Signs of a psychopath - the main features in human behavior

People are accustomed to identifying those around them with emotional outbursts as psychopaths. So, in speech patterns, unbalanced people in queues, in traffic jams, or simply rude passers-by can become psychotics. In order to know how to recognize a psychopath among your environment, you need to focus on the main signs of psychopathy.

Psychopathy signs can be confused with a nervous breakdown


First of all, you need to find out what psychopathy is? This deviation is a pathological syndrome, which is characterized by a pronounced hypertrophy of certain personality traits, namely heartlessness, deceit and self-centeredness. Thus, in male psychopaths, the hallmarks are a lack of empathy, the manifestation of extremely superficial emotional reactions and the inability to genuinely empathize. Of course, they have emotions, but, according to experts, they cannot clearly identify them.

Forgive yourself

The main condition for freeing yourself from the influence of a psychopath after a breakup is to forgive yourself. You were not a criminal, but a victim, and therefore you may feel like a complete fool, but you are not.

Anyone can fall prey to an experienced psychopath, and it happens every day in all walks of life and at all levels of society.

You couldn't have foreseen this, but now you are much less likely to experience it again. Perhaps you can help others see the signs of such relationships around them - or at least realize - that there are evil people, virtual wolves in sheep's clothing, who seek to destroy the lives of others without remorse.

About behavior

There is a myth that psychopaths are mentally disabled people. However, according to experts, this is by no means the case. Mostly psychopaths at the average level. Often among them there are people who have extraordinary intellectual abilities.

attacks of aggression

There is an assumption that Hemingway and Gogol had signs of a psychopath. In men, as in women, the disease is the result of pathology of the central nervous system. Manifests itself in emotional imbalance and lability. According to experts, the behavior of men with signs of psychopathy is openly theatrical, demonstrative in nature and often contradicts socially established norms. It can manifest itself in different ways. It all depends on the form of the pathology. For example, with severe psychopathy, a person is characterized by attacks of aggression. A psychopath with a mild manifestation of pathology controls his actions. By creating the image of a friendly person, he will easily gain your trust. At the same time, in pursuit of his goal, he successfully uses cunning and sophisticated methods in relation to close people.

Differences between men and women

Having an idea of ​​how to identify a psychopath, it can be difficult to figure it out because of the gender of the interlocutor. A woman and a man have a different psychological structure initially, therefore the processes of nervous system disorder can occur in different ways.

For example, male psychos often behave quite calmly in society, but behind the ostentatious confidence there may be a hidden danger. They think through their behavior and appearance in advance, so during a short conversation, deviations in behavior may not even be noticeable. Such individuals often achieve heights in business and are recognized as attractive people. Women who fall under the spell of such people can find out about the true face of the chosen one much later, in everyday life.

A psychopathic woman often demonstrates through her behavior that she is unbalanced, excitable, and easily succumbs to depressive moods. Such women often do not pay attention to the feelings of loved ones and are dry in their expression of emotions. At the same time, they often arouse interest among the opposite sex due to their ability to conduct cold calculations. The victim of such a lady will sooner or later feel the lack of love and selfish behavior that begins in adolescence.

About the characteristics of psychopaths

Regardless of the type of pathology, men with this disorder are characterized by deceit, high impulsiveness (often they cannot control themselves), and inability to sympathize and repent. Such a person is very resistant to social infection. This is due to a lack of reflection and empathy. Therefore, a psychopath cannot correctly assess the consequences of his actions. The instinct of self-preservation and deep emotions are also not characteristic of them. He feels more comfortable in the dark, and therefore is more active at night. Prefers strong drinks, as well as bitter and sour foods. If someone disagrees with him and goes against him, he will cause irritation and aggression in the psychopath. The presence of the above qualities helps such people achieve their goals. A psychopath, easily manipulating others, can quickly make a career for himself. Such a man can be a successful lawyer, police officer, bank employee, doctor and journalist.

treatment of psychopathy

How to protect yourself

It is also important that you take steps to protect yourself at all stages of the divorce process.

As soon as possible, collect documents, photographs, cash, valuables and hide them in a place inaccessible to the psychopath. This could be a safe deposit box at a relative's or friend's home, or a rented safe deposit box.

Enlist the support of family and friends. Don't be afraid to ask them to help you. If someone offers to help, don't refuse! Rely on people for a while.

