on the border between the healthy psyche of a person, who has certain character traits that have nothing to do with a deviation, and a disorder, more often acquired.

The acquired state of emotional emptiness is considered as a defensive reaction of the body that has experienced an extremely stressful situation. To avoid further stress and possible traumatic events, a person’s subconscious puts a certain block and limits a person’s mental ability to experience strong emotions. This explains the lack of fear in some people even in extreme, life-threatening conditions. People who do not know the concept of ataraxia consider such actions to be a sign of masculinity and courage, not realizing that their loved one needs the help of a qualified psychologist, and his behavior has already gone beyond the norm, manifesting itself in the form of pathology.

What factors can lead to the development of such a condition as ataraxia:

  • constant state of stress and depression;
  • psychological trauma experienced both in childhood and in adulthood;
  • the specifics of the work, which requires constant emotional outbursts, which leads to burnout and the development of apathy;
  • overstrain associated with constant containment of negative emotions, the inability to throw them out and express them;
  • organic brain damage;
  • taking a certain group of medications, in particular tranquilizers and psychotropic drugs.

These reasons can contribute to the development of ataraxia as a deviation from the norm of behavior. Under the influence of external and internal factors, a person ceases to experience any emotions, which is already considered a disease.

Symptoms of the disease in a person that are left unattended by loved ones can lead to disastrous results. Ataraxia, left without seeking medical attention and timely correction, can provoke the development of aphasia, a speech disorder caused by disruptions in the functioning of neurons in the left hemisphere of the brain. Another consequence of a condition such as ataraxia can be a state of deep depression.

We achieve our cherished goal

For many sages of the past, as well as for many people of our time, ataraxia was one of the most interesting topics in psychology and philosophy. How to achieve such a state, how to stay in it constantly and not injure yourself? Let's try to figure this out. We have already decided that such a condition can be a consequence of stress. In this case, ataraxia will be considered a disease, a deviation.

It’s a completely different matter if you yourself, as it were, lower yourself into a pool of serenity, impartiality and calm. You will have to practice for years, perhaps based on some mistakes and life experience. With the right attitude and desire, you will gradually become more thoughtful and cold towards little things. Attention will be focused only on the most important, and soon the worldview will radically change.

what is ataraxia and aphasia

The concept of Ataraxia in other categories

The state of internal balance is studied not only by philosophers. Also, the goal of achieving emotional stability and high self-control is of interest to both individuals and sciences such as medicine and psychology.

In psychology

Photo: thesun.ie
At the same time, it is the concept of “apathy” that is widely known thanks to the definition that psychology gives it. From the point of view of this science, apathy is a state of passivity, detachment, detachment from reality. This often manifests itself in avoidance of reality by spending many hours in virtual reality, listening to depressing or aggressive music, being fascinated by fantasy and imaginary worlds, separating oneself from society by violating the laws and unspoken rules of society (sometimes in the form of choosing anarchist associations, subcultures), fixation on one idea. In this case, they talk about some unfavorable condition for a person, which disrupts his life and can be dangerous not only for himself, but also for other people.

In medicine

Not everyone is interested in philosophical practice. But a certain resistance to stress develops in every person, and he copes with life’s difficulties, controls his emotions and is able to remain in a relaxed state. But in the event of severe stress, overstrain of the nervous system threatens human health. Nervous tension and an excess of stress factors can cause numerous diseases of internal organs or aggravate chronic ones.

Achieving ataraxia from a medical point of view is not too different from the philosophical definition, but is achieved in a conservative way. Special medications are used to reduce anxiety, restlessness and tension.

Practices of ancient sages

In order to independently achieve the state of ataraxia, first of all, you can use the so-called commandments of Epicurus, since they are focused on obtaining asocial pleasure, which is closest to a person. So, the bottom line is this: to achieve happiness, a person needs to avoid bodily suffering. At the same time, his soul must remain in complete weightlessness. There should be no love, no hatred, no other feelings in it. In the end, a person will need friendship with like-minded people who can share his point of view and philosophy. It will also be a very useful practice to refuse to perceive mutually exclusive concepts, such as grief-joy, beauty-ugliness, life-death, etc. But it is worth realizing that there is no such thing as truth. Everyone has their own, and everyone has a personal point of view and judgment.

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