Rest often to keep your mind clear and relieve negative emotions. Sleep and walk more, surf the Internet less.

About the hysteroid type

Many people believe that hysteria is an exclusively female disease. In fact, men show signs of this type of psychopathy with a more pronounced character. A person who has been diagnosed with this pathology really needs the attention of those around him. He will achieve it by any means. In a crowd, such a person can be immediately recognized by his clothes. A hysterical psychopath always dresses very flashily. At the same time, he has absolutely no sense of style. In adolescence, such a person, thanks to his pathology, can achieve success in sports or in the artistic field.

symptoms of psychopathy

However, according to psychologists, success means very little to a hysterical psychopath. He only needs attention and respect. If achievements in any activity do not provide this, then the psychopath easily gives up everything. It’s not easy with him in everyday life: he will constantly demand that his wife pay attention to him. If the psychopath does not have enough of him, he will resort to various sophisticated methods. Such a person with demonstrative suicidal tendencies. For a hysterical person, the topic of suicide is one of the rather effective ways of putting pressure on others. Due to the fact that the hysterical ego needs constant feeding, he can also seek attention outside the home. Therefore, a psychopath of this type can be mistaken for a womanizer who will flirt with others. It is not possible to resolve any serious issue with such a person. The fact is that such a man will not be able to refuse his point of view.

How to behave as a woman with a psychopathic husband

A person with a personality disorder seeks to emotionally destroy his victim.

In this regard, you need to know how to protect yourself from a psychopath and how to behave correctly with him:

  • At the first manifestation of reproaches or nagging from a sick person, it is better for a woman to pretend to be very busy. In moments of exacerbation with such people, it is important to keep a distance.
  • Convey information to your loved ones and friends that your “beloved” man has a personality disorder. You definitely need to create your own support group.
  • He is wary of any behavior of a man.
  • Don't take your psychopathic husband's word for it. All information received from him must be analyzed and verified.
  • If a sick person is prone to violence, it is worth coming up with an “exit plan.” Learn the phone numbers of loved ones who can help in an emergency. It won’t hurt to have a spare mobile phone, the existence of which no one will know. Spare house and car keys should always be on hand.
  • It is important to maintain financial independence or, secretly from the sick person, open a personal bank account in case of escape.
  • When dealing with a psychopath, it is important to remain steadfast. The decision made must be firm and irrevocable.
  • Any information should be conveyed to a psychopathic husband in a calm, quiet, but firm voice. He must understand that no manipulation will work.
  • In response to the attacks of a psychopath, you should not show irritation and fear. He should see calm and confidence even when a person is very frightened.
  • Be careful when sharing information about a breakup. It is better to do this in the presence of a stranger. Typically, the victim's attempts to break off the relationship are perceived by the psychopath with aggression and rage.

Be sure to read:

Sudden mood swings: reasons for frequent mood swings, how to quickly help yourself

If she wants to leave her psychopathic partner, the wife should not succumb to feelings of guilt. Communication and living together with such a person is sometimes dangerous both for her and for the rest of the family.

About schizoid disorder. Nuances

According to experts, a schizoid psychopath has serious difficulties in interpersonal communication. This parameter is the main sign by which pathology is determined. Such a person is not at all interested in the assessment of other people; outwardly he seems cold and distant. If such a man has started a family, he simply does not know what topic to talk about with his wife. In most cases, a person with schizoid disorder has a very limited social circle. He only needs two people. He communicates with others formally.

Despite his coldness and detachment, the schizoid’s relationship with people and various life phenomena is stable. Psychopaths of this type are necessarily addicted to something. They often choose a hobby in which they do not need to contact the outside world. For example, they are interested in collecting, reading, or some kind of solo sports. Of all the signs of a psychopath in men with schizoid disorder, their isolation comes first. Many people find them interesting eccentrics. It is worse if such a person, in pursuit of his goal, imitates emotional support and interest. In fact, other people's experiences are unknown and completely uninteresting to a schizoid.

Legal assistance

To prevent pressure from your husband during a divorce, it is wiser to contact a lawyer. A lawyer knows how to think clearly and knows exactly how to behave in court and how to protect you. Your presence in court may not be necessary, which will avoid pressure and a stressful situation.

The legal process is a potential minefield and, unfortunately, in most cases the woman is not protected. It is very difficult to diagnose a disorder such as psychopathy in a man, so he is quite capable of showing himself to the court as a respectable, adequate person.

It is best if you have evidence that your husband periodically used violence and threatened you. Perhaps this will be testimony from neighbors, relatives, and acquaintances.

The division of property will also be painful. The sociopath strives to ensure that his wife gets nothing. Therefore, he can sell off his property in advance, re-register it to someone else, and triple down on a low-paying job.

A woman with a child thinks about how to leave a psychopathic man

Paranoid psychopath

The distinctive features of such a man are conflict, selfishness and aggressiveness. For a person with paranoid psychopathy, all his hobbies and interests are considered the most correct and important. Anyone who disagrees with him on anything becomes his worst enemy. Unlike a schizoid, a paranoid psychopath is not constant in his interests and assessments. The enemies of such a person can change very quickly. Family life with a paranoid psychopath is very difficult. The wife will have to be on alert all the time, carried away by all her husband’s ideas. Otherwise, the man will quickly classify her as an enemy. A paranoid person can have a lot of them even in his family.

With such a husband you will have to coordinate every little thing. He will tell his wife how to raise children, with whom she should communicate, and more. In addition, the paranoid person is very jealous. And to an extreme degree. If you connect your life with a man who has paranoid psychopathy, do not be surprised if he constantly looks for lovers and torments you with his suspicions. Very often these people resort to violence. In general, for a woman such a life is a serious test. The situation will not change for the better even after a divorce. Since paranoid psychopaths are very vindictive, they will begin to pursue their new enemy. Very often, such men resort to litigation and threats.

signs of psychopathy in men behavior

Nothing to envy

Another reason to use the Gray Rock Method is to avoid being caught in the prey role from the start. If you find yourself in the company of one or more narcissistic individuals, perhaps working with them, or having them as members of your family, it is important to avoid activating their envy. Using the Gray Stone Method, you fade into the background. They may not even remember meeting you.

If you have unintentionally attracted their attention and they have already started focusing on you, you can still use the Gray Stone Method. Tell them you're boring. Describe a boring life. Talk about the most mundane household chores - in great detail. Some people are naturally lacking in drama. Find these people and stay close to them when the manipulator is around.

About the asthenic psychopath

This pathology is also called dependent disorder. This name is due to the fact that a man is constantly dependent on a woman. In childhood it is the mother, and later it is the wife. A psychopathic asthenic man is very helpless: he is absolutely passive, indecisive, does not know how to make decisions (women do this task for him) and is very unsure of himself. At the same time, according to experts, people with asthenic psychopathy are perfectionists - they strive for perfection in everything. According to the conviction of such a psychopath, if something is not ideal, then it should not exist. This explains why an asthenic psychopath takes work very seriously.

Despite all his diligence, such a man gets tired very quickly and is practically exhausted. Due to very low stress resistance, it is not advisable to subject such a person to any physical and mental stress. If an asthenic psychopath decides to get married, he will give preference to the one who will become for him, first of all, a caring mother, and not a woman he loves and has equal rights with him. In a family, a man with a dependent disorder feels great in the role of a subordinate. To maintain this state of affairs, he will skillfully play along and portray sincere feelings.

Destructive relationships and how to get out of them. Part 2: “How to break up with a psychopath?”

“I didn’t dream of starting life from scratch with two small children, constantly coping with something, surviving and fighting through the closed doors of Russian justice. I don't want anyone to go through this. I would not want the children to find themselves caught between two fires, when a mother can always defend her boundaries with an eye that the children will suffer from this - this is a very difficult balance and very difficult decisions. But still, continuing to live with him for the sake of decorating the family, children and financial security would be even more hell for me personally. I want to talk about how I regained my strength and what mistakes I could have avoided.” Continuation of the story, starting here.

And without common children, a mortgage, a joint business and real estate, it is very difficult to get out of such a relationship. After all, for a long time you were a powerful resource for the narcissist. Of course, he will try to get you back and will try different tactics, very convincing! You can go into this circle again and again, as I did (filing for divorce and then reconciling), and that’s okay.

But just remember that with each new circle it destroys you more and more.

The best solution is complete quarantine, including blocking your phone. If you have already made the decision to separate, but it is difficult for you to follow it, then subscribe to the group about narcissists on Facebook and read the stories of other women - this brings you back to reality from dreams and illusions, from what you really want to believe in. And in general, to get out of emotional dependence, it is very therapeutic to feel part of a community of people with similar problems.

«He is special, he will definitely change, I will accept him as he is.” He won't change. Narcissists have no sense of empathy, no conscience, and no responsibility for their behavior.

Unfortunately, this fact cannot simply be accepted as an axiom; in therapy, women go through quite a long period, stepping on a rake again and again, until they begin to feel their own worth and begin to see that normal men exist, and they can be respectful healthy men relationships and mutual love.

I was lucky enough to find the right therapist for me only after I had left my husband a year ago. We started by recognizing and protecting my boundaries. And it was not quick - changing something that has been taking shape for years takes time and patience. Realizing that I was firmly on the financial hook, my ex-husband was sure that the sanctions would force me to agree to any of his conditions.

I think Winston Churchill said that it is impossible to negotiate with a tiger if your head is already in its mouth. And it is three times impossible if the tiger has no goal of reaching an agreement and no values ​​on which to rely.

As soon as I stopped being afraid of his threats, he began blackmailing and manipulating children directly. I don’t like what my son said, “I’ll sell your Nintendo console, if you’re not afraid, I won’t pay for school.” “If you don’t force your son to apologize to me, then I will seize your apartment.” “Since you do not agree to give me the keys to your apartment, then cancel your daughter’s birthday, and a fine for bad behavior will be deducted from the alimony.”

Can a child's psyche cope with this?

During the divorce, my psychologist suggested that it would be better to cut off the strings of addiction as much as possible and simplify my life by taking the children out of an expensive school, giving up the driver and paid sections, but at that moment I was not ready to admit it. How much of my blood was ultimately drained through blackmail by school, trips to the sea, living outside the city, time with his children - any joint question was a reason to fray my nerves.

After all, on the other side of the scale is the comfort and well-being of the children, I endured for their sake, perceiving it as hard but well-paid work.

And... this was the next circle that I went on for the sake of the children. Now I understand that the psychologist was right: if I had then cut off all these strings by which I could be pulled, I would not have spent so much of my energy on him, but would have spent it on my life. Children would only benefit from such a decision.

As in the fable about the dragonfly and the ant, in this case it was better to prepare for the divorce in advance . I brought the situation to a psychosomatic level by continuing to blithely not admit that there was a huge problem that would have to be solved, although I had many opportunities to prepare.

It is necessary to understand with lawyers the real state of affairs.

Many women, for example, are afraid that their husband will sue the children - this is a very common threat, but, in most cases, empty. Starting with the fact that this is not so easy to do legally, ending with the fact that this is just a way to hurt a woman, and, in fact, he does not need children. But he will try to take away the apartment - this is very much in the spirit of narcissists; in their rage they reach the point of bestiality.

Understanding your rights and options is very important. Also with the use of physical force - do not leave such cases unattended, file a lawsuit - at least this will stop him in the future.

Prepare financially. Ask your parents for help. You don't have to deal with this difficult situation alone. And it’s better to rely on your income, then you can confidently defend your rights without fear that your children will have nothing to eat for your opinion.

It is very important to find people in your circle who are for you and ask them for support in difficult times. Well-wishers and relatives who tend to think that “tango is a dance that two people dance” should be temporarily excluded from communication. You can explain that later you will gain enough strength and resources not to react to unsolicited advice and assessments, but now it is harmful to you.

And you will definitely gain strength when you feel how you can take care of yourself and protect your boundaries ! This is called self-love.

But be prepared for the fact that your very own friends will refuse to support you in court for, in their opinion, compelling reasons. At the same time, clean up your surroundings. It hurts, but in the end it makes us stronger.

What to do when it’s so painful and scary?

What to do when you have a huge mountain of problems in front of you that have to be solved, but you want to lie down and lie there? First, however, you need to lie down and lie down. And it is important to allow yourself to cry and talk about it with those who support you, or with a therapist. It is important to speak in order to survive the loss, to grieve the unfulfilled dream of a happy marriage and all the other accompanying changes, and there will be many of them - this is a very important part and should not be neglected.

I remember a period when I simply concentrated on the household responsibilities that I had: unpacking the dishwasher, buying groceries, preparing food for the children, and gradually the state of hopelessness began to go away. I had the strength to approach my problems and figure out where to start and what to do next, take small steps and celebrate every smallest victory.

Physical activity, any kind, be it yoga or running, is also very helpful in clearing your head of depressive thoughts - it draws attention to the sensations in the body. Also during this period, I began to get involved in meditation and took Vipassana. This whole search for a way out was out of despair, but it took me in the right direction. Meditation helps a lot to look at a situation from the other side and see solutions that were previously invisible. They are taught to take a stray thought “by the hand” and take it to the “I’ll think about it later” group in order to learn to concentrate.

The ability to recognize your feelings will be very useful in order to understand where to go in the future. When we are able to notice all four states - feelings, thoughts, bodily sensations and behavior - we learn mindfulness. We can think and feel at the same time .

This is a very useful skill that helps you not to panic and calmly solve problems that arise.

Separately, I want to write about attacks of generosity that played a bad role in my story. I filed a lawsuit for beatings, and my goal was to show that this cannot be done to me. The ex-husband, of course, hired a super-expensive lawyer: he either threatened me with violence, or tried to bribe me with a voice recorder in his pocket; naturally, he did not give money for the children.

The truth was on my side, my conscience was clear, but I was struck by the attitude of the judge and everyone present.

There was a restroom in the courthouse for employees, and visitors were not given a key, even if they asked. And if I was going to look for a toilet in the vicinity (Dedovsk), then they would have told me that I “didn’t show up”. The secretary (with the key in her pocket) told me so to the ridicule of the lawyer in the company of her ex-husband (I seem to have already used the word bestiality). After this moment, the faith that justice could protect me completely evaporated. This situation was so unpleasant for me, I really didn’t want to continue to participate in this farce, and besides, I was visited by the doubt “after all, this is the father of my children.”

And I decided to withdraw the application.

This was a mistake, because psychopaths recognize only strength, and take generosity for weakness and a reason to finish you off!

At this point in time, the latest painful thread for me is precisely the apartment, which he threatens to seize from me, and in that process he offered to transfer it to me for the end of the trial.

Don't feel sorry for them, they won't feel sorry for you later.

I am very glad that many young girls come to my therapy who want to understand everything before making serious decisions. I would really like to teach young girls who are just starting a relationship to take care of themselves. I also want to protect women from physical and emotional violence through laws. I can't do this yet.

Resources for self-support during stress that I use:

  • Headspace smartphone app
  • meditation training course
  • Jivamukti yoga with Anna Lunegova
  • The book “The Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo
  • Horseback riding and healing contact with horses.
  • A box with little things that cement in memory the resourceful state of strength, happiness and serenity.
  • The thought that even if it is cloudy now, we know that the sun is there and it will come out soon.

The story starts here


Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author. In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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About dissocial psychopathy

People with this pathology are also called sociopaths. According to experts, this disorder of the higher nervous system is considered the most dangerous. The fact is that people who have been diagnosed with dissocial psychopathy do not follow generally accepted human principles at all. Any moral framework is not acceptable to them. This means that a sociopath does not disdain anything to achieve his goal and is not at all limited in his choice of means. According to psychologists, a man with dissocial psychopathy sets certain rules for himself, personally justifies them, and then follows them. The danger for others and society as a whole lies in the fact that the rules established by him often run counter to universal human ones. Therefore, sociopaths are mentally prepared to commit the most serious crimes.

signs of a psychopathic man: how to recognize

Very often men are addicted to alcohol and drugs. This category of psychopaths is distinguished not just by aggressiveness, but by impulsiveness. Such a person is capable of taking unreasonable risks, committing cruelty and manipulating the lives of other people, and therefore many accidents, incidents and serious crimes occur due to the fault of sociopaths.

Drain the source of drama

How can we get rid of this parasitic leech without causing a fit of violent vengeance? The Gray Stone Method is primarily a way to encourage a psychopath to lose interest in you. It differs from the Break All Contact Method in that you are not trying to overtly avoid contact with the emotional vampire.

Instead, you allow contact but only produce boring, monotonous responses and reactions, forcing the parasite to go elsewhere in search of the source of drama. When contact with you is consistently and predictably unsatisfactory, the psychopath's mind is tuned to expect boredom from you instead of drama. Psychopaths are addicted to drama and cannot tolerate boredom. Over time, he will find someone else to satisfy his need for drama and will find that he is attracted to you less and not as often. And at some point it will simply crawl away to greener pastures.

The Gray Stone Method is a way to teach a psychopath that you are a bad and unfit target to pursue because you bore them and make them bored, and they cannot stand boredom. This will force the manipulator to leave of his own free will.

You could say that the Gray Rock Method is a way of breaking up with a psychopath using the old "it's not you, it's me" excuse, the only difference is that you show it through your actions instead of saying it in words, and the manipulator he himself comes to this conclusion.

About correction

Symptoms of psychopathy appear at an early age. For example, a boy with a dissocial disorder may torture animals, bully peers and those who are weaker. Schizoids are often immersed in their inner world and are very closed. The hysterical type experiences frequent and inexplicable mood swings. These manifestations signal a problem. The psyche of a child with such symptoms should be corrected. Early adolescence is the optimal period for this purpose. To prevent the progression of pathology, it is necessary to begin treatment of psychopathy in a timely manner. According to psychologists, it is impossible to completely get rid of the syndrome. But after passing the psychopathy test, a person will know his diagnosis. The specialist will familiarize the patient with the characteristics of a particular type of disorder, and will also teach him how to control himself.

paranoid psychopath

This is precisely the main treatment for psychopathy. Socialization of the patient is achieved by a psychotherapist or neurologist using the following basic methods:

  1. Group work.
  2. Family psychotherapy.
  3. Individual consultation. The specialist studies the conditions under which the patient’s personality and cognitive characteristics developed, and then makes a diagnosis and conducts a treatment course.
  4. Cognitive-behavioral method.
  5. Hypnosis.

It may be that by the time of diagnosis the pathology has acquired a severe form. In this case, the above methods for correction will not be enough. In this case, they are treated with special drugs, namely tranquilizers and antidepressants.

asthenic psychopath

Their use is advisable only if the patient exhibits extreme aggressiveness, severe emotional disturbances in the form of depression and full-blown delusional patterns. For example, Haloperidol is used to suppress anger and aggression. In addition, the therapist may prescribe sedatives, antioxidants, immunomodulators and multivitamins.

Causes of disorders

Psychopathological syndrome can be congenital or acquired. Experts identify several factors that can trigger the development of one or another category of psychopathy. Most often, people with poor heredity and childhood psychological trauma are susceptible to this pathology. Causes include injuries during childbirth. If a child is not given due attention in due time, then most likely he will also become a psychopath. His parents and environment play a big role in the development of a person. According to experts, a poor environment, lack of attention from parents, or excessive care provoke the development of pathology. Of course, the above factors do not always lead to psychopathy, but can significantly affect its development and even aggravate it.

Don't show your pain

A psychopath knows very well that in a state of depression, during a difficult period of life, a person becomes a perfect victim. He is psychologically weakened and is not ready to respond to attacks; it is easier to unbalance him and bring him to tears. In such a state, everyone desperately needs support. However, you cannot get it from a psychopath. Only negative. He takes pleasure in causing pain to others.

Therefore, when talking about how to defeat a psychopath, you need to hide your true feelings. Under no circumstances should he find out that another person is feeling bad and is going through difficult times. You need to smile, behave positively and not tell such people about your problems.

What do the experts advise?

If you find out that you have connected your life with a psychopath, first of all, visit a professional psychologist. The specialist will select a specific model of behavior for your case. You should also know that a psychopathic man is an excellent manipulator. Despite his coldness, he has a well-developed instinct. If he notices that your relationship is on the verge of collapse, he will begin to be a hypocrite and lie, choosing the right words, appealing to your best feelings. Therefore, it will not be possible to part with him right away. In order not to give a reason for a psychological attack, a woman should not show her true feelings during a quarrel. It is best to keep your distance at these moments, citing being busy. It may be that you still decided to leave such a man. In this case, we should not forget about the high impulsiveness of psychopaths. It is possible that the news will cause rage and aggression in your partner.

They steal

When a psychopath abandons a victim, he very often steals. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is to protect yourself and your things immediately, and most importantly, secretly.

Psychopaths love to take things just to tell others, “I was there!” They often want to get last-minute money for a car, a credit card, and ideally leave you naked and barefoot.


Are they really stealing everything? Every time? If that's what they want, yes. They have no conscience, guilt or feelings of love. They are criminals and very evil, so it is better to protect yourself in advance than to suffer tragically later.

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